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#opening: Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and Good morning/day

everyone. Welcome to Round the World morning edition Saturday, March the 2 nd,
2013. I am here to inform you the actual and reliable news which are summarized in
Round the World morning. So dont go anywhere because I have set the latest
headlines for you.
1st news:
Move to the first news. The first news comes from abroad.
Beyonce was reported did lip-sync at the inauguration of the Elected United States
President, Mr. Barack Obama on January the 21 st, 2013. Beyonce admits that she did
lip-sync in the inauguration because she did not have time to rehearse with the
orchestra before the inauguration took place.
For more details, now we are connected with our field reporter, Wida Ningrum.
Mika : Wida ningrum, can you hear my voice clearly?
Wida : Yeah mika. I can hear your voice clearly.
Mika : Okay, so what do you have for us today?

--------------------////////////----------------Okay, thank you wida ningrum. It was Wida Ningrum reported from United
States. Let us move to other hot news.
2nd news:
This hot news comes from Makassar, South Sulawesi. The Faculty of letters of
Hasanuddin University holds their biggest English event, the 11 th Perisai English
Contest 2013 which is well-known as PILOT . This event is joined by many schools
from 3 provinces of Sulawesi; those are South Sulawesi, South-East Sulawesi, and
West Sulawesi. And total participants are 35 schools.It starts from March the 1 st until
3rd, 2013. And we, "Round the world morning" will broadcast lively the opening
ceremony of PILOT 2013 which would be reported by Wida Ningrum.
So, wida can you share us what happens there?
Okay, mika. I am wida ningrum broadcasts live the opening ceremony
of 11 Perisai English Contest (Pilot) 2013. You can see behind me, how splendid
and crowded it is!. The opening ceremony starts at 8 in the morning until now..

For your information, pilot is a contest organized by Hasanuddin

University annually and attended by many students from Sulawesi, south Sulawesi
In particular.

Perisai English Contest menyelenggarakan 5 macam lomba, yakni Speech, Debate,

Wall magazine, storytelling, dan news reporting. Yang dimana speech dan story
telling diadakan di hari pertama, news reporting dan wall magazine di hari ke dua,
dan debate diadakan selama 3 hari perlombaan. Suksesnya even ini terbukti
berhasil berdasarkan banyaknya sekolah yang berpartisipasi dengan mengirimkan
delegasinya. Seperti yang dikatakan oleh rekan saya, Mika Febryati, PILOT diikuti
oleh 3 provinsi, yang dua diantaranya merupakan tetangga dari Sulawesi selatan.
Banyak alasan yang dikemukakan oleh peserta yang berasal dari Sulawesi Barat,
, misalnya. Ia mengatakan.
Pendapatnya :

Thank you wida. It was the

#closing: Alright audience, it was the last news for todays Round the World
morning. I am Mika Febryati, see you in the next morning at the same time. Good

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