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Primary Sources

Chicago 10. Dir. Brett Morgen. 2007. DVD. Chicago 10 is a movie about the Chicago eight
conspiracy trial. It's based on the court transcripts and actual videos of the
defendants. We used this source to get background information on the Youth
International Party.
Hoffman, Abbie. "The Festival of Life." Revolution for the Hell of It. New York: Dial,
1968. 114-25. Print. This Chapter talked about the festival of life during the
Democratic Convention and what reallly happpend on these dates Agust 25-26
This chapter helped showed how the events from the Festival of life occured
chronically . In addition to helping us understand the events it also helped us
know the challlenges that they had with the cops.
Hoffman, Abbie. "The Yippies Are Going to Chicago." Revolution for the Hell of It. New
York: Dial, 1968. 102-03. Print. This chapter talked about the process of creating
the Yippies and the main purpose of going to Chicago ILL. It also talk abot the
specific main objectives of the Creation of the the Yippies. This chapter helped
us undestand why the Yippies were going to Chicago and why the Yipppes were
"KALW | Local Public Radio." KALW | Local Public Radio. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
This website help us gather images on our topic.
Ko.ziol, Ronald, ed. "Abbie Hoffman Gets 15 Days Probation." [Chicago] 29 Jan. 1963: 12. Print. This News paper talks about how Abbie Hoffman had done other protest
call in other cities. He was a civil Rights fighter in New York and other cities.

"POV." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2015. The website has a brief biography on Abbie
Hoffman. This website helped us gain background information about Abbie
Hoffman and images.
Robert. "Chicago68." [Chicago ILlL] 18 Sept. 2008: n. pag. Print. The article talked about
the events that occur in The Democratic Convention in 1968. This article helped
us understand what happpend in the Democratic Convention in 1968. It also
helped us understand the conflicts that the police had with the protestors.
Schultz, John, and John Schultz. The Chicago Conspiracy Trial. New York: Da Capo, 1993.
Print. This book heped us understand the purpose of why he was fighting against
the war in Vietnam, and how he and the other seven men were being charged off.

Secondary Sources
Farber, David R. Chicago '68. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1988. Print. This book
gives an overview of the National Democratic Convention from three
perspectives the Mayor, the cops and the kids and the Youth
International Party. This helped us create our thesis
"The 1968 Democratic National Convention." N.p., n.d.
Web. 10 Mar. 2015. The website contained information about the
National Democratic Convention. It helped us get background
information and images.
"American Civil Rights Movement." Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. This website
contained information about Dr. Martin Luther King. It helped us get
information regarding his protests and images.

"'Chicago 1968' the Most Controversial Convention of Them All." NY Daily

News. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2015. The website helped us get
information about the Chicago 7 and images.
Farber, David R. Chicago '68. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1988. Print. This book
helped us get background information on what happened in Chicago
during The National Democratic Convention, and it also helped us to
create our thesis statement about Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies.
"From the Archives: 20 Photos of Richard J. Daley, 36 Years after Death." From
the Archives: 20 Photos of Richard J. Daley, 36 Years after Death - SunTimes News. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2015. This website gives
information on the National Democratic Convention. It helped us on
one of our arguments as well as getting images.

"History of the Federal Judiciary." History of the Federal Judiciary. N.p., n.d. Web.
08 Mar. 2015. This website helped us get information on the anti-riot

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