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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Archive Warning:

Teen And Up Audiences

No Archive Warnings Apply

Additional Tags:

| Bangtan Boys | BTS

Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Seokjin |
Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
Alternate Universe - College/University


Published: 2015-08-11 Chapters: 1/2 Words: 19090


Don't Let Your Love Go To Waste

by krscnl

Taehyung and Jungkook meet on Omegle.


this was supposed to be 2 page crack and now it's over 18k words of what the hell
happened here and why am i writing it at 3am lmao so enjoy :-)
(im not in university so i have no clue what uni life is like, same with making
movies/becoming an actor/screenwriter--which is all in this fic--and etc. so...yeah)
(also the title is a line from beautiful by mystery skulls bc i can't think of my own titles
(ALSO: hoseok and jungkook are the same age in this js)

See the end of the work for more notes

Dude, you know there are like, creepy fifty year old guys on that site, right? Jimin says, as he
flops onto his stomach next to Taehyung. He lays his head down on a pillow, the right side of his
face turned up so he could look at Taehyungs laptop.
The orange-haired boy waves his hand around dismissively. Its fine, its fine.
Its not fine if you end up dead in a ditch somewhere.
Jimothy, my dearest bestest bro, Taehyung begins dramatically, looking away from his laptop to

stare at his roommate. I know what Im doing. Im a professional omegler.

I wasnt aware that that was a thing.
It is now, Taehyung notes. I know how to weed out the creeps like I know how to weed out
actual weed from kenaf leaves.
Jimin rolls his eyes. You couldnt tell vodka from vinegar last week.
Probably because I was high out of my mind, Taehyung tries to reason.
Im pretty sure you were sane, Jimin recalls. Youre just an idiot. He takes another glance at
his laptop, frowning. An idiot who spends his time on Omegle answering weird questions at
11:30pm instead of working on his neuroscience essay.
Taehyung glares, but Jimins known him long enough to know that theres no menace behind the
Youre the one whos best friends with said idiot and isnt doing shit, so.
Jimin grins. Touch. He flips over onto his back and then sits up on the bed, leaning against the
wall. Taehyungs twin-sized mattress is way too small for two men in their twenties, and Jimin
rests his legs on top of Taes comfortably.
Bro, did you shave your legs? Taehyung asks, as he disconnects from yet another person asking
for nudes.
Yeah, why?
Theyre soft as hell.
Like a babys butt.
Or maybe my butt.
Jimin grimaces. I dont even wanna He stops and lets his head rest on Taehyungs shoulder,
eyes scanning the words on Taehyungs mac. Does that say do a sexy roleplay please?
Incredible! You can read! Taehyung exclaims, fingers poised on his keyboard, ready to type.
Shut up--dude, what are you doing? Jimin blurts, eyes widening as Taehyung types in im
cumming!!! into his textbox. Holy shit, dude, what the fuck?
Calm down, Jiminie, Taehyung chastises, bringing a hand up to pat at his best friends head like
a puppy, or maybe an overgrown man-child. This is all for good fun. Professional omegler,
Jimin mumbles something about someone tracking down their apartment through the wifi and
Taehyung thinks he hears the word illuminati, but he ignores it when a soft beep sounds from his
Aw, thats lame, he says, pouting. They just sent three dots. Must be a virgo. He types ahhh
ooohh yeaah baby harder yesss and sends it into the chat.

Youre so weird, Jimin says, getting off the bed. Im going to sleep. Dont give out your phone
number or our address or nudes or whatever.
Professional omegler.
Whatever. Goodnight.
Dont let the bedbugs bite! Taehyung calls after him as Jimin shuts his bedroom door. Then he
looks down at the chat, mouse hovering over the disconnect button. If this stranger isnt going to
play along, this wont be fun at all.
But then:
Stranger: ahhhHHhhhhh
Taehyung grins, feeling victorious. He begins to type.
You: ah yeah do you like that baby
Stranger: sure
Taehyung snorts. Thats the spirit, he thinks.
You: aw man this is so good im so hard mmmmmm
Stranger: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
The orange-haired boy purses his lips. The conversation isnt really going anywhere interesting
and hes starting to get bored, fast. He shrugs as he types whoops, i farted and sends it without
expecting much.
He waits a bit. After a full twenty seconds, he thinks the stranger isnt going to respond. Then:
Stranger: wtf u ruined the mood :/
You: sorry babe, ill try to make it up to u
Stranger: how?
You: any way u want ;)
Taehyung swears high and low that hes not a fuckboy. Not in real life, at least.
Stranger: hmm...ok
Stranger: ill only accept ice cream as payment though
You: how does an ice cream sundae sound?
You: complete with a scoop of strawberry, chocolate and vanilla w/ whipped cream and cherries
You: and my dick can be the banana
Stranger: sounds delish

Stranger: but idk how i feel about biting off ur dick :/

Taehyung, forgetting that hes currently leaning against the wall, tilts his head back as he laughs.
His skull hits off the edge of his window pane and he half giggles and half groans in agony before
You: oh shit, i didnt think about that
Stranger: i mean if ur into that, i wont judge
Stranger: its just not in my comfort zone
You: i gotchu babe, dw
You: how bout we lay down some limits
Stranger: k
Stranger: no cannibalism
Taehyung sends a long string of sad faces as he grins.
You: darn, there goes our honeymoon plans
Stranger: sorry :*
Stranger: honeymoon??
You: yes, were getting married now
Taehyung doesnt know whats so amusing about getting fake-married to strangers over the
internet, but it has him giggling like a tween boy.
You: can i know the name of my bride-to-be?
Its a good thing Jimin isnt here, Taehyung thinks, because otherwise hed be getting all sorts of
stranger danger!! motherly shit. Its not like Taehyungs asking for the persons full name, nor is
he going to give his own full name either. Its safe, he knows it is. Hes a professional omegler,
after all.
Stranger: oh...thats awkward.
You: what is it sweetcheeks
Stranger: i cant be a bride if im a guy
Taehyung blinks. Oh. The strangers a guy.
Not like Taehyung minds, of course. Actually, it makes things a hundred times better, seeing as
Taehyungs always preferred nice asses and muscles over boobs and small waists ever since he
could spell homosexual as fuck.
You: sok pumpkin spice latte, we can still get married
You: if ur ok with that

Stranger: im cool
You: nice
Stranger: u can call me jungkook
Taehyung wonders if thats his real first name or not. A lot of the time, people are truthful about
their first names--its not like you can track someone down with just that information alone. But
Taehyungs never been the type to put his actual given name. He prefers to just make one up.
But first, pickup lines.
You: and u can call me tonight ;)
Stranger: pft
Stranger: lame, try again
You: rude
What fake name should he use this time? He racks his brain.
Then he grins.
You: call me jimin
If Jimin ever finds out, the reason Taehyung ends up dead in a ditch will be because of him.
Stranger: oh nice, i love it when u talk dirty to me
The orange-haired boy laughs again. He likes this guys sense of humour already.
You: well jungkook
You: why are u on omegle at midnight on a thursday doing sexy rps w/ strangers?
Stranger: technically it's friday
Stranger: and i could ask u the same thing, jimin
You: i asked u first
Stranger: k whatever
Stranger: im avoiding my responsibilities like every other college student in the world
Stranger: oh fuck, i just gave u my age didnt i
Taehyung smirks in amusement.
You: college-boy kook. has a ring to it
Stranger: if ur 50 im disconnecting
Taehyungs fingers fly over the keyboard faster than they ever have before.

You: no!!! dont leave pls

You: i like u
You: ur funny
You: also im in uni too so
Stranger: whatever
Stranger: not like were gonna meet irl anyway
You: true
You: in that case, im a 46 y/o woman named tigress looking for hot young singles
Stranger: ha
Taehyung frowns. That joke deserved at least three has. Maybe even a capitalized LMAO, but he
doesnt want to get too cocky. Jungkook doesnt say anything for an entire minute and Taehyung
feels a bit disheartened.
You: am i not funny enough for u :(
It takes a while for him to respond.
Stranger: what
Stranger: no
Stranger: sorry i just remembered that i have to write an essay for philosophy
Stranger: i fucking hate essays
You: i agree
Stranger: i hate uni too
You: ur just a lil bundle of hate now arent ya
Stranger: stfu
Stranger: its not like uni was my idea anyway
Taehyung stares. Theyve strayed pretty far from their original conversation. Normally at this
point, hed disconnect and find someone else to talk to, but he doesnt. Instead, he wonders why
Jungkook hates university and how come it wasnt his idea to go, and so he asks.
You: u didnt wanna go to uni???
He takes a while to answer again. Taehyung thinks that maybe hes hesitating--its not everyday
that a stranger asks you to spill the beans about your angsty college life, and Taehyung wouldnt
be surprised if Jungkook disconnected right then and there.
He doesnt.

Stranger: i mean, yeah i did

Stranger: for the ~college experience~ everyone talks about
Stranger: but my parents chose my major for me so it kinda sucks
Taehyung makes a sound of sympathy. His parents didnt choose his major for him; he chose
neuroscience himself. But two years in, he realized that he didnt quite like his major and wanted
to switch out, only to be told not to. He can relate to Jungkook, and he tells him.
You: yo dude i totally feel u
You: i started not really liking my major starting this year but im super into acting lol
You: but my parents wouldnt let me switch out and i cant really argue bc theyre helping me pay
You: and i almost have my degree anyway
You: also...well, theyre myp arents so
You: my parents*
You: idk
You: u know what i mean?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: this might sound lame but
Stranger: i wanted to be an english major bc i wanna be a writer or whatever
Stranger: my parents made me take business bc its safer
Stranger: smfh
You: sucks :/
Stranger: yeah :/
You: well
You: idk if ur a freshman or a sophomore or whatever but
You: hopefully if ur a freshman
You: u know what u want, so i encourage u to just fuck it and be an english major
You: its too late for me bc im a third year and i have good grades
You: and its not like i toTALLY hate neuroscience or whatever
You: and i dont want all my hard work and tears to be for nothing

You: but its not too late for u!

Stranger: oh
Stranger: hm
Stranger: maybe i should just fuck it
You: you definitely should
You: and i know u said u hate uni but idk
You: ull find something u find beautiful about it one day
You: (hopefully)
You: where theres negativity, theres gotta be positivity
Stranger: this suddenly got all deep and inspiring
Stranger: wasnt i talk about biting off ur dick like twenty mins ago
You: yeah haha
You: life is funny that way i guess
Stranger: yeah, i guess
Taehyung finds himself talking to Jungkook for another hour and a half. Its not his longest
Omegle conversation to date (he had one where they roleplayed being minions and they just sent
gibberish to each other for three hours straight), but its the longest Omegle conversation and the
only Omegle conversation where he actually, properly, talked about himself.
They talk about what kind of music they like (Taehyung likes SNSD, but Jungkook insists that IU
trumps all girls groups in existence), their families (Jungkook has an older brother in the army,
Taehyung has two younger siblings), discussed what their dream jobs were (Taehyung a
moviestar, Jungkook a writer), and got onto the topic of what the correct raspberry to banana ratio
in a raspberry-banana smoothie is (Jungkook says it's half a cup of raspberries to one banana, but
that's only because he likes bananas better and so Taehyung deemed his opinion utterly irrelevant
because who the fuck likes bananas more than raspberries? Savages, thats who).
Its almost two in the morning when Taehyung finds himself bidding the stranger a goodnight, his
eyelids beginning to droop. Time had flown by so quickly while talking to this guy that he didnt
even realize he had class in six hours.
He types.
You: it was nice talking to u
You: u weird, banana-loving man
You: honestly who the fuck likes bananas more than strawberries
Stranger: ...thanks i guess

Stranger: and yeah it was nice talking to u too

Stranger: byewaIT
Stranger: wait wait wait
You: what??
Stranger: u know how i complained to u about wanting to be a writer and hating my major and
You: yeah
Stranger: ive never told anyone that so
Stranger: idk, just in case we meet irl
Stranger: and i know we prob wont bc what are the chances right
Stranger: but im kinda paranoid so
You: dont tell anyone??
Stranger: ...yeah. please
Taehyung cant help but think this Jungkook guy is kind of cute.
You: dont u worry
You: my lips are sealed
Stranger: ok thanks
Stranger: bye
You: goodbye kookie <3
Stranger: kookie
You: its a cute nickname, accept it kookie
Stranger: go to sleep
You: okay
You: goodnight kookie <3
Stranger: gn jimin
Taehyung shuts down his laptop and goes to sleep.


Jungkook yawns tiredly into his coffee. Hed just pulled his first allnighter of the year--and
December just started, it's ridiculous, he thinks--and he can barely keep his eyes open.
It doesnt help that his professors voice is low and soothing. The lecture sounds more like a
lullaby rather than some long spiel on what personhood consists of (Jungkook has no idea whats
going on; its probably the result of him having a jar of exactly zero fucks to give) and all he wants
to do is curl back up in his bed.
He considers sleeping for a bit. A power nap, just fifteen minutes.
The girl right next to him seems to be doing fine. Maybe if he flirts with her, he can get her course
Jungkook! The exclamation comes with a swift whack on the head with a notebook and the
black-haired boy turns to his left with a scowl.
What? he hisses at Hoseok, rubbing the spot where hed gotten hit.
You were falling asleep, his friend points out in a whisper.
Jungkook glares. I was trying to?
Oh. Whoops.
The younger sighs. Whatever. I probably wouldve drooled all over my notes anyway.
The girl beside him makes a face and Jungkook inwardly scoffs when she lowkey pulls her papers
closer to her.
Why are you so tired anyway? Hoseok questions. Hes folding a paper airplane out of one of
their handouts--his mind has never quite left high school. Or elementary, for that matter.
I forgot about the essay that was due today, Jungkook reveals, relaxing back in his chair. I was
up all night writing. Plus, I was on Omegle, he adds as an afterthought.
Hoseok snorts. What the hell were you doing on Omegle? Hopefully not sending nudes. When
Jungkook sends him a pointed look, he scrunches his face up in disdain. Okay, Jungkook, I
know you have a hot body and all, but sending nudes to strangers is a definitive no-no.
I wasnt sending nudes, dumbass, Jungkook retorts with a roll of his eyes. I was doing the
question thing because I was bored. Ended up talking to some guy for, like, two hours.
Hoseok looks impressed. Really? You guys must be soulmates.
Ha ha, hilarious.
Okay, well, thats not important right now anyway. Hoseok leans closer so he can whisper into
Jungkooks ear. Theres this party tonight. At Seokjin-hyungs.

Jungkook raises his eyebrows. I hate parties, he deadpans, taking a sip of his coffee.
Hoseok grins. Theres a mischievous glint in his eye, as if he knows something that Jungkook
doesnt, and the black-haired boy doesnt know what to make of it. And then:
I know, but...Taehyungs gonna be there.
Coffee dribbles out of Jungkooks mouth in surprise and Hoseok has to hold back a loud cackle.
Jungkooks frantically trying to find something to mop it up with, settling for some old Subway
napkin in his bag that he never used.
So? Hoseok presses on, practically bouncing in his seat. You coming? You better be coming.
Jungkook sighs. Hes never been much of a party-person--he hates places with lots of loud people
and drunk strangers--but the promise of Taehyung being there forces him to rethink.
After all, Jungkooks had a crush on the guy since the first day of school.
It was an embarrassing first encounter, to say the least: it was Jungkooks first day at his new dorm
on the university campus, and hed gotten into the elevator at the same time as Taehyung.
Heya neighbour, Im Kim Taehyung! Taehyung had greeted kindly, friendly box-shaped smile
and all. What floor? Im going to the lobby.
Jungkook had just happened to bite his tongue at the exact moment he was going to respond,
resulting in him smushing the sentences Im going down too and ow, fuck, my tongue and
hed loudly exclaimed, Im down to fuck my tongue. In a moment of extreme panic, hed
blabbered out a ridiculous flurry of swears and apologies, got back out of the elevator before the
doors could close after making up some excuse that hed forgotten something, and then hightailed
it the fuck back to his room.
Jungkook swore hed never come out of his dorm after that.
But, of course, it being that he had to actually pass his classes, he did come out of his dorm. He
would always take the stairs after that little incident (that Hoseok likes to call the elevator tonguefuck, but Jungkook keeps insisting that that sounds plain weird), terrified that hed end up alone
in the elevator with the orange-haired senior.
However, despite purposely avoiding the boy that lives all the way down the hall from him for the
sake of his own pride and sanity, Jungkook still ended up seeing Taehyung everywhere.
Truth be told, its not hard to miss a head of flaming orange hair. But, as months passed and
Jungkook kept seeing him around campus, dancing on the couches in the lobby, in the library,
occasionally at the diner he works at, et cetera, he found it even harder to miss his voice.
Jungkook thinks he can pick out Taehyungs laugh in a group of a hundred people and they
havent even properly met yet (because like hell is he going to count the elevator tongue-fuck as
their first meeting).
Jungkooks aware that its a stupid, helpless crush. He doesnt even know why he likes
Taehyung. There's just something about seeing his smile from across a cafe, hearing his muffled
laughter from the table in front of his in the library, that has butterflies flutter up in Jungkooks
stomach for no real reason. He cant help it.
And here is Hoseok, his best friend, giving him a chance to meet him. In a respectable fashion.
If Friday night college parties could be counted as respectable, that is.

Okay, Jungkook agrees hesitantly. And only because you said its Seokjin-hyung whos
hosting it, he adds quickly. Seokjin works part-time as a waiter at the same restaurant that
Jungkook and Hoseok do, and Jungkook thinks he can trust him well enough. Just...dont do
anything weird.
Hoseok beams at him, smile bright. Oh man, this is great! Out first college party! Im gonna get
Seokjin-hyung to make you look so hot. Youre gonna get laid. This is gonna be great.
Jungkook rolls his eyes at him and turns back to the professor at the front of the room.


Jimin! Taehyung screeches, as he bursts into his best friends room.

Jimin, whod just came back from working out at the gym, was in the process of doing the splits
as part of his cool down stretch. But with Taehyung scaring the crap out of him, he accidentally
dropped all of his weight down at once, and the force of a million suns settles upon his crotch. He
rolls around on the floor in agony, tears prickling at his eyes as he whimpers out, We need to get
locks on our doors. Seriously.
Sorry dude, Taehyung says, staring down at his friend innocently. Anyway--
Taehyung, I am in excruciating pain, Jimin chokes out, hands clutching his groin. Can you,
like, get me ice or something?
Yeah, sure, anything for my best bro for life. Taehyung runs out of his room at top speed. When
he returns, Jimin merely stares at him.
Tae, thats our container of chocolate ice cream.
We ran out of ice. Do you want strawberry instead?
Jimin sighs and holds his hand out. Taehyung gives him the ice cream, face serious as if he isn't, in
fact, giving his best friend their dessert to put over his balls.
We really need to get locks, Jimin repeats. Theres less of a crack in his voice this time, which
he thinks is a good sign. He doesnt have to go through puberty again.
What for? Taehyung asks, looking offended. Its not like we havent seen each other naked.
Tae, please.
No homo, all the bromo, he states proudly.
Jimin shakes his head. Dude, why did you even come in here?
Taehyung blinks at him. Uh...the party? he says, as if its the most obvious thing in the world.
Seokjin-hyung from the diner? His party? Remember? He gestures down at his outfit and Jimin
shouldve remembered just by looking at him alone--Taehyung usually wears sweatpants and
oversized sweaters, but now hes clad in tight jeans, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. It gives
him kind of a badass vibe, which is the exact opposite of the idiotic ball of homo-erotic sunshine
that he is.

Oh my God, how did I forget? Jimin exclaims, getting to his feet. He wobbles to his dresser and
pulls out a drawer. Yoongi-hyungs gonna be there, right? Oh my God, how am I supposed to
dance all sexily and get him to notice me when I just crushed my balls?
Taehyung strides over to him and helps him look through his collection of clothes. Sokay man,
well just make you look extra hot so you dont have to dance to look sexy. Where are your black
skinny jeans?
My black skinny jeans? Why?
Because your ass is killer in those, bro.
Wow. Thanks bro.
No problem.
They locate his pair of jeans in seconds and Taehyung tries to convince Jimin to put on some
atrocious green sweater (Christmas spirit, Jiminie! Do it for Santa!), when Jimin finally manages
to shut him up and settles for a red tee instead.
Simplicity is best, Taehyung says, nodding approvingly. Jimin decides not to mention how he
was literally trying to get him to wear a sweater with reindeer heads and golden tassels and shoves
him out the door.


Jungkook hates parties, but he likes attention.

So when Seokjin agreed to make him look, in Hoseoks words, hot like the sun, which is very
hot, Jungkook was all up for it. Especially since hell be able to look hot in front of Taehyung.
Wow. Im amazing, Seokin breathes, stepping back to admire his masterpiece. Look at you,
Jungkookie! Im so amazing. I did this to you. Im wonderful.
Jungkooks learned to tune out Seokjins endless self-praise ages ago, and he merely nods.
Thanks, hyung.
Seokjin glances down at his watch. People should be coming by pretty soon.
Which means Taehyung will be coming soon, Jungkook thinks, and he goes to rub at the back of
his head nervously when Seokjin all but shrieks.
No! Do not touch your hair, Jeon Jungkook. Its perfect. I made it perfect.
Hoseok scoffs from where hes laying on Seokjins bed, playing a game on his phone. Hes just
nervous, hyung. Leave the boy be.
Nervous? Seokjin turns to Jungkook, a smirk on his face. Why? Is someone special coming?
He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and Jungkook scowls.
No, he says, and Seokjin squeals.

Thats adorable, Jungkook, Seokjin gushes. Is it someone I personally invited or is it someone

thats just stopping by because everyone knows that my parties are the best?
Jungkook rolls his eyes, but theres no denying that everyone loves Seokjins parties. He has
connections with one of the best underground DJs in Seoul and, of course, hes rich. His parents
bought him a fancy, three-story house with glass floor-to-ceiling windows and an in-ground pool
in the back, and Jungkook still doesnt know why Seokjin bothers to work part-time at the diner
when he could just start accepting all the modelling offers he gets and live off that and his parents.
But whenever he or Hoseok would ask, hed brush off the question easily.
Its no one, Jungkook finally responds, a huff in his voice. He can feel his cheeks starting to
warm and he looks away from Seokjins curious eyes.
Its Kim Taehyung, Hoseok pipes up and the black-haired boy shoots him a dark glare.
I hate you, he whispers.
Oh my God, Taehyungie? Thats so cute! Seokjin screeches, and Jungkook stares at him in
Taehyungie--what? You know him?
Of course I do? Seokjin snaps his fingers in front of Jungkooks face. You do know hes a
regular at the diner that weve--he gestures at the three of them--been working at for the past,
what, month and a half? I always end up being his waiter and hes kind of a chatterbox, so we
became friends.
Jungkook turns to Hoseok. Wait, seriously? Hes a regular?
His best friend shrugs. You always work in the back so I guess you never see him.
And you never told me?
I mentioned it once! Hoseok exclaims. But it was when you were in your denial stage and all
you said was pfftt who the fuck is that I dont care why are you telling me. God, you were
Jungkook flushes. He does remember that happening.
Anyway, Im gonna go downstairs, Seokjin says. Someones probably coming up to the door
right now. The sound of the doorbell punctuates his words and he grins. I can even tell the
future; give me one reason not to love me, he states, making his way down the stairs.
Youre pretentious as fuck, Hoseok mutters at his retreating back and Jungkook stifles a giggle.
Why are we friends with him again?
Because hes the only one who'll share his weed with you on weekends.
Oh...thats true.


Jungkook doesnt have many friends. Honestly, he only ever talks to Hoseok and Seokjin, and so
when stranger after stranger fills the elders home, he really doesnt have much to do.
Seokjin is being a perfect host as always, making sure everyone has a drink in hand and an
emergency number to call (I have five guest rooms and four seats in my car if you need a ride
home; there is going to be no drunk driving after my party! he announces at regular intervals,
which reminds Jungkook of another reason hes friends with Seokjin--hes extremely nice, despite
being narcissistic sometimes).
Hoseok, on the other hand, has always been a social butterfly and had run off to talk to some
Yoongi guy ten minutes ago, leaving Jungkook to sit by himself at the kitchen table like a loser.
An hour passes and the party is now in full-swing, with people drinking and shouting and dancing
and Jungkook eating out of Seokjins fruit bowl for the past fifteen minutes, bored out of his mind.
He's midway through a strawberry when he sees a familiar flash of orange hair in the sea of
people and he almost chokes.
Taehyungs here.
Jungkook finishes his strawberry and takes a couple more grapes to calm himself down before
getting up. He takes a deep breath, goes over the plan in his head and-Jungkook realizes that he doesnt actually have a plan and he sits back down in a panic.
Okay, calm down, think this through, dont be weird...just go up to him and then
Jungkook! Hoseok shouts loudly. The freshman looks up and sees his friend pushing his way
towards him, but his mouth runs dry when he sees Taehyung.
Because Kim Taehyung is staring straight at him and Jungkook thinks he's saying something by
the way his lips move--oh god, his lips--but he cant be sure. Something with two syllables...look
here? Cookie? Maybe hes imagining things.
Kookie! Hoseok calls out again. He rushes up to him, grabs the other boy by the shoulders.
You cant stay here all night. Get up and dance or something. Mingle with the singles. He leans
in close to whisper, Besides, Taehyung just came, and Jungkook swallows nervously.
He takes a peek over Hoseoks shoulder to take a subtle glance at the third-year and his heart flips.
Why is he staring at me? He looks around, but theres no one else lame enough to sit in the
kitchen during a party except for him, so he can't be looking at anyone else.
Is there something on my face? Jungkook asks Hoseok, palms starting to get sweaty with
nerves. He always thought that hed be the indifferent type when it came to romantic relationships,
but here he is, sweating up a storm, butterflies in his stomach, heart threatening to break out of his
chest, and Taehyung looking at him (or in his general direction--Jungkook cant know for sure)
isnt helping.
What? Hoseok gives his face a once-over. No, youre good. Why?
Jungkook shakes his head. Nothing.
If Hoseok thought his behaviour was odd, he doesnt mention it. Instead, he pulls Jungkook up to
his feet and drags him into the living room. Jungkooks eyes widen when he realizes that Hoseok
is pulling him directly towards Taehyung and he digs his heels into the hardwood floor in protest.

Jung Hoseok, what the hell are you doing? he hisses.

Youre welcome, is the last thing Jungkook hears before Hoseok forcefully throws him right
into Taehyungs arms.
Jungkook quickly learns that Taehyung is not the smoothest of people. They collide, a mess of
limbs and sweat, and Taehyung falls unceremoniously to the ground, Jungkook landing on top.
Whoops! Hoseok exclaims, giggling like a fucking schoolgirl. My bad. Sorry Jungkook!
Jungkook would turn around and punch his best friend repeatedly in the face if it werent for the
fact that his own face was currently nestled in Taehyungs neck and oh my god, he smells so
good? Hes suddenly hyper-aware of everything around him, with everything being Kim
Taehyung because their hands are around each others waists, legs tangled together, and Jungkook
nearly jumps out of his skin when Taehyung giggles from underneath him and pats him on the
Are you, uh, gonna get up?
Oh my god, kill me. Jungkook jumps to his feet at lightning speed. He brushes down his jeans and
clears his throat awkwardly and prays to whatever god there may be that his face isnt as flaming
red as it feels.
Sorry, he spits out quickly, looking down at the floor. Sorry, that--that was an accident. Like
fucking hell it was. He puts strangle Jung Hoseok on his mental to-do list.
Taehyung gets up and laughs. Jungkooks heart does more of its stupid acrobatics in his chest,
blush spreading up to his ears. Hearing Taehyungs laugh right in front of him is totally different
from hearing it muffled from across the library and he vaguely wonders if hes going through
cardiac arrest.
Its okay, he says. Kookie, he adds as an afterthought and it sounds like a question. The
younger looks up at him in surprise.
Taehyung opens his mouth to say something, and then closes it and gives an awkward smile
instead. Sorry, no, its...I--I heard your friend say your name, he manages to get out. Thats a
nickname, right? Its cute.
Jungkook flushes. Uh What am I supposed to say to that?
If you dont mind me asking, Taehyung begins suddenly. Um...whats your major?
Jungkook stares at him, a bit taken aback. My major? Business, why?
Taehyung nods slowly. Sounds fun! He looks at him again and a flicker of recognition sparks in
his eyes. Jungkook feels small under his gaze. Ive seen you before, havent I? You look kinda
We live on the same floor! Hoseok chimes in helpfully, throwing an arm around Jungkooks
shoulders. The black-haired boy breathes a sigh of relief. Maybe Ill take strangling Jung
Hoseok off the priorities section of my to-do list.

Oh, do we? Taehyung beams. Maybe thats why! Im Kim Taehyung. He holds out a hand to
Jungkook and the younger takes it awkwardly.
Jeon Jungkook, he responds, cursing at the awkward hesitation in his voice.
Well, Ill leave you two be, Hoseok says, sounding like the kind of aunt that sets her nephews
up on blind dates. He whispers, Be cool, man. I think he forgot about the elevator tongue-fuck
into Jungkooks ear and then runs off to who-knows-where.
I rarely see you for someone who lives on the same floor as me, Taehyung mentions
conversationally. He seems to be good at small-talk and Jungkook is grateful.
Yeah, uh...fifth, right? Im in 512. Why did you just give him your room number, oh my god.
Oh, then we are! Im in 501. Taehyung tilts his head as he takes in Jungkooks face.
you have classes at a weird time or something? I never see you on the elevator and almost
everyone takes the elevator at the same time in the morning.
Uh What the hell is he supposed to say to that? Oh, its probably because Ive been avoiding
the elevator ever since the tongue-fuck incident and I didnt want to run into you and make more
of an embarrassing ass out of myself, sorry.
Thankfully, hes saved from giving a response by a shorter guy running up to them and clamping
a hand down onto Taehyungs shoulder. Jungkook recognizes him only because hes around
Taehyung almost 24/7, and his voice is cheery when he speaks.
Hey Tae-- he begins, but Hoseok suddenly reappears out of nowhere, pushing Taehyungs
friend into a blonde guy thats innocently passing by. But instead of crashing into each other like
Jungkook and Taehyung had, the guy Hoseok was trying to push Taehyungs friend into
effectively dodges him and the shorter boy goes sprawling.
Oh shit, Hoseok says, grimacing. Shit, seriously. My bad. Sorry Jimin!
Jungkook wonders if Hoseok is trying to play cupid or something tonight, until the other guys
name settles into his mind.
No...thats not possible, right? Jungkook gives himself a shake. The chances of meeting someone
youve talked to on Omegle in real life is slim to none. Theres probably tons of people named
Jimin that go to university--theres no guarantee that this Jimin is sexy roleplay Omegle Jimin. No
way at all.
Jimin gets up and brushes dust off of his jeans. He sends a withering glare to Hoseok and
Taehyung--who is currently doubled-over in laughter (oh my god, Jiminie, that was
embarrassing. Wait, oh my god, are your balls okay? Jungkook decides not to ask).
What the hell was that? Jimin exclaims, but he cant keep glaring for long because in seconds
hes grinning, holding back a laugh over his own humiliating scene. Seriously?
Hoseok smiles sheepishly. Yoongi-hyung wasnt supposed to move out of the way.

Yeah, obviously, Jimin retorts, face flushed. I hate you. He notices Jungkook staring at him
and he offers a small smile. Uh, hi. Sorry you had to see that.
Jungkook cracks a polite grin. No, its...its fine.
Right, introductions! Hoseok stands so that Jimin is to his right and Jungkook is to his left.
Jimin, this is Jungkook, my roommate. And Jungkook, this is Jimin, from dance class.
Dance class. Did omegle-Jimin ever mention a dance class? Jungkook doesnt think he did. He
feels oddly relieved. So he doesnt know that I secretly want to be a writer. Cool. Good. I guess.
Jungkook blinks and turns to Taehyung in surprise. Its the first thing the orange-haired boy said
after he was finished laughing at Jimin, and Jungkook doesnt remember there being any point in
the conversation that would turn it towards this topic.
Do you have any siblings? Taehyung elaborates.
I have an older brother, Jungkook replies slowly, feeling confused. Why?
Hes weird; you get used to it, Jimin interjects, slapping his friend on the back thrice. Anyway,
Im gonna go find Yoongi-hyung and try and seduce him in a normal way. He gives Hoseok a
pointed look before scampering off deeper into the house. Hoseok follows him yelling, That was
normal! It wouldve been romantic if he caught you! and Jungkook and Taehyung are left alone
Taehyung looks at him and gives him that stupid box-shaped smile of his that makes Jungkooks
heart skip a beat and the younger looks away, awkward.
Um He shifts his weight from foot to foot.
"Do you like bananas?
Jungkook blinks. I--yes? When Taehyung just nods, looking amused and satisfied, he says,
Are you interrogating me or something?
He bites his tongue right after the words leave his mouth. You sound like a dick, Jungkook.
Thankfully, Taehyung laughs, and the younger feels like he might just implode when the orangehaired boy hits him good-naturedly on the arm.
No, sorry dude, Im just-- He pauses, then grins. Were...Okay, this is gonna sound kinda
weird, but were you on Omegle last night? You were, werent you?
Jungkooks eyes flick up to meet his in surprise. W-what?
Taehyungs smile widens. I think...I think I mightve been on the other end of that conversation. said your name was--
Jimin, yeah, I know. Taehyung laughs. Thats my best friend that you just met. I was
was a spur of the moment decision, I dunno what I was thinking. But yeah, you were
talking to me, I think.
Jungkook is in disbelief. Youre...youre joking.

Jungkook is in disbelief. Youre...youre joking.

Taehyungs eyes swim with mirth, apparently entertained by the whole situation. You like
bananas more than strawberries, he reveals. Which is, by the way, messed up. Go get your
tongue switched or something. Also, you like dogs more than cats, you like IU more than SNSD
and you secretly want to be a wri--
Jungkook clamps a hand over Taehyungs mouth in a panic, and the other boy licks a stripe across
his skin immediately.
Oh my g--what the fuck? Jungkook recoils, bringing his hand away and wiping his palm over
his jeans. Did you just lick me? This was definitely not how he imagined his first proper
meeting with Taehyung to be like--granted, he didnt know what he was expecting exactly, but it
surely wasnt this.
What did you cover my mouth for? Taehyung whines. He doesnt appear one bit bothered by
the fact that he just licked someones hand and he gives Jungkook a weird look. As if Jungkooks
being the weird one. The freshman scoffs.
You were...Im...Oh my god, wait, our longest conversation started as a sex roleplay, Jungkook
whispers under his breath. He looks scandalized and Taehyung doesnt really blame him. Its not
every day that you meet someone online and your first words are im cumming!!!
Yeah Taehyung laughs again, but he doesnt seem as awkward about it as Jungkook does.
But, ya know, I feel like this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Friend--what? Jungkook splutters. Taehyung notices that his ears are tinged pink at the tips and
he thinks its cute. Were...are we...friends?
Taehyung shrugs and starts to make his way over to the kitchen. Jungkook follows and they both
sit next to each other at the table. The black-haired boy resumes his eating of grapes out of
Seokjins fruit bowl as the third-year begins to speak.
I mean...well, I kinda confessed that I wanted to be an actor and that I didnt really like my major
to you. Taehyung goes to reach for a strawberry and Jungkook pulls his hand out of the container
quickly. I havent told that to anyone, not even Jimin. Its a stupid dream of mine, and I dont
want to worry anyone with my complaining over my major or whatever.
And I told you about wanting to be a writer, oh my god. Jungkook folds his arms onto the table
and rests his head on them. Thats so embarrassing, holy crap.
Taehyung blinks. Hows that embarrassing?
Jungkook grumbles. I dunno. Its just He sits up, gestures down at himself. No one would
expect someone like me to be a writer, you know? Do I look like a writer to you?
Honestly? Taehyung lets his eyes rake across his figure and he pretends not to notice the way
Jungkook seems to regret the question, blushing all over again. Youre kinda hot. He smirks,
amused, when Jungkook curls into himself and puts his head back down onto the table.
I cant believe this is happening, Jungkook mumbles. Finding out that the stranger he talked to
on Omegle was his crush and now talking about secrets that he hasnt even told Hoseok or
Seokjin? He wouldnt be surprised if he was dreaming.
But the sound of Taehyungs laugh right next to his ear, the feel of their knees bumping
underneath the table, convinces Jungkook that its real.

Neither can I, Taehyung says. But life is funny that way, I guess.
Jungkook tilts his head up to give Taehyung a look. You said that on Omegle last night.
Did I?
Taehyung smiles. Im pretty sure I also told you to screw your major and take English and
become a writer.
Jungkook sits up again and looks around cautiously, making sure no one can hear them. He says,
in a small voice, I want to.
Then go for it.
Jungkook gathers up the courage to meet the others eyes and tries to blatantly ignore the way his
heart kicks up into double-time. I can say the same thing to you, you know. Why dont you just
screw neuroscience and become an actor?
Im getting my bachelors in a year, Taehyung explains, sounding exasperated. He looks more
relaxed and casual now, and Jungkook wonders if they passed the boundary of acquaintances and
crossed over into friends-I-can-complain-about-stuff-to. I dont wanna just...give up. He rests his
elbow on the table and puts his chin in his hand. But I guess it wouldnt really be called giving
up if its me actually doing what I like
Taehyung sighs and leans back, the front legs of his chair lifting up until hes teetering
dangerously. Jungkook wants to reach out and grab him, tell him its not safe, but hes sure that
any more physical contact with Taehyung will make him burst into flames.
Maybe I should, Taehyung says, a wondering tone in his voice.
Maybe you should, Jungkook replies.
Maybe you should become an English major and write a book, the elder suggests. Better yet;
write a script and have me be your lead actor.
Jungkooks lips quirk up into a smile at that. Maybe I should, he says.
Maybe you should, Taehyung replies.
But...Id have to go against my parents, Jungkook notes, popping another grape into his mouth.
Despite his heart beating a hundred miles an hour, he feels slightly more relaxed around
Taehyung. Hes easy to talk to, he realizes--some kind of trustworthy aura that Jungkook feels
himself drawn to.
Ah, the parents, Taehyung sighs.
Yeah. Jungkook hesitates, mulling over his words before speaking them. Going against my
parents would kind of, well, suck, you know? Because my moms...kinda sick. So I dont wanna
let her down when shes going through a hard time. Plus, we dont have enough money for me to
switch majors after already paying for this year and a business degree seems more promising than
an English one so

Hmm. The other boy ponders for a moment, before asking, You dont have to have a degree or
anything to write something, do you?
Jungkook pauses.
Then just write. Taehyung smiles at him again, and Jungkook finds that the action comforts him
now rather than make him sweat like a nervous schoolboy. If you work hard enough, if its really
meant to be, you can make it happen. Just write.
Maybe I should.
You definitely should.


Jungkook and Taehyung exchange numbers after the party.

You can come and complain to me whenever you want, Taehyung informs him. As long as
Im allowed to complain to you, he adds in cheekily.
Of course youre allowed, Jungkook says, grinning. He wants to tell him that he can talk to him
without the need to complain, but he cant get himself to spit out the words. Not yet, at least.
Taehyung beams. Good. Then, when Jungkooks just about to say goodbye, he speaks up
again. Its weird.
Huh? The black-haired boy stares at him questioningly.
Us. Were weird, Taehyung elaborates. Or maybe its just me, but...I feel like I can trust you
with anything. Even though we technically just met. I dunno. Its weird, right?
Jungkook feels warm despite the two of them standing outside Seokjins house in the middle of a
December night. He shrugs and says, Not really. He chews on his lip awkwardly. I--I feel like
I can trust you too.
Taehyung smiles again. Good.


So? Hoseok asks, as he flings himself onto Jungkooks bed. He pokes his friend in the ribs.
How was the party? I saw you talking to Taehyung in the kitchen for a while. He raises his
eyebrows up and down suggestively. The atmosphere looked...nice.
Jungkook groans, pulling his blanket over his head. What time is it?
I dunno. Eight-ish?
The black-haired boy grumbles some more. Its fucking Saturday, Hoseok. Why are you waking

me up at eight in the morning on a Saturday?

Because you wouldnt give me the deets last night, Hoseok whines, kicking at him weakly.
Are you guys dating now? Did you ask him out? Did you woo Kim Taehyung into your pants?
Jungkook takes his pillow and puts it over his face. Go away.
I take that as a no. Hoseok huffs, sitting up. He tries to pull Jungkooks pillow away, but the
other boy is relentless, not giving up on his iron grip. Did you at least get his number?
Hoseok makes a weird screeching sound and, all of a sudden, hes across Jungkooks bedroom
and is doing some kind of boisterous dance in the corner.
You got his nuuuum-ber, you got his nuuuuum--
Please shut up, Jungkook whines, pressing his pillow even harder into his face. Hes half trying
to drown out Hoseoks terrible singing, half trying to suffocate himself to death. Hes always
hated talking about his crushes to people, and his best friend is no exception.
So? Are you gonna call him? Text him? Do a booty-call? Whats your next move? Hoseok asks
eagerly, flying across the room to jump onto Jungkooks bed again.
My next move is gonna be kicking you in the goddamn face, he snaps, sitting up and whipping
the brown-haired boy in the head with his pillow. Its not...I didnt confess or anything, Jesus.
Were...friends, I guess.
With benefits?
Oh my God, Hoseok. Jungkook shakes his head, defeated. Friends. Like you and me, but
more awkward because hes really, really hot.
Are you saying Im not really really hot?
Youre like...lukewarm.
Ouch. Hoseok wipes away a fake tear. Im offended.
Okay, real talk. Hoseok gets up from his spot on Jungkooks bed. We actually have a shift at
the diner starting in, like, an hour. Just thought Id let you know.
What? Jungkook scrambles out of his bed. I thought we were working the evening shift
Hoseok shrugs. Two people called in sick this morning, so now were on until four.
Jungkook groans loudly in response.
But hey, Seokjin-hyung told me that Taehyung goes to the diner for lunch on Saturdays, so
Jungkooks heart flips excitedly. Oh.
Hoseok has a knowing grin on his face. Oh, indeed.


Jungkook strides over to the table by the window where Taehyung and Jimin are sitting, menus in
Hello, Ill be your waiter for today, he says, biting on his cheek to keep himself from smiling too
widely. Theres something about Taehyung that makes him want to smile until his face aches and
he cant help the way his lips twitch up in his presence.
Taehyung looks up at him in apparently pleasant surprise. Hey, Jungkook! I didnt know you
worked here.
Yeah, haha. Jungkook gives them the menus and then rubs his neck awkwardly. I usually
work in the kitchen, so He makes a mental reminder to treat Hoseok for dinner. After all, its
Hoseok whos supposed to be waiting tables, not him--his best friend offered to switch roles
today, and Jungkooks grateful.
Ahh, I see. Taehyung grins as he picks up a menu. Well, now I know where to go for my daily
dose of Jeon Jungkook.
The younger flushes. What?
My addiction has started, its too late, he breathes dramatically, falling back into his seat, a hand
on his forehead. Im gonna go through withdrawal without you.
Jimin giggles from his seat across Taehyung. Hes been watching a lot of dramas, ya see. Dont
take it personally--I dont think hes actually addicted to you.
Jungkook hopes he doesnt look too disappointed. Of course hes not, he says with a laugh and
then takes their orders.
Fifteen minutes later, and Jungkook is secretly giving them free refills for their drinks and subtly
overfilling their basket of fries.
"Do you do this for all your customers?" Taehyung inquires, eyes shining when Jungkook slides
him an extra large slice of cheesecake, free of charge. "I'm flattered."
Jungkook shrugs wordlessly.
"You should be our waiter all the time," Taehyung continues, holding out a fry for the younger to
He doesn't know what comes over him then, doesn't know what odd, confident spirit possesses
him, but Jungkook leans forwards and bites the fry right out of Taehyung's fingers instead of
grabbing it with his hand. Taehyung looks a bit surprised, but his expression quickly melts into a
small smile.
"Maybe I should," Jungkook says, chewing.
"You definitely should."


When Jungkook goes down the stairs as he usually does on any regular Monday morning, he sees
a familiar head of orange hair a couple steps ahead of him.
Taehyung? He says it more to himself, in disbelief, because why would Kim Taehyung be
taking the stairs? He always takes the elevator. Jungkook (note: he is not a stalker, he swears)
should know.
The third-year turns around, smiling when he sees Jungkook standing at the top of the stairs.
Hello! he muses.
Hi? Jungkook goes down the few steps it takes to catch up to him, and they walk down
together. dont usually take the stairs, do you?
Taehyung shrugs. I figured a little simple exercise in the morning wouldnt hurt. Thought I
should stretch my legs before the day starts, ya know?
I...I guess. Jungkook thinks that there are better ways to stretch your legs before the day starts
that doesnt include walking down five flights of stairs, but he doesnt mention it.
So...are you writing something? Taehyung questions as they reach the third floor.
Writing-- Jungkook begins, confused, but then he remembers that Taehyung knows. Knows
that he secretly wants to be a writer, knows that he hasnt told anyone except for him. Oh. No,
not really.
You should get to it, Taehyung tells him, skipping two steps and almost tripping over his own
feet. He always seems to be going at a faster pace than others, Jungkook realizes. As if hes trying
to win a race that only he knows about, and the freshman finds it oddly endearing.
Maybe I should, Jungkook replies, skipping the same two steps that Taehyung did, just for fun.
He doesnt trip like Taehyung, sticking his landing quite gracefully if he does say so himself, and
the elder beams at him.
You definitely should. Theyre on ground level now and are making their way outside of the
building. You have any ideas? Can I hear them?
Jungkook stares. What?
I wanna hear your ideas. Im curious. Taehyungs a few feet ahead of him, and he turns around
to walk backwards so he can face Jungkook. He pushes the door open with his back and they step
outside into the crisp, winter air. Gotta know what kind of part I should be practicing for when
your script gets accepted.
My script-- Jungkook shakes his head, a small smile on his face. Youve got this all planned
out, huh?
Of course! Taehyung almost trips again, and Jungkook reaches forward on reflex to grab his
arm. Taehyung grins, the air that theyre breathing visible between them. Thanks babe.
N-no problem. Babe? he screams in his mind. He quickly lets go of his arm and rushes ahead.
Taehyung skips after him and Jungkook thinks that maybe Taehyung wasnt on the stairs for some

morning exercise because he seems perfectly energetic without it. Whats your plan, then?
Youre gonna write this killer script, Taehyung says, going ahead of Jungkook and turning
around so he could walk backwards again. And its gonna be all kinds of fucking awesome, I
know it is. And Im gonna be the super cool lead of that super cool script. Well be livin the
dream, Kookie. Become hallyu stars or something. Go to America and go on the blue carpet.
Red carpet.
Red carpet, he corrects, giggling. Red carpet. Why the hell did I say blue carpet?
Jungkook laughs. I dunno. Youre kinda ridiculous, Taehyung.
Taehyung looks at him, an unreadable expression on his face. You dont call me hyung.
Oh. Jungkook blushes, only realizing it now. Sorry. Ill--
Taehyung waves a dismissive hand. No no, dont bother. You dont have to.
Taehyung grins that stupid, adorable grin of his and Jungkooks protest falls dead on his tongue.
Okay, he concedes. What about you, though? Are you really going to become an actor? Or are
you just...just daydreaming?
Impossibility is a kiss away from reality.
Jungkooks heart thuds in his chest. What?
Taehyung laughs. Its a line from a show on Netflix. But anyway, whats stopping me from
making my daydreams become my reality? I just gotta finish up this degree so Ill have something
to fall back on if things dont work out.
Itll work out, Jungkook finds himself saying. If its you, itll probably work out.
Taehyung beams. You better start writing that super awesome script then, Kookie. We should
become the best tag-team in South Korea. He walks into a tree before Jungkook can warn him
and snow from the branch above lands on his head. Jungkook chuckles and helps him brush it off.
Maybe we should, he says, fingers running through the elders hair to get the snow out.
We definitely should!


Youre pretty close to Taehyung now, arent ya? Hoseok mentions one day, as he packs his
things into a suitcase. Hes getting ready to head back to his hometown for winter break, and
Jungkooks relaxing on the couch with his laptop in his lap, not needing to pack because hes
staying in his dorm all break long.
I guess, Jungkook says, typing away.

Whatcha doing?
Writing, Jungkook replies without thinking.
Writing what?
Uh...nothing. He closes his laptop and sits up. Whyd you bring up Taehyung, anyway?
I was just wondering if you guys were dating yet, he says, giving Jungkook an overexaggerated wink. The black-haired boy rolls his eyes.
Were just friends. He puts his laptop down onto the coffee table. Baby-steps, Hobi.
Youre taking ant steps, he informs him. Go ask him out already. Confess!
Weve only been friends for, like, two weeks, Jungkook reasons. Its too early.
Too early my ass. Hoseok holds up a pair of boxers. Are these yours?
Jungkook blinks. No?
Weird. Hoseok tosses them over his shoulder. Anyway, you guys have been hanging out every
day for the past two weeks, so...I say you should get to it. Hop on that d--
Stop. Jungkook holds up a hand. Im not gonna...just...were friends and its nice. Its fine.
Hoseok shrugs. Whatever you say. Just ask him out before you get too scared to ruin your
friendship, alright?
Too late.


Its the middle of winter break, and Jungkook wakes up to the sound of his phone dinging
underneath his pillow.
What the he mumbles, temporarily blinding himself as he turns on the screen. The clock reads
that its four in the morning and hes about to ignore it and go back to sleep, but then he sees the
sender. Taehyung? He opens up his messaging app.
count to ten
and then open ur door
ur in 512 right
Jungkooks half-asleep mind whirls.
dude its 4am?

count to tennnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!
and get ready to open ur door
Jungkook sighs and kicks off his blankets. The things I do when I like someone, he thinks to
himself. He slowly starts to count as he walks over to the door.
Eight...nine...ten. He opens it and Taehyung is there, nose red, panting as if he'd run a
marathon, a beanie placed snugly over his orange hair.
Happy New Years! Taehyung yells, and he throws a handful of streamers into Jungkooks face.
Woohoo! Yay! Happy New Years! He runs into Jungkooks room and starts throwing pieces
of confetti at him from his pockets. Happy New Years!
Jungkook cant help the incredulous laugh that bubbles passed his lips. Youre ridiculous, Kim
Taehyung. Arent you supposed to be in Daegu?
I was! Taehyungs still throwing confetti at him, face bright and beaming, and Jungkook shakes
his head at him. I came back just now. Thought Id celebrate New Years with you.
At four in the morning?
What better time is there?
Oh, I dunno...four in the afternoon?
I sprinted here all the way from the bus stop for you, Jeon Jungkook. This is the treatment I get
when all I wanted was to see you? Taehyung asks jokingly, walking over to the fridge and
opening it as if he lives there.
Jungkooks heart skips a beat. Did he hear that correctly? You what?
Your milk is expired, Taehyung says instead of answering. Do you have any ice cream? Im in
the mood for some ice cream. He opens up the freezer.
I...what? Ice cream in the middle of winter?
Im also in the mood for pancakes. Should I make some pancakes?"
"Um...maybe you should."
Taehyung nods to himself. "I definitely should."
Jungkook stares at him fondly. Taehyungs going through his fridge and his cupboards in search
of pancake ingredients and Jungkooks glad hes not looking at him because hes not sure how
much of the smile on his face reads youre so weird as opposed to Im so stupidly in love with


Valentines Day, Hoseok proclaims, going up to Jungkook and closing his laptop. Jungkook
glares at him venomously.

Youre gonna ruin my train of thought, he says.

Hoseok rolls his eyes. Youre always typing stuff on your laptop. What are you even doing?
Dude, youre at work, Hoseok points out, gesturing to the mostly empty diner around them.
Hoseok sighs. He shouldnt have expected a different answer; Jungkook never gives him a
straight reply. Anyway, its Valentines Day tomorrow.
So you should confe--
Its Valentines Day tomorrow! a voice echoes enthusiastically, and Jungkook and Hoseok
jump in shock. Taehyung comes bounding into the diner, arm linked with Jimins, smiling from
ear-to-ear like he usually is. Got any plans, Jungkookie? How bout you, Hoseok?
No plans, Jungkook responds, tone deadpan, and Hoseok glares at him.
Me neither, Hoseok says in turn.
Single forever! Taehyung exclaims, sounding way too happy about that notion. Bachelors till
the day we die!
Id rather not die alone, thanks, Hoseok says, laughing. He gets up, grabbing his mini notebook
and a pencil. You guys wanna get a table? Ill be your waiter.
God yes, Im starving, Jimin breathes, following after Hoseok to a table next to the window.
Jungkook looks up when Taehyung slides into the seat across from him.
What? he asks.
What? Taehyung counters.
Arent you gonna sit with Jimin?
Well if you want me to leave so badly--
No! Jungkook responds a bit too quickly. Taehyung merely smiles.
Alright. Then Ill stay and chat for a bit. He spreads his arms across the table, stretching. His
tongue darts out to lick at his lips absentmindedly and a thought lights up in Jungkooks mind.
Hey, can I ask you something?
You just did.
Jungkook stares at him pointedly and Taehyung laughs.
Yeah, what?
Do you Jungkook pauses, thinks of how to word it. Do you remember on the first day of

school...There was this guy in the elevator.

Taehyung blinks. Huh?
He mightve said something really weirdand then he mightve run out of the elevator really fast
and never gone on it again after that because he was paranoid
Wait Taehyungs mouth twitches up into a grin. Wait, are you saying that youre the Imdown-to-fuck-my-tongue guy?
Jungkook laughs a little. Yeah, thats what Im saying.
Dude. Taehyung tips his head back and cackles. Dude! Thats awesome, oh my god. Youre
the Im-down-to-fuck-my-tongue guy and sexy roleplay Omegle guy. Amazing.
Im gonna go tell Jimin. Taehyung gets up and hurries over to his friend, just as Hoseok makes
his way back to Jungkook.
Its Valentines Day tomorrow, Hoseok starts again, just as Jimin yells, "You used my name for
a sex roleplay with a stranger on Omegle?"
"What the..." Hoseok shakes his attention away from the third-years and drops his voice to a harsh
whisper. "Jungkook, it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. So go confess."
Jungkook groans.
I'm being serious.
I will! he says. Just...not yet. Later. When Hoseok gives him a pointed look, Jungkook
scowls. I know what Im doing. Its fine.
He has no idea what hes doing.


Its April, and Jungkook and Taehyung spend so much time together that Jimin starts to get
I feel like my best bro is leaving me, Jimin complains one night, as he and Taehyung sit on the
couch, watching a movie. I feel replaced. He frowns when Taehyung doesnt respond. Tell me
you love me~ he whines, shaking his friends arm.
What? The orange-haired boy looks up from his phone. Theres a wide smile across his face
and Jimin raises his eyebrows.
What are you smiling at?
Jungkookie sent me a dubsmash video, he says, holding up his phone to show Jimin. Isnt he
Jimin stares at the video of the freshman moving his mouth to the sound of a chicken clucking and

he sighs.
You two are so weird. Jimin shakes his head. I still cant believe he was sexy roleplay Omegle
Must be fate, Taehyung muses.
Must be fate, Jimin agrees.


Taehyung looks up from his manga when Jungkooks phone rings.

Your phone! he calls from where hes sitting, back against the side of Jungkooks bed. Its
Seokjin-hyung. Want me to answer it for you?
Put it on speaker, Jungkook says, flipping a page in his economics textbook.
Jungkook~ Seokjin says, voice thin on the speaker of the phone. Wanna come to Japan with
me and Hoseok next week? He can hear Hoseok in the background chanting, Japan! Japan!
Jungkook pauses his reading. Next week?
Yeah, your exams will be over by then, right? Lets start summer vacation in Okinawa!
Oh. He looks over to Taehyung, who had resumed to his reading, not paying attention. Sounds
fun, hyung, but
I promised Tae Id hang out with him.
Theres silence on the other end. Then, Wow. Okay, youre lame. Bye. Theres a beep as
Seokjin hangs up.
You couldve gone, you know, Taehyung comments, turning a page. I dont mind.
Id rather stay here with you, Jungkook answers without thinking. His face flushes and he looks
away from the boy sitting on the floor. I dont like planes anyway. Thats a lie.
Taehyung smiles up at him and Jungkooks heart still flips like it did on the first day of school.
I really have to confess, he thinks. But seeing Taehyung casually reading Naruto in his room
makes him way too afraid to ruin what they already have.
Maybe I should just come with you on your next vacation, Taehyung suggests nonchalantly.
The thought makes Jungkook giddy. Maybe you should.
I definitely should.


Are you and Jungkook dating? Jimin asks one day, as he and Taehyung sit in the library.
Theyve officially started their fourth and final year of university, yet theyre still as poor and
clueless as they were when they started.
What? Taehyung looks up from his neuroscience textbook, eyebrows furrowed.
Are you and Jungkook dating? he repeats.
No? Taehyung frowns. Why do you ask?
Jimin shrugs. I dunno. He never calls you hyung, so I thought you guys were dating or
Oh. Well, were just friends.
It looks like Jimin wants to say more, but he doesnt. Instead, he just goes, okay, and turns back
to his book.
Taehyung tries to go back to studying too, but he suddenly cant focus on any of the words on the


Are you sure you dont wanna come? Hoseok asks, striding into Jungkooks room. Its
Seokjin-hyungs party and its Halloween night, cmon~
Jungkook waves him away. Im busy, he says, as he types away on his laptop.
Hoseok frowns. Youre always busy nowadays. Its either youre hanging out with Taehyung or
youre doing something on your laptop.
You gonna tell me what youre doing on your laptop?
Hoseok huffs. Alright, suit yourself. He starts to walk out of Jungkooks room, but he peeks his
head back in and says, Youre gonna miss out though. I heard that Jimins dressing up as a
Jungkook grimaces. Why would I want to see that?
Namjoons dressing up as someone from Sailor Moon.
Jungkook raises his eyebrows. The DJ? What the hell?
Hoseok shrugs. I dunno. I think Seokjin-hyung made him do it. Their relationship is kinda

sketchy, to be honest.
Him and Seokjin-hyung? Relationship? Really? Jungkook frowns. Isnt that Namjoon guy all
deep and philosophical, like work hard for your dream, its not called success if you ride on
someone elses coattails or whatever?
Yea--oohhhh. Hoseok gives Jungkook a knowing look. Is that why Seokjin-hyung is working
at the diner? To make his own money instead of counting on his parents or his looks?
Thats cute. Hoseok grins and then his expression contorts into a pleading one. But are you
coming to the party?
Jungkook looks down at the document he has open on his laptop. He had writers block for the
majority of last month, and he really doesnt want to mess up the creative vibe he has going on.
He only has a few lines left, but he has to make them perfect.
Im really not a party-per-- he begins, but he gets cut off by a loud pounding on the door and
Hoseok jumps, surprised. He goes over to answer the door, Jungkook getting off the bed and
following at his heels.
Hoseok swings the door open, revealing the smiling figure of Kim Taehyung.
Hey, Jungkook says, pushing passed Hoseok at the sight of the orange-haired senior. What are
you--oh my god, Kim Taehyung, oh my god what the fuck, oh my god.
Hoseok is cackling, doubled-over in laughter. Dude! I love your costume. Absolutely incredible.
Jungkook, dont you think its incredible?
The black-haired boy is torn between covering his eyes and staring because Taehyung is dressed
up as fucking Adam--as in Adam from the bible--and he is looking anything but holy. Taehyung is
completely and utterly naked, save for the fake leaves covering up his genitals and the coat that
hangs loosely around his shoulders. The coat is so big on him that Taehyung is practically
swimming in it, and Jungkook would think that hes absolutely adorable if not for the fact that hes
not wearing any goddamn clothes.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, Jungkook repeats in his mind like a mantra, not sure
where to put his eyes. What the fuck!?
I--I think youre gonna get cold, he finally manages to choke out, and Taehyung laughs.
Thats why I have a coat.
Adam doesnt wear a coat.
Technically, Adam doesnt wear leaves over his crotch either. Should I take that off too?
No! Oh my god, what the fuck. Jungkooks face is flaming. Close up your jacket, Jesus Christ.
Only because you said please. Taehyung buttons it up, long fingers moving deftly, and
Jungkook feels like he can breathe easier.

So Im guessing youre going to the party? Hoseok says, after hes finished laughing. Jungkook
thinks that hes laughing more at his reaction rather than Taehyungs costume, and he feels
embarrassed beyond belief. Taehyung really has no shame at all.
Yeah, I was, Taehyung replies. Was. You're not a party-person right? I was just gonna hang
out here.
With clothes? Jungkook squeaks out.
Taehyung giggles. Yes, with clothes, he says, turning so Jungkook could see the bag on his
back. I just wanted to see your reaction. He grins. Im satisfied.
Youre ridiculous. Why do I even like you?
Hoseok shakes his head incredulously. Well, whatever. You two have fun. See ya guys after the
And then hes off, leaving Jungkook and a half-naked Taehyung at his doorstep.


So whatcha doin? Taehyung asks, as he pulls on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He sits next
to Jungkook whos on his bed, laptop in lap.
Taehyungs face lights up. Whoa, really? Can I read it?
Jungkook flushes. I dunno
Taehyung blinks up at him, gives Jungkook his best puppy-dog look, and the younger caves
Im...its not good, he says quickly. Im an amateur, I dont really...know what Im doingand
I still have a couple of lines to do and... He looks away awkwardly. This is kinda
More embarrassing than me showing up at your door, naked with plastic leaves over my dick?
Jungkook grumbles incoherently and Taehyung grins. He takes the laptop from Jungkooks lap.
Its long, he notes. How long have you been working on this?
Since...since the first day you took the stairs. You--you said I should, so...
Taehyung stares at him, apparently surprised.
What? Jungkook asks.
Taehyung smiles and ruffles his hair affectionately. Nothin. Its just that no one really listens to
me--you know how everyone says that I think of weird things. I was just kinda shocked.
I listen to you, Jungkook mumbles quietly, leaning into Taehyungs hand without meaning to.

I know you do. Taehyung pulls his hand away and Jungkook snaps back to his senses. Im
gonna read the whole thing, okay?
All of it?
All of it. He scrolls to the top of the document. I read slow, so get comfy.
Jungkook nods and lays down. I hope you like it.
Im one million percent sure that I will, Kookie. He pauses. No, two million percent sure. An
infinity percent sure. An infinity and one percent sure.
Jungkook laughs, chest feeling warm. He can feel Taehyung smiling at him and he looks up.
Maybe you should take a nap or something, Taehyung suggests.
Maybe I should. Jungkook looks away from him, eyes going down to stare at Taehyungs hand.
He wants to hold it, but he restrains himself. Will you still be here when I wake up?
He doesnt know why it matters, whether Taehyung leaves or if he stays, and he says it so quietly
that he isnt sure Taehyung even hears him in the first place. When he doesnt get a reply, he
figures that he didnt.
And its only when Jungkooks breathing becomes consistent and deep, his eyes closed, body
curled up innocently against Taehyungs side, does the orange-haired boy respond.
Ill always be here.


Jungkook wakes up to something heavy on his stomach and the sound of sniffling.
He blinks, rubbing sleep out of his eyes with a closed fist, and his vision clears enough for him to
realize that Taehyung is fucking straddling him.
And hes...crying?
Tae, what are you doing? he croaks out, voice hoarse. He shifts a little, but Taehyungs weight
pins him to the bed and his mind is starting to short circuit. Why are you...on me? And why the
hell are you crying?
I hate you, he whispers.
Jungkooks throat closes up. What?
Taehyung points angrily at the laptop that he had placed on Jungkooks nightstand. What the
fuck was that?
Huh? Jungkook goes to sit up, and Taehyung slides off of him to sit cross-legged at the end of
the bed, wiping at the tears on his cheek.
It started off all funny and nice and then it tore out my fucking heartstrings, Jeon Jungkook what

the fuck.
It was so good, Taehyung says, still wiping at his eyes. Look at me, sobbing like a baby. Oh
my god, that was so beautiful. You called yourself an amateur? This is amazing. I dont even--I
have no words. Im dead. Ive died and gone to heaven.
Youll probably go to hell for that unholy costume of yours.
Fine. Ive died and gone to hell, he says, laugh sounding congested and stuffy. "God, I hate
you. I can't believe you wrote that."
" think it's good?"
"Good?" Taehyung gives him an incredulous look. "It's all kinds of fucking awesome, Jungkook!
You have to send this into...into wherever people send scripts. This is phenomenal, I swear."
Jungkook sits up and leans against the wall. His smile spreads impossibly wider when Taehyung
continues to chatter on about the script, about the complexity of the characters, their development,
the uniqueness of the plot and the "fucking incredible plot-twist, holy shit!"
"Can I tell you my theory about the church bells?" Taehyung asks, practically shaking with
energy. "I'm gonna tell you even if you say no. Okay, so you know how the main guy Taekwon
first hears the bells when he wakes up from his coma? But they technically weren't real bells
because they were from the TV, right? Okay, so I think it symbolizes his--are you okay?"
Jungkook looks at him. "Huh?"
"You...look like you're gonna cry."
"What?" Jungkook brings up a hand to rub at his eyes, realizing that there are, in fact, tears.
"Whoa. What the hell?"
"Are you okay?" Taehyung repeats, shuffling forwards on the bed. He extends a hand to touch
Jungkook's face and his fingers are calloused but gentle, wiping away a tear that managed to
escape. "What's up?"
Jungkook swats his hand away impulsively and he regrets it right after. He misses the warmth of
Taehyung's hand and he wonders why he just can't accept it when people start being affectionate
to him.
"Nothing, sorry. I'm sorry." Jungkook presses the heels of his palms into his eyes and takes a
breath. "Sorry," he reiterates. "I dunno why...I don't know..."
Taehyung smiles at him, but it's different this time. Jungkook thinks it's...softer. Not excited and
over-exuberant like it usually is, but more genuine. Intimate. Something that only Jungkook has
"Happy tears," Taehyung says. Despite Jungkook pushing him away earlier, he brings his hand
back up to brush at his cheek again. "Maybe you're just really happy."
"I guess."
"You're really happy that I like your script."

Taehyung stares right into his eyes then. He does that often--keeping eye-contact with that intense
gaze of his. Jungkook always thinks that Taehyung can see right through him, and what the senior
says next makes him think that he really can.
"Do you like someone?"
Taehyung shrugs innocently. "The one-sided love in the script is really...realistic. I could really
feel it, ya know? So I was just wondering if you like someone."
Jungkook's mouth is dry and he can hear his heart pounding in his ears. ""
There it is again--that genuine, intimate smile that Jungkook thinks only he has seen.
"Are you gonna confess to them?"
He pauses. "I don't know," he admits.
"Maybe you should."
Jungkook laughs weakly. "Maybe I should." He swallows awkwardly. " like someone?"
Taehyung looks away from him then. "Yeah."
Jungkook feels a stone drop into his stomach. "Oh."
"I mean, I might. I think so. I don't really know."
Jungkook frowns. " do you not know if you like someone?"
He shrugs again. "I dunno. I've never really..."
"You haven't liked someone before?" Jungkook's surprised.
Taehyung smiles and doesn't answer him. Instead, he repeats, "Maybe you should confess."
Jungkook scoffs. "I don't know," he says again. "Maybe you should confess."
"Maybe I should."
Jungkook doesn't really like that idea. "Maybe I should," he counters stupidly.
"You definitely should."
"You definitely should."
"So you should."
"Maybe I should."
"So are you gonna confess?"
"," Jungkook mumbles.
"Huh." Taehyung leans back on his hands. "Then I won't either."

Jungkook doesn't know how to respond to that. Luckily he doesn't have to, because Taehyung
suddenly does an absolutely terrible sommersault off of Jungkook's bed, landing in a giggling
heap on the floor.
"Let's make some pancakes!" he exclaims, jumping to his feet. His usual smile is back--excited
and exuberant, the kind he shows to everyone.
It feels like Jungkook was just slapped in the face with how fast Taehyung switched topics.
"Pancakes!" He does a weird little dance and then runs out of Jungkook's bedroom, singing some
SNSD song as he goes.
Jungkook shakes his head and gets up. He checks the alarm clock on the nightstand and his eyes
"You wanna make pancakes at two in the morning?"
"What better time is there?" Taehyung retorts, the clanging of pans punctuating his words.
Jungkook laughs as he joins him in the kitchen. "There's no better time," he says, grabbing the bag
of flour from the cupboard.
As long as it's with you, any time is perfect.


What the hell! Hoseok exclaims as he gets hit by a red shell, courtesy of Jungkook. I was in
first place, you dick. He scowls. Since when did you get so good at Mario Kart?
Taehyung plays it all the time, Jungkook says, grinning as he wins the race.
Figures, Hoseok mumbles, getting up and going towards the kitchen of their dorm. Wanna
drink? Up for some hot chocolate?
Theres no more hot chocolate, the younger replies casually, as he exits out of the game and
turns off the Wii.
What? Why not? Hoseok frowns. Didnt we buy some last week?
Taehyung had the bright idea of making waffles with all the hot chocolate powder, Jungkook
explains, waving a dismissive hand.
Wait...its you two who set off the fire-alarm at three AM two days ago, wasnt it? the brownhaired boy states. When Jungkook just shrugs, he groans. You dicks. You told me it was that girl
down the hall. Ive been knocking on her door and then running away before she could answer
just to piss her off, oh my god.
You were studying for your midterms and we didnt want you to kick us out, he defends.
Kookie, Hoseok begins, expression suddenly melancholy. When did me become us to

Whenever you talk about yourself, Taehyung always makes his way into the conversation, he
Oh. He blushes. I didnt...I dont mean to do that.
I know you dont. Hoseok goes over to him, forgetting about the drinks. Did you confess to
him yet?
Jungkook holds back a sigh. No, he murmurs.
Youve got to do it soon, Jungkook, Hoseok says, and he sounds like a concerned mother. Did
you even tell him that youre leaving?
Jungkook shifts around awkwardly. No, he says again.
Hoseok sighs. You guys are together almost every single day, he sleeps over here all the time-wait, does he sleep in your bed with you?
The younger coughs. He...I offered to go on the couch, but he says it gets really cold and he likes
to cuddle.
For Gods sake. Hoseok shakes his head. You guys are practically dating. He gives Jungkook
a look. You have to tell him, man. Confess. And tell him about...leaving.
I will, Jungkook assures him. Soon.


Its exactly one year after (properly) meeting each other, and they spend it at Seokjins house at
yet another one of his parties. Theyre in the kitchen, much like last year, eating all of Seokjins
fruit and telling stories.
Taehyung hands Jungkook a bottle of beer. Cheers! he exclaims, clinking his bottle against
Jungkooks. Its our one year anniversary!
The younger glares at him playfully, but his stomach twists. You make it sound like were
married, Tae.
Taehyung laughs. Oh yeah, did I ever tell you about how Jimin thought we were dating?
His heart skips a beat. He clears his throat awkwardly. No, you didnt. What...what did you tell
Taehyung gives him a weird look. Hm? What do you mean? Of course I told him that we
Past tense, Jungkook points out.
Arent. Present tense, Taehyung corrects himself. Of course I told him that we arent.

Of course. Jungkook laughs weakly.

No homo, all the bromo, Taehyung proclaims and Jungkook snorts, giving him a fond smile.
Its weird, Jungkook says.
Huh? The orange-haired boy stares at him questioningly.
Us. Were weird, Jungkook elaborates. Theres a bit of deja vu about this moment, and he
vaguely remembers having this conversation, but in reverse. He wonders how much Taehyung
has rubbed off on him in the year theyve been together. Or maybe its just me.
I think its just us, Taehyung says, and Hoseoks words ring in Jungkooks ears.
When did me become us to you? Jungkook wants to ask.
He doesnt.
But whats weird? Taehyung presses on.
Were in the kitchen eating grapes and everyone else is dancing, Jungkook points out. He adds
a silent or making out at the end of it. Guess which one I wanna do.
Taehyung hums, thinking. Then he asks, Wanna dance?
Jungkooks heart thuds at the offer and he immediately blurts, No. He curses inwardly.
Yeah, I knew youd say that, Taehyung says. You dont like dancing with a bunch of
strangers. He pauses. Maybe we should get out of here and have a dance party just for us.
The suggestion has Jungkook reeling. Just for us? he thinks. As in, just us two? Alone?
Its not like hes nervous about being alone with Taehyung. Hell, theyve become so close that not
being with Taehyung makes him feel like somethings missing and being alone with him is as
natural as breathing.
But tonights the night that Jungkook decided to tell him.
Maybe we should, Jungkook responds.
Taehyung meets his eyes and smiles. We definitely should.


They trudge through the snow with heavy boots and long scarves wrapped tightly around their
necks. Taehyung thinks Jungkook looks absolutely adorable in his big puffy jacket and beanie,
and he stares at him in adoration as his nose starts to turn red.
Youre like Rudolph, Taehyung comments and Jungkook glares at him.
Where are we going, anyway? Jungkook asks.
Theyre off of campus now. The streets are dark and its cold, but the way Taehyung keeps

looking at him makes Jungkook feel warm.

Wherever our feet take us, Taehyung replies dramatically.
Jungkook just smiles.
They walk for what feels like ages, talking about nothing and everything. Taehyung slips on ice
twice in the span of three minutes, successfully dragging Jungkook down the second time. They
end up having an impromptu snowball fight too, snow ending up down Jungkooks jacket and in
Taehyungs hair. Their laughs are loud and irrepressible, their breaths heavy and panting, visible
against the winter air.
This is cheating! Taehyung shrieks out as Jungkook lifts him up and throws him into a pile of
snow. Theyve stopped at an old playground where two swings are rocking gently in the wind,
pieces of red underneath the white of the snow barely noticeable on the plastic slide.
Hows that cheating? Jungkook puffs out, grinning. Not my fault Im stronger than you.
Taehyung pouts and holds out an arm. Jungkook rolls his eyes and grabs his hand to help him up,
but Taehyung pulls him down with him instead. He hits the snow with a soft thud and he scowls.
Asshole, he murmurs.
Love you too, Kookie, Taehyung laughs.
The words make Jungkook gulp and butterflies start up in his stomach again. He wonders if he
should get up, because hes scared that Taehyung will hear his heartbeat if he lays so close, but he
doesnt move. Taehyung doesnt move either, and so they lay there in the snow, gazing up at the
Im gonna miss you, Tae, Jungkook whispers, half hoping that he doesnt get heard, but of
course he does, because Taehyung hears every single word Jungkook says. He hears every single
word he doesnt say too, except for the most important ones, it seems.
Taehyung sits up and looks down at him. What?
Im gonna miss you, he repeats quietly.
The orange-haired boy looks concerned. Why? Where are you going?
Jungkook forces a smile. America.
What!? Taehyung shouts, eyes wide. Youre...what? Are you serious? If youre fucking with
me, Im shoving an entire snowball into your mouth, Im not even joking.
He shakes his head and Taehyung looks like he just got slapped in the face. His shoulders slump
and he lays back down beside Jungkook.
Why? he asks, voice strained.
You know how I told you that my mom was sick? When he nods, his head making a crunching
sound against the thick snow, Jungkook continues. Its...I never went into details about her with
anyone, so youre one of the first to know, but shes...really sick. And apparently theres this
specialist in America that can help her. The survival rate isnt that high...its only forty percent, know. Its better than nothing.

Oh, Jungkook. Im so sorry. Taehyung grabs the others hand. Their gloved fingers intertwine
naturally and Jungkooks mind is swirling with thoughts; his mom, moving to another continent,
and Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung. Im so sorry.
Jungkook wants to cry. Yeah.
Taehyungs grip on his hand tightens. Im...Im gonna miss you too, he whispers. How long
are you gonna be gone?
I dont know. A while, probably. Jungkook turns his head to the side to face Taehyung and his
breath catches in his throat when they end up centimetres apart. He can count the number of
eyelashes Taehyung has when theyre this close, can see the snowflakes that stick to his
eyebrows. He doesnt turn away and neither does Taehyung.
Are you gonna come back? Taehyung asks, breath warm against Jungkooks cheek. His voice
comes out low and scratchy and the younger wonders if hes trying not to cry too.
I dont know, he admits. I want to. I hope so.
I hope so too.
Theres no better time than now to confess, Jungkook thinks. He takes a deep breath.
Taehyung, I--
A stone lodges in Jungkook's throat. What?
Taehyung closes his eyes and presses their foreheads together. Dont," he repeats.
Dont what? You dont even know what Im going to say, Jungkook retorts hotly.
Yes I do. Taehyung sighs and all Jungkook wants to do is close the rest of the space between
them and kiss him, but Taehyungs words are scaring him. I know.
No you dont. You dont know anything, Jungkook says. This entire time, Ive--
Jungkook! Taehyung shouts, and it shuts him up effectively. I know. I know. Just dont say it.
He feels frustrated and confused and now he really wants to cry and Jungkook cant bare to look
at him anymore. He sits up and stares up at the dark sky thats a thousand times more peaceful
than the painful riot going on in his heart. He forces his tears back and his throat feels tight,
burning each time he takes a breath.
Why not? he demands, tone harsh. Why cant I say it?
Because youre gonna say it like its the last time you ever will, Taehyung mumbles. I dont
want it to be the last time. Were gonna see each other again, after you come back from America,
and then you can say it.
Jungkook sighs, exasperated. Taehyung, I dont even know if Im coming ba--
No, he cuts in. You are. Or Im--Im going there, or well meet somewhere in the middle or
something, I dont fucking know, but were going to see each other again so dont you fucking tell
me anything and just wait until...wait until Im an actor. Ill be an actor and Ill travel the world

me anything and just wait until...wait until Im an actor. Ill be an actor and Ill travel the world
and if youre still stuck in America, Im going to come get you. His words turn into a choked slur
at the end and Jungkook thinks hes crying. Hes too scared to look.
Im being serious, he remarks, sitting up beside Jungkook. Look at me, Kookie. Im wearing
my serious face. He says it so lightheartedly that Jungkook actually dares to take a glance, and
the moment he turns his head to face him, Taehyung presses a kiss onto his forehead.
Youre ridiculous, Jungkook mutters, but he knows for a fact that he probably looks like a
I know, Taehyung says, wrapping an arm around Jungkooks shoulders. I know. Theres a
double-meaning behind his words and Jungkook sighs, melting into the elders embrace.
Are you gonna wait for me? he asks quietly.
Of course I will, Taehyung assures him, and Jungkook rests his head on his shoulder. "I
A few moments of silence pass. Then: Tae?
I think...maybe you should kiss me.
Maybe I should.
You definitely should.


Aww, if it isnt our little movie star, Jimin says, clapping dramatically as Taehyung enters his
apartment. I thought youd have already forgotten about us measly, unworthy peasants.
Youre my favourite measly, unworthy peasant, Jiminie, Taehyung jokes, going up to his best
friend and enveloping him in a hug. He pulls back quickly, staring in astonishment. Holy shit,
whats with all this muscle? Where is squishy Park Jimin? Did you eat him and turn his bones into
a six pack?
Jimin giggles. Im a dance teacher, remember? I gotta keep fit. He flexes his biceps for
Hes almost as bad as Seokjin-hyung, Hoseok notes, trailing in from behind Taehyung.
Okay, thats offensive, Jimin says, pouting. Seokjin-hyung is a narcissist.
Excuse me, but have you seen your own Instagram? Seokjin comes in right after Hoseok,
designer sunglasses perched neatly on his nose. He closes the door behind him. All you have are
shirtless pics of your abs and you smirking like a complete asshole.
Taehyung scoffs. Hyung, youre literally an underwear model. You do that for a living."

Seokjin dismisses this fact breezily and sits back on Jimins couch.
Man, I missed you guys a lot, Hoseok notes, sitting beside Seokjin as Taehyung helps Jimin
bring out the snacks. I havent seen any of you in ages.
You see me every day, Taehyung points out as he places a bowl of chips on the table.
Im your manager so it doesnt count, Hoseok says. I missed Jimin.
Seokjin raises his eyebrows.
And sometimes Seokjin-hyung.
I gave you free underwear, Jung Hoseok. Those were Armani.
Yes yes, thank you, I love you, Hoseok states flatly, reaching over to pick up a Dorito. When
Seokjin slaps his leg, he laughs. Im kidding, dont worry hyung. How could I not miss the guy I
got high with every Saturday night during college?
Seokjin sighs as he remembers. We had so much weed.
Jimin rolls his eyes as he brings over a pack of coca-cola. Are you guys done reminiscing about
being high or? When Hoseok throws a pillow at him, he catches it and laughs. What movie do
you guys wanna watch?
I vote for Hold Me Tight, Seokjin says, raising a hand.
Taehyung groans. Hyung, please. You know I hate watching movies where Im the main
character. Its boring.
Aw, cmon, he whines. Its the movie that turned you into a star overnight. It's good.
Doesn't Tae have a bed scene in that? Jimin recalls. When Taehyung says yes, he grimaces.
Yeah, lets not watch Taehyungie getting all hot and heavy on my TV. Lets watch something
Avengers! Hoseok shouts excitedly.
Avengers! Jungkook yelled, tugging Taehyung down onto the couch beside him. Come on,
watch it with me!"
We watched this movie, like, fifty times, Taehyung complained. To be honest, he didnt really
mind. How could he, when Jungkook was pouting so cutely in front of him?
Fifty times is not enough, Jungkook deadpanned, as Taehyung flopped onto the couch. He
rested his head onto the younger boys lap, pretended he didnt notice the way the younger's
muscles locked up. You know theres plenty of room on the couch, right?
Your thigh is comfy.
Youre ridiculous.
I know. Taehyung groaned when Jungkook clicked on Avengers. Cmon, lets watch
something else. Spider-Man. The Incredible Hulk. Up.
I am not watching Up with you again, oh my God. Taehyung could feel the warmth of
Jungkooks hand hovering just over his side, as if he were contemplating on whether or not it

would be okay for him to put it there. You cried so hard the first ten minutes.
It was an emotional movie, and I am an emotional man, Taehyung defended. Why are you so
obsessed with Avengers anyway?
Its good, Jungkook answered easily. Besides, Iron Man is great in this one.
Youre so obsessed with Iron Man. It sounded like a complaint, and Jungkook raised his
eyebrows at him, smirking slightly.
You jealous? he quipped jokingly.
Of a superhero billionaire who saves the world? Of course not, Taehyung responded
sarcastically. If you had to choose: me or Iron Man?
Jungkook laughed, slapping Taehyung on the shoulder. What kind of dumb question is that?
Just answer it!
It took him a full fifteen seconds to respond. Obviously you, he said finally. Youre real. Why
would I choose a character out of a comic book over a real human being?
Taehyung flipped so hed be laying on his back and hits Jungkook lightly on the underside of his
chin. Because Iron Man is super cool and Im ridiculous and weird.
I like ridiculous and weird. Jungkook cleared his throat awkwardly, Taehyung grinning when
he saw the pink at the tips of his ears. I mean--
Good, Taehyung interjected, cutting off Jungkooks flustered excuse for...whatever he was
trying to cover up. You should like me better than Iron Man anyway.
Should I?
You definitely should.
Tae? Jimin asks, snapping his fingers in front of his face. You good with Avengers or what?
Huh? The actor gives himself a shake. Yeah, sorry. I just...zoned out.
Jimin shrugs and puts the movie on.
Theyre at the part where Black Widow is talking to Loki in the prison cell thing when Hoseoks
phone goes off, causing everyone to jump.
Who is it? Taehyung asks. He cant see the number from where hes sitting beside Jimin,
Hoseok on the other side, and he looks at his manager curiously.
I dunno, he says. Unknown number. Maybe someones offering you a role; I better take this.
He gets up and is making his way to the kitchen for some privacy, but he abruptly freezes right in
front of the TV.
Outta the way, Seokjin whines, but the look on Hoseoks face has him pausing. What is it?
Hoseok holds a finger up to his mouth and Jimin goes to pause the movie.
Oh, yeah, okay, Hoseok says into the receiver, nodding even though the person on the other
end of the line cant see him. Ill tell him. Send over the script when it's done so he can look it

over. Okay, thank you. Yes. Thank you very much. Okay, bye.
Who was it? Taehyung questions. His voice is nonchalant as he takes a sip of his Coke, but
everyone else in the room knows what hes really thinking. was just some Japanese director, he replies. Sorry. For a second I thought he sounded
Whatre you saying sorry for? Taehyung muses, but the dejection in his voice is evident. I just
got offered a role! By a Japanese director! He grins. It better not be some weird rated R thing or
Hoseok laughs as he sits back down. Im sure its not anything too weird, Taehyung.
Thats what you said about Jump, but I ended up doing some really weird shit, man. Weird for
me, and thats saying something. I didnt even know my leg could bend that--
Okay! Lets turn the movie back on, Jimin says quickly, and Seokjin laughs as he unpauses it.
Hoseok still looks a little guilty and he turns to Taehyung to give him a sheepish grin. Sorry, he
repeats quietly. I really...I just really thought it was him for a second.
Taehyung smiles. Its okay. Im okay.
Hes not okay.


Its been almost five years since Taehyungs last seen Jungkook. Four years since they had their
last Skype call--it was difficult picking a time when Taehyung wasnt looking for work or
Jungkook didnt have to study (plus the time difference). Its been two years since theyve had any
sort of contact at all, because Jungkook stopped replying to any of his texts, phone calls, messages
and letters without an explanation. Its been one year since Taehyung gave up on sending him
anything, feeling rejected and forgotten.
And its in December, when the snow is falling and the air is cold, that Taehyung misses
Jungkook the most.
On days like this, he goes on Omegle.
Its stupid, he knows--hes turning twenty-seven in about a few weeks and hes going on fucking
Omegle, but he doesnt care.
Tae~ Jimin sings as he lets himself into Taehyungs suite. I brought you some of my moms
barbecue because I know how much you like it. He sees Taehyung at the dining table, hunched
over his laptop and he sighs. Tae, what are you doing?
I wasnt aware that that was a word.
It is now, Taehyung replies without missing a beat. Im going on spy mode this time. What

question should I ask?

Ooh, fun. Jimin puts the container of barbecue onto the kitchen table and runs over to him. He
pulls over a chair, staring down at the screen. Ask if they were alive when minions were a big
Okay. Taehyung types it in, a childish grin pulling at his lips as he presses enter. Two strangers
connect to each other immediately.
Stranger 1: whats a minion
Stranger 2: an aboMINATION
Stranger 2 has disconnected
Well. Jimin leans back in his chair. That was anticlimactic.
I think the question was just lame, Taehyung says. You need something to get people thinking.
Like, whats the weirdest thing youve put your dick in?
Tae, I dont think thats-- His friend clicks enter before he can finish his sentence.
Stranger 2: i dont have a dick.
Stranger 1: UR MOM
Stranger 2 has disconnected
Strangers on the internet are rude, Jimin comments.
Taehyung waves a dismissive hand. Its all for good fun, Jiminie. He asks the same question
and waits.
Stranger 1: wtf i just got this question
Stranger 2: i dont have a dick
Stranger 1: neither do i! high 5
Stranger 2: cant we just change it to whats the weirdest thing youve put in your vagina
Stranger 1: oh true
Stranger 1: for me itd prob be
Abort mission, abort mission! Taehyungs wails, escaping out of the question frantically.
Jimin is covering his eyes and whimpering. Just ask a normal question!
Taehyung giggles. Should I ask them to do a sexy roleplay?
At that, Jimin sobers up. He gives his best friend a look and Taehyung knows what it means
immediately. He scoffs, shaking his head.
Cmon Jiminie, not everythings about Jung-- He pauses abruptly, throat constricting at the
name. He coughs and tries again. Not everythings about Jungkook.

Jimin doesnt say anything to that, and Taehyung takes it as permission to go on. He types in do a
sexy roleplay please into the question box and sends it in.
Stranger 2 is typing...
Stranger 1 has disconnected
Wow, lame, Taehyung says, pouting. He asks it again.
Stranger 1: yeaaaahhh baby
Stranger 2 has disconnected
People are no fun! he cries out, sending the question a third time.
Stranger 1:
Stranger 1: i havent gotten this question in like 6 years lol
Stranger 2 has disconnected
Taehyung and Jimin turn to each other with wide eyes.
Thats gotta be a coincidence, right? Taehyung says, laughing lightly. Its four in the afternoon
here so itd be, like, four in the morning in America, right? He wouldnt be on at four AM. Well, I
mean, I guess he could be, but what are the chances of that being Jungkook, am I right? He
laughs again, but Jimin thinks he might be going a bit hysterical. And six is just a random number
hahaha, they were probably just exaggerating anyway. Honestly, what are the chances, right? I
mean, I know I said that before I actually met Jungkook after talking to him on Omegle, but like, I
guess anything is possible. But still, the probability of that actually being Jungkook is really low,
but lifes funny that way, I guess. Still, though, do you think maybe--
Taehyung, Jimin cuts in, putting a hand on his shoulder. Stop.
He takes a deep breath, calms his thoughts. Sorry. Sorry Jiminie, I just thought
Yeah, I know.
I just hoped He frowns, and then mumbles, Its our sixth year anniversary of becoming
friends. I thought a miracle might happen or something.
Jimin pats his head affectionately, like a mother would do to a child. Im sorry, Tae.
Yeah. Thanks Jimin.
No homo, all the bromo, Jimin states proudly.
Taehyung grins.


Hoseok? Im actually right in front of his apartment right now; I can ask him for you, Taehyung

says into his phone.

Awesome! Seokjin exclaims. If he says no, tell him that Ill be forcing him to come anyway.
Talk to you later, Taehyung.
Yup, he responds, before bringing a hand up to knock on Hoseoks door.
It takes a few seconds for Hoseok to answer, and he too has a phone against his ear. He looks a bit
startled to see Taehyung there and he says a quick, Hey, Ill talk to you later, Ive got company,
into his phone and then hangs up.
Who was that? Taehyung asks, walking into Hoseoks place like he lives there.
Just...Yoongi, he replies. He found a video that a fan put up of you singing at some fanmeet
and now he wants to know if you wanna be part of the soundtrack to that Japanese movie I told
you about.
Wait, Min Yoongi from college? Taehyung whistles. Wow, I havent heard from him since
Jimin got into his pants senior year. Isnt he a big shot producer now? And he wants to put me in
the soundtrack? Hoseok nods and Taehyung looks impressed. Thats amazeballs. He takes a
seat at the kitchen table. But I dont even know if I wanna do that Japanese movie though. But
being in a soundtrack does sound pretty cool
Want my opinion? Hoseok asks.
Always. Taehyung holds up a hand. I take that back. Last time when you told me your opinion
on those pants I bought a week ago--
Tae, they were neon orange--
Still, your opinion wasnt necessary then, Taehyung remarks. But it is now. Tell me.
I think you should do it.
Maybe I should, Taehyung notes. In the back of his mind, he can hear Jungkooks voice going,
maybe you should and he finishes the familiar conversation out loud. I definitely should.
Hoseok seems a little surprised that he gave in so easily, but he smiles nonetheless. Great! They
dont exactly know when filming is gonna start though. Theyre thinking of scrapping the script
they have now and writing a new one, but keeping the basic plot the same. I dont really know
whats going on, to be honest...but the directors good, so it seems promising.
Oh, thats fine, Taehyung replies breezily. Seokjin-hyung wanted me to tell you to come to
Okinawa with us next week anyway. Delayed filming is just what we need!


When Taehyung doesnt meet Jimin at his apartment on the morning of their flight like he said he
would, Jimin texts him.
And calls him.

Leaves him an entire slew of impatient messages that progressively get more and more worried
until Jimin opts to go to Taehyungs place instead.
He reaches the top floor of the apartment building and knocks on the penthouse suite urgently.
Taehyung? Taehyung! he scowls and tries to remember the keycode to unlock the door. He
rolls his eyes when he remembers that its just 0000 and lets himself in. Simplicity is best, he
remembers Taehyung saying.
Taehyung, where are you? he calls out, leaving his shoes at the doorway. Tae?
Jimin? his voice is coming from his bedroom and Jimin rushes over.
Tae, what are you doing? Jimin asks, catching sight of his best friend. Taehyungs sitting on the
floor, his phone in hand, eyes red. Are you crying? What happened?
Taehyung sniffles, wiping his nose on his sleeve. Nothin.
Jimin sighs and sits next to him. I know its not nothing. He takes his cellphone out of his hands
and looks at it. Taehyung, I told you to stop looking at pictures of him.
Theyre not pictures, Taehyung snaps, snatching back his phone. Theyre his stupid dubsmash
videos and I just miss his stupid face. But Im so...Im so fucking mad at him at the same time. Its
frustrating. Hes frustrating. Life is frustrating. He wipes aggressively at his tears.
Jimins face softens. He moves closer to him and starts to rub soothing circles on Taehyungs back
with his palm. Hey, its okay, its okay
I said Id become an actor and come find him in America after, Taehyung continues, still crying,
but his voice is stronger now as he lets out his anger. And I really was going to, once I got
enough money. But then he just stopped returning my messages, my letters, my texts...and now I
dont even know where he is and I dont know what the fuck I did and now Im justIm so
stupid, Jimin.
Youre not stupid, Tae.
But I am! he wails. Im so fucking stupid. I shouldve...I dont know. I promised that Id wait
for him, but...I just realized that he never promised to wait for me. What if Im waiting for
nothing? What if hes really never coming back and Ive just wasted years of my life pining over
someone I was in love with in college?
And it hurts every time I remember that night, you know? That night when I told him not to tell
me that he loved me because I was so scared of never seeing him again and I didnt want that to
be the last time he ever said it to me, but fuck Im so stupid. Now Im never going to hear him say
it with his own voice. He sniffles again and looks down at his phone. Look.
Taehyung taps a finger on one of the videos and Jimin stares intently. Its not a weird, animal
voice-over like the ones he usually sees. This time, Jungkook is mouthing over some English song
that Jimin vaguely recognizes.
Im in love with you, and all these little things.
He sent that to me right before he left, Taehyung says. Theres no stopping his tears now and he
doesnt even bother to wipe them away. Because I was stupid and told him not to tell me. So he
did a fucking dubsmash video of it instead. He chokes up again and cries into his sleeve. Oh my
god, Jimin, Im such a mess.

Hey, bro, cmon, he coos gently. Youre a hot mess, thats gotta count for something, he says
and Taehyung giggles through his sobs. Im kidding, actually. You look terrible when you cry.
He pats at Taehyungs head. So stop crying, Tae. Were going to Okinawa today, remember?
I know, he replies, his stuffy nose making his voice thick. I just...while we were in university, I
remember us planning out a vacation. We were gonna go to Okinawa too. Thats why I started
looking over all of our stuff and... He trails off.
Jimin sighs and pulls Taehyung in for a hug. When I see Jeon Jungkook again, Im gonna beat
his ass for making you cry so much.
Taehyung ignores the small twinge of hope he gets when Jimin says when and not if. He laughs
weakly. Ill help.


Ahhh, this is so nice~ Hoseok leans back in his beach chair, angling his head up in order to
soak up the sun.
Mmhmm, Seokjin sounds in agreement. Hes in the chair right next to Hoseok, an umbrella
shielding him from the heat. He sips on a pina colada and exhales dreamily. I wish I lived here.
He sits up a bit and then tilts his sunglasses downwards. Where did Taehyung and Jimin go?
Theyre being five year olds in the water, Hoseok replies, and Seokjin looks out towards the
ocean where, indeed, Taehyung and Jimin were splashing water at each other and giggling like
Its good that hes smiling again, Seokjin says. He scared the crap out of me when he showed
up at the airport, all swollen eyes and stuffy nose. Even my amazing makeup powers wouldnt be
able to fix him up. He turns to Hoseok then, gaze searching. Have you heard from...? He lets
his sentence trail off.
Hoseok nods slightly and Seokjins eyes widen.
Not directly, Hoseok explains quickly. The director for the Japanese movie told me about
Wait, what? He sits up straighter in his chair, astonished. Do you mean...the new writer of the
script is
Yeah. Hoseok grins. Its him. Hes coming to Japan.
Oh my god, Seokjin whispers. Oh my god, Hoseok. Is he coming right now? To Okinawa?
Whatcha guys doing? Taehyung calls out as he bounds over to them, water dripping off his
body. Hes going towards his bag to get his towel when his phone starts to ring. He picks it up
and stares at the unknown number in confusion.
I think hes already here, Hoseok utters under his breath to Seokjin, just as Taehyung answers
the phone.


Hello? he says. this Kim Taehyung?
Taehyungs heart stops. Is he hearing things? He must be hearing things. He hasnt heard from
Jungkook in years, after all; he must be going crazy. This is all just his imagination. Maybe this
happened in a dubsmash video and hes just being delusional.
But when the man on the other line says, Hello? Tae? Taehyung cant deny himself anymore.
Even if this is a hallucination, hes going to get the best out of it.
Of course its him. Taehyung could never forget Jungkooks voice and his throat constricts and it
gets hard to breathe. He whispers, I know.
Im here.
In Okinawa, Jungkook goes on. I became a writer, Tae. I really did it. Im the new writer for
that movie youre going to be in and the director lives here and said he wanted to meet up, said
that he heard from Hoseok that you guys are gonna be here too, so...I came.
Taehyung cant seem to process whats going on. He repeats a weak, What?
Jungkook giggles on the other end of line. Im here, Tae. I'm here. Actually, I think I can see
you. Are you wearing neon pink swimming trunks? Taehyung whirls around on the spot,
searching along the beach for him. Jungkook laughs again. Youre ridiculous.
No ones called Taehyung ridiculous in years.
Where are you? Taehyung asks, and he doesnt even try to hide the desperation in his voice. I
want to see you. Where are you?
To your left, Jungkook replies. On the dock. Do you see me?
Taehyung turns towards the wooden dock and squints, breath held as he searches.
And then he sees him, sitting on the edge of the dock, waving a hand into the air. His hair is
different--brown and neatly styled, not black and messy like it was during college. But even from
far away, Taehyung recognizes his face. The face of the man he fell in love with, all those years
ago. The face of the man he's still in love with, even after all of those years apart. It's the face of
the man he'll be in love with for many more years to come and he can barely believe his eyes.
Oh my god, Taehyung whispers into his phone. Its really you. It's really really you.
Its really really me. Jungkook stops waving and Taehyung watches as the younger gets to his

feet. And I think...maybe I should go over there and tell you how much I still love you.
Taehyung has a watery smile on his face. Maybe you should.
Maybe I should.
You definitely should.
A laugh. I definitely should.

End Notes

this all happened bc i was on omegle one day and ended up having a three hour
conversation with this dude and it started as a stupid-funny sex roleplay (shHHhshHhh
okay shh i know how that sounds), but then we started complaining about school and
stress and it got kinda deep so my friend told me to write a fanfic and wham this happened
anyway: part 2 is in the making so stay tuned and thank you for reading!!! <3
and bc i like to suffer: what happened to namjin? idk. what happened to yoonmin? i also
dont know. how come jimin and hoseok basically have the same personality? lol.
jungkook says he hates parties but he still went to the one on his and tae's "friendship
anniversary" when tbh they couldve just hung out by themselves at his apartment. can you
even switch writers when making a movie? dunno. is there even omegle in korea?
dunno!!! how did tae even get a part in the movie that turned him into a star overnight?
pfftt i dunno!! how did jungkook get in touch with a japanese director and what happened
to his mom??? maybe you'll find out in part 2 lmao.
ok bye

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