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Job security affects major choice

Majors may affect future career

Students debate choice of humanities or STEM majors and how they relate to job security
By Sarah Leahy
For years universities around the country have questioned the necessity of
humanities majors, because subjects like philosophy or theater seem inapplicable in the
working world. Students struggle with deciding a major based on passion or job security.
The debate over a secure career or interest may sway students major decisions.
The number of bachelors degrees in humanities dropped from 14-to-7 percent
over the past couple of years. Student debt and a tough economic climate explain the
decline, according to Harvard University. This shows students are more inclined to pick
majors offering better financial stability.
Additionally, the university reported more than half the students who concentrate
in the humanities change their major, while students who focus on STEM majors remain
loyal to their majors.
Varying reasons to chose a major
Job security was a huge factor in picking my major, said junior mechanical
engineering major Owen Browne. While I never had an interest in the humanities I
knew I needed to pick something practical that would secure my future.
Caitlyn Carmichael, a sophomore dance major, chose her major because she is
passionate about the subject. Ive danced since before I could remember, Carmichael
said. I know it will be difficult to find a stable career, but I cant just quit something I

Ingrained stereotypes
My parents always told me that subjects like English or philosophy would not
advance my future, said Jonah Westerlind, a sophomore environmental science major.
Everyone knows these majors wont get you a job; science, math and engineering are the
only ways to go.
Marissa Sawicki, a junior supply chain management major, reiterated similar
thoughts. If you arent working in the corporate world, you arent making any money.
Sometimes you have to give up what you love to secure a stable future.
Students switch it up
Haley Regan, a sophomore French major, thinks job security is something to
worry about but should not decide your major. I recently swapped my major from
marketing to French because I hated business and wanted to do something I was actually
interested in; who knows where it will take me in the future, said Regan.
I switched my major from journalism to hearing and speech, said junior Hannah
Sichel. While Im sure I picked a more secure major, job security wasnt a factor for me,
I just wanted to do something interesting.
While the humanities are declining at universities, there are still thousands of
students at the university trying to keep these different subjects afloat.

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