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Bruno Aguado
Ms. Gardner
English 10 Period 4
8 November 2014
Uncovering Never Let Me Go
"A Conversation with Kazuo Ishiguro about Never Let Me Go." BookBrowse. N.p., 2005. Web.
16 Nov. 2014.
In this interview, an unnamed interviewer asks renowned author Kazuo Ishiguro about his
novel, Never Let Me Go. In the interview, questions range from simple questions about
motivation for the book to questions specific to the novel and its themes. The interviewer
allows Kazuo to expand answers on his own and doesnt seem to interact with Ishiguro in
any way except for the questions being asked. Instead of giving off the feeling that this
interview was an interaction between two humans, it seems more like a websites FAQ
section, but that doesnt stop the interview from giving the readers all the facts about
Ishiguros novel.
This interview offers any reader a clear and concise understanding of Kazuo Ishiguros
inspiration for his novel Never Let Me Go, as well as a way to see the depths of the
genius mind of Ishiguro. The interview is organized in a standard question-answer format
with the answers being of sufficient size to properly answer the question, as well as to
expand on it, which is done masterfully by Ishiguro with his precise diction that adds a
sense of smooth flowing sentences. Not only is the answers smooth and easy to

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comprehend, the overall nature of the interview allows anyone to quickly understand
Ishiguros inspirations and motivations for his novel. The questions pertaining
specifically to the book, such as the one that asks Ishiguro why he has dreams as a
recurring theme, allows readers to further understand why Ishiguro wrote in the way he
Archer, Dale. "Body Snatchers: Organ Harvesting For Profit." Psychology Today: Health, Help,
Happiness + Find a Therapist. N.p., 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2014.
This article, written by Dale Archer, M.D., provides relevant information on the issue of
organ harvesting, specifically organ harvesting for profit. He states that black market
organs are being transplanted in New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles at $150,000 a
pop, and that, although the price is costly, wealthy people dont care about the price
since they are paying for their life to continue. The information presented in the article is
organized in a direct manner, with a series of examples of illegal organ donation at the
beginning, followed by facts on the problem. In addition, the article cites other sources,
allowing for more information to be brought out for others to read.
Dale Archers article offers the facts that no one wants to hear in a format that is easily
read by all. The true stories at the top of the article which link to the news stories are
effective in showing the horrors of illegal organ harvesting to anyone who happens to
wander on to the page. The diction used throughout the article isnt as formal as it could
be, made evident with the phrase a pop in the context of $150,000 a pop. However,
the simple diction does have an advantage: any person who wants to learn about organ
harvesting, whether they are curious or they want to learn more about it after finishing the
novel Never Let Me Go, can learn quickly and easily without too much of a struggle.

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Cusk, Rachel. "Rereading: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro." The Guardian. The Guardian,
28 Jan. 2011. Web. 08 Nov. 2014.
The article written by Rachel Cusk praises many parts of novel, such as the way the
choice of diction is simple yet effective in showing that the narrator is but a nave young
adult in a frightening new world. There is also a fair amount of analysis in the article, yet
it aids in praising the novel. In addition, the article draws connections between other
novels by Ishiguro that have similar themes. However, Cusk criticizes the book for its
darker theme and overall tone.
This article offers mostly positive criticism and many connections to other novels by
Ishiguro. The article, which begins with a connection to another book, analyzes certain
parts of the book before praising a specific part of it which allows a person who hasnt
read the book to understand what the main idea of the book is. For example, Rachel Cusk
describes the main plot of the story in a straightforward manner: human beings are
cloned and bred for the purposes of harvesting their organs once they reach adulthood.
Cusk also criticizes the novel for being humdrum and sinister. The information found
within this article is a useful tool for anyone reading the novel to understand the
sometimes-complex book, as well as those people wondering if the book is worth their
"Effect Of Boarding School On Children." The Iloveindia Website. N.p., 2014. Web. 11 Nov.
The article presents information about how, through the effects of boarding school,
children are affected. In the article, the unnamed author(s) list the most likely effects the

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child will experience after being sent to boarding school. The list is shown in a traditional
manner, with five outcomes under the categories of positive and negative effects. The
information present in the effects under the categories is shown in a comprehendible way,
with the diction being understandable to all who read it.
The information presented in the article is shown in a simple way that anybody who
wanted to read it could do so without struggling to understand anything. The information
specific to the effects is there, showing both the positive and negative effects of boarding
school. However, although it does not seem biased, there is more information on the
negative effects than on the positive, but this is understandable if one had finished
the novel Never Let Me Go and seen the adverse effects it had on the characters. Overall,
the articles simple diction choices and straightforward information makes the article
useful for any person wanting to find out what effects boarding school has on children.
"Kazuo Ishiguro." Famous Authors. N.p., 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
The biography of Kazuo Ishiguro is presented in a simple and straightforward way. The
biography covers many parts of the life of Ishiguro, yet it doesnt delve deeply into it. For
example, the biography mentions the schools that Ishiguro went to, but there isnt much
detail about his experiences there, even though he migrated from Japan to England.
However, this has its advantage: the reader gets all of the facts quickly, and if they
wanted more information they would have a basic idea of what to search for. In terms of
content, the biography is lacking, although it does delve a bit deeper with the awards
Ishiguro has won and the film adaptations that have been made based on his books, such
as Never Let Me Go.

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This short article provides concise information that uses simple diction to allow readers
of all ages to understand what is being said. The biography itself is helpful in that it
allows the curious layperson to understand what Ishiguro did in order to achieve
everything he has achieved, as well as to understand how his work became renowned.
The biography is not biased in any way, and it is there simply to provide information on
the famous author, not to provide opinion about him. Having achieved that, the biography
serves as an easily comprehendible summary of Kazuo Ishiguros life.
Kerr, Sarah. "When They Were Orphans." The New York Times. The New York Times, 16 Apr.
2005. Web. 15 Nov. 2014.
The article Sarah Kerr provides is one that criticizes Kazuo Ishiguros work as not being
something that he would write. However, there is also praise in the article, as if the author
wants to no criticize Ishiguro so heavily. In the article, Kerr draws her conclusions by
quoting the book and also giving a condensed summary of the books plot. The dictions
used is precise enough to shows the reader what Kerr is trying to express, but not difficult
to understand, making the article a valuable piece of information to glance at while
reading or after finishing Never Let Me Go.
The criticism Sarah Kerr presents is presented in a manner that anybody could understand
by glancing at the article. There is a constant flow of ideas that Kerr provides, from
sentence to sentence, that allows for smooth reading. There is also praise found within the
article, so the article could be classified as constructive criticism, meaning there really is
no bias whatsoever in the article, although there is an opinion. Overall, the article is a
comprehendible piece of writing that has a goal in mind at the beginning and reaches it in
the end with the aid of precise and simple diction to allow any person to read it.

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