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How to describe Movements

Brisk: Veloce ed energico; e.g. a brisk walk
Hurried: Di fretta, affrettato; e.g. a hurried decision
Nippy (informal): In grado di muoversi velocemente, agilmente; e.g. A n. boy/sports car
Swift: Veloce, agile; e.g. s. progress; s. glance
Verbs and phrasal verbs:
Charge (towards sb): Correre contro a qualcuno; e.g. The police charged towards demonstrators
Charge (+prep): Correre distrattamente/Muoversi; e.g. He charged into the office as he had forgotten
his paper;
Dart (+ prep.): Muoversi velocemente e all'improvviso, scattare; e.g. He darted out in front of us
Hare: Andare da qualche parte veloce
Dash (+ prep.): Correre perch si in ritardo; e.g. I dashed out into the street, heading for school
Rush (+ prep.): Precipitarsi; e.g. He rushed into the room, slamming the door behind him
Scamper: Correre (di bambini)
Scarper (informal): Correre via
Scurry (+about, around, off): Correre a passettini;e.g. I saw some children scurrying around during the
Speed (+ prep.) : Di un veicolo, muoversi veloce; e.g. The car sped away
Speed up: Accelerare
Sprint: Andare velocissimo per un breve arco di tempo
Zoom (+ prep.): Muoversi veloce su veicolo e.g. She came zooming down the street on her scooter
To be in a tearing hurry: Andare/ fare qualcosa velocissimo perch si in ritardo
To run hell bent: Correre velocissimo
To run hell (for leather): Correre velocissimo
Like a flash: Velocissimo
Move like lightning

Leisurely: Rilassatamente, con calma; e.g. A leisurely walk/breakfast
Unhurried: Con calma e.g. A h. ascent to the summit
Sluggish: Pi lento del solito, fiacco e.g. A sluggish start
Verbs and phrasal verbs:
Slow (down): Rallentare
Slacken (off): Rallentare, diminuire; e.g..As he approached school his pace slackened; don't s. off!
(= non mollare)
Trot: Trotterellare
At a snail's pace: Come una lumaca

Verbs and phrasal verbs:
Flounce off/out: Andarsene dopo essersela presa
Storm out/off: Andarsene furiosi; e.g she stormed out of the room slamming the door
Nip out: Uscire un attimo; e.g. She has nipped out to buy some bread
Pop out: Uscire un attimo

Step out: Uscire un attimo

Drive off: Andare via con veicolo
Pull away: Partire (di veicolo); e.g. As I was getting to the bus stop the bus pulled away
Pull out: Partire (di treno)
Set sail: Partire (di nave)
Vacate (sth): Lasciare libero un luogo; e.g. We were asked to vacate the room by midday

Verbs and phrasal verbs:
Dock: Arrivare al porto; e.g. We docked at Livorno when we came back from Sicily
Get there/to a place: Arrivrci
Make it to a place: Riuscire ad arrivare in tempo; e.g. We made it to the station just in time
Pull in: Arrivare alla stazione (di treno)
Roll in: Arrivare tranquillamente in ritardo; e.g. He often rolls in 15 minutes after the lesson starts
Sail in: Arrivare tranquillamente in ritardo
Show up: Arrivare; e.g. He eventually showed up
Turn up: Presentarsi (spesso inaspettatamente)

Verbs and phrasal verbs:
Crawl: Gattonare/Procedere a rilento; e.g. Cars crawled along the motorway
Creep: Muoversi a rilento (di veicoli); e.g. Cars were creeping forwards a few metres per minute
Flood: Muoversi in massa; e.g. Immigrants are floodin into Italy nowadays
Stream: Muoversi in flusso; e.g. Demonstrators were streaming along the street
Hum along: Muoversi, avanzare tranquilli
Pour: Muoversi veloce in gruppo; e.g. Students were pouring out of school
Creep: Muoversi di nascosto; e.g. As he was hungry, he silently crept in the kitchen
Sneak: Muoversi di nascosto; e.g. He sneaked into the house
Troop Muoversi in gruppo ordinatamente (= to march)

Verbs and phrasal verbs:
Creep: Camminare a passi felpati
Limp: Zoppicare; e.g. With an ankle injury
March: Marciare
Pace: Camminare avanti e indietro per il nervoso o l'ansia; e.g. Pace up and down
Plod: Camminare a passi pesanti
Amble: Passeggiare rilassatamente
Saunter: Camminare rilassatamente; e.g. We were sauntering along the streets
Shuffle: Camminare strisciando i piedi per la vecchiaia o la malattia
Stagger: Camminare barcollando quando si malati, feriti o ubriachi; e.g. She managed to stagger to
the door before folling; Drunk people were staggering all over the street
Stomp: Camminare a passi pesanti per la rabbia; e.g. He stomped into the room furiously
Stride: Marciare
Stroll: Passeggiare; e.g. We went strolling through the city center/We went for a stroll
Strut: Camminare pavoneggiandosi; e.g. He struts around school
Swagger: Camminare da spaccone
Tiptoe: Camminare sulle punte per non farsi sentire; e.g. She tiptoed out of the room
Tramp: Camminare a lungo e lentamente; e.g. The soldiers were tramping through the countryside
Trudge: Camminere lentamente e con difficolt
Wander: Girovagare

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