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Dialogo De Ingles

Prof.: Patricia Guevara

Paulina Perez
Andrea Chacn

A-Hello Paulina, how are you?

P-Hi Andrea ,fine thanks you and you?
A-I am fine thanks you
P-What do you do at night
A-I am go to The party at night and you?
P-I am go to the restaurant whit Jose
A-Thats grate!Who is Jose?
P-Is my boyfriend , Who will go to the party ?

A-I am go to the party whit Jesus, My boyfriend

P-Grates , see you there tomorrow
A-Okay see you later

P-Hi andrea
A-Hi paulina, What happen?
P-At what time do you get up?
A-I get up at 6 :00 and you?
P-I get up at 5:00
A-I go to the beach at 8:30,Do you want come with me?
P-Yes, see you in my house at 7:00
A-Okay,see you at 7:00
P-I go to the pool afternoon,do you want come with me?
A-Yes is great,See you in the pool
P-Okay bye

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