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The purpose of education:

Education is not only important for the growth of an individual but also the society he lives in.The
foundation of the society is based on education since it brings economic and social prosperity.
Gaining education enhances an individual to live a respectful life in the society. This is because
education offers a setting in which culture and values of a society are developed. In this respect,
education in modern society provides a forum where the society examines its issues and
identifies solutions. The advancement of a society both economically and socially is by gaining
education which consequently enables them to run a modern society.

Education system:
The purpose of teaching should not be focused on the yearly exams alone, but to see the
learning as an opportunity to understand the issues we are going to face practically day to day in
the real world.
A little knowledge that acts is worth more than much knowledge that is inactive. Knowledge,
the object of knowledge and application of the knowledge all the three are equally important
for motivating to take a wise action.

An education system that relies on Progressive education which is also called as child-centered
suggests that the Teacher should be a guide, whose duty is to observe the activities of children,
and to study their mental health and emotional reactions. Content and activities should be
selected to further the immediate purposes of the children. Experience in meeting new
situations prepares for future needs. Living fully and purposefully today gives practice in
meeting situations later in life.

Utmost importance has to be given in the adequate understanding of child nature. Every
child is different in terms of - capacity to learn, interests, habits, skills, attitudes. Tremendous
importance has to be given for personality development of a child.
While individuality is considered, a social environment has to be provided for working
together on tasks that are mutually interesting, which gives them a sharing experience. Aim
of the teacher should be to develop a child so that he can succeed at some task reasonably
often. Units of Work that are based upon life situations give opportunity for exploration,
curiosity, dedicated activity. The teacher should set the stage and observe in the background
in such learning situation.


The school environment should contribute largely to the development of personality. The
environment should be comfortable, attractive, simulating, satisfying and interesting. And
free from strain, menaces to health, fear, harsh discipline, and competition.

A Rapport between the child and the teacher must be built, and only through this happy and
constructive relationship can there be spontaneity and creativity.

Values, discipline and loyalty:

Educational system should not only focus on economic and social prosperity but also on building
a disciplined and value-based culture. Trust, respect, honesty, dignity, and courtesy are the
building blocks of any advanced, free society. Character to obey laws, rules and decision are
essential quality for personal as well as social life; loyalty to Family, work and Government.

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