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Class worksheets Key

Unit 1
Class worksheet 1
deciduous trees (example)

small bird

other living things



Class worksheet 2
Part 1
a algae (example), b small fish, c seal, d shark, e crab
Part 2
a Algae are producers. (example)
b Small fish are primary consumers.
c A seal is a secondary consumer.
d A shark is a tertiary consumer.
e A crab is a decomposer.

Unit 2
Class worksheet 1
Part 1
a ovum, b nucleus, c sperm, d head, e body, f nucleus, g tail
Part 2
The female reproductive cell is called an ovum.
Its round in shape.
The male reproductive cell is called a sperm.
A sperm is much smaller than an ovum./ An ovum is much bigger than a sperm.
It has a large head, small body and a long tail to help it move.
Fertilisation happens when an ovum and a sperm join together to form a new cell called a zygote.

Class worksheet 2
Part 1
a 3, b 1, c 2
Part 2
a zygote (example), b fallopian tube, c embryo, d uterus, e amniotic sac, amniotic fluid f placenta,
g umbilical cord, h foetus, i Nine

Class worksheets Key

Unit 3
Class worksheet 1
a skull (example), b scapula, c humerus, d radius, e ulna, f femur, g tibia, h clavicle, i ribs, j vertebrae,
k pelvis, l patella, m fibula

Class worksheet 2
a cornea (example), b pupil, c iris, d lens, e retina, f optic nerve, g auditory nerve, h cochlea,
i three small bones, j eardrum, k nostril, l olfactory nerve, m taste bud, n epidermis, o dermis

Unit 4
Class worksheet 1
Part 1
a metal (example), b paper, c wood, d metal, e glass, f rubber, g metal, h wool
Part 2
a Metal is a heat conductor. (example)
b Paper is a heat insulator.
c Wood is a heat insulator.
d Metal is a heat conductor.
e Glass is a heat insulator.
f Rubber is a heat insulator.
g Metal is a heat conductor.
h Cloth is a heat insulator.

Class worksheet 2

A loud noise

A quiet noise

A high pitched noise

A low pitched noise

Class worksheets Key

Unit 5
Class worksheet 1
Part 1
Pupils own drawing
Part 2
The bulb in the circuit will not light up because the switch is open.

Class worksheet 2
a If we put two north poles together, they will repel each other.
Pupils own drawing.
b If we put two south pole together, they will repel each other.
Pupils own drawing.
c If we put a north pole and a south pole magnet, they will attract each other.

Unit 6
Class worksheet 1
Part 1
a a wheel and axle (example), b a lever, c an inclined plane, d a pulley, e a screw, f a wedge
Part 2
moving parts, energy

Class worksheet 2
Part 1
a plane (example), b iron, c e-reader, d toaster, e motorbike, f windsurfer, g rollerblades
Part 2
Name of machine

Energy source issue


a plane



b iron



c e-reader



d toaster



e motorbike



f windsurfer



g rollerblades



h Pupils own answers

i Pupils own answers
j Pupils own answers

Class worksheets Key

Unit 7
Class worksheet 1


Venus (example) Mars




inner planet

inner planet

outer planet

outer planet

Made of

iron and rock

iron and rock

different gases


Time for one revolution 243 days

687 days

12 years

84 years


at least 16

at least 22



Class worksheet 2
Part 1
a meteorite, b comet, c asteroid
Part 2
a rock (example), b ice, dust and gases, c rock or metal, d between Mars and Jupiter, e beyond Neptune,
f land on the Earth, g different sizes, h a bright tail, i enormous craters

Unit 8
Class worksheet 1
a El Macizo Galaico (example), b La Cordillera Cantbrica, c Los Montes Vascos, d Los Pirineos,
e Los Montes de Len, f La Cordillera Costero-Catalana, g El Sistema Central, h El Sistema Ibrico,
i Los Montes de Toledo, j La Sierra Morena, k El Sistema Btico

Class worksheet 2
Part 1
a Navia, b Mio , c Duero, d Tajo, e Guadalquivir, f Jcar, g Ebro
Cantabrian watershed

Atlantic watershed

Mediterranean watershed







Class worksheets Key

Unit 9
Class worksheet 1
Part 1
a eighteen, general elections, b Las Cortes, congress, senate, c deputies, senators, d government,
e President, f Constitution, g Parliament, Constitutional Court
Part 2
a the right to a free education, b the right to have a job, c the responsibility to protect the environment,
d the responsibility to respect other peoples languages

Class worksheet 2
1 Galicia (example), 2 Asturias, 3 Cantabria, 4 Pas Vasco, 5 Navarra, 6 La Rioja, 7 Castilla y Len, 8 Aragn,
9 Catalua, 10 Madrid, 11 Extremadura, 12 Castilla La Mancha, 13 Valencia, 14 Murcia, 15 Andaluca,
16 Las Islas Baleares, 17 Las Islas Canarias

Unit 10
Class worksheet 1b
1 Finland, 2 Sweden, 3 Estonia, 4 Latvia, 5 Ireland, 6 Denmark, 7 Lithuania, 8 United Kingdom,
9 Netherlands, 10 Belgium, 11 Germany, 12 Poland, 13 Luxembourg, 14 Czech Republic, 15 Slovakia,
16 France, 17 Austria, 18 Hungary, 19 Romania, 20 Slovenia, 21 Bulgaria, 22 Portugal, 23 Spain, 24 Italy,
25 Greece, 26 Malta, 27 Cyprus

Class worksheet 2
(a) 3 (example) (b) 1 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 2

Unit 11
Class worksheet 1

a 3rd August 1492, b Atlantic Ocean, c San Salvador, d sank, e 4th March 1493

Class worksheets Key

Class worksheet 2
Part 1
a Mexico, b Peru, c Any of the following: The Incas built roads and used llamas to transport goods but the
Aztecs didnt; The Incas cultivated cotton and peanuts but the Aztecs cultivated avocados and cocoa; The
Aztecs invented floating gardens called chinampas but the Incas didnt.
Part 2
Possible questions: What did the Aztecs/Incas believe in? What did the Aztecs/Incas build? What did the
Aztecs/Incas grow? What did the Aztecs/Incas invent?

Unit 12
Class worksheet 1
1 Houses didnt have radiators or central heating in the nineteenth century.(example), 2 Houses didnt
have TVs in the nineteenth century. 3 Houses didnt have electric light bulbs in the nineteenth century.
4 Houses didnt have washing machines in the nineteenth century. 5 Houses didnt have telephones in the
nineteenth century. 6 Houses didnt have water taps in the nineteenth century.

Class worksheet 2
Part 1
a 2, b 3, c 1
Part 2
The steam engine was the most important machine because it could be used to power steam trains and
also to power other types of machine. It meant that people could travel further and faster in railways and on
ships and that products could be mass-produced in factories.

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