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Steeling Is The

Chapter 1 Information

In America, Washington DC

In the white house mad max won the elections it

was his first month and first day. He was bored lying
on floor after few minutes. He was going to sleep.
Jim and Kim were twins and they both worked in the
white house. Jim works as a security guard and Kim
works as a chef. One day Jim was sleeping in front
of the jail. Drumpy was a very clever thief but his
master Germander the king of thieves he was very
dangerous but he cant run because of his big butt
and his big weight. He was a very dirty man, his ears
smelt like burn cake but not this, his socks smelt
100 years old socks if you go to his house you will
find garbage in the cupboard and the cupboard is
broken and he is using it from over 97 years but his
toilet is cleanest toilet in whole America .

Chapter 2Just Jokes

Jack was a comedian .Let me tell his one of his TV
show and it was with Pranker. Pranker was also a
comedian. Jack started: hey Pranker I want to say
something about you. Yes I know what you are
going to say that I am handsome and that I am a
good comedian not, just a good comedian I am a
super comedian and a star .Stop! Stop! Stop! I
think you are in a dream. Everybody attention! I am
going to tell you a truth .You know once he went to
play bowling and by mistake someone hit on
Prankers face, from that his face he looked like a
bowling ball .I will also tell a truth when he was at
high school student at that time there was a test
and he got 0 marks and his mom needed one more
egg for making an Omelette .When he went home he
said mom I got egg in test his mom asked to give
that to her the egg. I am making an omelette .Mom, I
do not meant have an egg. I meant 0 marks and his
said get out of this room.

Chapter 3 Steeling

England, London

Remember I told you about Germander and Drumpy

and now Drumpy have helped to escape Germander
there was a donkey called Ducky he was very clever
donkey .His full name was sucky puky jucky niki
siky bitki tiky liky mani lacky strawky mnaky lbaky
bity shiky ming silg dilg Ducky he hated thieves
because once a thief stole his grass that is why .Do
you want to see him think of your favourite place
then hide numbers from 1-10 then try that again
repeat that 2 times then multiply that by 90the
answer you got multiply that number by 5 repeat
that 4 times then add all those answers then if you
remember any donkey name that donkey Ducky ok
lets carry on chapter Drumpy has stolen the crown

There is a legend I will tell that you in next chapter.

Chapter 4: More about legend

The name of that legend is Brooks he is very clever
he doesnt like to catch thieves without fun last time
when he caught Drumpy he kicked him very hard let
me tell how much hard 6+6=36 6+6=36 6+6=36 and
add them the answer you got throw that away and
think of the world hardest thing fine!.


Brooks was very clever so they first caught
Germander and put him in prison Brooks make
himself look like Germander and when Drumpy gave
crown of England to Germander than they went to
England Stumpy tell this plan to Brooks and then
they took help from police and police accepted
because they were also looking for them and then
police was hiding and waiting for Drumpy because
they knew it that the real Germander is in prison so
they were just waiting for Drumpy and then Brook

raised up his hand which means catch Drumpy and

some police man came at the back of Drumpy and
caught him Brooks was very happy to catch these
two big thieves Stumpy was also happy to help
Brooks police said thank you for your help and
Brooks said thank you to Stumpy for telling the plan

Steeling is the thing

that throws you in the
hell right

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