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Tuchi ouch episodes

We have all witnessed page 3 let me introduce you to page

3 wannabes.... Nouveau rich ...industrialists ...with
absolutely no ethics(tuchaas) ...where everything is either
a business deal....or family and with us or against us.The
oh so genteel..only on surface.pirates below it..
They ll throw lavish parties and insist everyone
comes....most people would as they baton money n favours
along the lines of quid pro quid....make no mistake the
invite if it comes is not optional
N if you don t show up you get payback (ouch) one way or
the other
Tuchi family on surface is very close knit but this of typical
symbiotic structure survives with one or two earners and
rest parasites galore...else it cannot sustain also
breaks if you take away the financial gains
The ladies will all be dressed in Bollywood knockoff ....airkisser and airbrushed....beautiful OR rich family
It is mandatory to suck up to the patriarch or matriarch as
the case be typically the richest ..there be an inheritance
hopeful son or daughter dutifully towing the line at least
one among the lot
It was my misfortune to be once associated with such
obnoxious souls
Its funny when you look back....people begging without
folding hands for handouts......with the central
copyrighted material and all rights are to
read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

figure...probably the only wage earner strutting around like

king cock....pun intended
Irrespective short or tall walking around as if you own the
place....which is true as the party is in your own house
Rule of thumb they have money they pride on giving out to
close circle in return from favours ranging from ganging up
against xyz aka silent treatment police political favours
to business contacts etc
Another rule family or otherwise it is a gang either. You
suck up to an become a part or be decl as an enemy in
which case standard warfare rules apply n family ties don't
Itis like a sugar free candy that leaves a bitter tast in your the 2 foot ghat 4 inch if. I ever see you
again ....i ll be sure to give you famous football place kick
right where it hurts the some most....something to
remember be by.....v likely ur stomach.....tht has the max
ugly daughters n bought off husbands ....n he decides to
yell at my dad....what a fucking SOB
....just because people have daughters does n t make them
sensitive to others...only their own....they are more
dangerous and much more likely to be more despotic...this
family is a case study in Don t for a happiness... The saying
when u see a snake applies to them....
"If you see a snake, just kill it - don't appoint a committee
on snakes." - Ross Perot
Spicy twists.....boy do they hate me..because
1) I don't kiss ass;)
2) I cannot be controlled by carrot by stick
2 copyrighted material and all rights are
to read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

3) I only go by my personal compass , which happen to

have a very high degree of ethics
4) n i knew their guilty family secret of what their son-inlaws did in Singapore...just like they knew about what
my hubby was doing .n I wasn't the accepting
Did I mention that I was married The key word is WAS

3 copyrighted material and all rights are

to read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

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