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two truths and a lie

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Character: Bangtan Boys Ensemble
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Friends to Lovers, Mutual
Pining, Nude Modeling, Explicit Sexual Content, Bottom Kim Taehyung |
Stats: Published: 2019-07-09 Words: 11506

two truths and a lie

by aeterisks


After unsuccessfully looking for a nude model for weeks for a class project, art student Kim
Taehyung musters up the courage to ask his friend Jeongguk to model for him. It wouldn't
be a problem, if not for the fact that Taehyung has been in love with him for years.


i posted this prompt on twitter a couple of months ago and since a lot of people liked it i
decided to write it even if i initially wasn’t going to. i hope you guys like this lil fic! ♥


See the end of the work for more notes

Two truths and a lie: nude models are impossibly hard to find, despite that Taehyung has been able
to find one after desperately looking for weeks, his sketches of said nude model are due next week.

Unfortunately, it’s the second statement that isn’t true.

Taehyung usually has no trouble getting himself a model for his painting, drawing or photography
assignments. He’s a social butterfly and has a long list of people willing to help. And if not, a quick
ad posted online with the promise of a few bucks per hour has always solved the problem of being
unable to find someone, whenever he’s seen himself in times of need.

That is, until nudity is involved. Now, suddenly everyone refuses.

He’s asked Hoseok, Namjoon and Hyungsik, and they’ve all said no. They’ve all posed for
Taehyung in the past, but none of them feel comfortable with the lack of clothing involved. He’s
even asked Jimin, who declined but for entirely different reasons—his Biochemistry major has him
drowning in assignments and he’s cramming in a lot these days, so he can’t take the liberty of
having an entire afternoon or evening off for Taehyung to use him as his model.

An online ad is definitely not an option right now. Maybe, just like the rest of his friends that
turned down his request, Taehyung is a bit of a prude. He should thicken up with a major like his,
but having to spend half of the day with a naked stranger doesn’t particularly appeal to him. Plus,
the Internet is full of weirdos—he’s sure that a lot of nice, perfectly normal people would be up for
the offer, but knowing him and his luck he would end up with a creep. And this, ending up in a
confined space with a naked stranger who might be a creep, is not a risk he’s willing to take.

Which, in all honesty, leaves Taehyung with one option. An option that he’s had since the very
beginning, but one he’s been avoiding. Someone that he has actually painted and sketched before.
Hell, the person he has sketched the most, he’s sure.

Jeon Jeongguk.

Jeongguk and Taehyung have been close friends for years, ever since Jimin introduced them to
each other. Jeongguk is probably one of the funniest people that Taehyung knows, and the worst
part is that he doesn’t even mean to be—it just comes naturally to him. They have the same sense
of humor and same interests, so when they’re together the laughter never stops and time flies by.

And really, Jeongguk has offered. As soon as he found out that Taehyung was struggling to find
someone, Jeongguk offered to model for him. Taehyung declined the offer, telling Jeongguk he’d
find someone. After a couple of weeks, when Taehyung confessed to him about still not having
someone, Jeongguk offered again. Taehyung said no.

Now, with less than a week to go, Taehyung still has no model and Jeongguk still is offering.
Taehyung should say yes, not only because he and Jeongguk are close and that’d mean less
awkwardness, but also because it’s his best option as of now and he knows Jeongguk is up for it.
But there is one little problem.

Jeongguk is attractive—very attractive. And Taehyung’s dumb ass is stupidly in love with him.

It’d be less awkward than with a stranger, yeah, but it’d also mean Taehyung sporting
embarrassingly red cheeks and a shaky hand as he holds his pencil against the sketchbook. It’d
mean him being too embarrassed to look at Jeongguk and the plains of his abdomen or, much
worse, his dick. Taehyung feels like he would die of embarrassment if he had to not only look at
Jeongguk pose for him naked, but also fucking draw his dick.

Taehyung isn’t shy, really. He’s confident and flirty. He makes guys blush and choke on their
words. He’s used to having control of situations like that; flirty ones where there’s the possibility of
something. But Jeon Jeongguk is his weak spot, the exception to what is usually a walk in the park.
And God, Taehyung knows that there is no way he’d be able to survive that without turning into a
babbling mess, too nervous to even properly look at Jeongguk.

He buries his head into his pillow, drowning out a groan. It’s either his grades or his dignity. Or
even worse—his friendship with Jeongguk, once he realizes Taehyung’s obvious feelings for him
and decides to put distance between them.

It takes him two hours, a cup of instant ramen and a scalding hot shower to convince himself to
stop being a coward and do what he should have done from the beginning—accept Jeongguk’s
help and let him model for him. He’s on his bed, sitting in his bathrobe with his hair still dripping
wet, when he gets his phone and opens up his messages with Jeongguk.

hey gukkie

still up for nude modeling for me?

i need your help :(

Taehyung bites down on his bottom lip and tosses his phone to the other end of his bed, his eyes
still on the screen. It’s after a couple of minutes of intense staring that his screen lights up, phone
vibrating on top of the mattress. Taehyung doesn’t wait one second, and immediately launches
himself forward to check his notifications tab.


When do you wanna meet up?

Taehyung looks down at Jeongguk’s two messages displayed on the screen, tapping on the
notification and letting his thumbs hover over the screen as he thinks of a time to tell Jeongguk. It’s
then that it really hits him—well, that it hits him again. Before this, it was just the possibility of
seeing Jeongguk naked that he was faced with. A chance.

Now, well… He’s already asked. And he can’t cancel on Jeongguk now, much less given the fact
that he has no one else to turn to. This is a last resort, really. There’s no other reason why
Taehyung would end up asking the guy he’s been pining over for years to model naked for him, if
not because he’s desperate and in need of a solution now.

He knows it’s the most reasonable thing to do, but despite that, Taehyung can’t help but feel like
he’s fucked. Completely, royally fucked.

“No offense, but right now you sound like a fifteen-year-old.”

There’s a big and teasing smile plastered on Jimin’s face as he says that, one hand squishing his
cheek as he rests his head against the palm of his hand. With his other hand he holds the phone to
his face, getting himself in the center of the frame and his bed in the background.

Taehyung groans for what feels the millionth time in the last two days. It was yesterday that he
messaged Jeongguk, and tonight they’ll meet to finally get Taehyung’s project out of the way. And
in the last twenty-six hours, approximately, Taehyung feels like all he has done is sigh, groan and
complain to himself. That, and imagine a thousand scenarios of tonight going wrong in his head.
“Jimin! You’re not helping,” Taehyung complains, making Jimin laugh at him. “Be serious. I’m
genuinely worried.”

After Taehyung texted Jimin asking him if they could talk for a bit, Taehyung immediately got a
video call from Jimin. He’s the first, and as far as Taehyung is concerned the only one, to know
about Jeongguk modelling for him. The rest of their friends know about Taehyung needing a
model, as well as Jeongguk offering, but Taehyung hasn’t told anyone that he’s finally accepted
Jeongguk’s help. Maybe Jeongguk did, but if that was the case, it hadn’t reached Jimin yet.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I promise I’m serious,” Jimin replies to him, the smile still dancing on his
lips. “I just—it’s adorable. You seem like a teenager who’s too nervous to talk to his crush.”

“Well, I’m an adult man who is too nervous to look at my crush’s dick and draw it,” he hisses,
trying to keep his voice low. Last thing he needs is to speak too loud and have Yoongi hear all this.
God, he’d make fun of Taehyung for fucking ages.

“I don’t get what the big deal is. You’ve seen cocks before,” Jimin comments, completely missing
the point.

“It’s not just a cock!” Taehyung retorts, choked up. He can’t believe Jimin doesn’t get it. He
should get it, especially since it’s something so stupidly obvious in Taehyung’s mind. “It’s
Jeongguk’s cock. And not just his cock—his entire body. How am I supposed to look at him naked
and keep calm?”

“Because you’re an adult with control of his emotions and reactions,” Jimin points out. Taehyung
huffs—Jimin is right. Is he overreacting? God, he’s probably overreacting. Maybe it’s not that big
of a deal, and he’s just— “Are you worried you’re gonna get hard?”

Jimin’s question not only interrupts Taehyung’s inner monologue, but it brings an intense, burning
flush to his cheeks. His eyes widen dramatically, at the same time he exclaims, “Jimin!” Jimin
bursts into laughter at that, leaning against the backrest of his chair. “I’m not going to get hard,
what the fuck?!”

Taehyung doesn’t know whether it’s his words or how scandalized he sounds by the suggestion,
but something about his reaction makes Jimin laugh. He’s too focused on the image of his best
friend laughing his ass off on the screen of his phone to notice that, standing by the door of his
bedroom and with an empty cup of juice in his hand, is his roommate.

“Do I wanna know?” he hears Yoongi call, startling him. Upon looking over his shoulder,
Taehyung discovers that the door is not closed like he thought it was. Well, that’s just great.

“Nope,” Taehyung replies, moving back from his desk and starting to walk to the door, with the
intention to click it shut. “No, noppity nope.”

“Is this about the nude modelling?” Yoongi asks. Taehyung’s cheeks burn even more. “Because
this morning I talked to Jeongguk. Is this about Jeon—?”

“Yoongi, I’m in the middle of a call!” Taehyung replies, almost tripping over his own feet to get to
the door and pushing it closed. He knows it’s rude of him to close it right under Yoongi’s nose like
that, but he’s embarrassed. And Yoongi knows, too, and it won’t take him much to put two and
two together, especially since he’s more than aware of Taehyung’s thing for Jeongguk. Loud
enough for Yoongi to hear, he adds, “Can’t talk right now. I’ll explain later.”

He hears a faint sound of agreement, and with that he returns back to his desk where his phone is.
He can still hear Jimin laugh, but it takes him a second to see his head at the bottom of the screen,
as he’s folded in two with laughter. Jimin has the habit of laughing with his entire body, which
literally shakes as he cackles, and so only the crown of his head is visible now.

“It’s really not that funny,” Taehyung complains, crossing his arms over his chest. Regardless of
that, a small smile still makes its way to his lips.

“It really is,” Jimin says, straightening himself up again. Ah, there he is. His face, once again.
“Admit it’s funny. You’re a fucking mess, Taehyung.”

Taehyung tries to press his lips into a thin line, but it doesn’t work. Jimin looks at him with a
knowing smile.

“Maybe a little,” Taehyung ends up admitting.

“Maybe a little,” Jimin repeats. He shakes his head, once again laughs and then says, “More like a

Taehyung huffs again, feigning offence. Despite that and his reluctance when it comes to admitting
it, deep down Taehyung knows he’s a mess. A big, big mess.

Taehyung is going to be honest here and admit that there have been moments in his life where he
has imagined Jeongguk standing naked in the middle of his—Taehyung’s—bedroom. More
moments than he’s proud to admit, honestly.

The thing is that, in those moments in Taehyung’s imagination, setting was a bit particular. There
were kisses involved, there were wandering hands, there was messy hair and lips red and swollen.
Taehyung was naked, too—and if there were any garments still on him, they would follow the fate
of Jeongguk’s soon, and end up discarded haphazardly on the floor.

Reality is different now. Jeongguk’s clothes are neatly folded on top of Taehyung’s bed, only his
briefs left on his body. Taehyung is fully clothed, sitting on his chair right across from Jeongguk
with a sketchbook in his hand and some art supplies nearby, ready for the sketching process. And,
the most upsetting part of this cruel reality that Taehyung is faced with is the fact they haven’t
kissed. Nor does it seem like they’re going to kiss anytime soon.

Jeongguk looks a lot more relaxed than Taehyung feels—there’s no tension in his (very naked)
shoulders, and the expression on his face is a calm and neutral one. Content, Taehyung would even
dare say. Of course, Taehyung does his best to try to seem calm, too. He considers himself a quite
decent actor, for sure good enough to hide… this, whatever it is that he’s feeling now.
Nervousness? Shyness? Anticipation? He isn’t sure he can name it. Maybe it’s a mixture of all
three of those.

He doesn’t miss the way that Jeongguk’s thumbs hook over the waistband of his briefs as he asks,
“Should I take these off now, or…?”

He trails off, but the important question has already been asked. Taehyung bites on the insides of
his cheeks and nods, not being able to deny it any longer. He told Jeongguk he could keep his
underwear on while he tried to find the best position to work with the—poor—lighting of his
bedroom, which pales in comparison to the studios that he’s used to working with when in class.

“Yeah, go ahead,” he indicates, getting his sketchbook ready and lowering his gaze to the blank
page. As he does that, from the corner of his eye he can see Jeongguk bending down, taking his
underwear off and picking them up before folding them and letting them rest on top of the rest of
his clothes. Taehyung gives himself a couple of seconds, still staring at the white page fixedly.

And then, he tells himself to be a brave boy and raise his eyes.

Taehyung has seen some of his friends naked before. He has seen Jimin, he has seen Namjoon, he
has seen Yoongi when he forgets he’s done laundry and his towel isn’t in the bathroom, so he has
to walk back naked to his room. Taehyung has been with men, he’s seen them naked, has touched
them naked. But Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi aren’t Jeongguk. The boys he’s been with aren’t

Jeongguk is—well, he’s Jeongguk. He’s Jeongguk, who looks back at Taehyung with big, brown
and expectant eyes. He’s Jeongguk, with the little smile on his face and the loops in his ears.
Jeongguk, with the wavy, dark hair falling in front of his eyes. Jeongguk, and his shoulders that
Taehyung perpetually has one arm hooked around, and his toned chest and dark nipples, and the
defined plains of his abdomen.

And when Taehyung’s eyes reach his navel, he feels his cheeks get a little hotter and prays that
Jeongguk can’t see the blush that now, for sure, is covering his cheeks. He forces himself to look
down, down, down—and God. He didn’t know Jeongguk shaved there.

Jeongguk’s cock is not huge, but certainly is thick enough while soft for Taehyung to be intrigued.
He doesn’t let himself stare for too long, instead quickly letting his eyes shift to Jeongguk’s thighs.
They’re thick and muscled, something that Taehyung already knew from seeing him wear short
sand sometimes tight jeans. From there, Taehyung’s eyes go down to Jeongguk’s knobbly knees,
only to then make their way to his calves and dainty ankles.

“Okay,” he says, both to himself and Jeongguk. “Okay… I have to do some sketches, different
angles and different poses. Let’s start like this—I’ll tell you when to move, okay?”

“That’s fine with me, hyung,” Jeongguk replies. Taehyung bites down on his bottom lip. “Take
your time.”

Once he gets to it, it’s easier than Taehyung anticipated. He is flustered, he won’t deny that.
Jeongguk is someone that he finds himself terribly attracted to, so he can’t help but react like this to
seeing him naked. Despite that, he doesn’t let his attraction cloud his professionalism. He takes a
deep breath and gets to it, focusing on sketching Jeongguk’s body. Maybe when he gets to his
crotch he gets a bit clumsier at first, but then he picks himself back up again. It’s not like they have
to be extra detailed there or anything. Plus, it’s just a dick. Jeongguk’s dick, yes, but still a dick.

“Is this good?” Jeongguk asks him, shifting a little on his feet. Taehyung doesn’t think he’s self-
conscious, it’s not a vibe he’s ever gotten from Jeongguk. Maybe he’s just tired of being still.

“It’s perfect,” Taehyung replies, eyes flickering down from Jeongguk’s body to the sketchbook.
“I’m almost done with this one.”

After doing the front Taehyung indicates for Jeongguk to turn around, which means Jeongguk can’t
look at him anymore. He will be honest: not having the weight of Jeongguk’s eyes on himself
anymore comes as a relief of sorts Plus, he likes to look at Jeongguk’s back, at the slope of his
shoulders and the way his broader back leads to his thin, tiny waist.
After that, they go on to different poses. He has to present ten sketches and a realistic drawing
based on one of them, so he makes sure he has more than enough to pick from. Jeongguk is a bit
shyer about the eccentric, over-the-top poses at first, which is terribly endearing to Taehyung. He
tries to be as reassuring and encouraging as possible, feeling himself melt a little when Jeongguk
gives him that toothy smile of his.

The evening goes by fast—faster than Taehyung thought it would. They have a couple of breaks in
between, but they only really stop when the sun starts to set and lighting isn’t really on their side
anymore. By now, Taehyung has plenty of stuff to present, he thinks. He has full-body sketches, as
well as some more detailed ones of certain body parts.

He’s still too shy to properly look at Jeongguk’s cock, so he avoids doing so. Plus, even if it’s for
artistic purposes, Taehyung is sure that Jeongguk would be weirded out to suddenly find Taehyung
staring at his cock like a madman. It’s best to avoid. Taehyung is not a creep, he swears. He’s just
terribly gay and stupidly head over heels for Jeongguk.

Much to his relief, Jeongguk isn’t awkward. He jokes around as he puts his clothes back on, the
gentle sunset light filtering through Taehyung’s window and painting pretty oranges on his skin.

“I hope they turned out okay. Am I considered hot enough to be a nude model?” Jeongguk jokes
around, raising his eyebrows at Taehyung as he pulls his jeans up.

Taehyung bites his tongue. It takes some willpower not to tell Jeongguk that he is, in fact, terribly
hot. Stupidly hot. Hot enough to have Taehyung be nervous about this for days, and for sure hot
enough to be a nude model. Hell—professional nude models wish their bodies looked half as good
as Jeongguk’s.

“I think they turned out really well,” Taehyung comments, honestly. For a second there he
considers ignoring the second part of what Jeongguk said, but in the end he decides against it. He
adds, “And you’re more than hot enough to be a nude model. You have a good body, and you
know that.”

A smile appears on Jeongguk’s face, and even if it does seem a bit cocky, it’s not conceited. “Well,
what can I say. I work for it,” he ends up replying, feigning arrogance. Taehyung rolls his eyes.

Jeongguk does work for the body he has, but not only because of vanity, but because he likes to do
so. He is one of those rare people who, for some reason, enjoys exercise, much to Taehyung’s
shock. For a brief period of time Taehyung tried to work out with Jeongguk, but in the end he
decided it was far too much effort and he definitely wasn’t enjoying himself as much as Jeongguk

That doesn’t mean Jeongguk is ripped or anything. His body is toned, he has a nice six pack that
Taehyung likes to look at and his thighs are particularly muscled, but it’s nothing too crazy. Still
ridiculously sexy, if you ask Taehyung.

“You’re so full of yourself,” Taehyung ends up commenting, once he snaps out of his daze. He
runs his hand through his dyed blonde hair, messing it up slightly.

“I just wanted validation from you,” Jeongguk replies, again in a teasing manner. Taehyung rolls
his eyes, containing a smile—the thought of Jeongguk wanting his validation is nice, even if he
knows Jeongguk means it as a joke. “So…”

Jeongguk trails off, and for some reason that makes Taehyung straighten up a little, suddenly
feeling nervous. He’s not sure of what Jeongguk is going to say, and that’s exactly what has him on
edge. Maybe Jeongguk did pick up on something weird with his behavior, even if he thought he
had been doing alright?

“So?” Taehyung asks, trying his best to play it cool.

Please, tell me he didn’t notice. Please, tell me he didn’t notice, Taehyung repeats to himself in his
head, over and over.

“So, do you want to order some takeout?”

The suggestion comes as such a surprise to Taehyung that he just stares at Jeongguk for a moment,
not able to say anything. His lips part and he tries to process what he’s heard. There he was,
thinking Jeongguk was going to tell him that he thought he was a fucking weirdo, but… he just
wanted takeout.

“Takeout?” he asks. Jeongguk nods. “You want takeout?”

“Well, it’s time for dinner,” Jeongguk retorts. Now that he mentions it, Taehyung is starting to feel
hungry, too. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“No! I want to. I want to!” Taehyung rushes to reply. God, Jimin was right. He is a mess, a fucking
big mess. “I, um—can you call and order? I’m gonna go to the bathroom now. You know what I
like, so…”

“Okay, Tae,” Jeongguk replies. The nickname makes Taehyung feel butterflies in the pit of his
stomach, but he ignores it.

Ignores, ignores, ignores, and flees the bedroom to quickly get inside the bathroom. He doesn’t
even need to pee, so he just walks to the sink, turns on the tap and splashes water on his face,
looking at himself in the mirror.

He doesn’t look any different from what he usually does, honestly. But inside—well, inside he does
feel different. His heart is beating fast, his thoughts are scattered and his brain is filled with
Jeongguk, Jeongguk, Jeongguk. And he knows that now, before dinner comes, while they wait and
probably for a while after, he and Jeongguk will curl up together on the couch and Taehyung will
want to melt by Jeongguk’s side.

It’s so unfair, he thinks. It’s so unfair, because Jeongguk is the best boy ever, and he never gets
tired of showing Taehyung. He cuddles him just like Taehyung wants to be cuddled, he makes
Taehyung laugh more than anyone else, and he does that thing with his nose when he laughs that
Taehyung is disgustingly in love with. How dare Jeongguk be so perfect, and so not his? Don’t get
Taehyung wrong, he feels lucky every day that he gets to be friends with Jeongguk and that he gets
to have him in his life. But at the same time, he thinks it’s unfair. It’s unfair, because he wants
Jeongguk so badly, and he likes him as more than a friend.

Taehyung sighs, watching a droplet of water slide down the slope of his nose and onto the
porcelain of the sink. He’s not ready to go out there and, after an evening of being reminded of how
stupidly hot and attractive Jeongguk is, now be reminded of how he is Taehyung’s ideal boyfriend.

Not fair, Taehyung thinks. Jeon Jeongguk is going to be the death of him.
It’s Jeongguk who asks Taehyung to show him the final result of his project before he has to finally
turn it in. As a consequence, Jeongguk comes over again on Wednesday, the day before
Taehyung’s deadline.

It’s not like now, after seeing Jeongguk naked, he’s suddenly terribly nervous around him. Maybe
his attraction to Jeongguk has spiked, but no one can really blame him—Jeongguk is madly
attractive. That doesn’t mean Taehyung is a mushy mess next to him now, or that he doesn’t see
himself as capable of hanging out with one of his closest friends alone anymore. During the last
few days they’ve seen each other, and it has gone well. Taehyung isn’t about to let his feelings,
both of affection and of lust, get in the way of them two.

And he’s doing fine, really. Jeongguk arrives and Taehyung offers him a coke, both making easy
conversation about their days. Taehyung laughs when Jeongguk tells him that he almost fell down
the stairs walking to class today because of how sleepy he was, which earns him a light pinch on
the arm.

“You’re mean,” Jeongguk protests, drowned by Taehyung’s groan of complaint. “Be good to me.”

“I’m good, you’re just clumsy,” Taehyung snarks back. Jeongguk quickly frees himself from the
loose hold that Taehyung had of his wrist, pinching him once again. “Jeongguk! That hurts, stop it

“You stop laughing at me,” Jeongguk protests. Taehyung arches one eyebrow. Then, he repeats,
“Be nice to me.”

“I was just laughing at a funny story, that’s all,” Taehyung replies, making Jeongguk scoff.
“What’s with the noises, huh?”

“You’re being so cruel when all I wanted from you was some lovin’,” Jeongguk says, making
Taehyung laugh. Despite his cackle, he can’t hide the fact that Jeongguk’s decision of bringing up
lovin’ makes him feel some kind of way. “But moving on—are you gonna show me the sketches
now? I wanna see what they look like.”

“Okay, okay,” Taehyung replies, standing up from the couch. Jeongguk is quick to follow behind
him, his footsteps audible to Taehyung as he makes his way to his own bedroom. “I think they
turned out okay. But don’t expect too much.”

“I always expect good from you,” Jeongguk replies, the praise making something twist inside of
Taehyung’s stomach. “You know I think you’re amazing.”

“And you know I think you see me with good eyes,” Taehyung replies. Jeongguk doesn’t argue
that, giving Taehyung a small, content smile when Taehyung turns around to look at him. “Sit on
the bed. I’ll show you now.”

Jeongguk does just that, walking to the bed and sitting on its edge as Taehyung reaches for the
folder where he has all the sketches and the final drawing. He looks at them once again, making
sure that everything is there. They’re good, honestly. Not the best he’s done—they’re just sketches
and a drawing, which is not the most impressive he’s created in his years as an art student. Still, he
thinks they look nice.

“Here they are,” Taehyung says then, turning around with them in his hand and leaving the folder
on top of his desk. “Take a look.”
Jeongguk seems excited as he takes the sketches in his hand, lips stretching into a little smile. Even
if he knows they’re good and Jeongguk has never had anything but words of praise and
encouragement for his work, Taehyung can’t help but feel a little nervous to see what Jeongguk’s
reaction will be. He’s drawn and painted Jeongguk before, and on all of those occasions Jeongguk
has been delighted.

This one isn’t different, really.

“These are so cool, hyung,” Jeongguk replies, his eyes crinkling as he looks down at the sketches.
He’s about to trail his fingers over one of the sketches, but stops himself when he realizes it would
probably smudge and stain the paper. “You really are so talented, Tae.”

Taehyung smiles, letting himself be showered with praise as Jeongguk goes through each and every
one of the sketches, until it’s time for him to check the realistic pencil drawing. This is the one that
Taehyung has been anticipating the most, honestly. It was everything to do with the fact that,
unlike the others, it’s not just a quick sketch he made, but something that he worked on for hours.
Taehyung bites down on his bottom lip, stealing a glance at Jeongguk from the corner of his eye.

And he, well… Jeongguk’s lips are parted as he looks down at the paper in his hand. Taehyung
can see his eyes slowly trail down, taking in every single detail. Taehyung is a little shy now,
having Jeongguk study the piece so carefully. It’s always somehow pressuring when someone
looks at the art you make of them when they model for you. Taehyung is always scared that the
model might not like the final product, or might disagree with some of the detailing.

It doesn’t seem to be the case, though. Jeongguk’s lips slowly quirk up into a little smile, eyes still
staring down at it.

“This is amazing, Taehyung.”

The sketch that Taehyung chose is one where Jeongguk stands with his profile to him. He has one
of his arms

lifted over his head and is resting his weight on one of his legs, the other slightly bent. While
sketching Taehyung didn’t go really into detail with his facial expression, but in the final product
he gave Jeongguk a blissed out expression—head slightly tilted, eyes closed and a happy and calm
smile on his lips. Since this project was more so focused on anatomy, he made sure to pay enough
attention to the details of Jeongguk’s body. Not only to the muscles on Jeongguk’s body—although
he did spend his sweet time on those—but also to his knobby knees and bony ankles, his Achilles
tendon and his godly proportions.

Taehyung nervously chews on his bottom lip, even if by now it’s more than obvious that Jeongguk
has nothing but admiration for the drawing. He’s looking down at it with heart eyes, a smile on his

“I’m happy you like it,” Taehyung says then, eyes flickering down from Jeongguk’s face to the art,
then back at Jeongguk.

“I love it,” Jeongguk corrects. Taehyung has to bite down on his lower lip to contain a grin.
“You’re just—you blow my mind, Taehyung.”

Everyone loves praise, especially after working hard on something, and Taehyung is no different.
Jeongguk’s compliments make him blush a little, and at this point Taehyung finds himself unable
to hold his smile back anymore. He’s grinning widely now, all teeth on display.
“You’re just saying that,” Taehyung replies, dismissive.

“No—I mean it,” Jeongguk replies fast. “I love this so much.”

“I mean, it’s good you do. It took some time to perfect,” Taehyung tells him, making Jeongguk
look at him with an arched eyebrow. “I spent so long on your thighs. You don’t even know.”

Taehyung’s words have an immediate consequence, and it’s that as soon as he says that Jeongguk
looks down at the drawing again, inspecting his upper legs. Taehyung knows that part well—he
can close his eyes and envision the contour of Jeongguk’s muscles under the skin, or see the veins
of his inner thighs, or the moles and freckles decorating the soft skin. Maybe he knew all this
before even having to draw Jeongguk.

“Really? That would make sense, then,” Jeongguk comments then. Taehyung frowns, not
understanding what he means by that. Doubts are cleared up when Jeongguk adds, “I did notice
you staring at them a lot that day.”

See, that could have been easily justified or excused with artistic purposes. Taehyung could have
pulled some lie out of his ass, said that he did so to be able to get every detail, or that he was
struggling to get it right. He could do that, but he doesn’t, because as soon as those words leave
Jeongguk’s mouth, Taehyung feels his face get warm. He feels himself blushing hard at the
thought of being caught staring, suddenly feeling incredibly embarrassed and mortified. When he
tries to speak, he chokes on his words.

“Well, I—it’ just… Listen!” he says, interrupting himself when Jeongguk laughs and shakes his
head. Taehyung’s face gets even warmer as Jeongguk chuckles melodically, his hair bouncing
around his head when it moves. “Oh my God, shut up.”

“I didn’t even say anything bad,” Jeongguk protests. Taehyung huffs, and Jeongguk laughs again.
God, Taehyung is going to kill him. “It’s not my fault you were caught staring.”

“I wasn’t even staring,” Taehyung replies now, words slurred all together as he tries to recover
from the blow. Maybe it’s not too late to save it, still. “I was just drawing.”

“So then why are you blushing now?”

It takes Taehyung off guard, who wasn’t expecting Jeongguk to bring that up even if he caught on.
For a long time Taehyung has had a crush on Jeongguk, but if Jeongguk noticed the signs he never
commented on them. In Taehyung’s mind, they just had an unspoken agreement to not talk about
it, to spare both of them the embarrassment. Having Jeongguk not only bring this up now, but also
in such a… teasing and cheeky matter, does something to Taehyung’s inside.

“I’m not blushing,” Taehyung denies, knowing full well that Jeongguk can see he’s lying to his
face. If his cheeks look half as flushed as they feel, then it’s more than obvious that he’s flustered.

“You’re lying,” Jeongguk replies.

Taehyung holds Jeongguk’s gaze for a second, but it’s not too long before he has to look away. He
starts to stand up then, not knowing full-well where he’s going to go. All he knows is that
Jeongguk’s eyes on him are too much now. Taehyung thought he was doing well at managing his
feelings, but now, with the possibility of Jeongguk rejecting him now that he’s likely caught on to
Taehyung’s feelings for him, Taehyung feels like he needs to walk away.

Before he can take a step away there are fingers gently circling his wrist. Jeongguk doesn’t tug at
his arm, but when he feels Jeongguk touch on his skin, Taehyung stops in his tracks. He turns a
little, looks at Jeongguk.

“What?” he asks. It comes out croaky and a bit more snappy than intended, but really—he’s just
embarrassed. He isn’t ready to face rejection. Not when he’s been stupidly in love with Jeongguk
for all these years.

Jeongguk stands up then, his fingers still around Taehyung’s wrist. Maybe it’s in Taehyung’s
imagination, but he feels like they tighten their hold a little now, at the same time their eyes meet.
Taehyung swallows down.

“Why are you blushing?” Jeongguk asks. Is it Taehyung’s mind playing tricks on him, or did he
lower his voice? It’s definitely closer to a whisper than it was before, Taehyung thinks.

For a brief moment, Taehyung considers denying it again. Then he realizes it will be not only
petulant, but also rather pointless—it’s obvious he was blushing hard, even if it has probably faded

“I’m just—I’m embarrassed,” Taehyung replies. He tells himself it’s just Jeongguk—the same
Jeongguk who’s a major clown and makes him laugh harder than anyone else, and who has ugly-
cried on his shoulder plenty of times before. So then, why does he feel like this?

“Why?” Jeongguk inquires then. It’s soft, in a way that doesn’t make Taehyung feel like he’s being

Taehyung takes in a deep breath, a shaky one. “Because I was staring,” he admits, then. Taehyung
doesn’t know how he feels after admitting it out loud. He doesn’t feel like there is a weight off his
shoulders, nor does he feel relieved in any kind of way. If anything, it makes him feel more

Jeongguk’s expression falters for a moment, his lips briefly curling back before he bites down on
his lips again. “Staring at me?” he asks. It almost feels as if he’s making it torturous for Taehyung
on purpose, and so Taehyung can only bring himself to nod. “Why?”

“Well, I just—I don’t know,” Taehyung starts babbling. “I like your body. You’re attractive and—
you have a nice body, you know? Yeah.”

He shrugs when he’s done, trying to appear nonchalant. Unbothered. Yeah, he’s very unbothered
right now. It’s not like he’s in the slightest bit affected by the way in which Jeongguk’s thumb
traces circles against the inside of his wrist. It’s not like he cares about the proximity between
them, or how Jeongguk’s eyes flick down to his lips. Nope.

“You think my body is nice?” Jeongguk asks then. “Just nice?”

There is a lump in Taehyung’s throat, caused both by the bashfulness he’s feeling and because of
the way in which Jeongguk looks at him. Tentative, as if he were just as unsure as Taehyung is
right now, but that’s not all. There is a glisten to them, a spark, and Taehyung feels like he’s going
to melt. Just one look from Jeongguk is enough to make him weak in the knees.

“Your body is hot,” Taehyung admits. Jeongguk’s lips part, but when nothing comes past them,
Taehyung adds, “I think you’re sexy.”

Objectively, Jeongguk is attractive. Taehyung knows he has told Jeongguk before, but this is
different. Taehyung knows that behind his words there is another intention right now, as well as a
lot of subjectiveness. What Taehyung means is not only is Jeongguk handsome or has a nice body.
What Taehyung really, really means is that he’s attracted to Jeongguk. Terribly so.
And there it is, again. Jeongguk’s eyes are on Taehyung’s, holding his gaze and making
Taehyung’s heart skip plenty of beats, but one more time they trail down to Taehyung’s mouth.
Every time it happens, the knot in Taehyung’s throat tightens and he feels warmth lick at the pit of
his stomach. His fingers tingle, at the same time his tongue darts to wet his lips.


“I think you’re sexy, too,” Jeongguk tells him then, at the same time his hand starts traveling up
Taehyung’s arm. The tips of his fingers are soft and tickly as they move up Taehyung’s exposed
skin, making him want to shiver. “I’ve always thought you’re the hottest boy I’ve ever seen, Tae.”

Taehyung’s heart flutters at the words, his mouth falling open but no words coming out. There is
no way in which he can describe the way that hearing those words from Jeongguk out of all people
makes him feel. His chest puffs out a little, at the same time Jeongguk’s gaze starts travelling down
his body.

Really, Taehyung has never been shy. But there is something so incredibly exhilarating about the
way in which Jeongguk’s eyes slowly, so slowly, make their way down his body. It makes him feel
naked, it makes him feel warm all over, it makes him feel sexy. Taehyung is fully clothed still, but
right this second, he feels like Jeongguk can see every part of him.

The room feels overwhelmingly quiet now, only the sounds coming from the street below them
being heard between them. Jeongguk’s fingers are still on his elbow, and Taehyung doesn’t feel
like he can do this anymore. If he doesn’t get Jeongguk’s body pressed up against his right this
second he doesn’t think he’s going to make it out of this room.

They seem to gravitate towards each other, Jeongguk a few inches closer than he was when they
both stood up. Taehyung manages to muster up the courage that he feels he’s lacking and meets
Jeongguk’s eyes once again, feeling like he’s going to melt because of the intensity in them.
Jeongguk has always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve, his eyes the window to his soul, as
people say. It’s easy to see, just from the way in which he’s looking at Taehyung just now, that he
wants this just as bad as he does.

A kiss—Taehyung is dying for a kiss. Jeongguk’s lips are pink and parted, inviting. Taehyung has
wanted them on top of his plenty of times, but never as bad as he does right now.

It’s him who leans in first, unable to wait anymore. Maybe in another circumstance he could have
brought himself to be self-conscious about how eager he is, but now the way in which he is craving
Jeongguk’s mouth on his is enough to make him forget all about that. There’s no room for
embarrassment when, for the first time, he’s so close to what he wants the most.

He’s the first one to lean in, but not the only one. Jeongguk surges forward to, the tips of his fingers
still make Taehyung’s skin feel on fire in the spots where he’s touching him. They’re mere inches
apart now, their breathing intermingling. Taehyung feels another wave of nervousness wash over
him, but this one mixed with anticipation. Their eyes meet one last time, and then they look at each
other’s lips.

They meet halfway in the end. Maybe it’s a little harsher than intended, Taehyung swallowing
Jeongguk’s groan at the same time he wraps his arms around the younger’s neck. He feels his
stomach twist pleasantly when Jeongguk’s hands make their way to his hips, keeping him close.

It’s not sweet or chaste, as first kisses usually go. Taehyung has been wanting this for way too long,
and something about the way in which Jeongguk hungrily kisses him tells him that it goes both
ways. He buries his hands in Jeongguk’s hair, tangling his digits with the dark locks of hair as he
lets Jeongguk’s tongue invade his mouth. It’s fast and clumsy—Jeongguk kisses him hard, and
Taehyung takes it and lets himself be kissed. His lips are just as enthusiastic as Jeongguk’s own,
and he can’t help but groan noisily against his mouth when their tongues curl around each other.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” Jeongguk says then, words spoken against the
skin of Taehyung’s neck as he kisses down his throat. Taehyung tilts his head back, eyes fluttering
closed as he gives Jeongguk more space to kiss.

“Fuck, Jeongguk,” Taehyung says then, holding back a kiss as he feels Jeongguk suck on his neck.
Not enough to leave a mark, but definitely enough to make Taehyung’s toes curl as he tightens his
hold on Jeongguk’s hair. “You’re so—God, I want you so bad.”

It’s in moments like this one where Taehyung gets overwhelmingly honest, truths spilling past his
lips before he can even register the urge to say them. Jeongguk makes a noise against his skin at
that, pleased by Taehyung’s words, before pressing one palm against the plain of Taehyung’s chest.

“Sit on the bed,” Jeongguk says. Taehyung listens to him, moving so his back rests against the wall
behind him at the same time Jeongguk climbs to the mattress, too. He straddles Taehyung’s legs,
not fully sitting on them but just hovering as he gives Taehyung another kiss.

“What—?” Taehyung starts to ask, confused when Jeongguk begins to pull back, but he doesn’t get
to finish.

“Can I suck you off, hyung?” Jeongguk asks then, looking at Taehyung from the edge of the bed.
“Can I?”

Taehyung feels the flush rush back to his cheeks right away. He’s thought about this a lot—both
about making Jeongguk feel good, and about Jeongguk making him feel good, too. He’s a little
stunned right after hearing Jeongguk’s question, but it doesn’t take him more than a second to
reply. He starts nodding, eager.

“Yes. Yes, you can,” he replies, which immediately brings another smile to Jeongguk’s lips.

He leans forward as he does so, pulling Taehyung in for another kiss. Taehyung lets himself be
kissed, feeling Jeongguk’s hands go to the front of his body, starting to fumble with the buttons of
his shirt. It makes Taehyung wish he had just worn a regular t-shirt today, especially since
Jeongguk’s eager fingers are rather clumsy as they try to undress Taehyung. It takes a bit of time
before he can finally get rid of the garment, finally throwing it to the floor.

As soon as Taehyung is shirtless, Jeongguk’s fingers go up and down his body, giving it an
appreciative look. It makes Taehyung feel wanted, his cock twitching inside his pants and
underwear. Jeongguk makes it his mission to start kissing down Taehyung’s neck once again, this
time not stopping himself when he reaches his clavicle. He takes his sweet time on his collarbones,
peppering them with kisses and grazing them with his teeth in a way that makes Taehyung writhe
on the bed.

Jeongguk’s mouth is driving him crazy, especially as it starts making its way down his chest,
playing with both his nipples. Taehyung has to bite on his lips to keep himself quiet, loving the
way that Jeongguk’s pretty mouth works on his skin. By the time he reaches Taehyung’s navel
he’s already a mess, tugging at Jeongguk’s hair and almost fully hard.

“Good?” Jeongguk asks, his hands moving to unbutton the front of Taehyung’s pants. He is
looking at him with a smirk on his face, one that tells Taehyung that Jeongguk is feeling smug
about how needy Taehyung is right now. Taehyung doesn’t care—he might be all flushed down
both from excitement and from being flustered, but Jeongguk isn’t much better. As smug as he is,
his cheeks are still pink and he’s just as disheveled as Taehyung is.

“Good,” Taehyung replies, voice croaky. “Jeongguk…”

“I want to make you feel so good,” Jeongguk tells him, which sends Taehyung’s head spinning.
God, he can’t just say that. Especially not when he’s just popped open the button of Taehyung’s
pants and is starting to pull down the zipper. “Want to hear you moan my name.”

Taehyung’s lips part in a silent moan, at the same time he lifts his hips from the bed and allows
Jeongguk to pull his pants down, sliding off the curve of his ass. Jeongguk doesn’t waste any time,
immediately getting rid of them and placing himself back in between Taehyung’s parted thighs.
Taehyung watches him reach forward, but that doesn’t make him flinch any less when Jeongguk
palms his erection.

“Fuck, Gukkie,” Taehyung says, lolling his head back against the wall. Now Jeongguk is stroking
him through his underwear, making him leak pre-come, and that’s much more than Taehyung feels
ready to handle. “I’m so hard.”

“So fucking hot,” Jeongguk tells them, wetting his lips with his tongue. Taehyung’s cock throbs
under Jeongguk’s fingers. “I’m gonna take these off, okay?”

Taehyung nods, and Jeongguk gets rid of the underwear just as quickly as he did with the pants.
Taehyung isn’t someone to be too shy over nudity, but with Jeongguk’s eyes eating him up as they
take into him he can’t help but feel some type of way. He almost wants to whine in protest when
Jeongguk’s lips start the same pace as before on his neck—then his collarbone, then his sternum
and abdomen, only to then kiss down his navel. It’s torturously slow, especially since Jeongguk is
neglecting his cock on purpose.

That is, until he wraps the fingers of his right hand around him, all at the same time he sucks and
bites at the skin right under Taehyung’s belly button. Jeongguk starts stroking him right away, his
fist working slowly around him as he pays special attention to the head of it with his thumb.

It takes Taehyung by surprise when Jeongguk delivers the first lick to the head of his cock. His
eyes squeeze shut and he lets out a low, gravelly moan, one interrupted by a hiss when Jeongguk
licks again at it. Slowly but consistently, Jeongguk’s licks turn bolder and bolder, more insistent
until he ends up wrapping his lips around the head of Taehyung’s cock.

His legs clamp around Jeongguk’s head, but with his hands Jeongguk keeps them spread at the
same time he bobs his head up and down. Each time he goes down he takes a little more of
Taehyung’s cock, to the point where Taehyung can feel the back of Jeongguk’s throat against the
tip of his dick.

“So fucking good, Guk-ah,” Taehyung manages to get out, looking down at the way in which
Jeongguk takes his cock. His lips are swollen and red now, cheeks hollowed around him, and God
—Taehyung feels too fucking good. “Oh my—”

He knows he’s long but that doesn’t seem to stop Jeongguk from taking the entirety of Taehyung’s
cock in his mouth. Taehyung feels himself get warmer, the orgasm starting to build deep within
him as his hair sticks to his now sweaty forehead.

At some point Jeongguk pulls back, which makes Taehyung let out a moan in protest. He’s about
to complain more, but then Jeongguk asks, “Lube and condoms?”
“Oh, fuck—yes, right,” Taehyung replies, snapping out of his daze and moving to the bedside of
the table. His hands are a little shaky, and he lets out a welp when Jeongguk unexpectedly delivers
a light slap to his ass cheek. In a choked out voice, he asks, “What are you doing?”

“You have a good ass for spanking,” Jeongguk comments, now gently grabbing the supple flesh of
Taehyung’s ass cheek. And, fuck—how does he do it? How does he manage to find the right thing
to make Taehyung even more flustered? “Maybe next time.”

Taehyung feels himself die a little at that. Not only because Jeongguk wants to spank him, but also
because he said next time, no hint of doubt in his voice. Jeongguk seems so positive there will be a
next time, that they will find themselves in this situation again—naked, horny, and drunk off each

And really, Taehyung isn’t one to doubt it. Still, once he’s gotten the lube and a condom from the
bedside table, he asks Jeongguk in a teasing manner, “Who says there will be a next time?”

“The fact that you want me so much,” Jeongguk replies, getting closer. He whispers the words
against Taehyung’s ear, kissing at it, at his jaw, at his shoulder. “Am I wrong?”

Of course he’s not wrong. Of course he realized how stupidly crazy for him Taehyung is, how
willing he is to take all and anything Jeongguk gives him. He’s never felt this way with someone
else, but it’s not scary. Not when Jeongguk looks at him like that, or when his hands touch
Taehyung’s body as if he were the most precious treasure he’s ever stumbled upon.

“Shut up,” is all he grumbles instead, making Jeongguk chuckle melodically in his ear. “You’re an

“But an ass that you want to fuck you,” Jeongguk replies. “Correct?”

“Shut up!” Taehyung replies, now even more mortified. Jeongguk laughs even harder, only
quieting down when Taehyung twists around in the bed and presses their lips together in another
kiss. Then, with his mouth against Jeongguk’s and their bodies all tangled up, he orders, “Now
finger me.”

Jeongguk pulls back a little, his hands finding the bottle of lube that Taehyung left on top of the
mattress just now. By looking at the way in which one of the corners of Jeongguk’s mouth tugs up
in half a smile, Taehyung knows that he’s going to say something terribly stupid.

“Bossy bottom,” Jeongguk comments, unable to keep a straight face. Taehyung’s reaction is
immediate—he screeches, lightly slapping Jeongguk’s forearm as he uncaps the bottle of lube and
pours some on his fingers. “Be good or I won’t fuck you.”

“I can satisfy myself, then,” Taehyung replies, teasingly. Jeongguk clicks his tongue. “Maybe it’s
you who has to be good, Jeongguk.”

“I’ll be good,” Jeongguk says, using one hand to press Taehyung back against the bed, making him
lie on his back. “But you be good to me, too.”

After that, Jeongguk catches Taehyung’s lips in another kiss. It’s in the midst of it that Taehyung
feels the tips of Jeongguk’s fingers against his hole, spreading his legs a little further and nodding
as encouragement. He tenses a little when he feels Jeongguk press the tip of one in, but it’s not the
first time he’s done this. The feeling of discomfort is shortly gone, and after that he finds himself
loving the feeling of pleasure that it is replaced by.

Jeongguk fingers him like that, while they kiss eagerly and Taehyung makes an even bigger mess
of his hair. It’s one finger at first, but another two follow soon. It doesn’t take him long to find
Taehyung’s spot, and once he does so he has Taehyung squirming on the bed and moaning in his
mouth as they keep making out. Taehyung doesn’t remember ever being this riled up during sex, to
the point where he feels like he’s literally going to explode. Jeongguk can make him feel so, so
good—better than anyone ever has.

Of course, under those circumstances it’s not too long until Taehyung finds himself wanting more.
He’s the one who pulls back, a quiet moan escaping from his lips when he does so.

“Oh, I—Jeongguk, I want it now,” he says, Jeongguk looking at him with wide and sparkly eyes.
“Please—I want you now. I want you inside me.”

Taehyung can see Jeongguk gulp down then, visibly affected by his words. It takes him a second to
nod, removing his fingers from Taehyung slow and carefully. The emptiness is uncomfortable at
first, especially because he needs to be filled with Jeongguk so badly now. He wants to feel him
buried deep inside him so fucking badly at this point.

“Hands and knees, pretty,” Jeongguk calls, the pet name making Taehyung’s cheeks warm again.
He does so, quickly getting up into position and looking back at Jeongguk from over his shoulder.
“You look so fucking hot like this, you know?”

“Is that so?” Taehyung asks, purposefully arching his back then. He can feel Jeongguk’s eyes eat
him all up, and God—that makes him feel so damn sexy. “Will you fuck me like this, then?”

“You’re gonna be the death of me,” Jeongguk says with a groan, which makes Taehyung smile a
little. He feels like he’s getting back at Jeongguk for all the teasing from earlier, at last. “Let me
put the condom on.”

Taehyung nods, waiting eagerly as he hears the sound of the condom wrapper being ripped.
Jeongguk pours some more lube on his hands, adding some to the thin coat on the condom and to
Taehyung’s hole, making sure the slide will be as smooth as possible. And then, after a torturously
long wait, he lines up. The head of his cock rests against Taehyung’s entrance, not putting much of
any pressure on, and Taehyung feels himself overflow with anticipation.

“Ready?” Jeongguk asks. It’s a bit of a redundant question, considering Taehyung has been asking
him to please, please fuck him now, but Taehyung still nods.

“Yes,” he replies. Then, looking at Jeongguk again, he calls, “Fuck me now, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk’s eyes are on his when he finally, finally pushes in, his cock sliding inside of Taehyung
so perfectly. He presses inside of Taehyung slowly, making him feel every single inch of his cock.
Taehyung’s lips fall open into a silent moan, a feeling akin to triumph spreading across his chest
upon being filled like this.

Once he’s fully inside, Jeongguk gives Taehyung some time to adjust. He eventually says, “Move
now.” It hasn’t been too long yet, but he can handle it. Plus, he wants it so badly. He doesn’t want
to wait for it any longer.

“Are you sure?” Jeongguk asks, but Taehyung quickly nods. Jeongguk bites down on his lip and
says, “Fuck—okay. God, Taehyung.”

He starts off slow. Taehyung’s eyes close in pleasure as Jeongguk snaps his hips back, almost
completely pulling out of Taehyung. When he thrusts back in it’s a little rougher, making Taehyung
let out a small sound.
“Just like that,” he says, letting himself get lost in the way in which Jeongguk’s hips start moving.
It's rhythmic, a slow pace that has Taehyung’s hands clenching around his bed covers, knuckles
turning white because of how tight he’s holding them. “You feel so good inside me, Gukkie. Fuck
—love your cock so much.”

Jeongguk lets out a groan at Taehyung’s words, his hands tightening their hold around Taehyung’s
hips upon hearing them. The feeling of his cock dragging against his walls feels delicious, making
Taehyung want to bury his head between his arms and let himself go completely. He wants
Jeongguk to take him, make a moaning mess out of him.

“You’re so damn tight,” Jeongguk tells him, one of his hands moving from Taehyung’s hips to the
small of his back, stroking the skin softly. “So fucking good for me, baby.”

Taehyung moans at the praise, thrusting his hips back and starting to fuck himself back on
Jeongguk’s cock. The sound of skin slapping against skin is loud and filthy, filling the room along
with both their sounds of pleasure. Taehyung knows that neither of them is going to last long,
especially when Jeongguk starts delivering quicker, sharper thrusts.

“Harder,” Taehyung encourages, at the same time one of Jeongguk’s hands goes to his ass and
squeezes the skin there. “God, fuck—I want you to fucking ruin me with your cock, Jeongguk.”

All of Taehyung’s inhibitions are gone know, his mouth turning filthy and unashamed. Jeongguk
lets out a moan, but he does just as Taehyung asks him. He thrusts inside of him harder, making
Taehyung moan loudly.

He buries his head in the covers behind him, his back arching prettily as he clenches around
Jeongguk’s cock. Jeongguk’s thrusts are turning erratic now, a sign that he’s close to losing
control, which prompts Taehyung to take his own hand between his legs, finding his cock and
stroking himself.

After that, it’s not long before Jeongguk angles his hips in the right way to thrust into Taehyung’s
prostate. He lets out a long, drawn-out moan when that happens, body tensing up. “Right there,” he
tells Jeongguk, his voice strained. “Holy fu—right there, Jeongguk. Yes, yes, yes.”

One of Jeongguk’s hands snakes around Taehyung’s body and slaps Taehyung’s away, replacing it
around his cock. He starts to jack Taehyung off at the time he fucks him, the flicks of his wrist
erratic and uncoordinated with his thrusts. It doesn’t make him any worse, though—it’s going to
make Taehyung come harder than he has in his entire life.

With his other hand, Jeongguk holds on tight to Taehyung’s waist. It accompanies the movements
of Taehyung’s body as he lunges himself back, supported now on his elbows and knees, and fucks
himself back on Jeongguk’s thick cock. It’s deliciously big and fat inside him, making loud and
needy noises spill from his lips as he desperately chases his own relief.

“I’m so close,” Taehyung calls, his eyes closed as Jeongguk keeps fucking inside of him. “Fuck, I
—I’m gonna come.”

“Look at me,” Jeongguk says. When Taehyung doesn’t move, Jeongguk repeats, “Tae—look at
me, baby.”

The pet name makes Taehyung weak in the knees, turning around a little so he can look at
Jeongguk. The angle isn’t the most comfortable, but the way in which Jeongguk looks straight into
his eyes is more than enough to make up for it. It makes Taehyung moan to have someone look at
him like that, looking like he wants to eat him up. Added to the feeling of Jeongguk’s cock fucking
into him and his hand around Taehyung’s cock, well—it brings Taehyung over the edge.

“Fuck, I—” he says, a moan interrupting his words as he comes all over Jeongguk’s hand. He cries
out then, hips jerking because of the intensity of his orgasm. “Oh my fuck.”

He clenches around Jeongguk, tight. The younger’s hips falter, but he’s too far gone to let that stop
him now, desperate for release, too. He keeps thrusting inside of Taehyung, making both of them
let out lewd sounds of pleasure as Jeongguk leans down to kiss Taehyung. It’s right then, with their
lips against each other’s, that Jeongguk finally comes, spilling inside the condom. He moans
Taehyung’s name as he comes, making Taehyung feel lightheaded.

Jeongguk’s hips stutter once again, thrusting weakly inside of Taehyung as they both ride out their
orgasm. He slows down until he eventually stops, holding on the base of his cock before pulling
out, and only then does Taehyung let himself flop down on the mattress. Jeongguk follows a few
seconds later, falling naked on top of Taehyung’s naked body.

For a few moments there, they’re both quiet. Taehyung lets himself rejoice in the feeling of
Jeongguk’s naked skin pressed against his—they’re both sweaty and gross, covered in lube and
come, but Taehyung feels better than he ever before. He doesn’t ever want to move from here.

Jeongguk tucks his head in the crook of Taehyung’s neck, the puffs of his breath tickling him, and
Taehyung’s stomach tightens. God—he really is so fucking in love with him.

And then Jeongguk looks up at him, his dark wavy locks swooping over his forehead and eyes.
Taehyung blinks lazily, their eyes meeting before a smile slowly spreads on Jeongguk’s face.
Taehyung literally can feel the love bloom inside his chest.

“That was good,” Jeongguk comments then.

Taehyung hums, and then repeats, “Yeah, it was good.”

“And I’ve been waiting for it for really long,” Jeongguk adds.

This one takes Taehyung a little bit more by surprise. Curious as he is, he asks, “Really? For how

“Ah, well,” Jeongguk starts, taking his arm to the back of his head so he can scratch his neck. He’s
just faking nonchalance, Taehyung knows. “Maybe some months… maybe for as long as we’ve
met. It’s just—it’s complicated.”

Taehyung frowns, feeling confused. Those are two very different dates.

“Complicated how?” he asks.

Jeongguk takes a sharp inhale, then. “Well, ever since we first met I’ve been attracted to you.
There’s that on the one hand,” he says. After a second of silence, Jeongguk starts talking again.
“And… I don’t know how to say this.”

“Hmm, try?” Taehyung asks, at the same time he wraps one of his legs around Jeongguk’s. It
seems to ease Jeongguk a little, as he relaxes under the touch. “You know I’m good at
understanding what you mean.”

“Yeah—yeah, that’s very true. You’re good,” Jeongguk agrees, swallowing down. “So… would
you understand if I said that there have been some, uh, changes in the way in which I feel for you?”
Taehyung freezes then, not too sure of what to make of Jeongguk’s words. There’s the
interpretation that first comes to mind, probably motivated by the fact that it’s what Taehyung
wants it to mean—that Jeongguk, somehow, has feelings for him. The other interpretations… Well,
they’re a bit more negative. And Taehyung isn’t too sure of how it would be related to them having
sex, in any way.

“Tell me how,” Taehyung demands then, his voice soft. He pulls back a little, looking at Jeongguk
with big eyes.

It’s obvious to him that Jeongguk is nervous, which suddenly makes Taehyung feel a bit unsettled,
too. He feels on edge, an anxious feeling in his tummy as he watches Jeongguk lick his lips.

“I…” Jeongguk starts, trailing off. His eyes meet Taehyung’s before he says, “I like you so much,

Just like a lot of what has happened today, in the safety of Taehyung’s bedroom, this is a moment
that he has fantasized about before. He’s let himself think about Jeongguk confessing he has
feelings for him—late into the night, when he’s ready to fall asleep and close his eyes making up
happy scenarios in his head. None of them, no matter how cheesy or corny they are, could ever
compare to the feeling that Taehyung gets in his chest when he feels those words slip past
Jeongguk’s lips.

His mouth opens, then closes without any words coming out of it—he doesn’t know what to say,
because no words seem to be able to do justice to what he’s feeling. He opens it again, aware he
needs to react in some way. And then he realizes that a kiss, an honest and sincere one, is worth
more than any amount of words.

He surges forward and softly presses his lips against Jeongguk’s in a kiss that is sweet from the
start. Jeongguk seems genuinely surprised at first, but it’s not long before he reciprocates the kiss.
His mouth moves under Taehyung’s slowly, chastely. A kiss that is everything their previous kisses
wasn’t. Taehyung can’t help but smile into it.

“I like you,” Taehyung replies, biting his tongue to not say the word love. Too intense, perhaps?
“So much. Oh, God—I never thought I would tell you.”

Jeongguk laughs, pressing another peck against Taehyung’s lips before pulling him into a tight hug.
Taehyung can’t help but smile so hard his cheeks hurt.

“Why not? It’s just me,” Jeongguk tells him.

Taehyung clicks his tongue. “Exactly for that reason—because it’s you,” Taehyung says, making
Jeongguk giggle. “What? I’m afraid of rejection.”

“You’re so cute,” Jeongguk replies, moving to press a noisy kiss on Taehyung’s cheek. Taehyung
likes how surprisingly affectionate he is. “Hyung.”


“Promise me you’ll go on a date with me.”

Taehyung is far from slow, but it takes him a couple of seconds to fully process what Jeongguk has
just said. “You want to go on a date with me?” he asks. Jeongguk nods. “Wait—for real?”

“I’ve just told you I like you so much, how is me wanting to go on a date with you shocking?”
Jeongguk asks him, visibly amused. “Plus, you’re by far the cutest guy on campus. I know you get
asked out a lot, so why are you so shocked?”

“Not to repeat myself, but because it’s you,” Taehyung says, not missing the way in which
Jeongguk smiles, smugly. Taehyung wants to wipe that smile away from his face. With his own
mouth, preferably. “Oh my God, shut up.”

“I didn’t even say anything,” Jeongguk complains.

“You don’t need to speak out loud to say stuff,” Taehyung replies, getting himself a confused
frown from Jeongguk. “Either way—date. Yes. I’ll go on a date with you.”

Jeongguk smiles, lifting his hand so he’s holding it in front of Taehyung’s face. Then, stretching
his pinky, he asks, “Promise?”

Taehyung’s stomach makes a pirouette. God, Jeongguk really is the cutest boy in the world. It’s

“I promise,” he replies, hooking his finger with Jeongguk’s. Taehyung smiles, watching their
linked digits and their hands next to each other. Taehyung’s own is longer, tanner; his fingers are
longer and more slender than Jeongguk’s, his skinny with wide knuckles. It’s cute, Taehyung
thinks. “You better make it good.”

Jeongguk huffs out a laugh then, shaking his head. “Taehyung. Shut up,” Jeongguk says, giving a
squeeze to Taehyung’s finger.

“I can’t be silenced,” Taehyung replies. “Unless, you know, you want to shut me up with a kiss.
Which I think I would really like.”

That prompts Jeongguk to tilt his head to the right and capture Taehyung’s lips in another sweet
kiss, one that has Taehyung smiling during it. Jeongguk’s hand lets go of his own and goes to his
face, gently cupping Taehyung face in it.

After that, Jeongguk pulls him closer and wraps one arm around him, not letting Taehyung move
for the rest of the evening. They spend it all in bed, talking in hushed voices and sharing slow
kisses; cuddling naked and just enjoying each other’s company. It’s just the same it’s always been
between them, but better. More intimate, in a way that Taehyung doesn’t see himself wanting to be
with anyone else.

It’s new. Taehyung and Jeongguk have always been close, but never to this level. This is different.
But Taehyung, who is starting to fall a little bit in love with the way that Jeongguk smiles into his
mouth when they kiss, thinks he could get used to it.

End Notes
thank you soooo much for reading and i hope you guys liked it!! pls come talk to me on
twitter ♥
(twitter) ♡

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