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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Tutor Jungkook, Confident Kim
Taehyung | V, Rich Kim Taehyung | V, Bad Flirting, Enemies to Lovers,
(kind of), Track Athlete Jungkook, side yoonminseok, side namjin,
Sexual Tension, Fluff, Smut, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Top Kim
Taehyung | V, Bottom Jeon Jungkook, Drug Use, Underground Fighter
Min Yoongi | Suga, Angst, Mentions of past verbal abuse, Minor
Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, mentions of child
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Chemistry
Stats: Published: 2019-03-01 Completed: 2019-06-11 Chapters: 11/11 Words:

by taecheeks


“What’s your zodiac sign?”

“Virgo,” Jungkook responds without thinking. He frowns, glaring. “Why?”

“Hm, I can work with that,” Taehyung says. “I’m a Capricorn.”

“Fascinating. Now back to Chemistry -”

“Isn’t that what I was talking about?”

[Or, Jungkook just wants to get his tutoring sessions with the President's son over with.
Taehyung just wants to get his cute tutor under him.]


Hi! Hello!

More specific tags will be updated with the chapters. The drug use tag is for one scene that
involves ex, and I'll put the warning in the chapter's beginning notes.
Because I used the tag #chemfic to update this, I opened up a twt for chemistry drabbles
because I've been sent quite a few > it's @chemfic

ALSO please check out this AMAZING trailer someone's made for this pls I love it so
much it's here

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

Here on twitter, I have a thread for this that includes my cover, fashion inspo

The credit for the cover is here (thank you so much ilysm, please show the creator
much love if you like it!!)
Routine. It’s important. There’s no fumbling to get ready at the last minute or running around the
apartment to make sure nothing important is left behind. The body moves mechanically after doing
the same routine over and over, there’s no conscious thinking, just moving.

Jungkook loves routine.

He wakes up earlier than he needs to just in case, prepared for anything that could interrupt his
need to be on time. With eyes closed and sleep still tugging at him, routine helps him brush his
teeth and collect the clothes he laid out the night before without thinking about it. Even responding
to Hoseok’s late night texts are part of it, Jungkook standing outside of the running shower in his
underwear, laughing tiredly at Hoseok’s shenanigans before finding the playlist he has made for
the morning.

It’s routine, important, a necessity for Jungkook to have in his busy life. He doesn’t allow anything
to interrupt it.

Jungkook touches lightly over the black and white striped tie hanging from his throat, patting it
down until it lays flat against the white, crisp dress shirt. He inhales deeply, watching his cheeks
form into bubbles in the mirror before deflating.

Once he’s tucked his shirt into the band of his pants, he straps on his belt and reaches for his comb.
The wind knocks at the windows, signaling that Jungkook either shouldn’t put too much effort in
slicking his hair back and curling it over his forehead just right, or he should use Yoongi’s extra,
super, mega hold hairspray.

Jungkook considers it, but the smell is strong and his roommate will definitely know he’s used it.
The day is going to suck already, he doesn’t need a scolding from Yoongi as well. Not that Yoongi
ever sticks to his scoldings well, he is a bit of a sucker for the wide eye, innocent look Jungkook
sends his way whenever he’s in trouble.

Said roommate is currently passed out on the living room couch, one arm hanging off and mouth
opened wide around quiet snores. There’s lipstick smudged over his cheeks and his pants are half
off, hanging from one leg. Jungkook smiles fondly as he pulls the cloth the rest of the way off, just
to throw the blanket on the back of the couch over him.

It’s surprising they work so well at living together when Jungkook is big on routine and Yoongi
wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. But taking care of Yoongi after a night out with Hoseok is
part of the routine and Jungkook finds himself leaving the apartment after cleaning Yoongi’s mess
right on schedule.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are the busiest day of the week for Jungkook. Normally,
classes start at nine and go through until four, where Jungkook is skipping over bushes and hidden
pathways to get to work on time. Despite this, Jungkook has taken an extra shift at the tutoring
center for the mornings. Seven in the morning. It’s a devastating time and Jungkook’s feeling the
exhaustion already, but he’s stubborn.

His mother had insisted it would be too much for him, uncaring that the president of the school
himself asked Jungkook to tutor his son. Between needing to work to afford to live and attempting
to maintain a high enough grade point average to keep his scholarship, Jungkook can get quite
worn out throughout the semester. But he agreed to do it, and he told his mother he can handle it
even if he wasn’t sure, so now he has to prove her wrong.

Even if Jungkook dies of exhaustion and extremely high blood pressure from eating too much
microwaveable ramen.

The campus is pretty empty given the early hour and anyone who is awake drag their feet or sucks
down their coffee from the student center like their lives depend on it. Coffee makes his hands a bit
shaky, his stomach jittery, but Jungkook wanders into the student cafe anyway in case it’s his last
chance to ever see it.

It’s dramatic, some would say. But also some (most people) don’t seem to dislike the President
Kim’s son the way Jungkook does. He’s insanely popular even though Jungkook didn’t think that
would still be a thing in college. He lives up on a high horse and a podium of privilege, not needing
to work hard or care about school at all. He doesn’t have to worry about living his life drowning in
debt, and despite how amazing it is to not pay for a higher education, he’s doing nothing to deserve
a free ride.

It surprised him when the President came to him, stressing the important of his son’s grades when
his son didn’t care himself. Jungkook had been resistant at accepting at first. But, with a handful of
praise over Jungkook’s grades that left Jungkook’s back hurting from bowing in gratitude and an
implied bribe at helping him with his tuition, Jungkook gave in.

Reminding himself of this, Jungkook slams his way into the tutor center, his hands burning around
a coffee that tastes too cheap for the price. The President’s son rarely shows up to class; Jungkook
prays he’s a consistent man and treats his tutoring sessions the same way.

But with twenty one years of bad luck, Jungkook should have known today he wouldn’t suddenly
be granted it.

“Jeon, you’re late.”

Kim Taehyung.

He sits perched on the back of one of the couches in the waiting room, elbows resting on top of his
spread knees. There’s a shit eating grin on his lips as he tilts his head back, taking Jungkook in.

Jungkook adjusts the glasses perched on the nose he’s trying hard not to wrinkle. Taehyung is as
done up as always, hair styled in perfect blond waves and pale eyeshadow dotted around his kohl
lined eyes. He wears a loose, almost see through floral blouse that he has tucked into a pair of
slacks that Jungkook knows are more expensive than anything in his life.

It’s annoying really, that just one glance at him and he’s reminded of how wealthy Taehyung is.
Reminded that Taehyung is here for free, though he could afford it without problem, and doesn’t
even fucking try.

Meanwhile, Jungkook’s working so hard he barely sleeps and some nights he has to skip dinner
and lie to Yoongi about it.

“No I’m not,” Jungkook says as he gestures towards the clock hanging in the middle of the room,
ignoring the fact that he is indeed two minutes late because he had a crisis outside of the academic
building about whether or not he should go through with this. “Give me a sec and I’ll be right with
you, Mr. Kim.”

Taehyung presses his lips together, amusement in his eyes and Jungkook tries not to run off.

Jungkook makes quick work of setting up a room, making sure the whiteboard is clean and
spreading out the materials that he had gotten from Taehyung’s professor. The faster he starts, the
faster it gets over with.

Before he can open the door and call Taehyung in, Taehyung is sauntering past him and into the
study room. With his lips puckered, he teases his fingers around Jungkook’s tie, tugging slightly
until Jungkook frowns and pushes his hands off.

“You make a pretty cute teacher, Jeon.”

Kim Taehyung is maddening.

Jungkook smoothes down his shirt, hoping the sweat on his palms doesn’t stain the material. “Did
you bring your assignments like I asked?”

“Mhm,” Taehyung hums as he drops a bag to the table before taking a seat. Despite the elegant
way he carries himself, Taehyung sits laid back with his legs spread as far as they could possibly
go. “I attempted it.”

Sitting beside Taehyung, Jungkook waits for him to retrieve the packet of homework. He hands it
off with a tired sigh that Jungkook returns when he realizes Taehyung only answered one out of
thirty questions.

“This is quite simple,” Jungkook murmurs, trying not to assume that Taehyung only answered one
out of apathy and instead because he doesn’t understand it. Even if past experience tells him the
opposite. “Do you have your notes, Mr. Kim?”

“You can call me Taehyung,” Taehyung muses as he pulls a notebook from his bag. “Tae, Tae Tae,
babe, whichever you prefer.”

Jungkook takes the notebook without looking at Taehyung’s eyes. They’re always bright like that,
but there’s teasing in his smile and Jungkook refuses to let his cheeks burn beneath it.

The notes consist of doodles (impressive ones, Jungkook will admit it) in the margins and nothing
else related to chemistry except for the top headline. It’s not surprising. They’ve had enough shared
classes together that Jungkook knows Taehyung has a tendency to focus on the lines of his
notebook more so than whatever the professor is saying.

“Okay, good start,” Jungkook tries. Luckily, it is basic enough of chemistry that he doesn’t need to
rely on Taehyung’s notes as much. It’s so basic, that Taehyung must be re-taking it if he’s in the
first year class as a sophomore.

“What’s your major?” Taehyung asks, unconcerned with his obvious lack at of attempt.

“Biochemistry. This first page here is just labeling of the periodic table. The groups here, those are
the vertical lines, are put together based on similar properties -”

“Is biochemistry difficult?”

Jungkook glances up from the packet. Taehyung still looks amused. Jungkook’s mother used to
scold him when he made faces, telling him his face would stick that way. He never believed it until
he met Taehyung. “Um, a bit yeah. Anyway, the horizontal lines are called periods -”

“What exactly does one do with biochemistry?”

With a loud exhale from his nose, Jungkook continues explaining the assignment. The first page is
just labeling the different parts of the periodic table, something Taehyung could do easily just by
opening the first page of his textbook.

Taehyung stays quiet then but with every glance, Jungkook knows he isn’t paying attention. He
fidgets a lot, stares a lot with that dumb grin on his face and constantly plays with his pencil by his

Jungkook takes the pencil away because it’s distracting . It has nothing to do with the attention it
brings to his full lipped, heart shaped mouth, or anything, but the hums Taehyung lets out
whenever the wood touches his lips.

“This here is called the atomic number - Taehyung-ssi, are you paying attention?”

Taehyung raises his brows. “Hm? Of course. Atomic number, please continue.”

So Jungkook does and for the first page it goes smoothly, but the distractions continue with sighing
from Taehyung and a brief intermission of Taehyung trying to steal his pencil back.

He’s successful and immediately presses it to his lips. “What’s your zodiac sign?”

“Virgo,” Jungkook responds without thinking. He frowns, glaring. “Why?”

“Hm, I can work with that,” Taehyung says. “I’m a Capricorn.”

“Fascinating. Now back to Chemistry -”

“Isn’t that what I was talking about?” Taehyung muses, folding a hand under his chin. There’s a
gleam in his eyes that makes Jungkook flush. “Tell me, Jungkookie, how come I never see you at
any parties? You’re on the track team with Jiminie, right?”

Jungkook clears his throat. This is going to take awhile, he can tell getting Taehyung to pay
attention will be like pulling teeth but Jungkook’s a patient guy. They have a little less than two
hours before Jungkook has to go to his first morning class, if he runs across campus.

“I am. I don’t have time for partying.”

The truth is, Jungkook isn’t a huge fan of it. It’s so obvious when he’s dragged to one by Yoongi
and Hoseok, that they’ve stopped inviting him. Whether it’s because they know Jungkook is
uncomfortable or because he’s a mood killer, Jungkook isn’t sure.

Jungkook’s more comfortable around smaller crowds, quieter music. Even with alcohol in his
system, he prefers spending his free time with a handful of his friends, not the entire campus of
people he barely knows.

Taehyung wrinkles his nose and taps Jungkook’s cheek with the eraser end of his pencil until
Jungkook’s pulling away. “It’s college. There’s always time for partying. You should come to
Joon’s this Friday. Everyone will be there.”

The nerves are back as Jungkook fidgets with the homework packet, embarrassed under
Taehyung’s constant gaze. “I can’t. It’s not really my thing.”

Even if Jungkook did enjoy partying, he doesn’t have time between studying to death and trying
not to have a lifelong debt just to afford the four years of stress.

“Oh please,” Taehyung whines, lips pouting as he pokes Jungkook’s cheek with the pencil. “One
party. You’re stiff, Jungkookie. Loosen up a bit.”

“I’m plenty loose.”

The embarrassment flushes through Jungkook so quickly he nearly runs out of the study room
when Taehyung’s face lights up. It’s so bright he shines with it, rays of laughter bouncing off the
walls and landing on Jungkook’s cheeks until they burn.

“Are you? Did you have other intentions here than just studying? I’m open minded enough to
consider it.”

There’s mirth in Taehyung’s eyes when he says it, teeth gripping at his bottom lip as he reaches
over like he might just grab Jungkook’s tie again.

Jungkook huffs out, scrambling Taehyung’s things together across the table and dodging the touch.
He isn’t sure why Taehyung is messing with him and wasting his time like this.

“We - we should focus. We don’t have much time left and we haven’t even started the second

Taehyung leans back in the chair and gestures towards the packet but his eyes never leave
Jungkook’s face.

They don’t end up getting much done with Taehyung’s constant questions, but Jungkook is
satisfied with at least half of the packet finished and some hours of volunteer work complete.

It wouldn’t matter to him whether or not Taehyung passed or failed, but the president had stressed
how important it was for Taehyung to do well. Though that really isn’t Jungkook’s problem, the
idea of a couple thousand being chopped away from his annual tuition is a good motivator.

“So, I have a question,” Taehyung says, tapping the pencil to the packet. “This is the Atomic
Number, right?”

It seems silly, but Jungkook is relieved that Taehyung is finally showing that he has been paying
attention. He’s been dreading these sessions and today has confirmed his suspicions that they
would be rough to get through.

“Yes, that’s right Taehyung.”

Taehyung pushes his lips together, brows furrowing as he glances back at the paper. Jungkook
opens his lips to explain more, to relieve the question still lingering in Taehyung’s expression but
that same amusement returns to Taehyung’s eyes.

“So if that’s the Atomic Number, what’s your number?”

Really, Jungkook shouldn’t have been surprised.

An awkward laugh leaves his lips as Jungkook pushes the packet back to Taehyung. “It isn’t

“No?” Taehyung says, quirking a brow. “What if I need your help? Or I need to reschedule?”

It’s confusing, how Taehyung sounds concerned but looks like he’s having a laugh. If he is having
a laugh, Jungkook doesn’t get what’s so funny. “There’s a receptionist up front for a reason.”

He refuses to give Taehyung his number. The torture stays in one place. He really doesn’t need it
to follow him through classes and work, too. He’s been successful in avoiding Taehyung outside of
classes, which being busy and not going to parties had helped with. He only sees Taehyung in
passing, usually in the student center, or at track meets.

“I’ll just ask Jimin,” Taehyung hums as he leans back in his chair, watching as Jungkook moves to
leave. “Will I see you Friday?”

There’s a tug on his neck before Jungkook can rise from his seat and really, Jungkook is regretting
the tie. Taehyung rubs at the fabric though his eyes never leave Jungkook’s face.

“Yeah, yeah,” Jungkook agrees because he has a feeling Taehyung isn’t going to let it go.

Taehyung peers his eyes at him. “You better be there, Jungkookie. It’ll be a great way for us to
work on our chemistry.”

Heat soars to Jungkook’s ears. “If you were concerned about chemistry, you would have focused
on finishing your homework.”

Taehyung grins lopsidedly, hand still wrapped around Jungkook’s tie as he nears. “How about this.
If I finish this packet by class on Wednesday, you’ll go to Joon’s.”

Really, Jungkook doesn’t understand why Taehyung is so insistent. They have never spoken much,
only here and there when they’ve been forced to partner with each other in class. Partnered together
as in Jungkook doing all the work and not getting much more than a shrug or a twirl of a pencil
from Taehyung as he claimed not to know any of the answers.

“Deal?” Taehyung pushes, raising an eyebrow.

Jungkook peels Taehyung’s hand from his tie. “I can’t, really.”

There’s a pout to Taehyung’s lips as he swings his arms. “Please?


Jungkook feels trapped when Taehyung pushes into his space. The pout is gone, the innocent of his
eyes slipping away as Taehyung plants his hands on the wall behind Jungkook’s head, trapping

“What if I told daddy dearest that I stopped showing up to the sessions because how you made me
feel so unintelligent. ‘Oh this is an easy one, Tae, how don’t you get it?’”

Jungkook’s eyes grow wide as he pushes his hands against Taehyung’s chest, urging him back. “I
didn’t say it like that.”

Tapping his own chin, Taehyung purses his lips in consideration. “Really? That’s how I remember

Over the last two years, much of Jungkook’s contempt towards Taehyung had been out of
annoyance and a bit of jealousy that Jungkook would never admit out loud. Sometimes he felt bad
for it, trying not to judge someone just because they have it a bit easier than him.

Jungkook wonders how quickly contempt can turn to hate.

“Fine. Deal.”

Taehyung jumps on his toes, a smile of victory on his face like he hadn’t just threatened Jungkook
to get his way. “Okay good, see you tomorrow then!”

Jungkook whips around as Taehyung pushes past him. Tutoring is only scheduled for Mondays and
Wednesdays. That’s the only thing Jungkook agreed to because he barely has any time on his
schedule for it. “What?”
“How else am I going to finish this packet?” Taehyung asks as he swings himself from the door. “I
barely got anything done today.”

As Taehyung leaves, Jungkook rubs a hand down his face. He really should have listened to his
mother. A few thousand more in debt is worth not dealing with this.

He only gives himself a moment to catch his breath before taking off in a run across campus. It’s
moments like these that Jungkook is glad that he’s fast, because he hates being late and Taehyung
kept him longer than he had time for.

He has a routine that he needs to follow and he knows, in the pit of his gut, that Taehyung is going
to fuck it up.

The morning before his second session with Taehyung, Jungkook is just as nervous. He considers
multiple excuses to not go, not wanting to give into Taehyung’s threats because the President is
more than aware of Taehyung’s apathy for school, but he finds himself tracking into the tutor hall
five minutes before scheduled.

It isn’t the worst thing in the world, Jungkook tells himself. At least Taehyung isn’t trying to make
Jungkook to do his work for him and his questions are pretty innocent. But he kind of needs
Taehyung to focus and he really doesn’t want to go to Senior Namjoon’s party on Friday.

Taehyung is waiting for him despite arriving early. He has two cups of coffee in hand, a lollipop
between his lips, this time sitting properly on the waiting room couch. His normal curly style is
pushed back with a red bandana and his normal dark, amused eyes are a piercing blue.

“Good morning,” Taehyung says, much too awake at the early hour as he hands off one cup. “No
tie today?”

As soon as his hand is free, Taehyung reaches up to undo the button at Jungkook’s collar. He cocks
his head, admiring. “Cute.”

Jungkook considers packing aloe with him to soothe his heated face as he follows after Taehyung.
“I don’t have as much time today. My first class is on the other side of the campus at eight

“I’ll drive you,” Taehyung offers as he saunters into the study room before Jungkook. Today
Taehyung’s dressed much more casually, a plaid shirt thrown over a loose tank top. His jeans are
so ripped he might as well not be wearing them, his knee and most of his calf popping out of the
loose material.

“No - no, it’s fine,” Jungkook says, adjusting his bag over his shoulder. Taehyung points his
lollipop at him, ignoring the signs that ban food and drink in the study rooms. “Exercise is good.”

Taehyung halts in the entrance of the study room, turning to Jungkook. It’s deliberate and slow the
way he rakes his eyes over Jungkook’s body.
“You work out often?”

“I’m on the track team, remember? With Jimin?”

Jungkook clears his throat. Taehyung hovers a hand over Jungkook’s arm and Jungkook finds
himself nodding before he realizes what he’s nodding too. Taehyung hums appreciatively as he
squeezes Jungkook’s bicep and Jungkook wonders if Taehyung is determined to aggravate him
when he licks over his bottom lip.

“We should work out together sometime.”

Ignoring this, Jungkook pushes past Taehyung where he blocks the entrance and places his coffee
onto the table. “We should focus today, Taehyung-ssi. If you can.”

“Put a bag over your head and maybe I could,” Taehyung sighs like he’s distraught, dropping his
backpack onto the table. He completes it with a look of devastation in and a pout thrown in
Jungkook’s direction.


The pout turns into a smirk as Jungkook settles himself into his seat. The piercing blue contacts
makes Taehyung’s gaze seem even more intimidating. He looks like a predator, ready to devour
when he tilts his head back and parts his lips, eyes peering at Jungkook.

“I told you, you’re a cute teacher,” Taehyung responds as he presses his elbow onto the table. The
stance shows off the strength in his neck, the sharp of his jaw, and Jungkook looks away. “So go
on cutie, teach.”

“Focus this time?” Jungkook asks as he opens the packet to where they left off.

Taehyung sighs, rolling his eyes but he nods. “Yes, sir .”

This time, it’s Jungkook’s turn to peer his eyes at Taehyung. What look he is going for, he isn’t
sure, but whatever it is, it doesn’t work as Taehyung reaches over and touches his knuckle to
Jungkook’s hot cheeks.

The second session progresses nearly the same as the first, except they manage to finish two whole
pages instead of just one. Taehyung finally fills a few pages of his notebook with actual notes,
though they’re scattered, hard to read or hard to find amongst even more doodles.

“We should probably meet before class tomorrow.” Taehyung asks as he packs his bag.
Jungkook yawns. He had homework after work, which kept him up into the early hours of the
morning. The stress for today’s meeting hadn’t helped his sleep, keeping it broken and Jungkook
restless. “What time?”

“How’s six?”

Jungkook startles, nearly tumbling from his chair. They say going to bed earlier and having a full
night’s sleep is good for your health, but Jungkook isn’t sure how anyone is expected to do that.

“I think you can handle it on your own.”

Taehyung pouts his lips. “Please. I need to really pass this class.”

“Then you really need to pay attention.”

Ignoring him, Taehyung settles in the chair directly beside Jungkook and plants a hand to his knee.
“Then we’ll finish it tonight. You can come to my place.”

Jungkook doesn’t understand Taehyung one bit and his stomach is a mess and his skin is frying
off. He’s trying to do his job, make an honorable living despite not being paid.

“I work tonight.”

Taehyung sighs. “Fine, fine. Can you give me your number so I can message you if I need help

Reluctantly, Jungkook takes the phone that’s offered to him to input his phone number. Taehyung
looks sincere this time and it’s confusing how quickly he goes from looking like he doesn’t give a
shit, to now looking worried.

“Perfect,” Taehyung says as he flies from his seat. “Ciao baby.”

Jungkook remains in his seat long after Taehyung is gone, sulking in misery and confusion until
Hoseok comes in to kick him out. He has to run to get to class in time, rushing through the door out
of breath and filling with annoyance when he sees only the first row of desks available.

He’s studious, but he hates being front row. The professors call on him enough as it is and even
though Jungkook usually knows the answers, he hates the attention on him.

Even if the other students aren’t paying attention or look like they could care less, Jungkook’s
stomach always tilts when his name is called.

“Sorry professor,” Jungkook hums, bowing his head apologetically as he takes his seat.

“No worries, Jungkook-ssi. I hope everything is fine. I was concerned when I didn’t see you
waiting outside.”

Jungkook flushes. “I picked up volunteer hours at the tutoring center.”

His professor purses her lips. “Don’t overwork yourself, Mr. Jeon.”

He opens his lips to promise he won’t, but his bag vibrates loudly on his desk and he flushes
apologizing again.

It doesn’t take long for Jungkook to regret handing his phone number as more texts start coming
through. There’s more questions about Jungkook’s job (Burger Deluxe) and his favorite snacks
(everything tasty), memes that Jungkook pretends not to laugh at and absolutely nothing to do with

The texting lasts even through Jungkook’s shifts and he ignores the fact that he’s constantly
checking his phone to see if Taehyung has responded. Sometimes he doesn’t reply, usually out of
embarrassment from a too personal question, but he always finds something else to change the
subject when really he could just stop texting all together.

jungkook: you better be doing your homework

taehyung: or what? you’ll punish me?

Jungkook shuts off his screen and tries not to throw his phone at the family waiting patiently for
their dinner. He adjusts the paper hat placed on his head, face burning.

taehyung: are you into that jeon? they DO say it’s the quiet ones

jungkook: what do they say about the row of chemicals at the bottom of the periodic table?

“Who are you texting?”

Jungkook jumps where he stands by the counter in the kitchen, finding Yoongi staring amusedly at
him. He crosses his arms, tilting his head in question and Jungkook finds the urge to hide his

“You know how President Kim asked me to tutor his son?”

Interest has Yoongi’s brows raising. “Taehyung-ssi, yeah. How’s that going?”

“Oh, it’s awful hyung,” Jungkook complains, head hanging as his phone beeps again and he has to
resist the urge to look at the message. “We worked together three hours and barely got through a
thirty question packet.”

Yoongi rubs the top of Jungkook’s head, fluffing his hair. “I bet it’s not that bad.”

“It is,” Jungkook says seriously. It really isn’t; Taehyung is just frustrating and confusing.

Yoongi laughs loudly at that, lips pulling back to reveal teeth and gums. “Go easy on him,
Jungkookie. Taehyung’s had a really hard time with school.”

Jungkook frowns at that, glaring at Yoongi but Yoongi doesn’t offer more as he walks past
Jungkook to the refrigerator.

He would be more understanding if Taehyung just found the class difficult, if he put effort in and
was still struggling. But it is hard to feel sympathetic when Taehyung has only tried to continue
messing with him.
There’s something about the feel of his feet pounding into the pavement, the heat covering his skin
and the sweat slipping down his neck that Jungkook feels addicted too. The adrenaline, the
dopamine, filtering through his system and pushing him more and more . It’s what he loves best
about running.

His heart pumps quickly in his chest, lungs trying to catch as much air as possible as Jungkook
slows to a jog. His hair is damp to his forehead and his shirt is uncomfortably sticking to his chest,
but he feels euphoric.

It’s a stress reliever. Jungkook feels loose as he grabs his water bottle on the sideline. His workload
has grown in only a couple of days, he even has to swap shifts with someone at work to focus on
the amount. Plus, Taehyung hasn’t stopped texting him about Namjoon’s party and though he
hasn’t threatened him again, Jungkook hasn’t forgotten it.


Jungkook leans back against the fence as Jimin jogs over to him. His blue hair is glued to his
forehead, his shirt discarded somewhere on the track. The air is starting to cool, but Jimin’s skin
burns bright red for exertion.

“What are you? A speed demon?” Jimin asks, panting as he rests his palms to his knees and glares
at Jungkook. They don’t have practice today and Jungkook really doesn’t have the time to spare,
but it was hard to say no when Jimin asked.

It’s okay to take a break, right?

“No, I just don’t have munchkin legs.”

Jimin rips up, not hesitating to lift his leg as high as he can to kick Jungkook. Jungkook stops him
easily, grabbing him the ankle and twisting gently.

Neither one of them run with the same crowd, though Jungkook really doesn’t spend time with
anyone but Yoongi. Jimin’s part of the party crew as Jungkook calls it. They don’t have fraternities
here, but Jimin’s crew is the closest thing to it. They’re the ones running through campus shirtless
with paint on their skin during school events, handing out fliers every week for ‘exclusive parties’
and off campus keggers.

But Jimin is kind, funny, and doesn’t hold that air of arrogance around anyone. He’s from a family
of wealth but he works hard at school, Jungkook’s found him often in the library. He even reaches
out to Jungkook whenever he’s struggling.

Jungkook really only has Yoongi and Hoseok as friends, though they don’t count because he grew
up with them. But Jimin is the closest thing to that. They just don’t hang out often unless it’s to

Because Jimin just happens to be Taehyung’s best friend, maybe boyfriend. Jungkook’s undecided.

“You’re a shit,” Jimin huffs, ripping his leg from Jungkook. “Are you coming to Joon’s tonight?”

Jungkook’s stomach rattles as he shakes his head, depositing the empty water bottle into his bag.
Jimin frowns then, eyebrows stitching together as he reaches for his own.
“Tae Tae said you were.”

It’s difficult not to groan as Jungkook presses his fingers to his temple, chest still heaving from

“I have a question about Taehyung.”

There’s amusement on Jimin’s face as he finishes downing his bottle and crunches it in his hand.
He wipes at his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand. “I’m not giving away his phone

Jungkook stills in his attempts at pulling off his own sweat soaked shirt. “What? No, I already have

Jimin raises his eyebrows at that. “Oh really.”

There’s something about his tone, the way he purses his lips, that makes Jungkook feel hot. He
throws the sweaty shirt to the ground, savoring the cool air dancing over his skin.

Maybe they aren’t dating.

“Why do you say it like that?”

Jimin shrugs, but his lips are pressed into a grin that confuses Jungkook more. “Come to the party,
Kook. You need a break.”

“This was my break,” Jungkook clarifies, but Jimin isn’t listening as he waves his arm over his
head, calling for someone.

And dread sinks down Jungkook’s spine when Jimin glances at him with a grin. He doesn’t even
have to turn around to see who it is, he can practically feel Taehyung’s amused eyes on him.

“Jeon,” Taehyung says, sauntering up to the fence separating the track and the bleachers. He isn’t
shy about the way his eyes drag down Jungkook’s body, nor the way he licks his lips when he
props his elbows on the fence. “Fancy seeing you here.”

“I told you he was with me,” Jimin snorts.

Taehyung ignores this with a wave of his hand, biting at his bottom lip. “Will I see you tonight?”

Jungkook is trapped. There are plenty of ways he can get out of this, but he doesn’t truly know if
Taehyung would tell his father that Jungkook’s made him feel bad. When he hasn’t . Taehyung
may not care about school, but that doesn’t make someone a liar.

It just isn’t something Jungkook can take the chance in risking. It’s more than just the money; if
the President hates him, he could make life hell for Jungkook.


Taehyung’s cheeks bunch over his smile. He reaches over the fence, making Jungkook jolt when
his finger presses into the dip between his collarbones. “You should wear this.”

Jimin’s laugh filters through the air as his shoulder smacks against Jungkook’s. “Tae, your flirting
could really use some improvement.”

Definitely not boyfriends.

Taehyung walks backwards, winking at Jeongguk as Jimin jumps over the fence to join him. He
doesn’t respond nor return the wiggle of Taehyung’s fingers in a wave. Is that what Taehyung is
doing? Flirting?”

Jungkook doesn’t think so. If he was, why suddenly? It’s not like they just met.

The music is loud. So loud that Jungkook can feel it vibrating through his body as he tries to make
it through the overheated living room. The strict, no separation rule he had set into place before
arriving here has already been broken, and they haven’t even been here long.

Yoongi and Hoseok know everyone apparently, as it was easy for them to get dragged off without
Jungkook realizing. He’s unfamiliar with the house, on which way to go to even start looking.
There’s some people he recognizes, some he could approach to talk to. But one, Jungkook doesn’t
want to. And two, he doubts anyone here wants to talk about science while shit faced.

Relief comes in the form of an open space, air that doesn’t feel too stuffy to breathe. There’s light
too, pouring out from the kitchen. It’s a massive house, one that looks like it holds several
bedrooms. The kitchen is just as large, holding a table in the middle that’s covered in cups. There’s
a crowd surrounding it and it isn’t any quieter here, but at least there’s more space.

Hoseok’s laughter stands out anyway, his teeth out as he bends over and laughs. Jungkook almost
sends his thanks into the sky before he spots who Hoseok throws an arm around.

Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook considers sinking back out and finding Yoongi instead, but he hears his name and a
minute later there’s hands on his back, pushing him forward.

Jimin’s eyes are heavy and unfocused, his grin lopsided as he pushes Jungkook towards Hoseok
and Taehyung. He’s unaware of Jungkook’s attempts to stop him, his heels digging into the
linelolium. He might be small but he’s strong, pushing Jungkook without losing his breath.

Taehyung notices them first, a smile already plastered on his face when his eyes fall onto
Jungkook. He’s quick to sink away from Hoseok’s touch and get into Jungkook’s space, thrusting
his cup into Jungkook’s chest.

“You actually came,” Taehyung laughs. “I didn’t think you would.”

Frowning at that, Jungkook pushes back the cup. He may not be too up with party culture, but he
sure as hell knows not to accept a drink from anyone. “You threatened me.”

Taehyung sighs, throwing an arm around Jungkook’s shoulder. He throws his head back as he
takes a long sip of his drink and hands it back to Jungkook. “I was just kidding, baby. Have a

With burning ears, Jungkook accepts the drink with the attempt at cooling down. Taehyung
doesn’t let his shoulder go even when Hoseok approaches and punches him gently in the chest.

“Oh no, back off Kim,” Hoseok huffs, stealing Taehyung’s attention. “I know that look. Don’t you

“What look?” Taehyung murmurs innocently before he turns back to Jungkook and pokes him in
the cheek. “You wanna play?”

Jungkook clears his throat. “No, no thank you.”

It makes Taehyung smile wider. “So polite. You need to experience the party life, Jeon. One

Jungkook looks warily at the table, at the red cups set up in diamond form. Hoseok’s clapping his
back, cheering excitedly as he swears Taehyung is the beer pong champ.

It’s been awhile since Jungkook’s gotten drunk. Since high school, on a last minute camping trip he
had gone on with Hoseok and Yoongi to celebrate Jungkook getting into the same school as them.

“Okay, just one round.”

Taehyung sticks to his word of just one round. Jungkook had worried he wouldn’t, especially when
his head started to feel the alcohol in his system. Yoongi had found him halfway through the game,
forcing a water bottle onto him that he sips at now. Even barely awake, wasted out of his mind,
Yoongi would find a way to tend to him.

He also holds a can of beer that will probably be warm by the time he gets to it, but Taehyung had
insisted before pulling him away from the kitchen and Hoseok. Jungkook considers downing it in
fear of Taehyung pulling him into the crowded living room, but he diverts it and heads to the back
porch instead.

“Come on, you smoke?”

Jungkook feels flustered by Taehyung’s attention, the hand on his arm and the smile inches from
his face.

Taehyung truly is attractive. He wears a headband again, pushing his hair so it curls back. His ears
are aligned with earrings that dangle and sparkle, his full lips a deep read but the rest of his face
clear of makeup. He wears an oversized tank top despite the cool air outside, showing off the
ridges of his ribcage and the thin muscle on his sides. Those same ripped jeans are back, the ones
that really don’t cover much more than his crotch and ankles.

Up close, Jungkook can’t think about it because Taehyung smiles whenever his face reddens.

Maybe the alcohol actually is affecting him.

“Um -”

Taehyung wrinkles his nose as he pushes open the door. The porch is closed in, the top half of the
walls screen windows that are opened as wide as they can go. There’s plants covering the ground
and hanging from the ceiling, an old floral couch in the middle. There’s a few wicker chairs too
and all the seats are occupied, but Taehyung fits himself on the arm of the couch.

“I won’t force you, but you should try it,” Taehyung says before he’s elbowing the man next to
him. “Joonie, this is Jungkook.”

Kim Namjoon is friends with Yoongi; they’ve met a handful of times before. But there’s no
recognition in his eyes as he holds up a hand in a wave. Well, Jungkook can’t quite be sure if
there’s recognition in them, as Namjoon’s eyes are so heavy that they’re barely cracked open.

“He’s never been to a party before.”

Namjoon wrinkles his nose at that but he’s smiling, waving his hand for Jungkook to come over.
There’s nowhere to sit so he just stands awkwardly by Taehyung’s legs as Namjoon holds up a
thin, green looking cigarette towards him.

“Welcome dude,” Namjoon says, nudging the blunt towards him. “You’re Yoongi’s brother, eh?”

No, Jungkook thinks, but he nods as he takes the blunt from Namjoon hesitantly. Yoongi’s
constantly telling everyone that he’s his baby brother, so he doesn’t clarify that they’re technically

“Like this,” Taehyung says as he takes it, turning to Jungkook as he digs into his pocket for a
lighter. “You sure you wanna smoke, Jeon?”

“I smoke.”

Taehyung raises his eyebrows at that, amusement returning. “I don’t believe you.”

It’s one thing Jungkook probably shouldn’t do; but it helps him when he’s struggling to sleep at
night. Even if it makes him even sleepier in the morning. He doesn’t do it often, only on the
weekends because if he oversleeps then, it doesn’t make him late for class or work. It just puts him
behind on his homework, so Jungkook still tries not to.


Taehyung curls his lips around the end before he lights it, not answering Jungkook’s question. He
inhales, lips pulling back before he lets the smoke curl from his lips.

It’s distracting and Jungkook doesn’t pull his eyes away, even when Taehyung catches him staring
at his mouth and grins.

“Because you don’t seem the type,” Taehyung says as he offers Jungkook the blunt again. “Go on,

Jungkook doesn’t know why Taehyung insists on calling him that or why his ears insist on burning
every time, but he takes the blunt between his lips.

And proceeds to choke.

Taehyung huffs out a laugh, but it doesn’t seem cruel as he takes the blunt from Jungkook and
stands. They’re about the same height, Taehyung maybe a bit taller as he crowds into Jungkook’s

“Like this,” Taehyung says as he pulls the blunt to his lips.

It isn’t a lie; Jungkook knows how to smoke, but he doesn’t insist on convincing him when
Taehyung leans forward and breathes smoke over his lips.

Jungkook grows taut, body frozen still. Taehyung pinches his chin, guiding him to part his lips but
Jungkook doesn’t move.

Their lips don’t press together, but they’re close Taehyung presses onto Jungkook’s bottom lip to
open his mouth and exhales.

It’s dizzying and Jungkook pulls away after he inhales. Taehyung is messing with him again he
thinks as Taehyung rests his butt back to the arm of the couch and lets his amused eyes wander
over Jungkook.

“You get red a lot,” Taehyung comments, breath tight as he inhales again.

The music is a dull vibration, quiet enough that the people on the porch can hear themselves talk.
Taehyung speaks quietly but it sounds like he’s yelling and Jungkook feels his neck grow hot too.

It makes Taehyung huff out a smoky laugh.

“You look like your body is about to break in half, come here.”

“What are you doing?” Jungkook asks, even if he takes a step forward. Taehyung grips the bottom
of his shirt, pulling it where it’s tucked into his jeans. He tilts his chin, raising a brow as he brings
the blunt back to his lips.

“Working on our chemistry like I said,” Taehyung murmurs, a gleam in his eyes.

“I think you and I have two different definitions of chemistry,” Jungkook says, fiddling with his
glasses because Taehyung’s gaze makes him nervous.

Taehyung snorts. “Is that so?”

He cups the back of Jungkook’s neck, carefully indicating for him to lean down as he breathes in
the smoke again. This time, Taehyung pushes closer, dangerously close, and Jungkook panics
thinking he’ll touch their lips together but someone’s calling his name and saving the day.

Yoongi saunters up to them, his cheeks reddened. “You alright?”

Jungkook nods. It’s really hot on the porch, even with the outside air breezing through the open
room. He wants to stretch out his collar and cool himself down, but Taehyung notices too much of
everything for him to get away with it.

“Taehyung stop being a shit to Jungkook,” Yoongi says as he takes the blunt from Taehyung.

“I literally haven’t done anything,” Taehyung hums, holding his hands up in innocence. “I’m just
trying to show him the party life.”

Yoongi peers his eyes at that, handing the blunt off to Jungkook. “I know you, Kim. If my brother
doesn’t make it home safe both physically and mentally, I’ll make your life hell.”

For a moment, the amusement slips from Taehyung’s eyes despite the casual way in which Yoongi
threatens him. It comes back a moment later as he kicks at Yoongi.

“Fuck off. Don’t you have a dick to suck?”

Yoongi huffs out a laugh. “Man, I’m trying.”

Jungkook is going to die of embarrassment. He and Yoongi rarely talk about sexual things. It’s
awkward when they do. When Jungkook first came to him when he wanted to lose his virginity,
Yoongi was extremely textbook, extremely father like. It was just as terrifying as getting the sex
talk from his actual father.

Hoseok jokes like sex jokes are his oxygen, but even those embarrass Jungkook. He isn’t a virgin,
isn’t new around sex, but sometimes the vulgarity of it all makes his face too hot.

Taehyung glances at his watch. “By now, Jimin-ah has probably dragged Hobi off to the
bathrooms if you want to join them and leave me and your dongsaeng alone.”

What , Jungkook thinks, finding it hard to glance at Yoongi.

“Take care of him, Kim!”

Yoongi is gone without hesitation and Jungkook stares after him, wondering when the fuck any of
that happened.

“It’s gross, I know,” Taehyung says, nudging Namjoon to hand him back the roach. “Not the
whole poly thing, I’m not judgmental. But like, that’s your hyung, I get it.”

The whole poly thing , Jungkook feels his eyes bugging out of his head.

Taehyung narrows his eyes as he stands. It’s alarming the way his eyes darken, thick brows
pressing together as he pokes at Jungkook’s chest. “Are you judging?”

“What? N-no. I just - I just didn’t know.”

Taehyung relaxes immediately, smiling at him. He pokes Jungkook in the cheek. “You’re cute.
Come on, I’m fucking high and wanna dance.”

Jungkook stays still, staring at the people around them but none of them pay him any mind. He is
being pulled away a second later, dragged towards the suffocating crowd.

It’s fucking hot, Jungkook thinks the moment Taehyung pulls him into the sea of people. Their
bodies are forced together but Taehyung’s eyes are closed, head swaying to the pounding music.

Jungkook doesn’t know what to do with his hands. There isn’t much space to move properly and he
wishes he were more high, or drunker, but he only feels pleasantly loose. His nerves, though, are
still strong enough to make him feel as if he’s never had hands before.

Taehyung slings an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders, bringing him impossibly closer. He opens
his eyes then, weaving his free hand through his hair to take in Jungkook.

It’s really hot around the dancing bodies.

“Is it physically impossible for you to loosen up?” Taehyung asks, fingers gripping at the back of
his neck.

“Why are you so concerned with it?” Jungkook asks, finally planting his hands to Taehyung’s hips.
Neither one of them are moving much, though Taehyung sways his head to the music and taps his
fingers to the back of Jungkook’s neck.

“I know my father isn’t paying you,” Taehyung says as he slips his hand down Jungkook’s chest
and catches his fingers at the collar of his shirt. “I thought I’d help you get that stick out of your ass
as repayment for your help.”

Jungkook frowns at that, but he feels hot when Taehyung drags down the collar of his shirt. His
eyes are slightly hazy, heavy, and he keeps licking his lips in a way that is not good for Jungkook.

It could be easily argued that Jungkook hasn’t helped much, though that’s more Taehyung’s fault
than his own. He could also tell Taehyung that President Kim implied a reduction in tuition, but
there’s more concerning matters to talk about first.

“I don’t have a stick in my ass.”

Taehyung snorts, giggling quietly. “Yes you do, baby.”

He rubs his hands down Jungkook’s forearms then, tickling down them until he takes both of
Jungkook’s hands into his own. He tugs, pulling Jungkook until their chests are plastered together.

“Still hot though.”

Jungkook is. His ears are burning and there’s sweat building at his neck. Taehyung has no shame,
the teasing back in his eyes as starts to rock his hips.


Taehyung grins at that, sliding his hands back up his arms until he’s cupping the sides of
Jungkook’s neck. It makes it hard to breathe, the closeness of everyone, the proximity of Taehyung
and the way Taehyung looks at Jungkook’s mouth.

“Mhm,” Taehyung hums with a nod, pressing his lips together. The lipstick is dark, standing out
against his tan skin even in the dim lighting of the living room. Taehyung ducks forward, those red
stained lips sliding over Jungkook’s ear and a tiny part of him hopes that some stays behind. “Hard
to pay attention while thinking about going down on you in the middle of the study center.”

Jungkook squeezes his eyes closed at the words said into his ear. He can feel Taehyung’s laugh
before he’s turning, planting his back to Jungkook’s chest.

It’s difficult to dance, it’s difficult to forget Taehyung’s words. He’s never been interested in
Taehyung like that, but the image is in his head.

And it doesn’t help that Taehyung arches when he dances, pressing into his hips.

It doesn’t help when Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s hands and plants them to his abdomen, fingers
locking between his as he rests his head back against Jungkook’s shoulder.

Jungkook’s clothes are sticking to his skin when Taehyung turns back again. His eyes are dark as
he hooks an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders, the other cupping the side of his neck.

A thumb presses under his chin and something sizzles down Jungkook’s back, making him gasp
before his eyes are meeting with Taehyung’s.

“Is school work the only thing that relaxes you?” Taehyung asks.

Before, Jungkook had thought maybe Taehyung’s expression was stuck on amused. That his eyes
would always be filled with laughter and his mouth a permanent smirk. But Jungkook’s realizing
he has this look too and Jungkook isn’t sure which one he hates more.

Taehyung’s eyes are dark and heavy with something that makes Jungkook’s stomach twist. His lips
part often, his breathing labored from the dancing.

“Wouldn’t call it relaxing,” Jungkook laughs, wishing he didn’t sound as overwhelmed as he feels.
“But yeah.”

The amusement comes back as he slides his hands down Jungkook’s back. “Come on, let’s go
study somewhere then.”

Realistically, Jungkook knows they won’t be studying. He highly doubts that Taehyung has any of
his material with him, that he would pay attention to the stuff Jungkook could tell him from

When Taehyung grabs more drinks, he knows, he knows that they aren’t studying but he follows
after Taehyung anyway.

“This is my favorite part of partying,” Taehyung says as he leads him upstairs. “Disappearing.”

Jungkook stifles a laugh that quick dies on its own as Taehyung pushes open a door, revealing a

He’s seen movies, he knows what people do in bedrooms at parties.

With the door closed, the music muffles and Jungkook can now hear the pounding of his heart as
Taehyung jumps onto the bed. He sticks a bottle of soju between his thighs, opening the other.

“Why do you like going to parties if you prefer to be alone?”

Jungkook feels dumb for asking when Taehyung frowns around the lip of the bottle, leaning back
to hold his weight on one hand.

“I don’t prefer to be alone. You’re here with me.”

“We could be alone literally anywhere else.”

Taehyung grins at that, raising an eyebrow. “Is that so? Would you prefer to go somewhere else?”

No, Jungkook thinks. He’d prefer to be at home, finishing his studies so he doesn’t have to do them
after work tomorrow. The party isn’t bad, per se, Jungkook just isn’t a fan of wasting time.

“Jeon,” Taehyung huffs, amused as always. “Come have a drink. Let me help you relax.”

That implies a lot and Jungkook stays rooted where he’s standing, even when Taehyung throws his
head and complains loudly.

“You’re like an old man in a really hot, younger body,” Taehyung says with a whine. He jumps
from the bed, thrusting the unopened bottle against Jungkook’s chest and grabbing his hand to drag
him to the bed. “When was the last time you had fun?”

“I’m having a blast right now,” Jungkook deadpans.

This earns a small smile from Taehyung. Maybe he does need a drink, Jungkook thinks, because
his eyes linger on his mouth and he doesn’t think that way about Taehyung.

Taehyung is too frustrating, annoying, pretentious. He watches Jungkook take a drink, smile
“Good boy,” Taehyung hums, picking up his knee to place his elbow onto it, securing his fist
beneath his chin. Jungkook wants to get rid of his hot ears. There’s no use for them anyway, right?
“Are you truly uncomfortable?”

Jungkook shakes his head. “No, I’m just trying to understand you.”

Taehyung snorts, eyes heavy. “There’s nothing to understand, boo. You look like you need about
an ounce of Xanax and I’m trying to help my community here.”

“I don’t look that tense,” Jungkook denies in offense, frowning before he takes another gulp.

It isn’t that he’s uncomfortable, he’s just suddenly very nervous. The awareness of how alone they
are, how close they are, has hit him full force and he can’t read Taehyung enough to know his

One thing Jungkook likes as much as routine and being punctual, is avoiding awkward situations.

“When was the last time you got laid, Jeon?”

Jeongguk sputters as he chokes on the sip he takes, coughing loudly and Taehyung, the shit he is,
laughs instead of helps.

“That long?” Taehyung huffs, reaching out to steady the bottle as Jungkook coughs.

“No,” Jungkook breathes, wiping at the tears that build at the corners of his eyes beneath his
glasses. “I get laid plenty.”

Another snort. Jungkook can’t tell if Taehyung is mocking him or not. “Jimin-ah tells me the only
thing you do is study and work.”

“I’m a broke college student,” Jungkook argues. He sighs, shoulders sinking as he realizes
Taehyung is messing with him again. “Why are you talking about me with Jimin-ah hyung?”

Taehyung taps the head of his bottle against Jungkook’s. “Who’s prying now, baby?”

Jungkook’s mouth parts in bewilderment. Taehyung is another breed of human, he thinks. One that
makes no sense and is infuriating.

His lips look nice wrapping around the head of the soju bottle.

“I should go,” Jungkook says, attempting to stand but Taehyung is grabbing for him. The pout is
back, full lips pushed out and eyes so wide that Jungkook’s heart almost skips a beat.

“Truly, I just want you to have fun,” Taehyung says, holding out a pinky finger. “You have to go to
at least one party in college and if it’s just this one, I want to make sure you have a fun time.”

Jungkook eyes him suspiciously. “Why?”

There’s no response for a minute as Taehyung takes another sip. Jungkook follows pursuit, praying
the silence doesn’t turn awkward. If it does, it would be his fault, because Taehyung seems like the
type to deflect awkwardness.

“What’s your favorite thing besides biochemistry?”

Jungkook frowns at that. He wouldn’t say biochemistry is his favorite thing, it’s just something
he’s smart about and hopefully will offer him a career that will help him pay off his debt faster.
“Um, I like cats. Big cats.”

“Cats,” Taehyung breathes, clenching his eyes shut. “Oh my god, okay. What else?”

Jungkook is getting hot again under Taehyung’s attention. He drinks faster, gulping. “I’m a part of
the environmental club at school. I like that.”

Taehyung watches him as Jungkook rubs his sweaty palms over his thighs. He hates when this
happens. He knows the body needs to sweat, but really in this situation? There’s no purpose behind

“Okay, but what about hobbies?”

“That is a hobby.”

Letting out a groan, Taehyung nearly flails back onto the bed. “What about video games?”

Jungkook rubs at the back of his neck. “I play them a lot when I’m home.”

Taehyung lifts his leg higher, resting his chin on his forearm as he peers at Jungkook. “Wanna
come to mine and play them sometime?”

At least he doesn’t ask why Jungkook doesn’t play them now, Jungkook thinks. “Uh, why?”

Taehyung laughs at that. “I’m trying to be your friend, Jeon. Have you heard of it?”

Jungkook goes to swat at Taehyung, but Taehyung catches his hand and quickly intertwines their
fingers. “Of course I’ve heard of a friend. I just don’t understand why. We’ve known each other
for like a year.”

“I know, I’ve been trying to be your friend,” Taehyung says, squeezing their fingers. “But you’re a
bit anti social. I blame it on that stick up your ass.”

Jungkook grunts, pushing their clasped hands but he doesn’t let go. His head feels a bit heavy, but
nothing too much. It feels nice and maybe Jungkook does need time to relax sometime, but he can’t
conjure time out of his ass.

“Yeah, yeah,” Taehyung interrupts as soon as Jungkook’s mouth open. “No stick up there, got it.
Turn around.”

There’s that look again, the smirk, the dark eyes, and despite his words, Taehyung doesn’t let go of
Jungkook’s hand either.


“Is that your favorite word?”

Jungkook huffs before he turns around. The hair on the back of his neck stands up being unable to
see Taehyung, to know what he’s doing. He never told Jungkook he couldn’t look at him, but
Jungkook stays rock still anyway.

He tenses even more when he feels hands on his back, rubbing over his shoulders. He winces when
Taehyung digs a thumb into the back of his neck.

“Do you get headaches?”

“Um, yes?” Jungkook asks. He takes another sip, breathing out through his nose.

He doesn’t know why he just doesn’t get up and leave.

“This is why,” Taehyung says softly, rubbing more at his neck. It hurts, forcing a gasp from
Jungkook’s lips. “You’re too tense.”

But it also feels good as Taehyung continues, rubbing, circling, and digging his thumbs into
Jungkook’s neck and shoulders.

It feels too good and Jungkook flushes when he sighs a bit too loudly. Taehyung only hums in
response, fingers digging harder.

He sips at his drink nervously, finding his body taking over and sinking into Taehyung’s touch.
Jungkook has always been careful to massage his legs and stretch, but he hasn’t felt his body
loosen up as much like this before.

“Do you always do this when you sneak off?” Jungkook finds himself asking.

Taehyung laughs quietly. “Uh, not quite this but touching, yes.”

Jungkook flushes so hard he’s afraid his cheeks might just fall off. He doesn’t realize he’s pulling
away until Taehyung is laughing.

“Don’t worry, just touching your back,” Taehyung hums as he circles his thumbs down Jungkook’s
spine. “Though if you wanted me to touch elsewhere, I would.”

Jungkook grits his teeth. He needs to go soon because his body is reacting in a way he can’t control
and it’s Taehyung .

He’s about to turn around and tell Taehyung he thinks his body is loose enough when Taehyung
grinds his thumbs into the bottom of his spine, pulling a low groan from Jungkook’s lips.

The room is too quiet and Jungkook bites his bottom lip hard enough it could bleed. He may be
tipsy, but he’s definitely not drunk. If he was drunk, he wouldn’t care about the buzz in his belly
and the way his dick twitches in interest.

It’s Taehyung .

“We should go dance again,” Jungkook tries, even though the nerves inside of him make him want
to hightail it out of Namjoon’s house all together.

Taehyung pulls his hands away, planting them behind himself as Jungkook turns around. His eyes
are dark again, contrasting with that fucking smirk of his.

Maybe he should drink more and get over the panic he feels wanting to wander his eyes over the
length of Taehyung’s body and settle where his shirt rides up.

“I thought you wanted to study?”

It’s Taehyung and he’s infuriating .

“Study my ass while I walk out,” Jungkook grits out.

The room lights up with a laugh that’s loud enough to make the music sound non existent. It’s
difficult for Jungkook not to turn around and see the face Taehyung makes when he laughs, but he
has to remain strong in his exit.

Taehyung doesn't let him go far, though, and he’s barely in the hallway before there’s arms
wrapping around him.

“Wait, I need to study a bit more,” Taehyung huffs in his ear, the laugh still in his tone.

“Then let me go,” Jungkook breathes even though there’s a voice inside of him telling him he
doesn’t want Taehyung to. Maybe the alcohol.

To his surprise, Taehyung does, letting Jungkook walk off. But a whistle is quick to follow once
Jungkook puts enough distance between them.

He can’t help but look over his shoulder and find Taehyung really staring at his ass. At least it
looks genuine when Taehyung glances up and his eyes go wide like he wasn’t expecting to be

It slips away quickly, morphing into that expression that usually sits on his face.

“I thought you just had a flat ass, Jungkook, but after some research I see it’s quite nice,” Taehyung
calls. “Muscular.”

Jungkook almost runs back downstairs.

Almost. Taehyung’s wrapping an arm around his shoulders before he can and Jungkook slows his
steps to let him.

“Come on, you wanna dance baby? Let’s dance.”


There’s a handful of things Taehyung knows about Jeon Jungkook. He’s uptight, he’s a know it all
and a bit rude about it, he’s the fastest man alive, he gets embarrassed easier than anyone
Taehyung has ever met, and he’s really fucking hot.

Even though Jungkook’s a member of the Flat Ass Society, the jeans he wears are so thin and so
tight that Taehyung can see every muscle in his legs. Including the ones that bulge in his ass
cheeks when he walks. And his thighs? They’re like brick houses, two brick houses beside each
other and Taehyung wants to live in them.

Taehyung feels honored by the invitation to stare at his ass, though the comment had thrown him
off. He wasn’t expecting Jungkook to say something like that.

Nor was he expecting the invitation to keep dancing. Taehyung wanted to talk alone some more, to
keep making Jungkook flush, to try to get the stick out of his ass.

Because despite what Jungkook says, there’s definitely one up there.

The music is fast, pumping through the room and Taehyung’s veins. He feels a little breathless as
he moves his body to it, but light and hot at the same time. Jungkook seems to move to it
effortlessly, his eyes closed and neck arching back like he’s desperate for the cool air that sit on top
of the dance floor.

Taehyung grips Jungkook’s hip, pulling him close so he doesn’t lose him when he closes his eyes
too. He lied earlier; this is his favorite part of partying.

The buzz inside of him, strong enough for him to feel nothing but the music and the heat of
Jungkook’s body against him, but not too strong to make him sloppy. The pounding of his heart,
which he isn’t sure is because of the dancing or the way Jungkook’s arm curls around the back of
his neck.

Taehyung blinks his eyes open, grinning around a teasing comment but he stops when he sees

The dude’s lit, eyes half open and his grin like a creepy old man making a perverted joke.

Fuck. Yoongi’s going to tear his life into pieces.

“Jeon,” Taehyung says over the music, grabbing Jungkook’s chin to lift his head. His eyes are
unfocused for a moment before they land on Taehyung.

The arm around his neck tightens and Jungkook’s body presses into his more.

Maybe Taehyung shouldn’t have gotten him his last drink before dragging him back to the dance
floor. He hadn’t even seemed tipsy at all, his body too taut to be so.

But the alcohol has clearly caught up to him now.

“The baby is drunk,” Taehyung laughs, trying to remain cool but Yoongi is definitely going to kill

He prays to the creators of Mario Kart or whatever other gods are out there that Yoongi is
completely occupied as he tries to lead Jungkook from the dance floor.

At least Jungkook can walk properly, Taehyung thinks. He doesn’t stumble too much and he seems
more alert outside of the dance floor, but his face is burning red and his words slur too much to be

“Hot,” Jungkook complains as Taehyung guides him into the kitchen after making sure it’s Yoongi
free. “I’m so hot.”

“I’m well aware,” Taehyung teases.

Jungkook is cute as his face crumples in complaint, lips pouting out. Cute, until he hangs his head
back and grabs the bottom of his sweat soaked shirt to pull it off.

Super fuck.

His torso is just as red as his face, just as sweaty. Taehyung grabs his elbow, dragging him towards
the sink.
“Have some water, baby,” Taehyung says as he quickly fills one of the solo cups. “How drunk are

“None drunk,” Jungkook replies as he quickly downs the contents of the cup.

Taehyung hastily pulls it back. “Drink slowly or you’ll be sick.”

Jungkook curls around Taehyung’s side, taking back the cup when Taehyung fills it again.
Taehyung is feeling hot too, the heat radiating from Jungkook’s skin and coating his own.

This isn’t what he had planned when he asked Jungkook to come to Namjoon’s party. He wanted to
see if Jungkook was really as uptight as he seemed, if he could hang.

Well, he can’t hang and Taehyung wasn’t expecting to feel so fond. He wasn’t expecting to want to
tend to Jungkook the way he does when his other friends get shit faced.

He’ll blame it on the fact that Yoongi is lurking somewhere and Yoongi’s threatened him over
Jungkook too often for him not to be wary.

“What time’s it?”

Jungkook gives him a dopey smile, his lips glistening from the water and red from the way he
sucks on his bottom lip. He adjusts his glasses, leaving them more askew then they were before.

“Don’t know.”

He gets a wrinkle nose in response to this. “Gotta get up early tomorrow. Homework. Fucking

It doesn’t fit, the swear coming from Jungkook’s lips. Taehyung cards a hand around his neck,
keeping his head supported. “Well, I’ll take you home then.”

Another wrinkled nose and Jungkook pulls back. He scratches at his belly and fuck, his pants are
really tight, leaving Taehyung with the impression it isn’t just the alcohol and the dancing that’s
made Jungkook hot.

Any other time, Taehyung would make a teasing comment or a more serious flirting one at the
bulge between Jungkook’s legs. But right now he grabs Jungkook’s shirt and tries to wrestle it
back over his head.

“Don’t,” Jungkook argues, fighting off the shirt. “I know what that means.”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh. Never in his life would he imagine Jungkook to be adorable .

“What does that mean, you big baby?”

Jungkook rips his shirt from Taehyung. “Stop trying to take my clothes off.”

It’s ridiculous and Taehyung laughs again, pushing into Jungkook’s space.

His eyes blow open wide, focused on Taehyung’s face when Taehyung grabs his cheeks. He’s glad
for Jungkook’s attention, but Jungkook immediately presses into his body on instinct.

“It means - it means, you want to bone.”

Taehyung snorts loudly. He does, sometime, but not now. He holds his pinky finger in front of
Jungkook’s face, making Jungkook’s eyes go cross when he looks at it.

“Pinky promise, I’m just taking you home to sleep so you can do your fucking homework

There’s amusement in Jungkook’s eyes as he smacks his own pinky against Taehyung’s.

“Fucking,” is all Jungkook says as he squeezes Taehyung’s finger.

With some convincing, Taehyung manages to get Jungkook’s shirt back on and to the bathroom
before they leave. He doesn’t want to leave Jungkook alone, unsure how drunk he really is, but he
shuts the door and leans against it to give him privacy.

Life is cruel, Taehyung thinks as he finds Yoongi slumping towards him. He tries to remain calm,
a poster child of coolness, even when Yoongi’s eyes narrow.

He looks a bit ridiculous, shirt completely unbuttoned and lipstick smeared over the side of his
neck and mouth. His jeans are unbuttoned too, his hair a wreck and cheeks flushed, but his eyes are
too murderous for Taehyung to laugh.

“Where’s Kook?”

Taehyung shrugs, pressing harder into the door. “I think he went home.”

Yoongi’s eyes narrow more. “Namjoon-ah told me he left with you. Did you take him home?”

Taehyung taps his foot uneasily against the ground. “Yep.”

“Liar,” Yoongi huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

The man is about a head shorter than Taehyung, his arms toothpicks, but he’s terrifying. Taehyung
is no fool, he’ll admit it. He’s seen Yoongi in action enough to know that looks can be deceiving.

They met the year before university started for Taehyung, when Jimin dragged him to an
underground fight club to show off his new, badass college fuck buddy Hoseok.

Or so Taehyung had thought that’s who they were going to see before Yoongi jumped off the stage
and wrapped his bloody knuckles around Jimin’s waist and plastered a fat kiss to his neck.

“I swear on my dog.”

“You don’t have a dog.”

Taehyung sighs. True. “Yeah, but it would still be cruel to swear on a poor, precious little dog’s

Yoongi jabs him hard in the chest. At the same time, the bathroom door opens and Taehyung
struggles not to fall back.

Maybe he should, he thinks quickly, and hide Jungkook in the bathroom but it’s too late when
Jungkook grabs him to steady him.

“It’s so hard to pee when you’re hard,” Jungkook complains.

Taehyung is burning when he feels Jungkook press against him and Yoongi’s eyes narrow. The
fucking shirt is off again, hanging in Jungkook’s hand and Taehyung panics.
“It’s not what it looks like.”

Yoongi ignores him, grabbing Jungkook’s wrist and pulling him away from Taehyung. It’s
awkward when Yoongi sighs and grabs Jungkook’s neck, inspecting his face.

“How much did you have to drink?”

Jungkook holds up one finger.

“Sure,” Yoongi murmurs. “You’re smacked, Kookie.”

Taehyung sinks aside as Yoongi straightens our Jungkook’s pants, helping him button them before
he shucks off his own shirt and helps Jungkook into it. He keeps it unbuttoned and pulls
Jungkook’s over his own torso.

“It’s cold outside, you need something on,” Yoongi says.

“He really didn’t drink that much,” Taehyung offers. “Plus, it’s a party. Everyone is smacked.”

Yoongi glares at him. “Come on, let’s go home.”

It’s ironic, Yoongi of all people, who he has seen shitfaced more times that Taehyung can count,
seems annoyed that Jungkook is drunk.

“Taehyung is taking me home,” Jungkook murmurs, rubbing the back of his hand against his nose.
“He pinky promised no boning.”

There’s death in Yoongi’s eyes when they turn on Taehyung.

Taehyung quickly holds out his pinky finger to Yoongi. He puts on his best innocent, winning
smile as he waves the digit in Yoongi’s face.

“You know I take pinky promises serious,” Taehyung says.

Yoongi looks unsure, eyes worried when they look to Jungkook who leans his head on Taehyung’s
shoulder. Taehyung’s heart is thumping wildly.

“Remember what I taught you?” Yoongi asks Jungkook. “Pressure points?”

Jungkook nods.

Yoongi nods, clapping his shoulder. “If Taehyung touches you, knock him out. Be careful not to
kill him though.”

Taehyung grimaces at Yoongi’s pleased smile when Jungkook promises to try.

“Text me as soon as you’re home,” Yoongi instructs, pulling away. “I don’t care if you’re Jimin’s
best friend, Taehyung.”

With a salute of understanding, Taehyung quickly wraps an arm around Jungkook’s lower back and
tries to run him out of the house.

The outside air is cold and it doesn’t take long for Jungkook to shiver, his fingers fumbling to
button up Yoongi’s shirt. Taehyung only watches for a minute, smiling before he stops Jungkook to
“You have a low tolerance, huh?”

Jungkook nods, smacking his lips. He takes Taehyung’s hand and Taehyung only hesitates for a
minute before intertwining their fingers.

“Your hyung is going to kill me.”

The giggle that Jungkook lets out is cute, contagious. “I got my stomach pumped once. High
school. It scared him.”

The smile on Taehyung’s mouth softens as he swings their hands. “You? A partier?”

“No,” Jungkook huffs out. “One of the only - only times I drank.”

“Well, you should have told me you were a lightweight, Jeon. My life is on the line.”

Taehyung hates awkward moments, usually avoids them, but he finds the silence between them
awkward. Especially when Jungkook’s feet drags and he fixes his pants, groaning softly.

Especially when Jungkook curls around his arm and their clasped fists press into his body.

“Wanna go to bed.”

“This is your apartment?”

Jungkook nods without opening his eyes.

Taehyung sighs, unwrapping himself from Jungkook to reach into his jeans pockets. His pants are
really so tight that Taehyung doesn’t understand how he got them on. He ignores the way
Jungkook groans as Taehyung’s hand digs into his pocket to retrieve his keys.

He finds the apartment number before leading Jungkook up, his body growing heavier as he sinks
his weight into Taehyung.

It’s almost a relief when Taehyung gets him to the apartment. Flicking on the light, he finds the
neatest college apartment he’s ever seen. There isn’t a single thing out of place, not even a piece of
clothing on the ground.

He can’t imagine Yoongi to be too neat, but he can’t imagine Jungkook has any time to keep the
apartment clean.

“Welcome,” Jungkook slurs as he stumbles out of his shoes. “Welcome to my crib.”

Taehyung snorts, steadying Jungkook to his feet before helping him with the shoes.

“Looks dope.”

Jungkook hums.

As prude and shy Jungkook seems, drunk Jungkook has no shame as he starts to unbutton his pants
before Taehyung can even get off the last shoe.

“I hate - hate these pants.”

“Me too,” Taehyung breathes as he stands and grabs Jungkook’s elbow so be doesn’t fall.
Jungkook grunts as he tries to pull them down his hips, but he gives up with a heavy sigh when
they stick around the top of his thighs. “Keep them on for now. Where’s your room?”

Jungkook swats his neck with the side of his hand, grunting. “Not today, sir .”

Taehyung laughs, taking Jungkook’s hand into his own. “You’re a hot mess, Jeon. I’m just trying
to put you to bed.”

“Oh,” Jungkook murmurs, letting Taehyung guide him towards where he assumes the bedrooms
are. “Is that? Is that it? Can’t figure out what you’re doing.”

Taehyung opens the first door he finds, taking in the mess and the boxing posters on the wall
before deciding this one isn’t Jungkook’s.

“No,” Taehyung laughs. “I’m just trying to learn chemistry, baby.”

“Remember the atomic number,” Jungkook sighs as Taehyung presses open the next door.

There’s a light on from the desk lamp, glowing across the empty walls and the made up bed. The
desk is the only messy part, stacked with textbooks and loose leaf paper with scribbling on it.
There’s shoes stacked along the sides of the wall, clothes folded out on a chair on the end of the
bed like Jungkook’s already chosen his outfit for tomorrow.

Taehyung wants to wander, be nosy, but it isn’t right when Jungkook is out of it and probably
wouldn’t let him when sober.

“You should focus more,” Jungkook slurs as he starts to struggle with his pants again. “Your dad
really wants - wants you to do well.”

Taehyung clicks his teeth in annoyance, grabbing the sides of Jungkook’s legs to tug. He is well
aware of what his father wants and he doesn’t want to talk about it ever, but especially now.

“Most guys don’t talk to me about my father when they undress for me.”

His intentions with Jungkook were to have him undress for him, eventually. But not now, though
Taehyung is amused that the first time Jungkook does it’s like this. Jungkook is cuter than
expected, messier, as he stumbles out of his pants and Taehyung tries not to look at where he
stretches his briefs.

His Super Mario briefs. Maybe Taehyung likes him a little more than he thought.

“Do you - you sleep with a lot of guys?”

“Is that your business baby?” Taehyung asks as he plants a hand to Jungkook’s back and helps him
to the bed.

“No,” Jungkook says quickly. He smiles dopily again when he crawls into bed, immediately
falling to his stomach.

“Your side,” Taehyung says, helping Jungkook into position before removing his glasses for him.
“In case you get sick.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose. “Wanna lay on my stomach.”

Taehyung punches Jungkook’s cheek. “Looks like we finally got that stick out of your ass, Jeon.”

“No stick,” Jungkook mumbles, clasping his hands around Taehyung’s wrist. “You can stay. It’s -
it’s cold.”

Taehyung glances at the empty side of the bed. Sober Jungkook would definitely disagree.
Taehyung is unsure if sober Jungkook dislikes him or is just a stiff.

Taehyung can’t quite figure him out but he’s determined to.

“I shouldn’t.”

Jungkook pouts with his eyes closed.

“What if I roll on my stomach, get sick and die?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and extracts his hand from Jungkook. “You need to text Yoongi that
you’re home.”

There’s a phone being thrown at him a second later. Surprisingly there’s no passcode and
Taehyung shoots Yoongi a quick message to let him know Jungkook’s arrived safe and unharmed.

He considers sending Yoongi a picture so he actually believes it, but Jungkook is back on his
stomach and moving around too much to get comfortable.

Taehyung feels his ears grow hot.

“On your side,” Taehyung sighs but he feels more fond than annoyed as he crawls onto the bed and
tugs Jungkook onto his side.

Even drunk, Jungkook is as strong as he looks, pulling Taehyung down beside him.

“Sorry,” Jungkook mumbles. “Felt good.”

And god, Taehyung rolls onto his back, wishing Jungkook hadn’t groaned when he said that.

“Go to bed, baby.”

Jungkook nods, curling an arm under his head and keeping his other planted around Taehyung’s

He waits for Jungkook’s grip to loosen so he can get some water for the both of them, but his eyes
grow heavy and Jungkook never lets go.

When Taehyung wakes, he frowns at the abrupt flood of downy softener clogging his nose. It
smells like Jungkook and it’s already bad enough he's dreamt of him, he isn’t fond of Jungkook
being the first thinks of when he wakes as well.

It’s also bad enough that Taehyung catches himself thinking about Jungkook when they’re
studying (trying not to study) together. This is crossing the line.

It isn’t until Taehyung pulls his head from the pillow, realizing it’s not his own, that he understands
why he’s thinking about Jungkook.
At the same time, Jungkook curls into his back and snuggles his face between Taehyung’s shoulder

“Fuck,” Taehyung mumbles, slumping back onto the bed. He’s overheated, his clothes from last
night too hot and the heat from Jungkook not helping. He’s a fricking koala bear, clinging onto
Taehyung with all of his strength and weight.

It doesn’t feel too bad, except knowing Jungkook is going to panic when he wakes makes
Taehyung want to leave rather than fall back asleep.

Taehyung carefully pulls himself from Jungkook, stilling when he huffs out a breath. He makes
sure he remains asleep, that he hadn’t gotten sick during the night, before he removes himself

Pulling the phone from his pocket, Taehyung finds it’s already noon. He cusses, hanging his head
and hoping Yoongi still sleeps like the dead. It’s unlikely he hadn’t came home after worrying
about Jungkook.

Taehyung freezes. It’s unlikely Yoongi hadn’t checked on him and seen them in bed.

“Fuck,” Taehyung mumbles, breathing in. He isn’t afraid. He’s cool, chill. Totally not afraid.

Taehyung flies from the ground when he steps out of the hallway and finds Yoongi standing
against the front door. His arms are crossed, his expression blank before he approaches.

“Are you sneaking out?”

“Uh, yes?”

“Why?” Yoongi huffs, moving until he is an inch away from Taehyung.

Taehyung stares down at Yoongi, unsure as what to say. There is no route here that he can go and
mull over Yoongi, even if that’s Taehyung’s specialty.

“He was refusing to sleep on his side, hyung. I was afraid he would choke in his sleep but I don’t
want him to panic when he wakes.”

Yoongi peers his eyes but surprisingly, the annoyed look leaves his expression and he sighs. “Did
he really drink that much?”

“I don’t know. Three maybe.” Taehyung grimaces as he remembers the last drink had been handed
off by Jin. Who knows what kind of alcohol he had mixed into it. Jin’s Juice always gets someone
fucked up, especially if they’re a lightweight. “One was made by Jin.”

Yoongi groans, pinching Taehyung’s chest harshly and making him yelp as he jumps back.

“Why would you do that?” Taehyung gasps, clutching his hands to his chest. “There’s nothing
wrong with getting shit faced sometimes, dude.”

He’s saved by Hoseok, who saunters from the kitchen to throw an arm around Taehyung’s
shoulders. He nuzzles his hair before plopping a kiss to the crown of his head.

“Ignore him. Hyung’s protective,” Hoseok mumbles, tone fond.

“Am not,” Yoongi denies but his cheeks redden. “How come you weren’t shitfaced then?”
Taehyung wipes at his torso proudly. “I can handle my liquor just fine. Plus, I promised you I’d
take care of the baby for you. Which he isn’t, by the way. He’s a full, well endowed grown up.”

Hoseok giggles as Yoongi smacks Taehyung’s chest. Taehyung uses Hoseok as a shield, hiding
behind him.

“You swore you’re only bothering Kook to get your grades up,” Yoongi scolds and Taehyung
wants to leave now more than ever.

Yoongi is the life of the party, fun to be around, one of Taehyung’s favorite people ever, but
sometimes it feels like he has two fathers.

Two fathers who get on him for his studies, but at least Yoongi understands better than it’s just
fucking hard for Taehyung.

“Which, you need to focus -”

“I know ,” Taehyung complains, twisting Hoseok in front of him more even though Yoongi’s
expression is soft now. “I promise I am trying. I just didn’t think it through. It’s hard to focus when
Jungkook is there, being hot as fuck. It’s distracting, you know?”

Yoongi groans, cupping a hand over his face.

“Plus, is it really fair of you to get involved in Jungkook’s sex life when you haven’t even told him
you’re boning Hobi here?”

The moment the words leave Taehyung’s lips, he fills with regret. He covers his hands over his
mouth as Yoongi’s face morphs into a tomato.

“Op,” Hoseok huffs, backing off and leaving Taehyung to be eaten alive.

“That’s none - none of your -” Yoongi makes a frustrated noise, shaking a finger at him. “I have an

Taehyung throws his hands up in defense. “No need to explain, hyung. It’s none of my business. Is
that were you trying to say? Just like my sex life isn’t any of yours?”

Yoongi flings his hand out, making Taehyung flinch, but it’s just a gentle pat to his chest.

“Sleep with one eye open, Kim.”

Thankfully for Taehyung, he’s saved by a loud groan floating out from the hallway, effectively
grabbing Yoongi’s attention.

“Sounds like Kook is up,” Yoongi announces. “Text me when you’re home safe, Tae.”

There’s an amused shake of the head thrown his way as Yoongi pads off.

“Really protective,” Hoseok whispers before he ruffles his fingers back into Taehyung’s hair,
cooing softly, “of both of you.”

He swats at Hoseok as Hoseok grabs his cheeks, making another soft coo sound. Taehyung won’t
deny he’s fond as he shoves Hoseok after Yoongi.

“Will you be this amused when hyung kills me?” Taehyung shouts.
Hoseok laughs as he walks backwards. “Yeah. We might fight about it, but make up sex is the best,
Tae Tae.”

Taehyung is thankful for the save as he makes it to the front door, ignoring the part of him that for
some reason, wishes to stay to make sure Jungkook is alright.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

Hello my friends!! Thank you so much for the feedback on the first chapter! And
thank you to Maya and Ines for helping me on the second.

Check #Chemfic twitter to find any updates / previews for future chapters if you're
interested in doing so!

I have about five/six chapters of this written so far and I'm guestimating 8/9. There's a
couple scenes on the later chapters I was unsure about including, but I'm going to
decide this week and update the tags accordingly. So keep your eyes on that.

Thank you for reading!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Jungkook was younger, if anyone asked him what he wished to be when he was older, the
answer was always the same; a rich man. Not a greedy man; anyone that had a house with more
than one room and bathroom was a rich man in Jungkook’s eyes at the time.

That’s what he really wanted; a bedroom to himself. Even if he liked that he could roll only a few
feet and nuzzle up with his mother if he ever had a nightmare. Most of the time he liked being able
to peek an eye open and check on his younger brother, though sharing a space with him had also
aggravated Jungkook often when they fought as children.

Jungkook still has this same goal, though it’s been a bit modified. Find a good paying job with
good advancement opportunities; get promoted until he’s a wealthy man that can afford a house for
his parents with multiple rooms.

The goal is to also buy Yoongi a house, thanking him for raising him well. But he’s always used
that to disguise the fact that he wishes for Yoongi to live with him forever. He feels childish
admitting it, even though it’s likely that Yoongi probably already knows.

It seems like an easy enough goal to reach, an average goal that most people have and accomplish,
but it feels like get rich or die trying.

Jungkook’s bones ache, his body heavy with exhaustion, his mind forming into mush. This job is
one step that he needs to achieve to fulfill his goal, but he can only hear ‘the cheeseburger without
cheese’ one more time before he loses it all.

“Yes m’am,” Jungkook murmurs, punching the order in and wondering if they should check the
‘hamburger’ option to make sure people can see it.

The weekend has been the worst one in a long time. First, Jungkook woke late noon on Saturday,
distant memories of Taehyung in his mind that unsettled him. Then he continued to be sick and in
bed, eating only Yoongi’s hangover stew. His headache made it too difficult to focus on work and
as soon as his boss saw his state, he sent him home. The whole day was a waste.

Relaxing and letting loose only caused him more problems, and Jungkook wasn’t even that loose
at the party. He was too tense and nervous to enjoy himself, rattled by Taehyung and his constant
amused face. The part that he probably enjoyed he only remembers pieces of, which is one of the
main reasons Jungkook doesn’t understand the purpose of getting drunk.

Today, Sunday, Jungkook woke up before the sun, trying to cram in as much studying before work
that he could. It wasn’t much, because Jungkook got called in early and he couldn’t say no after
losing money the day before.

He feels dead on his feet.

The need to call his mother is strong, but she’ll worry the moment he says hello. It’s been some
time since he’s seen her last, traveling often not as much of an option for her. And Jungkook
doesn’t want her to waste the money, to move her aching bones to come see him over nothing.
Because she will, before he even hangs up if she hears how tired he sounds or just how much he
misses her..

“Could I get the cheeseburger?”

Jungkook sighs, tapping on the screen in front of him. He hadn’t even called the next customer up
yet. He wishes he were in the back today. Working with the customers usually make him nervous
and tires him faster than working behind the scenes, but when he’s tired and grumpy, it’s even

“Would you like cheese on that?”

There’s a laugh and Jungkook goes still at the familiar sound, body snapping taut before he rips his
head up.

Taehyung is there, hands fiddling against the counter and that damn smirk on his face. He’s
dressed more casual than usual; a soft, cream colored sweater hanging low on his shoulders, pants
that look like leggings hugging his legs and his wrists heavy with thick, golden bands.

“I would, yeah,” Taehyung hums, eyes bright again as they drag from the hat on Jungkook’s head
to the bowtie around his neck. “Extra, actually.”

He hasn’t heard from Taehyung since the party. Part of him thought he heard Taehyung in his
apartment the next morning, but blamed in on the sick, sleepy haze he was in. He thought he heard
Taehyung and Yoongi discussing sex , specifically his sex life, which only muddled Jungkook’s
mind more.

The confusing thoughts have wandered into his brain uninvited the last two days. He’s perturbed
not knowing which thoughts are memories of the party and which are due to his body betraying
him and being attracted to Taehyung. But there’s flashes of Taehyung’s body on his, hands on his
neck, Taehyung sinking to his knees in front of him to yank off his pants and hopefully not
anything else.

Jungkook had laid in bed, wondering if they were just dreams too because he had woken with come
drying to his skin beneath his underwear. He wondered, until Yoongi padded in to assure him that
Taehyung wasn’t sneaking out to be an asshole and that he had only slept over to make sure he
didn’t choke in his sleep.

It had been difficult not to show how mortified he was, not even remembering Taehyung staying
over and wondering why Yoongi was clarifying that he wasn’t sneaking out.

It’s sat with him since, whether it is true or not why Taehyung stayed. It isn’t a common thing to
happen, it isn’t something that one hears happening often. But Jungkook doesn’t know what to do
with the fact that Taehyung was concerned and took care of him.

“I like the bow tie,” Taehyung hums, reaching over the counter to straighten it, his knuckle
brushing up to rub at Jungkook’s neck. “Hope you wear the tie tomorrow, though.”

“Anything else?” Jungkook mumbles, dropping his gaze because Taehyung’s is always intense and
the touch is making the skin on Jungkook’s arms layer with goosebumps.

“What time are you off?”

Jungkook grits his teeth. “I’m here until closing.”

Taehyung sighs sadly, head leaning towards his shoulder and lips pushing out into a pout for a
minute. “Then make that two cheeseburgers and the sweet fries, please. For here.”

Thankfully for Jungkook’s exhausted body, the diner has been relatively slow after the lunch rush.
The dining area is empty and has been for the last handful of hours. Which has been great, but he
suspects it’s no longer going to be unoccupied.


There’s a card being thrusted at him before Taehyung responds. “If you haven’t eaten, you can
order yourself something with my card.”

Jungkook hasn’t. He had been in such a rush to leave the apartment that he forgot the lunch he
prepared the night before. Plus, he’s made it a rule not to eat out often, to not waste the money.
Even with his employee discount, it’s still money that’s better used somewhere else.

“I did,” Jungkook says, flushing. It makes him uncomfortable borrowing money, especially
because he isn’t sure how to read Taehyung yet. “But thank you.”

“I got a C on my chem packet,” Taehyung says as Jungkook hands him back the card. “I didn’t do
so well on the last half, but it’s improvement.”

Jungkook feels really hot. He wishes Taehyung didn’t look so amused all the time so he could
figure out if this is good news or bad news.

For himself, he would be devastated. But President Kim had made it seem like Taehyung was on
his way towards academic probation. This could actually be improvement and after only a few
sessions, that would be good news.

“I’m sorry. I should have checked it over before you handed it in,” Jungkook replies, dropping his
eyes from Taehyung’s gaze in apology. The second half had been the part Taehyung had done
himself, the part he promised to complete in exchange for Jungkook’s number.

Taehyung had been successful in distracting him enough that Jungkook didn’t even realize they
barely talked about the packet while texting.

“You shouldn’t have been so distracting while I was studying. Maybe then, we could have finished
the packet together.”

Jungkook glares. It’s definitely teasing, Taehyung radiates it with his lips rubbing together and eyes
lit. He shoves the card and receipt across the counter and towards Taehyung instead of responding.
The bangles on Taehyung’s wrist chime when he reaches for the card, grabbing Jungkook’s wrist
instead and holding it in his hand.

“Is it okay if I bring my astronomy homework tomorrow too? There’s a part I’m stuck on.”

Jungkook glances towards the kitchen where the rest of his coworkers are, most of them too
preoccupied to notice them but there’s a few set of eyes that glance his way. They’re a nosy bunch.
Jungkook had to ban Yoongi from visiting after his coworkers started barreling him with questions
about his cute senior boyfriend.

“I don’t know if I can tutor tomorrow actually,” Jungkook says, growing nervous. “I’m behind on
my own homework and sleep. And -”

Jungkook hesitates when Taehyung’s lips push into a pout.

Homework and sleep won’t matter if the President hates his guts because his son fails out of

“Yeah, okay. Sure, bring whatever.”

Taehyung lights up, hands clapping in front of himself. “Perfect, baby. We can do our homework
together, so you won’t get behind. Wear a mask so I won’t bother you.”

Jungkook sucks through his teeth as he pulls his hand away. He really isn’t that attractive. About
average, probably. Not enough to be distracting.

Taehyung is that kind of attractive though. His features elegant yet soft, captivating in a way that
usually adds to Jungkook’s annoyance. But it isn’t usually his looks that distract Jungkook, despite
him being pretty to look at.

He would prettier if his mouth were forever sewn shut.

“You should just work on focusing more.”

It’s the wrong thing to say, Jungkook thinks as Taehyung’s expression changes drastically. The
amusement slips away, eyes narrowing before Taehyung wrings out his wrists and clears his throat.

It startles Jungkook, the sudden annoyance screwing itself into Taehyung’s features. It looks wrong
compared to the normal amused state that usually resides there.

“Is Jiwon-ssi here?”

“Why?” Jungkook asks, furrowing his brows but not surprised that Taehyung knows his manager.

“I’d like to leave a customer review,” Taehyung hums, pushing his shoulder towards his chin.

Oh no . Jungkook gapes at Taehyung, sweat building on the back of his neck as he watches
Taehyung tilt over the counter to look for his boss.


“I was just kidding,” Jungkook says quickly. Taehyung is a loose cannon; Jungkook doesn’t know
what he’ll do at any given time. Jungkook’s felt a little rude tonight, not towards Taehyung but
other customers as well. He’s already been spoken to about wearing a smile more often, he doesn’t
need another reason for Jiwon to pull himself.
“I’ll wear a bag over my head,” Jungkook grits out, whispering as he tries to block Taehyung from
spotting his manager. “Tae, I was kidding.”

Taehyung’s smile is back as he reaches over the counter and tickles a finger under his chin. He
wrinkles his nose as he coos, eyes sparkling.

“I know, baby,” Taehyung murmurs before winking.

It doesn’t relieve Jungkook any when his manager steps out from the back and Taehyung rounds
the counter to meet him. Panic makes his stomach tight as Taehyung plants a flirty hand to Jiwon’s
chest. They talk quietly, making it impossible for Jungkook to eavesdrop and figure out what
Taehyung is doing.

He feels like he’s intruding when Taehyung’s hand trails to Jiwon’s neck and his smile turns from
amusing to something that makes the feeling in Jungkook’s stomach feel more like butterflies.

Jungkook rushes Taehyung’s order to the kitchen when Jiwon drops his eyes, flushing beneath
Taehyung’s gaze.

Oh .

“He came in earlier looking for you.”

Jungkook glances at his coworker, Jinhwan, as he takes the order ticket from him.


Jinhwan grins, wagging his eyebrows. “Asked if you were here then left. I didn’t know you knew

“Doesn’t everyone know Taehyung?” Jungkook replies. The panic is loud in his voice and Jinhwan
frowns, eyes narrowing in confusion.

“Yeah. Everyone’s well acquainted with Taehyung,” Jinhwan snorts. “Most people don’t look like
they’re terrified, though. He might be a hoe, but he’s a real sweetheart, Kook-ah.”

Jungkook frowns at that. “I’m not scared of him,” he says as he turns and looks over his shoulder,
finding Taehyung sauntering off towards the dining area.

Finding his boss walking straight towards him.

There’s a flush in Jiwon’s cheek as he claps a hand to Jungkook’s shoulder. “You should have told
me you had so much homework, Jungkook-ssi. You can leave early. It’s slow enough.”

The panic returns and Jungkook immediately shakes his head. “No, it’s fine. There’s only a few
hours left. I don’t have that much work.”

Jiwon smiles when he rolls his eyes. “I’ll keep your pay the same, a secret between you and me,
yeah? Go do your studies.”

Jungkook isn’t sure if he’s being messed with again as Jiwon walks off. He’s mentioned his
workload plenty of times before and no one has cared enough to send him home. Which, he isn’t
complaining because he needs the money, but why now?

His managers are all kind and caring though. When he’s sick, he can’t come in because of germs
but they find a way to get him another shift to make up for it. Often, he finds food waiting for him
in the break room if he hasn’t brought his own. They’re understanding when it comes to
Jungkook’s schedule and fitting work around school. But it’s still a business, that needs a hard
working, reliable employee.

An employee that doesn’t flake a few hours before his shift is over because he’s tired and has

Once Taehyung’s food is ready, Jungkook stacks it on a tray and heads towards him, ignoring
Jiwon’s call to remove his hat and name badge and go home.

“What are you doing?”

Taehyung glances at him as if he hadn’t noticed Jungkook walking up to him, a dainty hand
pressed beneath his chin and eyebrow cocked. “Hm?”

“Did you seduce my boss into sending me home?”

“Who do you take me for, Jeon?”

Jungkook slides into the booth, passing Taehyung his tray while trying to whisper and show his
annoyance at the same time. His annoyance that Taehyung seems oblivious to.

He thinks of what Jinhwan had said, what he called him. He wonders how much truth is behind it
because it isn’t the first time Jungkook’s heard something like that about Taehyung. Even
Taehyung’s implied it himself.

Gossip has never been his thing though he’s listened to Yoongi and Hoseok’s stories whenever
they tell them. Jimin gossips a lot too, but Jimin’s never been anything but fond of Taehyung.

Plus, Jungkook and his friends have different opinions on casual sex anyway. Just it happening
once is risque to Jungkook, but Yoongi has always assured him that there’s nothing wrong with it.

“You looked like you were seducing him.”

Taehyung huffs at that, his grin wide and boxy. “Baby, that’s far from seduction.”

Jungkook groans at that, clenching his eyes shut and wishing he could slam his head into the table.
When he looks up, Taehyung is staring at him with a warm look on his face.

“I simply told Jiwon-ssi that you were overloaded with work and I would really appreciate it if he
could help me out in getting you to relax. Or you might drop in his restaurant and nobody wants
that lawsuit. A favor for a favor is all.”

Jungkook exhales through his nose harshly, not wanting to know what the favor would be.
Taehyung still doesn’t seem to notice as he unwraps one burger and hands the other to Jungkook.

“I’m only behind because of the last time you wanted to help me relax.”

There’s a frown on Taehyung’s lips, thick brows stitching together. “Well catch up now, then.
Jiwon-ssi said he’d compensate you.”

Jungkook tries not to be irritated, he does. Clearly, Taehyung doesn’t realize that he can’t just get
paid for doing nothing, that Jungkook truly is stressed about being behind. It isn’t a joke or
something Jungkook’s making bigger than it is.

“I can’t accept getting paid for not working, Taehyung.”

“Then clock out and I’ll compensate you.”

Jungkook drops his head, forehead pressing into his unwrapped burger.

“How much do you get paid an hour?”

“Five won.”

Taehyung’s frown grows at his lie, hands still around his wallet. “You’re stressed about homework,
stop wasting time arguing with me and take it. The quicker you do, the quicker you can take your
cute ass home and get it done.”

There’s won thrusted at him a few seconds later, a lot more than Jungkook would make in an entire

“Clearly it’s my fault you’re stressed, so it’s the least I can do.”

Maybe, Taehyung seems genuine because he speaks softly, but he also seems too nonchalant as he
brings his burger to his mouth. Taehyung doesn’t understand and Jungkook thinks it may be a
waste of time trying to explain it.

The frustrating thing about Taehyung isn’t just that he doesn’t try hard, that he doesn’t put in effort,
but that he doesn’t seem to understand people who do . The teasing, the indifference, the way he
looks confused by Jungkook’s insistence of working and studying, are all signs of it.

“I don’t want your money. Thank you for your kind intentions, but I’m going back to work.”

Jungkook plants the money to the table when Taehyung refuses to take it from his hand.

“It’s just going to stay here if you don’t take it.”

It's not that Taehyung is annoying, he’s maddening . Jungkook doesn’t even intend to curl his
fingers into a fist, but he does, letting it hang by his side. Taehyung is grinning as he chews, a bit of
ketchup smeared over his lips.

“Well, one of the servers can take it.”

“Isn’t that you?”

The smirk, the gleaming eyes, they’re part of a recipe to get Jungkook irritated. Jungkook grunts as
he fists the money in hand and shoves it into his apron. He’ll find a way to sneak it back to him,

There’s fingers around Jungkook’s wrist before he can leave, the cool metal of Taehyung’s bangles
touching his palm.

“See you tomorrow, baby. Try to sleep tonight.”

Routine is important. Routine is needed. Routine is hard when you’re working on an hour of sleep.

Jungkook rushes from his apartment, skipping getting dressed in his day clothes and stopping at the
cafe for coffee. He only checks on Yoongi to make sure he’s alive, sprays his hair with dry
shampoo, and bolts from the apartment.

It had been a bad idea, but he didn’t trust that the two hours with Taehyung would actually be a
good time to do his homework. He stayed up doing his, keeping awake into the early morning
hours. Some of it he could have pushed off for today, but it’s a new week, with new assignments,
and he doesn’t want to be even the tiniest bit behind.

The beginning of the semester he had covered the wall above his desk with his syllabi and
calendars, trying to set up a schedule so he can prepare for the times when more than one of his
classes has a big exam or project at the same time. That time is approaching quickly now and
Jungkook wants to start working on some now, so he won’t drown.

Taehyung is a wild card. If Jungkook plans two hours of tutoring and tries to work around that, he
could be stuck in a situation he doesn’t want. He thinks Taehyung could have him waste the whole
day away without realizing and then he’d be screwed.

When he arrives at the tutoring center, he’s late. He’s prepared for the comment from Taehyung
about it, because Jungkook’s starting to learn that at least Taehyung is consistent with his teasing.

“About time you showed up, Jeon. I was getting worried.”

Taehyung looks well rested, a full face of makeup on though it’s light. There’s a bandana wrapped
around his neck, a red plaid patterned. It’s the only color in his all black attire and Taehyung grins
when he notices Jungkook’s eyes linger on it.

At least he brought coffee, Jungkook thinks as he takes it with a thank you that comes out as a

“You look shitty, Jeon.”

Jungkook glares, ignoring that as he gulps down his coffee and consequently burning his tongue.
Taehyung doesn’t wait for him to set up like he usually does, shoving past Jungkook to open the
door for him.

“Did you sleep?”

“Yes,” Jungkook sighs as he slumps his backpack onto the table, praying he hadn’t forgotten
anything in his hurry. He doesn’t have much time today to go back to the apartment, but there’s a
nagging worry at the back of his mind that maybe he did.

Being a good, dedicated student has it perks when it comes to professors. They’re usually
understanding. If he had forgotten any of his work, they’d let him bring it to their office hours or
the next class.

Taehyung peers his eyes at him, stopping Jungkook from sitting with fingers pressed beneath his

His face grows hot under Taehyung’s gaze.

“You should have gone home early last night. I don’t get why you were being stubborn about it,

Lack of sleep and stress is a dangerous combination. Jungkook hates being grumpy, hates wanting
to snap at people like he does now. It isn’t anyone else’s fault that he’s overloaded.
Well, maybe it’s a tiny bit of Taehyung’s fault.

“Let’s just work,” Jungkook huffs, pulling away. “Astronomy, right? I don’t know much about it.”

“You know, lack of sleep will set you behind just as much as one night of relaxation,” Taehyung
says as he sits across from Jungkook and takes out his notebooks. “It’s actually better for your
health to take some time to yourself and unwind.”

“Some of us really don’t have the privilege to relax or sleep,” Jungkook grunts, harsher than he
intended, as he grabs the packet from Taehyung before he can hand it to him.

Patience is always something Jungkook likes to have and maybe he should have cancelled this
morning because patience seems like a foreign concept to him today.

“This seems easy. This part is probably explained in your textbook, not much thinking behind it.”

Taehyung snags the packet back, the amused smirk finely gone from his face. But Jungkook
doesn’t like this new expression either. It’s angry, worse off than the way he looked when he
thought Jungkook was judging Yoongi’s relationship.

“Some of us don’t have the ability to easily understand when we read. Sorry my attempt at helping
pissed you off so badly.”

Guilt dumps itself into Jungkook as the room suddenly grows tense. It stays quiet between as
Taehyung stares down at his textbook, his finger tapping hard against the table.

He had been so focused on his annoyance with Taehyung that he didn’t realize he was being rude.
Even if it was in ignorance, Taehyung had offered him food and money, possibly cared for him
while he was wasted. His mother would take a wooden spoon to Jungkook’s ass in a second if she
knew how he behaved.

“Let me see,” Jungkook says softly, extracting the textbook from Taehyung’s grip. He scooches
closer so they can share the work between them. “We’ll start with this part here. It’s asking to
match the instruments with their use. And if you turn here -”

Jungkook flips to the back of the textbook, relieved to see the glossary. He really doesn’t know
anything about astronomy, but he’s always been good at teaching himself enough to help others.
Technically, Jungkook is the head tutor in the science sector, but he bounces from different
subjects whenever he’s needed.

“Here you should be able to find the word and the definition should match up exactly,” Jungkook
explains as he searches for the first word; Astrolabe. “Because this worksheet looks to come
directly from the textbook.”

Taehyung stays quiet, even when Jungkook hands him off the textbook to do the next one himself.

Jungkook finds he hates the silence and he wishes the amused grin would return. Maybe it’s the
guilt, maybe it’s because he always feels uncomfortable after he’s snapped at someone.

“How many classes are you taking?” Jungkook asks as he pushes up the glasses perched on his
nose. He shouldn’t distract Taehyung because for once he’s being productive, but the silence is
really bothering him and he can’t figure out why.

“Three,” Taehyung responds as he scribbles down onto the paper.

Three classes isn’t even full time, he understands why Taehyung looks well rested even if he was
studying as much as he should.

But Jungkook’s been too focused on his own opinion of Taehyung that he didn’t think that maybe
it’s just hard for Taehyung. Because he looks as if he’s focusing now, but looking closer, his eyes
are darting off and his brows push together in frustration. His leg shakes a mile a minute, rattling
the table between them. He’s answered the question wrong, matching a tool to the wrong definition
and Jungkook is nervous to speak up about it and make him feel bad.

“I might be wrong but I think that’s actually infrared telescopes. See, they use longer wavelengths
rather than ultraviolet that uses shorter. The definitions are almost the same, it’s easy to get it

Taehyung huffs, erasing his answer with more strength than needed.

Jungkook takes the pencil, sliding his fingers through Taehyung’s instead and settling their clasped
hands into his lap. He moves the paper closer, handing off the textbook to Taehyung to read.

“You’re going to rip the paper,” Jungkook tries to joke but it comes out awkward. Taehyung
doesn’t let go of his hand nor acknowledge Jungkook’s comment in any way. “I find it helps me
understand things like this when I read out loud. And because so many things are acronymed, it’s
helpful to have a glossary of your own that’s easy to access because it’s hard to remember what
everything means when there’s so many.”

Taehyung sits quietly as Jungkook writes down the definitions on a fresh page. He can feel
Taehyung’s eyes on him, but the silence remains.

“I hate when everything is acronyms, makes it confusing,” Jungkook goes on.

“Why are you holding my hand?”

Jungkook tenses, mouth falling open around nothing. Taehyung doesn’t let go, only squeezes

“Uh, well, I - I noticed you kept holding my hand the other night so I thought maybe it would help
because um, you seemed frustrated.”

Taehyung shifts, pressing his elbow to the table but he still doesn’t let Jungkook’s hand go. The
smirk has returned and Jungkook’s eased by it.

There isn’t a whole lot that Jungkook remembers from the night of the party, but there had
definitely been hand holding. He just can’t remember which of them had initiated it, but he
remembers the feeling of their palms pressed together. It had to of been Taehyung.

“Just say you like holding my hand and go, baby.”

The attempt to pull his hand away fails as Taehyung grips onto his fingers so he can’t. Jungkook
sighs in defeat, accepts the consequences of his own actions, and turns back to the textbook.

It takes them a bit of time to finish, but at least they do. Normal Taehyung returns, interrupting with
flirty comments or questions. They’re just as annoying, but Jungkook is selfish and finds himself
relieved that Taehyung no longer seems angry with him.

“Do you like looking at the stars?”

Jungkook hesitates with his pencil over the paper. Maybe they should study like this more often, as
it keeps the pencil far from Taehyung’s mouth.

“Sure, I guess.”

Taehyung snorts, rubbing Jungkook’s knuckles. “You free Friday night?”

“I’m not going to another party,” Jungkook says immediately. They’ve finished with the astronomy
packet and Jungkook is confident Taehyung will get a high grade on it. “You should use note cards
to help you remember the vocab. Study a few each day until your exam.”

“Not even a two person party?” Taehyung muses, ignoring Jungkook’s instructions as his fingers
stretching out to press into the material of his pajama pants. It gives Jungkook the ability to take
his hand back, leaving Taehyung’s hand laid over his thigh.

“Um, I don’t know. But, we only have a short time for your chem homework,” Jungkook says,
glancing at the clock as he wrings out his hand. His wrist aches from the angle Taehyung had been
holding it. “Did you -”

Jungkook stutters over his words when Taehyung curls his fingers so he’s cupping Jungkook’s
thigh, his fingers moving towards the inside.

The butterflies in his stomach don’t make sense. They’re probably mistaken as hunger pains or
something. A left over after effect of the blurred thoughts in Jungkook’s mind, the ones that make
his cheeks hot when he thinks about them.

He should grow the courage and just talk to Yoongi about it. But it makes him nervous .

“Did you bring that too?”

Taehyung pulls his hand away when Jungkook tenses and Jungkook busies himself with extracting
Taehyung’s money from his pocket to keep himself from grabbing Taehyung’s hand and placing it
back on his thigh.

It's the exhaustion messing with his head. He likes cuddling, intimacy when he’s tired. He often
seeks out Yoongi when he’s grumpy, curling into him. Yoongi always pretends to be put off by it,
but he never pushes him away.

“Shouldn’t you be doing your homework?” Taehyung asks, distracted sounding as he uses his now
free hand to fiddle with one of his earrings.

“I finished it,” Jungkook explains as he opens Taehyung’s backpack to find his work, using it as a
way to slip Taehyung’s money inside.


Jungkook ignores Taehyung to pull out his homework, the edges crumpled from being shoved in.
The entire thing is messy, a handful of crumpled papers inside, stray coins and pen caps littering
the bottom.

One piece of paper sticks out the most, the F at the top in bright red lettering.

Jungkook clears his throat, focusing on the chemistry homework instead.

“Looks like you got some done too.”

With just a glance, Jungkook sees a lot of the answers are wrong. But there was an attempt made
this time, unlike before.

“So you didn’t sleep,” Taehyung says, crossing his arms as he leans back into his chair, making
their legs brush under the table.

“I did.”

“How long?”

“Five hours,” Jungkook lies. “When is this due?”

“Did you eat?”

“Yes. Now -”

Taehyung is out of the chair before he can finish, pulling his things from Jungkook and shoving
them back inside his bag.

“Come on. Let’s get breakfast. I’m starving.”

Jungkook remains in his seat, even when Taehyung turns to him with an expectant look.

“If that’s due today, we should really finish it.”

It bothers him that someone could care so little for their grades. He would die if he failed even the
most insignificant piece of homework.

Taehyung sinks back to him, resting his butt on the table and cupping his hand under Jungkook’s

It’s embarrassing how easily Taehyung makes his ears hot. It’s a simple touch, maybe Jungkook is
just touched deprived.

The pull between annoyance to whatever the hell this is makes Jungkook dizzy. There’s something
about Taehyung’s frustrating charm that makes Jungkook unable to shield himself from it, to say
no to it.

He’s never been able to say no easily to anything, but it’s never been like this.

“I can’t hand in my homework if I drop dead of starvation, baby. Come on. I know you didn’t eat
because you ran in here still in your pajama pants. They’re cute, by the way.”

Jungkook flushes, dropping his gaze as he stares down at the dark blue material covered in ducks.

Trying to convince Taehyung to do homework while eating proves to be difficult. Especially when
Taehyung buys enough food to cover the entire table between them and too much food to actually
eat in the short amount of time they have free.

Especially when Taehyung continues to plop food in front of Jungkook, making it impossible for
him to finish his plate.
He wants to bring up Taehyung’s comment earlier, but he’s worried about bringing up the tense
atmosphere again so he skips over the comment about Taehyung focusing, hoping he knows that
Jungkook’s apology is for both.

“I’m sorry,” Jungkook says, avoiding eye contact. “I am grateful for your kindness and your
consideration. I’m grumpy and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

“I know you slipped me my money back,” Taehyung replies, cheeks bulging with food. “You’re
not sneaky, Jeon.”

Jungkook flushes, shoving his mouth so he doesn’t have to answer. That doesn’t go unnoticed
either, as Taehyung kicks out his feet under the table and slides them over Jungkook’s calf.

It makes him jolt, flush, and Taehyung’s amusement has returned full force.

“It’s just, I’m a really hard worker and I don’t want anything to make my boss think differently,”
Jungkook explains quietly. “I can’t lose my job. It might just look like a stupid job at a burger
place, but I need the money.”

It’s the one thing about rich people he’s always hated; how they look down at minimum wage
workers like they too don’t rely on them. He used to see it with his mother, the way the executives
would walk by her like she wasn’t there, sometimes bumping into her and never apologizing. Yet
they would be the first people to complain if there was something a mess in the building, suddenly
needing the maid they so carelessly ignore.

Taehyung pulls his foot away, resting his elbows to the table and cupping his cheeks. “If Jiwon
fires you because you need a break, I’ll tell the media that Burger Deluxe is rat infested.”

Jungkook coughs, trying to drown out Taehyung’s voice so the neighboring table doesn’t overhear.
“It’s really fine. You shouldn’t do that to your friend.”

Taehyung snorts, rubbing at the bandana around his throat. “Jiwon isn’t my friend.”

“Oh, you two definitely seemed friendly.”

Jungkook stabs his utensil in a piece of meat as he freezes, eyes staring straight ahead. Did he just
say that?

Without even looking, he knows the grin that will be on Taehyung’s face will make his body burn
beneath it.

“We’ve...hung out,” Taehyung replies, implication in his tone. “No need to be jealous, Jeon. I’m
trying to hang out with you too.”

Jungkook’s heart pounds in his chest and he accidentally rips the meat up too quickly, sending it
flying across the table. He knows his face must be red because his palms are starting to sweat as
Taehyung giggles.

“I’m not - I’m not jealous.”

Taehyung presses his lips together, barely suppressing his grin as he stabs another piece of meat
and holds it out to Jungkook.

When Jungkook doesn’t move, Taehyung nudges the meat towards him until Jungkook bends his
head forward.
The fingers are back under his chin, gripping around it as Taehyung guides the meat to Jungkook’s

“It’s okay if you are, baby. It’s cute. So Friday? Wanna hang?”

Jungkook is no longer sure he knows what hang out means, at least now how Taehyung means it.
He takes his time chewing, using it as an excuse to stall on his response.

“If you have homework, we can do that,” Taehyung says, holding out another piece of food for
Jungkook to take. Soon, Jungkook’s stomach is going to burst and he’s going to be even more tired
while weighed down with food. He has track tonight, so maybe that will help him burn off the
heavy feeling. “If you don’t, you can help me with anatomy.”

Jungkook chokes when Taehyung licks his lips, thumping a fist to his chest. “Is that the other class
you’re taking?”

“No,” Taehyung supplies, cocking his head. “Oceanography is the third. But anatomy is a subject
that I find fascinating.”

There’s sweat on Jungkook’s neck as he grabs for his bag. “I should probably get to class.”

Taehyung hums, glancing at a thin, silver band watch hidden beneath his sleeve. “Oh yeah, it’s
already ten past nine.”

Jungkook barely gets out an apology or a thank you before he takes off in a run.

Putting effort into getting across campus is worthless, Jungkook thinks once he’s made contact
with the locked classroom door. He knows the rules; if you aren’t there after fifteen, you’re absent.
He sighs heavily, resting his forehead to the cold metal. He considers guilting his professor with
puppy eyes through the door window, but that would be pointless too. They’re considerate of him;
but he’s been messing up lately.

“Fuck,” Jungkook cusses, pushing away from the door. He tries to remind himself it isn’t a big
deal; it’s one absence. He could probably find a way to lie and get it excused but his homework .

The buildings on campus are set up by subject, so thankfully he doesn’t have to travel far to get to
the professors’ offices. He needs to do something productive to make up for his absence, like sit in
his professor’s office and study until she gets out of class; but he’s too nervous to face her.

Instead, Jungkook slips his homework into the box outside of her office and quickly scribbles an
apology note about missing it. He doubts having lunch is a reasonable excuse, even though having
lunch with the President’s son could probably work.

Jungkook freezes, pen hovering over the note. No, he can’t do that.

“Jungkook, right?”

Whipping around, Jungkook finds Namjoon. He’s slinking down the hallway, hands tucked deep
into his pockets and a beanie pulled over his head. His shirt is long, too long, but he has the sleeves
pushed up into his elbows.

The senioritis is setting in for everyone. Yoongi used to dress up for class, especially if he would
have to go to a professor’s office, but now he barely changes out of his clothes from the night
Jungkook’s starting to feel senioritis and he’s only in his second year.

“You have Professor Jung?” Namjoon asks, throwing a thumb at the office door Jungkook stands
before. “She’s a tough ass. How’re you doing in her class?”

Jungkook rubs at the back of his neck. He avoids social situations for a reason; he never knows
how to get out of them. Even saying excuse me feels rude. “Um, good. I have her for
macromolecular biochem.”

Namjoon raises his eyebrows at that before he presses a heavy hand to Jungkook’s shoulder. “Shit,
man. Tae always goes on about how smart you are. If you’re doing good in that class, you must

His palms are sweating now. Jungkook glances down the hallway, knowing it isn’t long enough for
Professor Jung to be here already, but wishing she was.

“He talks about me?”

Namjoon snorts, eyebrows crunching together. There’s definitely judgement in his eyes as he
shakes his head. “Of course. Never shuts up about you. Oh, by the way, he asked me to bribe
Yoongi into convincing you to come to our bonfire, but since you’re here -”

Jungkook stares at Namjoon. There’s a dimple appearing in his cheek when he smiles, his eyes still
as heavy as the last time they saw each other, but now with amusement.

“I’m busy that night.”

Taehyung talks about him nonstop?

“I didn’t tell you when it was,” Namjoon laughs.

Jungkook lets out his own laugh, sounding much more awkward than Namjoon’s. “What does
Taehyung say about me?”

The amusement grows in Namjoon’s face and Jungkook wonders how close him and Taehyung
are; if they’re perhaps related because the amusement on Namjoon’s face makes him feel just as

“That you’re too smart and it annoys him,” Namjoon says and Jungkook deflates. Wait, no, he
doesn’t care. “He says the same thing about me, his best friend, because I’m majoring in aerospace
engineering. So basically that means he likes you a lot.”


Jungkook must be making a face; staring or spacing out or something because Namjoon laughs
louder, the sound coming from his chest and he flinches from it.

“Come to the bonfire,” Namjoon says, tapping over his eyebrows with two fingers in goodbye.
“See you there, yeah?”

Despite having every intention not to go, Jungkook nods and Namjoon accepts it with a nod of his
own before he leaves. He wants to text Taehyung and tell him he isn’t going, ask him why he
didn’t just ask him himself. But his phone is vibrating there and Jungkook is slumping against the
office door.
capricorn soulmate: what do you think?

Jungkook makes a choking noise, cheeks flushing as he glances down the hallway before staring
back down at the photo Taehyung sent. He’s in a bathroom somewhere, a public bathroom that
Jungkook recognizes but can’t place. Despite the public setting, he’s shameless, his shirt
unbuttoned and hanging off his shoulders. His pants are loose, hanging off his hips and billowing
around his legs. The bandana is still around his neck, and Jungkook wonders if it’s meant to cover
something up when he spots the dark mark beneath Taehyung’s belly button.

jungkook: what am I looking at?

capricorn soulmate: my new shirt

Jungkook snorts. One, that’s the same shirt Taehyung was wearing earlier; the pants are different.
Two, Jungkook can barely see it. It hangs off his shoulders in a way that makes it hard to see, and
shows off the hard and soft of Taehyung’s torso.

The sweat returns to his palms as he wonders if Taehyung intended for Jungkook to focus on his
bare skin; if he was thinking about him after he left, so much so that he sent a picture like this.

No, no of course not.

jungkook: when did u change your contact name to capricorn soulmate?

The phone rings a second later and Jungkook slumps further into the wall of the hallway, suddenly
nervous again.

“Why aren’t you in class, baby?”

Jungkook grits his teeth. The teasing in Taehyung’s tone confirms his suspicions, he knows why
Jungkook isn’t in class.

“Why are you naked in a public restroom?”

Taehyung lets out a loud laugh that has a smile flickering on Jungkook’s mouth. “I’m not naked,
Jeon. But if you want me to be, I can meet you. Where you at?”

They are nowhere near each other, but Jungkook feels his flight or fight kick on. He shoves away
from the wall, holding his bag to his chest as he takes off down the hallway.

“That’s - that’s not what I meant. I have class.”

“You’ve already skipped one. Skip the rest with me.”

The words are on the tip of Jungkook’s tongue, the frustration inside of him wanting to snap them,
but he chokes on them instead. It’s a strangled sound when Jungkook rounds the corner and smacks
into Taehyung. Taehyung’s brows furrow in concern as he reaches out and grabs Jungkook’s hip.

He knew he recognized those bathrooms.

The shirt is still unbuttoned and when Jungkook’s hand collides against his bare chest, he jerks it
back like he’s been burned.

“What are you doing here?”

Taehyung grins, squeezing Jungkook’s hip. “I was hoping to get you flustered in class, but then I
realized you weren’t there.”

“Creep,” Jungkook complains, shoving at Taehyung’s chest. “This is borderline stalking


Taehyung frowns at that as he looks around the empty hallway. “Being in the Science Building?
Most of my classes are here.”

“And which one do you have now?”

Taehyung’s eyes light up with amusement and he reaches out, squeezing Jungkook’s cheek.
“Jungkook 101. Come on, you can’t go to your next class so early anyway.”

If Jungkook were late to class, so was Taehyung. It would make sense for him to be in the Science
Building if he tried to make it, but he can’t imagine Taehyung running across campus to get to
class on time. Especially if he had enough time to change his pants.

“Why do you have different pants on?”

“Spilled food on them,” Taehyung replies easily. “I always carry a spare you know, in case . Can’t
walk around with cum pants.”

Jungkook swats Taehyung until he laughs. He’s shameless and makes his ears burn hot.

“Namjoon told me you wanted me to come to the bonfire, I said no.”

Taehyung side eyes him at that. “Not surprising. But you’re still going.”

Jungkook huffs out. “No.”

Taehyung turns. They’re still in the hallway, standing in front of a small room that’s sectioned off
for students to sit and wait for class. Jungkook doesn’t know if anyone is looking at them because
he can’t look away from Taehyung when he pushes into Jungkook’s space.

“I’ll find a way to convince you,” Taehyung says under his breath, fingers coming up to brush
lightly down Jungkook’s neck. It tickles, and Jungkook shivers in response. “So you should just
agree and save me the effort.”

Embarrassment makes him want to run but he likes the feeling, likes when Taehyung touches him
and he feels the words get stuck in his throat when he wants to ask for more.


When Taehyung was younger and someone asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, his
answer always changed. He wanted to be a businessman like his grandfather, an artist like his
mother. He wanted to clean houses like the women who worked at his. He wanted to be a doctor
when his older brother broke his ankle, but changed his mind when he had to get his shots.

He wanted to travel to space and dig for dinosaurs like any other young kid. One time he wanted to
be a police officer. Another time he wanted to write books even though he never could write more
than a few pages before giving up. In high school he considered following Jimin’s same goal in
becoming a teacher even though he hated every one he’s ever had.

His biggest mistake was cheating his way through all of his science classes, upping his grade too
high to make his mother proud and causing his father to force him to take it in college.

At least he had the option to choose which field, deciding on Earth Sciences because even though it
confuses him, it was the one subject out of all of them he wanted to learn more about.

And it is interesting at times, but the jargon makes his brain mush. It makes him feel bad when he
doesn’t understand, and cheating backfired on him, causing Taehyung to give up.

There isn’t a point in trying when it only ends in frustration and Taehyung rather remove the stress
of it all if he’s just going to fail anyway.

He wishes his father would get that through his head and just accept the fact that school isn’t for
Taehyung. Maybe he can pick up a craft somewhere else, something less textbook and more hands
on. An engineer, maybe. An automotive tech. A bartender at one of the clubs he frequents.

It isn’t possible. His father’s made it clear that if he doesn’t graduate, he doesn’t return home.

Taehyung thinks fuck all, usually, but there are times where the idea of it hurts his chest so bad that
he gets up and drags himself to the stupid tutoring sessions in hopes that maybe today, he will be
able to do better.

At least his tutor is cuter than the thousands before him and makes it easier to get through. Even if
his stubbornness and rudeness frustrates Taehyung sometimes.

“Mr. Kim. Your father requested you in his office.”

Taehyung looks up from where he’s doodling in the margins of his notebook, filling the pages with
drawings of eyes and mouths that look too much like they belong to the same cute tutor he can’t
seem to get his mind off of.

“Excuse me?”

His chemistry professor points to the secretary standing in the doorway of their classroom.
“Professor Kim has requested you in his office. Don’t forget to do the reading for Monday. I’ve
sent the work over to Jungkook-ssi like you’ve requested.”

Taehyung nods as he pulls his things into his bag and follows after the secretary. He has no
intention of doing the reading even if Jungkook tries to force him to. Jungkook should receive a
medal for his patience, somehow finding it and actually making Taehyung work when Taehyung
tries so hard to learn about Jungkook instead.

It isn’t usual for his father to call him from class or to even acknowledge him during work hours.
Unless he’s in trouble, which is likely.

He isn’t nervous, just dreading it. He hates meeting with his father, getting scolded and listening to
the other bullshit that spouts from his lips. It could be about anything, from grades to skipping
class, to his brother Soohyun coming home and finding him coming down from a wicked high.

Whatever. He’s well aware of the shit Soohyun did in college, which is the same thing Taehyung
gets up to. But there’s a stuffy air about Soohyun that comes from him being an ass kisser that
makes him the child the family’s most proud of.

Scoldings from his father aren’t something new to him, it’s something he’s experienced enough
that usually he can be quite numb to it. Usually. Sometimes it aggravates him, upsets him. But it
never makes him nervous, because he knows what to expect.

Well, he usually does. Nerves spark inside of him as he walks past the windowed walls, eyes
landing on Jungkook inside his father’s office.

Jungkook is red, sitting politely with his hands crossed over his thighs. He only glances at
Taehyung when he enters, dropping his gaze while he walks over to him. He must be on his way to
track given his outfit, spandex hugging his legs and his school sweater so big Jungkook appears
tinier than ever wearing it.

“Abeoji,” Taehyung greets, bowing in front of his father. He’s dressed to the nine, an expensive
suit on that his mistress probably bought him. He doesn’t stand but gestures for Taehyung to sit.

Jungkook squeaks out his hello. He’s seen Jungkook nervous before, always shy, but never like
this. His hands are fumbling over one another, leg shaking beneath the bag he has placed upon his

“What is it?”

“Tone,” his father says, scolding him before Taehyung can even sit. “Professor Ma Ri came to me
over your exam grade this week.”

Taehyung can feel Jungkook looking at him. He had never told Jungkook he had an exam because
he knew Jungkook had one too.

If Taehyung has already given up on his attempts, he doesn’t need Jungkook to waste his time.
Especially if it affects Jungkook’s grades too.

Jungkook is oddly serious about school, almost obsessive in the way he talks about it. Taehyung
doesn’t know why but he’s sure Jungkook is going to drop from the stress of it all. It’s normal to
take time for yourself, it’s important to. There’s plenty of kids out there going to class,
procrastinating and fucking around at times, and still passing with flying colors. Jungkook is smart
enough that he could be able to do this too if he let himself.

“Would you like to explain it?”

“I failed,” Taehyung grunts, sinking back into his chair. “Nothing new, Appa. Not sure why we’ve
called a meeting for it.”

His father narrows his eyes, red creeping up his neck. Taehyung doesn’t like it as much as
Jungkook’s red skin.

“We called a meeting because you’ve been tutoring for a few weeks now and I’ve seen little to no

Taehyung frowns at that. It worsens when Jungkook immediately jumps up to respond, sounding
flustered in a way that Taehyung doesn’t like.

“I’m sorry sir. I will work harder. I can add a session on Saturday mornings if Taehyung-ssi is
willing -”
“No,” Taehyung interrupts harshly, making Jungkook’s eyes narrow at him in annoyance. “I didn’t
tell Jungkook-ssi that I had an exam. And I’ve gotten excellent marks on my homework packets,
which is thanks to Jungkook’s help.”

“Your attendance -”

“Did you hire Jungkook to babysit me?” Taehyung snaps defensively. “He’s to help me with my
work. It isn’t his responsibility to make sure I’m going to class. I’m not sure why he’s here for

Jungkook is so red and for once, Taehyung hates it. Normally, Taehyung’s goal is to see how red
Jungkook can get, to see his flustered look and shy eyes. It isn’t anything like that now, with shame
written loudly across Jungkook’s face.

“I am - I am sorry sir. It is my fault Taehyung missed his first class on Monday. We were studying
and I didn’t realize the time.”

His father waves a hand at Jungkook, getting him to quiet. “I do not hold you accountable for his
attendance Jungkook-ssi, but I did ask you to request a copy of the syllabi from his professors,
which if you had done, you would have known the exam was coming up.”

Jungkook nods, apologizing quietly and really, it’s so ridiculous that Taehyung feels a tension
growing inside of him that only appears when he gets pissed off.

“Taehyung, your scores are affected by your attendance. What are you doing that you cannot go to

It isn’t anyone’s fucking business, Taehyung thinks. He’s starting to grow agitated, angry and he
hates feeling that way. He rarely lets himself get there and he doesn’t want Jungkook to see it.

“Smokin’ dope and fucking,” Taehyung grunts. “My two favorite past times.”

His father sighs, rubbing a hand down his face in exhaustion. Jungkook is silent, lips pressed
together and eyes stuck on his hands.

“You’re being crude.”

“Blame the nannies that raised me.”

His father’s nostrils flare at that. “Please, don’t start on that again. You’ve lived a life people
dream of, Taehyung. Did you know how hard Jungkook-ssi worked to get to a place you don’t
even care about being in?”

His father looks to Jungkook but he’s shrinking in on himself, shoulders curving forward like he
wants to disappear.

“He grew tending to a sick mother, working part time to feed his younger brother, and still
managed to excel in school. He continues to do it now. You should work hard on doing well just to
show your gratitude towards him.”

Jungkook’s fingers are shaking and he won’t look up, even when addressed. Taehyung didn’t know
these things, though he has been trying to ask Jungkook more and more about his life. He
sometimes writes the answers to Jungkook’s questions in the margins of his notebook.

But what Jungkook’s life has to do with his, he has no idea. Taehyung may not like his father but
he will admit he’s a smart man; smart enough to know that you can’t easily compare two people’s
lives and experiences.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have given Jungkook even more work to do then,” Taehyung snaps,
pushing himself up with his hands on the arm of the chair. “It’s your job to raise a smart son,
Abeoji, not Jungkook’s.”

Jungkook snaps his head up at that, quickly shaking it. “I don’t mind, sir. I swear -”

His father holds up a hand, cutting off Jungkook with his murderous eyes on Taehyung. “Watch
your tongue. Jungkook-ssi, if picking up Saturdays works well for you, you’d be greatly
compensated for your dedication and hard work.”

Jungkook nods, insisting it is and Taehyung storms out, irritated and unable to take anymore.

Anger is a horrible feeling because it feels like he’s crawling out of his skin when it hits. It makes
his knuckles tense and arms tremble, like he needs to punch something just to get rid of the feeling
in his body. He isn’t the violent type at all, but maybe that’s why he hates it so much.

He makes it halfway across the green before Jungkook’s caught up to him, the track star that he is.
He grabs Taehyung’s shoulder, jerking him back.

“You should have told me about your exam,” Jungkook huffs, annoyed as he throws his track bag
over his shoulder.

“My grades aren’t actually your problem, baby,” Taehyung snaps.

Jungkook glares hard at him, eyebrows pressing together. “It is my business. I promised President
Kim I would get your grades up.”

Taehyung scoffs as he yanks from Jungkook’s touch. “Well that was stupid of you, Jeon. He’s been
trying to get my grades up since I first started school. You’re supposed to learn from mistakes, hm?
Not keep making them. That’s my father’s fault, not yours. So learn it now before you make the
same mistake that he has.”

He can hear Jungkook storming after him as he walks off, but he doesn’t stop him. Not until
they’re farther away, hidden away from the buildings and anyone looking through the windows.

“Stop,” Jungkook huffs, grabbing Taehyung’s shirt and yanking him back. It’s rough, rougher than
Taehyung’s ever imagined Jungkook could be. His back presses into the gravelly textured brick
building, Jungkook’s hand planting to his shoulder.

The rough edge only lasts for a second before Jungkook softens, his hand falling limp on
Taehyung’s shoulder.

“We’ll figure out a way that works for you,” he says. “People learn differently.”

Taehyung huffs, laughing at the genuineness in Jungkook’s eyes. “I don’t need your help,
Jungkook. Unless you’re willing to do the work for me, my grades aren’t going up.”

Jungkook huffs through his nose, letting Taehyung go completely. “I would.”

It’s said firmly but there’s regret in Jungkook’s eyes.

Taehyung glares at that. “You could get expelled and I wouldn’t ask you to do that.”
“If it’s our only option,” Jungkook exclaims, holding his hands out to gesture Taehyung. “Unless
you want to help me find a way that learning is easier for you.”

Taehyung groans at that, wiggling around because he’s starting to feel heavy. His chest is starting
to ache and he fucking hates it. He avoids this feeling as much as he can.

“Just let it go, Jeon. I’ll tell my father -”

“Why won’t you try?” Jungkook asks, more flustered than he should be. “That’s what annoys me,
you know. You don’t try.”

Taehyung stares hard at Jungkook as Jungkook reaches out and grabs his hand, threading his
fingers together like he did last time he said something to upset him.

It does make him feel better, but Taehyung won’t admit it because he doesn’t like anyone knowing
that there’s something wrong.

“You don’t know me enough to know that,” Taehyung says. He doesn’t like talking about it; he
rather avoid the subject. It’s why he prefers messing around, he can’t take the seriousness of it all.

If he did, if he confronted it, the feeling in his chest would consume him to the point where he
wouldn’t be able to take it anymore.

“I’m continuing the study sessions,” Jungkook announces, pulling Taehyung’s hand so he comes
closer. “Including Saturdays. It’s up to you if you show up. And don’t call me Jungkook again, I
don’t like it.”

Taehyung storms off before Jungkook can get another word out. He isn’t a violent person, he hates
it actually, but he wants to pound his own chest until the frustration releases from inside of it.

He whips out his phone as he pounds his feet over the pavement, ignoring his father’s message to
call Namjoon instead.

“Joon baby, I need to get high. Where are you?”

When Taehyung first started college, he wanted to have an optimistic mindset. These were
different teachers with different personalities. The school was designed to help students succeed
and graduate with a job.

The first time Taehyung asked a professor for help, they were so condescending, Taehyung swore
not to do it again. The first grade that came back wasn’t great, and when he asked his professor to
explain it; they were rude. There were too many upturned noses and comments about how they
expected more from the son of the President.

Taehyung’s done with people making him feel stupid. His professors are so used to it now that they
no longer make comments anymore. Taehyung prefers it that way, prefers people to stop expecting
something from him.

“Go easy,” Yoongi grunts, pulling the joint from Taehyung’s lips. His face is furrowed, those
concerned eyes on him.
Taehyung prefers the tight, heavy feeling in his chest when it’s like this and not frustration. He
likes when he can’t breathe, as long as if it’s from holding his breath and not because of other
people’s words.

“What’s going on man?” Namjoon asks.

Namjoon ended up being at Hoseok’s, which wasn’t surprising. They’re sat in the living room,
Hoseok on the couch with Yoongi between his legs, Namjoon across from them and Taehyung

“Nothin’,” Taehyung says. They won’t push; they never do. Even if Yoongi gets the look in his
eyes like he might, he won’t. The silence falls for a long moment before it’s finally accepted.

“I told Jungkook you wanted him to come to the bonfire,” Namjoon says as he leans back on both

Taehyung frowns at that. He doesn’t want to talk about Jungkook, nor about the fact that Namjoon
wasn’t supposed to tell Jungkook that he wanted him to go.

It’s childish, whatever, but Jungkook is easier to say yes to other people than him.

“I know.”

Yoongi grunts at that. His head is cocked to the side as he smokes, Hoseok’s fingers in his hair and
rubbing at his scalp. “Kookie can’t come. Cheol Su is going to be there.”

Hoseok’s fingers freeze in Yoongi’s hair. “Who invited him?”

“Gong Cheol Su?” Taehyung asks as he digs his fingers into the pile of chips sitting on the table
between them all. God bless Jung Hoseok for getting them before they sat down.

“Mm,” Hoseok hums, leaning over Yoongi’s head to squeeze his cheeks. “You remember when
Yoongi baby got into that fight at the Club? It was with Mr. Gong Cheol Su, wasn’t it, baby?”

Hoseok cooes while he speaks, making Yoongi flush and his face turn grumpy but he never shoves
Hoseok off.

The intimidating Min Yoongi, known for kicking ass and taking name, completely melts when
shown any affection from any of them.

“I don’t know who invited him but he messaged me the other day to see if I was going,” Yoongi
grunts. “Wants to make up or something. I think it’s because of my ranking down at the Club.”

The sudden aggravation is alarming to Taehyung. Yoongi can get scoldy and sometimes frustrated
looking, but never angry. He usually looks fond when he scolds Taehyung or just genuinely
worried because sometimes Taehyung does take it too far.

“I hope you told him to fuck off,” Hoseok says, still cooing and Taehyung snorts.

Taehyung is relieved when the joint is passed back to him, leaning back as he smokes so he can
watch the scene around him. He feels better now, lighter, no longer pissed. It was unfair to yell at
Jungkook, he knows. But Jungkook was so willing and ready to do anything for his father, and
Taehyung’s father is a piece of shit.

It pisses him off because he’s heard what his father has said about people with less money than
them, the nasty assumptions he’s made about poor people. Taehyung doesn’t know where
Jungkook falls on the line when it comes to social class, but he definitely knows his father doesn’t
actually give a shit that Jungkook struggled in life.

“Cheol Su is the one that hurt Kook,” Yoongi explains and Namjoon nods like he knows. It grabs
Taehyung’s attention, the only one clearly out of the loop. “And then tried to talk shit when I
confronted him.”

The night of that match, Jimin had been a wreck. There are rules in place and Yoongi had ignored
every one of them. It was hard to see his face from where Taehyung had been sitting, not until he
came off stage and there was blood covering his knuckles and dripping from his nose.

He hadn’t hurt Cheol Su too badly, nothing worse than a brutal fight on the ring could do. But
Yoongi had broken rules to do so and left Cheol Su unable to exit the boxing ring himself. If he
hadn’t had the reputation he did, Yoongi could have been banned from the Club.

Taehyung hadn’t known why at the time; neither did Jimin. But now he’s understanding a bit.
Yoongi is protective, extremely so when it comes to Taehyung. Even more so to someone he’s
raised like a little brother.

“I’ll make sure he doesn’t go,” Taehyung says as he stubs out the joint. “It’s my spot, I’ll tell him
to fuck off.”

He wants to ask what Cheol Su did but he wants to stop talking about Jungkook. Even though
talking about it makes Taehyung realize he wants Jungkook at the bonfire still. Which means
having to talk to him.

Taehyung sighs, head hanging back. “Even though Jungkook is a dick.”

Yoongi kicks him for that. “He isn’t. You just get on his nerves.”

Everyone laughs at that, even Taehyung. He knows he gets on Jungkook’s nerves, but he thinks it’s
in a good way. Maybe. Jungkook still seems dedicated on helping him.

Shit. The only time Jungkook has made him feel dumb like his previous professors had, he quickly
made up for it and helped him. Even if Taehyung didn’t really feel any better about what he was
doing, Jungkook was still patient and kind.

Taehyung feels worse about his outburst now. The heaviness returns to his chest so quickly that he
slumps back and lies on the ground of Hoseok’s living room floor to suffer through it.

Taehyung shows up to the study session.

It isn’t him trying; but after some deliberation on Hoseok’s floor, his guilt growing worse, he thinks
he understands why it’s important to Jungkook.

His father can go to Hell. Taehyung’s instinct is to make life harder on him, but he feels bad if
Jungkook is getting mixed in with that.

“Hey baby. Is that what you preferred to be called?”

Jungkook whips his head up when Taehyung enters with his usual grin. He looks relieved when
Taehyung sits down, throwing his backpack onto the table. He doesn’t answer Taehyung’s question
but he doesn’t mind, he likes how obvious Jungkook is about things but thinks he’s not.

“I will continue tutoring but there’s two things you need to do for me.”

Jungkook nods without hesitation and Taehyung wishes he wouldn’t be so easy. He’s strict about
not letting anything get in the way of his studies and work, yet he takes on more and more that it
has to end up doing so anyway.

“Tell me why it’s important to you. Tutoring me.”

Jungkook goes red, glancing down at the textbook laid out before him. It’s all equations and words
Taehyung doesn’t understand, mixing around in his head as he attempts to focus on them while
Jungkook thinks.

“Your father implied a reduction in my tuition if I helped,” Jungkook admits, quietly like he’s

Taehyung isn’t surprised. He figured Jungkook’s obedience had something to do with either grades
or money.

“If he didn’t, would you still say yes?”

Jungkook nods without hesitation and Taehyung doesn’t find that surprising either.

“Okay,” Taehyung says, clapping his palms to the table. “I’ll do it but you have to hang out with
me on Friday nights.”

Jungkook’s eyes blow wide, hands freezing where they hover over his textbook like he was going
to reach for it. “What?”

“Just hanging. We can do whatever. No studying or minimal homework if it actually has to be

done. Like due at midnight or Saturday morning kind of deal.”

Jungkook gapes at him, his neck reddening again. “Why?”

“Is it a deal or not?”

Taehyung doesn’t answer the question because he isn’t sure himself. It’s important to him that
Jungkook takes some time to relax, to do something other than stress himself out. He doesn’t know
why it’s important, but it is.

Maybe it’s because he hates how uptight Jungkook is. Maybe it’s because he’s been on the
receiving end of Yoongi’s worrisome rants that Jungkook’s going to work himself to his death.

Maybe because he’s starting to understand why Yoongi is so protective over Jungkook; he just
gives that vibe off and Taehyung can’t help it.


A grin slips onto Taehyung’s mouth then, this time it’s more genuine. “Good.”

Jungkook exhales harshly through his nose, cranking his neck before he takes Taehyung’s
backpack into hand. “You have a make up exam this Friday coming up. I requested your syllabi
like President Kim asked me to.”
It’s difficult not to roll his eyes at that. Taehyung wouldn’t be surprised if Jungkook actually
became his babysitter one day.

“Professor Ma Ri doesn’t do make up exams.”

It turns awkward as Jungkook clears his throat, focusing too much on the inside of Taehyung’s bag.
He says something, but his words are rushed and too quiet to comprehend.

“What was that, baby?”

Jungkook looks over his bag, glaring. “I said.”

It’s just as quiet and rushed the second time, Jungkook burying his face into the bag so it makes it
even harder to hear.

“Oh okay,” Taehyung hums, grinning as Jungkook pops back out of the bag with a burning face.

“I told Professor Ma Ri I would help her during the winter session if she could give you a make up

Taehyung’s mouth falls open and he punches Jungkook on instinct. “You sly baby. Don’t do that
for me.”

“I only have one class during the winter session,” Jungkook explains, flustered as he takes out
Taehyung’s failed exam. “It really isn’t a big deal.”

It is, Taehyung thinks, his chest heavying again. Most people go home during the winter session.

“If getting your tuition lowered is that important to you, I can just pay off this semester for you,”
Taehyung offers.

He thought it would be a nice gesture to offer, but Jungkook glares at him with anger. It confuses
Taehyung how Jungkook looks aggravated when offered help. He had bit his head off last time,
when all Taehyung was trying to do was help him find time to do his homework, something
Jungkook is always going on about.

“I want to help you,” Jungkook says quietly. “So shut up and let’s work on this.”

Taehyung grins, taking Jungkook’s hand into his own. “Did you just tell me to shut up? Looks like
I’m rubbing off on you.”

“I finished the work I have due next week, so I’m free when you are.”

Taehyung groans, letting his head fall to the table. Typical Jungkook. “As long as you’ve slept.”

Jungkook nods like it’s a habit and Taehyung wonders if Jungkook believes he’s actually good at
lying. He won’t bring it up though he might ask Yoongi about it.

“I looked over the exam and some of the questions are worded oddly,” Jungkook says as he lays
the failed exam before them. “There was a couple that I understood why you answered them the
way you did, because of the wording. So I’m going to explain them differently, okay?”

Taehyung rests his eyes on Jungkook instead of the textbook. It is easy for him when it’s read out
to him, especially because Jungkook has a way of explaining things in a way that is easier for
Taehyung to understand.
When the words get muddled in his head, that’s when Taehyung shuts down. He tries to focus on
Jungkook reading them instead, hoping that balloon of aggravation and insecurity doesn’t make
him start running away with jokes.

“Okay, baby,” Taehyung says as he takes Jungkook’s idle hand and curls his fingers in the spaces
between Jungkook’s. “That means you’re going to the bonfire with me on Friday.”

Jungkook clears his throat, cheeks turning pink before he starts reading and ignoring the fact that
Taehyung won.

“Are you allergic to fun as well as a sore loser?”

Jungkook turns to Taehyung from where he was spacing off to the side, eyeing the buildings they
walk by. “Shut up.”

Taehyung grins, swinging their clasped hands between them. “You’re making it seem like I’ve
kidnapped you.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. “You did.”

He kind of did. Jungkook, the fake that he is, had tried to bail on their agreed upon Friday night
hang out. Thankfully Yoongi had been home taking an online class when Taehyung arrived to pick
him up, helping him force Jungkook out of the apartment.

It came with a warning not to mess with Jungkook, just like always. An even quieter, only for
Taehyung’s ears, to kick Cheol Su out if he really does show up before Jungkook can see him.

“We agreed to this,” Taehyung says, rubbing Jungkook’s knuckles. “You agreed to this so it can’t
be a kidnapping.”

Jungkook doesn’t respond, eyes going back to the stores. The lights collect in his big round eyes
and Taehyung finds it difficult to pull his own eyes away.

“Where are we going?”

Taehyung hums instead of responding, guiding Jungkook to an alley that connects to the main road
market road. It is a thin road, barely lit and Jungkook’s fingers tighten around his hand.

“Afraid of the dark, baby?”

“No,” Jungkook grunts, elbowing Taehyung but his grip is tight. “Are you leading me down here
to murder me?”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh, curling towards Jungkook to pinch his cheek between his fingers.
“You don’t know how cute you are. I’m showing you a very top secret place, Jeon. I’m taking a
complicated way to get there so you can never find it again.”

Jungkook’s eyes go wide at Taehyung’s cryptic words before they narrow. It isn’t true. This is the
only way Taehyung knows how to get to where they’re going.
No parties was a strict rule, but Taehyung’s never listened to rules well. He doesn’t get what’s
wrong with parties if Jungkook just doesn’t drink. Maybe the size, so Taehyung’s set up a small
one - just their closest friends and Jungkook’s. The loud noise? He’ll have Jungkook in charge of
the volume.

The possibility of getting in trouble? Taehyung’s taking him to the one spot that he’s always gone
to to get drunk or high with Jimin or Namjoon, a place that he’s never seen anyone else in.

They have to walk over old railroad tracks, far enough away from the city that it seems quiet.
Jungkook’s grip tightens when Taehyung leads him down a hill, off to a dirt path that leads his

Jimin’s brother had found it when they were younger, going there to hang out with his high school
friends. It’s a pit of sorts, Taehyung isn’t sure what it used to be used for, but there’s an abandoned
freight car down there that Namjoon’s decorated with a litany of different sprayed drawings.

The fire is already lit in the middle, a handcrafted bonfire pit that Yoongi helped them with their
first year. Jungkook sinks into Taehyung’s side, their friends shadowed figures until they get

“This isn’t really a party,” Taehyung says, tickling his lips to Jungkook’s ear. “But it’s just a chill
night, okay? And Yoongi’ll show up sometime later so, make sure you don’t drink. I’ve had
enough scolding this week.”

Jungkook nods. “I wasn’t planning on it.”

Taehyung huffs out a fond smile as he drags Jungkook over towards the fire. Jungkook seems to
relax when he spots Hoseok, his face glowing from the reflection of the flames.

“Kook-ah, finally,” Hoseok huffs, grabbing Jungkook and pulling him from Taehyung. “I’ve been
trying to get Jungkook to a bonfire forever, Tae Tae. How’d you do it?”

Taehyung grabs a beer from the cooler before sitting on top of it. “I promised him the best blow
job of his life.”

Jungkook flushes, shaking his head immediately and waving his hand but Hoseok is throwing his
head back and laughing.

“Don’t embarrass him,” Hoseok huffs, pinching Jungkook’s cheek as he squeezes his arm tighter
around him. “Don’t drink anything Jin makes. It’s poison.”

“Not true!” Jin yells from across the fire, eyes offended as he pads over. He holds a hand out to
Jungkook. “We met a few weeks ago, if you remember.”

“Jin-ssi,” Jungkook says, nodding his head. Taehyung wonders how much Jungkook remembers
from that night.

If he would be embarrassed by how readily he stripped from his clothes and talked about being
hard. If he’d get tongue tied trying to explain how he tried to rub off against the sheets before
Taehyung stopped him.

“Don’t forget me,” Jimin complains, ruffling Jungkook’s hair. “Ready to get that stick out of your

Laughter fills the air as Jungkook shoves Jimin and goes back to Hoseok, his refuge.
Maybe Taehyung is selfish because this is what he wanted to do tonight; just be around his friends.
His family is gone to different parts of the world for the weekend, taking their personal maids and
assistants with them and leaving the house too empty for him.

Plus, Taehyung feels a punishment coming. Just s scolding wasn’t his father’s way. He probably
thinks taking some of Saturday away from Taehyung for studying is punishment too, but jokes on
him because he likes being around Jungkook. He had his makeup exam today and he doesn’t feel
confident about it; a failed grade could result in house arrest.

Which, Taehyung has always ignored and slipped out of the house anyway. His parents are never
home enough to keep an eye on him, but he doesn’t want to deal with it. His Butler gets stressed by
it and Taehyung feels bad when he does it; knowing the man is getting too old to deal with him

“Taehyung-ah,” Jimin calls, a scolding in his tone but Taehyung can handle it coming from him.
He sits on Taehyung’s lap a second later, arm curling around his neck. “What’s this I hear that
you’re still fucking around with Jiwonie and didn’t tell me?”

Taehyung flushes, glancing at Jungkook but he’s being pulled away by Hoseok.

“We aren’t,” Taehyung says, shoving Jimin off before he stands.

Jimin wrinkles his nose at that. “Ah, don’t lie. You know he lives with Donghyukie, who told me
you kept him up with how loud you are and how would he know you sound like a dying animal
when you have sex if it isn’t true?”

Taehyung makes a noise of offense as he shoves Jimin again. It turns into bantering, swatting to
one up the other and Taehyung missed it.

The last two weeks have been filled with exams and projects, Jimin has been just as busy as
Jungkook except Jimin pushes everything off until last minute like Jungkook should be doing.

“It was just one time,” Taehyung huffs, laughing when Jimin tries to headlock him but he slips out
of it. “He did something for me so I did something for him.”

Jimin swats him in the chest, face twisting. “Don’t be gross.”

Taehyung snorts before he chugs down the can. He feels embarrassed for a moment and that’s
another feeling he hates. Jimin never judges him for anything, he shouldn’t be embarrassed.
“Coming from you, that’s ironic.”

“I’m pure,” Jimin huffs, chest puffing.

“Is that why I have messages from you about how you want to lick the come from -”

Jimin is shoving him back, pursuing another fight that lasts until Yoongi shows up.

Taehyung grins at how Jimin flushes before skipping across the ground to Yoongi, holding a hand
for him so he doesn’t fall down the hill. Taehyung empties the can, nose wrinkling at the warm
backwash at the bottom before he searches for Jungkook.

There’s a beer in his hand as he talks to Namjoon. He just holds it, thumb pressing into the
aluminum side. Taehyung curls into Jungkook’s side, slighting behind him, sliding his hand over
his arm and touching between the space of his fingers. The can is still full, and mostly warm.
“Hey,” Taehyung hums, lips against Jungkook’s ear and making him jump. He flushes
immediately, eyes darting to the ground after glancing in Namjoon’s direction. “I thought you said
no drinking tonight.”

“One beer won’t hurt,” Jungkook says, taking a sip of it as if to prove a point but his nose wrinkles.
Hoseok must have forced it into Jungkook’s hand and Taehyung wonders if he struggles to say no
to things with his best friends too.

“That’s what they all say,” Namjoon hums. “One beer turns into two and next thing you know,
you’re laid out naked in the back of some car you don’t remember getting into.”

Taehyung snickers when Jungkook’s mouth falls open, his ears turning red. “That happened to you,

Namjoon grins as he takes a step like he’s going to walk off. “Taehyung. My parents’ car, though.”

Jungkook whips around to look at Taehyung for confirmation.

“Not my best night,” Taehyung sighs as he takes Jungkook’s hand. A few more people have
arrived but it’s still a small crowd, the noise barely louder than the crackle of fire. “Come on,

The best part about nights like these are the quiet around them, just the soft sound of their voices
and laughter. He likes the cool air contrasting with the warm waves radiating from the fire and
wrapping around him. He doesn’t mind the dirt beneath his ass, though Jungkook looks at it like he
might worry about it.

The clothes he has on aren’t expensive, but Taehyung’s noticed that Jungkook wears them every
time he isn’t dressed up for class. Taehyung tugs on Jungkook’s wrist, tugging him into his lap

“So you don’t get your pants dirty,” Taehyung hums, shifting a hand to Jungkook’s back when he

“It’s okay -”

“Stay,” Taehyung hums, curling an arm around Jungkook’s waist to keep him there. It takes a
minute, but he relaxes enough to rest back against Taehyung’s chest. He keeps his eyes around to
make sure Cheol Su actually doesn’t show up. The threat hadn’t been anything specific, Taehyung
just told him he’d have a problem if he showed his face.

He didn’t explain why nor did Cheol Su ask. Everyone that attends the fights downtown know
Taehyung rolls with Yoongi.

“Good boy,” Taehyung murmurs, grinning from his own amusement. He wishes he could see the
way Jungkook’s face burns in response. Especially when he picks at a bag of snacks on the ground
and opens them, his body snapping taut when the sound rips loudly through the air.

Jungkook is quick to discard the chips, looking around as if anyone would care.

“Cute,” Taehyung murmurs.

“How - how often do you do this?” Jungkook asks, fingers shaking before they take the hand
around his waist into his own.
For claiming that Taehyung is the one comforted by hand holding, Jungkook sure takes his a lot.

“Often,” Taehyung replies as he squeezes his fingers and stretches to grab the blunt being handed
to him by Namjoon. He inhales, blowing softly onto Jungkook’s skin until he shivers. “I like it
better than parties. Want some?”

Jungkook nods his head, twisting in Taehyung’s lap but never reaching for it.

It’s cute the way Jungkook’s gaze locks onto Taehyung’s mouth without a hint of embarrassment
in his expression.

This time when Taehyung brings Jungkook’s lips down to his own to exchange smoke, he makes
sure their mouths press together.

Jungkook jerks his head back, coughing lightly. He licks at his lips, the nerves suddenly there
before he asks for Taehyung to do it again.

It’s so quiet that his voice seems to blend in with the wood splintering behind him.

“Okay,” Taehyung murmurs, folding a hand behind Jungkook’s head and bringing him down. He
cocks his own, mouth parting.

He lets the smoke trail from his mouth to Jungkook’s, grinning when his tongue follows. He only
touches Jungkook’s tongue quickly before pulling away, making Jungkook choke again.

He’s burning, lovely in the way his eyes look as if he’s a deer caught in headlights.

“Do it yourself,” Taehyung hums, offering the blunt to Jungkook.

Jungkook shakes his head. “No. No, I like it when you do that.”

Taehyung’s soul nearly soars from his body as he grins. “You like kissing me, Jeon?”

Before Jungkook can respond, Yoongi is pushing between them to grab the blunt he holds between
himself and Jungkook.

“Hands above the waist,” Yoongi grunts. “I need a drink, I can’t watch this.”

Jungkook makes an embarrassed noise, moving to get off of Taehyung’s lap but Taehyung
squeezes tighter. Maybe if Yoongi thinks Jungkook is fond of him, he won’t kill him so easily.

Taehyung’s chest tightens as he realizes he just wants Jungkook to be fond of him.

“We’re just sitting, hyung,” Taehyung says as he hooks a chin over Jungkook’s shoulder and
Jungkook shrinks into his chest. He knows Jungkook’s mind is racing a mile a minute as he
squeezes Taehyung’s fingers. “Stop being an old man.”

Yoongi wrinkles his nose as he plops himself back beside Hoseok. “I have my eye on you Kim.”

It makes Jungkook tense again, his hand laxed like he wants Taehyung to let go so he does. He
curls his hand over Jungkook’s stomach instead, feeling Jungkook’s abdomen flex under his touch.
Jungkook breathes unevenly, his body too stiff to be comfortable even when he smokes.

“Here,” Taehyung says. He shifts off his jacket, lying it on the ground beside him for Jungkook to
sit on. He thinks Jungkook likes being touched, is just shy, but he doesn’t want to make the
mistake of being wrong. Jungkook scrambles to pick it up.
“Do you know how expensive this is?” Jungkook breathes as he curls it back around Taehyung’s
shoulders, twisting back in his lap to do so. He looks honestly frazzled, eyes open wildly.

“I do. I bought it?” Taehyung asks in confusion.

Jungkook huffs out, shaking his head as he forces Taehyung to put it back on. Taehyung cups
Jungkook’s neck, holding him still.

“You look uncomfortable getting your pants dirty. You are tense on my lap yet you don’t want my

Jungkook stares at him for a long moment before he huffs out and twists back around, remaining on
Taehyung’s lap.

Taehyung smiles to himself as he cups Jungkook’s thigh. It takes awhile for Jungkook to relax and
when he does, he’s a heavy weight against Taehyung’s chest.

The chatter around them is quiet and Jungkook is unfocused, playing with Taehyung’s fingers in
his lap. Taehyung tries to listen to the conversation around them, a laugh bubbling in his chest
whenever he hears someone else laugh. But he’s focused on the way it feels when Jungkook traces
the lines of his palm and the slow beat of Jungkook’s pulse beneath his chin.

Jungkook shivers when Taehyung’s breath hits his skin, his thumb rubbing at the vein on the
inside of Taehyung’s wrist.

It’s calming and it feels good being like this with Jungkook. He finds himself liking the way
Jungkook feels against him more than he thought he would. He can hear the slick sound of
someone making out, quiet giggles from the other side. Namjoon’s talking, playing with the radio
and flicking through channels.

“You wanna tell me why Yoongi made sure Gong Cheol Su knew that he wasn’t allowed to be
here?” Taehyung asks, interrupting the silence between them.

Jungkook goes tense for a moment before he shrugs. “Hyung does as he wants, Taehyung.”

It’s too defensive sounding to be true. Taehyung wants to push more, to understand how they even
know each other. Cheol Su graduated the year before and he ran with a whole different crew than
Jungkook. Cheol Su fit the leather wearing, biker stereotype well and he was proud of it.

The guy was a bit of a dick, but he was fun to party with. Taehyung’s just avoided it because of his
beef with Yoongi.

He will even more now that he knows it’s because of Jungkook, even if he doesn’t know the

Taehyung doesn’t push, only sighs, pressing his lips against Jungkook’s pulse.

When Jungkook clamps their hands together, his head tilts just a little and Taehyung presses
another kiss there. Jungkook hums, leaning closer until his neck presses into Taehyung’s smile.

“You okay?”

Jungkook nods, shivering again when Taehyung licks his lips and plants an open mouthed kiss to
his skin.
It isn’t the reaction that Taehyung’s expecting and he wants to do it again, but his heavy eyes
search across the fire and find Yoongi watching Hoseok curl his hand around Jimin’s neck and
Taehyung realizes they should probably go.

Jungkook didn’t know about his hyung and his dating life, probably for a good reason, and
Taehyung doesn’t want Jungkook nor Yoongi uncomfortable. It isn’t his business.

It’s also the first time Taehyung doesn’t feel like a sixth wheel. They’re all pretty good at including
him but of course there’s times where he just can’t be. It isn’t that kind of relationship with
Jungkook, though Taehyung wants it to be.

But for once, he isn’t alone while his friends absorb themselves into each other.

“Wanna go?” Taehyung hums, rubbing Jungkook’s fingers as he murmurs the words against
Jungkook’s jaw.

Jungkook nods, head tilting some and Taehyung presses another kiss there. His attention is where
Taehyung expected it to be, curious eyes watching Hoseok and Jimin. Taehyung grins when
Jungkook frowns, eyes burrowing together.

“Or did you want to stay and watch?” Taehyung breathes, squeezing Jungkook’s thigh until he
squeaks and rips himself from Taehyung’s lap.

“We’ll go,” Jungkook huffs. “Hyung, I’m going home.”

Yoongi nods from across the fire, waving his hand as Taehyung throws up a peace sign.

Taehyung thinks it’s dumb if Yoongi’s hiding it from Jungkook, as he turns over his shoulder and
finds Yoongi reaching for Hoseok the moment Jungkook’s turned around.

“Have you asked Yoongi about Hoseok yet?”

Jungkook looks up at Taehyung, his hand strong against Taehyung’s back as they walk up the dirt
hill. “No. It isn’t my business.”

“Aren’t they both your best friends?”

Jungkook nods but he doesn’t look bothered by it. Taehyung can’t relate; he would have been hurt
if Jimin didn’t tell him about Yoongi and Hoseok. He had been hurt at first when he found out
about Yoongi, but it only lasted a few minutes until Jimin explained how nervous he was to tell
him. “We don’t talk about those things.”

“What things?” Taehyung presses on, trying to maintain his grin because he knows what Jungkook
means, he’s just cute about it.

“Sex things,” Jungkook grunts quietly, flushing. He jumps to the flattened part of the ground,
reaching out to pull Taehyung up with him.

“Why not?”

“It’s embarrassing,” Jungkook admits, dragging his head back and glaring up at the sky.

Taehyung chuckles. “Are you a virgin, Jeon? No judgment if you are.”

“No,” Jungkook grunts, pushing him away. “Just because I don’t like talking about sex doesn’t
mean I don’t like sex. It’s just intimate.”
Taehyung is intrigued by that. It matches with Jungkook’s personality, though Taehyung would
have bet his entire life savings that Jungkook was a virgin.

“Right. Isn’t that what you said? You get laid all the time.”

Jungkook giggles at that, holding a hand to his mouth to hide it behind his palm. “I heard you do.”

The worst part of bonfire nights is leaving by himself because the walk home feels like an eternity.
But it’s nice having Jungkook beside him this time, even if he’s dragging out conversation that
Taehyung doesn’t want to talk about.

“Who you gossiping with about me, baby?”

Jungkook’s amusement slips away. “I’m no - not. No one.”

Taehyung hums, cocking his head. “Well just ask me, next time. If you’re curious.”

Jungkook’s eyes are wide with that same look that he wore after Taehyung snapped at him for
making him feel bad about not paying attention. Taehyung had actually been aggravated then, he
isn’t now, and he gives Jungkook a smile to make sure he knows.

People talk, he doesn’t truly care about that.

“I just overheard what Jimin hyung said, a bit. About um, Jiwon.”

Taehyung bites the inside of his cheek, watching Jungkook as he stares ahead and refuses eye
contact. “One time, yeah. Would you like to know about anyone else I hooked up with?”

The annoyed eyes are back as Jungkook wrinkles his nose but he softens the moment he looks at
Taehyung’s amused grin.



“ No ,” Jungkook complains, shoving into him.

“Did you have fun?” Taehyung asks, curling an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders. The scent of
fire and weed cling to him and he wants to nuzzle into Jungkook’s neck and taste his skin.

Jungkook nods, but his body is tense and he doesn’t say the word out loud.

Taehyung sighs, hoping the relaxed state that Taehyung had worked to get Jungkook into isn’t
ruined. “Isn’t it uncomfortable being tense all the time?”

“I’m not tense,” Jungkook huffs, but even his voice has a rigid tone to it.

“What is it?” Taehyung asks, moving so his fingers slide at the back of his neck. He’s touchy, even
more so when it’s later, but Jungkook never seems to mind. He makes it a point to hesitate before
he touches, waiting for Jungkook to give him permission, but sometimes he slips up and grabs
Jungkook without thinking.

“I’m not used to being touched so much,” Jungkook admits. “I can’t figure out why you’re doing

“Do you want me to stop?”


Taehyung grins, curling his arm back around Jungkook’s shoulders. “Do you like when I touch
you, baby?”

Jungkook shoves him off then, lips curling into a pout. “See? I can’t tell.”

One thing that Taehyung has learned about Jungkook is that he either overthinks everything, or he
blurts what’s on his mind without thinking and then gets embarrassed. The latter is how Taehyung
is successful in learning about Jungkook while he helps him with his homework and is how he
looks now, surprised and embarrassed every time the words leave his lips.

“You can’t tell if you want me touch you?” Taehyung laughs, following after Jungkook. The shops
are starting to close down, some lights off but enough on to light the path for them.

“I can’t tell if you do it because - just because or, if you want to -”

“If I want to what?” Taehyung encourages lowly, grinning when Jungkook huffs out and glares at
him more.

“Hang out.”

Jungkook turns then, facing him.

“Hang out,” Taehyung repeats, confused. He’s fond, overly so and he knows his smirk is probably
less amused and more because of that feeling instead.

“Yes,” Jungkook seethes before he turns on his heel and practically storms off.

Taehyung chases after him, bumping his body to curl an arm around his shoulders and stop him.
He cups Jungkook’s cheek with the arm curled around his shoulders, thumb pressing against his
bottom lip and his body thrums with want and amusement.

“What does hang out mean, Jeon?”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose, hand planting to Taehyung’s belly lightly like he’s trying to balance
himself. When Jungkook doesn’t answer, Taehyung leans his head down, parting his lips over the
same spot he had kissed before. Jungkook exhales shakily, fingers twisting into Taehyung’s shirt.

“Cat got your tongue?” Taehyung breathes, making sure his tongue flicks against Jungkook’s skin.

“You - you make hangout sound like you mean sex stuff.”

A laugh blurts past Taehyung’s lips before he can stop it. The pout growing on Jungkook’s face is
endearing, even if it’s matched with annoyed eyes .

“Do you want to do sex stuff with me, baby?” Taehyung asks, pressing down hard on Jungkook’s
bottom lip and Jungkook parts his lips so easily it makes Taehyung feel as if he’s still sitting in
front of the bonfire.

Jungkook groans, face hot before he slips out of Taehyung’s grip. “Shut up.”

Taehyung hooks a finger in a loop at the back of Jungkook’s jeans. “My lips are sealed.”

It falls quiet then, Jungkook fidgeting with his hands and looking straight ahead like he’s aware of
Taehyung watching him.
It’s not until they’re making their way to the neighborhood of college apartments that Taehyung
gives in and breaks the silence.

“If it makes you uncomfortable, tell me and I won’t do it,” Taehyung says, keeping it general
because he means anything really. But especially the touching.

It’s been nagging him as they’ve walked, thinking about how Jungkook really agrees to anything.

“No, I - I do like it,” Jungkook huffs. “Hyung says I look too much into things.”

Taehyung rubs a hand at the back of Jungkook’s neck and touches where he had kissed with his
thumb. “Did you like it when I kissed you there?”

Jungkook’s eyes widen like he hadn’t expected it to ever be brought up. Taehyung bites at the
inside of his cheek, suppressing his smile as not to embarrass Jungkook too much.

The response is breathy, quiet, and Taehyung grins because even if he can’t hear it, he can see it on

“Speak up, baby.”

Jungkook pinches Taehyung in complaint. “Yes.”

He’s fast walking again but Taehyung knows if he really wanted to be far from Taehyung, he easily
could. But he lets Taehyung grab him, circle his arms around him. He keeps his touch light so
Jungkook doesn’t have to push him off if he wants the space.

When he doesn’t, Taehyung leans in and kisses his neck.

Jungkook plants his hands to Taehyung’s chest like he might push him off, but his fingers curl into
his shirt instead.

It’s light at first, a closed mouth kissed beneath his jaw. But Taehyung tests the waters and parts
his lips, gently sucking the skin into his mouth.

Jungkook whimpers quietly, tensing and head hesitantly arching further to the side.

The invitation sends a wild feeling through Taehyung, his heart thumping in his chest as he parts
his lips more, sucks harder. When Jungkook gasps, Taehyung licks over his skin in apology.

He loosens his grip to pull back, but Jungkook’s curling a hand around the back of his neck,
tugging his lips back to his throat.

Taehyung kisses a hickey into Jungkook’s neck, beneath the first patch of reddened skin.
Jungkook’s grip is tight on his nape, his harsh breaths making Taehyung want to pull Jungkook
tight to his body and cover him with marks.

When Taehyung licks over his skin, Jungkook finally lets him go.

The nerves have returned, his eyes blown out and dark. “I - I should get inside.”

It’s strange, but Taehyung had meant he wouldn’t do anything to make Jungkook uncomfortable.
The echo of Jungkook’s whimper is in his mind, the memory of how he arched his neck planting to
his eyelids and making a twinge of arousal peak through his system.

“Where - where are you going?”

Taehyung walks Jungkook down the road, trying not to look at the darkening skin on his neck.

Jungkook looks awkward but Taehyung doesn’t feel it. He wants to kiss and touch Jungkook more,
always has, but Jungkook is the innocent type. He’s probably thinking over it too hard, explaining
why his brows are so scrunched.

“I don’t know yet,” Taehyung says. “If Jimin-ah left his apartment unlocked, I’ll go there.”

Jungkook turns at that, fingering his keys when they stop in front of his apartment. “What do you

“I don’t live near campus. I usually stay at Jimin’s when I’m here.”

Jungkook pushes up on his toes, glancing between Taehyung and his apartment. “Is this going to
be a thing? Every time you walk me home, I invite you inside?”

Taehyung snorts at Jungkook’s frown. His skin is going to purple and bruise and Taehyung kind of
likes the prospect of waking up to see it.

“I guess that would be up to you, baby.”

It’s strange that Taehyung finds Jungkook adorable, even when he huffs out in annoyance. “Come

Taehyung grins when Jungkook turns without waiting for him and heads inside. “I guess I have a
reason to walk you home more often.”

Jungkook grunts at that, walking off until he presses the elevator button.

Taehyung curls around his back, leaning into scape his teeth over the reddened skin on Jungkook’s
skin. When Jungkook jumps, Taehyung presses his lips closed around his laugh.

“Definitely tell me when you like things too,” Taehyung hums before he trails inside of the
elevator, leaving Jungkook in a state of shock outside of it.

The elevator ride itself is quiet, Jungkook’s eyes wide and curious on Taehyung. He looks away
whenever Taehyung catches him and even though it’s kind of dumb, Taehyung’s chest is too warm.

It’s quiet even when Jungkook leads him inside and placed a set of blankets and pillows on the

It’s quiet until Taehyung sits on the couch and Jungkook doesn’t leave.


“Hm?” Taehyung asks, stretching across the couch and Jungkook is obvious in the way his eyes
dance over the length of him.

“Why do you want to know what I like?”

Taehyung watches as Jungkook fumbles with his own hands, eyes dropping from Taehyung’s body
to his toes.

“Because I liked kissing you there too.”

Jungkook accepts this with a nod. He lingers for a moment like he might say something else about
kissing but he doesn’t.

“Sleep well, Taehyung-ssi. Wake up early so we can start that paper of yours tomorrow.”

With a snort, Taehyung leans his head onto the back of the couch and watches Jungkook scurry
from the room.

“Night, baby!”

Chapter End Notes

If you follow me on twit, you may have seen some smuttier previews, I promise those
are coming ;D I'm a really big fan of Tae wanting to get JK flustered at some points I
was like omg... enough @ me

Can't wait to hear what you think!! Thank you for your support!

find me @twitter tumblr & curiouscat!

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

Hi lovelies!! I wrote like,, seven different versions of this chapter and changed this one
around like a million times and somehow it ended up being like 19k lkdajfl. I'm a bit
nervous to post it, but !! here it is

Thank you so much to Maya for helping me, like always. You're the best and I love
you so much <3 <3

#chemfic on twt for updates

warning for some real cringe bad flirting and me still being fond over it

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungkook is screwed, majorly. He stares at himself hard in the mirror, the shower water running
behind him. The sight of his neck makes butterflies erupt in his stomach, the dark purple standing
out even beneath a layer of makeup.

There’s no way to hide it. He shouldn’t have let Taehyung do that. Fuck, he doesn’t even know
why he did. It felt good, yeah, but -

Jungkook presses down against the hickey, groaning lowly when his cock throbs in response.

Taehyung is maddening. He doesn’t know his intentions. It is never obvious when he’s being
serious or if he says things to make Jungkook flush, or because he really wants something from

Jungkook doesn’t do casual hookups and he doesn’t like Taehyung, but he finds he wants the
feeling of his mouth back onto his neck.

Groaning again, this time in frustration, Jungkook presses the heel of his hands against his eyes as
he tries not to think about it. He woke up earlier than normal, it wouldn’t be a problem if he got
aroused, he’d have time to…fix it, but he really doesn’t like the idea of being aroused while
thinking of Taehyung.

Taehyung is annoying and infuriating, not arousing.

He savors his embarrassment instead, focusing hard on judging himself for the way he acted needy
and admitted things he didn’t want to until he feels shame instead of arousal. Taehyung hadn’t
seemed to judge him when he admitted to not liking talking about sex and it’s embarrassing
because it’s so normal for people to talk about it.

Having sex and doing stuff like that is just as embarrassing as talking about it, really. Taehyung
does do with such ease, a confidence that both frustrates and arouses him.

“Why are you still in the bathroom?” Yoongi calls through the door when Jungkook shuts off the
water. “Are you okay?”

Jungkook pats a more concealer over the hickey. It’s normal to talk about it yet Jungkook can’t
even do it with his best friend. Yoongi probably hasn’t told him about him and Hoseok more for
Jungkook’s sake than his own. He knows Taehyung thought there was something wrong with
Yoongi not telling him, but Jungkook knows Yoongi.

He wouldn’t keep it from him to hide it, but to not make Jungkook uncomfortable.

Guilt heavies his chest as he thinks how often Hoseok and Yoongi put themselves out for
Jungkook’s benefit.

Despite this, when he opens the bathroom door, he can’t find the courage to bring it up.

Yoongi looks at him for only a moment before his eyes land on Jungkook’s neck. They grow wide,
red creeping up into Yoongi’s cheeks.

Maybe it isn’t just Jungkook that’s uncomfortable talking about sex with his best friend.

“What -”

“Don’t,” Jungkook complains, squeezing his eyes closed.

Yoongi gasps quietly, grabbing Jungkook’s face and tilting his head. He presses a thumb against
his neck and Jungkook seethes at the dull throb of pain.

“Where the hell did you get that?”

Jungkook bites his tongue.

“Taehyung,” Yoongi says, poison in his tone as he steps back and Jungkook has to jump to grab his

“No,” Jungkook argues. “I did it to myself.”

Yoongi frowns. “Yourself?”

Jungkook nods rapidly, mind working a mile a minute. “I uh, was um - you know, with myself and
thought -”

Yoongi groans at the same time as Jungkook, face morphing into displeasure as he pulls away from
Jungkook. “I don’t actually care if you have sex, Kook. I just -”

There’s a heavy awkward silence between them as Yoongi seems to struggle with the discomfort of
it all and finding the words to say. There isn’t anything that could make this less awkward and
Jungkook could do without the conversation anyway.

“I - I didn’t. No sex involved.”

It’s getting even more awkward with every word.

“Listen to me,” Yoongi says carefully, hands out and Jungkook shakes his head. No, he doesn’t
want this conversation. Not before he’s had his morning coffee, not even after it. Preferably never.
“You get overwhelmed easily, and Tae can be overwhelming.”

Jungkook groans, twisting around and wondering if he can just run out of the apartment.
“You also fall really easily, Kookie. Not everyone takes sex as serious as you do, okay? So just -”

Jungkook feels like a child when Yoongi talks to him, maybe that’s why he hates this topic so

Maybe it’s because Yoongi’s right, he mixes up sex and feelings and he gets embarrassed
whenever he remembers how stupid he used to be.

“It wasn’t anything,” Jungkook insists. He does get overwhelmed easily because he’s feeling that
way right now, his throat starting to turn tight and it isn’t anything. It’s just a fucking hickey and a
whirlwind of sudden confusion, not a big deal. “Honestly, we didn’t do anything. Did you tell
Taehyung about Cheol Su?”

Yoongi freezes with a confused look on his face. “What? No. He was there that night I fucked him
up though.”

Jungkook groans. The one thing he had never expected Taehyung to ask him was what happened
with Cheol Su. “I thought maybe you told him to explain this -”

Waving aimlessly at Yoongi’s protective stance is enough to get Yoongi to notice the way he’s
standing. He cups the back of Jungkook’s neck, pulling him in. “I wouldn’t tell anyone, Kookie.
And yeah, that’s why I worry about you. Tae is a really great guy, nothing like that used up tissue,
but I just -”

“Can we stop talking about this?” Jungkook interrupts, sounding as desperate as he feels.

With a nod, Yoongi pinches Jungkook’s sore neck. “My baby is growing up.”

“I’m an adult,” Jungkook complains as he swats Yoongi’s hand away, even though he knows
Yoongi is just messing with him to ease the awkwardness. “There isn’t anything to worry about.”

Yoongi effectively dodges Jungkook’s swatting hands, getting his fingers beneath Jungkook’s chin
to tickle the skin there. “You can talk to me about anything, you know?”

And Jungkook knows . Even if it’s awkward or embarrassing, it’s still Yoongi.

“I mean it, hyung. There isn’t anything to talk about. Unless you have something to talk to me

Yoongi’s hand falls from Jungkook’s chin as he pushes his lips into a pout. He holds Jungkook’s
gaze, his eyes growing more nervous like he knows what Jungkook means.

They aren’t necessarily discreet; though Jungkook’s never noticed before Taehyung told him. The
three of them have always been close; Hoseok the biggest cuddle bug he knows. Yoongi the
affectionate type because he knows Jungkook and Hoseok always need it.

“Nope,” Yoongi says, smacking his lips. “Just want you to be careful, Kookie. You aren’t usually
with your heart.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. “I gotta go, hyung.”

There’s fingers catching on his wrist as Jungkook tries to leave. He doesn’t want to be reminded
how often he’s crushed on someone just because they’ve given him attention and how often that
left his chest feeling so uncomfortably heavy.
“Come to my next fight. This Friday. Hoseok and Jimin will be there,” Yoongi says, “if you can.”

Jungkook is thrown off by the invitation; Yoongi never asks him to come to his fights. “Okay.”

“Invite Tae if you want,” Yoongi grins. “He seems to be stuck by your side anyway.”

Heat warms its way up Jungkook’s skin as he pulls away. Taehyung’s insistence on hanging with
him on Friday’s is strange and Jungkook is trying not to think about it.

Yoongi is right; Jungkook falls too easily and he’s trying not to think about it.

“Okay, okay. Can we be done now?”

Yoongi snorts, waving his fingers goodbye. “Fine, fine. Get out of here.”

For the first time, Jungkook gets to the tutoring center before Taehyung. He doesn’t know what to
do with himself so he sets up the study room and goes over Taehyung’s syllabi to decide what they
should focus on today.

When Taehyung arrives, he pokes his head into the study room with a curious expression.
Jungkook’s heart accelerates at the sight of him, his usual amused grin making Jungkook feel
something different than annoyed for once.

“Hey baby, you’re early,” Taehyung hums as he settles the coffee onto the table. “Working without

Jungkook doesn’t respond as Taehyung sits beside him. Taehyung’s head is cocked in curiosity,
lips rubbing over each other before he reaches out.

Part of Jungkook hoped that Taehyung wouldn’t bring it up, that they would forget it happened and
never speak it of it again. When he woke and Taehyung was gone, skipping their Saturday tutoring
session, it made Jungkook more nervous to talk about it.

But Taehyung brushes his fingers over Jungkook’s neck, humming softly the moment he sits down.

“I should teach you about makeup,” Taehyung comments, amusement in his tone. “Did you use
Yoongi’s? It’s too pale for you.”

Jungkook grows hot. “Um, yeah. I don’t own any.”

Taehyung leans back, rubbing at his chin as he watches Jungkook. Jungkook doesn’t know what to
say to fill the silence and he doesn’t want to look at Taehyung because looking at Taehyung means
looking at his mouth.

“We should change that,” Taehyung comments. “I’d like to leave more there.”

Jungkook breathes out harshly, heart pounding and there’s a shake in his fingers as he reaches for
Taehyung’s bag. Clearing his throat does little to rid the thick feeling inside of it. “So - so you have
an um, exam coming up next week.”

Taehyung laughs softly but he doesn’t interrupt.

“You did really well on your make up exam. I - I think we should take that same approach for
Astronomy. Though, a lot of the contents of this one is just memorization. I brought flash cards
because I find they work the best for um -”
Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s hand, spreading his fingers and slipping his own between them.
Jungkook stops speaking, flushing hard when Taehyung drops their clasped hands to the table.

“So, does that work for you?”

“Sure thing, tutor-nim.”

Jungkook nibbles on his bottom lip, meeting Taehyung’s gaze. “Right. Yeah.”

Another laugh and Jungkook knows this session is going to be harder than the others.

And it is. Taehyung won’t stop brushing his fingers over his neck and twirling a piece of hair
behind Jungkook’s ear. He fiddles with the studs in Jungkook’s earlobe and smiles every time
Jungkook huffs out because of it.

Jungkook’s always prided himself on his ability to focus, even if he has to really force himself. But
with Taehyung, it’s nearly impossible.

“You seem distracted today.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at Taehyung’s amused tone. He attempts to glare at him but there’s a
sparkle in Taehyung’s eye that has him changing his mind.

“You’re distracting.”

“Me?” Taehyung asks, tone mock innocent though his face lights up even more. “I’m just sitting

“Yeah but,” Jungkook makes a noise of frustration, “you know what you’re doing.”

Taehyung folds a hand under his chin, eyebrow arching. “And what am I doing Jeon?”

He shouldn’t play into it, Jungkook knows this. It will lead to even more distraction, forgetting
their work all together.

But Jungkook feels flustered and confused between wanting to know if Taehyung is just teasing or
if he likes it as much as Jungkook does.

It’s frustrating being near Taehyung and his hands and wanting to be touched but being too shy to
ask for it or initiate it himself.

“Flirting with me so we don’t study.”

Taehyung grins as he leans forward into Jungkook’s space. “That’s not just why.”

“Then why?”

There’s a hand cupping his chin then, thumb reaching out to rub over the corner of his mouth.
“You’re smart baby, you’ll figure it out.”

Jungkook watches as Taehyung stands and starts to pack his things, quietly at first but the
frustration in his chest doesn’t let him stay that way.

“You can just tell me.”

Taehyung laughs lightly. “Where’s the fun in that?”

He’s said it before, but Taehyung is maddening .

Jungkook stands to stop Taehyung from leaving, propping a hand to his chest. “Please tell me.”

“You think too much,” Taehyung comments, rolling his eyes. “Yet all that thinking and you still
haven’t figured it out.”

Jungkook adds pressure to his touch when Taehyung tries to move. The amusement is still in his
eyes when Taehyung bites his bottom lip, looking contemplative for a minute.

“I don’t want to study. I quite enjoy making you flush,” Taehyung finally says, cocking his head.
He tongues at the corner of his mouth and Jungkook feels hot under his gaze. “I also flirt so you
know how much I want you, Jeon. I hope to one day be able to see how much of you I can get red.”

Jungkook’s breath gets stuck in his lungs, his hand faltering in keeping Taehyung back so he
moves closer. He leans down, breath cascading over Jungkook’s cheek before he places his lips at
the corner of his mouth.

“Can I go now?” Taehyung hums.

Swallowing doesn’t get rid of the choked feeling in Jungkook’s throat. He manages a nod though,
lips pressing tightly together so he doesn’t embarrass himself with a squeaking voice.

“Take it easy baby,” Taehyung hums. “I put food in your bag. Make sure you eat it.”

Jungkook doesn’t move until Taehyung is gone. Peeking in his bag he spots a plastic container of
food he doesn’t remember seeing Taehyung put in there.

He slumps into a chair, head hanging back. He’s more confused now than ever.

There’s an ache blanketing over Jungkook’s forehead, digging into his temple and making him feel
sick from it. He rubs away at it, focusing his eyes and trying not to show it every time his feet hit
the turf.

Water isn’t a relief when Jungkook makes it back, his time less than usual. He ignores that with a
wave towards his coach to gulp the water down.

“You okay?”

Jungkook nods, peering at Jimin. Even the sun is bright and bothersome, though the air is starting
to cool enough that soon the season will be over and they’ll have to move their practices inside.

“Did you eat?”

Jungkook nods again but stops himself. It’s habit from Yoongi’s constant nagging, now
Taehyung’s too.

He doesn’t mean to lie but whenever Jungkook skips lunch because he has no time between
classes, he gets a long lecture from Yoongi that he tries to avoid.

If he tells Taehyung that he didn’t grab anything for breakfast because he stayed up too late and
overslept, their tutoring sessions come to a halt.

“No, I’ve had everything back to back, I didn’t get a chance.”

Jimin’s eyes widen at that and he jogs over to his bag. A moment later, there’s a protein bar being
shoved into his chest.

“Not only will Yoongi hyung kill you but so will I,” Jimin threatens. He’s gone a second later, after
a pointed look at the protein bar but now Jungkook is too nauseous to eat.

He watches as Jimin runs towards their coach, whispering something while waving wildly at

Jungkook shoves the rest of the bar into his mouth when he watches Jimin approach, smiling with
bulging teeth when Jimin looks to him proudly.

“Come on, loser, Coach said we can go.”

Jungkook goes to shove at Jimin’s back but Jimin is darting around him to throw an arm over his
shoulder instead.

“I told Coach I’m bringing you to the infirmary but I’m just going for food,” Jimin says. “Your
scores really sucked, man. And I could eat.”

It isn’t on purpose. Jungkook used to be much better about making sure he had packed a meal to
bring with him the night before or filling his bag with quick to make meals he could chow down
when he had the opportunity too. But time has been away from him and he’s more exhausted than

He really did try to go to bed early the night before too, but he waited up for Taehyung to finish his
paper so he could edit it and a little past midnight, Taehyung told him he finally finished.

It was a lie, so Jungkook spent the rest of the night and morning hours finishing it for him.

It’s part of the reason he has the headache; the lack of sleep and anxiety behind technically

“Please don’t tell hyung, it was a mistake and he’ll worry. And Hoseok will be quick to tell him

Jimin looks conflicted as he taps in the code to his apartment. “Don’t forget again, yeah?”

Jungkook nods as he follows Jimin inside and he is thrown off by the sight of Taehyung. He’s laid
over Jimin’s couch, head hanging against the back and a bowl of popcorn in his lap.

It makes Jungkook’s heart races and he stumbles, pressing a firm hand to Jimin’s back as not to
fall. They’re supposed to meet up later, at the Club for Yoongi’s fight. He’s been trying not to
think too much about it because it makes butterflies erupt in his empty stomach.

Another part of him has considered cancelling because he’s a walking zombie, but another part of
him knows Yoongi must have invited him for a reason.

And all of him wants to hang out with Taehyung.

That honey smile is on Taehyung’s lips when he notices them. He moves the popcorn aside to
stand, coming straight for Jungkook.
“Well this is a lovely surprise,” Taehyung greets. “You know I have a rule not to take home the
guys Jimin does, but you might be an exception.”

Jungkook flushes, burning even more when Jimin groans in disgust. He moves from between them,
allowing Taehyung to move closer until his fingers are back on that sore skin of Jungkook’s neck.

It’s going to become a permanent feature, he’s sure of it.

“You look like shit, baby. You alright?”

Jungkook nods immediately, biting on his bottom when Taehyung pinches the skin.

If anyone were to mention that a few of the nights he stayed up late was because he got too
wrapped up in thoughts about Taehyung’s mouth and not studying, Jungkook would deny it.

“Just tired.”

“You said you were going to bed around midnight,” Taehyung says, brows scrunching together as
he presses the back of his hand to Jungkook’s forehead. “You said this morning you were feeling

“I did at the time,” Jungkook lies, voice coming out harsher than intended but he softens when
Taehyung grabs his hand.

The dynamic between them has become strange and unexplainable and Jungkook doesn’t mind for

“I’m making dinner before we head out,” Jimin calls, giving Jungkook a soft look like he knows
he’s thankful he isn’t telling Taehyung either.

“I’ll help,” Jungkook says but Taehyung is holding tight to his hand and Jimin is insisting he sit
down and rest.

“If you wanted to skip tutoring and slept in, you could have,” Taehyung tells him, swinging their

“I wouldn’t have. My body is on a time clock and I would have just woken and been

Taehyung wrinkles his nose at that. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” he says before tugging Jungkook
back to the couch.

They’re only on the couch for a moment, Taehyung tugging Jungkook into his side before he feels
Taehyung pressing against his neck.

With a quick nip at his skin, Taehyung is leaping from the couch again. “You smell like sweat.

Jungkook snorts at that, shrugging his shoulder hard to shove Taehyung off. “Don’t be weird.”

Taehyung flashes him a goofy grin as he curls his arm around Jungkook to play with the hair at the
back of his head. “You look tired. I can tell hyung I kidnapped you if you’d rather go home than
out tonight.”

Tired is an understatement, but Jungkook shakes his head anyway. Coffee was made for a reason.
“I can’t bail on our Friday night hangouts.”
The smile Jungkook gets is blinding, brighter than Taehyung’s usual amused grins. His eyes shine
with it briefly, crinkling around the corners as his lips stretch back enough to show all of his teeth.

Taehyung doesn’t respond though. Instead, he rests his head to the side and continues to shine his
smile onto Jungkook, fingers still twirling through Jungkook’s hair.

Jungkook clears his throat as he diverts his eyes, watching his sweaty palms rub his thighs. He
doesn’t look away long though, pulled back by a gentle tug of his hair.

“You know, Jimin-ah only cooks for someone when something’s wrong. His mother always told
him food is the cure to everything.”

Taehyung’s eyes are wide as he rubs his fingertips over Jungkook’s scalp. It feels really good and
Jungkook wants to sink into it, thinking of the way Taehyung’s hands had felt rubbing the tension
from his shoulders.

“I’m fine. Did you turn in your paper?”

There’s nothing about Taehyung’s expression that would suggest he’s lying but Jungkook knows .
Taehyung nods without a beat like lying comes second nature to him.

He’s less bothered by Taehyung’s grades possibly dropping even more and more bothered that
Taehyung’s breaking his promise to try.

“You’ll do good, I’m sure,” Jungkook says. “Your argument was really strong.”

Taehyung snorts. “I don’t even know what I was arguing, baby.”

Another lie. Taehyung had found the argument on his own, strengthened it with minimal help from

“And no homework talk,” Taehyung whines. “It’s Friday.”

He plants a sloppy kiss to Jungkook’s cheek before flying from the couch. “I’m going to get ready.
If you change your mind about going, text me so I can meet you at yours? I have to dress

Jungkook takes in the ripped jeans takes in the pull over Taehyung wears, ripped over the shoulder
and showing off his collarbone. It’s paired with black jeans, these ones for once not showing skin.

“What’s wrong with that outfit?”

Taehyung snorts like Jungkook’s said something ridiculous. “Not enough skin. Laters, baby.”

Jungkook watches Taehyung leave, wanting to bury himself into the couch instead of think about
how his poor nerves really don’t need to think of Taehyung showing more skin.

The crowd at the Club makes Jungkook nervous. It’s thick and everyone is typically riled up. It’s
usually out of fun; hyping up whoever they’ve come to see fight. But some crowds are aggressive
in their chanting and cheers, beer sloshing out of the plastic cups they hold. He’s only been to one
fight before but he’s heard the stories. It had been such a rough experience that Hoseok never
invited him again.

He’s always nervous because of Yoongi too. He hates that Yoongi fights, though saying so has
always been useless. Even though he’s never really been hurt, just the sight of blood or bruises on
Yoongi makes Jungkook feel sick. Hoseok doesn’t fight as often, preferring to be Yoongi’s
cornerman, but he’s started plenty of fights outside of the ring.

The nerves are worse tonight as Taehyung sidles up beside him and he gets to see the outfit
Taehyung felt he needed to wear. His usual tattered jeans are back, matched with a mesh black
shirt. The material so see through that Jungkook can see the dark of his nipples even in the dim
lights of the club. There’s a piece of leather around his neck, a metal pendant over his throat and it
almost resembles a collar.

It makes Jungkook breathless.

“Missed me?” Taehyung says as he curls an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders. He instantly
unbuttons one of the buttons of Jungkook’s plaid shirt. Jungkook figured he would, unbuttoning
two when he put it on to save the Taehyung trouble, but Taehyung unbuttons the two beneath it
instead. “Cutie.”

“What are you wearing?”

Taehyung pulls back, nose scrunching when he looks down at his attire. There are fishnets beneath
the ripped jeans, standing out dark against his skin. “You don’t like?”

When Taehyung turns, Jungkook’s eyes follow the rip on his backside, high enough to show off
the rounded fat of Taehyung’s ass pressing into the netted fabric. Taehyung grins over his shoulder,
batting his eyelashes.

“They’re - yeah. I like them.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, taking Jungkook’s hand and slipping it into his back pocket. “Stick close
to me, baby. This crowd can get rowdy.”

Jungkook nods, turning to peer into the crowd. Hoseok went backstage after Jungkook lied and
promised he’d be okay alone while he waited for Taehyung and Jimin.

Thankfully, he was only alone for a very short time before Taehyung appeared.

“Who is Yoongi fighting?” Taehyung asks as he maneuvers Jungkook through the crowd. He
wonders if they look odd together; Taehyung dressed the way he is and Jungkook in a simple plaid
shirt and jeans. He wonders if he looks boring beside Taehyung, like he doesn’t belong here. “That
scrawny kid from Ulsan?”

“It’s the weight class,” Jungkook huffs in amusement. “Yoongi’s scrawny.”

Taehyung laughs too. “Yeah, but he’s like you. You don’t look as big beneath your clothes, but
once they’re off -”

A moan leave Taehyung’s lips as he grips Jungkook’s bicep, overdone and dramatic but Jungkook
flushes anyway.

“Cute,” Taehyung hums, poking his nose.

It’s hot closer to the ring. Sweat builds at the back of Jungkook’s neck when Taehyung pulls him to
the barrier, flashing a sweet smile to every person they pass as he apologizes for pushing into

It makes Jungkook feel trapped but Taehyung threads their fingers together.

It feels like a date.

“Are you feeling better?” Taehyung asks as he steps around him, shielding him from the crowd
behind him.

Jungkook nods.


“Me too,” Taehyung hums in Jungkook’s ear. “Jacked off for like an hour.”

Jungkook hooks his elbow back, connecting it with Taehyung’s ribs but Taehyung is laughing. It
drags the attention from people around them and Jungkook shrinks back into Taehyung’s chest.

Luckily Jimin pops up then, jumping off the barrier and keeping Taehyung from talking about it.
For a minute at least, as Jimin and Taehyung seem to be just as crude as the other.

“What?” Taehyung gasps with amusement. “I was thinking of you.”

Jungkook side eyes Jimin. They’re in the middle of the crowd; he can’t kiss Taehyung but he wants
to. He also wants to shove Taehyung for making his ears burn hot.

“You have a foul mouth,” Jungkook mumbles, eyeing said mouth. “Do you hear the things you

Taehyung nods proudly as he brushes a knuckle over Jungkook’s cheek and tilts his head so he’s
arching back to look at him. “Told you, I like how red you get.”

It only makes Jungkook redder. “Messing with me again.”

“Promise I’m not,” Taehyung says as his tongue prods at the corner of his mouth because he’s the
devil. The devil carrying the heat from Hell and smacking it onto Jungkook’s skin.

There’s lips against his a moment later. A kiss to seal the promise but more, Taehyung licking at
his lips, much more at ease about an audience than Jungkook.

The sound of Hoseok whistling has Jungkook yanking himself away, heart thudding from surprise.
Taehyung wears a dopey smile, cheeks round around his grin.

“Okay?” Taehyung says, holding out his pinky finger.

Jungkook grabs it with his hand and holds it against his chest.

Jimin and Hoseok are both looking at them when Jungkook turns to face them. Hoseok has an arm
over Jimin’s shoulders, a grin on his lips and around the lollipop he holds between his teeth.
Jimin’s eyes are a mask of Hoseok’s amusement, his own arms crossed over his chest.

“You been kissin’ a lot lately,” Hoseok comments.

Jungkook hates his friends. He doesn’t understand the point of friendship.

“Shut up.”

Hoseok’s grin only splits wider open at that. “My baby. Do you want me to threaten him like
Yoongi? Since he’s not here.”

Hoseok scrunches his face together, peering at Taehyung but he can’t hold it. He lets out a shaking
laugh instead, growing louder when Jimin tells him his impersonation sucks.

“Wanna drink?” Taehyung asks, rolling his eyes at his friends and moving away from Jungkook.

Jungkook shakes his head and waits for Taehyung to turn around so he can catch a glimpse of the
way his butt looks again.

New friends are definitely needed, Jungkook thinks, when he turns back around and Jimin and
Hoseok are cooing at him.

“Look, Hobi, our babies have a crush on each other,” Jimin whispers loud enough for Jungkook to
hear. He jumps behind Hoseok when Jungkook leaps at him, fists at the ready.

“Shut up. Stop calling me baby.”

“You don’t seem to mind when Tae calls you it,” Jimin says, holding his own fist out when
Jungkook comes near. “You really are good at everything, huh? Taehyung’s never worked hard for
someone like this.”

It’s playful and doesn’t make sense, so Jungkook only grunts incoherently. Taehyung does not have
a crush on him, and if he did, well Jungkook doesn’t have one back.

“You’re lying,” Jungkook says instead, despite not wanting to entertain Jimin’s teasing before it
gets worse.

Hoseok shakes his head. “That’s Tae’s get dick quick outfit. He only wears it on special

Jungkook grows hot and it’s too crowded for him to run off like he wants. Luckily, he only has to
stand the teasing a little longer before Taehyung shows up again, drinks in hand.

It’s difficult to look at Taehyung’s outfit and not feel a spark inside of him as he remembers
Hoseok’s words.

“Ginger ale,” Taehyung says as he hands Jungkook the cup. “Are you hot? You’re red?”

Jungkook shakes his head as he sips at the drink, making sure it’s Ginger Ale before he strains his
eyes at the ring so he doesn’t have to look anywhere else.

Taehyung laughs quietly, knocking their shoulder but doesn’t comment on it.

The fight is stressful. Jungkook seems to be the only one not excited, worry filling him every punch
that’s thrown Yoongi’s way. The rough of Hoseok’s voice makes it worse, his cussing every time
the opponent gets a punch in. It isn’t often, Yoongi is quick on his feet, dodging most of them, but
it doesn’t stop Hoseok from yelling where he stands on the other side of the barrier, close to the
corner of the ring.

Taehyung is quieter; which is surprising. He watches with big eyes, cheering whenever Yoongi’s
gloved hand hits the opponent. It’s another part of Yoongi’s life that he doesn’t share much with
Jungkook, another attempt at not causing him stress.

It makes Jungkook feel bad; but he gets worked up whenever Yoongi talks about it. He’s waiting
for the day Yoongi turns into one of the horror stories. And it’s wrong. He’s Yoongi’s best friend
and he should be just as supportive as the others around them.

Jungkook wishes his brain would shut up for one second and let him enjoy something, but he
stands beside Taehyung and watches Yoongi, worrying about what a shit friend he is.

It seems like an effortless win, but Yoongi is panting when the referee holds up his hand to claim
victory. His face isn’t cheerful, but angry looking as he spits out the guard in his mouth. Hoseok is
quick to duck beneath the ropes along the ring and jump up, helping Yoongi take the gloves from
his hands.

Jungkook watches, chest warming, as Hoseok grabs Yoongi’s cheeks and places a messy kiss to
his lips. The crowd around them erupts in cheers and Jungkook looks away when the kiss grows

“Oh love,” Taehyung sighs, wrapping an arm around Jungkook’s shoulder. There’s nothing but
softness in his expression when he glances at Jungkook like he’s making sure he’s okay.

The smile Yoongi wears is blinding, his head tilting down shyly.

“Come on, backstage,” Jimin says, patting Jungkook’s chest when he squeezes behind him. “I want
a kiss too.”

There’s fingers in Jungkook’s hand before he’s being pulled after Jimin. Taehyung flashes him a
smile as he tugs Jungkook along and Jungkook wonders if he’s aware of how nervous he is.

Jungkook wishes he could just stop being nervous all of the time.

It isn’t as crowded backstage, but it is busy. People rush around, some cheering. There’s other
fighters getting ready for the next fight, jumping on their feet to pump themselves up.

When Jimin pushes up the door to Yoongi’s room, Jungkook yelps quietly and jumps behind the
wall beside it.

It’s his own fault that Yoongi won’t tell him things because he can’t handle much. He feels
embarrassed when he eyes the way Hoseok is pushing into Yoongi, his tongue visibly working it’s
way into Yoongi’s mouth.

Yoongi pulls away at the company, clearing his throat and sending an apologetic look towards
Jungkook. “I need a fucking drink, man.”

Jimin rushes over to Yoongi, grabbing his hands and inspecting them despite the protective gloves
he had worn. Up close, Jungkook can see a bruise forming over his jaw and his lip is split.

“You okay?” Jungkook asks, ignoring what he saw and his nerves as he approaches Yoongi.

Yoongi’s eyes are wide when he nods. Jungkook knows him well enough to know he wants to say
something and Jungkook wonders if that’s why he was invited this time; so Yoongi can tell him
without telling him.

“I’m bad ass, huh?”

Jungkook snorts, pinching Yoongi’s chin to inspect the cut on his mouth. It isn’t deep, not even

He hates that Yoongi fights. But he knows Yoongi loves it.

“Yeah, you did awesome hyung.”

Yoongi grins. “Thanks, Kook.”

“We should go out instead of watching the next fight,” Hoseok interrupts, his body vibrating with
energy. “Whaddya say, hyung?”

Yoongi is interrupted as a knock sounds at the door before it opens. Jungkook doesn’t look to see
who it is, more concerned with the way Yoongi grows taut and moves forward to step in front of

Hoseok does too and Taehyung’s hand is grabbing his, causing concern to fill Jungkook before he
turns around.

The nerves inside of Jungkook grow tenfold as he spots who is in the doorway. So much so he
suddenly feels sick.

Cheol Su.

“Hey,” he greets, waving a hand. His eyes glance at Jungkook and Jungkook desperately wants to

Another reason Yoongi never invites him is because Cheol Su used to frequent the Club just as
much as Yoongi and Hoseok do. But he knows Yoongi wouldn’t have invited him if he knew
Cheol Su would be here.

“What do you want?” Yoongi asks, an unfriendly grunt in his tone. “Thought you were banned
from the Club?”

Cheol Su looks to Jungkook again and Taehyung’s hand squeezes even tighter around his. It
doesn’t make sense; Jungkook never told Taehyung what happened and he knows Yoongi
wouldn’t have. Hoseok might, but he doubts it.

“Nah. A healthy donation forgives past grievances,” Cheol Su says with a laugh that no one
returns. “Just wanted to say congratulations man. You kicked ass.”

“Appreciate it,” Yoongi replies, though he looks anything but grateful.

Cheol Su looks at Jungkook again, lips parting when he steps forward but he’s stopped by Hoseok.

It’s unlike Hoseok to look anything but friendly and cheerful. It’s very rare, something that
Jungkook has only witnessed a few times, like during a fight, or when one of them is getting
messed with. He presses his fingers into Cheol Su’s chest, pushing him backwards.

“Don’t,” Hoseok says, voice low. It makes Jungkook’s free hand shake and he squeezes into a fist,
but it doesn’t stop the tremor from moving from his fingers to the rest of his body. “Thanks for
your kind words, but you should go.”

Cheol Su’s jaw tightens as his lips press together. It’s the same expression he wore the last time
they spoke. But his tone is lighter, not as mocking and cruel as the words he had spat at Jungkook
that night.

“No problem,” Cheol Su says, hands flying up in surrender. “I’ll be around a lot more, thought we
could find some peace.”

Yoongi spits to the ground. “I’m not as forgiving as the owner of this place.”

Taehyung lets go of Jungkook’s hand and for a moment he panics, needing the comfort, but then
Taehyung is sliding his arm over his shoulders and pulling him close. It drags Cheol Su’s attention
to them and he rolls his eyes.

“Whatever. Take care, man.”

It is quiet and tense as Cheol Su steps out, slamming the door behind him. Jungkook’s heart races,
more guilt filling him that once again he’s ruined a good moment.

“Drinks,” Hoseok huffs, turning around with a big smile as he claps his hands. He only glances at
Jungkook for a second, knowing Jungkook likes to hide in situations like this.

He’s much too aware of the eyes on him and it makes him feel like he’s choking. He isn’t a baby,
he doesn’t want to be treated like one.

“Sound good, baby?” Taehyung whispers as he cups Jungkook’s cheek, guiding his head towards
him. He is soft again and it feels intimate the way he tips Jungkook’s chin.

Jungkook nods out of habit but be stops himself. “No, I want to go.”

It feels too selfish to say loudly, whispering the words instead. Yoongi will follow him and he
should be out celebrating his win, not tending to him.

Taehyung nods, rubbing his skin. Jungkook braces himself for the insistence he come; Taehyung’s
normal push for Jungkook to ‘let loose’ but this time, he doesn’t..

“I’ll walk you home.”

Jungkook hesitates. Taehyung looks genuine enough; not teasing like usual. He doesn’t make a
comment about his get dick outfit or tease Jungkook about sleeping over.

“No. It’s fine, I - I should go celebrate with hyung.”

Taehyung frowns at that. “You don’t need to go out to celebrate.”

He pulls away then, but curls an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders to keep him close.

“Come on gays, let’s celebrate at Chim’s. I spent all that money on boos, we should drink it.”

Jungkook tenses, anticipating his friends to complain or insist but they don’t.

Instead, Yoongi shoves Taehyung off to curl an arm around Jungkook, throwing a fist up when
Taehyung opens his mouth to complain. Hoseok ruffles his hair and snatches Taehyung, pulling
him away and out of the room with Jimin running after them to leap on Taehyung’s back.
“Let’s go celebrate,” Yoongi says, knocking their temples together. “You good?”

Jungkook nods. “Pinky promise.”

Yoongi grins at that, gums and all. “Don’t kiss me to seal the promise, Kook. I heard that’s a thing
you do now.”

Jungkook wants to run .

Staying inside was a good idea, Jungkook thinks as he wraps his blanket around himself. He’s
tired, but the celebrations aren’t too loud and Jungkook could sleep if he wanted to.

He doesn’t want to. He knocks his head on the arm of the couch, feet tucked on top of Taehyung’s
lap as he watches Namjoon explain something with great passion. He had been here waiting for
them when he returned from the club, Jin by his side and a bag of takeout in hand.

“Nah man. You can’t mix the blacks with the colors, it makes them dingy.”

“I own like two colored things. I’m not washing them separately,” Yoongi shoots back. Since the
end of the fight, he’s been a bit more openly touchy towards Jimin and Hoseok, Jungkook thinks.
He can’t figure out if he’s just noticing it or if the way Yoongi brushes his fingers through the hair
behind Jimin’s ear every time he speaks is new or not.

Namjoon looks at Yoongi like he’s absurd. “You don’t wear black all of the time.”

There’s a collective hum of agreement that Yoongi does, in fact, only ever wear black. A rumble of
laughter follows and Jungkook smile sleepily at the sound. He’d deny focusing on the way
Taehyung giggles, or the way his fingers rub the bone of his ankle.

“Anything colored you’ve seen me in was probably Hoseok’s,” Yoongi mumbles. He sits in the
arm chair, Jimin perched beside him and Hoseok sitting between his legs.

Where Yoongi is all black in his t-shirt and jeans, even the bucket hat he wears, Hoseok is an array
of colors. His pants bright red and his shirt yellow, the plaid button up he has over it a mix of
different greens and blues. Even his socks are loud, the fabric covered in tiny smiling tacos.

Jimin is a mix between the two; black ripped jeans and a fitted shirt; the bright colored pattern
reminding Jungkook of that gum with the zebra on it.

They fit nicely.

Jungkook glances to Taehyung, who talks to Jin beside him. He plays distractedly with Jungkook’s
ankles, his thighs vibrating beneath him the way they do when they’re studying and Taehyung’s
frustrated. He doesn’t look it though, an air of peace and amusement around him.

For a second, Jungkook wonders if they fit as nicely as Yoongi does with Hoseok and Jimin.

Taehyung is pretty, delicate yet strong. His presence demands attention while Jungkook’s repels it.
Jungkook looks simple in his oversized hoodie and track pants, while Taehyung still is wearing the
outfit he wore to the Club. Even then Jungkook had looked boring beside him; he usually does.
“Isn’t that right, Jungkook?”

Jungkook rips his eyes away from Taehyung, noticing both him and Jin looking at him.


Taehyung grins. “See something you like?”

Jungkook kicks at him, but Taehyung holds onto his foot so he can’t. He tucks himself further into
his blanket instead, hiding his cheeks. He isn’t ticklish, but he tries to yank his foot back again
when Taehyung caresses his fingers over the arch at the bottom of his foot.

Laughter fills the room when Jungkook jumps from his position and yanks his leg with all of his
strength. Taehyung’s eyes are blazing with it when Jungkook curls his legs protectively beneath his

“Cutie,” Taehyung whispers, taking Jungkook’s blanket and wrapping it around his back just to tug
him forward. There’s people around them and Jungkook panics, heart thumping but Taehyung just
touches their noses. “What were you thinking about over there, Jeon?”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose and pulls back. He glances at the others, finding only Hoseok openly
watches them with a grin so big it makes Jungkook want to die. He can tell Yoongi is trying not to
by how tense he is, though he relaxes when his eyes flick up and meet Jimin’s crinkled ones.

“That paper you wrote,” Jungkook lies. “I’m going to email your professor and ask her for a copy
of her recommended improvements.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes before he pushes his lips out, tugging on the blanket again until Jungkook
sighs and settles into his space. “Every time you talk about school work, you owe me a kiss.”

Jungkook chews on his bottom lip. “What?”

There’s a dip in the couch when Jin gets up from it and Taehyung moves in closer. Jungkook’s
brain feels fuzzy by his presence. There’s still the sound of Namjoon’s voice but his words are
going through one ear and out the other as Jungkook focuses on Taehyung.

“I said,” Taehyung whispers, pulling his knees up until they knock into Jungkook’s, “every time
you mention school or school work, that’s a kiss you owe me. So far you’re at two.”

He can’t help the way he watches Taehyung’s mouth when he speaks. He’s thinking about kissing
him; feeling the soft of his lips against his own. It doesn’t help his wrecked state and he pushes his
lips into a pout.

“Those don’t count. You didn’t create the game until after.”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh, rolling away from him. He shakes his head, giggling under his breath
but doesn’t explain. Jungkook feels flustered; even more so when Taehyung turns and he can see
the bare of Taehyung’s ass beneath the netted fabric and realizes that means he isn’t wearing any

And if he is, it isn’t covering much.

“Come on, Jeon.”

Jungkook pulls away from the couch without hesitating. He wonders if this night is going to end in
another lecture from Yoongi; a conversation about how good of a guy Taehyung is but how stupid
Jungkook is.

The degrading thoughts haven’t been around this often in awhile and Jungkook hates them. It’s like
attention brings them out.

Taehyung leans against the kitchen counter as Jungkook follows him into the kitchen. The smell of
smoke lingers in the air, mixing in with the food laid out across the table.

“Come here.”

Jungkook steps over the cool tile, thankful he’s wearing socks, to reach Taehyung. His throat
closes up when Taehyung spreads his legs and tugs him in.

Was Taehyung serious about kissing him? Jungkook’s palms turn sweaty quickly as Taehyung
cups the side of his neck like he might.

“Wanted you alone,” Taehyung murmurs. “You don’t like attention on you, do you?”

Jungkook shakes his head, exhaling shakily when Taehyung moves away from the counter so their
chests are touching. They’re roughly the same height, allowing Taehyung to easily press their
noses together again.

“I’m into it,” Taehyung admits, taking Jungkook’s hands and swinging them around them. “The
people around you oblivious to the heat between two people.”

Taehyung grins, eyeing Jungkook before he plants their hands behind him.

Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek at the first touch of Taehyung’s bare skin. The grin on
Taehyung’s lips grow as Jungkook’s fingers skate over the rough edging of the fishnets, guided by

“You know what I mean?” Taehyung breathes, and there’s that drop in his voice that has
Jungkook’s stomach tightening. “Making those wonder what I’m whispering in your ear to make
you so red?”

It’s hot in the kitchen, Jungkook thinks as his fingers slip through the holes of Taehyung’s fishnets.
It’s really hot, maybe someone forgot to turn the stove off. They ordered takeout, Jungkook can’t
think straight.

Taehyung lets go of Jungkook’s hand when his palm cups his ass and slips his fingers over
Jungkook’s chest instead. Jungkook doesn’t know if he can move; if he can touch. He wants to, he
realizes it as he feels how soft Taehyung’s skin and how full his ass feels against his hand. But he
lets his hand rest there, unmoving.

“But you’d get red even if I was talking about the weather,” Taehyung laughs lightly but it isn’t
mocking. “Or school. Do you have a learning kink, Jungkook?”

Jungkook groans. “Shut up.”

The giggle Taehyung responds with makes Jungkook’s heart flip inside of his chest. “Do you know
anything about clouds?”

It throws Jungkook off enough that he remains quiet, confused as to why Taehyung asks about
clouds like he’s trying to ask Jungkook if he’s okay to take his clothes off. “Um, no?”
“You know, other planets have clouds too,” Taehyung continues, rubbing his palm up Jungkook’s
chest and to his shoulder. Jungkook’s fingers flex over Taehyung’s ass and he wants to move his
fingers further, grip between his legs but just thinking about it is too much. “Venus has these
clouds made of sulfur dioxide.”

“I guess Venus isn’t participating in clean energy,” Jungkook breathes distractedly.

Taehyung knocks their foreheads together as he laughs. “What?”

Jungkook flushes, wanting to retreat but Taehyung is wrapping his arms around his shoulders.
Jungkook feels like he’s breathing in sulfur dioxide himself, his chest tight and breathing sounding
short to his own ears.

“Nothing,” Jungkook says, swallowing thickly. “It pollutes the air. Like, car emissions and stuff.”

Taehyung quirks a brow. Jungkook likes the feeling of Taehyung wrapped around him and he
blames his sleepiness. He’s always cuddly when he’s tired.

Even though it feels like he’s wide awake when Taehyung brushes his fingers over the back of his
neck and into his hair.

“Is that right? Tell me more.”

Jungkook flexes his fingers against Taehyung’s ass again, hesitantly pressing his other hand to the
small of his back. It makes Taehyung’s smile twitch bigger.

“It’s used in making wine too,” Jungkook teaches. “Keeps bacteria from growing, and is used as a
sanitizer, I - I think. When it’s mixed with -”

The words fumble from Jungkook’s lips as Taehyung presses into him, their bodies alight and
touching. Taehyung bends his head back, eyes on Jungkook’s face.

“Didn’t I say no more school talk?” Taehyung asks in amusement. “This isn’t a tutor session, baby.
We haven’t covered sulfur dioxide in chemistry yet.”

Jungkook presses his lips together, eyes widening. “You tricked me.”

Taehyung grins, guilt in his eyes. “I did not. I was talking about clouds.”

With a groan, Jungkook finally squeezes Taehyung’s ass properly. It’s meant to be in retaliation for
Taehyung’s teasing but it only worsen’s Jungkook’s own torture when Taehyung gasps. His lips
part prettily around the sound and Jungkook wants to groan again.

“How do you even know they’re made of sulfur dioxide?” Jungkook asks, heart thumping when
Taehyung takes the hand on his back and presses it to his other ass cheek. “The Venus clouds.”

“I know things,” Taehyung says. “I like space. Did you know that the moons around Uranus were
named after Shakespeare characters?”

Jungkook shakes his head. He’s focusing too much on his hands, pulling his fingers from the
fishnets to slip his hand better beneath the rip in Taehyung’s jeans.

“There’s like twenty something discovered so far,” Taehyung goes on as he rubs his hands down
Jungkook’s back. He wonders if Taehyung is going to kiss him finally, if he wants him to. “My
favorite are these two.”
Jungkook yelps when Taehyung grips his butt, squeezing his hands over his cheeks. Laughter rings
through the kitchen and Jungkook buries his head into Taehyung’s neck to hide from it.

He doesn’t pull away, he likes the feeling of Taehyung’s hands and he wants to pull them back
when Taehyung removes them to cup his cheeks. He can hear the sound of footsteps over his
thudding heart, but he ignores it when Taehyung’s lips brush over the corner of his mouth.

“You owe me a kiss Jeon,” Taehyung jokes under his breath. “Take your time, baby. Let’s go back
and listen to Namjoon’s laundry tips now, hm?”

Jungkook nods, rubbing his hand over Taehyung’s butt once more before pulling away. It makes
Taehyung’s eyes sparkle and Jungkook runs over to the stove to make sure it’s been turned off.

It’s Hoseok’s footsteps they had heard as he appears a moment later, grinning from ear to ear.
“Yoons asked me to get him another drink. I think he actually wanted me to make sure Taehyung
wasn’t eating you.”

“Was trying to,” Taehyung says, tugging Jungkook along.

Only Namjoon and Jin are in the living room when they emerge and Jungkook quickly runs to the
couch, taking the blanket and wrapping himself back in it. The material is soft and he tries not to
think about how his body throbs.

Taehyung is confusing and a tease and Jungkook wants to kiss him.

“What were you doing?”

“Talking about space,” Taehyung says as grabs Jungkook’s legs and throws them over his lap
again. “Uranus’ moons.”

Namjoon snorts. “Poor Kook. Don’t ever get Tae started on space, he’ll never shut up. Next thing
you know, he’ll be listing off the top ten largest moons and expect you to remember their names.”

Jungkook watches as Taehyung kicks at Namjoon. He’s never heard Taehyung mention space
before. He’s in Astronomy, but he was struggling in it.

“We were talking about the small moons, isn’t that right baby?” Taehyung says as he looks to
Jungkook. “They’re nice too.”

Jungkook groans hiding himself further into the blankets and Namjoon throws them a disgusted
look. The sound of Jin’s laughter cracks through the room and Jungkook considers pushing himself
beneath the cushions of the couch, but he thinks that would be noticeable.

“Don’t do this in front of me,” Namjoon grunts. “I’m begging you.”

Somewhere amongst it all, Jungkook falls asleep.

When he wakes, it’s quiet. His neck aches from the awkward angle it had been hanging and when
he stretches out, he finds a pillow that must have been under his head at some point.
There’s a weight in his lap that keeps him from moving too much and moving his hand, he
connects with soft hair.

Jungkook freezes when he spots the fluff of blond hair in his lap a moment before Taehyung lifts
his head. It takes him a few moments to gather his surroundings, remembering where he is and
why Taehyung is there.

“You’re awake,” Taehyung says, smiling softly before he sits. “Did you know you snore?”

“I don’t,” Jungkook slurs sleepily, shoving at Taehyung but Taehyung just grabs his hands instead.

“You do. You’re even cuter when you sleep.”

“Shut up,” Jungkook huffs, leaning closer to Taehyung and resting his head on the back of the
couch. There’s a wild urge inside of him to pull Taehyung into him, hold him close and press their
lips together.

Taehyung turns so his knees knock against Jungkook’s and then he’s shifting so his legs are now
over Jungkook’s lap. It makes the urge to hold him closer grow, and Jungkook wonders if
Taehyung would mind if he asked him to spoon.

There’s a gentle hand over Jungkook’s cheek a second later, a thumb rubbing gently over his skin.

“Go back to sleep.”

Jungkook shakes his head, fighting it. He wants to be selfish and stay here, because he likes being
around Taehyung, but he’s always struggled with selfish indulgence.

Yoongi’s warning is in the back of his mind as he looks at Taehyung’s lips, remembering the kiss
he owes him.

“Yoongi is here still,” Taehyung says softly. “There’s no point in returning home. You’re
exhausted, baby. Sleep.”

Jungkook grabs Taehyung’s wrist to inspect the time. He’s slept too much, it’s late and he has work
to do. Work he pushed off the night before to do Taehyung’s work and was unable to do today
because of his promised Friday night relaxation time.

“I should -”

Taehyung stops him with a hand cupping his neck, his touch light like he’s offering Jungkook
room to move away, or hesitating like a question. Jungkook nods, wanting Taehyung to do
whatever it is he’s asking to do.

There’s lips on his before Jungkook can finish nodding.

It’s just a brush of skin on skin, Taehyung’s lips wet and soft. Jungkook shudders from the feeling,
Taehyung’s thumb brushing over his neck as he angles his head.

Before Jungkook can register the fact that he should move his lips back, Taehyung is pulling away.

“What was that for?” Jungkook breathes. He definitely can’t go back to sleep now, not with the
way his heart is racing. He’s wide awake, only a bit of heaviness hanging to his eyelids. He
watches Taehyung’s mouth, wanting it back on his.

Taehyung grins, his hand still cupped over Jungkook’s neck and Jungkook doesn’t move, even if
it’s twisted at an odd angle.

“I was trying to think of something to convince you to stay.”


Taehyung watches him for awhile as Jungkook tries to think of what else to say. It would be
perfectly normal for him to ask Taehyung to kiss him again, but he feels awkward doing so.

“I’m going to do it again,” Taehyung whispers like he can read Jungkook’s mind, letting silence
return between them before Jungkook nods.

The television reflects off Taehyung’s grin before he leans in, kissing Jungkook a second time. This
time, Jungkook angles his head to meet him, their lips slotting in a way that makes heat pour into
his chest.

It’s been a long time since Jungkook has kissed anyone and he feels nervous thinking about it, but
Taehyung’s distracting him with his lips tugging at his bottom lip. Their lips mold together like
they’re meant to be together. Their noses brush, pushing against each other. Taehyung pulls back
for a breath, tugging Jungkook’s glasses from his face before he kisses him again.

When Jungkook sits, moving from the back of the couch, Taehyung’s cupping his cheeks and
kissing him deeper.

He doesn’t know what to do with his hands, leaving them useless in his lap as he sighs into
Taehyung’s mouth.

It’s lazy the way their mouths work over the other, Taehyung’s teeth nibbling over his bottom lip
and earning a harsh breath every time he tugs too hard.

Jungkook curls a hand around the back of Taehyung’s neck when Taehyung pulls back like he
might move away. It makes Taehyung laugh softly before he’s pushing his parted lips against
Jungkook’s again.

The first touch of Taehyung’s tongue has Jungkook shivering, pressing closer. The television is
quiet, making it so Jungkook can hear every slick sound their mouths make, every sigh Taehyung
lets out.

The warmth on Jungkook’s skin absorbs into him and turns into a heat, coiling in his stomach
when Taehyung’s tongue glides over his own. But Taehyung’s hands are burning just as much as
they move from his cheeks to his neck, rubbing down to his chest and gripping at his shoulders.

Jungkook’s being guided forward a second later, until his body is fitting over Taehyung.

His heart starts to race when Taehyung shifts so they’re laying side by side, Taehyung’s fingers
pushing into his hair as he licks into his mouth. Taehyung giggles into it when Jungkook groans
and grips at Taehyung’s hip, keeping them close because he craves the heat that radiates from
Taehyung’s body. He likes the way Taehyung’s teeth feel scraping over his lip before tugging, the
way he licks at it afterwards as if to apologize if he were too rough.

He’s breathing heavily when Taehyung pulls back to look at him. His mouth is slick and swollen,
his grin pushing his cheeks up before he cocks his head and kisses at Jungkook’s neck.

A groan rumbles in Jungkook’s throat when Taehyung works his teeth over Jungkook’s already
bruised skin and lower. He sucks another hickey into Jungkook’s neck, beneath the first and
Jungkook tenses as not to push closer into Taehyung.

There’s a distant thought in the back of his mind that his friends are somewhere else in the house,
but he ignores it when Taehyung’s hand shifts under his sweater to rest at the bare skin over his

It’s intimate, embarrassing, but Jungkook moans softly as he lets Taehyung pull him into his body
and tangles their legs.

“Go to sleep,” Taehyung breathes against his neck, nuzzling over the bruises he’s left behind.

Despite his words, Taehyung’s mouth is back on his a second later.

“Sleepy baby,” Jungkook thinks he hears whispered against his mouth.

Fisting a hand into Taehyung’s shirt, Jungkook kisses back a bit feverishly. It’s difficult not to rub
against him; but the embarrassment he feels at doing so is enough to stop him. The way Taehyung
touches and kisses him makes him feel as if he’s burrito’d himself in the blanket again.

Jungkook whines in complaint when Taehyung pulls back. His mouth throbs as much as his neck
and he ducks his head forward for one more.

“Should stop,” Taehyung hums, letting Jungkook kiss him as he rubs his hand down Jungkook’s
spine and grips into the band of Jungkook’s pants. “Want you to sleep but I’m getting hard.”

Jungkook gasps lightly at that, eyes fluttering shut as Taehyung’s words make his stomach erupt in
butterflies. He says it so bluntly, without any shame and Jungkook could never even imagine
saying something like that outloud. “Sorry.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, shifting his hand to squeeze gently at Jungkook’s ass. “Not something
you should apologize for, baby. If hyung wakes up and catches me touching you, he might be
ruined forever.”

Jungkook grips tightly into Taehyung’s shirt, hips bucking up slowly as Taehyung’s deep voice
turns into a drawl and his lips shift over his ear, making the words vibrate against his skin.
Taehyung squeezes his butt again before sliding down and gripping at the back of his thigh.

The way his fingers dig into his thigh has Jungkook gasping, the sound too similar to a moan that
he almost rips himself from the couch.

He wants to ask Taehyung what he means; how he wants to touch him, but he thinks he’ll melt into
nothingness if Taehyung does.

“Okay,” Jungkook breathes, body curling when Taehyung tugs his leg up. This time, Jungkook
presses his lips tightly together when their hips rub together. “You’re making it hard to sleep.”

Taehyung laughs softly. “Is that what I’m making hard?”

Jungkook groans as Taehyung laughs at his own joke. Thankfully Taehyung lets his thigh go,
letting Jungkook readjust before his interested cock really does get hard. He feels hot to the root,
burning as he tries not to focus on how intimate this is, and how much he really does want more.

Taehyung shifts back so he can guide Jungkook’s head to his chest, hand under his chin so he can
plop another kiss to his lip. He kisses him a few times, quick pecks that has Jungkook pushing his
lips out for more until he yawns. There’s a heaviness in his body, but not enough to wash away the
pulse running through him that wants more.

None of it makes sense but his mind doesn’t get a chance to worry too much as the sound of
Taehyung’s humming and the fingers in his hair lull him to sleep.

When Jungkook wakes a second time, he feels overheated. There’s something hard against his
front, and he freezes when he registers the soft snores.

He squeezes his eyes closed, hiding his face against Taehyung’s chest when he registers the throb
between his legs as the source of what woke him.

There’s the blanket thrown over them now, the sigh of someone else being awake, and Taehyung’s
arm is lazily wrapped around his back. Jungkook lays there, trying to figure out a way to roll off
the couch without waking Taehyung.

Taehyung shifts, curling into Jungkook. He rubs his lips together, eyes working over the back of
his eyelids like he might wake any second. He radiates heat, his arms wrapping around Jungkook’s
back so their bodies press tightly together. Jungkook tries to hold back a groan when Taehyung
shifts, curling a leg over his and stitching their bodies together.

Taehyung wakes then, blinking his eyes open and grinning when he sees Jungkook.

“Morning, cutie.”

Jungkook’s heart pounds when Taehyung snuggles closer, the leg hooked over him tightening and
dragging him close. It makes him press into Taehyung, a groan stifling in his chest when his cock
presses into Taehyung’s thigh. He freezes, hoping Taehyung doesn’t notice.

But luck has never been on Jungkook’s side and one of his eyes is blinking open, the amusement
loud in them.

“Sleep well?” Taehyung asks, his tone just as amused as he tickles Jungkook’s neck and wiggles
his body more than necessary. Jungkook bites back a groan at the feeling, his cock twitching when
Taehyung’s thigh moves against him. “Good dreams?”

Jungkook lets out his groan, the one now from embarrassment, trying to hide his face again but
Taehyung is cupping his jaw so he can’t. He rubs at his bottom lip, pressing down until his lips
part and it really doesn’t help the situation.

“Want my help?” Taehyung breathes, lips ghosting over Jungkook’s.

It had been a dream, Jungkook had thought. A product of his stressed, overworked brain. He
thought, until he feels Taehyung’s teasing grin shift over his own.

They really did kiss the night before, and wrap around each other in an intimate way. Like they are

“Could suck you off,” Taehyung offers, hands trailing to Jungkook’s stomach, squeezing between
them like he might touch. “Eat you out.”

Jungkook pushes against Taehyung’s chest, consequently falling off the edge of the couch and to
his back.

Taehyung is leaning over the couch a second later, looking down at him. His eyes rake down
Jungkook’s body, his grin growing.
Jungkook snaps his legs together, knees bending to cover himself.

This is mortifying .

Jungkook wants to die right here on the floor.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Taehyung laughs quietly. “I’d get hard sleeping next to me too.”

Jungkook flies up from the ground. “Oh my god.”

Taehyung’s laugh follows him as Jungkook rushes from the living room and towards the bathroom.
He barely registers Yoongi in the kitchen, whom he only waves a quick hand to before he hides

Jungkook plants a hand over his eyes, groaning at himself because he’s about to die from
embarrassment. It is better than facing himself in the mirror, where he’d see the marks Taehyung
left on his skin and Taehyung’s sweater hanging off his frame.

I could suck you off , wracks through his brain and Jungkook cups a palm between his thighs,
praying for his cock to fuck off and stop reacting to Taehyung.


Taehyung is screwed. Majorly screwed. He hasn’t been hit with this amount of fondness in a long
time, and never as hard.

“You know you’re staring right?”

Jimin sits beside him, amusement in his voice but Taehyung doesn’t care. He knows he is and he’s
already told Jungkook why, so he doesn’t care if he’s been caught doing it.

“And? Your point?”

Jimin shoves his shoulder into Taehyung. “You’re drooling.”

That Taehyung cares about. He wipes at his mouth, feeling his chin dry. “Shut up.”

Jimin’s laughter is enough to catch Jungkook’s attention where he sits in the cafeteria, amongst a
group of people Taehyung only recognizes from around but doesn’t know. He smiles shyly, cheeks
bunching up but he shrinks in his chair.

Lately he’s been unbuttoning his shirts like he’s saving Taehyung from doing it, but Taehyung
likes it. The other day he nearly got Jungkook’s entire shirt unbuttoned before he noticed.
“You guys fucked on my couch didn’t you?”

Taehyung only shrugs. He grins when Jungkook’s eyes flicker to him again. They grow wide
before the glance back to the person next to him.

“Tae,” Jimin complains, shoving Taehyung and stealing from the plate he hasn’t touched.
Jungkook hasn’t touched his either.

Frowning, Taehyung glances at the clock. Jungkook is never in the cafeteria because he never has
time to. He should be in class now.

Taehyung raises a brow when Jungkook glances at him again, silently calling him out for skipping.

“We didn’t,” Taehyung laughs. “Sure wanted to, though.”

Jimin snorts. “I know. I heard you offering to suck him off. You’re gonna give him a heart attack,
Tae. Go easy on him. Yoongi looked like he was going to have a heart attack, did you know you
talked so loudly?”

Taehyung leans back in his chair and finally pulling his eyes away from Jungkook. He glances at
him like he wants to look, so Taehyung will be kind and look away so Jungkook can stare back.

“What’s up with the Cheol Su guy?” Taehyung asks, ignoring Jimin’s question. “I’m getting the
vibe Yoongi hyung’s hate towards him has do with Jeon.”

Jimin shrugs, but it’s obvious he’s lying with how wide his eyes go before he responds. Taehyung
peers his own at him.

“You know. Tell me.”

“It’s not my place,” Jimin says immediately. “Hyung only told me because Hoseok and I were
upset after the fight. But he was a dick. It would even piss you off.”

That makes Taehyung want to know more but he doesn’t push. He looks back to Jungkook,
catching him staring.

Taehyung smiles in victory but it doesn’t last long when the man next to Jungkook tickles
underneath his chin. He’s tall, a few inches taller than Jungkook with gangly arms and long legs
that stretch beneath the table. He also wears a dress shirt and tie, but his is paired with a beret at
the top of his head instead of the messy, fingers through the hair look Jungkook is sporting.

Jimin laughs again, choked out spurts of laughter that makes Taehyung want to elbow him. “Your
face just fell so hard,” he huffs. “Oh god, you’re fucking whipped, aren’t you?”

“Shut up,” Taehyung grits out. He isn’t whipped. Is he interested? Yes. Not whipped. “Find me
someone who isn’t whipped for Jeon. I’m talking about your boyfriends, if you were wondering.”

For a moment, Jimin looks like he might argue but he nods. “True. But not like that. You’re
looking at the poor boy like you might rip his head off, Tae. He looks about twelve.”

“He’s like seven feet tall,” Taehyung says, raising his voice but Jungkook doesn’t look his way.
Instead, his nose wrinkles when he smiles at the monster tall guy next to him.

All he gets from Jimin is laughter until Taehyung stands up. There’s still amusement in his voice,
but he’s grabbing at Taehyung’s hand to stop him. It doesn’t work and Taehyung can faintly hear
the soft, ‘whipped’ Jimin lets out behind him.

It isn’t until Taehyung is nearly at the table that Jungkook glances to where he had been sitting
again. His face falls for a moment before he finds Taehyung again.

The reaction is immediate, his eyes widening and back straightening. His fingers fidget over the
table before slipping below it like he’s planting them to his lap.

“Hey baby,” Taehyung greets, tickling underneath Jungkook’s chin. “Thought you were in class.”

“I’m doing freshmen orientations and tours today,” Jungkook says, his cheeks already reddening.
“Um, everyone this is Kim Taehyung. President Kim’s son.”

There are eyes on him immediately then and usually Taehyung doesn’t care, but he doesn’t need
everyone’s first thought of him to be that. Jungkook doesn’t know the way he feels about it but he
rolls his eyes at Jungkook anyway.

“Nice to meet you,” the skyscraper next to Jungkook says. “Yoon Sanha. Jungkook-ssi and I were
in the same program back in Busan. He’s the reason I chose this school.”

“Wonderful,” Taehyung says. The boy is friendly, eyes bright and innocent and Taehyung knows
Jimin is laughing at him.

He feels ridiculous, but not enough to stop himself from cupping Jungkook’s cheek. He wishes he
could plant his lips to Jungkook’s, kiss him again, but he can’t tell if Jungkook really hates public
affection like that or not.

Jungkook doesn’t push him off when he sneaks kisses between studying, though he pauses for a
few minutes after words like he has to catch his breath before continuing.

“You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” Sanha says to Jungkook. “Is that the real reason you
aren’t coming home for break?”

Taehyung really likes when Jungkook gets flustered.

“Not,” is all Jungkook says before he’s lurching from his seat. He grabs Taehyung’s arm, eyes
narrowing as he goes to shove Taehyung away from the table. “Are you messing with me?”

Frowning at that, Taehyung allows Jungkook to weave him through the tables and towards the
hallway leading outside. “I was just saying hi.”

“Jimin was laughing,” Jungkook blubbers out.

Taehyung goes still, watching Jungkook for a moment before he sighs. It’s going to take a lot of
effort to finally get Jungkook to realize that while he teases, he’s never making fun of him. “Jimin
thought I was jealous. But I’m not. I was just saying hi.”

The look on Jungkook’s face is suspicious. “What would you be jealous of?”

“Nothing. Because I wasn’t,” Taehyung clarifies. He frowns when Jungkook’s confused look turns
into an amused one.

He’s been rubbing off on Jungkook too much lately.

“ Anyway ,” Taehyung says loudly before Jungkook can say anything. “Why are you doing the
orientation? I thought you would try to relax? Not take on too much.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes. Definitely spending time with him too much. Taehyung loves it. “He
asked me. You know I couldn’t say no. Plus, you aren’t holding up your end of the bargain either.”

The sudden change of expression has Taehyung frowning. Jungkook’s eyes widen like he hadn’t
meant to say that and he goes to walk away but Taehyung grabs his hand and links their fingers.

“Yes I am. What does that mean?”

“Nothing,” Jungkook says, squeezing Taehyung’s fingers. “This isn’t getting in the way of
anything. I don’t have to make up the class I’m missing. She’s just going to send me my notes.”

“Jeon. What did you mean? You know I can’t help interrupt during the sessions, but I am trying.”

“I know.”

“So what did you mean?”

Jungkook lurches forward, landing his lips to Taehyung’s so harshly their teeth clack. He quickly
moves back to apologize, but Taehyung tugs him back.

He pushes his lips back in Jungkook’s face, waiting for Jungkook to kiss him again. Jungkook does
after a sharp inhale; this time softer. He doesn’t pull right away either, but lets his lips linger over

Jungkook’s lips are just as soft as the way he kisses, enveloping Taehyung’s bottom lip before the
top. Taehyung flickers his eyes opening, grinning at the sight of Jungkook’s furrowed brows and
clenched eyes.

Since they’ve kissed, it’s all Taehyung has wanted. He isn’t whipped; he just likes physical
intimacy. And Jungkook.

Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s hands and plants them to his cheeks, but Jungkook is pulling away.

“I should get back,” Jungkook says breathlessly.

“And what are you going to tell Tokyo Skytree out there?” Taehyung asks, waving towards the
way they came.

“What?” Jungkook laughs, nose wrinkling and it’s cute. “Sanha?”

“Yeah. The tall kid. He wanted to know why you didn’t tell him about your boyfriend?” Taehyung
grins as he bends his head forward and presses it to Jungkook’s cheek. “I’m hurt, baby.”

Jungkook flushes to his temples. “Shut up. I’ll see you later, okay? You have to finish that study
guide for Friday.”

Taehyung’s cheeks are starting to hurt from grinning as Jungkook turns on his heel to leave. It isn’t
until he is a few feet away that Taehyung realizes Jungkook used his own trick against him.

“Wait, Jeon. Did you kiss me to change the subject?”

There’s an ache in Taehyung’s neck that he rubs at as he makes his way across the yard. His head
hurts too, his stomach a bit sour. From whatever he consumed last night and the hate he has for his

For someone who is so concerned with his attendance, he sure calls Taehyung out of class a lot.

Part of Taehyung isn’t surprised to see Jungkook waiting in the office as well, though he’s
aggravated by the sight. If he knew these meetings were going to be a thing, he would have never
agreed to be tutored.

There’s something about Jungkook that makes Taehyung feel protective, though Jungkook’s only
ever said positive things about his father.

Maybe Taehyung is just lucky to be the President’s son and witness every side of him but his kind

The look on his father’s face isn’t unfriendly as Taehyung enters the office and immediately
slumps into the chair beside Jungkook.

Jungkook doesn’t meet his gaze and taking a closer look, Taehyung noticed sweat starting to
collect at his hairline. He’s dressed for class this time, a white dress shirt on and green tie hanging
from his throat.

There’s a hickey there, though faded, right above his collar. Jungkook lets Taehyung kiss him
often; even in the middle of talking. Knowing that makes it even harder not to do, especially when
Jungkook’s breath shakes when Taehyung kisses his neck.

“Hello Father,” Taehyung greets sarcastically. “How art thou today?”

President Kim peers his eyes at that, lips pressing together. He doesn’t respond but instead grabs a
folder from his desk, turning it and showing the glossy see through cover and the paper inside.

Jungkook exhales sharply, his hands clasping in his lap, so tightly his knuckles turn white.

“I am pleased to see that you’ve been improving,” President Kim says and Taehyung frowns in
confusion. He has been getting some high seventies, but he hasn’t gotten anything higher yet.

The paper has a 81 circled at the top but Taehyung never handed in a paper.

“Thanks to you, Jungkook-ssi.”

Jungkook bows his head, but doesn’t respond.

What ?

Taehyung reaches over to take the folder from his father. It’s definitely his name in the margins,
but Taehyung had never finished this paper. He only did parts of it before giving up, too frustrated
to continue. The words had started to mix up in his brain and he was confused at what point he was
trying to make. It wasn’t even worth that much of his grade, so he abandoned it.

“I’m sure you helped quite a lot for Taehyung to write a paper like this,” his father says and he
actually does sound pleased.

“President Kim -”

His father holds up a hand, shaking his head for Jungkook to be quiet.
“I’d like to take you to lunch to show you my gratitude and thank you for your hard work in
helping my son. Professor Ma Ri says you delivered it yourself, because Taehyung left it at your
apartment. You’ve really shown a dedication that I appreciate.”

Taehyung glances to Jungkook. His leg is shaking so badly that Taehyung wishes to reach over and
cup his knee to calm him.

Realization settles onto Taehyung’s shoulders. Jungkook had mentioned that paper a handful of
times after Taehyung lied about finish. It’s also the only thing he’s given up on in awhile, which
would explain Jungkook’s comment in the cafeteria.

Even if giving up on one thing is huge improvement for Taehyung.

“It - it is nothing, Mr. President.”

His father nods at that. “Please join me around noon. I’ll contact your professor to excuse your

No one noticed Taehyung’s silence and if they do, no one mentions it. When they’re excused,
Jungkook looks like he wants to bolt but he walks quietly beside Taehyung as they exit the

“What did you do?”

Jungkook doesn’t respond as he starts walking ahead of Taehyung, ignoring the folder Taehyung
holds out for him.

“Jeon, I never finished this paper.”

Holding his head high, Jungkook clutches his backpack to his chest and keeps walking.

He whirls around when Taehyung grabs his arm.

“You almost did,” Jungkook says in a hurry. “You had an outline and a good argument point with
solid facts to back it up, it just needed a little filling in. It was easy. I just had to paraphrase the
paragraphs you half wrote.”

It’s not true. Taehyung barely wrote over a page and the requirement was four.

“When did you do this?”

“The night before it was due. I went on the doc to edit it for you and - and saw that you hadn’t
finished it.”

Taehyung breathes through his nose. He keeps his hand on Jungkook’s arm, pulling him with him
even though it’s impossible for anyone to hear them. That was the night before Jungkook had
looked like he was dead on his feet, because of Taehyung.

It infuriates him that Jungkook won’t just sleep .

“Jungkook, that’s cheating.”

“It isn’t,” Jungkook tries to argue. “You did most of the work.”

“I didn’t,” Taehyung grunts, shoving the folder into Jungkook’s chest. “I gave up after the first
“A thank you would be fine,” Jungkook snaps, his face burning in embarrassment.

“Saving a few dollars on your tuition won’t mean much if you get expelled, Jungkook.”

Jungkook’s nose flares at that. Taehyung does it on purpose, knowing Jungkook doesn’t like when
Taehyung says his name.

“I made sure to make it believable,” Jungkook whispers.

Taehyung groans, rubbing a hand down his face. He can’t explain why he’s mad actually, but he’s
pissed. “It’s barely believable I’d get an 81. You’re right, anything more would be a clear sign I
didn’t write it.”

Jungkook’s eyes go wide at that and he grabs Taehyung’s hand to hold it immediately. “If you had
kept up with it, you would have earned that grade yourself.”

Taehyung tries to take his hand away but Jungkook doesn’t let him.

“My grades are really none of your fucking concern baby,” Taehyung huffs. “When are you going
to understand that?”

“Why are you this angry?” Jungkook whispers, eyes narrowing at him.

Really, Jungkook is the smartest person he knows but sometimes he doesn’t act like it.

“I’ve told you ten thousand times you need time for yourself. You don’t need to stress yourself
over my grades when you’re uptight and losing sleep over your own. And what if you got caught,
hm? And got expelled? Who’s going to take care of your sick mother and younger brother then,

Jungkook finally lets Taehyung’s hand go to shove him hard in the chest. “Shut up. You don’t
know anything about my life.”

“Just like you don’t know anything about mine.”

Angry isn’t a good look on Jungkook’s face. The red isn’t right, the sweaty skin not as nice to look
at, the watering in his eyes making Taehyung’s chest too tight.

“I know plenty. You grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth, handed opportunities that some of
us work our ass off to get, and yet you just let them waste away. Without a care.”

“Is that right?” Taehyung growls, pushing into Jungkook’s space until he hits the wall of one of the
buildings they stand between.

“Yes,” Jungkook says, breathing harshly around his stuttered word.

“Well if I didn’t care, why do I waste my time going to those stupid tutoring sessions?”

“To fuck around,” Jungkook replies, the anger slipping from his tone as he stares to shake. “All
you do is fuck around and you never pay attention. Whenever we start to make progress, you just

“Well if you constantly had to be reminded of how stupid you are, you wouldn’t want to deal with
it either.”

Silence falls between them, only the sound of their frustrated breathing. Jungkook stares at him
with wide eyes, mouth hanging open and if Taehyung wasn’t suddenly feeling so angry, maybe
he’d find it cute.

“You’re not stupid,” Jungkook says quietly.

Taehyung laughs at that, nodding his head. “Whatever. Don’t do it again.”

Jungkook’s arm jumps out, stomping Taehyung as he turns his heel to leave.

“Remember when I got angry when you tried to help? It’s the same thing.”

Taehyung watches Jungkook as he huffs out, his eyes big with something Taehyung doesn’t
understand as he closes the space between them.

Jungkook’s breath hitches when Taehyung moves so close their chests are almost touching. It’s
almost comical how easily Jungkook moves into Taehyung’s touch when Taehyung lays a hand
over his jaw.

“It isn’t the same, baby.”

“It is,” Jungkook breathes. “You admitted to cheating before, I don’t get how this is different.”

“I regretted cheating because it made people think I was someone else. I don’t give a shit now
what people think and I don’t need anyone putting expectations over me that I know I can’t fulfill.”

Jungkook huffs at that, a fist clenching into Taehyung’s jacket.

“Stop, saying that sh-”

Taehyung kisses him before he can finish.

It’s the only thing he can think of that will get Jungkook to shut up, to make him freeze in that way
he does right before he changes the subject.

Plus, Taehyung doesn't want to fight, doesn’t want to feel this frustration in his chest because
Jungkook doesn’t understand that he is going to drop and he should care more about it.

Jungkook gasps, falling still as their lips meet, his hand coming up to press against Taehyung’s

But it isn’t to push him away, rather to grip onto his shirt and pull him closer.

Taehyung bites at his bottom lip, tugging and sucking enough to make Jungkook gasp before he
pulls away.

“I told you not to make assumptions about me based on gossip,” Taehyung whispers against his
skin, teeth scraping over the bruise until Jungkook shivers. “Have fun at lunch, Jeon.”

“You’re not coming?” Jungkook asks, snapping out of it at the sound of Taehyung’s voice. He
sounds breathless and Taehyung’s chest swells.

“If you noticed, I wasn’t invited,” Taehyung says as he turns, waving a hand over his head and
wishing he could just run. “Ciao, baby!”
The frustration doesn’t leave his chest.

This isn’t the way this works, usually. People don’t stay on Taehyung’s mind too long. It’s the
annoyance, Jungkook is frustrating assuming he knows anything about Taehyung’s life.

Taehyung doesn’t know why it bothers him because it never does.

“Why are hiding out in my apartment?”

Glancing up from where he sits on the ground, Taehyung finds Hoseok leaning against the
bedroom door frame. He’s smiling, but his eyes are worried.

“Not hiding,” Taehyung says as he flicks a piece of lint on the ground. “I didn’t want to walk all
the way home.”

“You have a car.”


Taehyung sighs at that, rolling his eyes. Hoseok looks expectant, his amusement growing and
Taehyung knows that look.

“What’d you hear?”

“Oh, nothing,” Hoseok sings as he clasps his hands behind his back and takes a step inside. “Just
that you and a certain friend of mine were arguing out by the main yard.”

Taehyung knocks his head back against the wall, groaning.

His problem with gossip is people take it to heart. If they hear it, it’s truth. Taehyung loves gossip
himself, but he takes it with a grain of salt.

“And that you and said friend,” Hoseok starts slowly, swinging his arms as he comes closer, “ate
each other’s faces.”

When Hoseok is close enough, Taehyung kicks out, his foot smacking against Hoseok’s shin.

“A simple kiss is not eating face,” Taehyung grunts.

Hoseok’s eyes go wide, his mouth falling open as he leaps into Taehyung and grabs his cheeks.
“Why didn’t you tell me this as soon as you got here? Why are you sulking?”

“Not sulking,” Taehyung sighs, his words coming out strangled sounding from how Hoseok
squeezes his cheeks. “You know it’s annoying when people are so good at something that they
don’t realize how hard it is for people who aren’t.”

Hoseok falls to his butt, resting on Taehyung’s legs. “Is this about kissing?”

“No,” Taehyung complains, shoving Hoseok off of him but a smile takes to his lips. “You know
Jeon is going to drop one of these days. He’s taking on too much and I'm pretty sure he isn’t
sleeping. Jimin keeps mentioning having to bring him food and that makes me worried too.”

It’s part guilt that makes him feel angry. He had texted Jungkook he finished that paper past
midnight, meaning Jungkook must have stayed up for another two or three hours to complete it.

“I know. Yoongi usually finds him awake when he comes in after work and he works late into the
night,” Hoseok responds. He narrows his eyes before his face explodes into sunshine. “That’s why
you’re sulking.”

Hoseok is flying up to his feet before Taehyung can even ask what he means. He claps his hands
together in delight.

“Oh, I have to tell hyung.”

“No,” Taehyung blurts, even though he really doesn’t know what Hoseok could tell Yoongi.
“Whatever it is, I’m sure Yoongi hyung doesn’t need to know.”

There’s no convincing him as Hoseok shakes his head, laughing. “You have a teeny little heart
boner for our Jungkookie, don’t you?”

Taehyung shoves Hoseok again. He should have taken sanctuary somewhere else, he knows better.
“No, a dick boner yes. A massive one.”

Holding out his hands a foot apart, Taehyung sets an example.

Hoseok cackles at that. “Dude, you always do as Yoongi asks, you wouldn’t go against him just to
get laid. Jimin says you almost fought a four year old in the cafeteria because you were jealous.”

There is no heart boner, at all and Taehyung isn’t going to waste his energy trying to convince
Hoseok of this. And he wasn’t jealous. There isn’t anything to be jealous of.

“He was eighteen, I think,” Taehyung snaps.

Snorting, Hoseok clamps a hand to Taehyung’s shoulder. “Sure. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you
asking hyung to hook you up with Jungkook after that first track meet. How long have you’ve had
this heart boner?”

Taehyung shoves past Hoseok. “Not at all. He’s an annoying, uptight know it all. It’s only for
Yoongi’s sake that I am worried he may drop. Hyung is scary when he’s upset.”

Hoseok snorts loudly at that as he follows behind Taehyung, repeating his words with a mocking

“So explain the kiss then.”

Taehyung whips around. “Jungkook wouldn’t shut up about me not trying hard in school. He said
everything is handed to me and I don’t care and you know that’s not true.”

Hoseok softens, his eyes less bright and more warm. “Yeah, I know. Though that doesn’t explain
why you kissed him.”

“To get him to shut up.”

Wrapping an arm around Taehyung’s shoulder, Hoseok sighs and presses their temples together. “It
is true that you don’t try anymore, Tae.”

Taehyung frowns at that but he doesn’t push Hoseok away, not when his embrace eases the tension
in his chest. “I have been trying.”
“Okay,” Hoseok murmurs, squeezing Taehyung’s cheek. “Kookie is a little biased, okay? He’s
been like this since he was little, all work and no play.”

Taehyung slumps his shoulders as Hoseok drags him from the hallway. He’s sure there’s more to
Jungkook’s story, especially with how defensive he had gotten over Taehyung’s comment about
his mother and brother.

But there’s more to Taehyung’s then him growing up wealthy and he’s starting to wonder how long
Jungkook has thought that.

They’ve shared a few classes together before and Taehyung’s always thought him to be uptight,
rude in the way he comes off when it came to working together.

But this time, Jungkook has been more patient and less condescending. He has been active in trying
to find a best way to help Taehyung study.

Which makes sense seeing as Taehyung’s father offered him a reduction in his tuition.

Bitterness clogs his throat.

“Don’t go around kissing him if you don’t mean it,” Hoseok says. “There’s a reason we’re
protective of him because he just gives off that vibe, you know? He thinks way too much and he’s
probably going to overthink every part of it and he gets bitchy when he’s overwhelmed.”

Taehyung glances down at his feet. He did kiss Jungkook to shut him up, but he also meant it. He’s
meant every kiss because he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about kissing Jungkook since they
first have.

“Okay. He must get that from you. You’re the biggest bitch when you’re grumpy.”

This time, it’s Hoseok shoving Taehyung down the hall, wrestling with him until they’re merging
out of the hallway and into the kitchen.

Hoseok halts suddenly, making Taehyung stumble as he goes to shove him some more.

Sitting at the table, his shirt wet and sticking to his chest is Jungkook.

His hair is damp too, rain droplets sliding down the side of his face before he wipes them with a
dish towel. The atmosphere is tense immediately, possibly from the way Yoongi’s face is hard
where he stings Jungkook’s bag out in the sink.

“Oh hey,” Hoseok says, oblivious to the tension as he pops over to Jungkook. “Get caught in the

Jungkook doesn’t answer as his eyes glide over Taehyung.

“Yeah, showed up at Jimin’s like this,” Yoongi replies, “looking for Taehyung. Figured if he
wasn’t at Jimin’s, he was here.”

Taehyung keeps his eyes trained on Jungkook but he avoids the gaze to shake out his hair, droplets
spraying across the kitchen.

“What’s up, baby?”

Jungkook’s look in response isn’t friendly. He grabs something from the table, his shoes squeaking
and squishing as he crosses the linoleum.
A folder is being pressed into Taehyung’s chest a second later. “I thought you should look at the
professor’s notes. I don’t mean to sound like an annoying, uptight know it all but she praised your
argument and research and I’m pretty sure that was all your doing, not mine. You got points off for
length and you were missing a few sources, which was my fault not yours.”

Taehyung’s heart sinks in his chest as Jungkook turns away and heads out of the kitchen. The wet
shirt clings to his back, showing off his tense muscles and the way his arms flex when he tightens
the fists by his sides.


Discarding the folder, Taehyung follows after him and ignores when Yoongi calls after him to stay.

Jungkook yelps when Taehyung comes onto him, jumping into the bathroom behind him before he
can close the door.

“You are uptight and annoying,” Taehyung declares when Jungkook spins around to look at him.
“I don’t know if you mean to come off as a know it all, but you do.”

Jungkook’s jaw tenses as he grits his teeth. “You’re annoying. You talk a lot of shit.”

Taehyung grins. “Is that why you’re always looking at my mouth?”

A frown forms onto Jungkook’s mouth but the red in his cheeks are always an indicator that he
doesn’t mean it.

“See what I mean? You don’t take anything seriously,” Jungkook continues, breathing harshly
through his nose before his words. He’s cute even when he’s angry and shit, maybe Taehyung’s a
little more gone for him than he’d like to admit. “I know you don’t understand it, but I’m not
uptight. I have to do well, I have to make money -”

“I’m sorry,” Taehyung says, crossing his arms over his chest because he really wants to take
Jungkook’s hand but he doesn’t know if he can. He doesn’t do well at this thing; dealing with
things that make his chest feel funny. Jungkook is right about that. “Thank you for finishing my
paper for me, just please don’t do it again. I have improved you know. It’s only been a few weeks.
Isn’t that enough to prove that I am taking it serious? Or trying to?”

Jungkook softens as he nods. “I’m sorry for assuming that you’re not. It is frustrating to me. But I
keep reminding myself that you always mention that you feel as if you’re not -“

Taehyung presses his fingers to Jungkook’s lips, chest tightening too much. That’s something he
can’t talk about right now. “I don’t want to talk about that.”

Without hesitation, Jungkook nods and reaches up to pull his fingers away and hold them between
his own.


Taehyung lifts Jungkook’s drooping chin with his free hand. “And you are uptight, baby. It is
possible to find some free time for yourself or at least not adding on extra work you don’t need to
do to succeed.”

“But -”

“Even if tutoring me helps with your tuition, what if you become so sleep deprived or stressed that
you hurt yourself or something? Then you can’t work and you’ll be right where you started.”

The frown on Jungkook’s face grows. “You sound like Yoongi hyung.”

“See? That must mean I’m improving,” Taehyung jokes lightly as Jungkook tugs on his hand.

It’s a lot softer this time, more hesitant when he leans forward and catches Jungkook’s sharp
exhale. He cups his hands around Jungkook’s wet neck, head cocking to the side so their lips slot
together perfectly. Jungkook rests his hand to his spine, fingers rubbing over his shirt.

It makes him breathless when Jungkook pulls him in, arms tightening around his waist as he
deepens the kiss. Jungkook isn’t one to initiate and Taehyung hopes it means he isn’t angry with

He could spend the rest of the night, week, standing in Hoseok’s bathroom with his lips slotted
between Jungkook’s, but he pulls away with a gasp when a loud pound sounds through the door.

“Are you killing each other?” Yoongi calls.

It’s followed by a quieter, still easily heard scolding by Hoseok. “Don’t be a cock block, Yoons.”

“No,” Taehyung yells back, holding Jungkook’s gaze. He traces a finger over Jungkook’s slicked
mouth, wondering why this kiss feels different.

Taehyung doesn’t just avoid talking about things; he avoids thinking about them as well.

“Go away!”

“What was that for?” Jungkook breathes, brows stitching together.

Taehyung hums, touching over Jungkook’s bottom lip and his chest expands when Jungkook’s lips
part easily. “It’s a promise that I am trying. You’re supposed to seal promises with kisses.”

There’s a spark in Jungkook’s eyes at that. “I promise to relax some and not come off as a know it
all. I don’t mean to.”

Taehyung laughs at that, holding a pinky up for Jungkook. “Okay, deal.”

Jungkook shakes his head, nervous as he grabs Taehyung’s pinky with his hand and moves it aside.
“I thought promises were sealed with kisses.”

Cocking a brow, Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s jaw again. “See, you are a know it all baby.”

Before Jungkook can respond, his lips just starting to push into a pout, Taehyung kisses him again.

He’s pulling away just as the door bursts open and Yoongi appears, followed by Hoseok who
cusses loudly. Hoseok’s arms are wrapped around Yoongi like he’s trying to hold him back before
he sinks away to hide unsuccessfully behind him instead.

Yoongi stands still before leaning against the door frame, an air of ease and disinterest forming
around him though they both know the truth.

“Everything okay?”

“You’re an idiot,” Hoseok huffs, grabbing Yoongi by the shoulder and tugging him out of the
bathroom. “What if their dicks were out?”
“It’s only been two minutes,” Yoongi seethes out, his voice fading as Hoseok tugs him away.

“I’d have your dick out in half that time.”

Jungkook’s shoulders shake as he giggles. His eyes sparkling bright when Taehyung looks at him
to savor the laughter. He doesn’t laugh often and Taehyung is determined to hear it more.
Jungkook takes Taehyung’s hand, swinging it between them.

“Can you kiss me again, Taehyung?”

Surprise has Taehyung falling still. He sees how red Jungkook gets instantly, eyes widening in

“Of course,” Taehyung hums, rubbing Jungkook’s cheek before he closes the space between them.

Kissing Jungkook was a mistake. Taehyung meant it that he would try, even if he felt frustrated.
Jungkook makes it easier to deal with that frustration. He doesn’t get irritated with him or make
him feel dumb. He offers help and praises him, even if he’s partially wrong in his response.

But, Jungkook’s lips push into a pout when he talks and Taehyung wants to kiss him so badly
sometimes he spaces out thinking about it. It’s worse now that they’re not in the study room, but
tucked away on Namjoon’s back porch. Saturday tutor sessions are bad for Jungkook’s schedule,
and Taehyung feels selfish because he enjoys them.

“What are you doing for vacation?”

Jungkook looks up from where he’s grading Taehyung’s homework. It’s been quiet for a few
minutes while Taehyung’s played with some of Namjoon’s plants, trying his hardest not to bother

“Uh, I’m staying here. Work. I asked Jiwon if there’s extra shifts this week, I’d like to work them.”

Taehyung wrinkles his nose at that. He’s very lucky he doesn’t need to work; he feels like he
would hate it. “You’ll be alone. Everyone is going home.”

Jungkook doesn’t respond as he checks one of Taehyung’s answers as correct.

“You aren’t going home with Yoongi?”

Jungkook shakes his head, marking the next one as wrong before he circles which part of the
formula is incorrect. He glances at the leg that Taehyung is trying to shake before he reaches over
and cups Taehyung’s thigh.

That’s another thing about Jungkook; he doesn’t scold him or get angry when Taehyung can’t stop
fidgeting or moving. He just lets him or takes his hand or something. Taehyung is surprised he has
any skin left on his hands from how often his nannies used to smack them when he couldn’t keep
them still.

“He tried to convince me to go but I can’t. Plus, Eomma will bother me over the eye bags.”
It’s one of the rare times Jungkook actually acknowledges how tired he looks. Today is better than
he has looked, thanks to Taehyung. He only kept Jungkook out for a short time on their Friday
night adventure; the arcade.

“Then sleep.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that and narrows his eyes. “It’s really fine. Seeing her will just, I
don’t know, upset me because I won’t want to leave.”

“Then come with me.”

With a groan, Jungkook takes all of his attention away from Taehyung’s homework to look at him.
“It’s really okay. I promise.”

“Are you willing to back that promise up with a kiss?”

A smile breaks through Jungkook’s pout. “You’re a pain in my ass. Just say you’re going to miss
me and go.”

Taehyung curls an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders, pulling him in. “I’m really rubbing off on
you, babe. Can’t wait until I can rub off on you.”

Jungkook groans in complaint, but there’s amusement in his eyes when he pinches Taehyung.
“That might be your worst pick up line yet.”

Taehyung’s cheeks hurt from grinning. “I don’t know. I’m pretty proud of it.”

The homework falls to the side, forgotten as Jungkook pinches Taehyung’s chin. He hesitates,
shyly looking over Taehyung’s expression before he parts his lips.

It’s difficult when Jungkook gets shy and tense, making Taehyung feel like he’s doing something
wrong. But when he moves to pull back, Jungkook grabs him to keep him close.

“It was bad.”

“I want you bad,” Taehyung says immediately, reaching up to trace Jungkook’s lips. “What do you
say? Wanna skip out on work and go do some rubbing off?”

Jungkook pinches Taehyung’s stomach hard enough for him to gasp, but it doesn’t really hurt. He
only squeezes Jungkook closer. “You already know the answer to that.”

Taehyung giggles nodding. He softens when Jungkook rubs over his pinched skin and cups
Taehyung’s shaking thigh again. “You’re right. I am going to miss you and worry no one is making
sure you eat and rest.”

“I’ll be fine, I promise,” Jungkook says before he plants his lips to Taehyung’s lips. It’s a quick
kiss, just a peck that Taehyung returns, smacking his lips loudly until Jungkook’s giggling.

“Just agree to come with me,” Taehyung says. “I’ll get my way. Save me the work.”

Jungkook snorts, reaching up to curl his fingers in the low collar of Taehyung’s shirt. “Not this
time. Extra shifts mean extra money.”

A sharp breath leaves Jungkook’s lips when Taehyung crawls over him, thighs planting on top of
his and knees spread around his waist. “Come with me.”
Jungkook giggles but his face is bright red when Taehyung hovers over him, planting Jungkook’s
hands to his lap. “Taehyung, I can’t.”

Taehyung pushes out his bottom lip, leaning down to press their foreheads together. “Then you’re
never leaving this spot. I’m going to have to sit on your lap forever.”

It would be easy for Jungkook to toss him off. The grip around Jungkook’s wrists is loose and
Jungkook looks like he could bench press him, so it would easy for him to push him off of his lap.
But instead, Jungkook cocks his head to the side and leaves his hands limp in Taehyung’s lap.


Jungkook shakes his head, mischief in his eyes but it quickly slips away when Taehyung brushes
his lips over the side of his neck.

Yoongi had been right; Jungkook is sensitive. Though Taehyung doesn’t think he meant it like this.
Even the softest brush of lips on Jungkook’s skin has his eyes darkening and his breath unstable.

“You - you can’t seduce me away from money.”

Taehyung pulls back, head tilting up as he laughs. He clutches hard onto Jungkook as not to fall off
from how the laughter racks through him.

“I’m not trying to seduce you, Jeon,” Taehyung huffs once his laughter has died. “I’m trapping you
here until you agree to come with me.”

Jungkook tilts his head on the back of the wickered couch, frowning up at him. He moves his
hands like he might slip them from Taehyung’s grasp, but he puts in minimal effort.

“Then we’ll be here awhile.”

“We shall,” Taehyung replies, cocking his head. “If you won’t give me what I want, can you do
something else for me?”

Jungkook nods without hesitation. It always amazes Taehyung, though sometimes it frustrates him
how quick Jungkook is to comply.

“Stick your tongue out.”

Jungkook’s brows crunch together for a moment, lips parting before shutting closed. “What?”

“Go on,” Taehyung hums, stroking a finger over Jungkook’s cheek.

It’s cute how hesitantly Jungkook sticks his tongue past his bottom lip before sucking it back into
his mouth. He narrows his eyes before sticking it out fully, a look of determination and annoyance
in his eyes that’s a result of Taehyung’s amusement.

“Shy,” Taehyung hums and he doesn’t care that it sounds like praise. “Keep it like that.”

Taehyung’s heart balls up into his throat as he ducks forward and parts his lips, sucking at the tip
of his tongue. It makes his ears hot, the way Jungkook sucks in a sharp breath, tongue jerking back
slightly from the inhale before he pushes it back.

Fingers grip into Taehyung’s throat as he takes Jungkook’s tongue into his mouth, lips tight around
the muscle before he can feel Jungkook’s against his own. He groans softly as he rubs his tongue
over Jungkook’s, arousal washing through him.
He just meant to tease Jungkook, but he should have known his body reacts to him too much.

Jungkook groans in return and Taehyung pulls away in satisfaction. His fingers are bruising against
Taehyung’s thighs and Taehyung wishes he would touch his ass again. There’s spit collected
around his mouth and Taehyung laps it it, licking it from Jungkook’s skin. He looks cute with his
tongue still slightly sticking out of his mouth, laid over his bottom lip before he realizes it from
Taehyung’s gaze and sucks it back into his mouth.

“What - what was that for?”

Taehyung hums, reaching forward to rub at Jungkook’s mouth. “You listen well.”

“Shut up,” Jungkook grunts. “It’s an odd thing to request.”

“Felt good though, right? Did I convince you to stop studying so I can suck you off, instead?”

Jungkook flushes more, hands gripping into Taehyung’s thighs. “You really like BJs, don’t you?”

Taehyung can’t help the laugh that leaves his lips. “Please don’t call it that. You’re stuck here with
me until you agree to vacation with me, so we might as well have some fun.”

A moment later, Taehyung is being lifted. Jungkook stands, pushing up easily despite the weight in
his lap as he takes his hands from Taehyung. Those hands grip the back of his thighs a second later
when Taehyung yelps, scrambling to grab for Jungkook’s shoulders.

“You’re infuriating,” Jungkook says, voice tight as he struggles to keep Taehyung up and
Taehyung refuses to let go. “And annoying.”

Something hard presses against Taehyung’s back and Taehyung grins, sinking down some as
Jungkook uses the wall to help keep him up. “Maybe you should keep my mouth busy so I can’t
annoy you so much, baby.”

Jungkook nods, hands gripping tighter into the back of Taehyung’s thighs to pull him close. The
breath sweeps from Taehyung’s lungs when their bodies press together. It is overwhelming how
effortlessly sexy Jungkook is, and he doesn’t even know it.

Even in his usual pressed shirt and tie, his big round glasses that make his eyes seem too big. But
today even more so, in just a hoodie and jeans, his hair a fluffy mess like he didn’t even comb it.

“You don’t really annoy me,” Jungkook nibbles on his bottom lip as his eyes drop to Taehyung’s
mouth. “So, yeah.”

Taehyung hums, cupping the side of Jungkook’s neck to rub his skin. “So then, why won’t you
come on vacation with me?”

“I didn’t say I like you, you’re just not annoying all the time,” Jungkook tries but there’s no bite to
his words.

“But you like me a little bit?”

Jungkook whips his head back, whining softly as his face starts to redden. Taehyung bites at the
corner of his mouth, wondering what exactly Jungkook means like that.

“I have to finish grading your homework.”

“Kiss me first,” Taehyung says, gripping harder around Jungkook’s neck so he won’t drop him.
“Please, please?”

Jungkook looks at him for a minute before he nods.

The thing is, kissing Jungkook is the best thing Taehyung’s ever done and also a really shitty idea.
He likes how Jungkook whimpers into it too much, craves to feel his heated skin and taste the
coffee on his lips. He wants to explore as much of Jungkook’s body as he can, enjoys the shaky
way Jungkook breathes and his face mixes between overwhelmed and wanting.

Jungkook’s grip on Taehyung’s thigh slips until his foot dances across the ground. He tightens his
grip around Taehyung’s other thigh, curling it around his hip and pushing closer until Taehyung’s
planted to the wall.

It’s hot. As hesitant and soft Jungkook kisses, there’s moments where he’s eager, rougher.
Taehyung likes both, opens his lips ready to accept whichever way Jungkook wants to kiss him.

“Baby,” Taehyung sighs against his lips, trailing his fingers down Jungkook’s neck because he also
likes to feel the way his heart beats beneath his jaw. Jungkook fists a hand into his hair, tilting
Taehyung’s head as his tongue tickles over his lips.

Kissing Jungkook is a bad idea because Taehyung does want to get better grades, at least to make
Jungkook feel better, but since they started this whatever, studying quickly turns to panting and
slicked lips.

Jungkook always stops it first, not surprising as he’s the more responsible one. He’s shy with the
opened windows surrounding the study room. Taehyung had laughed when he came in during their
last session and found all the blinds closed.

Taehyung grins into Jungkook’s kiss, pushing a hand beneath Jungkook’s hoodie as he wonders if
that is why Jungkook asked for them to study somewhere else today.

His nerves light like sparklers when Jungkook’s teeth catch on his bottom lip. He suckles softly
before flicking his tongue, a groan rumbling from him when his tongue touches Taehyung’s.

Taehyung grips Jungkook’s cheeks, wanting another groan. He gets it when their tongues meet
again, dancing over each other in the space between their mouths. It pulses something hot between
Taehyung’s legs, the slick sound mixing in with Jungkook’s shaky exhales.

His heart is thudding hard in his chest when Jungkook pulls away, just to lick at his throat instead.
It’s early in the morning still, the smell of coffee still in the air. Taehyung’s always been a fan of
lazy, sleepy kisses, but this one is turning desperate as Jungkook bites into his neck and pushes his
hips forward.

“Fuck,” Taehyung gasps when Jungkook’s teeth dig over his pulse. He cards his fingers through
Jungkook’s hair, eyes falling closed as the throb in his groan beckons his hips forward.

Jungkook hikes Taehyung’s hips higher, pressing his forehead to Taehyung’s. They look at each
other for a minute, Jungkook’s lips slick and drool collecting at the corner before he kisses him

It’s hot, especially the way Jungkook grunts when Taehyung rolls his hips. There’s an ache in his
leg, but it doesn’t matter. It’s a distant feeling to the way Jungkook makes his skin burn, his body
pulse with a pleasure that’s steadily building.

“Namjoon - Namjoon is home,” Jungkook breathes, voice hitching as Taehyung kisses over his
jaw. Jungkook is hesitant in the way he meets Taehyung’s hips, almost as if he’s unsure if he can.

“Make it quick,” Taehyung breathes, cupping the back of Jungkook’s neck. His cock twitches
beneath his pants when Jungkook jerks, hips rocking against his own.

Jungkook’s face twists, his eyebrows pushing together and Taehyung can’t tell if he’s pained or if
it’s from pleasure. His fingers dig into Taehyung’s thigh, arching Taehyung’s hips and Taehyung
moans .

He quickly plants a hand to his mouth as he registers the volume of it. But he can feel the thick of
Jungkook’s cock against his ass, already so hard just from a little grinding and kissing.

Jungkook is quick to move away, panting heavily as he lets Taehyung’s other leg fall to the
ground, though he reaches out to grab Taehyung’s elbow to make sure he doesn’t fall.

The flush on Jungkook’s skin is worse than ever, sweat building over his neck. His hoodie is
collected around his hips from Taehyung touching beneath it, allowing Taehyung to see just how
hard he strains against his jeans.

“Sorry, we shouldn’t.”

Taehyung reaches out, gripping Jungkook’s wrist loosely until he takes a step forward on his own.
“Let me help you, baby. I’ll keep it quiet.”

Jungkook shivers when Taehyung trails his fingers between his legs, tracing the outline of his cock
before stopping over the head. He bites hard on his bottom lip before he shakes his head.

“No, no, I really shouldn’t,” Jungkook breathes, desperate sounding. “I’m sorry.”

Taehyung nods, pulling his hand away. Despite his words, Jungkook frowns when Taehyung pulls

The stress in his eyes is immediate and Taehyung wants to groan. Jungkook really does over think
too much but he doesn’t want to make him feel bad.

“Don’t apologize,” Taehyung tells him as he takes Jungkook’s hand. Jungkook is still panting,
refusing to meet his eyes. “It’s cool, babe. I don’t care.”

“We - we should get back to work,” Jungkook huffs, still flustered. There’s a pinch in his voice
that makes Taehyung’s chest ache.

Taehyung jumps from the wall, grabbing Jungkook’s hand. He cards a hand over Jungkook’s
cheek before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “It’s fine, baby. I promise.”

Jungkook exhales like he can’t breathe. He nods. “I’m sorry.”

As stressed as Jungkook gets, Taehyung has never really seen his eyes water like they do now. It’s
confusing and he curls his arms around Jungkook’s neck. “What’s wrong?”

Jungkook shakes his head, laughing. “Nothing. I just feel stupid.”

Taehyung cocks his head at that, rubbing Jungkook’s cheek. He isn’t crying, the watery eyes are a
result of frustration.

“You’re not,” Taehyung promises softly. “That’s me, remember?”

With a grunt, Jungkook playfully shoves Taehyung. “You’re not, shut up.”

Taehyung hums, wiggling his nose against Jungkook’s. “If you don’t want me to -”

“I want you to,” Jungkook says quickly, eyes widening. “I wanted to - touch you like that. I'm just -
too nervous.”

Taehyung nods in understanding, smiling before he kisses Jungkook again. “What time do you
work today? Wanna get some ice cream?”

Jungkook is pouting when he grabs Taehyung’s hip, eyes still wide with worry. He looks
conflicted, thoughts running a mile a minute until Taehyung decides for them.

He pulls away from Jungkook to collect his things. “Let’s go, baby. I am hungry and I don’t think I
can focus with an erection.”

There’s a choking noise from the doorway and Taehyung snorts when he finds Namjoon and Jin
there. Namjoon looked mortified, but Jin looks delighted.

Jungkook jumps, turning around so his back is facing Namjoon and Jin and fondness fills
Taehyung’s chest.

“We’re going for ice cream, you wanna come?” Taehyung asks as he takes Jungkook’s bag too and
purposefully hands it to him so it’s hovering over his crotch. Embarrassed and still hard, Taehyung
is impressed.

“No,” Jin laughs, shaking his hands in front of him. “I know what that’s code for.”

“Why would we make that the code word?”

Jin wraps an affectionate hand around the back of Namjoon’s neck. “Joonie’s code word is making

Taehyung chokes at that. “Every time I call you, you say you’re making ramyun.”

Jin puffs his chest, amused and unaware of the way Jungkook hides behind Taehyung’s back.
Namjoon resembles Jungkook, so red he could be suffering from heat stroke.

“We should go,” Jungkook huffs, gripping onto the back of Taehyung’s shirt.

The track and field star that Jungkook is has Taehyung running from the apartment. He lifts
Taehyung again with ease, allowing him to hold onto his back as they rush out towards the

Jungkook’s whole demeanor is off. He keeps swallowing, his palms are sweaty when Taehyung
links their fingers, and he won’t make eye contact.

“It really is okay,” Taehyung says, cocking his head when Jungkook won’t make eye contact.
“Even if we were farther in that that, dick in ass or whatever, you could stop anytime.”

Jungkook makes a strangled noise at that. “You have a foul mouth.”

Taehyung snorts. “So you’ve said a thousand times.”

Jungkook softens some as Taehyung tucks his chin over his shoulder. “Because it’s true. I hope
you’re buying the ice cream as an apology for making me suffer through how annoying you are.”
“Thought you said I wasn’t annoying?”

Jungkook pulls away, face twisting in complaint. “You misheard me. I said you were the most

“Nope, you said I wasn’t annoying.” Taehyung says, jogging after him when Jungkook starts to
run. “Admit you like it, Jeon!”

When Jungkook suddenly turns, Taehyung hits into him harder than he intends. But Jungkook
tightens his arms around him, making it so he doesn’t go head first into the pavement.

“I like it,” Jungkook grunts. “Okay? Ice cream now?”

Taehyung smiles in victory, eyes searching over Jungkook’s expression to make sure he’s telling
the truth. “Okay, baby. We can plan our vacation.”

Jungkook groans loudly. “I take everything back. You’re the worst human ever to exist.”

Despite his words, Jungkook smiles, eyes bright even when they roll dramatically.

"Cutie," Taehyung hums, his heart too fond to handle it. "I'll buy you as much ice cream as you

Maybe he's whipped, whatever.

Chapter End Notes

Your feedback makes me so happy, I'd love to hear what you thought about the new

<3 <3 <3

Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

Hello! I finished this wayyyy ahead of schedule, so I've decided to update early!! I
AM overwhelmed by the amount of love this fic has received, I wanted to tell you that
it really means the world to me. I really wasn't expecting it and I'm just !!! thank you
so much. It's definitely put the pressure on and I am Nervous lkadjflkadf

I always write things thinking, is there too much kissing in this? And I'm pretty sure
there is but I have yet to change Soooo, sorry for the overabundance of kissies. Also,
smut ahead.

#chemfic on twt for updates ^_^

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Jungkook came out as gay, he felt so nervous he nearly threw up. The tremble in his body
had been the worst he’s ever felt. It hurt the way his hands shook, the pressure in his face building
so much that he thought his whole face might fall off.

Yoongi had watched him like that, only for a minute before he had taken Jungkook’s hands into his
own. There were tears in Yoongi’s eyes even when Jungkook hadn’t said anything because he
couldn’t get the words out.

I know, Kookie.

It felt impossible that that was something Yoongi could know without him saying. But later he
found out it was because of how nervous Jungkook was that Yoongi knew where he was going
with it. It was later that he found out Yoongi knew why he was acting like that because Yoongi felt
that same way before.

Jungkook wonders if that’s how nervous Yoongi is about telling him about Hoseok, Jimin. It
doesn’t matter to him if he does tell hims him out loud or not, he’d want to save Yoongi from
feeling that amount of anxiety.

Hoseok never came out; he always insisted there was no reason to. It wasn’t a big deal, nothing
that needed to be announced. Jungkook wishes he had that mindset, though he worries Hoseok
plays it off as not to admit the reason he hasn’t told his parents is because he’s too afraid to.
Yoongi’s the only one who has told his parents and it went well, as all of them expected.

Maybe one day he’ll tell his own.

“I have a date. Yes, with a boy,” Taehyung grunts unhappily into his phone. Jungkook sits
awkwardly in the study room, trying to focus on his work and not eavesdrop. He has no idea who
Taehyung is on the phone with, but he’s been rude since he answered it. “Your concern for my sex
life is very kind, hyung. Maybe if you got some dick once in awhile, you wouldn’t be such an
uptight asshole.”
Taehyung hangs up with a frown, tossing his phone so it skates across the table. It falls awkward
for a minute as Taehyung sighs and gestures towards the work laid out in front of them.

“Sorry. Where were we?”

Jungkook watches Taehyung take the textbook from him. He wonders if he should ask Taehyung if
he is okay; if he should bring it up at all. Taehyung likes to deflect, that’s one thing Jungkook has
figured out about him.

“Do you wanna talk about it?”

Raising a brow, Taehyung pushes his lips out like he’s confused. “Talk about what?”

“Whatever just made you angry,” Jungkook says, waving his hand to the phone. It is hard for him
to say it outloud. He tries to avoid that conversation too; but if Taehyung wants to talk about it,
he’ll try.

“I’m not angry, baby,” Taehyung says with a smile as he holds his hand out for Jungkook to take.
“My hyung isn’t a homophobe per se, his concern is more about passing on the genes than who
I’m fucking. Not sure why he’s so interested as he’s the oldest and his kid will inherit everything,
not mine.”

Jungkook nibbles at his bottom lip. Taehyung can be so carefree about things, light about stuff and
Jungkook is envious. “I never told my brother.”

Taehyung looks up at that, fingers squeezing Jungkook’s fingers. It’s silent for a long time and
Jungkook grows warmer by the second, wishing he never said anything at all.

“Is he older or younger?”


Taehyung nods, rubbing his thumb over Jungkook’s hand. “I never told my parents. They walked
in on me with a guy in my bedroom. Real awkward coming out with a dick in your mouth.”

Jungkook laughs nervously. Taehyung grins when he does and it isn’t his usual amused, teasing.
It’s bright, eyes shining in a much softer way.

“They don’t care,” Taehyung says before Jungkook can respond. “Well, my parents are big on
image so I’m sure they would care if I got married to a man or something.”

“I’m sorry.”

Another thing Jungkook has noticed about Taehyung is he doesn’t let the situation stay serious for
too long. And just as always, Taehyung’s eyes light up with amusement as he props his hand under
his chin, looking at Jungkook like he might eat him whole.

“Don’t be sorry, Jeon. Anyway, chemistry.”

Jungkook clears his throat, glancing back down at their work. “Right. This number here represents
where the electron resides. See the rings here? You’re going to use this to figure out the amount of
energy in an atom.”


Jungkook glances up from the shiny textbook page, Taehyung’s eyes on him and blazing. “Gimme
a kiss, baby.”

“We need to work, Taehyung.”

“I don’t want to.”

Jungkook frowns at that. He’s well aware Taehyung never wants to study, but he never comes out
and says it.

“Well, we have to.”

Taehyung shakes his head, resting his head on his propped hand. “Nope. It’s time for a break,

They’ve only been here for twenty minutes. And half of that time, Taehyung was on the phone
arguing with his brother.

“Taehyung. Focus.”

“I can’t.”

Jungkook softens at that but Taehyung doesn’t say it in the way he blurts sometimes, aggravated
and insecure. This time he still looks amused but Jungkook doesn’t want to risk offending him.

“Well, I can help with that.”

Taehyung rubs at his bottom lip for a moment. “I know. I know exactly what I need to focus.”

Jungkook tenses. He doesn’t know the right route to take here.

“What - what’s that?”

Taehyung holds out two fingers then and hooks them, beckoning Jungkook forward. Jungkook
grabs the arms of his chair and moves closer, until their chests press together.

“I can’t focus,” Taehyung hums, cupping Jungkook’s cheek and pressing his thumb into the corner
of Jungkook’s mouth, “because I want to kiss you.”

The air coming out of Jungkook’s lungs feels weak and sharp. Taehyung eyes his mouth, but
doesn’t move forward.

There are windows surrounding them; anyone could see. Usually no one is here at this time;
Hoseok is the other head tutor and he never comes in as early as Jungkook. But someone must be
here to let Taehyung in before Jungkook arrives.

He wants to resist; knowing it will lead to further distraction, but there’s barely part of a day that
goes by where he isn’t thinking about kissing Taehyung. Sometimes, Jungkook even gets annoyed
with himself over it.


Taehyung grins before he pulls Jungkook forward. He kisses at the corner of his mouth first, and
Jungkook thinks that’s going to be all before their lips are slotting together.

Taehyung has plush lips that feel good rubbing at his own. His skin is soft under Jungkook’s
fingers when he runs them up his arm and circles them around Taehyung’s wrist.
It won’t help them from getting distracted, Jungkook realizes when Taehyung sighs and parts his
lips, pushing up against Jungkook’s until his own part. There’s a tongue gliding over his own when
Taehyung reaches for his chest, quickly unbuttoning the top button beneath his tie.

It’s intoxicating and Jungkook can’t breathe when Taehyung pulls back.

It’s more than just one button he undid; Jungkook hadn’t even noticed with the way Taehyung had
been probing his tongue into his mouth. He feels hot to the touch, wishing he could take the rest of
his shirt off to air his sweaty skin without distracting Taehyung further.

“Okay, work now? Are you any good in algebra?”

“Is that your way of flirting with me?”

Jungkook flushes as the lopsided grin thrown his way. He points at the chemical equation rather, to
explain. “No. I didn’t do so well in algebra so this part was hard for me.”

Taehyung raises a brow at that. “You didn’t do well? What are we talking? C? F?

Attempting to move in for another kiss, Jungkook swats Taehyung back but holds him close
because he’s weak. “I got a B.”

For a moment, Taehyung only looks at him. But then he snorts so loudly it sounds like it hurts.
“How terrible. Can I even trust you to teach me this?”

“Shut up,” Jungkook complains, shuffling the textbook towards Taehyung more aggressively then
intended. It makes Taehyung giggle so Jungkook tosses the notebook at him in the same manner.
“Read it yourself then.”

Taehyung clears his throat, stretches his arms out before he flicks through the pages and lands on a
random one. “What is this? Quantum numbers. Neils Bohr?” Taehyung rolls his eyes. “Sounds like
a bore. You’re probably good at it.”

Jungkook grunts. “That won’t be on your quiz.”

Taehyung flicks through a few more pages before he gasps loudly. He slumps in his chair, pressing
a hand to his face and worry rattles through Jungkook.

“What is it?” Jungkook asks, trying to pry Taehyung’s hand from his face when he lets out another
pained gasp.

“Wanna kiss more.”

It’s kind of cute when Taehyung widens his eyes and pouts. It’s really cute.

“You’re so annoying,” Jungkook huffs.

Not even a half hour in and they’ve got nothing done. It feels like the first day again but Jungkook
isn’t as stressed about it. He doesn’t actually have anything to due until after vacation and it’s only
reading two chapters, which Taehyung had tried to convince him that meant no homework at all.

Jungkook thinks it’s the most important thing they should be doing in their sessions together, as
Taehyung needs help understanding things, but he hasn’t mentioned it in fear of Taehyung shutting
down or becoming rude.

“You’re more annoying than usual,” Jungkook says, letting Taehyung take his hand and kiss his
palm. It makes butterflies erupt in his stomach.

“Excited for you to sleepover,” Taehyung says before he sucks his bottom lip between his teeth.

The nerves return quickly. Taehyung has mentioned it a few times, slipping it into the conversation
here and there about having Jungkook sleep over his house during their Friday night hangout. At
least he stopped asking him to go on his vacation with him and Jungkook knows it isn’t a big deal,
but -

He’s nervous. He’s always nervous and it’s just worse with Taehyung. He’s been waiting for
Taehyung to bring up how embarrassing Jungkook had been, calling him a tease for rubbing
against him and making him stop before he can finish. Taehyung hasn’t since they got their ice
cream, but Jungkook’s nerves haven’t stopped anticipating it.

As much as Jungkook wants it to happen again, he’s terrified of embarrassing himself again.

“Didn’t you just tell your hyung you had a date?”

Taehyung frowns at that. “Yeah, and?”

There’s clearly confusion on Taehyung’s face and Jungkook laughs. Taehyung isn’t dumb at all,
he’s quite smart, but he’s definitely not dumb enough to realize why kissing Jungkook when he’s
dating is wrong.

“Well, you shouldn’t kiss me if you’re dating someone.”

Taehyung laughs loudly, squeezing Jungkook’s knee. “I’m not dating anyone, baby. I was talking
about you. My brother wanted to meet tonight before he leaves for Barcelona, but Friday nights are
for Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jungkook only.”

Jungkook’s ears burn. “Oh.”

They’re dates? Taehyung’s never referred to their Friday night hangs out as that before. Is tonight
a date? At Taehyung’s house? Is that why he wants Jungkook to sleep over?

Jungkook had meant it when he told Taehyung he wanted to touch him, to be touched, but he
doesn’t think his nerves are ever going to let him.

Clicking his teeth, Taehyung shakes his head. “Jealous baby. When are you going to admit it?”

Jungkook clears his throat and grabs the textbook so he can turn the pages to where they’re
supposed to be. “Says you. Yoongi told me you interrogated him about Sanha. You know he isn’t
actually that tall? Six foot?”

Taehyung frowns at that, arms crossing over his chest as he sinks back into his chair. “Not because
I was jealous. I was just surprised you knew Robert Pershing Wadlow.”

A gasp leaves Taehyung’s as Jungkook kicks him under the table. “I don’t know who that is.”

“The tallest man on record,” Taehyung supplies with a grin. “I looked it up so I could make that

And Jungkook is fond, even if he is curious to know why Taehyung would be jealous of Sanha. He
isn’t jealous of Yoongi or Hoseok and Jungkook is far closer to them than Sanha. Sanha lived
down the road, goes to school with his little brother.
“Anyway,” Taehyung goes on with a roll of his eyes, “what time am I picking you up? Five?”

Letting out a long groan, Jungkook slips his hands under his glasses and rubs at his eyes.

“Make it seven. I have a paper due.”

“Yeah, over a week from now,” Taehyung comments with a huff.

“And I told you, I’m waiting to see if Jiwon has any doubles for me to work. If he does, I won’t be
able to get the paper done on time.”

And Taehyung glares at him, just like he does every time Jungkook mentions working over the
vacation. He holds the glare for a minute, lips curling before he sucks air through his teeth. “Okay
fine, work on it tonight. I promise I won’t bother you.”

Taehyung is reaching to slip off Jungkook’s glasses then. Everything blurs, though his vision isn’t
so bad that he can’t completely see. It’s enough that makes him feel a strange kind of vulnerable he
likes to avoid. He has back up glasses for this reason, one of the few things he’ll spend his money
on that’s not technically a necessity.

“Past experience tells me that’s not true,” Jungkook deadpans.

Taehyung sighs, letting go of Jungkook’s hands to get his glasses. A second later, the metal is
gliding over the side of his face and everything focuses.

Now, Taehyung is a lot closer than he had before.

There’s a tightness in Jungkook’s throat that he wants to clear as Taehyung cocks his head and
trails a finger over his jaw, the touch light as a feather.

“I’ll even work on something productive. How does that sound?”

“Didn’t you say I distract you the most?”

Taehyung grins at that, eyes dropping to Jungkook’s mouth as he speaks.

The heat must have came on, because suddenly the room is feeling stuffy.

“Hm? Doesn’t sound like something I’d say,” Taehyung says, his expression one of consideration
though his eyes are the same, dark amusement. “It’s not your ego I’m looking to stroke.”

Jungkook huffs at that, his body tightening from the implication. It’s such a bad line, almost
cringey, but the butterflies in his stomach have gone wild.

“Stop messing around,” Jungkook grunts, pushing Taehyung’s hand away only for him to
intertwine their fingers.

It may be a funny sight for anyone passing by, Jungkook as red as a tomato and Taehyung wearing
a smile that could seduce even the strongest of man. Hoseok would find it amusing and the whole
school would know by morning.

“Who said I was messing?” Taehyung asks, biting at his bottom lip. Taehyung has the ability to
change the heat in the room, a super power ability to make the room so stuffy and hot that
Jungkook feels his neck starting to sweat.

Their homework lays between them, completely forgotten about.

“You aren’t going to keep your promise,” Jungkook replies. “You didn’t kiss me.”

Taehyung snorts. “If you want a kiss baby, just ask.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. He’s literally stuck his tongue down Taehyung’s throat but it
feels embarrassing to ask for it.

“I should go. I can’t be late to class again.”

Taehyung grips Jungkook’s wrist, tugging him close. There’s lips on his a second later, a hand
curling around the back of his head to hold him there.

“I’ll see you tonight, baby.”

Embarrassment makes Jungkook’s goodbye sound like gibberish before he’s running out of the
study room.

There’s an ache in his wrist, his fingers starting to cramp from how fast he types. Jungkook glances
at the clock, urging himself to move faster.

If he finishes the outline before Taehyung picks him up, he won’t feel as bad about it tomorrow.
No matter what Taehyung says, he knows there will be little to no studying involved.

He could just insist that he really can’t; but when Taehyung told him he didn’t believe his excuses,
Jungkook didn’t try to convince him. Plus, Jungkook made a deal with him and Taehyung is
insistent he doesn’t back out or the tutoring sessions are over.

The bell to their apartment is ringing before Jungkook can finish and he cusses quietly. Taehyung
is early but he shouldn’t be surprised. No matter what time Jungkook gets to the tutoring center,
Taehyung is always there first.

Jungkook scrambles his things together before throwing on a jacket as he listens to Yoongi answer
the door. His face is flushed from rushing and he hopes Taehyung doesn’t take it for what it
usually is.

“You’re not coming to Hoseok’s? We’re off to Busan tomorrow.” he hears Yoongi say as Jungkook
rushes to the front of the apartment with his sleepover bag. He stops when he gets to the end of the
hallway, realizing Taehyung might not be wrong if he assumes it’s him causing his red face.

Despite the cold night, Taehyung’s turtle neck is cropped, falling just beneath his ribs, showing off
a soft tummy and a silver chain wrapped daintly around his waist; connecting to a diamond
piercing snug in his belly button. He has overalls on, but the top hangs loose from his waist, the
bottoms rolled and showing off bare, sharp ankles.

Perched on his nose is a pair of circular glasses, the bands the same golden color as the bangles
around his wrist. His blond hair is soft looking, perfectly falling over his forehead though the rest
looks as if he’s teased his fingers through it to style it. He’s a mix of casual and dressed up; his ears
just adorned with chains and diamonds as his belly.

And if the sight of Taehyung makes Jungkook trip over his feet, he’ll never mention it.
“No. Can’t you tell I’m studying tonight?”

Yoongi snorts at that, crossing his arms. “That’s all you better be doing.”

Taehyung leans against the door frame, arms crossing over his chest. “You act like I didn’t walk in
on you taking two dicks at one -”

Jungkook clears his throat loudly, making Yoongi whip around and a smirk grow on Taehyung’s
face. He knows he is just as red as Yoongi, whose face completely changes color.

“I’d love to stay and chat, Yoongi baby, but I have some studying to get to,” Taehyung says as he
pushes off the door frame, immediately reaching for Jungkook’s hand. “Say goodbye to your
hyungie, baby.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that but he does let Yoongi cup the back of his neck. He wants
desperately to go home with Yoongi and Hoseok, but he can’t. He can’t miss the work and he can’t
see his sick mother without wanting to stay. Yoongi offered to even pay for him to go, but once
again, Jungkook is too nervous.

He hates it.

“Be safe,” Yoongi says as Taehyung drags Jungkook from the apartment, following after them. He
even steps through the threshold, brows pinched. “Stay in line, Kim!”

There’s a strange expression on Taehyung’s face as he hurries the pace and nearly makes them run
to the elevator. He breathes out harshly, cheeks turning into round mounds once they’ve reached it.

“If I turn up dead, tell the police it was Yoongi.”

“I would never turn him in,” Jungkook replies.

Taehyung frowns at that as he shoulders into the elevator, fingers still embracing Jungkook’s hand.
“You know, hyung has gone into detail explaining sucking cock to me. Yet-”

Jungkook lunges like a reflex, swatting at Taehyung but Taehyung only tightens his grip and drags
Jungkook closer.

“Yet with you, suddenly he’s Virgin of the Year. What’s up with that?”

Shrugging is his best answer so Jungkook goes for it.

“Hm,” Taehyung hums, swinging their hands. “You’re cute when you get red, baby.”

Jungkook wonders if Taehyung says that to make him redder because it works. He pulls his hand
away, wanting to hide his burning face but Taehyung is throwing an arm over his shoulders as the
elevator lands. He grabs the shell of Jungkook’s ear, rubbing gently before clicking his teeth.

“Not full flush potential. Don’t worry, the night isn’t over yet. I have fun shit planned.”

Jungkook pulls to the side enough to look at Taehyung, who’s a picture of ease compared to the
panic Jungkook feels building in his chest.

“You said we were studying.”

Taehyung sighs, ruffling Jungkook’s hair as they step outside and Jungkook is thankful for the
cool air. “We will, Jeon. I prefer to take the hands on approach to studying. I have a feeling that
will make you a bit pink.”

Taking his arm from Jungkook’s shoulder, Taehyung pulls out his car keys and lights up the dark
sky with red lights.

“What does that mean?” Jungkook yells after him.

The house Taehyung pulls up to is grandiose, though the driveway is so long it seems small when
they first turn onto the pavement. The grass is as perfect of a green as Jungkook has ever seen it;
those animal shaped trees lining the rocky driveway. There’s colorful looking trees and bushes,
gardens that Jungkook wishes he could see when the sun is the brightest.

“What is this?”

Taehyung laughs as he kills the engine, fingers tapping on the steering wheel as he tilts his head
towards Jungkook. The lights of the house reflect in his eyes, making the blue even more piercing.

“Welcome to Casa del Taehyung.”

Jungkook freezes, eyes growing wide as he takes in the massive house. Taehyung’s house. The
same house that the president of his university lives in.

“Your house?”

“Mm,” Taehyung hums, puckering his lips together as he undoes his seatbelt. “Don’t tell me you’re
both smart and multilingual. I won’t be able to keep my pants on.”

Jungkook doesn’t register the joke as he stares up at the house. It’s easily ten times the size of his
family home, if not more, and his entire apartment building could probably be reshaped to fit

“Your father lives here.”

Another laugh, this time unsure. “Um, yeah sometimes?”

“Sometimes?” Jungkook asks. He considers staying in the car. He isn’t sure if he can face the
President right now, not like this.

It wouldn’t be good for the President to see them slacking off. Seeing him and Taehyung just
hanging out might make the President’s idea of him change.

Jungkook mentally scolds himself for that thought. The President shouldn’t judge someone based
on that anyway. Taehyung’s right; it’s normal for college kids to party. He had a teacher in high
school warn him from Yoongi’s crowd, about going down the wrong path because Yoongi smoked
on school grounds and had a graffiti kink, but Jungkook didn’t and graduated with the highest GPA
in his grade.

And he still followed after Yoongi and Hoseok, finding this university and still holding the highest
GPA in his grade.
Jungkook glances at the light shining in Taehyung’s eyes and finds himself thankful he followed
Yoongi and Hoseok here.

“Well, like he isn’t here now. Might be here tomorrow. He’s abroad a lot, fucking his mistress I
think,” Taehyung sniffs before he jumps out of the car. “Come on, Jeon! The night awaits.”

Despite Taehyung’s words (which Jungkook isn’t sure how to respond to), Jungkook half expects
the President to be there when Taehyung opens the door. Thankfully he isn’t, though Jungkook
doesn’t calm any as Taehyung grabs his wrist again and leads him towards a wide, spiral staircase.

“I didn’t think running a college could get you a place like this,” Jungkook notes in amazement,
careful not to touch anything and accidentally break something he can’t replace. Even the railings
of the staircase look as if they are worth more than everything Jungkook’s ever owned put

“It doesn’t,” Taehyung says. “Eomma. Long story, nothing really too exciting. What do your
parents do?”

Jungkook presses his lips closed. He isn’t ashamed of his parents, more defensive than anything
and Taehyung has a tendency to think without speaking.

“Nothing too exciting.”

Taehyung knocks their shoulders together. “Tell me. You’re intelligent, majoring in biochemistry
so? I don’t even know what career that leads one into. Medical? Well, if we go off your looks, I’d
say one of your parents must be a model -”

Through Taehyung’s ramblings, Jungkook feels the need to apply aloe to his cheeks. The burning
only worsens as they turn down a hallway, the walls covered in paintings.

Nude paintings.

“Eomma,” Taehyung explains with a lazy wave of his hand to the walls.

“Oh,” Jungkook gasps, folding a hand over his eyes. He’s going to die right here in the Kim
household. At least his mother won’t be alone when she gets the news, she’ll have Yoongi with
her. “Those are of your mother?”

“No,” Taehyung snorts, wrapping an arm around Jungkook’s waist to guide him and thankfully not
taking his hand away from shielding his eyes. “She painted those. Loves the nude body. Her and I
are alike that way.”

God, maybe Jungkook should call Yoongi and warn him about his death before it happens.

Once they’ve passed the paintings, Taehyung eases Jungkook’s hand from his face and holds it in
his own.

He feels childish; but he isn’t convinced those weren’t of Taehyung’s mother.

“This part of the house is all mine,” Taehyung says as he leads Jungkook to a door that opens up to
a staircase. Jungkook admires the paintings on the wall, framed drawings of galaxies and moons.
Some of them are done by a child, though still better than anything Jungkook could come up with.
There’s dates scribbled at the bottom of each one, beside a small ‘ KTH ’.

Taehyung doesn’t spare them a glance, nor allow Jungkook to look at each one like he wants to as
he pulls him along.

“I wanted the guest house,” Taehyung says. “I had to apply to college, you know? Didn’t just get in
because of my father. This was a reward for that.”

The stairs lead to an open space that looks to be a living room. There’s a section of couches and
bean bag chairs facing a television bigger than Jungkook, surrounded by shelves of games and
gaming systems.

Jungkook wants to explore, but Taehyung doesn’t let him. They walk past a bathroom and what
Jungkook assumes is a bedroom when he glances inside. He tugs his head back to get a further look
when Taehyung keeps moving, taking in the framed picture of Taehyung above his bed.

He flushes. Taehyung’s turned away from the camera, on his knees with his bare thighs on
displace. The shirt hanging from his shoulders shows off the muscles over his shoulder blades and
the top of his spine, covering the lower half of his back and the swell of his ass.

There’s mirth in Taehyung’s eyes where he looks over his shoulder and right at Jungkook like one
of those photographs whose eyes follow you everywhere.

Jungkook rips his eyes away and runs to Taehyung’s side.

“Do you paint like your mother?”

Taehyung shrugs. “I used to. She made me when I was younger. Specialized tutors and shit. I don’t
hate it, but she definitely took the fun out of it. Here we are!”

The end of the hallway ends in two glass doors that Taehyung pushes open, revealing a balcony. It
looks over the back of Taehyung’s house, where Jungkook finds the moon reflecting over what
looks to be a pool.

“What is this?”

Taehyung swings his hand out to indicate a set up of blankets and pillows one one side of the
balcony. There’s a telescope in front of it, arching over the railing and pointed towards the
darkening night sky.

“I made a study room,” Taehyung announces, chest puffed in pride. “I have a star catalog due at
the end of the semester, I thought I’d work on it a bit now.”

Jungkook’s own chest puffs out too, but from the air that gets stuck in his lungs as he takes it all in.
Taehyung’s star catalog is supposed to be done every week, which he has lied about doing, but
Jungkook doesn’t feel the need to mention it. Not right now.

“So we’re really going to study?”

Taehyung bites at his grin, eyebrows wagging. “What did you have in mind, baby?”

Jungkook launches himself across the balcony, pulling his backpack in front of himself before he
sits amongst the blankets and pillows. They’re surprisingly soft, fluffed up like the pillows are new
and never been used. “I have to write an argument that biochemistry research can positively impact
sustainable food energy.”

Scrambling with his things, Jungkook doesn’t realize Taehyung hasn’t moved from where they
were standing until he laughs.
“That sounds riveting.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. “It’s actually really interesting. I’ve collected most of the
points for my essay and have nearly finished the outline, which took me a short time because it’s a
cool topic.”

Plopping down beside him, Taehyung grabs the notebook Jungkook is taking from his bag. “When
is it due?”

“Um, the rough draft, the Tuesday after vacation and the final a week from then.”

Jungkook yelps when Taehyung swats him with his own notebook.

“Don’t you ever do your homework last minute like normal students?”

Jungkook snatches back the notebook before Taehyung can hit him again. “You say I need to not
be so stressed but doing that is stressful.”

Taehyung grins, leaning back so their shoulders brush. He won’t be able to concentrate well with
Taehyung so close, he fidgets too much.

And he smells good. Like vanilla.

“So you admit you have a stick lodged right between those firm asscheeks of yours?”

“Oh my god,” Jungkook grunts, shoving Taehyung with his shoulder. The night air erupts in a
series of giggles that make Jungkook’s cheeks hurt from smiling. “Why do you always say stuff
like that?”

“Because it makes you red,” Taehyung admits without hesitation, his grin softer than usual as he
pushes himself back against Jungkook. “Do you want me to stop?”

Jungkook is thrown off by the question, his lips parting in surprise as he turns to look at Taehyung.
The amusement is still in his eyes, his grin still soft, but there’s something else there that makes
Jungkook wonder if someone as confident and carefree as Taehyung ever gets nervous.


Taehyung huffs, his grin taking over his face. “Good. Cause I wasn’t planning on it. Get to
essaying, baby, I have some other stars to look at.”

He leaps back from the blankets them, padding over towards where the telescope is set up.
Jungkook doesn’t look at his butt as he walks or way, or thinks how it is as round as the moon. He

Jungkook does, however, rip his eyes away when Taehyung catches him with a look over his
shoulder and shakes his head in response.

“Don’t get distracted,” Taehyung calls and Jungkook bends his head so low his nose touches the
notebook in his lap.

Before, Jungkook would say he doesn’t understand how someone can be so distracted by a person,
especially when that person is being quiet and staying to themselves. Now Jungkook completely
understands. He can’t help but watch Taehyung as he kneels before the front of the telescope, one
eye squeezing shut.
His side profile must have been made by gods, carved from marble that not even Myron’s work
could compare. Despite the sharp edge of his jaw, his cheeks are soft and round, as are his lips
when he pushes them out in concentration.

Pride swells in Jungkook’s chest as Taehyung pulls away and dots something in his notebook
before peering back into the eyeglass.

It isn’t until Taehyung is turning to look at him that Jungkook realizes he had wasted all of that
time watching Taehyung and didn’t even look at his essay once. It hasn’t been that long of a time,
but it feels like it had lasted forever.

“What did you want to be when you were younger?”

Taehyung pulls his attention away from the notebook, frowning at Jungkook. “I don’t know.

“I’m going to be a pharmacologist or toxicologist,” Jungkook tells him. “You’ll laugh, but imagine
a little kid saying that.”

Taehyung doesn’t laugh, but instead presses his lips together in a smile that makes his cheeks rise
like dough. “I can imagine a young Jungkook saying that. How did you manage to befriend
someone as cool as Yoongi?”

The laugh comes then, a little squeak that makes Jungkook want to kick at Taehyung.

“Shut up. My apartment house was very tiny, everyone inside of it grew up like one family. Yoongi
and I met each other there. Hoseok in school, I think. I can barely remember, it feels like they were
always there.”

Taehyung nods in understanding. “Jimin is like that for me. Had to suffer through the same shitty
private schooling as me. At least he turned out better than me.”

It goes quiet for a moment before Taehyung clears his throat and wrinkles his nose. “You better
finish that essay by the time I’m done.”

Jungkook nods, accepting the change of subject but waits for Taehyung to turn back to the
telescope before he focuses on his own notes.

When Taehyung came out as gay, his parents had just sighed. That’s it. After the walking in on
him incident, Taehyung had announced his sexual preferences in the middle of breakfast the next

Just a sigh, maybe his mother even ignored him as she was reading the newspaper. Butler Kang
found him afterwards, clasped a hand to his shoulder and that was as much of a response he got.
Not that Taehyung wanted a celebration or a fight; but being ignored by his parents has always
been one of the most frustrating things about growing up.

Now he wishes they did ignore him.

When Taehyung’s private physician tried suggesting just testing for a learning disability, their
reactions were louder, enraged. That physician was fired and Taehyung was dragged through
specialist to specialist, his parents on a quest to prove that it wasn’t anything like a disability; but a
result of Taehyung’s ignorance and apathy.

Taehyung lets them and every doctor believe as they want. It has become apathy but Taehyung
finds himself not wanting it to be that way as he watches Jungkook, head bent over his notebook
and scribbling with such concentration that Taehyung is sure he doesn’t even realize his tongue is
sticking out of his mouth.

There had only been one tutor Taehyung liked growing up, but she hadn’t been around for long.
She didn’t call Taehyung stupid or a brat, though she would scold him when his attention would
falter. The scoldings never helped, the swatting of his hands didn’t keep them from moving on
their own.

It was infuriating, being a kid who couldn’t control the shake in his legs and the need in his body to
just move , and knowing he had to sit still or the ruler would come down against his knuckles.

Every part of him has been denied, ignored, or swatted at.

Taehyung’s always had a reservoir of energy inside of him that’s desperate to let loose. It isn’t just
the fidgeting fingers and shaking legs, but also his inability to keep himself from blurting out
something the moment it enters his brain. He doesn’t give a fuck usually, but he feels bad when it
interrupts Jungkook’s concentration.

“Did you finish your star gazing already?” Jungkook asks as he nudges a head towards the

It took Taehyung like twenty minutes and then he pretended to work some more after he let
awkwardness slip into their conversation. He didn’t plan this night out properly.

“No,” Taehyung murmurs, tapping his fingers beneath Jungkook’s chin to tilt his head higher. He
looks over his face, smiling. “Still looking at the stars.”

Taehyung likes how red Jungkook gets more than he admits.

Taehyung likes Jungkook more than he’ll ever admit. He has a feeling Jungkook won’t believe him
or make him feel as if another part of him is being ignored, shunned.

“You’re flirting is horrible,” Jungkook huffs, pulling away shyly to look back at his laptop. It’s a
rented model from the library, a dinosaur that Taehyung is surprised even fit into Jungkook’s
backpack. “Namjoon says you like space a lot, why didn’t you tell me?”

Taehyung ignores that. He may know a lot of random facts about planets, but he wouldn’t be able
to sit down and explain things to Jungkook the way Jungkook can. He knows Jungkook would
tease him, but he’d prefer not to make himself look like a fool.

“Are you an expert at flirting then?” Taehyung hums, quirking a brow at him. “If you’re so good
at it, teach me tutor-nim.”

“Ah, I didn’t mean it like that,” Jungkook whines, the red now creeping to his neck and Taehyung
wants to kiss him there again.

“Too late. Give it your best shot, baby.”

Jungkook huffs, moving the laptop aside. They’re getting off track here and Taehyung wanted to
actually try and let Jungkook finish his paper, but it’s hard.

“Flirting is in the eye contact and body language, not the cheesy pick up lines.”

Taehyung suppresses his grin, or tries to. Only Jeon Jungkook would talk about flirting like it’s an
equation that needs to be solved.

“Is that so?”

Jungkook nods, humming. “I read an article about it once.”

It proves to be really difficult not to laugh as Taehyung’s cheeks bulge with the force of trying to
keep it in. Jungkook looks so serious when he speaks that Taehyung doesn’t want to be offensive if
he isn’t joking.

“Were you researching for a purpose by chance?” Taehyung asks, voice loaded with an
amusement that Jungkook narrows his eyes at. Taehyung curls toward him, reaching out to play
with the buttons of his jacket.

It’s leather, of course, the stuff of Taehyung’s wet dreams. It doesn’t match Jungkook’s normally
uptight posh look, possibly belonging to Yoongi, but it looks good wrapped around his shoulders.
The shirt beneath it is white and thin, the indent of his chest pressing into it and showing off the
hard of his nipples.

“What? No, it just popped up and I got curious,” Jungkook huffs defensively as he fidgets with his

“That’s cute,” Taehyung hums, shifting so he can place his hand on Jungkook’s chest, fingers
tickling beneath the edge of his jacket. The air is growing colder, but Jungkook’s body feels warm
beneath his palm. “Let me try.”

Jungkook nods, his Adam’s apple bopping as he swallows. Taehyung keeps his touch light, reading
Jungkook’s reaction and making sure he isn’t tense because he is uncomfortable.

It worried him the way Jungkook reacted when he told Taehyung to stop touching him the other
day. He had been overly apologetic, his worried expression as if he were expecting Taehyung to
yell or slap him. He said he wanted Taehyung to touch him; and Taehyung’s been trying to find the
right way without making Jungkook panic and not overstep his boundaries either.

“You come here often?”

A laugh bursts from Jungkook’s lips, his eyes squeezing closed, nose scrunching. He leans closer
as he laughs and Taehyung shifts his hand further beneath the jacket, fingers scraping the bare skin
of Jungkook’s collar until he sees goosebumps.

“Shut up, I’m being serious,” Taehyung jokes. Jungkook is hot to the touch, contrasting with the
cool night air. Taehyung moves his hand so he’s cupping the side of Jungkook’s neck, feeling the
vibrations of his laugh that stutter into a nervous breath.

Jungkook’s eyes widen as Taehyung touches the hinge of his jaw with his pointer finger, his
tongue flicking out to wet his bottom lip and suddenly the atmosphere doesn’t feel so amusing.

“Which chemical bond is the strongest?”

Jungkook’s eyes drop to Taehyung’s mouth as he speaks but he doesn’t answer for a moment. He
shifts, breathing unevenly as Taehyung’s hand curls to the back of his neck to play with the hair


Taehyung grins. “I said, what is the strongest chemical bond?”

Jungkook flicks his eyes up to meet Taehyung’s. His hand is stuck out before him, frozen in space
like he doesn’t know what to do with it.

“Um, ionic?”

“Are you not sure?” Taehyung asks as he takes Jungkook’s frozen hand and places it on his bare
stomach. Jungkook’s fingers curl like a turtle hiding in its shell.

“I don’t remember.”

“You don’t remember,” Taehyung repeats, pinching Jungkook’s chin. They’re closer now and
Taehyung wants to be closer, sinking into Jungkook.

“Silicone fluorine bonds are some of the - the strongest,” Jungkook says thickly as he stretches out
his fingers so slowly that it’s endearing, “but those are covalent.”

Taehyung hums, tensing when Jungkook opens his palm over his belly, fingers touching the chain
around him and the heat of his hand warms his chilled skin. He knows his skin is covered in
goosebumps just as much as Jungkook’s is and he wonders if Jungkook can feel it.

“There’s one bond I wasn’t sure about,” Taehyung breathes, rubbing up Jungkook’s chin until the
tip of his nail touches his bottom lip. He curls closer as Jungkook’s hand breezes over his belly to
curl around his side.

It makes the breath get stuck in Taehyung’s lungs and his only intention here was to be playful,
make Jungkook flush, but there’s a heat inside of him instead.

“The Jungkook Taehyung bond.”

Jungkook’s fingers dig gently into his skin when Taehyung presses onto his bottom lip with his
thumb. He really doesn’t understand much about the chemical bonds and the energy sharing or
whatever, but he wishes he did so he could come up with something to compare the charge
between them.

“Taehyung,” Jungkook breathes, tongue flicking out when he speaks to swipe over the tip of
Taehyung’s thumb.

A shiver rushes down Taehyung’s spine and the need to kiss Jungkook suddenly becomes as
difficult to control as the energy inside of him.

“What, baby?”

There’s a twinge of discomfort in Taehyung’s spine but he can’t complain when Jungkook’s palm
centers over his spine and their chests nearly touch.
“Are you cold?”

Taehyung wrinkles his nose fondly, tilting his head. Jungkook must know he’s about to kiss him,
he’s close, eyes on Jungkook’s mouth, and he isn’t moving away.

“I’m fine,” Taehyung hums. He shifts his hand down, rubbing his palm over Jungkook’s chest
until his perked nipple slides beneath his hand. “Are you?”

Jungkook gasps quietly, brows stitching together. “Is anyone here?”

Excitement rushes through Taehyung at the implication. Tentatively he moves his hand so his
thumb can press over Jungkook’s nipple, eyes focused on the way Jungkook licks his lips.

“Do you want to be alone with me?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes at that, but his pupils are blown wide, giving Taehyung the impression that
he’s more flustered than annoyed. “I was wondering if that’s why you wanted me here. Because
you didn’t want to be alone.”

Taehyung is taken back by the question. His whole intention on getting Jungkook here was to
convince him to stay for vacation. Each year, Taehyung’s parents send him off somewhere but this
year, he was being punished for something because they both are leaving, and keeping him behind.

And when Jungkook said he’d be staying on campus, Taehyung saw it as a sign that the two of
them shouldn’t be alone. But he’s yet to tell Jungkook this.

“Why do you say that?”

Jungkook sighs as he looks around them, licking again at his lips. “Because this house is huge and I
would hate being here alone.”

The words have never left Taehyung’s mouth before, have always sat in his mind because he feels
selfish for hating it. But Jungkook gets it without question.

Maybe this time, it’s Taehyung’s ears that are red. “Yeah, it sucks when it’s empty.”

Jungkook smiles, the heat of the moment simmering. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to. But I
have to work.”

Taehyung wants to remind Jungkook that his essay isn’t due for another two weeks, but he remains
quiet and hooks his finger around the one Jungkook holds out for him.

“As long as I don’t have to.”

It’s nice, even though it’s quiet. Taehyung puts a bit of distance between him and Jungkook, not
wanting to disturb him with his fidgeting. He texts his thoughts instead of saying them out loud,
though he slips up here and there.

“You shouldn’t smoke so much,” Jungkook says, interrupting the silence between them. It’s gotten
quite late but Jungkook still seems wide awake, laptop balancing on his thighs as he leans back to
look at where Taehyung is leaning against the railing.

“It’s medicinal,” Taehyung hums before he blows the thick smoke into the air.

Jungkook frowns at that. Taehyung suspects Jungkook to be the rule abiding type, never crossing
the line. It’s why Taehyung hadn’t believed him when he claimed to smoke.

“Medicinal,” Jungkook snorts.

“It is,” Taehyung replies as he pads back to Jungkook to sit beside him. He offers the thin blunt to
him but Jungkook shakes his head. “There’s a whole documentary about how a certain part of
weed helps with like seizures and stuff. Kids going their first day in years without one after they
start treatment. Cancer remission, shit like that.”

“I know,” Jungkook huffs and of course he does. “I meant medicinal for you?”

Taehyung grins. “Mhm. I said the weed was medicinal, not that I needed it.”

Jungkook laughs at that. He stretches, arms lifting over him and pulling at his clothes to reveal the
hardened part of his stomach.

Taehyung feels the urge to tickle him and he does, fingers grazing beneath his belly button until
Jungkook is flailing backwards.

“Don’t, I’m ticklish.”

“You’d look good in a crop top,” Taehyung comments. He breathes in the smoke until his lungs
hurt, trying not to imagine it.

But he does anyway because Taehyung’s always sucked at controlling his brain.

“Shut up.”

“I’m serious,” Taehyung exclaims. “You do realize you’re sexy, right? You’d probably look good
in anything.”

Silence follows as Taehyung inhales. A moment later, the blunt is being plucked from his fingers.

Jungkook looks like he’s been sunburned and his skin is a second away from peeling off.

“Oh come on, you must know that. You’re a genius and you have glasses.”

“What does glasses have to do with it?” Jungkook huffs in embarrassment.

Taehyung feels a dopey grin taking over his lips as he leans back, watching the smoke trail from
Jungkook’s lips as he moves his homework away from him.

They’re getting distracted again. Even if Jungkook started the conversation, Taehyung knows it’s
his fault.

“Well, it means you can see well. Unless - oh my god, are they fake? For the aesthetic?”

Jungkook chokes out his laugh, eye watering as he shakes his head and hands off the blunt. “No,
my vision truly sucks.”

Taehyung jumps up, blunt hanging between his lips as he grabs Jungkook’s hands and tugs him to
stand. “Come on, baby. I know what we can do. Fashion show.”

Taehyung trails his eyes down Jungkook’s body, planting his hands to his hips. There’s plenty of
clothes he wants to see Jungkook in; anything of his, really. Jungkook looks alarmed, but he lets
Taehyung drag him away from the balcony anyway.

In hindsight, this was a bad idea. Taehyung feels attacked on all sides; Jungkook’s cute shy
expression, matched with how fucking good he looks.

Taehyung was right. Jungkook looks good as fuck in a crop top.

Jungkook holds out his hands, showing off the loose shirt that only covers his chest and part of his
rib cage. It’s a simple white shirt with a red rose embroidered over the chest. Taehyung had wanted
to find a shirt that would fit Jungkook’s broad chest and was thin enough to show off how hard his
nipples still are.

His legs are thicker than Taehyung’s, making the seams of his jeans scream as they try not to rip
around Jungkook’s legs. They’re his signature look, the jeans so ripped that there’s more skin
revealed than covered. Taehyung had worked some curls into Jungkook’s hair, swept blush over
his cheeks and attempted to put mascara on him, but he fidgeted too much.

Taehyung’s heart is beating a mile a minute.

“I'm afraid to move and rip your pants,” Jungkook admits, sucking on his bottom lip.

“They’re already ripped,” Taehyung says as he digs into his dresser drawer. He stops over soft
material, hesitating. “Rip ‘em up. As long as my dick isn’t falling out, I’ll still wear them.”

This is edging towards danger territory but Taehyung has always been a risk taker.

“Here, try these.”

Jungkook looks at the lump of gray that he catches before he heads towards the bathroom.
Taehyung breathes in, fingers dancing over his thighs as he waits. He fidgets with the chain around
his belly, gently taking it off and replacing the piercing with a simple diamond stud just to have
something to do with his hands.

Other than he really wants to do and touch over every inch of Jungkook’s skin. The urge grows
worse when Jungkook steps back out of the bathroom.

The sweatpants hang low on his hips, revealing the part of his abdomen that forms into a V before
it disappears underneath the clothing. They are looser, not as tight on his thighs, but just enough
that the defined shape is still visible.

“See,” Taehyung breathes, gesturing limply. Sweatpants were made by the devil. “Look how sexy
you are.”

Jungkook turns, facing the ceiling to floor material. It worsens for Taehyung as his eyes catch in
the dip at the bottom his spine and the shift in his back muscles when he moves.
He wonders if Jungkook was sculpted from marble.

“I feel strange showing so much skin.”

It should be illegal for one person to be overwhelmingly adorable and overwhelmingly hot at the
same time, Taehyung thinks as he grows fond with his eyes tracing over Jungkook’s body.

“You take your shirt off at track meets all the time,” Taehyung says as he stands behind Jungkook
and hooks his chin over his shoulder.

They fit together nicely and look even better.

“How do you know?” Jungkook laughs as his eyes meet Taehyung’s through the mirror.

“I’ve been going to them ever since I first saw you in spandex.”

Jungkook makes a noise of complaint at that, face scrunching. “I never know when you’re messing
with me.”

Taehyung bites at the inside of his cheek. He’s teasing most of the time, but it’s the kind of teasing
where he’s also high key serious at the same time.

“I’m serious,” Taehyung says with a smile. “You look good, Jungkook. Don’t you think so?”

Jungkook tenses when Taehyung skates his hands over Jungkook’s hips and towards his belly
button. They’re barely touching and Jungkook’s stomach muscles flex beneath his hands.

“Yeah,” Jungkook says, but his eyes are focused on the reflection of Taehyung’s hands.

“Sexy baby,” Taehyung murmurs, his own belly twisting at the sight, worsening when Jungkook
shivers. “It’s unfair. You’re ridiculously smart, attractive, and good at sports. I feel like it’s selfish
to have more than two of those qualities at the same time.”

“I’m not.”

It’s so quiet that Taehyung can barely hear it over the beating of his heart.

“Lie,” Taehyung hums, trailing his fingers back up and slipping them beneath the cropped shirt.
Jungkook’s hands squeeze into fists by his sides and he stops, ready to pull away when Jungkook
huffs out a harsh breath that makes Taehyung’s cock twitch.

Oh, fuck.

“Is this okay?” Taehyung asks, turning away from the mirror long enough to whisper the words
into Jungkook’s ear.

Jungkook doesn’t respond right away as Taehyung rubs his hand up to his chest, feeling his heart
pumping a mile a minute.

“Yeah, yeah - s'good.”

Taehyung bites on his bottom lip as he brings his hand back down, making sure to drag his palm
over Jungkook’s nipple and earning himself another harsh breath.

“You - you have nice hands.”

Aroused and fond is a deadly combination Taehyung thinks as he works his fingers through the
dips of Jungkook’s abdomen again. Jungkook’s back to watching his hands and Taehyung follows
his gaze, digging his chin into Jungkook’s shoulder when he sees Jungkook twitch beneath his

“Do I?” Taehyung hums. “I like yours too.”

Jungkook releases his fist when Taehyung grabs it and plants his palm to his abdomen. He gets
another shiver when he ghosts Jungkook’s hand over his own stomach.

“Do you believe me yet?” Taehyung asks, voice more controlled than he had been expecting as
arousal washes through him just watching Jungkook touch himself. “That you’re sexy?”

“Taehyung -”

Taehyung turns so his lips brush against Jungkook’s neck. “What, baby?”

Jungkook breathes through his nose as he touches himself, taking over and guiding Taehyung’s
hand low until his fingers graze over the band of his sweatpants. The hum Taehyung lets out
sounds rougher than intended; already so turned on by Jungkook shyly asking to be touched.

“Do you think we look sexy together?” Taehyung asks when Jungkook doesn’t respond. He pulls
his hand from Jungkook’s, tickling it up his arm before he dances across his chest. He stops
beneath his chin, lifting Jungkook’s head so their eyes can meet. Jungkook licks his lips, eyes
darker than Taehyung’s ever seen them. “Because it sure looks like you do.”

He keeps a hand under Jungkook’s chin as he uses his other to cup over Jungkook’s. He watches
Jungkook’s expression as he moves their hands lower, fingers dipping beneath the band of his

“Oh,” Jungkook breathes, body tensing when he touches himself.

“Tell me when to stop,” Taehyung breathes, focusing on the way Jungkook’s eyes flutter shut
before he moves his hand again.

The outline of Jungkook’s cock is printed against the material of his sweatpants, disappearing
when Taehyung’s knuckles take its place. He wishes he could feel Jungkook when he cups
Jungkook’s hand over himself.

“Relax, you’re tense,” Taehyung says, stroking Jungkook’s racing pulse with his thumb.

It’s sudden the way Jungkook pulls away, huffing out as he whips around. He looks really
overwhelmed, his chest now as red as his cheeks.

Taehyung tips his chin, inspecting his face. “Nervous or uncomfortable?”


Taehyung pulls back, eyeing the stress in Jungkook’s brow. “Confused about what?”

Jungkook swallows thickly. There’s sweat building at his hairline and Taehyung wonders what it
will take to get Jungkook just to relax about things.

“So you’re not just joking when you say you want me?”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh at the ridiculousness of it, but he has to quickly grab Jungkook’s
shoulders when he frowns. He’s said it a thousand times already, made it obvious, but Jungkook
still looks as if he truly doesn’t know the answer.

“I'm definitely not joking,” Taehyung says, touching over Jungkook’s cheek before he takes off the
glasses perched on to Jungkook’s nose and ticks them into the pocket of his overalls. “I told you
this. But I’m not going to touch you if you’re uncomfortable.”

Jungkook shakes his head and Taehyung sighs, unsure as to what that means. He hovers his hands
over Jungkook’s chest, nudging his head to indicate them.

“Do you want me to? You’re going to have to tell me if you do.”

Jungkook breathes out sharply, gripping Taehyung’s hip. His eyes search over Taehyung’s face and
Taehyung can see the thoughts running through his head.

“Nervous,” he finally decides. “Not uncomfortable.”

Taehyung nods, resting his palm to Jungkook’s chest. “Do you want me too, baby?”

As shy as Jungkook can be, there’s a moment when it slips away. The way he grips Taehyung’s hip
isn’t shy; fingers digging into his bare skin. “Yes.”

“Touch me however you want,” Taehyung breathes before he closes the space between their lips.

Jungkook doesn’t move at first, his lips parted around harsh breaths as Taehyung sucks down on
his bottom one. His fingers flex against Taehyung’s hip before curling towards his back, flattening
over the low of his back.

Taehyung rubs over Jungkook’s pulse, his other hand running down to his bare skin before
Jungkook finally moves.

It’s hesitant, the kiss softer than Taehyung craves but it sizzles something hot to the pit of his
stomach. Jungkook’s lips are wet from constantly licking them, slick as they slip over his own.

He’s still tense, trembling as Taehyung curls his fingers into his hair, angling his head to kiss him
deeper. His hand is still on Taehyung’s back as Taehyung wanders, touches as much skin as he can.

Jungkook huffs when Taehyung drags his fingers to the band of his sweatpants, just holding onto
them so his knuckles dig into Jungkook’s skin.

When Taehyung licks at Jungkook’s lips, Jungkook’s hand rubs up his back, tugging his shirt up
until his hand rests between his shoulder blades. Taehyung takes it slow, gliding his tongue over
teeth until their tongues touch.

Jungkook’s harsh breath is twisted with a moan, rumbling in his throat and Taehyung takes more,
greedy in the way he rubs his tongue over Jungkook’s. Every scrape of Jungkook’s teeth over his
tongue has Taehyung moving closer, kissing deeper.

It must be what Jungkook feels like when he turns red, every inch of his skin burning. It drags to
Taehyung’s core as he shifts his hand beneath Jungkook’s waistband, pushing it down until he can
feel Jungkook’s hard length.

Their lips smack wetly together as Jungkook pulls back, breathing harshly. Taehyung hesitates with
his palm curling over him, licking at his swollen lips before Jungkook kisses him again.
It’s tentative the way Jungkook licks into Taehyung’s mouth, the way Taehyung rubs Jungkook’s
cock through his underwear. He isn’t even being touched but he feels like it, the nerves in
Taehyung’s body setting off with every rumble in Jungkook’s throat.

When Jungkook licks deeper, Taehyung sucks - lips clamping down onto Jungkook’s tongue and
pulling him in.

The moan Jungkook lets out is overwhelmed, desperate, his free hand coming up to grab the back
of Taehyung’s head like he needs it to ground himself, like he needs to push until his tongue is
licking at the back of Taehyung’s throat.

And Jungkook takes it, keeping his tongue out to let Taehyung use as he wants, without Taehyung
having to ask. He drags his hand over Jungkook’s length as he sucks and licks over Jungkook’s
tongue. It’s messy, spit collecting at his chin and Taehyung knows every inch of Jungkook is
probably red.

“Fuck,” Taehyung gasps as he pulls away to catch his breath, eyeing the spit connecting their
mouths before he bites at Jungkook’s bottom lip, twisting his teeth over it. “Wanna stroke you off.”

The nerves are loud in Jungkook’s eyes, sharing the space with the arousal that has Jungkook
bucking up into his hand. He nods and Taehyung wishes he could hear what a fucked out
Jungkook sounds like.

Because he's always been attracted to Jungkook, found him to be one of the hottest guys on
campus, but that is nothing compared to how he looks now. He truly doesn’t get it; how Jungkook
can be surprised that Taehyung wants him when he looks the way he does.

It is only made worse by how adorable he is; but Jungkook doesn’t need to know that yet.

“You really have no idea how hot you are?” Taehyung breathes as he rubs at Jungkook’s spit
slicked mouth.

Jungkook’s only response is a low moan as Taehyung drags his thumb over the head of his cock,
matching the way he touches Jungkook’s lips.

“Turn around baby.”

The grip on Taehyung’s back doesn’t release for a moment. He wonders if they stop too much if
Jungkook will run off, or if eventually the nerves and tension in Jungkook’s body will alleviate.

But he doesn’t run, nor relax his muscles. Instead, he turns as he’s asked, eyes dropping instead of
looking in the mirror.

“Look how good you look,” Taehyung hums, wrapping back around Jungkook. Even his stomach
is flushed and his pants are tented, his cock straining against the material.

Jungkook slowly lifts his eyes but he settles them on the hand Taehyung moves his between his
legs. He lets out an overwhelmed sound as Taehyung hooks a finger over the band and slowly
reveals his cock.

Taehyung hums as he slips his palm over Jungkook’s pelvis. He’s already so hard, cock curled
towards his belly and leaking at the tip. His cock twitches back towards his belly when Taehyung
spreads his fingers and pushes them closer, in time with Jungkook’s body tensing.

“Cute,” Taehyung murmurs, finding Jungkook’s eyes still on his hand in the mirror. “You get
turned on as easily as you get red.”

Jungkook closes his eyes as he groans, but Taehyung is digging a thumb into his jaw until his eyes
open again.

“Taehyung,” Jungkook breathes. It comes out hitched, the want clear in his voice. Taehyung grins
at that, teeth digging into his bottom lip.

“Eyes up here,” Taehyung murmurs softly. “Can I?”

Jungkook doesn’t look up, keeping his eyes focused on Taehyung’s fingers spreading over the base
of his cock. Taehyung’s own body throbs with want and heat, the need to rub off against Jungkook
hard to ignore.


Taehyung doesn’t hesitate after Jungkook’s given him the go ahead, tickling his fingers over the
curve of Jungkook’s cock before sliding his palm over the head. He pulls back Jungkook’s foreskin
with his fingers, sighing at how red and swollen the head of his cock is.

Jungkook shifts his legs apart, licking his lips as Taehyung’s palm rubs up his length and presses
against the head. He looks mesmerized, lips parted and eyes focused on them like he doesn’t want
to miss a second of it.

Shy Jungkook, leaking just from Taehyung petting over his cock.

“You’re so pretty,” Taehyung murmurs casually. “Even your stomach is red.”

Jungkook gasps quietly, his cock twitching beneath under Taehyung’s palm and Taehyung giggles.

“Does my baby like praise?”

“Shut up.”

Taehyung turns, mouthing at Jungkook’s jaw as he curls his fingers around Jungkook to stroke him
properly. “Just saying, baby. You seem to like it.”

He loosens his grip on Jungkook’s chin, but only for Taehyung to reach his thumb against
Jungkook’s bottom lip.

“And you’re so malleable,” Taehyung whispers before he pushes his thumb between Jungkook’s

Jungkook’s eyes flutter closed then, the vibration of his groan against the tip of Taehyung’s finger.
It’s quiet save for the harsh breathes leaving Jungkook’s nose, and the slick sound growing as
Taehyung strokes Jungkook off.

He’s beautiful and Taehyung feels his skin burning hot just watching Jungkook.

“Good?” Taehyung breathes, pulling his thumb from Jungkook’s mouth. Jungkook knocks his head
back, eyes clenching closed before he swallows.


Taehyung grins, turning Jungkook’s head back so he can watch. Jungkook’s eyes are heavy with
want as Taehyung focuses on Jungkook’s face, and not the way his fingers look on Jungkook.
It’s intimate; heavy the way Jungkook holds his gaze as Taehyung works his hand over him. His
weight presses into Taehyung’s chest as his thighs spread and tense, his hips moving like he might
fuck up into Taehyung’ fist.

Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s hip so he can’t, smiling fondly at the way Jungkook’s face twists in

“Tae -”

“Hm?” Taehyung hums, glancing between Jungkook’s legs. He’s positively dripping, precome
streaming from the tip of his cock and towards the ground when Taehyung reaches down to cup a
hand over his balls. “You like watching yourself this much? Make a mess?”

Jungkook groans lowly. “Wanna come.”

Taehyung smiles at that. “Who has a foul mouth now?”

The red on Jungkook’s skin is darker than ever and embarrassment crosses Jungkook’s face as his
thighs clench together. There’s a vibration in Jungkook’s body like he’s struggling not to tremble,
and he’s so quiet.

“Shut up,” Jungkook groans in embarrassment, his voice barely louder than the sound of
Taehyung’s hand moving.

It’s difficult, feels like torture when Taehyung pulls away. Jungkook’s complaint is immediate,
half turning to Taehyung before he stops him. He presses his slick hand to Jungkook’s neck,
pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

“Watch me,” Taehyung murmurs before he sinks to his knees.

He hears Jungkook’s overwhelmed gasp as Taehyung cups over his thighs and kneads the flesh. Up
close, he can see light colored freckles scattered around Jungkook’s belly, one on his hip and below
his belly button.

“Touch me how you want,” Taehyung instructs, noticing the way Jungkook’s hands clench into
fists by his hips before he tilts his chin and flicks out his tongue.

Jungkook’s fingers are hesitant as they card through Taehyung’s hair. He doesn’t look to see if
he’s watching them in the mirror as he licks a stripe up the underside of Jungkook’s cock. He curls
his fingers around the base when he envelopes his lips around the head, flicking out his tongue to
taste the precome collected there.

“Oh,” Jungkook breathes, cupping the sides of Taehyung’s head and flexing his fingers into his
scalp as Taehyung lowers himself onto Jungkook’s cock. He takes his time, savoring the heavy
feeling on his tongue and the stretch of his lips.

Jungkook’s wider than he’s used to, pulling at his lips but Taehyung likes the way it feels when
Jungkook’s cock prods at the back of his throat.

“Oh, shit,” Jungkook grunts, accidentally gripping Taehyung’s hair too tightly as Taehyung
constricts his throat. He keeps himself there, eyes fluttering shut around a groan as he holds
Jungkook in his throat.

An apology falls from Jungkook’s lips when his hips rock forward, making Taehyung gag. It
flushes pleasure through Taehyung’s body and his own cock weeps needily beneath his briefs. He
can’t touch himself with the stupid overalls he’s regretting wearing.

Taehyung glances up at Jungkook as he pulls off to catch his breath, watching as Jungkook’s gaze
flicks from the mirror and back to Taehyung. He has his lip trapped beneath his teeth, his nostrils
flaring with each harsh breath.

When Taehyung wraps his lips around Jungkook again, he pushes his hands up Jungkook’s torso.
Feeling over the muscles and reaching towards his nipples when he swallows around Jungkook. He
doesn’t take it slow any longer, bobbing his head and curling his hand around the base to stroke his
spit over Jungkook’s shaft.

Jungkook moans are quiet, but each sound is pretty. Squeaky little gasps and moans that are higher
pitched than Taehyung anticipated.

When Jungkook snaps hips forward, Taehyung’s groan washes out every sound in the room. He
knows Jungkook is close by the staccato of his moans, the way his fingers hurt as they grip into
Taehyung’s hair, the way he can’t control his hips.

Taehyung pulls back enough to stroke Jungkook quickly, tongue lapping at the head as Jungkook’s
eyes move from the mirror and back to his. Pleasure looks good on Jungkook’s face, mouth
screwing open around fast pants that has Taehyung’s toes curling into his bedroom floor.

“I’m -” Jungkook gasps, hand tugging away from Taehyung’s hair to cover his face as his hips
buck up hard. Taehyung lets his eyes fall closed, angling Jungkook’s cock against his tongue at the
first spurt of come from the tip.

It’s one of Taehyung’s favorite things; being the reason someone crumbles apart. He likes the
moment he makes someone else orgasm. He likes the sound; the feeling, the taste of come on his
tongue. And Jungkook comes hard, body seizing and folding forward as he fills Taehyung’s mouth
until it’s leaking from the corner of his mouth.

“Holy -” Jungkook rumbles incoherently, face still covered as Taehyung slides his lips over the
throbbing head and rubs his come covered tongue against Jungkook. It’s messy, dripping onto the
ground and over Taehyung’s chin but it makes his own cock throb like he could come just from
giving head.

Jungkook’s legs tremble when Taehyung moves to press open mouth kisses to the bottom of
Jungkook’s cock. He licks at the mess he made; cleaning the come from Jungkook.

“Look at me,” Taehyung instructs quietly, whispering against Jungkook before he pulls off.

It takes a minute for Jungkook to pull his hand away, but when he does he looks overwhelmed.
Taehyung rubs at his thighs as Jungkook touches his cheeks, hand moving to touch over the come
at the corner of Taehyung’s mouth.

Taehyung’s knees feel as weak as Jungkook’s look when he stands, pulling Jungkook’s clothes up
his hips as he does. He’s quick to curl his hands around Jungkook’s arms, noticing the shyness
starting to creep back into his expression before he kisses him.

It’s hard not to rub against Jungkook and he fails, hips working in circles against Jungkook’s soft
cock as Jungkook prods his tongue into Taehyung’s mouth like he wants a taste of his own come.
He has wandering hands too, no longer hesitant in the way they slip over Taehyung’s bare skin.

“So sexy,” Taehyung breathes, cocking his head to whisper the words against Jungkook’s mouth.
“Cute baby.”
Jungkook groans quietly. “Wanna make you come too.”

Taehyung is fond as he pulls back. “What was that?”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose and doesn’t repeat himself. “Can I?”

It looks as if Jungkook might cover his face again and it’s cute. Jungkook remains still as
Taehyung pulls away, eyes stuck on him as Taehyung strips the crop top from his body.

“What do you want to do to me?” Taehyung asks as he grips the overalls hanging from his hips.
It’s a shame he hadn’t planned this more and wore pretty underwear for Jungkook.

But Jungkook still looks as amazed when Taehyung turns so his back is facing him and slowly
peels the clothes over the round of his ass. It’s similar to the position he’s in in the photograph
above his bed, one that had captured Jungkook’s attention when they walked by.

“You have to use your words,” Taehyung says as Jungkook rubs his thighs the more of Taehyung’s
body is revealed. “So I know exactly what you want.”

Jungkook swallows, eyebrows pinching together. “I can - I can suck you off too.”

Taehyung grins at that as he steps out of the overalls, bending for Jungkook. “Have you ever given
head, baby?”


Taehyung turns, hand cupping between his legs to squeeze his length. A groan pushes into his
throat but he swallows it down. “And did you like it?”

Jungkook licks his lips when Taehyung approaches. “ Taehyung. ”

With a laugh, Taehyung traces his fingers over Jungkook’s cheek. “Are you whining because you
want a cock in your mouth that bad or because you’re shy?”

The heat on Jungkook’s face is unforgiving, close to blistering. Jungkook huffs at that, but lets
Taehyung take his hands and tug him forward.

Plenty of times, Taehyung has thought of how Jungkook would look in his bed. He wants him
sprawled across his sheets when Taehyung wrecks him; but he drags himself to the small couch in
his dressing room; too eager to be touched. Jungkook seems eager too, falling down to his knees
before Taehyung is fully sat.

Jungkook nods nervously, hands spreading over Taehyung’s thighs and pushing them further open.
Taehyung rests back on his hands, letting Jungkook take his time removing the material covering
him. He pulls his the underwear completely off and Taehyung laughs quietly as he hooks a leg over
Jungkook’s shoulder and presses his heel into his back to urge him forward.

“You don’t have to.”

“Want to,” Jungkook mumbles, flicking his eyes up at Taehyung before he lowers his head.

In the back of Taehyung’s mind, he wonders if Jungkook’s more experienced than he lets on or if
he’s read other articles than just how to flirt. He folds his lips over his teeth before taking
Taehyung into his mouth, stroking his fingers around the base until his fist meets his lips. He keeps
his eyes closed like in concentration, though maybe because he’s so shy, as he tongues at
Taehyung. There’s no teasing; no hesitation, Jungkook sucks down on his cock like he wants one
thing; Taehyung to come.

Pleasure makes Taehyung’s stomach feel like it’s knotted, his body tense as he strokes his fingers
through Jungkook’s hair. Jungkook strokes him quickly when he sucks on the head of his cock,
lips rubbing over the crown.

Taehyung is thinner than Jungkook but just as long. Jungkook only takes Taehyung halfway down
his throat before he pulls back, gasping lightly and resting his cheek to Taehyung’s thigh.

“Fuck,” Taehyung grunts, thighs clenching as Jungkook mouths wetly at his balls, hiding his face
further. Taehyung strokes lightly over his cheek before cupping the back of his neck, grinding his
hips forward. “Look at me, Jeon.”

Jungkook shakes his head as he buries his face between Taehyung’s legs, his teeth scraping over
the inside of Taehyung’s thigh. As many hickies as Taehyung leaves behind, Jungkook never
leaves his own.

The feeling of his mouth bruising the inside of his thigh feels better than his mouth sucking down
his length. Taehyung moans quietly, body tensing when Jungkook’s teeth twist too roughly. His
thighs spread wider, leg slipping from Jungkook’s shoulder to fall sloppily against the couch.

“Look - look at me,” Taehyung pants quietly as he cups Jungkook’s cheek again and curls his
fingers around the base of his cock. Jungkook groans in complaint, but lifts his head to look at

He is sinful how quickly his mouth falls open when Taehyung guides his cock back to his mouth.
Even more so when his lips stretch around the width of him, eyes fluttering when Taehyung slips
over his tongue.

“Want - want me to come in your mouth?” Taehyung whispers, stroking himself quickly as
Jungkook works his mouth above his fist. “On your chest?”

Instead of responding, Jungkook grips Taehyung’s thighs and pushes himself further down
Taehyung’s cock.

He mimics Taehyung, pushing down as much as he can, taking Taehyung into his mouth until his
throat can constrict around the head. He gags lightly, tears collecting at his eyelashes but he doesn’t
pull back right away; holding Taehyung in his throat before he pulls off with a loud gasp.

It’s too much, watching Jungkook eagerly takes him back into his mouth, pulling him over the

His fingers flex into the sweaty bangs at the top of Jungkook’s head and holds Jungkook onto his
pulsing cock, hips circling up and thighs clenching around Jungkook’s head. It makes the muscles
over his belly ache the way his body seizes up, his thighs trembling from the force of his orgasm.

Jungkook gasps loudly when Taehyung pulls him back, eyes dazed as Taehyung quickly milks his
orgasm out. Come collects against Jungkook’s cheeks and it’s adorable the way he quickly flicks
his tongue out to catch it.

Taehyung’s body throbs with his orgasm, his legs trembling as Jungkook rubs over his thighs and
licks the last few drops of come from the tip. It’s speckled across Jungkook’s cheeks and chin and
Taehyung desperately wants to take a picture.
“Even prettier covered in come,” Taehyung muses, out of breath and anticipating the embarrassed
groan Jungkook lets out before he buries his face into Taehyung’s thigh again.

Taehyung waits until his nerves stop vibrating and he’s caught his breath before he pulls Jungkook
from between his legs. He kisses him softly, bending forward to catch Jungkook and kiss the
shyness away from him.

“So good,” Taehyung murmurs, tracing circles over Jungkook’s cheeks. “Wasn’t expecting you to
be so good with your mouth, baby.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I told you I’ve done stuff before.”

Taehyung grins. “I wanna see everything you know. Will have to keep those tutoring sessions
private from my father, though.”

When Jungkook whines again in complaint, Taehyung’s decided he likes that just as much as his
red skin.

Taehyung has joked that sex would make Jungkook relax, but he had been wrong. It makes him
worse than ever.

He’s tense as he lets Taehyung clean him and when they brush their teeth beside each other, his
eyes constantly flick from his own reflection to Taehyung.

The red never leaves his cheeks and he isn’t as chatty as usual. He isn’t one to go on and on either
way, but Taehyung only gets a shrug when he asks Jungkook wants to watch before bed.

“Do you want to sleep in my bed?” Taehyung asks as he watches Jungkook replace the crop top
with a shirt he had brought of his own. “There’s plenty of other bedrooms, if you’re not -”

“That’s fine,” Jungkook says before Taehyung can finish.

Taehyung grins, crossing his arms over chest. “Suddenly you’re shy?”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that but doesn’t respond as he adjusts the shirt so it’s covering the
entirety of his torso. He doesn’t look upset; just nervous and Taehyung reaches out to take his hand
and pull him close.

“Want a kiss,” Taehyung says, tilting his head as he rests against the counter and leaves room for
Jungkook to move in or pull away.

Jungkook moves in, not hesitating to press a kiss to Taehyung’s lips.

“Another one.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes but he presses another kiss to Taehyung’s lips.

“One more.”

“Tae,” Jungkook huffs out with a laugh, but he complies.

The tension fades as Taehyung makes Jungkook press kisses to his mouth, laughter spilling
between them. Taehyung takes his own kisses, pressing them to Jungkook’s cheeks before he tilts
his head and kisses at his neck.

He leaves a mark, regretting not being able to suck hickies into Jungkook’s skin earlier. Jungkook
grips his shoulders tightly, sighing out as Taehyung’s teeth dig into his throat.

“It’s important you tell me why you’re being so quiet,” Taehyung says as he pulls back and hugs
Jungkook close to him. “Did you want to stop?”

Jungkook shakes his head, closing his eyes. “Please. It’s really dumb. Can we not talk about it?”

“No,” Taehyung says instantly, but gently. He hates being serious usually; but this time it’s
important. “It isn’t dumb. It’s actually important for me to know if I did something.”

“You didn’t,” Jungkook says. He presses a quick kiss to his lips. “I promise. I want to do it again.”

Taehyung sighs as he strokes his fingers over Jungkook’s neck and feels over his rapid pulse.
Jungkook does look like he’s being honest, but he also looks embarrassed.

“Well, we can’t until you tell me,” Taehyung sighs. He wiggles his body, trying to make the
conversation less serious seeming, hoping to relax Jungkook enough into talking. “Because I’m not
going to fuck you if you look like a mope every time.”

Jungkook lets out a loud noise of complaint, pinching Taehyung. “Shut up. It’s just dumb and I’m
embarrassed saying it. But it isn’t you. It isn’t that I don’t want it.”

Taehyung sighs, looking over Jungkook’s face. “Well, tell me so I can make sure you look like
you’re living your best life instead of looking like I kicked you in the face.”

Despite their close proximity, Jungkook talks quickly and so quietly that Taehyung strains to hear
him. He moves his head as he talks, inching forward until his face is burying against Taehyung’s
chest. He finishes speaking, ending his his explanation with a strangled noise.

“I heard none of that,” Taehyung cooes, rubbing his fingers over Jungkook’s hair. The edge of his
glasses dig into Jungkook’s face, but he still doesn’t pull back.

“Hyung says I overthink too much.”

“I would agree,” Taehyung says softly.

“That’s all I’m doing now. Just overthinking.”

Taehyung presses a kiss to Jungkook’s cheek. He understands then, even if Jungkook doesn’t fully
explain in a way that Taehyung can hear.

“Stop thinking. There isn’t anything to think about. Come cuddle with me, hm? You know, if you
wake up before me, feel free to wake me up any way. You have my permission to touch my body
as much as you want.”

Jungkook pinches him again, this time a smile appearing on his lips. “I’m going to stick my foot in
your mouth.”

Taehyung pulls himself from Jungkook, who bends backwards as he starts to laugh. “Kinky. Are
you into that?”
The laughter quickly dies from Jungkook when Taehyung touches his foot over Jungkook’s. He
shakes his head just as fast. “No.”

“Don’t be shy,” Taehyung teases, ticking his head back and forth as he teases. “Baby has a foot

“Oh my god,” Jungkook huffs, shoving himself away from Taehyung and forcing open the door to
his bedroom.

Taehyung trails lazily after him, resting against the door frame as he takes in Jungkook standing at
the edge of his bed, glaring up at the photograph of Taehyung.

He swears he hears a pained, ‘oh my god’ before Jungkook’s flopping onto the bed, starfished out
with his limbs spread.

Taehyung sits at the edge of the bed, savoring the warmth spilling in from the windows and the
way it makes Jungkook seem golden.

It had taken him a while to calm down once he laid beside Taehyung and Taehyung is sure he
hadn’t slept much. He’s glad to see him sleeping now, even if he drools onto Taehyung’s favorite
pillow and snores.

He’s careful to pull himself from the bed and quiet as he moves around the room to find his phone
and slippers. There’s an array of messages given the early hour, mostly from Jimin on behalf of
Yoongi or wishing him well while he’s gone. A lot of texts worrying about meeting Yoongi and
Hoseok’s parents for the first time.

There’s plenty teasing him of his date with Jungkook and Taehyung feels like his grin is foolish as
he pads through his apartment and reads them. He had wanted the guest house because it comes
with a kitchen, but his parents claimed that if Taehyung had his own kitchen then they would never
see him.

Which is precisely why Taehyung wanted his own kitchen.


Taehyung snaps his head up at the sound of the voice. His father stands there, sitting at the head of
the table with a cup of coffee in his hand. He’s fully dressed in a suit, hair done and perfected
despite the early hour.

“What are you doing here?”

His father narrows his eyes. “It’s nice to see you too, Taehyung. I’m stopping by to make sure
things are in order before I leave. Your mother should be in Barcelona by now.”

“You’re not traveling together?”

President Kim laughs at that, a sarcastic sound. Taehyung doesn’t know when his parents stopped
being together and just married for legal purposes; but it’s annoying sometimes.
“Your mother is going for some art exhibit with your brother. It is a shame you couldn’t get your
grades up enough to go. Or to America with me.”

Taehyung scratches at his neck, glancing further into the kitchen. Butler Kang is there, making
coffee that Taehyung hopes is for him, and pretending not to listen.

“I didn’t want to go. America makes my skin greasy.”

He doesn’t mention that being alone with his father is more of a punishment than being trapped
inside of his home for a week.

His father narrows his eyes at that. “Son, I really need you to spend this week reflecting and getting
your shit together. You should be looking for internships and putting yourself into companies next
year. With this track record, even your family name won’t be able to get you into a job.”

Taehyung digs his fingers into his palms. “You know, a ‘good morning son’ would have been just
fine. It is quite early, you know? Couldn’t you wait until you get home to lecture me about my

Taehyung’s father stands up then, finger pointed at the ready but his lips press shut when
Taehyung’s name floats out from the hallway.

Shit, Taehyung grimaces at the sound of Jungkook’s voice. He really didn’t think his father would
be returning until after fall break. He didn’t think Jungkook would wake up before he returned and
start exploring the house. It can be complicated for someone who isn’t used to it. Namjoon still
gets lost when he visits.

“In here, Jeon.”

A pleased smile erupts over his father face as he realizes who else is here. Taehyung prays
Jungkook is just as modest as he usually is and breathes out in relief when Jungkook enters the
kitchen fully clothed. Only the dark hickey on his neck suggests anything; but he doubts his father
will put two and two together.

He freezes at the sight of Taehyung and his father, mouth falling open and panic rushing into his
eyes. He clamps his hand to the side of his neck, drawing even more attention to the fact that he’s
marked there.

“Pres-President Kim,” Jungkook says, bending down so low his shirt rides up his back. “I hope you
don’t mind I am here. I - we worked late and Taehyung said - Mr. Kim said it would be best I stay
the night instead of driving me home.”

His father waves a carefree hand but Jungkook still doesn’t uncover his neck. Taehyung grins. It
makes Jungkook look guilty of something other than studying. “It’s fine, Mr. Jeon. You are always
welcome in my home. Are you staying the week?”

Jungkook chokes, red rushing up to his cheeks. “What?”

Taehyung tenses when his father clasps a hand to Taehyung’s shoulder, his body rocking from the
force of it. “I think that best. Mr. Jeon is good at keeping you in check. He’s made sure you
haven’t skipped since we last spoke. Give Kang a break, he’ll die of an early age after dealing with

It’s hard not to roll his eyes at that. On the positive side, this helps Taehyung convince Jungkook to
stay. But it also makes Taehyung regret getting Jungkook here.
“I know he’s a handful, Mr. Jeon,” President Kim goes on. “Most people don’t put up with him as
long as you have.”

Jungkook finally removes his hand, fingers flexing before he curls his arms behind his back.
Taehyung doesn’t miss the way his hands turn into fists before disappearing.

Taehyung doesn’t know what to make of it.

“I enjoy my sessions with Taehyung, President Kim. He’s actually very intelligent and fun to be

Taehyung glares at Jungkook for that but Jungkook is looking at his father instead. It’s the
response Taehyung expects, his father looking amused but not being rude in front of someone that
isn’t a family member.

“I’m sure, Mr. Jeon. You’re very dedicated. Would you not prefer to return home instead of waste
your vacation babysitting a grown man?”

The red seeps from Jungkook’s neck to the start of his collarbone. For some reason Taehyung can’t
understand, Jungkook is out to please his father. He’d agree to whatever his father asked him and
it’s annoying.

“I’ll be returning home for the winter session, President Kim.”

It’s a lie; Jungkook has told him he’s taking a class for the winter session. He also is helping
Professor Ma Ri because she offered Taehyung a makeup exam.

Taehyung wonders if he can somehow sneak Jungkook to Busan while being on house arrest.

“Good. I’m about to head out. Mr. Jeon make yourself at home and if you need anything, Butler
Kang here can help. Do you drive?”

Jungkook fidgets with his fingers, glancing at Butler Kang when he approaches with two cups of
coffee in his hand. Taehyung wonders if he had peeked in on them earlier and seen them together.
He’s a glorified babysitter at most times, but he’s gotten so old sometimes he no longer attempts it.

Taehyung’s father had been right; he had given Butler Kang a run for his money. There was plenty
of things he has done that could have caused the gray hair and wrinkles making his face sag.

“Yes sir.”

“Kang, allow Mr. Jeon here to take Taehyung’s car if he needs it. But Mr. Jeon, Taehyung here
isn’t to leave the house unless it’s for school. Please do not let him convince you to take him

Jungkook’s eyes are wide when they look to Taehyung, who only shrugs. He hadn’t told Jungkook
that and he was hoping not to.

It had been true. Taehyung needs alone time sometimes, but he hates being alone most of the time.
Especially stuck in the house when he wants to get out. He thinks maybe Jungkook would have
agreed to stay with him if he had just explained that.

“I’ll take good care of him, President Kim.”

Taehyung grins behind his coffee cup as a sparkle lights in Jungkook’s eyes. He waits for his
father to leave to put his mug down and kiss Jungkook like he wants to, knowing Butler Kang
wouldn’t mention it.

Jungkook flushes when Taehyung pulls away, bambi-like eyes glancing over his shoulder at Butler

“He’s cool,” Taehyung hums, pressing a finger under Jungkook’s chin and kissing him sweetly.
“You don’t have to stay with me.”

“I will,” Jungkook says immediately, head tilting and Taehyung grins, pressing a kiss over the
bruised skin of his neck. He nibbles his teeth, savoring the way Jungkook breathes sharply through
his teeth. “I just have work.”

“Call out,” Taehyung murmurs, curling an arm around Jungkook’s waist until their chests are
pressing together.

“Your butler,” Jungkook huffs, pushing the heel of his hand against Taehyung’s shoulder.

Taehyung snorts. It’s the first time Jungkook’s truly pushed him away and he moves back without
hesitation. But it’s confusing when Jungkook huffs out heavily through his nose and tugs him back.

“Promise, he’s cool?”

Taehyung plants a kiss to Jungkook’s lip. “Promise. Don’t want Daddy Dearest to know I’m trying
to turn his favorite student bad.”

Jungkook snorts at that. “You wouldn’t be able to if you tried.”

The hesitancy and conflict from the night before is gone as Jungkook’s eyes light up with a
playfulness that Taehyung’s been craving to see.

“Is that a challenge, Jeon?”

Jungkook shrugs. “I’m stubborn. Stuck in my ways.”

“You are,” Taehyung hums, rubbing their noses together. “But I’m determined.”

The water is warmer than the cool air surrounding it, but not enough to make his skin red. His skin
reddens either way, from the way the edge of the heated pool bites into his back and the knee
pressed hard between his legs.

Water droplets slip down Taehyung’s face, his bangs stuck to his forehead. It’s overwhelming the
way he looks at Jungkook when he touches him, soft and concentrated, dark and hungry. Jungkook
closes his eyes, wishing he could cover his face but Taehyung’s grip is tight over his hands.

“Look at you,” Taehyung huffs against his jaw, leg grinding up between Jungkook’s legs so the
material of his swimming trunks rub roughly at this thighs. “You look good like this.”
Jungkook swallows the moan bubbling in his throat as Taehyung rubs his knee into his cock, the
heated water of the pool sloshing against his chest. He can feel Taehyung’s smile rub over the
crook of his neck before he bites down.

He tries not to make a sound, embarrassed by the way the echo loudly off the walls of the pool
house. The water reflects over the ceiling, the windows covering a smog that Jungkook hopes hides

Taehyung had said Butler Kang goes home at night, but he’s still nervous he might come into the
pool house and catch them.

“Tae,” Jungkook breathes, overwhelmed as pleasure washes through him. He rips his hand from
Taehyung to grip at the back of his neck.

Taehyung hums but Jungkook doesn’t respond as he hovers their lips and uses Taehyung’s neck as
support. He rolls his hips, rocking his cock over the wet slide of Taehyung’s thigh, wishing he had
enough confidence to take his trunks off. Taehyung frees his hand to grip his hip and plant the
other to Jungkook’s spine to urge him to move.

“Fuck,” Jungkook huffs, knocking their foreheads together. The friction is uncomfortable,
Jungkook would prefer slippery lube to water, but his cock twitches and throbs - much less caring
than he is about how he gets off. “Feels good.”

Taehyung’s mouth pulls back into a boxy grin that he presses against Jungkook’s mouth. He
pushes his knee up, holding Jungkook down against it as he circles his hips.

It’s frustratingly slow and unsatisfying, but Jungkook comes against Taehyung’s thigh with his
teeth clenching hard against Taehyung’s bottom lip.

“Mm,” Taehyung hums, kissing Jungkook softly before he’s sinking into the water and away from
Jungkook before Jungkook can take care of him. “Gonna need to get you new clothes. You only
brought one pair of pants and you’ll soil them at some point.”

Jungkook jumps into the water, hands stretched above his head to close the distance between them.

Taehyung is laughing when Jungkook emerges from the water, arms tight around Taehyung’s
middle to toss him into it.

The shared kiss tastes like chlorine but Jungkook lets Taehyung kiss him as long as he wants to, his
hands roaming over Taehyung’s bare torso.

There’s no finesse in the way he pushes his fingers below the band of Taehyung’s trunks, and he
frowns when Taehyung pulls away. “You wanna touch me, baby?”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose. “Not anymore.”

Taehyung giggles, splashing water at him. “Let me see your fingers.”

At this point, Jungkook is used to Taehyung’s odd requests. He offers his hands to Taehyung,
letting him inspected the pruned skin before he peppers a kiss to them.

Jungkook’s breath hitches when Taehyung presses one finger to his tongue and wiggles his

It makes Jungkook happy to see the glow in Taehyung’s eyes, though he isn’t sure when it’s gone
from always amused to always soft. He hated listening to the way President Kim spoke to
Taehyung earlier and he’s starting to wonder if Taehyung’s insecurities stem from having a father
like that.

He wants to ask, but it isn’t his place.

“Wanna go paint the town red?” Taehyung asks, tugging Jungkook through the water. “We can hit
up a club. Or a movie? Bar hop?”

“You’re not allowed,” Jungkook groans, pushing into Taehyung’s space until it’s his back hitting
the edge of the pool.

Taehyung looks surprised, eyes overwhelmed and round as Jungkook cages him against the side.
Jungkook cocks his head, kissing at Taehyung’s chin.

“Not so shy?” Taehyung asks, quirking a thick brow. “Get a little taste of dick and suddenly you’re
a whole new man.”

Jungkook groans, ripping himself away to launch himself out of the pool as the night air drowns in
Taehyung’s laughter.

It takes some fumbling and kisses before they’re dried off and stripped of their soaked trunks. It
takes even longer to get dressed in something dry as Jungkook curls his fingers between
Taehyung’s legs to return the favor.

There’s a knock at the door before Jungkook can finish but Taehyung shakes his head, head tilting
back as he covers a hand over his mouth and bucks up into Jungkook’s touch. He comes at the
sound of another knock, his chest burning red as he stains his belly white.

“Who - who is it?” Taehyung calls as Jungkook wipes his stomach off with one of the pool towels.
He giggles quietly, shoulders shrugging up to his jaw as he tosses a pair of briefs at Jungkook and
hitting him in the chest with them.

If he had known he was staying at Taehyung’s for a week instead of one night, he would have
brought more stuff. Luckily he packs two or three extra pairs of underwear even though he’s never
needed the extra. He’ll have to return home but he doesn’t even think Taehyung will allow him to
go to work.

Jiwon already called him out for the day, offering him sick pay because it wasn’t busy. But
Jungkook had seen Jinhwan bitching on twitter about it being busy and short staffed.

Surprisingly, it isn’t the usual stress on Jungkook’s mind, but the burning worry that Taehyung is
hanging out with Jiwon again to get Jungkook time off.

“It is me, Mr. Kim. I brought you the food your ordered.”

Jungkook swats at Taehyung’s chest as Taehyung pulls on his own briefs. The damp skin makes it
hard to pull his jeans over his legs. “You said he went home for the night.”

“Oops, I forgot he was coming back,” Taehyung says with a shit eating grin on his lips. He grabs
Jungkook’s pants and helps him shimmy them over his hips. “I’ll be right there! You know, if you
wore looser pants, you wouldn’t have this problem.”

“If you stopped trying to take them off of me, I wouldn’t have this problem either.”
Taehyung snorts. “See? I don’t think of it as a problem.”

Jungkook can’t look Butler Kang in the eye when they enter the house and the food waiting for
them. He looks much different around Taehyung than the President, body not as taut and his eyes
not focused on the ground.

The table is covered in take out boxes, the smell of spices and meat floating into the air. Taehyung
claps his hands happily before he takes a seat and beckons Jungkook over.

“Eat as much as you want,” Taehyung says, handing Jungkook a box of rice. There’s more food
here than he’s ever seen. Well, there’s more at the cafeteria but that’s there to feed an entire
campus of students, this is only for two. “I’m starving. Orgasms really drains you.”

Jungkook chokes, glancing at Butler Kang but he’s walked out of the room.

“Is it weird having a butler?”

Taehyung shrugs as he pushes a dumpling into his mouth, cheeks rounding as he starts to munch.
He fills a bowl in front of Jungkook as he eats, opening every box until food is spilling over the
edge and onto the table. He even shifts take out boxes closer to him, raising a brow when he shows
off the contents to Jungkook.

Jungkook feels like he’s being spoiled.

“No,” Taehyung says as he swallows. “He’s always been here. There are maids too, but I don’t see
them as often.”

“This room is bigger than my home.”

Taehyung goes still, glancing around the dining room. Maybe Jungkook’s is bigger, but not by
much. Jungkook quickly grows hot and stuffs his mouth so he doesn’t have to talk again.

It becomes too awkward and Jungkook should have expected that. What should Taehyung say to
something stupid like that?

God, Jungkook’s heart lurches in his chest.

“I know. Yoongi’s mother gave me a tour of her home once, over a video call. She wanted to show
off baby pictures.” Taehyung snorts loudly, much more at ease than Jungkook. Maybe even
unaware of Jungkook’s turmoil. “Very proud of the cactuses in her window.”

The tension in Jungkook’s chest releases, but only some. “She works really hard on them. There’s
this man that used to have a garden on the roof. I think she took some of his plants after he died.”

Taehyung cups a hand under Jungkook’s chin and a moment later, there’s a piece of meat rubbing
against his lips. Jungkook opens his mouth despite there already being food in there, flushing when
Taehyung’s eyes sparkle.

“Tell me more,” Taehyung says, pulling his hand away to put food in his own mouth.

It is hard to tell Taehyung and answer all of his questions with the food that’s constantly being
guided towards his mouth. He doesn’t tell Taehyung to stop though, attempting to talk while

“Some nights, I would sleep at Yoongi’s because it wasn’t as cramped,” Jungkook explains. “It
was just him and Eomma Min. Sometimes Hoseokie.”

Taehyung tilts his head as he listens. “I feel bad for your family. You snore so loud, I’m surprised
they slept.”

A giggle fills the room as Jungkook slaps at the hand Taehyung brings up to his mouth. “I do not

“You drooled all over my pillow. I had to change the case.”

Jungkook hides his face behind his hands. He definitely did drool. He had been mortified when he
woke up and had prayed Taehyung hadn’t seen.

Taehyung eases Jungkook’s hand away gently to kiss his cheek. “Cutie.”

It’s quick how Jungkook’s body reacts, his heart thudding in his chest. He’s been trying hard not to
show how much he’s overthinking, not wanting Taehyung to worry or think he’s doing anything
wrong. He also doesn’t want to ruin whatever it is with his thoughts and have Taehyung stop
touching him.

But, Jungkook’s always had a hard time wondering if someone is flirting because they want sex or
flirting because they genuinely like him. And as absurd as it is that Taehyung would ever crush on
someone like him, Jungkook wants him to.

It’s another stressful thought. Jungkook falls easily when someone gives him attention and he’s
never sure if he’s misreading the situation. It’s what had started the problems between him and
Cheol Su. Jungkook had been so dumb.

He feels dumb now worrying. He feels dumb that he can’t enjoy someone else’s attention without
it dragging out a box load of insecurities.

“Were they at least good to you? Your family?”

Jungkook nods, chest suddenly heavy with a longing to see his family. “Strict and my father was
gone a lot because he had a lot of debt he had to pay off. Not very affectionate, but he showed it in
his own way, I guess.”

“What did he do?”

Jungkook shrugs. “Odd jobs here and there. Whatever he could get.”

Taehyung falls back into his chair, hands coming down to lay on his lap as he swallows the last of
the food in his mouth. He watches Jungkook for a moment. “Tell me about your Eomma.”

Jungkook clears his throat, fingers tapping against the table. He’s too full to keep eating but it could
distract him from having to answer.

“She used to work on a farm, and she used to make clothes. When she moved to Busan, she got a
job as a janitor basically, for some huge company. She started to lose the feeling in her fingers and
in her toes when I was still young.”

Jungkook clears his throat, wishing Taehyung would interrupt like he normally does but he doesn’t.
He taps his fingers a few times again, understanding why Taehyung fidgets so much when he’s
“On top of her losing the ability to use her hands, she developed some problem with her immune
system. She gets sick constantly,” Jungkook explains lowly. “Sometimes, like hospitalized sick.”

Taehyung reaches across the table, taking Jungkook’s hand. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to talk
about it.”

There’s pressure in Jungkook’s throat as Taehyung squeezes his fingers.

“Hyung says I’m sensitive. Just ignore me,” Jungkook laughs shakily.

Taehyung shakes his head before he’s pushing out of his chair. A second later, Jungkook’s chair is
being moved back and there’s a heavy weight resting onto his lap.

Fingers stroke gently over Jungkook’s cheeks before lips crash over his forehead. The kisses are
placed over his eyelids and down his nose, and Jungkook squeezes his fingers around the arm of
the chair before Taehyung kisses him.

There’s no heat in the kiss; just a gentle glide of lips. Jungkook breathes heavily through his nose,
tilting his head back and letting Taehyung kiss him until the static is gone from his chest.

When Taehyung pulls back enough to see him, he’s wearing a soft smile on his lips and Jungkook
is hit with the feeling so suddenly and quickly that he feels as if his world is tilting.

He likes Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Annoying, apathetic, draining Taehyung.

Fuck, Jungkook thinks, squeezing his eyes closed and praying Taehyung can’t somehow read

Chapter End Notes

Can't wait to hear what you think!! This chapter and the next are going to show a lot of
what influences Tae and JK's thoughts // behaviors etc, and how those insecurities
conflict with the other's. Angst ahead!!

find me at twitter
& curiouscat!
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

Hi Hi! I'm writing these quite quickly, aren't I? This one is a bit shorter than the rest
but I hope you enjoy it anyway. As always, thank you so much for such nice and
overwhelmingly kind feedback! And thank you to Maya and Ines, whomst I loveth
with my entire heart.

Someone asked for an update schedule, and I don't actually have one. For most fics, I
try to post every other Tuesday but because this one I have been writing quite quickly,
my updates are a little more scattered. I like to have two chapters done, to try to
minimize the time between each chapter before I post. I do not mind if you send a
message asking when the next update will be just fyi for anyone who is curious!
Everyone has been so polite so far, so I do not mind at all ^_^

As for chapter length, I do not know the answer because it was supposed to be 8 and
somehow... is probably going to be longer. I hope you do not mind!!

Please enjoy <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungkook thinks he understands why Taehyung finds relaxation so important. He feels good, loose,
his mind a bit more free and light.

But there are plenty of things in life that are important to have and people just can’t afford them.
For some reason, this seems to be a foreign concept to Taehyung.

For some reason, Jungkook is no longer annoyed but fond of Taehyung’s expression when he

“I’m just saying,” Jungkook goes on, a bit breathless from the steam in the room and the heat
clinging to skin, making it so sweat rolls over his skin in streams. “I’m not greedy for money, Tae.
I need a good job after school to take care of my mother and make sure my brother can go to school
too. I had help taking care of her, he doesn’t because I’m here. He should still be able to go to
school even if he can’t get the scholarships for it.”

Taehyung listens quietly, turned on the bench with one knee propped and no shame in how it pulls
the towel around his waist and reveals his private parts. He keeps his head tilted against the
wooden walls of the sauna, eyes on Jungkook.

He doesn’t respond for a minute but then he stretches his fingers out like he needs them to be held.

And Jungkook reaches up and intertwines their fingers without even thinking about it. A habit he
thinks he likes a little too much.
“Why doesn’t he ask the palm tree to help him? I thought you said they were friends.”

Despite Taehyung’s avoidance of serious situations, the jokes do release the tension in Jungkook’s
chest that comes from thinking about his brother instead of annoys him.

Taehyung breaks out in a boxy grin. He too is sweating, his hair matted to his forehead and streams
of sweat pouring down his shoulders and chest. His skin is a deep red, a color Jungkook wants to
see Taehyung with more often.

“Stop, I’m being serious,” Jungkook says, tugging on his hand like he may take it back but
Taehyung tightens his grip. “Everyone on my street has a lot on their plate. Even people who want
to help, can’t.”

Taehyung softens. “I know, I’m sorry. Sometimes you get this look in your eyes that I can’t stand
and I uh, just want it to go away. I’m not very good at serious things.”

It's such a sudden shift that Jungkook wonders if he’s about to have heat stroke.

“But we should get out,” Taehyung continues before he can respond. “I’m about to die. Whoever
thinks this is enjoyable is sadistic.”

There’s still a part of Jungkook that is extremely embarrassed by showing off his bare skin, but
Taehyung doesn’t make a comment when Jungkook keeps his towel wrapped tightly around his
hips as he slips his underwear on underneath. Even when Taehyung’s eyes rake over his body and
his eyes shine with amusement and something else.

Jungkook braces himself for a comment that will make him blush, but he doesn’t expect the way
Taehyung takes his clothes and darts off in a run.

“Hey!” Jungkook calls, waddling after Taehyung to catch him but he just misses as Taehyung shuts
himself into one of the dressing rooms. The lock sounds loudly through the room. “Taehyung!”

“Guess you’ll just have to wear my clothes,” Taehyung sing songs through the door.

Jungkook sighs, waddling back to where Taehyung’s clothes lie in a heap. He stares at them like
they’re an enemy before taking them.

The shirt is a bit loose on him because of Taehyung’s broader shoulders. There’s a man with a
bright yellow ski mask on it, the words Skin Graphx written in graffiti over the top. It contrasts
with the pants, thin stretchy material covered in leopard print.

Jungkook feels ridiculous, but he doesn’t think much of it as Taehyung steps out of the dressing

Instead, he thinks about how nice it is to see Taehyung in his clothes. His sweaty skin, though
patted dry, still makes the dress shirt cling to his chest. He has it mostly unbuttoned and he’s
rolling the sleeves to his elbows.

The pants are loose, unbuttoned and hanging off his hips but Jungkook’s mouth still waters at the

“Why do you never wear underwear?”

Taehyung snorts loudly as he pulls the pants higher up his hips to button them. “Too much work.
Plus, my balls like to feel free, Jeon.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes at that. “The tightness of your pants proves that otherwise.”

The giggle Taehyung lets out has Jungkook smiling.

It’s a lot nicer with Taehyung than Jungkook ever expected.

There isn’t ever a moment that goes by that Jungkook isn’t reminded that he has a full blown, crush
on Taehyung crisis happening.

“You’ve been talking a lot of shit lately, babe. Thought you didn’t like it when I did that?”

Sometimes, Taehyung looks like a predator the way he approaches Jungkook. But he is soft when
he curls an arm around Jungkook’s neck to lead him towards the exit.

“Because you do it too much,” Jungkook explains. “Even if it’s uncomfortable, being serious is
still something you have to be sometimes.”

Taehyung’s grin falters as he starts humming, arm squeezing tighter around Jungkook’s neck so he
stroke his fingers over Jungkook’s chest.

“We balance each other out, baby. You the serious one, me the carefree fun one.”

Jungkook elbows Taehyung gently. “I’m plenty of fun. Each of us can be a little of both, you

Past the sauna and the dressing rooms is the pool. Jungkook’s overwhelmed by the life Taehyung
lives and he finds himself wishing it was something he could have grown up with.

The bitterness is no longer directed towards Taehyung, nor his parents, but just life in general.

“Fine. I’ll tell you something, but I don’t want to talk about it, got it? Just so you know I’m not all
sunshine and bubbles.”

Jungkook braces himself but let’s Taehyung take his time as he steps into the warm, pool area. The
smell of chlorine fills his nose and he thinks he hears a splash but focuses on Taehyung when he
speaks instead.

“I hate that you’re smart like you hate that I’m rich. But if I had to pay the world to take back
every time I’ve ever been called dumb, I’d do it even if it meant losing all of my money.”

It’s said softly but the pool house takes Taehyung’s voice and makes it echo across the walls. He
still somehow looks light when saying it, though his eyes flicker with a pain that Jungkook feels in
his chest.

“Tae -“

“Ah, ah,” Taehyung interrupts, bopping Jungkook’s nose. “I said I didn’t want to talk about it,
baby. And don’t act different just because I told you. Forget I said it, yeah?”

Jungkook huffs at that. He definitely wants to talk about it more. He wants to know who called
Taehyung that so he can glare at them and he wants to assure Taehyung that he isn’t dumb at all.

“I would eat nothing but crumbs the rest of my life if it meant my mother would be healthy and
happy,” Jungkook replies. “So I get it.”

Taehyung is quiet for a moment, eyes moving over Jungkook’s face like he’s searching for what to
say. He doesn’t say anything at first, but plants a soft kiss to the corner of Jungkook’s mouth.

“I hope you get that without having to starve,” Taehyung whispers. “Now, no more serious talk.
Unless it’s about sex because I’d very much like to know your limits when it comes to -“

But Taehyung doesn’t get to finish as another splash sounds through the pool house and he is
whipping around to investigate instead. His shoulders broaden as he moves, leaving Jungkook in
the hallway as he turns around the corner towards the pool.

Jungkook follows after him, stopping when he finds a man padding away from the pool, feet
slapping loudly over the tile. He has a towel over his head, drying out his hair and making it so
Jungkook can only see his body.

A very revealed body as the man is wearing nothing but a speedo. He’s very strong looking, his
thighs thicker with muscle than his own.

“What are you doing here?” Taehyung says, his voice ice cold and defensive.

The man reveals his face and a boxy grin on his lips that reminds Jungkook of Taehyung. The
amusement in his eyes is the same, but nothing else. He’s very handsome with a strong jaw and
thick eyebrows.

But Jungkook doesn’t pay his face any attention when he spots the tattoo on his shoulder, the same
one that Cheol Su and his friends have.

“Abeoji said you were going to America with Eomma.”

Oh .

The man snorts loudly. “If Appa believes that, he’s just as dumb as you.”

Jungkook grits his teeth as he plants a hand to Taehyung’s back. Nerves rattle inside of him and he
wants to say something but his mind is moving too fast.

He doesn’t know if Taehyung would be angry at him for telling off his brother and he knows
Taehyung is uncomfortable with him knowing he hates being called that.

Plus, Jungkook can barely defend himself let alone someone as tough as Taehyung.

But Jungkook feels frustrated with himself that his tongue seems to turn to lead and his mouth isn’t
opening like he wants it to.

“That doesn’t explain why you’re here,” Taehyung goes on, sounding unbothered. “Don’t you have
some executive asses to lick?”

The man laughs. He looks a few years older than them and Jungkook tries to remember how old
Taehyung said he was. If there’s a reason him and Cheol Su have the same tattoo.

“Appa said you have a babysitter. My interest was piqued,” the man says with a careless shrug.

Jungkook wants to hide behind Taehyung when the man’s eyes turn to him and Taehyung broadens
like he wants that too.

“Kim Soohyun,” the man introduces. “And you are?”

“None of your business,” Taehyung grits out, hand waving out as Jungkook goes to side step him to
introduce himself properly. “Enjoy your swim, hyung, we’re leaving.”

Soohyun clicks his teeth. “Not so fast! This doesn’t look like a babysitter. Perhaps the date you
mentioned the other day? Can you speak?”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at the condescending tone. “I’m Taehyung’s friend, Jeon Jungkook.”

“Friend,” Soohyun repeats, eyes zoning in on Jungkook’s neck. He throws the towel over his
shoulder before crossing his arms. “You’re the tutor, aren’t you? Does Appa know you’re fucking
him, Tae Tae?”

Taehyung growls at that, pressing a hand to Jungkook to guide him away. “Fuck off, hyung. Go
jack off to milf porn or whatever it is that you hets do.”

Jungkook stumbles over his feet as Taehyung pushes him out of the pool house, the sound of
Soohyun’s voice echoing behind him.

“Sorry,” Taehyung says as the cool outside air surrounds them. “He’s harmless, he just hates me.
I’m sorry he talked to you like that.”

Jungkook shifts his fingers into his shirt but Taehyung is quick to retrieve them and clasp their
hands together.

“He’s not harmless.”

Taehyung goes quiet for a minute. “They’re just words, baby.”

And Jungkook doesn’t press it, knowing Taehyung already knows how harmful words can be.

The mood shifts into something less carefree and when the sky outside turns dark and the rain
begins to fall, Jungkook wonders if the earth is in tune with Taehyung.

He’s quiet mostly, curling onto the couch with his head on Jungkook’s lap. So quiet that Jungkook
thinks he falls asleep until he laughs under his breath at the comedy they’re watching.

Even if the mood is down, Jungkook likes the softness of it all. He likes that Taehyung lets him
play with his hair and even closes his eyes at the feeling. He likes when Taehyung turns to look up
at him, a pout on his lips until Jungkook bends low and kisses him.

And he likes that Taehyung is comfortable enough to fall asleep with him.

He likes the feeling Taehyung makes him have, he just doesn’t know what to do with it.

The moment Jungkook agreed to tutoring Kim Taehyung was the moment Jungkook should have
realized his life would be flipped upside down. Taehyung is chaotic, messing up his routine and
sleep schedule. Distracting him from his work, and making him too confused as to what he should
be focused on.

He has yet to be late to work since he’s started the job last year, it’s important for him to show that
he’s a reliable employee. But when Jungkook’s head rolls back and his eyes find the clock, he jolts
up from the chair with a panic filling him that his reputation has been shattered.

“What is it?” Taehyung yelps, startled from Jungkook’s sudden movement. He stops Jungkook
from scrambling to pull his pants up, eyes alarmed.

Jungkook waves at the clock on the wall. “I - I was supposed, work at two. It’s almost three.”

Taehyung is frustrating, rolling his eyes and clamping his hands down on Jungkook’s shoulders to
keep him still and attempting to shove him back into the chair. “It’ll take you way too long to get
back to campus. You might as well call out.”

Never, has Jungkook ever done that and he isn’t trying to start now.

But since the incident with Taehyung’s brother and the quiet of the day before, Taehyung’s been
more energetic than ever. And Jungkook finds himself wanting to help with that, making it so
Taehyung doesn’t have to think about whatever it is bothering him the way Jungkook always does.

“I can’t,” Jungkook seethes. His body is pulsing from nerves and arousal, a flicker of it still inside
of him from the way Taehyung had touched him between his legs while they kissed.

Taehyung snorts, relaxed as he pads lazily to where Jungkook’s phone had been dropped. “You
should put a passcode on this. I read your thirst texts to Yoongi about me last night.”

Jungkook glares at Taehyung’s teasing grin. Those texts don’t exist, thanks.

Plenty of texts from Yoongi instructing him to use a condom and links on how to properly prep
himself are there, though. Followed by awkward messages about how Jungkook can talk to him
about sex if he ever wanted to.

He definitely needs a passcode.

Jungkook doesn’t wait to see what Taehyung is doing as he crosses the room to where he had put
his stuff while he’s at Taehyung’s. He quickly pulls off his sleep shirt, but stops when he hears
Taehyung speak.

“Jiwonie, it’s Tae.”

There’s a lightness in Taehyung’s voice that has Jungkook’s ears hot. The heat in Jungkook’s belly
isn’t arousal or embarrassment; but jealousy.

“Jungkookie isn’t feeling too good,” Taehyung lies, even adding a sigh at the end. “Up all night at
the hospital. Burning up.”

Jungkook groans, glaring at Taehyung but Taehyung avoids his eyes. He turns when Jungkook
goes to grab his phone, ducking beneath Jungkook’s arms.

“Yes! That’s what I was thinking. Food safety, you know? No one wants fries dipped in influenza.”

“Taehyung -”

Taehyung kisses him, hugging the phone to his ear. Jungkook can distantly hear Jiwon speaking,
but he’s distracted by the way Taehyung pushes his tongue into his mouth.

Taehyung hums in response to whatever Jiwon says, a soft ‘mhm’ rumbling from his throat as he
sucks down on Jungkook’s bottom lip.
“Thank you for understanding,” Taehyung says breathily as he rests their foreheads together. “I’ll
tell Jungkookie you said that.”

With a pleased smile, Taehyung hangs up and presses the phone into Jungkook’s chest. He keeps
his hand there and Jungkook wonders if he can feel how erratic his heart beat is. “See? It’s easy.”

“You lied,” Jungkook complains, but the bite leaves his lips as Taehyung steps into his space and
touches him like he had been before.

“Didn’t lie,” Taehyung hums, cocking his head as he says the words against Jungkook’s lips. “You
are burning up, baby.”

Jungkook groans softly. Taehyung is going to be the death of him. The death of his career, his
education, and himself.

“I can’t call out of work just for a BJ,” Jungkook grunts, but his body betrays him as he grinds up
into Taehyung’s touch.

Taehyung snorts, nipping at his nose. “Then I’ll give you something else.”

The breath gets stuck in Jungkook’s throat as Taehyung’s other hand slips beneath his joggers, no
hesitation in the way his fingers dip between his butt cheeks.

“Tae,” Jungkook gasps.

Taehyung is quick to pull his hands back, but Jungkook is burying his face into Taehyung’s neck to
hide the embarrassment he feels as he guides Taehyung’s hand back between his cheeks.

“You better not be calling in any favors to get me off,” Jungkook breathes shakily. “Off from work
and like, off off.”

Taehyung bites at his bottom lip, eyes on Jungkook as his fingers rub between his cheeks. It entices
a sharp gasp from Jungkook’s lips that has his cheeks burning in embarrassment.

“Are you telling me what to do, Jeon?” Taehyung responds, voice rough and betraying the fact that
he’s more affected by touching Jungkook than he lets on.

“No,” Jungkook gasps. He doesn’t know how to tell Taehyung he wants him all for himself. He
doesn’t know if he’s allowed to say anything like that at all. “Just touch me.”

Taehyung grins. “Demanding. I like it.”

It’s just one day, Jungkook thinks. As hard as he works, he can afford just one day of relaxation.

The problem with ‘just one day’ is that when it’s said, it’s with good intention, with passion, with a
denial that Taehyung is affecting him as much as he is.

One day turns out to be five. Jungkook only goes to one of his scheduled shifts at work, and barely
even touches his essay. He doesn’t even think about the essay until he’s laying in bed, too tired to
actually get up and do it.
Relaxing is exhausting.

Jiwon calls him out of work following his lie about being sick, and he seizes up with guilt when he
shows up to his shift. He’s the kind of nervous wreck that has Taehyung teasing with the intent on
calming him, but it only adds to his nervousness.

Taehyung appears half way through his shift, refusing to leave the booth despite not ordering
anything with the insistence that being alone in an empty house is worse than being alone in a busy

But Taehyung isn’t alone in a busy place as Jiwon sits across from him, offering up a free plate of
fries. If Jungkook almost breaks his fingers from punching in orders, it isn’t anyone’s business.

Jungkook isn’t surprised when Jiwon tells him he doesn’t have to stay to close.

He’s growing comfortable to it; the lazing around Taehyung’s house. The kisses, the touching, just
listening to Taehyung talk about whatever. He shows him a lot too, cool photos online he found of
different planets, claimed ufo sightings. He talks with an excitement that Jungkook hasn’t seen and
it screws his heart over worse than it already is.

Taehyung listens as well, probing Jungkook with questions of home and things he likes. He only
teases gently when they’re nerdy things; commenting on how only old people play Sudoku and if
Jungkook’s sweater vest collection was stolen from the retirement home near campus.

Soohyun has yet to return again though Jungkook braces himself for his sudden appearance. It’s
only ever Butler Kang, who tends to Jungkook too often despite Jungkook insisting he can make
his own coffee and clean his own clothes.

It’s nice. And Jungkook hates that it’s coming to an end. That soon his day will be too filled with
class, work, and track to laze around with Taehyung.

Even more so, as much as he’s looking forward to Taehyung’s confidence growing in school, he’s
dreading the day the tutoring sessions end.

“Stop moving around so much.”

Jungkook bites his tongue instead of telling Taehyung off for being hypocritical. His scalp burns
and he’s quite sure that is a bad sign. Not that he knows anything about this; but he knows the
body is designed to feel pain when something is wrong.

“If all my hair falls off -”

“You’ll still be the sexiest man on campus,” Taehyung cuts him off, a grin in his voice as he
combs the bleach to Jungkook’s ends. “It’s supposed to feel like that. Is it unbearable?”

Jungkook shakes his head, whining softly. It’s like a cool burn, tingling, but nothing too painful.

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

Taehyung presses a happy kiss to his cheek. “Next is a piercing, or a tattoo. Decide what you want,
I’ll pay.”

“I am not,” Jungkook responds immediately.

At this point, he’s sure he’d give Taehyung anything he wanted.

“Mhm,” Taehyung hums, his disbelief clear in his tone, as he pulls a plastic cap back over
Jungkook’s head. “You also said you’d never let me color your hair.”

“Because you’re the devil and have weird devil powers.”

Taehyung removes his gloves before he perches himself on Jungkook’s knees, flashing him a

“I think you should get my name.” Jungkook sucks in a breath when Taehyung drags a finger over
Jungkook’s hip. He would never get someone else’s name, but the idea still sends a whirlwind
through him. “Or maybe Baby, right here.”

It tickles when Taehyung’s finger grazes over the dark hickey still staining his neck. His eyes light
up, burning as he presses into the sore skin. “Yes. Definitely. Baby right there.”

Jungkook’s stomach swoops, just like it always does when Taehyung’s attention focuses on him.
“I’ll look like I’m in a gang. Some dangerous gang leader’s most prized possession.”

Taehyung laughs loudly and excitedly. It makes Jungkook’s heart feel too much and his brain tire
itself out.

“Not a gang leader. Mine.” Taehyung presses a kiss to his lips, cupping his hand over Jungkook’s
neck. “Everyone on campus will know you belong to big, bad Kim Taehyung.”

It’s teasing, Jungkook is pretty sure. He can’t tell. His cheeks feel hot from Taehyung’s words and
he isn’t sure if he means them the way Jungkook wants to take them. If it’s just banter, or if
Taehyung really would call Jungkook his.

“I’m shaking in my boots,” Jungkook murmurs, amusement gone as the feeling washes over him.

“No more tall boys trying to take what’s mine,” Taehyung teases under his breath, kissing
Jungkook before he can complain again about Sanha just being his brother’s friend.

By the time Jungkook is washing out his new hair, his lips are swollen from Taehyung biting them.
He considers getting a piercing on his lip before he laughs, the sound vibrating off the bathroom

“What’s so funny?” Taehyung asks where he leans against the sink counter. He’s wearing a mesh
shirt again, this one smaller on him and showing his broad chest and belly button ring. He had a
black jean jacket over it, the material ripped and torn but he discarded it somewhere else. He had
pulled out combat boots to wear, insisting that Jungkook take him out to a club.

Jungkook agreed; he couldn’t not when Taehyung reminded him that he had been good all week
and hadn’t snuck out.

Plus, Jungkook feels bad that he’s trapped inside even if the house seems like a dream to Jungkook.
He doesn’t know what Taehyung has done to be punished, and he gets angry thinking it has to do
with his grades.

Taehyung has shown tremendous improvement, even if it’s not all straight As and perfect
attendance. And really the only thing Jungkook has down is show him patience and tried to find
different techniques when the one he normally uses to explain don’t work.

It makes him wonder just what kind of tutors Taehyung had before.
“Just thinking,” Jungkook says, “about a lip piercing.”

Taehyung’s eyes light up with delight. “Oh please, please. One right here.”

He taps the middle of his bottom lip, eyes gleaming with excitement.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Jungkook murmurs in embarrassment.

“We can get one together,” Taehyung goes on like he didn’t hear him. “A proper date. I’ve always
wanted a tongue -“

“A date?”

The words slip past Jungkook’s lips before he can stop them. He burns hot immediately after
words, worsening when Taehyung freezes with his mouth half opened.

“Yeah. I’ll get you food or whatever.”

Jungkook would laugh normally, but he’s still focused on the word date .

Taehyung seems to realize this a he rolls his eyes and grins. “Not a big deal, baby. Can I dress you
again tonight?”

Rubbing a towel over his head, Jungkook hides his face behind it for a moment. He said date. He’s
said it before too.

It really isn’t a big deal. He’s sure plenty of people go on platonic dates where they kiss and suck
each other off all of the time.

Jungkook is suddenly stressed.


Taehyung grins. “Look in the mirror.”

The hair is still wet, sticking out around his head. There’s dye smudged around his hairline that
Taehyung swore he knew how to get off and a bit around the curve of his ears.

The bright red hair is alarming and Jungkook isn’t sure how he feels about it. He’s never colored
his hair before.

“Isn’t it so pretty?” Taehyung asks, tucking his chin over Jungkook’s shoulder. “Fitting.”

Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek when Taehyung curls his arms around his waist from behind
and presses their cheeks together.

Being around Taehyung feels like taking a breath for the first ever and getting choked at the same

“I’m not done.”

Jungkook groans when Taehyung swats his neck playfully and keeps him from moving. He sat
through makeup, eyes watering before Taehyung gave up on the eyeliner. He is dressed in
Taehyung’s clothes, his hair styled, he doesn’t know what else Taehyung can do.

Jungkook’s normal getting ready routine is a lot quicker. The most time is taken up by him trying
to tame his bedhead.

The outfit is nice, though Jungkook feels a bit strange in it. The shirt he wears has a collar that dips
so low, it shows off the beginning of his abdomen. Taehyung’s given him an oversized khaki
jacket, a dark green color decorated in an array of black buckles, and a pair of black, ripped jeans
that Taehyung had found buried in his closet. These aren’t as tight as the other jeans Jungkook has
tried on, but they still hug his legs. Some of the rips are high up his thighs, revealing the bulge of
muscle beneath them.

“Here,” Taehyung says, wandering back into the room with a sharpie in hand. Taehyung’s changed
too; putting on a loose striped sweater that he has tucked into a high waisted skirt. There’s a belt
tight around his small waist and his legs are covered in fishnets again.

Sometimes it’s hard for Jungkook to breathe.

Taehyung’s wrists tinkle from the bracelets decorating his arm. He has much more make up on
than Jungkook does, his eyes dark with eyeshadow and his contacts a silver that contrasts oddly
with his bright white hair.

He had tried to touch up his roots, but his normal blond hair looks more white than anything now.

Perhaps Taehyung is less of a devil and more of an angel.

Jungkook almost laughs at the thought.

“Tilt your head.”

And without asking why, Jungkook does. He remains still as Taehyung draws over his neck, the
felt point of the pen bringing a tickling sensation to his body.

“Mmm,” Taehyung hums, rubbing his lips together before smacking them. “Yes, I like this a lot.”

Jungkook glances at the mirror, his face turning as red as his hair as he takes in the words written
across his neck. Baby.

“Taehyung,” Jungkook complains, touching the word gently as not to smudge it. He likes the sight
of it more than he’ll admit. “Your handwriting is so shitty.”

Taehyung giggles, eyes focusing on the obviously fake tattoo. He bites his lip hard, eyes growing
dark before he presses a kiss to Jungkook’s lips. “I fucking love it. Come on. Let’s party.”

For once, Jungkook thinks maybe they look better together. More fitting in their dark colors and
grunge-y clothes. He tries not to think about it, about Taehyung wanting him to dress in something
other than his plaid shirts and button ups. The sweater vests he teases about but claims to love.

Jungkook feels good and he likes the way he looks like this. It just will take some getting used to.

The night air is a lot colder than he had expected but Taehyung still looks excited, closing his arms
over his chest to keep himself warm. Jungkook attempts to shrug his jacket off but Taehyung swats
it away. “We’ll be in a car, baby. It’s fine.”
Jungkook hasn’t yet had the chance to drive Taehyung’s car and it makes him nervous. He makes
it to the end of the driveway before he jumps out, offering the keys to Taehyung.

“If I crash your car, I can’t pay to fix it.”

Taehyung frowns at him for a long moment. “No one would expect you to.”

“Please just - I can’t.”

Taehyung snorts, but he climbs out of the car and takes over the driving without another word.

It doesn’t help Jungkook’s nerves.

He isn’t sure why he even feels them; he’s been relaxed over Taehyung for most of the week. He’s
gone to clubs before. Once maybe. Maybe it’s the outfit, the reveal of so much skin. Maybe it’s the
way Taehyung keeps his hand cupped over Jungkook’s thigh, driving with one hand and risking
their safety.

“You’re going to have fun,” Taehyung says, glancing away from the road to Jungkook. “I promise.
If you don’t, we can leave.”

Jungkook nods, rubbing his fingers in the rips in his jeans until he touches his skin.

“Did you tell Yoongi I was taking you out? If so, Yoongi might rush home to make sure I’m not
corrupting his baby.”

Jungkook huffs out a laugh. He did, actually. But he doubts Yoongi will rush home. “Not a baby.”

“My baby,” Taehyung hums, lips tilting up as he squeezes Jungkook’s thigh.

My baby. Jungkook might collapse into a heap if Taehyung keeps it up.

“He’s only worried about me because I don’t say no.” Jungkook nibbles on his bottom lip. “I let
people push me into doing things I don’t want to do. That’s why I got my stomach pumped that one

Taehyung sighs. “I hope you’re comfortable with telling me,” he says, and for someone who hates
being serious, he looks intense now. “I think you should let yourself do more things, but I don’t
think you should do anything you don’t want to do. Got it?”

Jungkook nods. He wishes he stopped making the situation serious all of the time. He breathes out,
blowing until his cheeks are big and round. It falls silent as they drive, nothing but the music
playing quietly from the radio.

Crowds usually make Jungkook nervous, but he doesn’t feel it with Taehyung’s hands on him. His
lips taste like alcohol but Jungkook doesn’t mind. He takes a few sips of his own, just enough to
feel warm and wash the anxiety away. He catches Taehyung stealing sips from his drink despite
having his own but Jungkook doesn’t even worry about having to be the one to drive home.

Sometimes, being with Taehyung makes him not worry as much. In the moment.
The music thrums through him and he likes it; enjoys the way Taehyung grins into the kisses as he
dances and holds onto Jungkook tight.

He even doesn’t mind the crowd; the looks their way and people seeing them together like this.


Jungkook shivers when Taehyung nibbles at his ear, hips lazily grinding in time with the music.
He’s beautiful under the neon lights; reflecting off his hair and making his skin glow. The sweater
makes him sweat, his neck coated in it but Jungkook buries his face against Taehyung’s throat

“It’s hot,” Taehyung says, pulling from Jungkook and airing a hand towards his neck. Neither one
of them dressed right; trying to fight off the outside cold air doesn’t work well for a sticky, hot

Jungkook bites on his bottom lip as Taehyung starts to pull the sweater from where it’s tucked
beneath his skirt.

“Tae -”

Taehyung waggles his eyebrows, blowing Jungkook a kiss before he lifts the sweater off.

“What are you staring at? Dance with me?” Taehyung says with a cheeky grin, grabbing the hand
Jungkook isn’t hold his drink with.

This week, Jungkook has often had Taehyung bare and intimate. Each time it overwhelms him,
makes him feel like he’s on fire, suffocating from the smoke. Now is the same, his fingers
tentatively gripping over the knobs in Taehyung’s spine. The sweater hangs in Taehyung’s hand as
he throws an arm over Jungkook’s shoulder, working his body with a purpose that has Jungkook
wishing he could strip from his own clothes.

When Taehyung touches him, Jungkook’s eyes flutter shut and he doesn’t think of the
surroundings. He doesn’t think of anything but the way Taehyung’s hand feels cupping between
his legs, and the smooth of his tongue licking over the sweat trailing from his neck.

“Oh baby,” Taehyung coos against his ear. “So shy, but would let me touch you around all these

The touch is light; teasing, a question for more and Jungkook’s always liked that Taehyung asks
before he touches him. He probably would let Taehyung do as he wants; even if he dies from

“Would you get on your hands and knees for me too? Right here in the middle of the dance floor?”

Jungkook groans, heat trailing down his spine. “I wouldn’t.”

“Baby,” Taehyung laughs. “You know how hard your dick just twitched when I said that?”

Taehyung grinds his hand down, teeth grating at Jungkook’s ear once more before he pulls away.

It sounds like it would be mocking, but Taehyung says it with such warm eyes that Jungkook can’t
be sure. He rubs a hand at the back of his neck, his palms just as sweaty as his throat. “I need the
bathroom. Wanna get us more drinks?”
Taehyung pouts his lips, tugging on Jungkook’s jacket. “You’re supposed to invite me to the
bathroom, Jeon.”

Jungkook huffs out a laugh at that. “I’m not doing sex things in a club bathroom, Taehyung.
They’re dirty.”

The amused look returns. It hasn’t been around often anymore; replaced by something softer,

“Can I fuck you in my car then?”

“No,” Jungkook says, pinching Taehyung’s chin. “You can’t drive.”

“In my bed?” Taehyung breathes, warming his hands up Jungkook’s chest until his fingers are
dipping into the collar.

Jungkook’s breath hitches when Taehyung stretches the material to touch his nipples.

“Just want to fuck you,” Taehyung hums, licking at his smile. “You can pick the place.”

It’s much too hot and stuffy in the club. Without responding, Jungkook presses a kiss to
Taehyung’s lips and tries not to hightail it through the crowd so he can splash cold water on his

The idea of being with Taehyung like that has his body tingling, and not just from nerves.

It’s intimate; more so than handjobs and blowjobs. He knows in the grand scheme of things it’s all
the same and not a big deal, but it feels that way.

And Jungkook wants that with Taehyung. Wants more than just his fingers, but to feel Taehyung
inside of him. Even if the act makes Jungkook want to hide his face, he already feels a throb
between his legs at the mere thought of it.

The cold water doesn’t help any. Jungkook stares at his red face in the mirror, the sweat collecting
at his forehead and the fake tattoo on his neck, undisturbed by his damp skin.

It makes his belly swoop. He’d never get a tattoo, especially not one so visible, but being
Taehyung’s -

Jungkook rips his eyes from his reflection before the anxiety can attack his chest. He soaks his
hands in the cool water, teasing it over his forearms until he feels more at bay. He’s thankful he left
the coat in the car, though he’s dreading leaving the club and being attacked by the cold.

The crowd isn’t as cozy when Jungkook’s alone. He shifts through it quickly, apologizing to those
he bumps into though they don’t notice him.

It makes sense that no one notices him and he likes it. Likes less attention on him, likes when he
can blend into the background.

The only time he doesn’t mind is during track. He’s too focused on running that it doesn’t phase
him, but so often Jungkook is brought up to the front of the class to demonstrate or explain and it
makes him want to drop out of school.

Jungkook doesn’t like that Taehyung doesn’t notice him, even if he doesn’t make a move to show
himself more. He wonders how Taehyung even noticed him before the tutoring, remembered who
he was. But Jungkook really shouldn’t have expected someone like Taehyung to notice him.

Even now, when they’re friends or whatever.

He’s beautiful, sweaty white hair clinging to his forehead. Body arched backwards as his pretty
mouth falls open around a laugh. He’s being pulled back a second later as someone tugs a white
shirt over his head.

Jungkook feels unsettled by the sudden sight of Jiwon. It should be because that’s his manager and
he’s been the worst employee this week, but he knows that isn’t the reason.

Jiwon smiles big, bunny teeth popping out, as he secures the shirt over Taehyung, who is
attempting to push him off but failing. Jiwon’s own bare torso tells Jungkook where the shirt came
from and he turns on his heel, pushing back through the crowd.

The heat is overbearingly uncomfortable now, so much so. Jungkook is less polite as he pushes
through the thick of it, irritated by the lack of space.

So irritated, that despite being a pacifist, his fingers clench into a fist when a hand grips hard onto
his elbow.

His fist hovers in front of him as he takes in the sight of Cheol Su. He wears a dopey grin, the
amusement in his eyes reminding him of how Taehyung used to look at him.

But different, colder. Compared to Cheol Su, Taehyung’s always amused look is more teasing and
less malicious.

He wears a shirt that’s been cut jaggedly at the sleeves, showing off the ink on his shoulder.
Everyone he runs with has them; a self proclaimed bike gang. At least, that’s what Yoongi calls it.

Jungkook hadn’t spent a lot of time with Cheol Su’s friends. Cheol Su always preferred it be just
the two of them, but when he did - he always stood out.

He stopped wearing suspenders from how often Cheol Su would tease and snap them against his

Jungkook feels like an idiot for falling for him whenever he looks back on it.

“Kookie,” Cheol Su greets, the slight slur in his voice telling him that he’s drank a lot more than
Jungkook has. He isn’t even tipsy and if he were, the way his heart attacks his sternum would
sober him up. “What’re you doing here?”

“I’m leaving,” Jungkook says, twisting his arm until Cheol Su loosens his grip. He can’t be
touched right now by anyone, but especially him.

“Ah, you can’t leave yet!” Cheol Su exclaims, ignoring Jungkook’s discomfort and circling his
arm around Jungkook’s shoulders instead. “We have some catching up to do! Let me buy you a

Jungkook’s heart thumps so loudly he’s sure Cheol Su can feel it. He feels stuck. He doesn’t even
know where he was going since he can’t leave Taehyung here alone. He can’t leave as Cheol Su
starts to pull him towards the bar, deciding for him.

Taehyung perches himself at the bar, his body throbbing with heat and energy. It’s a club he comes
to sometimes, not often enough, and one that fits the dark, grunge aesthetic Taehyung was going

Jungkook looks so good in it, Taehyung’s been hard since they left the house.

“Who’s the new man?” the bartender asks, slipping Taehyung’s drink to him. Jungkook is terrified
of driving his car but he’s going to have to. Taehyung is out to get shit faced. His mind has been
too busy lately and he needs a break from it.

Even if getting drunk around Jungkook is dangerous business because Taehyung has loose lips and
he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from confessing to Jungkook.

He’s already told him too much. Not just telling him how much he hates being called dumb, but
Jungkook also witnessed it with his own eyes.

Fucking Soohyun. Dressed up in his fine clothes, neat hair and fake ass polite grin, while hiding
the scars and tattoos that would reveal his party life beneath them.

Normally, Taehyung wouldn’t judge someone for turning their life around. But he knows his
brother still dabbles in shit that would make their mother faint, and he’s such a hypocritical,
judgmental asshole anyway.

Taehyung feels himself getting worked up thinking about it and he rolls his eyes hard until the
thoughts go away.

“Is that any of your business?” Taehyung asks, flashing a smile to the bartender. He’s actually very
friendly, pretty in a way that seems delicate and causes a lot of harassment, but also large tips from
customers. But he had teased him for wearing Jiwon’s shirt, even if Jiwon’s intentions were only to
keep him covered because the crowd around isn’t always the best.

Taehyung doesn’t really give a shit. Most of the people here either admire Yoongi or keep their
tails tucked between their legs when he walks by. And everyone here knows Taehyung runs with
Yoongi’s crew.

The bartender snorts. “Cheol’s here, was asking about him. You know Cheol and his fake bike
gang think they run the streets of Seoul, know everyone and everything. See a new comer and
come sniffing.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. He still doesn’t know what Cheol Su did to Jungkook but he feels a
bitterness towards him knowing he did anything. And it only grows worse knowing he’s poking
into Taehyung’s business in regards to Jungkook.

“He’s one of ours, that’s all anyone needs to know,” Taehyung answers, fluttering his eyes towards
the bartender. “You know Min Yoongi, Eunwoo-ssi?”

The bartender waves a rag over his shoulder, crossing his arms. “I sure do. Big fan. I heard he
fucked up Cheol hard. Caused a rift here for awhile.”

Taehyung downs half of his glass before handing it over to Eunwoo to refill it. “Remind Cheol of
that if he asks again, got it?”

Taehyung hates when his happy mood is ruined, and he’s suddenly annoyed. The mention of Cheol
Su might ruin Jungkook’s mood too, he isn’t sure. He’s been in the bathroom for awhile. It had
seemed to take awhile to ward Jiwon away before Jungkook could see and he has no idea how long
he had been at the bar waiting for his drinks.

The sight of his boss that he’s been lying to about being sick could rattle Jungkook. Taehyung
smiles, thinking of how flustered Jungkook could be if he had saw him.

The smile doesn’t last long as he worries his comment was too much, making Jungkook want to
hide like he does when he’s overwhelmed. He can’t tell sometimes.

But he wants Jungkook to know how badly he wants him even if he can’t put the truth of it into
words. He wants to feel Jungkook around him with their chests pressed together, wants to take
Jungkook apart in the worst way.

Taehyung only makes it halfway through the crowd when a hand grabs him, stalling him. He’s a
second away from throwing a punch, not in the mood to deal with someone who thinks they can
touch him as they please, but halts when he sees Hoseok.

It’s surprising that Taehyung hadn’t noticed him. He’s wearing a neon yellow shirt with a matching
neon pink hat tugged backwards over his head, causing his ears to fold over.

“What are you doing here?” Taehyung yells over the music.

“Yoongi wanted to surprise Koo,” Hoseok explains and Taehyung snorts so loudly it hurts. “But
Jimin said we shouldn’t cock block. So we’re here. Don’t tell me you brought Kook to this club,

Taehyung knew Jimin was his best friend for a reason. “Why shouldn’t I?”

Hoseok waves a hand aimlessly. “Not his scene. And he hates crowds like this. They don’t know
him here, Tae. Even if someone made him the slightest bit uncomfortable it would cause a problem
with Yoongi, you know that.”

Guilt washes through Taehyung. He is still trying to find out the right balance of being playful and
not pushing Jungkook too much.

He had told him he doesn’t like to say no to people and Taehyung’s trusted that Jungkook doesn’t
seem to have a problem with saying no to him.

And Taehyung has always had trouble assessing a situation before stepping into it, but Jungkook’s
helped him become better at it.

He’s trying, and he feels frustrated that he still is messing up.

“And you really shouldn’t have left him alone,” Hoseok goes on, though he is soft as he ruffles
Taehyung’s hair.

Taehyung doesn’t explain that sometimes Jungkook seems to need a moment to catch his breath,
and he’s always trying to be aware of when those moments are.
“He’s in the bathroom,” Taehyung says.

After pushing through the crowd, Taehyung finds that Jungkook is not in the bathroom. It is as
dirty as Jungkook thought it to be; but Taehyung still spots a pair of knees pressed to the ground
and between two ratty sneakers in one of the stalls.

“Gotta find him,” Taehyung says as he steps out of the bathroom where Hoseok is. “Cheol Su is

It’s frightening how quickly Hoseok’s face changes. It’s always bright except when Yoongi’s
fighting or Cheol Su is mentioned. And Hoseok is sunshine; the friendliest person Taehyung

It means Cheol Su really fucked up.

“Is anyone ever going to tell me what he did?”

If anyone is loose lipped, it’s Hoseok. He’s infamous for spreading gossip around campus which is
why it’s surprising that Taehyung doesn’t know this.

Hoseok glances at him as they round the side of the crowd. “Total tool bag. Played Kook like a
puppet, you know? We were at this party, Jungkook just started here, when he met Cheol. You
don’t remember?”

Taehyung shakes his head, frowning when Hoseok frowns at him first.

“You were fucking wasted man, drunk or high I don’t know, but I’m not surprised you don’t
remember. You told Yoons that you thought someone put something in Kook’s drink. Yoongi
nearly tore the party down, ripped the cup from Kook and dumped it onto the floor.

“Kook hadn’t drank anything and Cheol swore he didn’t, but Yoongi was suspicious after that.
Warned Kook to stay away from him. He didn’t, fell for him hard. Like, doodling his name in the
margins of his notebook kind of hard.”

Taehyung’s stomach drops. He doesn’t remember that at all. He doesn’t ever remember even
seeing Jungkook at a party before.

It’s hard to believe Jungkook has gone to a party before, without Taehyung pushing him to go.

It’s hard to believe Jungkook would fall for someone like Cheol Su. One of the reasons Taehyung
won’t admit that he likes Jungkook is because Taehyung was sure Jungkook’s type was someone
as on top of their shit as him.

“I don’t know exactly what happened but one night, Kook came over, upset because Cheol got mad
at him,” Hoseok goes on over the music, gripping hard onto Taehyung’s shoulder to shout into his
ear as they walk. “Something about how Kook didn’t want to fuck around at the time or didn’t
want to have sex and Cheol was yelling at him for being a fucking tease and making him feel guilty
for stopping.”

It isn’t just his bad mood or how the whole night since they’ve left the house feels like shit. This is
different; consuming.

Rage makes the alcohol in Taehyung’s stomach churn.

“Next thing we know, Cheol Su is at the Club talking shit. Bad mouthing Kook and calling him
names. Tellin’ too many people things that weren’t true, about how his whole stupid little biker
gang had a turn. Yoongi lost it.”

Taehyung feels like he might. He walks faster, pulling away when Hoseok grabs his arm to stop
him. He isn’t even looking for Jungkook any longer, but Cheol Su.

The rage inside of him only grows when he finds the two of them together.

Taehyung barely looks at Jungkook, only glancing at the way he shrinks in on himself before he
shoves his body between them. They aren’t too close, but close enough, Cheol Su hovering over
Jungkook where he presses himself into the edge of the bar, probably there looking for Taehyung.

Guilt makes his rage come out angrier. Hoseok is right; he shouldn’t have left Jungkook alone
here. He doesn’t look like he fits even in the clothing, and some people see someone they think to
be weak and hone in on them.

“What’s up Cheolie,” Taehyung says, reaching behind him to grab Jungkook’s hip and assure him
he is okay. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

Cheol Su grins. He knows what he’s doing; pissing off Taehyung and he looks proud of it. “We’re
just talking, man.”

Jungkook knots a hand beneath the shirt Taehyung wears, fingers knotting together against his
spine so that Taehyung can feel the way he trembles.

“Go talk to someone else then,” Taehyung says, patting Cheol Su on the chest. The stupid fake
fraternity tattoo is revealed on his shoulder and he wonders if Jungkook noticed Soohyun had the
same. Both of them pretentious assholes in different ways. “Or better yet, go hop on that little bike
of yours and fuck off.”

Cheol Su grits his teeth, fingers flexing over the bottle of soju he holds but the look quickly
disappears. “Calm down, now. Can’t have a conversation? I won’t keep him long. You and Min’s
posse can return to passing him around -”

Taehyung’s arm is hooking back before he even thinks of throwing a punch.

The volume of the music drowns out the crack but Taehyung feels the pain in his knuckles and
shooting up his arm. He ignores it, fights off the arms wrapping around his waist to hold him back,
mentally cursing Jungkook’s strength.

There’s commotion in seconds, people from the bar forcing themselves between, some cheering.
Cheol Su’s fist barely makes contact with Taehyung’s jaw before Hoseok’s hand is coming down
to punch it away.

It only lasts a second, but it feels like a million years before Eunwoo is shoving himself between
the two of them, one hand pressed to Taehyung’s chest and the other Cheol Su’s. Taehyung’s
tongue throbs from biting it, the metallic taste quickly coating his taste buds.

“Get the fuck out,” Eunwoo yells, turning his harsh words to Cheol Su.

Yoongi and Jimin appear through the crowd growing around them, their eyes wide in alarm but
Yoongi’s quickly turn to daggers as they land onto Cheol Su.

Cheol Su lifts his hands in peace, eyes nothing but acid and poison when they look to Taehyung.
The embrace around Taehyung tightens, and he fights against it when Cheol Su spits in his
direction. Jimin’s there with a hand against his chest, eyes filled with warning.

Since they were little, Jimin’s been the rational mind of the two of them. Always down for
adventure and risks, but he was the one to stop it from going too far. When he could.

Taehyung didn’t get into a lot of fights in school, but enough that people would learn to leave him
the fuck alone. Him and his brother used to fight all the time when they were younger, but Soohyun
is big and strong and wasn’t afraid to use that strength against him.

Jimin’s kicked his ass plenty of times though.

“Don’t,” Jimin says, eyes softening as he wipes at the blood collecting around the corner of
Taehyung’s mouth.

“I’ll have Min force you out,” Eunwoo goes on, nodding his head towards where Yoongi
approaches. If it weren’t for his eyes, he’d look relaxed with his slumped shoulders and the way he
fiddles with the cigarette behind his ear.

Taehyung knows that look means he’s thinking about lighting it and stubbing it into Cheol Su’s

“He’ll break your legs, you’ll need the help.”

Cheol Su spits again, shoving Eunwoo’s hand roughly before he turns on his heel to flee.

Yoongi is shoving Taehyung off of Jungkook a second later. It adds to Taehyung’s irritation but he
bites back his words because it’s Yoongi.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Jungkook insists, chest puffing out as he dodges Yoongi’s touch. “He really
was just saying hello, I promise.”

“Would you kiss on it?” Taehyung snaps, tone coming out harsher than intended and he doesn’t
realize it until Jungkook’s eyes grow wide. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that. Seeing him
near you really pissed me off.”

Jungkook huffs out, nostrils flaring out as he swats Yoongi’s hand away from his face. Yoongi
falters when Jungkook even presses a hand to his chest to shove him back.

“You told him?” Jungkook snaps at Yoongi. A sharp breath leaves his lips as his fist comes up to
press over his heart and fall limply to his side. “I made it clear that I didn’t want anyone to know.”

“Baby,” Taehyung starts, reaching out but he stops when Jungkook turns those narrowed eyes onto

“It isn’t any of your business what happened! I know you probably wanted to know for a good
laugh, but it wasn’t any of your business!”

The sudden shift in the air is startling, the tension from Jungkook swallowing Taehyung whole. He
can make out Hoseok cussing quietly before he’s pressing a napkin to Taehyung’s mouth, ignoring
the way Taehyung tries to shove him off.

“The three of you treat me like a baby all the time and I’m not,” Jungkook goes on, growing
flustered and concern roots itself into Taehyung as his eyes turn glassy. He doesn’t seem to be
aware of the crowd still around him. “I can handle things, you know? I can - handle them.”
He’s not handling them. His hands are shaking, held out like he wants to prevent anyone from
coming near. His breath comes out sharp, quick, and the moment his voice cracks Taehyung is
pushing forward.

It is important for Taehyung to learn when Jungkook needs space, but concern fills him so quickly
he needs to calm him.

He’s stopped by a hand pressing into his chest, smacking harder than he thinks Jungkook intended.

“If you think I would laugh at something like that -“

“You laugh at everything!”

It goes quiet as Jungkook looks to Taehyung in his eyes, showing him the panic and anger in them
before he’s darting away from them.

Jimin grips onto Taehyung before he can follow after, and Taehyung considers shoving his hand
off as he watches Yoongi and Hoseok push through the crowd after him.

The hold Jimin has on Taehyung doesn’t last long, but when Taehyung finally pulls free and
pushes through the crowd, he can’t find them anywhere.

He heads for outside on a hunch Jungkook needed the cool air. He’s noticed how often Jungkook
runs his hands under cold water at home, rubbing it up his arms and patting his red neck.

You laugh at everything!

Hasn’t Jungkook noticed that he has made changes? Has he forgotten that Taehyung hates serious
things and can’t handle them?

“He’s fine, Tae. One time he snapped at Hoseok and hid out at my apartment for two days because
he was embarrassed,” Jimin tries to tell him but Taehyung isn’t listening.

“Taehyung -“

Taehyung whirls around, breathing heavily. “Do you know what Cheol Su did?” he asks, waiting
for Jimin to nod. “Well, what if he’s angry because he thinks that’s what I’m doing? What if I
pushed too far when I didn’t mean to?”

Jimin softens, and Taehyung knows Jimin well enough to know it isn’t pity in his eyes, but his
mind is already working overtime.

“I’m sure you didn’t.”

Taehyung sniffles, turning back on his heel to keep searching.

When they don’t find the three in the club and find Yoongi’s car gone, they hop into Jimin’s and
head to Jungkook’s apartment.

It’s quiet, leaving Taehyung to the thoughts he’s usually able to shut off.
There’s an unsettling feeling in Taehyung’s chest. He doesn’t understand what made Jungkook so
upset, so upset that he directed it at them. Protecting him from a dickhead isn’t babying him.
Taehyung would protect anyone he cares about, even those who can protect themselves just fine.

And Taehyung knows how it feels. There’s been times when he felt Jungkook was shaming him
when he wasn’t. It’s easy to understand if Jungkook thinks Taehyung’s teasing and flirting is the
same as the pressure Cheol Su placed on him.

He understands why now Jungkook was so worked up the one time he pushed Taehyung away. He
was expecting Taehyung to be angry.

It makes him sick.

Taehyung sighs. He’s never nervous, rarely anxious, but the sight of Jungkook and Yoongi’s
apartment has his insides rattling with the unfamiliar feeling.

If his thoughts are true and he did do something to cause Jungkook to storm off, he should give
him space but he ignores that and heads right for Jungkook’s room the moment Hoseok opens the
door. He’s always been the selfish type and he selfishly needs to see Jungkook, to see if he’s

Apart of him needs to explain even though he knows he will choke up in his attempts to. Taehyung
doesn’t confront problems, but Jungkook needs to see he would for him, even if it takes him

Taehyung never needs anything from anyone, doesn’t ever let himself get too close because he
can’t deal with the feeling of someone giving up on him. He needs from Jungkook; needs that
confirmation that he isn’t so frustrated with him that he’ll be done with him too.

The door is cracked enough that he can make out Yoongi’s dark red hair. Jungkook’s voice filters
out, quiet and choked.

“No, something is definitely wrong with me if my best friend can’t even tell me he’s in love.”

Taehyung stills. This isn’t a conversation for him.

“Jungkook, that isnt -“

But Jungkook doesn’t let Yoongi finish. “No, clearly there is. It’s not just that. I can’t even enjoy
myself with Taehyung because it stresses me out. That shouldn’t stress me out. People fuck around
with people all the time, it doesn’t mean anything. Yet I’m stressed because I’ve hated him since I
met him -“

Taehyung is half pulling away when he stops, heart hammering from Jungkook’s words. He
knocks hard on the door, announcing himself before he enters. Jungkook stops pacing around the
bed where Yoongi sits, eyes blowing wide at the sight of Taehyung.

“Just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Taehyung grits out.

One thing that Taehyung has always excelled at is not letting himself feel pain. Or thinking that
he’s able to protect himself from it. The moment the pressure hits his chest, he’ll close off.

He’s been struggling since the club, but the moment he hears the word hate, he closes down as
easily as he used to.
“If you hated me that much, you should have told me,” Taehyung snaps. “Though, I don’t know
what the hell that has to do with anything that happened tonight.”

Jungkook opens his lips to speak but it’s Yoongi that does, standing up from the bed abruptly,

“Tae -“

“Got it,” Taehyung interrupts, holding his hands up like a white flag. He doesn’t know why he left
himself get so stressed and worried in the first place. “Don’t worry.”

Someone calls after him as he walks off, but he ignores it. He spots his keys thrown on the table by
the door and he snatches them, dodging Jimin and Hoseok to push through the door

“Fuck it,” Taehyung grumbles as he presses his car keys into his palm hard enough it hurts.


When I heard Taehyung going on about his new toy, I didn’t expect him to be talking about you -

Him and I could have traded stories -

Jungkook stares up at the ceiling, wishing he could turn his brain off. His friends are right,
Jungkook can’t handle anything.

Just the sight of Cheol Su made his emotions go haywire; the nerves, panic, fear. The anger that
spurted out of him wasn’t towards Taehyung or his friends, but once he started spewing he couldn’t

That's how his brain works; one bad thought comes in and then they just don’t stop.

There’s nothing that tells him he can trust Cheol Su’s words, but they make his chest ache anyway.
They worsen the thoughts in his head, making them twist around like poisonous snakes until he’s
convinced himself every thought is true.

“You’re going to be late,” Yoongi calls from outside his door. Up earlier than normal to check on
him because all Jungkook does is stress people out.

The clock ticks beside him. Jungkook doesn’t care for once. He wants to skip out in his tutoring
session. It feels like torture just getting himself out of bed to head there.

He’s dreading how awkward it will be. Taehyung always speaks his mind. And if he doesn’t, the
silence between them will be conversation enough.

The worst part is he knew Taehyung heard him, heard him say how he used to hate him.

Which - wasn’t really hate. Annoyance maybe. But Jungkook stopped feeling that way a long time
ago. Not that he can tell Taehyung. He’s learned from his mistakes, admitting he has feeling for
someone that only wants sex leaves his heart shattered.

When Jungkook tried to ask Cheol Su when they could become official, he should have known. He
had been a wreck of nerves with Cheol Su’s hands down his pants, and he had been ignored with
kisses to quiet him.

But he ignored it, didn’t think about how wrong it was until Cheol Su was yelling at him for
leading him on.

Has he ignored those same signs with Taehyung? He doesn’t think so. Taehyung is so different
than Cheol Su, but at the time - he would have had said the same thing about Cheol Su.

But Taehyung never said he wanted more the way Cheol Su had. This time around, it’s more on

Seeing the way Taehyung’s eyes were void of that amusement and softness has been haunting him.

It takes some time but Jungkook finally pulls himself from bed and shrugs on something decent to
wear. He avoids the mirror as much as he avoids Yoongi, ignoring the marks left behind by
Taehyung and the smudge of Baby still staining his skin.

He grabs the bag of Taehyung’s clothes to return to them before heading out.

The air is cold and Jungkook hates the busy campus. The last week he’s been mostly to himself,
just with Taehyung and the crowd makes him want to shrink in on himself.

His gut twists with dread when he enters the tutoring hall and finds the couch empty. The room
isn’t though, Hoseok waiting by the receptionists desk despite never being here this early.

It makes the dread worse.

“I’m fine,” Jungkook says, waving Hoseok off when he approaches.

He doesn’t feel fine and he knows Hoseok knows that. He wants to feel fine, but when Jungkook
enters the same room him and Taehyung always study in, he doesn’t think he’s going to be.

On top of the table is the backpack Jungkook had left behind at Taehyung’s house, his laptop
beside it, and Taehyung no where to be found.

Chapter End Notes

heh remember when i said light angst ,, yeh

Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

There's a warning for a panic attack in this chapter. Please read end notes first if you'd
like to see when it begins and ends so you can avoid it. If you do wish to avoid it and
not miss anything important, message me and I'll be more than happy to tell you
whatever! Also drugs/alcohol as a coping mechanism and there are no eating disorders
in this fic, but I think the conversation had is enough to place a warning first. Or at
least just in case.

Also, the mention of child abuse tag is in this chapter. It occurs during Taehyung's

For reactions previews & update information please see > #chemfic on twit <3

I also forgot to mention it last chapter, but I have a moodboard and a few outfit inspos
on a thread, that you can find here. Outfit inspos that I will update here and there.

Here's your angst, Enjoy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Even when Jungkook is not running late, only having a small period of time between class and
work makes him anxious enough that his body moves fast anyway. It’s worse when he has to sit
still, when he has no choice other than to just wait .

Jungkook hates lines for that reason. The one he is standing in now is quite long, stretching across
the entirety of the Admissions building though it feels as if it stretches across the entirety of the
country. Impatience makes him fidget, fingers working tirelessly over each other. It doesn’t help
that a be quiet rule has apparently been adopted and there’s only the soft murmurings of the other
students floating through the room, leaving him nothing to be distracted by.

He’s usually allergic to waiting last minute, both with homework and paying bills. But he’s been
doing a lot of things that are un-Jungkook like lately. Past Jungkook would have laughed at the
idea of forgetting his tuition payment, because that was the only thing Past Jungkook ever thought
about it.

Jungkook huffs out a breath, wishing Past Jungkook’s mind would come back. Past Jungkook had
his shit together, didn’t allow pretty boys with annoyingly cute smiles distract him from what’s

When the line doesn’t move for what feels like an hour, Jungkook huffs in irritation and peeks
around the people in front of him to find out what the hold up is. Whoever is at the receptionist
desk seems to be having trouble and of course he is, because it’s Jungkook’s luck.

Jungkook squints through his glasses, taking in the pale green colored hair and the way the man’s
body bends as he leans an elbow on the counter, body twisting like he may be flirting with the
student behind the window.
It only takes Jungkook a second to realize who he is looking at before his heart starts to take off in
a race. His hair is shorter, no longer covering the length of his neck, and now the color of mint
chocolate ice cream. Before, he’d always wore the nicest of clothes to class. Now, he’s in a shirt
that is much too large on him, fitted over slacks that seem just as big.

But Taehyung being Taehyung, he has the shirt tucked in the back, showing off the swell of his

Jungkook feels his palms sweating as he drops his gaze to his feet. The ache in his chest is
astounding, making his frustration with being stuck in line grow so rapidly it feels like he might
run out and risk the late payment.

But Taehyung doesn’t hold up the line for too much time after that. He draws a heart against the
glass with a finger before he saunters from the counter, wiggling his fingers towards the
receptionist. Completely unbothered and unaware of Jungkook hiding behind the tall football
player in front of him.

As much as Jungkook hates going unnoticed by Taehyung, it allows him to watch Taehyung as
much as he can until he disappears around a corner.

Jungkook misses him. And it hurts even more knowing it’s his own fault he hasn’t been around.
Again. Because Jungkook always does that and then regrets it.

It’s only been about three weeks since Taehyung has stopped showing up to their tutoring sessions.
Jungkook no longer has his hopes up that he will appear, but he still goes there every other
morning just in case. He hasn’t grown the courage to tell the President about it yet, but since the
President hasn’t reached out, he’s figured Taehyung told him.

Sitting alone in the tutoring room is the only time Jungkook allows himself to think about
anything. He’s begged for more shifts to make up for the ones he’s missed during vacation, making
it so he’s too distracted to think about anything and is too tired when he comes home at night.

He uses that as an excuse to not talk to Yoongi, who still waits up every night and sits on the couch
to do just that.

They haven’t. It’s Jungkook’s fault and eventually, Jungkook stopped going home so he could
avoid Yoongi’s worried eyes.

After Taehyung leaves the line, it moves more steadily. It seems like no time before Jungkook is
approaching the receptionist, paperwork and payment in hand.

“Jeon Jungkook,” Jungkook says before rattling off his student id number. “I have a tuition

The receptionist taps away, never making eye contact. He’s attractive enough, curls falling over his
forehead and horn rimmed glasses perched on his nose. There’s ink scrawled up his arms and holes
in his ear lobes that Jungkook could stick his finger through without problem.

He wonders if Taehyung was flirting with him. He fits Taehyung’s type more than Jungkook did.

Jungkook wonders if that’s why Taehyung always wanted to dress him up, so they could fit better.

“Mr. Jeon,” the receptionist says, finally glancing up at him, “it says here that your payment for
November and December were already paid.”
Jungkook freezes, fingers tightening around the card. No. He never turned on automatic payments
and he had just checked his account over four times while in line to make sure he actually has the
right amount in there.

“That can’t be right. I - I haven’t paid them yet.”

The receptionist snorts, amusement in his eyes. “I think that’s called a blessing, man. Someone else
must have paid it but you look panicked.”

Jungkook feels panicked. Where did the money come from? Did he pay it and forget? He’s been
doing such un-Jungkook things lately, it wouldn’t be surprising if he can’t remember them all.

“Who paid it?” Jungkook asks, wishing there wasn’t a window between them so he could stick his
head in and peek at it himself.

The receptionist squints his eyes as he reads despite wearing glasses, which are fake upon further
inspection. “A card ending in 1230 is all I can tell you. There’s no other information.”

Jungkook frowns at that. Normal people would be thrilled, relieved. He can pay extra towards his
tuition, something he’s never been able to do before. Or actually buy food, or pay Yoongi back for
the back rent he’s owed him even though Yoongi’s promised him it’s fine.

But Jungkook knows he won’t touch a cent of it, too worried that this is all a joke.

There’s limited time before he has to work now that he had to wait in line, but Jungkook trucks
across campus and to his apartment in a hurry anyway. His worry trumps his fear of talking to
Yoongi, giving him the courage to push through the front door of his apartment and face him.

He isn’t alone but Jungkook only waves a quick hello to Hoseok on the armchair before turning
onto Yoongi.

“Kook -”

“Did you pay my tuition?” Jungkook demands, breathlessly. “Because you can’t afford that. You
have your own loan payments.”

Yoongi stares at him, confused, for what feels like an hour before he smacks his lips and shakes his

“No. I would if I could, you know that.”

Jungkook huffs out through his nose. He was sure it was Yoongi; a peace offering that he shouldn’t
be the one to make. It’s Jungkook’s responsibility; he’s just a coward. “Well someone did.”

Slowly, Yoongi stands and Jungkook finds himself stepping back. Thousands of times this has
happened; so often Jungkook has allowed his fears to make it so he’s hidden from his best friend.

Jungkook doesn’t know why Yoongi even puts up with him.

“Why are you upset?” Yoongi asks, gently.

He hadn’t felt upset until Yoongi mentioned it. His chest feels tight suddenly and he clenches his
hands into fists as hard as possible to relieve it.

It feels like he’s been upset every minute of every day lately. More sensitive than usual. It’s like he
told the world he can handle things and the world laughed in his face and set out to prove him that
he can’t.

“Come get something to eat,” Yoongi goes on when Jungkook doesn’t respond. “We don’t have to
talk about anything. Just spend some time with your hyung.”

“I have work,” Jungkook blurts. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your time with Hobi hyung.”

Yoongi sighs out, rubbing his temples. Hoseok just watches on, silent with his arm propped on the
arm of the chair and rubbing at his lips.

It’s odd for Hoseok to be quiet. Jungkook did that.

“It’s - one of the reasons I didn’t tell you was because that,” Yoongi says, still soft as he waves a
hand at Jungkook. “Nothing is different and I don’t want you to feel like a third or fourth wheel.
This is your apartment, Hobi is your -”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Jungkook rushes out, eyes darting around because he can’t take Yoongi
looking at him like that. He shouldn’t have come. He’s making it worse. “I really need to go.”

Hoseok calls after him when Jungkook turns on his heel, but he’s jetting from the front door before
he can even get up from the chair.

Despite running, Jungkook gets to work late. He apologizes profusely, even when Jiwon huffs out a
laugh and pats his shoulder like it’s okay.

“It’s dead tonight, Jeon. I think Junhoe and Yo-yo are in the back seeing who can throw a fry the

It is dead, most of the booths empty. All except one.

Jungkook’s mood is growing worse as he takes in Jin’s face and the mop of minty hair across from
him. He punches into the cash register, wishing someone else was on he could trade positions with.

Taehyung knows he works here. He shouldn’t be here unless he wants to make Jungkook feel

Not that Jungkook’s ever made it so Taehyung would know how badly he’d be affected by them
not talking.

It’s getting to the point where Jungkook doesn’t even know what happened anymore.

“Jeon. Go deliver this to booth eight.”

Jungkook glares at the tray Jiwon is holding out for him like the fries might jump off and attack


The frown on Jiwon’s face is understandable. Jungkook’s always done as he was asked and never
questioned it.

“I figured you wanted to see your boy?” Jiwon hesitates, glancing down at Taehyung and back at
Jungkook. “Or not? I could -”

Jungkook grabs the tray before Jiwon can deliver it himself. It shakes in his hands, just a small
tremor but the way the box of fries vibrates on the plastic tray seems loud and obnoxious.
Jin spots him first, eyes lighting up as he waves his hand. The air leaves Jungkook’s lungs, time
seeming to slow as Taehyung turns and looks over his shoulder.

It feels just as bad as the last time they saw each other. Taehyung’s face closes off just as quickly,
lips pressing together as he turns back around and stares out the window,

“Hey - hey Jin hyung,” Jungkook greets, hoping his voice isn’t shaking as much as he feels like it
is. “How are you?”

“Good,” Jin says as he grabs the tray before Jungkook can place it down like he’s supposed to.
“You coming over again tonight?”

Jungkook tries not to glance at Taehyung, but he fails. Taehyung continues to look out the

He can’t even stomach looking at Jungkook and Jungkook feels himself getting upset again.

It must be noticeable as Jin glances between them and his mouth sets into a grimace.

“Oh, of course, yeah,” Jungkook laughs awkwardly.

“You should go home some time,” Jin goes on, eyes soft. “I know Yoongi’s worried about you.”

This makes Taehyung look at him, thick brows stitched together and Jungkook clenches his fists
into the pockets of his apron.

“I uh, I was just there, before I came to work,” Jungkook says. It isn’t technically a lie.
“Everything’s good. It’s just, you and Namjoon’s is closer to campus.”

That part is a lie but Jin doesn’t call him out on it.

Taehyung won’t stop looking at him now.

“Um, anyway, enjoy -”

“Since when do you work Fridays?”

The sound of Taehyung’s voice has Jungkook’s heart beating up his sternum. He’s missed the deep
rumble of Taehyung’s voice so much it feels like every word is stabbing him in the gut.

Maybe crush wasn’t the right word for Taehyung. If Taehyung were just a crush, it wouldn’t be
still bothering him.

“I um, picked up an extra shift,” Jungkook says. He can’t look him in the eye or his own will turn
glassy. He has the blue contacts in and Jungkook has always loved them, even though they made
Taehyung more intense than he already is.

“Sorry,” Taehyung says blandly, fitting a fist under his chin. He’s much less bothered by
Jungkook, an air of disinterest and lack of care surrounding him. “We wouldn’t have came if we

Jungkook grits his teeth. “Right. Well, enjoy your food.”

“We’ll take it to go.”

It’s impossible for Jungkook to respond with how tight his throat is so he only nods and turns on
his heel. He hears the scolding tone of Jin’s voice as he rushes off, blinking back the tears that
make his vision blurry.

Jungkook has not wanted to go home and cuddle his mother so bad ever in his life.

Usually exercise makes Jungkook feel a bit better. But after track practice, he feels worn down and
exhausted. His belly rumbles with hunger, his legs ache as much as his chest does, and he feels like
he’s a second from breaking apart.

As often as he’s felt this way, he has never crumpled completely. This thought helps him through;
reminds him that he may be weak but he is still strong.

After the week he’s had, Jungkook doesn’t feel strong this time.

“Hey, Kook!”

Jungkook is strong enough to go to track practice even though Jimin is there and Jimin doesn’t
accept Jungkook’s avoidance as much as Yoongi and Hoseok do. He needs to focuses on these
things instead of continuously putting himself down for things he can’t control.

It’s easier said than done.

“Hyung is making barbecue tonight. Will you be there?”

Jungkook shoves his things into his duffel bag, busying himself so he doesn’t have to respond.

Jimin doesn’t accept it, grabbing his shoulder so his presence is known. “You should come. If
you’re not working.”

“I’ve had a really shitty day,” Jungkook breathes, adjusting his glasses. “I might go for a walk.
Kind of want to be alone.”

Jimin frowns at that. He presses a hand to Jungkook’s forehead, insisting on it when Jungkook tries
to dodge it. Jungkook finally gives in, knowing he won’t be able to get out of this until Jimin can
make sure he isn’t hot and clammy.

“Is this about Taehyung? Because he’s also been in a shitty mood lately.”

“No,” Jungkook lies, backing up until his back smacks into the locker he didn’t realize he was
standing so close to. The knob of the lock digs into his back and sends a sharp pain through him. “I
didn’t do well on a really important assignment and I miss my mom, so. Yeah.”

Jimin grabs Jungkook’s shoulder, pulling him into a hug.

“He misses you,” Jimin whispers. “Taehyung and your hyungs. It wouldn’t feel so hard if you let
them back in.”

Part of Jungkook knows Jimin is just trying to make him feel better, but he wishes Jimin would just
drop it. It had the opposite effect, making his heart even worse.

“Right. I’ll see you,” Jungkook says, avoiding the sad look Jimin sends his way. He hates pity
more than anything.
It’s become a routine of his to show up at Namjoon’s doorstep at the end of the day. With his
avoidance issues, he hasn’t had another place to go. Namjoon doesn’t seem to mind, even leaves
the door unlocked for him when he is home.

Namjoon doesn’t lecture him about going home and doesn’t probe more than a simple ‘how are
you’. Jungkook is waiting for the day it comes, but so far so good.

The only downside is when he wakes up to Namjoon’s not so quiet moaning floating through the
house. At least he has the decency to look embarrassed when he comes out, unlike Jin who gleams
with pride.

He finds Namjoon on the back porch, book in lap. There’s a heater plugged in, keeping the cold
winter air out. It seems like a waste of energy but Jungkook is under the impression either
Namjoon or Jin are loaded.

Rich people waste things; Jungkook is trying not to let it bother him.

“Wanna smoke?” Jungkook greets, slumping onto the couch.

Jungkook has been smoking too much lately.

Namjoon grins. “I’m going to Yoongi’s in a little. You coming?”

Rubbing his sweaty palms over his thighs, Jungkook shakes his head. “I have too much work. I
really need to focus. I - I haven’t been doing well.”

Namjoon frowns at that as he carefully lays his book to the side and pulls open the drawer in the
table between them, where he hides his stash. It rattles when it’s opened; filled with trinkets that
Jungkook has learned Namjoon picks up like a magpie finding something silver.


Jungkook huffs out. He can’t say the words out loud so he digs in his bag, pulling out the paper he
had gotten back today and flopping it onto the table.

“Today has been shit,” Jungkook huffs. “This topped it off.”

There is judgment in Namjoon’s eyes, he thinks, as Namjoon glances at the paper and then curls
his fingers towards him.

“I’ll be late to dinner. Let me get some snacks and then tell me what’s going on.”

For some reason, Namjoon’s silence makes it easy for Jungkook to talk. Sometimes too much.
Maybe it’s because they still don’t know each other that well. Maybe it’s because Namjoon always
has Jungkook rant while he’s smoking. He knows once Namjoon and him get to know each other
better, Namjoon will be less quiet and more willing to advise. Jungkook’s dreading it.

But either way, once Jungkook starts talking to Namjoon, he can’t stop.

“It is like one thing after another. Why can’t it ever just be one bad thing at a time?” Jungkook
rants, voice tight. “You know what I mean?”

Namjoon watches him from where he sits, never interrupting. He’s so quiet that Jungkook can’t be
sure he is even listening, but he’s word vomiting. Jungkook is word vomiting and he can’t stop.
He’s talking so quickly he feels breathless and light headed, or maybe that has to do with the fact
that he’s had no time to eat anything today and he’s running on about an hour of sleep.

“I haven’t gotten anything under an 86 in like, I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a grade
that low.”

The cursed paper is sitting on the table between them, hidden amongst the snacks Namjoon had
brought out for comfort food and the ashtray that’s slowly being filled. He wishes he could stamp
the butt of the blunt right over the bright 83 on the top.

Jungkook snorts at the ‘great job, Jungkook’ his professor wrote beside it. A joke. She had torn the
paper apart, made Jungkook feel like he’s never strung more than two words together before nor
know a thing about sustainable food energy, and then said great job.

The worst part is Jungkook knew he wouldn’t do well on this paper. He was supposed to work on
it the week he spent making himself look like a fool in front of Taehyung instead.

“Dude,” Namjoon interrupts finally, laughter in his voice as he pushes up and grabs the blunt from
Jungkook’s fingers. “I don’t want to sound rude or dismissive, but it isn’t a big deal.”

Jungkook scoffs at that. He hadn’t expected the lecture to come so soon. Maybe Namjoon is more
tired by him than he lets on.

He has no where else to go.

“That’s hardly going to affect your GPA and I bet with the ass kissing you do, you’d be able to
weasle some extra credit out of your professor to bring your grade up before the end of the
semester,” Namjoon goes on, waving aimlessly. “And I wouldn’t consider someone paying your
tuition a problem .”

There is judgement in Namjoon’s eyes and Jungkook glares at him until he laughs.

“Tae was right, Kook-ah. You really do stress yourself out too much.”

Jungkook goes still at the mention of Taehyung’s name. No one has yet to ask him about what
happened, and that’s all thanks to Jungkook’s avoidance problem.

“You um - he. When did he say that?”

Namjoon doesn’t seem to catch Jungkook’s nerves, and maybe he’s too high to even voice them
properly. “The other day. He came over and saw your schedule on the calendar. Which, dude, why
did you put it there?”

Jungkook blanks at that. Taehyung had said he didn’t know Jungkook was working Friday, had he
been lying? “I put it there in case Yoongi hyung asks where I am.”

Namjoon just stares at him. “You know, if you talked to him, you could probably go home and
sleep on a bed. Not my couch.”

Jungkook quickly stands, not hearing Namjoon’s sigh before he grabs Jungkook’s arm. It makes
him dizzy, and he grabs a bag of pretzels when he’s forced to sit down but he’s feeling too sick to
eat them. “Sit down. I’m fine with you being here, Kook-ah. But I also know that Yoongi hyung is
upset that you’re not home.”

Guilt washes into Jungkook in waves. He curls in on himself, sticking his hands between his
clenched thighs.
“I know you probably don’t mean it this way and he probably knows you better than me, but he
told me you haven’t been home since he told you about his relationship,” Namjoon explains softly.

And no . That isn’t why he hasn’t been home. Yoongi must know that. Is he avoiding talking about
it? Yes. Is it because he doesn’t accept it? No. He’s tremendously happy for his brother.

“Which is kind of shitty. Yoongi’s been nervous about telling you for as long as I’ve known him.”

Jungkook blanches at that. Yoongi’s never nervous. And how long has Namjoon and Yoongi
known each other?

He’s always been fine with Yoongi not telling him. He understood why he didn’t, but he didn’t
realize it was something Yoongi was keeping from him for so long.

“I have avoidance problems,” Jungkook blurts, words coming out quickly because no. No, that
isn’t why Jungkook hasn’t been home and he prays Yoongi knows that. The idea of him not has
him feeling so sick he feels as if he could pass out. “I get embarrassed about being upset and then
it’s hard for me to look at whoever I got upset in front of in the face again.”

He’s getting upset now. Namjoon must know by the look of alarm in his eyes. He’s quickly
stubbing out the blunt into the ashtray but Jungkook shakes his head when he comes near. He can’t
be touched.

“Because I don’t make sense when I’m upset and the moment one thing bothers me, my brain
reminds me of every other single fucking thing that bothers me until I feel like I’m drowning. And
I’ve been drowning, hyung.”

Namjoon is touching him and he can’t be touched. He shoves off Namjoon’s hands just for
Namjoon to intertwine their fingers and squeeze them. It feels like his whole face is throbbing with
the force of his heart beat.

“Hey, breathe, Kook. It’s cool. You’re cool, man. Focus on my touch, not your thoughts.”

Jungkook feels lightheaded and his inhale doesn’t feel as if it’s going deep enough. His chest aches
from his attempts and there’s a stuffy feeling behind his face.

He can’t get upset in front of Namjoon. He’ll have nowhere else to go.

“I have to go.”

Namjoon doesn’t let go of his hands, but strengthens his grip on them. He’s stronger than he looks.
“Not until you calm down. Breathe through your nose.”

Aggravation fills him as he tries and can’t. He chokes on it instead.

No one understands this. That it isn’t easy for him just to calm down or just stop thinking. It may
be well intended but it makes him feel worse .

“That’s - that’s why I haven’t gone home. Because Yoongi should have been able to tell me, me -
his best friend. And - and when he did, I - I still made it about myself. And I’m starting to realize
how - how fucked up I am and - and I need to fix it and not - not ruin it, but I can’t.”

His glasses are fogging up and it isn’t until then he realizes he is crying. He doesn’t even know
what he’s trying to say, growing more and more frustrated with himself.
Embarrassment makes him want to run and Namjoon is letting his hands go, saying something that
is muddled in Jungkook’s ears, but Jungkook is stopped before he can fully stand.

Through his fogged glasses, all he sees is mint before they’re being pulled from his face. The pain
in his chest intensifies as Taehyung’s blurry face comes into view and the scent of vanilla washes
through his nostrils.

“Hey Jeon, calm down,” Taehyung whispers, palms cupping Jungkook’s wet cheeks. “Breathe
through your nose. Like this.”

Jungkook’s body is thrumming with nerves as he watches Taehyung’s chest broaden as he inhales.
He follows suit, eyes on Taehyung’s mouth because it’s easier to look at than his eyes when he

It doesn’t make his chest feel any better and his body still trembles from the after effects of panic,
but he can breathe.

Taehyung’s hands are on his cheeks and he’s there, watching him cry.

“I need - I need to go,” Jungkook says, even though there’s a thousand different things he’d rather
say. He is going to throw up and he’s already embarrassed himself enough, he doesn’t want to mess
up Taehyung’s probably very expensive pants by throwing up in his lap.

Taehyung’s touch is gone then and Jungkook wants it back. He stands up in a rush, desperate to get
out. He feels like he’s being pulled and tugged in two different places at once. Part of him wanting
to push into Taehyung’s embrace because somehow he’s became that person for Jungkook, and the
other part of him wanting to run far away as possible.

But Jungkook doesn’t get to do either as he stands and his head spins as if the world is turning
around him. There’s lights at the corner of his vision before his breath swoops out of him and he


Since school has started, Taehyung has hated it. He never thought he could hate it more, but then
Jeon Jungkook came along.

Now, sitting in class and trying to focus doesn’t just make him feel bad because he’s dumb, but
everything reminds him of Jungkook.

He swears he can still feel Jungkook’s touch, hear Jungkook’s voice, even though it’s been weeks.

He doesn’t want to forget it; what it feels like, how he sounds. But life is giving him something
else he never asked for.

God, he sure did never ask for Jungkook but he had been happy to have him.

Taehyung groans at the intrusive thought, trying to push it out and capturing the attention of the
students around him. Even his professor goes quiet and searches for the source of the sound.

“Mr. Kim. Is everything alright?”

Taehyung groans again, this time low and pained as he clutches his stomach. “I think I am going to
be sick.”

Most students would get a sympathetic look, a soft tone when told to go to the infirmary. But
Taehyung gets narrowed eyes and a pursed lip.

“Drinking excessively is bad for your health, Mr. Kim.”

Taehyung stands, throwing his bag over his shoulder. Whatever. It’s not like he ever gave anyone a
reason to think differently.

“Putting your nose in other people’s business and being a judgmental asshole is also bad for your
health, Professor. Ciao.”

There’s a rumble of noise from the class and the professor starts sputtering, but Taehyung doesn’t
spare them another second as he leaves and lets the door slam behind him.

The hallway is empty as everyone is in class and the sound of his angry stomping echoes around
him. He slows when he spots a familiar face, eyeing Jungkook inside the class with lab glasses
strapped over his regular glasses.

He’s attentive to the professor, scribbling down in his notebook without even looking at what he’s

Taehyung has to stop himself from pressing his face into the window to watch Jungkook better.

He jerks himself away, whipping out his phone to find somebody, anybody to make him feel less

It takes awhile to track someone down, but finally he finds Hoseok walking out of the English
building. Hoseok yelps when Taehyung jumps onto his back, feet skipping over the sidewalk and
nearly falling.

“If I die, you’re a dead man,” Hoseok grunts but there isn’t as much bite in it as he probably
intended there to be. He even ruffles Taehyung’s hair again. “Aren’t you supposed to be in class?”

Taehyung pulls away, stretching his arms out as he breathes in the cold air. “I’m going to lay down
some words of wisdom for you, Hobe-man; fuck school. Fuck going to class. Fuck pretentious
professors and know it alls who turn their nose up at you because they know what the hell
nomenclature means.”

Hoseok doesn’t say a word, quietly following after him and Taehyung misses the way his lips press
into a frown.

“I don’t want anything to do with something that starts with ‘no men’,” Taehyung goes on, “you
know what I mean?”

He turns around then and stops when he finds Hoseok a few feet behind him, his frown full force.


“What?” Hoseok repeats, gripping the straps of the backpack he wears as he closes the space
between them. “What’s been up with you lately, man?”

Taehyung’s chest heavies. “Nothing. Living life like always. Today’s actually a good day. Pops has
yet to call me an idiot but after -”

Taehyung is cut off when Hoseok’s hands come crashing down against his cheeks, pushing them
in until his lips pucker out. It doesn’t hurt, but the worry in Hoseok’s eyes does.

“Don’t say that word. Honestly, what’s going on? Is something going on at home? Is it the same
reason Jungkook has been looking like a zombie and refusing to talk to Yoongi or I?”

The feeling worsens . He knew it would be hard to rid every trace of Jungkook from his life, not
that he’s tried. But it’s even harder when two of his best friends are Jungkook’s too.

He knows Jungkook has been avoiding going home after demanding Jin explain what he said to
Jungkook at the burger place. But he’s quite sure that has more to do with Jungkook finally
confronting Yoongi’s relationship, not what happened between him and Jungkook.

“I’m cool,” Taehyung lies as he shrugs Hoseok off. Hoseok doesn’t give up though, squeezing his
cheeks until they hurt and pulling him down to kiss his forehead. “I promise. I’m cool.”

Hoseok finally lets him go but Taehyung isn’t sure he believes him. “I worry about you, Tae. If it’s
family stuff, you know you can stay at mine as often as you want.”

And risk seeing Jungkook even more?

Taehyung has always felt the world to be cruel. But if he put himself in that place, it would be his
own fault he would be tortured.

“Just say you want me to pay your rent and go,” Taehyung says instead, voice light so Hoseok
knows he’s joking. “You can be my sugar baby if you promise to keep Yoongi from killing me.”

Hoseok grunts as he elbows Taehyung in the side. “If it’s Jungkook stuff, please tell me what’s
going on.”

Taehyung hesitates, fiddling with his fingers. Even that reminds him of Jungkook.

At work, Jungkook had looked awful. He wonders if he’s eating, sleeping. He wonders why he
cares when Jungkook hates him so much.

“He probably hasn’t came home because he just found out his two best friends have been fucking
for like five years and never told him.”

The way Hoseok’s face changes into one of sadness has Taehyung regretting saying anything.

“Do you think he’s angry? He’s never been angry at us before. Especially not that angry.”

Taehyung thinks he doesn’t want to talk about Jungkook. “No, I don’t think he’s angry. I don’t
know. He hates me -”

“He doesn’t hate you.”

“ Anyway ,” Taehyung grunts desperately. His palms might start sweating like Jungkook’s do.
Maybe that’s a symptom of Jungkook withdrawal. “I do know that talking about it makes
Jungkook nervous so you’re going to have to force him. I know he panics and gets stressed easily,
but you might have to do it anyway.”

It falls quiet after that and Taehyung sighs, his need for a distraction being unmet.
“Come to mine today. We’re making barbecue,” Hoseok finally says. “And do as you advised,
confront Jungkook and make him listen.”

Taehyung snorts. “No thanks. I don’t have anything for him to listen to.”

Hoseok sighs, hooking their arms together. “Come on. We’ll go get him. And you can tell him you
love him and I’ll tell him not telling him was all Yoongi’s fault.”

It’s a joke but Taehyung doesn’t laugh. The word love rings around in his brain, too loudly. He
didn’t love Jungkook, it wasn’t that yet.

But he wanted to.

The first thing Taehyung hears when he picks the lock to Namjoon’s door is Jungkook’s frantic
sounding voice. It ignites a worry inside of him that is so strong he forgets the need to avoid
Jungkook, he forgets his annoyance that Hoseok brought him to him after Taehyung insisted he
didn’t want to see Jungkook.

It frazzles him, seeing Jungkook. It frustrates him that he stops in the doorway, unsure if he can
calm Jungkook the way he used to. That he isn’t the one holding Jungkook’s hand, but Namjoon.

Taehyung forgets it all when Jungkook whips around and he sees the tears streaming from his face.

It’s intense, his fear, when Jungkook tumbles backwards and he barely catches him, his hands
coming beneath Jungkook right before his head hits the edge of the couch.

It’s chaotic, the way Hoseok tries to shove Taehyung off of him, his voice loud as he yells for
Namjoon to call Yoongi.

It’s dangerous, how quickly anger flushed through him when Hoseok manages to shove him off.

“Come on, Kookie,” Hoseok huffs, the panic clear in his voice though it’s obvious he’s trying to
restrain it. He guides Jungkook onto his back, waving at Taehyung away before he grabs his legs
and start to lift them. “Wake up, baby.”

Jungkook’s eyes open but they’re quick to roll back again. He groans low and deep, the sound
punching Taehyung in the gut.

Namjoon’s blabbering something but Taehyung can’t focus; can’t think. He doesn’t know what to
do in this situation, but he doesn’t think yoga is the answer.

“Keep him laying down,” Hoseok orders out quickly as Jungkook attempts to lift himself.

“I’m fine,” Jungkook wheezes, giving in beneath Taehyung’s gentle touch. “Just fine.”

“Not fine,” Taehyung grunts, patting his cheeks. No one seems to be in the mindset of calling an
ambulance and it’s frustrating. He isn’t positive Jungkook didn’t hit his head. “Open your eyes.”

Jungkook squeezes them closed instead.

“We need to take him to the emergency room,” Taehyung grunts. “You should have called an
For the first time in a long time, Taehyung is understanding what it feels like to panic and why
Jungkook avoids it.

“Do you know how expensive ambulances and the ER are?” Hoseok breathes. “He used to pass out
often in high school. Worked himself too much. We never called the ambulance because he never
wanted his mother to know. Joon, fetch me some juice please.”

All this time, Taehyung had felt like the dumb one and Jungkook a genius. But that’s the dumbest
thing he’s ever heard.

“Just -” Hoseok huffs out, glaring at Taehyung. “Just keep talking to him. I know what signs to
look for to see if he needs the doctor.”

For the last few weeks, that’s all Taehyung truly wanted to do. But not like this. He’s nervous to
now, hand hovering over Jungkook’s face before he clamps it down.

He hates the way Jungkook feels cold and clammy.

“Hey baby,” Taehyung says softly, rubbing at his cheek. “Open your eyes for a surprise.”

Jungkook does, his eyes unfocused for a moment before they’re glaring onto Taehyung. He looks
almost angry, nose wrinkling and lips curling at the sound of his name.

Taehyung grins but it feels too forced. “Surprise. You ever see someone so beautiful?”

With another groan, Jungkook hangs his head back and tries to pull his legs from Hoseok and away
from Taehyung.

“Slowly,” Hoseok says and Taehyung helps, securing a hand to the back of Jungkook’s head to
help him sit up.

The moment he does, Jungkook breaks down.

“Hey,” Taehyung tries, but Jungkook is blocking him with a trembling arm. He chokes out, chest

Hoseok attempts to bring a glass of juice to his lips, rubbing at his back, but Jungkook is trying to
shove him off too.

Taehyung can’t watch it.

“I’ll - I’ll get something,” Taehyung says in a rush before he darts out of the room.

The tremor in his hands is frustrating as he paces around in the other room, trying to figure out
what to do and how to do it. He isn’t good at these things.

A shout startles him, his heart racing and eyes clenching closed. It continues, a mix of Jungkook
and Hoseok’s voices. He tries to focus on the tone, but it’s his parents’ face that pop up into his

Get away from me, get away from me!

Taehyung used to scream that at them until his throat hurt. He hates the way Jungkook sounds
when he screams it. He hates how desperate he sounds, begging for his best friend to leave him
“Tae start my car,” Namjoon says, jogging into the room he’s in and tossing the keys. “Meeting
Yoon at the infirmary.”

For once, Taehyung can’t stomach the sight of Jungkook. He’s an earthquake, sobbing softly and
rubbing at his hands and thighs erratically. His breath comes out sharp and Taehyung wants to
touch him, but it took too long for them to calm him enough to get in the car.

The silence probably makes it worse but Taehyung doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t think he
should even be here.

He doesn’t want to leave Jungkook’s side.

The first sight of Yoongi has Jungkook’s breath coming out harsher, panicked. He waves Yoongi
off but Yoongi ignores it, grabbing his cheeks.

When Jungkook’s knees buckle, Taehyung grabs his waist in fear of him falling again.

“I’m not positive he didn’t hit his head when he passed out,” Taehyung says, but Yoongi is so
focused on Jungkook, he isn’t sure he’s even heard.

Jungkook is being pulled away them by a doctor and the receptionist a second later. Yoongi won’t
let go of him, leaving the three of them standing in the waiting room.

Taehyung feels like he’s going to be sick or pass out himself.

“Fuck,” Hoseok groans, rubbing a hand down his face. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. That scared the shit out
of me.”

There’s a tremor in Taehyung’s hands. He’s never afraid. Never that afraid. And if Hoseok has
seen it before, often, he knows it isn’t something one gets used to.

“Jungkook hasn’t had a panic attack in a long time,” Hoseok huffs, fingers working over
themselves as he starts to pace. “I think he’s having a mental breakdown. I’m going to have a
mental breakdown.”

Taehyung reaches out, taking Hoseok’s hand into his own. It doesn’t calm him but he huffs out and
curls into Taehyung until his nose is pressing into Taehyung’s shoulder.

It stays quiet until the echoes of feet have Hoseok yanking away.

“How is he?”

Yoongi storms into the waiting room like he’s on his way to murder. He wracks a hand through his
hair, his face so pale Taehyung worries he’s the next to pass out.

“Kicked me out. Gonna sedate him or something because he can’t calm down. I don’t know, I
barely heard Dr. Jung,” Yoongi huffs, rubbing his hand over his face next. “What happened?”

All eyes turn to Namjoon, who’s hands immediately lift up in defense.

“I don’t know. He was upset when he came over and I think I made him more upset but he talked
so quickly, I couldn’t understand him.”
“Has he been eating?” Yoongi asks, eyes growing with worry.

“I don’t know.”


“I don’t know ,” Namjoon snaps, the tension in the air already palpable and wearing at all of them.
“I let him crash on my couch. I don’t babysit him.”

“Sorry. I’m sorry,” Yoongi says immediately. “Kook stretches himself too thin. I should have
forced him to come home so I could have noticed he was spiraling.”

It isn’t Yoongi’s fault, but there’s a guilt in his eyes like he thinks it is.

“He picked up extra shifts at work,” Taehyung supplies. “And he would have convinced you he
was fine anyway. Not your fault.”

Yoongi nods at that, rubbing at his jaw. “I need to talk to the doctor. You guys should go.”

Hoseok makes a strangled noise at that. “I’m not going anywhere, babe. You should know that.”

Eyes turn to Taehyung but he clenches his jaw, folding his arms over his chest. He’s not going
anywhere either.

He’d be truly dumb if he were to pretend that even after all these weeks, he doesn’t still feel too
much for Jungkook. It wasn’t even the situation that made him realize it, he always knew it.

And he can deal with Jungkook hating him as long as he lets Taehyung take care of him. He’ll
learn what to do; he’ll research it or something.

“Namjoon-ah, take Taehyung home then,” Yoongi sighs. His eyes look regretful when he looks at
him. “I think it’d be best if you weren’t here when he woke up.”

Taehyung laughs at that, the sound just as icy as it feels. “Yeah. Got it. I’ll walk.”

It’s the truth behind Yoongi’s words that makes the anger coil hot through his body.

He ignores Yoongi calling after him as he forces his way out the front door of the infirmary. He
ignores the hand grabbing him and he hates himself when he turns with a fist out like he might

It’s Hoseok, who is quick to shove Taehyung’s fist back at him. “It’s not like that.”

“I know what it’s like. I got it.”

“Don’t be that way,” Hoseok says gently. “You looked like you might pass out too, Tae. Yoongi
doesn’t want Jungkook getting upset when he sees you’re upset.”

Taehyung shoves away from Hoseok, walking backwards. “Not upset. I’m fucking dandy, Hobes.”

And though Taehyung has always been good at hiding his emotions and pretending they’re not
there, he knows both Hoseok and he know just how upset he is.
The music vibrates through the wall Taehyung leans against. It isn’t loud enough for Taehyung to
make out what song it is, nor to drown out the moans in the room. Taehyung watches on lazily. He
had tried to get away, even put a sock on the door and they still interrupted.

They know he’s here and they don’t seem to care. Even when smoke filters through the room from
as Taehyung brings cigarette after cigarette to his lips.

He’s fucked up. He doesn’t even know what on; but he’s flying high and numb at the same time.

“Want to join us?”

“No,” Taehyung huffs, smoke tickling his lips as he watches the girl press back on her calves, her
delicate fingers brushing through her curly red hair to pull it into a knot at the top of her head.
She’s quick to undress, her heavy looking breasts bouncing as they slip from beneath her silky
looking shirt.

“I’d prefer if you respect basic party rules,” Taehyung hums, tilting his head to breathe the smoke
out above him. The other girl is handsy, her hair a dark green, all Taehyung can see of her as she
buries her head between the red head’s legs.

It makes him think of what he would look like with Jungkook. His hair still red and Taehyung’s
now a minty green.

Thinking of Jungkook makes Taehyung want to smoke something else. Drink something else.

Taehyung lifts himself, the high pitched moan the girl lets out making a throb pulse between his
legs. He stumbles a bit, hand pressing into the wall for support. It makes him think of Jungkook

Everything makes him think of Jungkook.

He barely gets the door open before the bed starts to squeak and he slams it shut. He, a man who
respects rules, makes sure the sock is still on the door knob before he takes off.

He doesn’t even know where he is and he doesn’t remember who he came with. The last time he
remembers he had been at a club just outside of campus. Jimin was there. That feels like hours ago.

Taehyung peers his eyes around. None of these people are Jimin. Or Jungkook.

Jimin had insisted they go out after today’s events. When Taehyung admitted that he can’t get the
image of Jungkook falling out of his thoughts. He hadn’t felt a fear like that in a long time. He
doesn’t remember ever feeling so afraid.

I think it’d be best if you weren’t here when he woke up.

It’s the first time he’s been angry at Yoongi, too. He knows Yoongi is just worried about
Jungkook, he gets it. The sight of him might make Jungkook panic, or at least not help him feel

Taehyung’s a shitty person, he gets it. He’s been that way his whole life but for some reason, he
just needs to know exactly what shitty thing he did to Jungkook to make him hate him so much.

Normally, he wouldn’t care. He’s had plenty of people spit nasty words at him or tell him off. He
doesn’t give a shit. But the idea of making Jungkook uncomfortable, reminding him of Cheol Su,
has him so angry at himself that his stomach is starting to rot from his techniques at forgetting.
“Yo, you alright?”

Taehyung frowns as a familiar face comes into view. He has a baby face, much too young to be at
a party like this. Hypocritical, since Jimin and he used to lie about their ages to get into parties
when they were in high school.

“Do I know you?”

The man smiles, steading Taehyung with a grip on his arm. He’s strong.

“Sanha. Jungkook’s friend.”

Taehyung feels his lips curl. “Oh, Sasquatch.”

The baby faced guy laughs. He seems sober. “What are you doing so far from campus?”

Taehyung laughs. He has no idea where the fuck he is. “What are you doing at a party? You’re
seven years old.”

The baby face laughs again. Taehyung hates him. He probably gets to laugh with Jungkook. His
eyebrows move around his face too much and it makes Taehyung feel nauseous.

“Come on. Who did you come with? You look pretty fucked up, man.”

“Babies don’t cuss,” Taehyung sighs, but he lets Sanha drag him through the crowd. “Shouldn’t
you be in Busan? Jungkook’s mother is in Busan. He misses her.”

Jimin had told him that when they first headed out earlier. It makes his heart ache. He’s never had
a parent that loved him. If he did, he wouldn’t want to be apart from them either.

Sanha shakes his head as he guides Taehyung with a strong grip around his arm down the porch
steps. “Man, I don’t know what you are talking about. How much have you had to drink?”

Taehyung doesn’t have the answer to that question. Jungkook has the answer to all of the questions.
Taehyung huffs out a laugh. He misses Jungkook and his smart brain.

“Did you come here with him?”

Taehyung glances at the busy city, breathing in the fresh air. He thinks he knows where he is. It’s
far from campus, but close to home. He doesn’t remember how he got here.


“Jungkook,” the tall man beside him laughs, pulling the phone from Taehyung’s pocket. “You
keep saying his name.”

Has he? Taehyung slaps his fingers over his lips, telling his mouth to stop. He can’t give Jungkook
the satisfaction knowing he’s made Taehyung feel something after he proudly built up a wall thick
enough that the whole army couldn’t even break it down.

“No. We - we are not talking anymore.”

The tall man isn’t listening, or maybe Taehyung isn’t speaking loud enough. He starts to walk off.
Home is a certain way, he’ll figure it out. His father would love to see him like this. Just as much as
he loves that Taehyung has been skipping class again.
A hand grips onto Taehyung’s arm and a moment later, there’s an unfamiliar face in his view and a
phone is being shoved to his ear.


Taehyung chuckles lightly. Oh no.

“Hyung,” Taehyung says sweetly, grabbing the phone. “Hyungie.”

“Don’t hyungie me,” Yoongi snaps. He’s angry. Taehyung doesn’t give a flying shit, everyone’s
been angry at him lately. “You know what kind of day we’ve all had, right? Do you really think I
need Jimin calling me in pure panic because you disappeared?”

Taehyung pulls away, glancing at the phone. It says Jeon Jungkook. Worry makes him feel sick.
“Is my baby okay?”

No. Taehyung’s heart pulses as he remembers. Not his baby.

“My baby Jungkook,” Taehyung tries, hiccuping out a laugh. “Just Jungkook, I mean. Jeon

“He’s about as fine as you are,” Yoongi says, and there’s a hitch in his breath that Taehyung really
isn’t fucked up enough to deal with. “I’m coming to get you. I can’t believe you pulled this shit on
a day like this.”

Taehyung hangs up and lets the phone topple to the ground. He really can’t hear another word.

He’s crashing and he’s crashing quickly. His knees hit the ground but he barely registers the pain.
It’s dull, a lot less painful than the way he fucked up his hand punching Cheol Su.

Taehyung huffs out a laugh, looking around at the empty street as he curls up his legs towards his
chest to rest his head on his knees. The world morphs around him, colors sprinting across his

And Jungkook, he always thinks of Jungkook. So much so that he sees them, standing before him
before he falls to the ground until his head bounces against the side of the pavement.

Taehyung lets out a pained noise, burying his face into his knees. He’s hallucinating, he must be.

The panic starts when he sees Jungkook on the back of his eyelids and he doesn’t know how much
time passes before his face is being lifted and Yoongi is there instead.

“Come on,” Yoongi says softly, gently as he rubs Taehyung’s cheeks. They feel wet. It must be
raining. “Let's get you home.”

When Taehyung wakes, it takes him awhile to figure out where he is. His body throbs just as much
as his head does. He figures it out just in time, as his stomach lurches and he rushes to the

Bits of the night filter into his brain as he lays over the toilet seat. He doesn’t know when he
started to forget, but he remembers something about red and green. And Goliath.
He doesn’t let himself think about it too much, dragging himself back to Hoseok’s couch before
falling asleep.

Sleep stays with him until the night is dark, only interrupting him with stomach pain here and
there. Whoever dropped him at Hoseok’s has left him be, and it isn’t until he’s getting up from the
couch that he remembers why no one is here.

Jungkook passed out.

Taehyung sighs, ruffling his fingers through his sweaty, gross hair as he searches for his phone. He
finds it in the hallway towards the bathroom.

It’s lit up with messages and missed calls. A quick glance through them and he knows Jimin is
pissed at him. There’s an apology from Yoongi, but he doesn’t understand what for. He calls
Hoseok, reading his heartfelt message about how much he loves him and knowing he’s the least
likely to give him a headache.

He wonders what he did to worry everyone and Hoseok sounds relieved when he answers the

“I’m on my way home,” Hoseok says. “You looked dead when I checked on you. I was nervous to
leave you.”

“I’m fine,” Taehyung says. He’ll be hungover for days. “How is Jungkook?”

“Fine. The doctor put him on sick leave. He hasn’t been eating, I guess. Wanted to admit him to
the psych ward but Yoongi convinced him he’d be better at home,” Hoseok murmurs, worry in his
tone. “Yoongi’s been a wreck, Tae Tae. He didn’t mean to snap at you, you know that?”

“I don’t remember it,” Taehyung says, falling back onto Hoseok’s couch. It’s the most
uncomfortable thing he’s ever been on and he already wants to nap again. “Tell hyung it’s fine. I
probably deserved it.”

Hoseok is quiet for a moment and Taehyung can imagine him nibbling on his bottom lip before he

“You kept saying that last night. That you deserve everyone hating you,” Hoseok whispers. “You
know no one hates you, right? If you weren’t wasted I would have punched you in the mouth
because you kept calling yourself that nasty word your dad always called you, Tae. Pissed me off
because I love you so much, got it?”

Taehyung presses his eyes closed, his tired state messing with his emotions. He knows no one
hates him; he also knows if they did, they’d have a good reason to.

“Jungkook hates me.”

There’s silence for too long and Taehyung regrets saying it; opening up. He hasn’t said a word
about it to anyone since it happened, even when Yoongi followed him around and tried to force
him to talk about it, tried to explain on Jungkook’s behalf.

“He doesn’t,” Hoseok promises. “It’s Jungkook -”

“Get here,” Taehyung interrupts, his heart twisting inside his chest. “And I love you too,
Hoseok cooes over the phone, accepting the fact that he doesn’t want to talk about it because he’s
the best person in the world. “I’m almost home. Get that forehead ready for some smooches.”

It isn’t only smooches that Hoseok brings, but bowls of soup and Jimin and Yoongi. There’s a glare
in Jimin’s eyes but it falters when he grabs Taehyung and hugs him.

“You scared me, jerk,” Jimin whispers. “How did you get all the way there? What were you on?
You kept talking to the air, calling someone Goliath.”

Taehyung shrugs, the truth. He’s being punched gently in the chest a second later.

“Hey! It was your idea to go out?”

“For a drink,” Jimin cries. “I needed a drink. Not to lose my best friend while my boyfriends are in
a hospital waiting room! I told you to stay away from that shit, Tae. You never do well when you
start to trip out!”

“Hey,” Yoongi huffs, coming between them. He curls an arm around Taehyung’s shoulders and the
other around Jimin’s, forcing them together. Jimin’s face squishes into his chest when Hoseok
joins, yipping happily before he curls his arms over Yoongi’s.

The pressure makes the heaviness in his chest crack and he whimpers quietly into Jimin’s hair.


There’s a distant beeping that makes Jungkook aware of the fact that he is no longer dreaming. It
takes him a few minutes to pull himself awake completely, and he regrets it the moment he peeks
an eye open.

It’s bright, too bright. Pain explodes over his head and he groans lowly, shifting in a bed that’s so
uncomfortable it makes his shoulders ache too.

He feels like he’s been smashed in the head and spine. He attempts to turn on his side as nausea
washes through him, but is restrained by a pinch in his arm.

Jungkook frowns at the sight of the tube in his arm, panic rising. The beeping grows faster in pace
and he turns to look around at the hospital room before the door is flying open.

He’s in the campus’ medical center, Jungkook thinks as he takes in the doctor walking in. He
recognizes him from the time Jungkook swore he had an STD. He had not been judgemental of
panic even though Jungkook was having an allergic reaction to his new laundry detergent. But
either way, Jungkook still had been too embarrassed to come back, even when he was sick.

It takes him a second longer to remember why he’s here and his heart lurches in his chest.

“Mr. Jeon, do you know where you are?”

Jungkook nods, shifting up the bed. “Yes, Doctor Jung-nim.”

Dr. Jung smiles as he takes a seat. “You remember me, that’s good. Do you know why you’re
Jungkook nods his head, clenching his fingers into the sheet over him. Embarrassment fills him
that everyone saw him like that.

That Taehyung saw him like that.

The doctor doesn’t seem too concerned with the monitor, though he jots down something in his
notebook when it picks up.

”I gave you a sedative to calm you,” the doctor explains. “Do you often experience episodes of

Jungkook shakes his head. “Not like, panic attacks. Not since high school.”

More noting. Jungkook hates it.

“Your vitals are quite low. Dehydrated. Can you tell me when was the last time you ate, Mr.

Jungkook twists to the side. He doesn’t remember. “It isn’t on purpose. I just forgot to pack a lunch
and didn’t have time to eat between class.”

“I’m concerned about that, Mr. Jeon,” Dr. Jung continues, almost robotically, as he moves across
the room and sits on the other side of Jungkook, forcing him to look at him. “I’m concerned that
that happens often. Your hyung says you leave quite early in the morning and come home quite
late. That your schedule is packed the entire day. He also says you have a tendency to panic.”

Jungkook wheezes. “My hyung?”

Dr. Jung flicks through his notebook before he hums. “Yes. Yoongi? Your brother? He brought
you in. I asked him a few questions while we waited for you to wake.”

Yoongi hadn’t even been there when Jungkook fainted. At least, he doesn’t think so. He hadn’t
known Taehyung was there either.

He wonders if Taehyung came with Yoongi.

“He’s outside, isn’t he?”

Dr. Jung smiles, showing off pearly white teeth. “He is. But you haven’t been out long, Mr. Jeon. I
believe if you do not rest and nutrition yourself properly, collapsing will be a constant feature in
your life. As well as many health -“

His words go through one ear and out the other. Jungkook knows this. It really was an accident.
Sometimes he doesn’t realize that he hasn’t eaten and then he feels too sick to. But there’s not
much he can do about his packed schedule. Dr. Jung works on a college campus, he should know

“I’m insisting you take a sick leave from work,” Dr. Jung says as he starts as he grabs a sheet that
looks too much like a doctor’s note from Jungkook’s point of view. “And it’s almost the end of the
semester, which means exams, and I’ll want you to check in with me more often, okay? I’ll talk to
your advisor about lowering your workload for next semester. I also suggest you meet with the
counseling center -”

Jungkook yanks himself up into a sitting position so quickly it feels as if he nearly rips the IV from
his arm. Dr. Jung grows alarmed, standing up to press a hand to Jungkook’s chest.
“I can’t do that,” Jungkook blabbers. “If I don’t take extra classes, I have to take summer courses
and I can’t afford those.”

The doctor sighs, handing off the sheet that is definitely a doctor’s note. “And if you keep showing
up at the clinic’s door step half out of it, you won’t be able to afford the medical bills either.”

His words are spoken gently and he must realize that they upset Jungkook either way, because a
moment later he’s calling Yoongi in.

Yoongi is whiter than Jungkook’s ever seen him, his skin void of all color. He immediately sits on
the edge of the hospital bed and takes Jungkook’s cheeks into his hand.

There’s a kiss being pressed to his forehead a second later and Jungkook is embarrassed, but the
guilt he feels is more powerful.

“I’m sorry,” Jungkook breathes as he tips his head and lets Yoongi rest his chin on the top of his
head. “I was avoiding coming home.”

“I know,” is all Yoongi says as he rubs over Jungkook’s back. He wishes he could fold himself
into Yoongi even more as he feels the pressure in his chest start to grow. “I know why you didn’t
come home, Kookie. Don’t worry.”

Jungkook’s last year of high school, his mother had been in the hospital for weeks. There had been
a flu going around that her immune system couldn’t fight off without help.

That was the last time Jungkook had a breakdown this bad. It felt like normal, overwhelming stress
that he pushed through every time.

His brother had witnessed it, terrified before he ran upstairs to get Yoongi’s mother.

The guilt sat heavily with him for weeks. Yoongi and Hoseok missed class to visit him, his brother
had cried, he lied to his mother.

Jungkook feels that same guilt now.

“Eat it,” Yoongi says, tone soft as he plops more food than anyone can eat at one time onto the
plate in front of him. “How’d it go at the clinic?”

“I lied to them,” Jungkook admits, even though it makes Yoongi’s face twist in frustration. “I don’t
want to be admitted anywhere.”

Yoongi sighs, reaching over the table to cut Jungkook’s meat. He feels like a child and he knows
Yoongi needs to do it to make himself feel better, but it makes him feel worse.

“You’re not going to get admitted, Jungkook. It’s college; kids have breakdowns sometimes. That’s
why the clinic is here. It’s the only thing that stupid President did right.”

Jungkook rubs at his thighs. He had heard the Dr. Jung telling Yoongi how it might better he spend
the next week at the local hospital’s psych ward, but he hasn’t mentioned it. “You haven’t had a
Yoongi glances at him, quiet for a moment. “Comparing yourself to me ain’t it, Koo. I have an
easier major. I don’t have the same pressure. I’m cool with passing with lower grades as long as I
graduate because the field I want to go into isn’t as demanding.”

Everything he says is true; but at this point, he might as well be speaking another language because
none of it is sticking into his brain. His own thoughts are too strong, fighting off every positive one
that come near.

“You have me to deal with,” Jungkook whispers. “That’s an added stress.”

Planting the knife and fork to the table, Yoongi takes Jungkook’s hands instead.

“I don’t have you to deal with. Don’t think those things, Jungkookie. If I had to spend every
moment of my life taking care of you, I’d feel fulfilled and happy.”

It’s a lie, it must be, but Yoongi looks genuine when he says it.

“You don’t mean that.”

Yoongi’s face is twisting in what is probably supposed to be offense, but there’s a gleam in his
eyes that ruins it. “You calling me a liar, you little shit?”

Jungkook huffs out a laugh, desperate for Yoongi’s eyes to remain bright. “I am. What are you
going to do about it?”

Yoongi snorts. “Haven’t heard of me? Min Yoongi, boxing champ. People run when they see me.”

Amusement fills Jungkook, washing away the static inside of him. “When I see you, all I remember
is how you cried when we went to the shelter to adopt a kitten for your Eomma.”

Yoongi wrinkles his nose at that. “That never happened.”

“And I remember you washing my Eomma’s hair when her hands were too cramped and you trying
to teach my brother how to bake cookies and almost burning the apartment building down.”

Jungkook smiles softly when Yoongi does, his chest feeling heavy. Heavy in a good way. A way
he wants to cling onto.

“The only time you were scary was when you forced me to take you as my date to prom because
you were insistent that I needed to go. A real menace you are.”

Yoongi laughs at that, soft little giggles that make his shoulders shake. “Your Eomma spent years
trying to make you a tuxedo to surprise you. You had to go. And going stag isn’t embarrassing,
Kook, but I understood why you thought so.”

Jungkook’s shoulders slump. He had cried when she gave it to him, knowing how hard it was for
her to stitch anything yet seeing how strong she was.

“When you went to your prom with Hobi, was that because you two?” Jungkook isn’t sure how to
say it; not sure what exactly Yoongi and Hoseok are. “You two were? Something.”

Yoongi’s smile falters for a second. “Ah, not really. Not yet. That um, was actually the first night
we messed around.”

Jungkook wheezes at that.

“That time I caught you picking flowers,” Jungkook says, suddenly remembering, “you said you
messed up and they were to make someone feel better. Were they for Hobi?”

Yoongi parts his lips before he rubs them together and nods.

They don’t ever talk about it.

Jungkook can’t handle things.

He wants to be better.

“It was. We uh, hooked up a few times. You know like, scattered times. It was a ‘we shouldn’t be
doing this but it keeps happening’ kind of thing. And I was freaking out about it. Met Jimin. Hurt

Yoongi sucks through his teeth, cocking his head. He goes quiet for a moment and Jungkook gives
him his time, not feeling as tense or uncomfortable.

He can’t imagine it; doesn’t understand how he didn’t notice it.

“I didn’t tell you about it because I was trying to figure it all out. I was afraid if you knew, you’d
worry about something happening and ruining our friendship,” Yoongi admits.

He’s right; Jungkook would worry about that.

“And I was worried I would fuck up somehow and cause the ruin. It’s not that I thought you
couldn’t handle knowing,” Yoongi sighs as rests his elbow on the table and leans his hand against
his fist. “It’s just you’re not the only one that has a hard time handling things.”

Jungkook nods in understanding. He hurts that Yoongi couldn’t come to him, but that’s also how
Yoongi is. Rarely has he ever told or shown anyone that something is bothering him.

“I wouldn’t make it official with Hoseok until I told you and Jimin wouldn’t be official with either
us if it weren’t all of us together,” Yoongi says, lips quirking up. “But I thought, it’s been so long
that I’ve kept it from you that if I tell you now, you would be angry with me. I didn’t know what to
do, but I wasn’t doing the right thing.”

This time, Jungkook grabs Yoongi’s hand. “I’m not angry that you didn’t tell me. I’m angry with
myself that I can’t be the same best friend to you as you are to me.”

He gets swatted at for that. “I told you to stop saying that stuff. You’re more than my best friend,
you’re my baby brother.”

The pressure in Jungkook’s face is welcomed for the first time in a long time.

“Does that mean Hoseok’s not your best friend either, but your boyfriend ?”

Yoongi’s face crumples at that, eyes peering before he pinches Jungkook. “You are seven years

Jungkook’s laugh fills the room as Yoongi gets up, turning but Jungkook sees how red and smiley
he gets.
There are times when Jungkook needs the cold to cool his heated skin. It makes him feel better;
more focused when his anxiety strikes makes him feel feverish.

Sometimes the cold gnaws at his bones and makes his hands shake in a way that triggers his

Even bundled, the cold seeps in. Jungkook buries his face into his scratchy scarf, tucking his
gloved hands between his thighs. It doesn’t help.

It isn’t even the worst part of the winter yet.

Rain splatters onto the ground, soaking his shoes and the bottom of his work pants. His toes
already feel like ice and he should go back inside, but he’s worried about missing the bus.

It doesn’t help that he’s been nervous all day about facing Jiwon and giving him his doctor’s note.
He was afraid of the questions, of disappointing. But Jiwon had been kind.


Jungkook buries himself into his scarf further, shrinking into the glass window wall that’s been
keeping him somewhat dry. A car pulls up in front of him but he doesn’t acknowledge it, the sky
too dark for him to approach a stranger.

“Hey! You’re Jungkook, right?”

Nerves rattle through him as he peeks over his scarf. He has to get closer to see who it is but he

It doesn’t seem to matter as the car’s hazards light up the road and a moment later, a man is getting
out of the car.

Yoongi used to teach him how to protect himself, but Jungkook knew that if the time every came
where he would have to, he’d seize up and forget everything. Just like he is doing right now.

It isn’t until the man is nearly a foot from him and Jungkook is wondering if he should kick him in
the balls, that Jungkook recognizes him as Kim Soohyun, Taehyung’s brother.

“I was hoping to catch you.”

Jungkook pulls from his scarf, glancing around. Given the weather, there’s not many people

Taehyung had said Soohyun wasn’t harmful, but hate rushes through him as he remembers the way
he called Taehyung dumb.

“You - you were?”

Soohyun runs his fingers through his damp hair as he huddles beneath the bus stop. He’s dressed
nicely, leather gloves on, a peacoat around his shoulders that looks almost as expensive as his car.
His hair had been perfectly styled and slicked back before the rain.

The perfect disguise for a murderer.

“Yeah. I’m headed to campus right now to see my father, you need a ride?”

Without even thinking about it, Jungkook shakes his head.

“Oh come on, it’s freezing and dark. There may be creeps lurking around.”

Jungkook almost laughs at that. He doesn’t think Soohyun is a creep per se, but Jungkook’s
wondering if he is wrong about that. It shouldn’t have been possible for Soohyun to know it was
him after only meeting him just the one time. He was hiding in his scarf, on a dark, rainy night.

The idea that Soohyun had been following him or watching him makes him want to flee.

“I’m okay. Thank you though.”

Soohyun is curling a hand beneath Jungkook’s elbow before he can finish speaking, persistent in
the way he tugs him from the bench. He still wears a smile though, one that reminds him of

“My father is quite fond of you. He’d wring my neck if he knew I saw you and left you here.”

Jungkook rubs his own neck, unsure what to make of the President talking about him to his family.

Soohyun makes it sound like a joke, but Jungkook wonders just how true that is.

“I won’t tell him.”

Soohyun snorts, tugging on his elbow again until he comes. “He’ll figure it out. Dude knows

Unsure as to how to politely get out of this, Jungkook lets Soohyun guide him to the car and open
the door for him.

The inside is sleek and all leather, the new car smell still lingering. He feels uncomfortable and
like his body is too big inside, so he sticks his hands between his thighs and clenches hard around
them, curling forward to make himself smaller.

It’s awkward.

“You work at that burger joint?”

Jungkook nods before he realizes it's dark and Soohyun probably can’t see him. “Uh. I’m on leave
right now. For um, exams.”

They’re coming in close and Jungkook is more thankful than ever that someone paid his tuition.
Without work, he wouldn’t be able to eat and sleep as much as the doctor needs him to. But
without having to pay his tuition, he has extra cash.


Jungkook rolls his eyes. Cool isn’t quite the word but Soohyun isn’t being rude to him. He’s just
trying to make conversation, Jungkook tries to convince himself.

“So um, what did you mean you were hoping to run into me?”

Soohyun taps his gloved fingers around his steering wheel. “I have a friend that was talking about a
Jungkook and I was wondering if it was you.”

“Probably not,” Jungkook responds. Being around Soohyun makes him want to crawl out of his
skin and he isn’t sure why.
Maybe because what he said to Taehyung, maybe because he has the same tattoo as Cheol Su.

“I hope not,” Soohyun laughs without amusement. “I’d have to tell my father to keep you away
from Tae.”

Jungkook clears his throat and cracks his neck. What the fuck . “Then definitely not me.”

When Soohyun glances at him, his face doesn’t look as friendly as it did before.

“Has Tae ever taken you to one of those boxing matches he loves so much?”

Jungkook lies, shaking his head. It’s an instinct he doesn’t understand.

“I’m surprised,” Soohyun laughs again. He laughs more than Taehyung does. “He runs with this
crew down there. Young kids thinking they’re bad you know? There’s this boxer, Min Yoongi -”

There’s sweat growing on Jungkook’s palms and suddenly he’s regretting wearing so many layers.
The heat blows from the dashboard too, the seat warmers on, and Jungkook wonders if he might
pass out a second time.

“Started beef with this guy there. One of those you don’t want to fuck with guys right? Which takes
big balls because Min is like, two feet tall on his tip toes.”

Jungkook wonders if he should open the door and tumble out of the car at the next red light. But
every light they pass is green. He’s even too nervous to crack a window, though he desperately
needs the air.

“I heard it was over some guy named Jungkook,” Soohyun goes on. “I don’t need that kind of heat
around my baby brother, you know? He’s got anger issues and loves pressing buttons. I don’t need
him getting hurt because he can’t keep his mouth shut. And he must be fond of you if he brought
you to his part of the house. Butler Kang told me.”

Jungkook relaxes some. Maybe he’s just being biased because the only thing he’s ever heard about
Soohyun is him being a dick. Which, Jungkook still thinks he is, but maybe he really does mean no

“I understand,” is all Jungkook responds with. If they were closer, he would ask Soohyun more.
Like what does he mean Taehyung must be fond of him? What did Butler Kang tell him?

“Luckily the guy, Cheol Su, and I go way back. I could convince him to lay off my brother for
being one of Min’s boys.”

His relaxation vanishes at the mention of Cheol Su and his body goes taut. He tries not to react as
Soohyun looks at him again like he’s expecting him to react.

“But the Jungkook guy is one of Cheol Su’s,” Soohyun goes on, knowing in his voice. “That’s why
I wanted to make sure it wasn’t you. Cheol Su wouldn’t back off if my brother was messing with
one of his.”

The sight of the campus as Jungkook considering jumping out of a moving car.

“I’m in Niejdlik building,” Jungkook lies, pointing to the closest dormitory.

Soohyun hums an affirmative as he pulls towards it. Jungkook prays there’s someone outside who
he can pretend to talk to or the door is unlocked.
“Thank you so much,” Jungkook says, trying not to appear as if he’s rushing to get out as he spots
a student headed towards the front door.

“No problem, and Jungkook?”

Jungkook grips onto the door, keeping it half shut. “Yeah?”

“Your last name is Jeon, right?”

Soohyun grins though Jungkook is sure he can’t see how startled Jungkook is becoming.

“Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, goodnight and thank you.”

Jungkook doesn’t care if Soohyun catches him running inside the building. He sits himself on a
bench inside, in front of the Dorm Director’s office to ease his breath before he calls Yoongi to
pick him up.

He tosses his phone aside when he remembers Yoongi is at work. He knots his hands into fists, not
even bothering to clean his rain splattered glasses.

He stays there for a bit before deciding to brave the rain and walk home. His encounter with
Soohyun has rattled him and he’s nervous about being spotted again, but his apartment is just off

It’s difficult not to run, not wanting to slip over the sidewalks. He takes off his winter jacket in case
Soohyun does drive by again, shoving it between his arms as he ducks his head and takes off.

He doesn’t understand if he was being threatened or not; but it felt like it.

When lights flash over his leg and a car slow besides him, Jungkook feels as if he could cry. He’s
only a few days past his breakdown and he really, really doesn’t want another one so soon.

But the voice isn’t Soohyun’s, it’s more familiar.

“What are you doing?”

It makes his heart beat just as fast, though. Jungkook can’t see Taehyung well through his blurry
glasses, but he recognizes his car.

“Walking home.”

Jungkook is sure Taehyung frowns at that and it’s confirmed by the tone of his voice when he
says, “get in.”

“I’m good,” Jungkook says. “Thank you.”

It doesn’t stop Taehyung from trailing after him, the car driving slowly to match the pace
Jungkook walks, which feels close to running.

“Just get in,” Taehyung calls. “You’re not well, Jungkook. You shouldn’t be in the rain.”

He grits his teeth. He doesn’t want to be reminded that Taehyung was there, saw the way he lost

When Jungkook doesn’t respond, the car stops. He desperately wants to run back to Taehyung and
run away at the same time.
He isn’t expecting to hear the car door shut and beep like it’s being locked, and he’s ashamed to
admit the butterflies that erupt in his stomach when Taehyung’s shoulder bumps into his.

Taehyung walks beside him, eyes ahead and hands tucking into his raincoat. It looks thin and
Jungkook knows he must be cold because the shirt he wears beneath it barely covers the bottom
half of his torso, his dangling belly button ring revealed beneath the lip of his shirt.

“You don’t have to,” Jungkook says, unsure if he can be heard underneath the rain smacking
against the pavement.

Taehyung completely ignores him, not even looking his way and acknowledging the fact that he’s
being spoken to. The rain is falling hard enough to already soak Taehyung’s hair but he doesn’t
even wip it back and out of his eyes.

“Seriously, I’m okay.”


Jungkook let’s out an aggravated noise as he turns on his heel and storms back to where Taehyung
haphazardly parked his expensive car in a no parking zone.

“Unlock the car,” Jungkook grits out as he grabs the passenger door.

He doesn’t need Taehyung getting sick because of him.

The car comes alive as it beeps again, lights skating across the road. Jungkook is sure Taehyung is
grinning in victory but he doesn’t look to see if he’s right as he throws himself into the passenger

He’s hit with the scent of vanilla, radiating from the many air fresheners Taehyung has along his
dashboard. There are balled up fast food bags on the ground and receipts shoved into the cup
holders between the seats.

Taehyung doesn’t say anything as he opens up the driver’s door, nor when he pushes the engine
button and takes off.

Jungkook can barely hear the rain over the pounding of his heart. Thankfully, he doesn’t live too
far away.

“You gonna tell me why you’re risking your health knowing how worried your hyungs already

There is no malice in Taehyung’s words but they stab at him anyway.

He wonders if Taehyung worried too.

He feels even guiltier wanting him to.

He doesn’t feel like he should tell Taehyung about Soohyun, so he doesn’t. He has a feeling it
might make Taehyung angry and when Jungkook’s chest feels as heavy as it does now, he can’t
handle anger well.

Soohyun told Jungkook that Taehyung struggles with anger issues, but so far all of it has seemed
understandable in Jungkook’s mind.

He wonders if Taehyung’s standing up for himself is something Soohyun considers to be an anger

issue .

“I got off at the wrong bus stop.”

Taehyung glances at where Jungkook’s hands clench and unclench on his lap.

It goes quiet again after that, though Jungkook expects Taehyung to call him out on his lie.

It makes him sad. He wishes it was back to normal, even if Taehyung made him shy and nervous,
he also made him laugh and feel good. He misses looking at Taehyung and always finding
Taehyung looking back.

“Can I ask you a question?”

Taehyung nods his head, clearly aware that Jungkook keeps glancing at him.

“How does your brother know Cheol Su?”

This catches Taehyung’s attention, finally pulling Taehyung’s eyes onto him. He doesn’t answer at
first, jaw tightening as he starts to tap his fingers at the steering wheel.

It reminds him of Soohyun just a handful of minutes earlier.

“My brother is more known at the Club than I am,” Taehyung finally says. “And at the Club,
there’s all kinds of fake, wannabe gangs. People associated with whoever they rock with grouped
together because of rivalries and all that shit. We’re the Min’s Boys, though calling us a gang is a
stretch. I ain’t getting Yoongi’s name tattooed anywhere on my body.”

Jungkook laughs quietly when Taehyung’s lips quirk up at that.

“Cheol started fighting because of Soohyun, I think. Their crew took on an ‘badass’ biker image
because they thought it looked intimidating or whatever. Took the whole gang thing a bit too

Jungkook nods in understanding as he turns his eyes out of the window to watch the passing
apartment buildings.

It makes him sick that Cheol Su is still talking about him. Calling him his .

“Are you friends with him?”

Taehyung laughs at that, the sound cold. “Not really. We used to party together before his and
Yoongi’s beef started. Acquaintances at most.”

There’s a thickness in Jungkook’s throat that feels suffocating. He spots his apartment building in
the distance and finds he doesn’t want to get out of the car.

“Did he talk to you about me?”

The idea of Taehyung knowing anything about what happened is upsetting to him. But even more
so is Taehyung listening to the things Cheol Su has said about him and believing them.

He isn’t sure if he believes Cheol Su’s words about Taehyung and him sharing stories together.
Taehyung has lied to him about school before, but Jungkook wouldn’t take him for someone to
make things up to look cool or whatever Cheol Su is trying for.
“I don’t care to listen to anyone bragging about what they do behind closed doors. Makes them
sound like grade A douche bags, if you ask me.”

Jungkook watches Taehyung as he curves the wheel and idles the car in front of the apartment
building. He doesn’t get out of the car.

“You talk about yours.”

Taehyung leans back against his door, eyes searching over Jungkook. It’s dark, but the street lights
are enough to make out his face. It is more serious than Jungkook’s ever seen, but somehow void
of emotion again. The way he’s turned reveals the ‘fuck school’ in bold letters across his chest and
Jungkook wonders if Taehyung was on his way to see his father too.

“I make jokes, to my friends. When you asked about Jiwon, I played off what you were implying
and because you’re cute when you’re jealous. But I didn’t tell you anything nor brag.”

Jungkook sucks in a breath. He’s always been amazed by how easily Taehyung admits things.

“I didn’t even tell Jimin that we used to fuck around, Jungkook.”

Used to. Jungkook knew Taehyung dropping their tutoring sessions without a word was a sign
Taehyung was done with him, but the confirmation hurts.

“Even if I was angry at you, I wouldn’t do that.”

This time, Taehyung talks soft and slowly in a way that make Jungkook wish he was playing with
his hair while he talked to him.

Jungkook digs his fingers into thighs. He wishes he didn’t bring it up.

He is trying to get better at handling things.

“Are you?” Jungkook asks, hesitating. Does he want to know? “Angry with me?”

Another laugh, another lacking amusement but it isn’t cold. He drags his fingers through his wet
hair, making it stand up over his forehead. “No, Jungkook, I’m not angry with you.”

“You sure? You keep calling me Jungkook.”

“That’s your name.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose and glares. Taehyung is still just as frustrating as always. “Well, that's
not what you call me.”

Taehyung leans in then, his old amused grin back. He taps a fingers under Jungkook’s chin, head
cocking to the side.

“Go inside and dry off. Drink tea so you don’t get sick, baby .”

Normally, Jungkook would push Taehyung’s hand off, but he has missed Taehyung’s touch too
much to do so.

It feels ridiculous to be so affected by something so simple, but Taehyung is right there, touching
him, his face only a few inches away from his own.

Taehyung’s grin falters when Jungkook doesn’t respond, but swallows instead. He pulls his touch
away and let’s his hands fall limp into his lap.

“Let me make you tea too. As a thank you for driving me home.”

Taehyung waves him off, adjusting in his seat to grab the steering wheel again. “No need to thank
me. Have a good night.”


When Taehyung was younger, he had been smacked so hard in the mouth for cussing that the shape
of his mother’s rings stayed printed on his cheeks for what felt like weeks. He still has a scar over
the corner of his mouth, hard to see but he notices it sometimes in the mirror.

He stares at that hand while he’s being scolded, but he doesn’t listen to what she says. He knows
he hasn’t been going to class often, and that he got probably the worst grade on record on the paper
she’s currently holding.

He’s forced to look at her when she grips his chin and presses her manicured nails into his skin.
“Are you high?”

Taehyung isn’t. He didn’t sleep last night though. He wishes he were high but he pinky promised
his friends he wouldn’t touch another substance until Jin’s Birthday Bash.

And even then he has to be monitored. Taehyung understands now why Jungkook hates feeling
like a baby.

“I am not,” Taehyung huffs, pulling his head from her grip. “Are you? I think Xanax is worse than
weed, Eomma.”

“ Taehyung . Do not speak to your mother like that.”

Taehyung glances lazily at where his father sits behind his desk. He knew he would be called into
his office again one day. He’s surprised Jungkook isn’t here, unless he told his father that
Taehyung stopped showing up to the tutoring sessions.

Sometimes Taehyung stands outside the building, feeling like a creep just to watch Jungkook go
running inside. The same time every morning. No one else ever enters and Taehyung wonders if
Jungkook is waiting for him to. He hadn’t meant to be a creep, he just didn’t have the nerve to ask
how Jungkook was doing and even if he did, he needed to see him himself.

He’s been looking like shit.

“Sorry, Appa.” Taehyung rolls his eyes as hard as he can. “Hypocrisy runs in this family just as
much as drug use does, apparently.”

His cheek stings from the pain of his mother’s hand. It’s ballsy with the amount of windows in his
father’s office, but not giving a fuck also runs in the family.

“You’re a disgrace,” he hears his father say. He wants to rub at the sting on his cheek but he
doesn’t want to give his mother the satisfaction. “We have done everything to assure you succeed,
and to help you do so.”
Taehyung braces himself. It’s in his father’s tone. He’s going to call him that word and Taehyung
is going to react.

“But instead, you sit with every single excuse you can think of. Acting as if you’re an idiot. An
ungrateful brat, is what you are! Acting as if you’re -”

Taehyung tightens his fists when he sees his father’s mouth start to shape the word but there’s a
loud bang on the door that has him pressing his lips together instead.

“Come in.”

The air is tense and the moment Jungkook steps inside the office, it worsens. Jungkook must notice
as his nervous wide eyes jerk between Taehyung and his parents before he bows.

“President Kim, you called me?”

Jungkook looks awful. He’s pale, the bags under his eyes worse than they’ve ever been before. He
isn’t dressed up in his button up or sweater vest, nor his track outfit. Taehyung vaguely remembers
Jimin mentioning the doctor insisted that Jungkook take a break from everything but class.
Taehyung has been worried about what he’s been doing in his free time after he found Jungkook
walking, pale as a ghost, in the pouring rain.

“Yes, yes. Come in, Mr. Jeon. This is my wife, Yoonhee.”

Jungkook side eyes Taehyung before he bows before his mother. “Yoonhee-ssi, it’s so nice to
finally meet you.”

The difference on his mother’s face is astounding. She smiles sweetly at Jungkook, even gently
petting his red cheeks. “Oh, he is adorable. Your hyung said you were quite fond of him. I see

Taehyung doesn’t respond but folds a hand beneath his chin, unbothered. His brother doesn’t know
shit about it.

The red grows on Jungkook’s face. His fingers are twisted in the sleeves of his jacket and he tucks
them between his legs when he sits.

Taehyung wants to hold his hand.

“You don’t know how grateful I am to you,” his mother goes on, making Jungkook look even more
embarrassed. “Taehyung has been impossible all of his life. You must share your secrets.”

Jungkook glances at Taehyung and Taehyung shakes his head slightly. He doesn’t give a shit what
his parents say, he doesn’t need Jungkook to worry.

“Jungkook, I have a huge request,” his father starts. And no . Taehyung glares at what he thinks his
father is doing. “Soohyun told me you’ve taken a leave from work and your coach is reporting you
have quiet for the season?”

What ? Taehyung thinks, glancing at Jungkook to watch his hands for signs of lying. When the hell
did he see Soohyun?

Jungkook nods, unblinking as he stares at his father.

“I was wondering if you could spare me some of your time. You’ve already helped so much, but
I’m afraid my wife is right, Taehyung is impossible. This isn’t your fault, of course.”

Taehyung bites his cheek, body thrumming with anger.

“Anything you need, President Kim.”

There’s a shake in Jungkook’s voice and the urge to touch him is growing too strong.

He doesn’t know why he gives a shit. Jungkook hates him; he’s associated him with Cheol Su in
his head. Believes he’s the same kind of asshole.

Taehyung feels desperate to prove him wrong.

“This must stay between the four of us. As it is, unprofessional of me. Especially in my position.
But I’m hoping if you’re heavily compensated, it makes the risk worth it.”

Jungkook is sweating, palms rubbing over his thighs. Taehyung sits quietly, trying not to get
backhanded again, this time by the hand his mother has covered in heavy looking rings.

“It is very important to me that Taehyung passes his classes. We don’t want -” His father stops
himself, clearing his throat before he smiles. “My wife and I want to see Taehyung walking the
stage, you see.”

Bullshit, Taehyung thinks. He just doesn’t want any of his colleagues to see how dumb his son is.

“What - what is it? Sir?”

His father goes quiet for a moment, before folding his hands onto the desk. “I need you to take
Taehyung’s exams for him.”

“Absolutely not,” Taehyung says, interrupting loudly before anyone can get another word in. “No
fucking way. Not a chance in Hell .”

Jungkook jumps from the sudden sound of Taehyung’s voice. His father grows red in the face, a
vein popping over his forehead.

“Taehyung -” his mother starts, but he isn’t listening.

“Jungkook is on work leave and off of track because he fucking passed out,” Taehyung says so
angrily that spit flies from his mouth. “Because he’s been so overloaded he doesn’t have time to
eat. He’s in six classes as is. That means six exams, and you want him to take three more? No
fucking way and don’t you dare agree, Jeon.”

Jungkook shrinks in on himself, arms covering over his stomach and into the back of the chair. He
knows, he knows, it isn’t any of his business, but it is.

Even if Jungkook doesn’t like him back, he’s made Taehyung feel good for the first time in years.
Even if Jungkook doesn’t want him around, Taehyung still needs Jungkook to be okay.

“As a University President, Appa, you should be more concerned about your students having
mental breakdowns,” Taehyung snaps. He doesn’t think he’s going to be able to stop himself. He
feels it sizzling inside of him, ready to burst out of him.

“Jungkook is a strong boy, Taehyung -”

Taehyung doesn’t want to hear a word of it. He hates the way Jungkook’s eyes are wide and how
he shrinks into himself.

He can’t stop seeing the way Jungkook had fallen, panicked to the point he wouldn’t let anyone
near him.

“You go through with this and I’m reporting you to the board,” Taehyung interrupts as he stands.
He doesn’t register his mother moving until more pain bursts over his cheek.

“Do not threaten your father,” his mother snaps. Taehyung’s teeth throb from the blow and he
jumps when gentle fingers grab the hand over his cheek.

Jungkook’s there in a second, and he hovers his hand away when Taehyung flinches like he isn’t
sure he can touch.

“He’s fine. I’m sorry you had to see that, Mr. Jeon,” Yoonhee apologizes with fake sincerity.
“Taehyung’s never been an easy one to scold. Old fashioned practices only seem to work.”

There’s something in Jungkook’s glassy eyes that has Taehyung’s heart aching. He doesn’t want
Jungkook to see this part of his life. He doesn’t want Jungkook to see how badly he struggles with

“You won’t report it to the board,” Jungkook says. “I’ll do it. Because of my grades, I am excused
from three of my exams. And you’re in basic Chemistry, Taehyung. I could take that exam with
my eyes closed.

“But I will go to the board if I hear you call another student an idiot, President Kim.”

Jungkook turns then, the trembling in his hands betraying the confidence he pretends to have.
Taehyung’s heart lurches when his father leans back, his eyes growing wide in surprise.

“I - I heard you outside. I could hear everything in the hallway,” Jungkook stammers out. “I - I
know how much and what companies help fund this school’s programs. I am sure they won’t - they
won’t appreciate the university President calling one of his students an idiot because he struggles
with his studies. Especially Allies Inc. Their vision is ‘a world where limitation does not
distinguish and define’ after all. And I’m quite sure they offer a very charitable contribution each

Taehyung has never, ever in his life ever wanted to kiss Jungkook as badly as he wants to right
now. His father looks thrown off by Jungkook’s boldness as much as Taehyung is. But Jungkook’s
nerve doesn’t last long before he’s bowing low and nearly running from the office.

Snatching his bag, Taehyung takes off after him, ignoring his father’s call after him.


Jungkook ignores him and keeps storming off.

Taehyung cusses under his breath. Even sick, Jungkook is fast.


It is successful in getting Jungkook to whip around, but he doesn’t look pleased.

“No,” Jungkook says, stepping back. “I’m sorry. I have to go. I am supposed to meet with hyung. If
I don’t, he gets weird and will blow up my phone and I’m on low battery.”
“Baby,” Taehyung says again but he never got over his addiction to calling Jungkook that. He cups
Jungkook’s elbow, wanting to pull him close. “You’re not doing those exams. I will kill you if you
even attempt it.”

Jungkook narrows his eyes at him. “I am. I worked hard during those tutoring sessions. You’re
passing those classes whether I have to do them myself or not. And that’s it.”

“I worked hard too,” Taehyung snaps defensively.

“I know,” Jungkook says without hesitation. “Which is why I’m angry right now. You should be
worried about your grades for you. Not for me, not to spite your parents. Show them you’re as
smart as you are, Taehyung. That’s the best way to slap your mother in the face the way she
slapped you.”

Jungkook softens as he curls a finger underneath Taehyung’s sore cheek. His eyes grow sad and
Taehyung hates it; hates pity, but he isn’t sure that’s exactly what Jungkook is feeling.

“You should go see Dr. Jung,” Jungkook murmurs. “You’re bleeding.”

Taehyung curls his fingers around Jungkook’s wrist before he turns and presses a kiss to his palm.
He can’t say the words, but he needs Jungkook to know them. I’m sorry, I miss you.

A sharp breath leaves Jungkook’s lips as he tenses, but his fingers stiffen out like he’s giving
Taehyung space to kiss more.

Maybe. Taehyung needs to stop just relying on the small indications that Jungkook is okay with it
and just ask him.

“I’ll take the exams,” Taehyung says. “You don’t have to. Trust me, I’ll take them. If that doesn’t
convince you, then know if you do those exams and get sick again, Yoongi will murder me and
spend his life in prison and you’ll have to bear the weight of that.”

Jungkook huffs out a breath, rolling his eyes. “I know you can do them, Taehyung.”

He turns then, walking off slower. Taehyung doesn’t know if that means anything, if that means
Jungkook wants him to walk with him or not.

“Jeon!” Taehyung calls, heart skipping a beat. “You’re the only one that believes in me.”

Jungkook turns around, walking backwards. There’s a grin on his lips when he says, “didn’t you
say I was the smartest person you know?”

Taehyung cannot do this.

He stares at the study guides, at the shapes and words on the paper and he wants to scream. He’s
too tired for this and maybe he shouldn’t have smoked first.

Taehyung flips through his notebooks, finding the notes he had written word for word of what
Jungkook said. He remembers the sound of his voice, the look in his eyes as he explains things.

Its distracting because in the margins are doodles of Jungkook, little notes about things he had said
unrelated to schoolwork.

Taehyung sighs, running a finger underneath each word so he focuses and retains each one. He
says them under his breath, quietly so Jimin won’t hear where he’s studying across the room.

It feels like it takes forever just for Taehyung to finish half of the study guide. He needs a break
though, swearing he actually does, before he hands his paper to Namjoon.

“Tell me if this is correct,” he says before he flies into the kitchen.

Every year before exams, Namjoon hosts a study party. Taehyung has never attended it until this
year and he did come just to study, but he is disappointed that Jungkook isn’t here with everyone

Namjoon offers him the paper back, thankfully explaining which parts he had gotten wrong and
why they are wrong.

“Thanks. You’re no Jungkook, but close enough.”

Namjoon swats him in the chest. “Shut up. Thank god I’m not him. I’d throw up if you looked at
me the way you look at him.”

Taehyung wrinkles his nose around a growl and punches Namjoon back.

He’s trying. Trying to go at it by himself but when Monday rolls around and there’s a few
questions he isn’t sure about, he finds himself standing outside of the tutoring center.

There’s no reason Jungkook should be here but he hopes so. The reception area is empty except for
the woman he signs in with.

“Uh, is Jungkook here?”

The woman doesn’t look at him as she nods. It’s that way with everyone lately. Exam week makes
the campus look as if a zombie apocalypse has happened.


She flits a hand in the general direction of the study rooms. Taehyung bites his tongue. He
shouldn’t be too hard to find, no one else would be willing to wake up this early to study.

He is easy to find but Taehyung had been wrong about Jungkook being the only one here. He
hesitates when he walks by the windows and spots Jungkook’s forehead nearly pressed to another
man’s as he points down to a textbook.

There’s a static in Taehyung’s chest that he should, needs to ignore, but he is opening the door
before he can stop himself. He knocks as he opens it, making Jungkook nearly fly out of his chair
as the other with him only slowly lifts his head.

Jungkook’s face turns red immediately.

“Taehyung. What - what are you doing here?”

“Hey Jeon,” Taehyung greets as he leans against the doorframe. “Just making use of the great
things this university offer us. Figured no one would be here.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose. The other man’s eyes are sparkling and Taehyung frowns.
“I’m always here at this time.”

It’s awkward. Taehyung hates awkward.

Shifting away from the door, Taehyung drops his bag on the table. Despite there being six other
empty chairs, he parks himself beside Jungkook.

“Do you mind if I study in here?”

Jungkook looks a bit lost for words, growing redder.

“I’m sure there’s plenty of other rooms.”

Taehyung slowly lets his eyes travel to the other man at the sound of his voice. His eyes are bright
with amusement.

“This one has better lighting.”

He has no idea, but when Jungkook nor his friend comment, Taehyung pulls out his study guide
and starts working.

Everything is done but the parts he needs help with, so Taehyung spends his time pretending not to
eavesdrop. Jungkook takes a deep breath, which he continues to do between each pause.

It’s when Taehyung glances at Jungkook and sees the way the pen he holds trembles that he
wonders if this was a bad idea. If he messed up again and made Jungkook uncomfortable.

“Kookie baby, can you help me with this?” Taehyung asks as he digs through his bag, pretending
like he isn’t aware that he’s interrupting.

He keeps digging himself into a bigger hole but Taehyung has always had impulse control

“Um, with what?”

Taehyung yanks out a pen buried at the bottom of the bag before rolling it to Jungkook. “This
chem shit.”

Jungkook frowns, glancing at the man who Taehyung is started to get annoyed with. He just looks
like an annoying person.

“Who’s your professor? I have Yoon for chem. Total bore,” the man says as Jungkook glances at
Taehyung’s work.

It makes Taehyung feel worse. Jungkook does everything he’s asked so easily.

“Ma Ri,” Taehyung answers. He wants to tug the study guide back from Jungkook, regret filling
him but Jungkook is smiling.

It makes his heart swell as Jungkook sucks his bottom lip into his mouth like he’s trying not to.

“You’re one of Min’s boys, aren’t you?”

Taehyung raises an eyebrow at the stranger, trying not to show how affected he is just by
Jungkook’s smile.
His smile directed at Taehyung’s work.

“Mhm,” Taehyung hums. “Heard of me?”

The man grins as he leans back in his chair and Jungkook stills, staring down at the paper as his
smile vanishes. He doesn’t have a familiar face, though his cat like eyes make him stand out -
Taehyung doesn’t recognize him.

“Yeah. I go to the Club sometimes. Rumor has it he got into a fight with one of those biker dudes
and hasn’t shown his face since.”

Jungkook’s sharp exhale is quiet but Taehyung is so tuned into him he hears it.

Taehyung laughs quietly. “Nothing like that. Family shit, you know how it is.”

The man flashes him a toothy grin. “Right on. I’m Moonbin by the way.”

Taehyung feels like being petty, but he doesn’t. Instead, he smiles and takes the hand that is
offered to him.

The strength in Moonbin’s grip isn’t accidental.


Jungkook clears his throat, giving Taehyung a look he doesn’t understand. But apparently Moonbin
does as he stands, wiping his hands on his legs.

“I should head out. Thanks for your help, Jungkook-ah.”

Taehyung frowns when he stands completely. He’s tall .

What is it with tall men making him jealous? He’s plenty tall himself.

“Nice meeting you,” Taehyung says with a half wave. He can feel Jungkook’s eyes boring into him
as Moonbin leaves.

“What are you doing?” Jungkook whispers despite them now being alone.

“I need help,” Taehyung says as he shifts his study guide so Jungkook can see.

Jungkook softens, his smile flickering back. “From what it looks like, you don’t need help at all.”

Taehyung bites his cheek so his smile won’t show Jungkook how that makes him feel. “I do. There
were a couple questions I couldn’t figure out.”

He flips to them, showing them off and Taehyung freezes when he spots the ‘ Jungkook ’ scribbled
on the side. He quickly closes the packet.

“Oh, well, funny thing. I just remembered the answer.”

Jungkook narrows his eyes suspiciously. “Did you come here just to mess with me? Make me
embarrassed in front of Moonbin?”

Taehyung frowns at that. “Why do you care about being embarrassed in front of Moonbin? Are
you -”
“No,” Jungkook grunts before Taehyung can finish. He snatches Taehyung’s packet, quickly
opening it again. “You know I get embarrassed in front of anyone.”

Leaning an elbow on the back of his chair, he tries to remain calm that Jungkook doesn’t spot his
doodled name. He hopes there’s only the one. “I also know you have a tall man kink.”

Jungkook glares so hard Taehyung almost laughs.

“I do not.”

“Mhm,” Taehyung insists. “You know tall is the number one leading characteristic of cheaters? All
tall men cheat.”

It's hard not to laugh when Jungkook’s eyes grow with amusement.

Taehyung’s cheeks feel hot.

“All tall men suck. Except for Namjoon,” Taehyung says seriously. “Whomst I call Daddy Long
Legs, by the way. Jin hates it.”

The room fills with Jungkook’s giggle that he hides behind his hands. Taehyung joins him,
laughing quietly as he pulls Jungkook’s hands from his face so he can hold his fingers and not let
them go.

“You don’t really call him that, do you?” Jungkook chokes out.

It feels normal, nice.

Taehyung desperately doesn’t want to ruin it.

“Mhm. Sure do,” Taehyung sounds proudly. “So no more hanging out with tall dudes, Jeon. Except

Jungkook stays quiet for a moment, sucking on his bottom lip and growing tense when Taehyung
drops his eyes to his mouth.

“You sound jealous.”

It’s a weak comeback, soft spoken and clearly meant to be joking, but Taehyung is.

“I am,” Taehyung admits, tone also joking. I miss you, I miss you. “Never said you could tutor
anyone but me, baby.”

Jungkook lets out a breath that sounds like he’s been holding it. “You um, stopped coming.”

Taehyung cringes internally. Don’t avoid, don’t avoid runs through his mind but the tension slowly
seeping into his body makes his fight or flight go into over drive.

“When someone says they hate you, you probably shouldn’t force yourself around them,”
Taehyung says as he pulls his hands from Jungkook, heart dampening when Jungkook easily lets
him go.

It’s too much and Taehyung hates when he can’t breathe. He grabs the packet to shove it into his
bag, but Jungkook lays a hand flat onto it and stops him.

“Wait. Don’t go,” Jungkook says under his breath, eyes wide and Taehyung’s angry at himself that
he can’t stop upsetting Jungkook. “Please sit back down. I didn’t mean to ruin it.”

Taehyung had been so ready to feel he didn’t even realize he was half out of his seat. Jungkook
didn’t ruin a thing.

“You scared Moonbin away, I still have a half hour left,” Jungkook says. He lets out a laugh that
sounds forced. “How are almost as tall as tall boys? Can I hang out with them?”

Confusion fills Taehyung. He doesn’t want Jungkook to date anyone, tall or small.

“I’m making a joke,” Jungkook rushes, turning red again. “A really bad joke. I meant you. Because
you’re almost as tall as everyone you call gigantic.”

Taehyung melts back into his chair. He smiles at Jungkook’s attempt at using humor to lighten the
situation like Taehyung always does because he needs it.

And Jungkook knows that.

“Depends,” Taehyung playa along, flashing Jungkook a cocky grin, “what’s their name?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I just said it was you. Shut up and tell me what question you need help

Taehyung’s cheeks hurt from the way his smile pushes into them and it only worsens when
Jungkook scooches closer to him.

“I don’t by the way,” Jungkook whispers as Taehyung taps on the question he needs help with. “I
don’t hate you, that is.”

Taehyung isn’t aware of the tightness in his chest until he exhales out and it releases.

The first exam, Taehyung feels anxious again. He waits outside of the classroom, waiting for the
door to open up to his death. He spent the morning with Hoseok asking him question after
question, cheering him as he got them right, but he isn’t feeling confident. A lot of it is equations,
and Taehyung isn’t confident.

Taehyung’s chest is tight as he exhales, puffing out his cheeks. He can do this. He knows his
father’s been modifying his other grades; he doesn’t know how but there are a lot of high Cs that
Taehyung never earned, even on things he never even remembers working on.

He wants to earn this one; mostly to spite his parents and so Jungkook doesn’t have to.

So Jungkook knows he worked hard to helped him and it actually worked.

It’s been a long time since Taehyung has had a reason to be motivated. He knows Jungkook wants
him to be his own motivation, but whatever works, right?


Taehyung whips around at the sound of Jungkook’s voice. He looks just as shitty as the last time
they saw each other, his hair a ruffled mess and his glasses needing a cleaning. He holds a textbook
to his chest, the image of test tubes beneath his arms.
“You came.”

Taehyung wrinkles his nose at that, glancing at the closed door and Jungkook. “You didn’t come
here to take the exam for me, did you? I told you I was coming.”

Jungkook snorts at that. “Unfortunately, your professor would know it’s me and not you. I was
supposed to take the exams in your father’s office. I came to wish you luck.”

Maybe Jungkook meant it when he said he doesn’t hate him, but Taehyung still doesn’t know why
he would say it anyway.

“Thank you, Jeon.”

“Don’t be afraid to scribble things out on the sides of the paper until you can figure it out. And
don’t get frustrated with yourself or it’ll make things harder on you. Oh, and -”

Taehyung takes Jungkook’s hand before he can finish. He squeezes it gently, desperately wanting
to kiss Jungkook.

They aren’t okay - Taehyung doesn’t fucking know, but he just knows his heart is swelling because
it feels normal.

“Okay, sorry,” Jungkook huffs, smiling and Taehyung’s crashing with how much he missed him.
“You’ll do fine. Okay?”

“Come to Jin’s,” Taehyung says. “It’s this Saturday, after exams. Before everyone goes home for
the break.”

Taehyung knows Jungkook isn’t going home. The idea of him being the only person on campus,
even though he knows that won’t be true, makes his chest ache.

“Uh - I’ll think about it,” Jungkook says, offering him a smile. “I wasn’t cleared to go back to work
yet, so. I’m not sure.”

Concern makes Taehyung’s heart drop. “Did you tell Dr. Fuck that not having money is going to
make you stress?”

Jungkook sniffles his nose before rubbing it. “Actually, someone paid my tuition. I suspect
Yoongi, but he denies it. So, I have some extra, emergency cash and the next tuition payment
ahead of time.”

Taehyung bites at his smile, looking down at his toes. His father had instructed him to go to the
admissions building and pay half of Jungkook’s monthly tuition as a compensation for his help.

Instead, Taehyung paid the rest of the semester and all of spring semester. The scolding he got for
being ‘reckless’ with his father’s money had been worth it.

“Oh good,” Taehyung says as the door opens and his professor appears. His nerves are back. “I’ll
see you, yeah?”

“You got it!” Jungkook says, pushing up on his toes to call after Taehyung like a mother shouting
after their child on the first day of school. “Remember, I know you can do this. Trust me.”

And maybe Taehyung believes Jungkook doesn’t hate him. He is the smartest person Taehyung
knows, because he knows how much Taehyung needs to hear that even if he’s never told him.
Chapter End Notes

The panic attack starts with Jungkook talking to Namjoon and ends at the first POV
change, indicated by the **

I can't wait to hear your reactions! I know I say it every time, but I really mean it. They
always make my day whenever one pops up on my phone. I promise, the Koo & Tae
Tae angst won't drag on too much..

There was a five day update between the last two chapters, and I'm not anticipating it
to be the same for chapter seven because I have a very busy week coming up, but I'm
aiming for a week - nine days.

Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

Hello! This is the chapter with other drugs used than weed. Molly being one of them.
As always, if you have any questions before you read please feel free to message me in
anyway you'd like!

This is 23k!! I'm laughing at chapter 1 me thinking each chapter was going to be
around 10k, and that this fic was going to only be 30k lmao.

Once again, your feedback has made my world and I am so so so so appreciative of it.
#chemfic on twitter for random ideas about taekook in this verse, updates, and any
reactions etc if you want to use it!

Thank you so much, please enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Taehyung was younger, all he and Soohyun did was fight. Tugging at hair, punches,
destroying the other’s belongings, tattling to their parents with both truth and lies. Sometimes it
was more, angrier, fingers digging into throats and shoving heads against the wall, nasty words spit
with no other intent than to dig as painfully into the other as possible.

But there were times when their fighting could almost be considered bonding. Maybe in Soohyun’s
mind, he considered teaching Taehyung how to fight as that.

Taehyung took it as a way to punch his anger into his brother without his parents punishing him.
His brother was always stronger than him, always made it so Taehyung couldn’t punch him, dig his
anger into his skin, unless it was controlled in the boxing ring.

He taught him a lot either way, though Soohyun’s desperate need not to have a ‘pussy brother’
makes him less thankful for it. It was never something bothered him though. If his brother was
trying to use the word to make him feel weak, or like a coward, it never worked.

Because one thing Taehyung is confident about himself in is that he’s neither weak nor a coward.
He was, at least, until Jungkook came around.

Jungkook, the stereotype for a weak and cowardly person, is anything but that. Jungkook, the only
thing that has ever made Taehyung feel weak and cowardly.

It’s ridiculous, the way Taehyung can’t get him out of his head. Annoying, really. Annoying in the
way that he has to blurt the first thought that isn’t him out loud just to stop whatever intrusive
thoughts force their way through. Annoying because Taehyung can shut off easily when any of his
closest friends upset him, but he can’t fucking do it with Jungkook.
It gets him so frustrated that it makes his skin crawl, his body on edge. It makes him feel like he is
losing his composure because he’s always been good at control, but his thoughts of Jungkook are
telling him he is not.

Taehyung isn’t handling it well and the pills he shoves down his throat to stop his thoughts make
him feel weaker.

Soohyun’s number one rule had always been never to hit a man when his back was turned, which
is surprising when Taehyung walks past his room and is gripped roughly by his neck from
someone behind him.

“What’s up, baby bro?” Soohyun asks, fingers digging in harshly. The breath wheezing from
Taehyung’s lips is enough to stall him from hitting back, and giving Soohyun enough time for his
knee to push hard into his back.

Taehyung hates feeling weak.

“We have dinner tonight, where are you going dressed so pretty? Trying to convince the folks
you’re not worthless for once?”

Taehyung tries to elbow him off but it only makes him strengthen the grip on his throat.

“I’m - not going.”

Soohyun laughs. “No? I really enjoy watching your face though when Appa goes on about how
much he wants Jungkook as a son more than you.”

His brother lets out a loud grunt when Taehyung manages to elbow him hard enough for him to let
go. His neck throbs once his fingers are gone but he doesn’t give his brother the pleasure of

He isn’t weak.

“If you were not a fuck , I would tell you to come with so we both don’t have to deal with it.”

Soohyun recovers easily, stalking across the floor like he might attack again. “Nah, I’m busy. Got
some shit to handle for the Club. Word around is Min has a new boy to play with.”

Taehyung tightens his fingers into a fist. He can see it in Soohyun’s eyes, he knows the name
before he even says it.

He isn’t weak, but Jungkook makes him so.

“Jungkook, heard of him?” Soohyun asks, wiggling his brows. “Not your boy, right? Because if so,
it would be a shame if Appa heard his precious, genius, Jeon Jungkook spreads his legs around

Taehyung rolls his eyes, breathing in to control the anger in his chest. But he wants to punch
Soohyun so hard in the mouth that he’ll never even be able to pronounce Jungkook’s name again.

“Shouldn’t listen to gossip, hyung. I heard you suck more dicks than I do,” Taehyung shoots back,
tone unfazed. “Should I tell Appa that?”

He doesn’t give a shit what anyone says about himself, but he doesn’t want to hear a word spoken
about Jungkook.
Weak, weak, weak for Jeon Jungkook.

Soohyun rolls his eyes. “You speak about that with such pride, I’m amazed baby bro. Never seen
someone so proud of being a cocksucker.”

Taehyung grins, shrugging a shoulder. “The rumors must not be true then, because once you get
that sweet taste of cock in your mouth, you’d understand.”

For a moment, Taehyung can see the disgust seep into Soohyun’s anger but he quickly blinks it

“Is that why you and Jungkook are together? If I see him tonight, will he be so eagerly willing to
choke on it?”

The coolness Taehyung was trying to portray away drains from him so quickly he is almost dizzy
with it. Soohyun’s eyes shine with victory and Taehyung doesn’t care that he’s gotten one over
him, figured out a weakness to use against him.

Weak, weak, weak rings in his head so loudly he isn’t sure if he’s angry at his brother or himself.

“Don’t need to answer, I already know. Offered him a ride the other day and he was as eager as
you,” Soohyun laughs with malice. “Poor thing was soaked from walking in the rain, he showed
his gratitude well.”

Tension sweeps through Taehyung. The night he found Jungkook in the rain was the same night
Jungkook asked him about his brother.

He knows every word that seeps from Soohyun’s mouth is a lie but he wants to what Soohyun was
really doing around him.

Rage radiates through him and he feels like he can’t control it. He knows it can, he has.

He doesn’t want to.

“Might go for a second round. Heard he’s downtown. Landed himself one of the Star boys,”
Soohyun goes on, taking Taehyung quiet rage and running with it. “You should warn him, jumping
from crew to crew like could really cause some problems with Min.”

“Fuck off, Soohyun. I’m not in the mood.”

He needs the pills he swallowed to set in quickly, before he stops being the dumb, worthless child
and becomes the criminal, murderous child.

“Just saying. Spoke with Cheollie the other day. Seems quite unhappy his bitch -“

Weak, he feels sometimes under his brother’s strength. Or used to, before Yoongi taught him the
proper way to use to fight, not needing strength but skill.

He isn’t forgiving, fingers gripping right around Soohyun’s windpipe in a desperation for him to
stop fucking talking about Jungkook.

It had been a lie when he told Jungkook he was harmless. He isn’t. But Taehyung knew he would
leave, knew he would never be around Jungkook again and hadn’t wanted him to stress.

He believed the harm was only directed towards him and not Jungkook, and he needs his brother to
realize it must stay that way.
It’s a voice clearing behind them that has Taehyung releasing his grip.

It’s that voice that has Taehyung’s anger skyrocketing.

“What is going on here?” His father grunts, that same anger Taehyung hates that he has too
mirrored in his eyes.

“Oh nothing, Appa,” Taehyung says before sighing dramatically. He needs to get out of here and
never come back. “I was just telling hyung here that he should stop offering Jungkook sexual
favors for helping me. He already has enough to use against the family, don’t you think?”

Both his father and brother sputter at the same time and Taehyung side steps them, allowing his
father to turn his rage onto his brother instead. For once.

Maybe his father really does care for Jungkook, Taehyung thinks as he slips down the hallway
unnoticed. The only good thing about his father would be that if it’s true.

It wouldn’t matter. Taehyung doesn’t want any of his family around Jungkook, around himself.

Jungkook makes him feel weak but there’s a strength inside of him everytime he remembers how
genuine Jungkook looked when he said he believed in him.

Given Yoongi’s new heightened protectiveness, it is easy to locate Jungkook.

If Yoongi knew how he felt, maybe he wouldn’t tease about it, confusing Taehyung and making
him walk even faster. Or it seems fast, the drug flooding in Taehyung’s system making him unsure
as to whether he’s running or dragging his feet.

It helps calm his anger but it does little about his need to be near Jungkook. It does nothing to clear
his thoughts, just numbs the emotions that come with it.

The drug is completely worthless when it comes to his eyes landing on Jungkook, the feeling
erupting in his chest worse than ever. He hates the way it makes him feel because Jungkook isn’t
alone and Jungkook is with the Star boy just like Soohyun said.

He had looked into Moonbin after he poked his nose into Yoongi’s business (and not because of
Jungkook, whatsoever), and found he's alright. He runs with a crew that supports Yoongi, including
Eunwoo, who had easily tossed Cheol Su after their fight. He sells to Namjoon, the source for the
weed that he consumes like he’s hungry for it.

But Taehyung still doesn’t like him around Jungkook. And it isn’t jealousy, okay? At least
Soohyun has given him another reason to justify his dislike towards him.

It should be his biggest concern, it is. But Taehyung can’t help the heaviness in his chest because
it’s definitely a date. There’s no way it can’t be.

It’s a fancy ass restaurant with fancy ass, expensive food. And Jungkook is dressed up, hair
perfectly styled and a dress up shirt that Taehyung narrows his eyes at because Jungkook never
wears the top buttons unbuttoned except with him.
It’s such a simple thing but Taehyung is already in a roughed up mood and the drugs he took before
Soohyun nearly strangled him aren’t helping like they should.

“Yo, you work here?”

There’s a boy leaning against the side of the building, the cigarette dangling from his mouth
dropping to the ground when he jumps.


Taehyung yanks his wallet from his pocket, pulling out a small bill that he shoves towards the
boy’s chest. “Tell the bartender, Yoongi, to check his phone. It’s an emergency.”

The boy still looks shocked but Taehyung pays him no mind after he darts inside.

taehyung : so you’re just going to let jeon date right in front of me where’s protective yoongi when
i need him

Taehyung stares at the message, shaking his head. He looks around inside, making sure no one he
recognizes is there. No one that could tell Soohyun he is there.

The rage is inside of him but it’s so dull that Taehyung is only aware of it, doesn’t feel it.

He watches as the boy runs up to the bar, watches as Yoongi’s face crumples in alarm before he’s
rushing for his phone.

And Taehyung, the master of finding something funny in a serious situation, laughs softly when
Yoongi glares at his phone and then facepalms himself.

taehyung : meet me out back ASAP

Taehyung only watches as Yoongi whips his head around the restaurant before he takes off to the

There have been plenty of times Yoongi has snuck out the back to smoke with him while he’s been
downtown that the area is familiar to him. His feet move mechanically, his head heavy.

Yoongi has a pinched nose like he’s annoyed as he steps out, fingering a cigarette that Taehyung
stops Yoongi from smoking.

“No time. You need to get Moonbin out of here.”

Yoongi snorts around a grin. “I like this side of you, Tae. You should show how much you care
about things more. If it makes you feel any better, Kook isn’t into him. At all. I know this.”

“How?” Taehyung demands before he holds up a hand and shakes his head. “No, that's not actually
why I’m here. Get Moonbin away and I’ll explain.”

Yoongi peers suspiciously at him, dangerous in the way that threatens a lecture when he realizes
Taehyung is high. It’ll be soft, until it isn’t, because sometimes Taehyung pushes and pushes and
deserves the anger from his friends.

“Moonbin’s cool, Tae. He rolls with Eunwoo’s crew. Joon buys his weed from him.”

“Yeah and that’s all great but I want to know how Soohyun knows Jungkook’s here with him.”
It goes quiet as Yoongi’s expression changes, amusement slipping away and forming into the same
protective look when he tells Taehyung to back off. Except deadlier, less soft.

“What? The Star boys and your brother’s crew don’t get along, man.”

“Well, I’m telling you, Soohyun is the one who told me Kook was here with one of the Star boys.
If it isn’t Moonbin, we need to figure out who it is.”

Yoongi nods, jaw tightening. “I’ll get rid of him. Did you bring bags for his body parts?”

Taehyung shoves Yoongi. “I support you but also no, you’re in public. Just, I don’t know, tell him
Jungkook’s underage, get him somewhere private, threaten him, and I’ll get Jungkook out of the
downtown. You know, since you’re working.”

Yoongi rolls his eyes, calling out the part of Taehyung that is just here because he needs to see
Jungkook the way his body needs oxygen to breathe.

“If you’re not being serious, I will kick your ass.”

“I am,” Taehyung insists. “Pinky promise. Soohyun told me he was here, right after he told me
Kook begged for his cock a few nights ago.”

Yoongi moves like he might punch, fist directed nowhere and not at Taehyung. If anyone hates
Soohyun as much as he does it’s Yoongi.

Soohyun had been his first enemy when Yoongi joined the club, an amateur fighter beaten to the
ground. It made Yoongi stronger, nastier, just like it did with Taehyung.

“You know he didn’t,” Yoongi says as if Taehyung is the one accusing him.

“I know,” Taehyung says and it’s enough to soften Yoongi’s eyes.

Taehyung knows well all of his friends hold someone else closer, that he’s pushed them to the
point where they’ll chose someone else always, but Taehyung doesn’t give a shit if every person in
his life chose Jungkook first.

“I’ll get him out,” Yoongi finally says. “You get Jungkook home and we’ll figure it out. But do not
say a word to him about it, got it?”

There’s a finger pressed hard to his chest then but Yoongi’s eyes are still so soft.

Maybe it doesn’t make sense that Taehyung thinks it’s okay for Yoongi to be weak for Jungkook
but it’s not okay for himself.

“I wouldn’t.


It’s a nice restaurant. A little too nice. The tablecloths look like silk, the chandeliers over his head
true crystal and probably more expensive than Jungkook’s life.
He feels out of place in his cheap clothes.

The silverware is true silver, shiny and polished. The price of the food makes Jungkook’s heart
skip a beat and it must show on his face because a second later, the menu is being pulled away
from him.

“Don’t worry, I’m buying.”

Moonbin smiles softly as he scans over the menu and lists off his suggestions.

Jungkook doesn’t understand him.

It had been a request from Professor Ma Ri to help Moonbin for his upcoming exam. He wasn’t
expecting Moonbin to offer him dinner as a thank you and Jungkook couldn’t find it in himself to
say no.

The problem is, the place is fancy. And Jungkook can’t tell if Moonbin is flirting or just being
nice. Wealthy people probably come to places like this for no reason, it probably shouldn’t feel
like a date.

But this is everything a date should be to Jungkook and he can’t help but think maybe Moonbin
thinks so too. He doesn’t want it to be one, that would be awkward, but he doesn’t understand why
someone would bring him to a place like this for no reason.

It doesn’t help that Yoongi is across the room at the bar, looking just as expensive in his work
uniform, and glaring at them. It isn’t friendly at all, giving Jungkook a slight understanding as to
why people find his soft, gooey hyung scary.

“This is really too expensive. I didn’t mind helping. You don’t owe me anything.”

Moonbin shakes his head, laughing softly. “I thought I was going to bomb that exam but I came out
of it feeling like I got an A. Thanks to you, the miracle worker.”

Jungkook hates how easily he blushes. He wishes he had the menu back to hide behind. He doesn’t
know how to respond and thankfully he doesn’t have to as the waiter pops up by his side.

He would feel relieved if he wasn’t face to face with Yoongi’s glare. The suspicion is clear in his
eyes as he looks at Moonbin and then quirks a brow at Jungkook.

“I’m sorry sir, you ordered the wine but your date here is underage.”

Jungkook feels his eyes blow wide as Moonbin whips his head at Yoongi and then back at

“You’re what?”

“I am not,” Jungkook wheezes though he doesn’t want to drink anyway. He has an exam in the
morning and that’s another reason he didn’t want to come out tonight.

He needs to get better at saying no and sticking to it.

Yoongi breathes through his teeth, avoiding his eyes as he scribbles something onto the pad he’s

Jungkook doesn’t miss the way Yoongi tilts it towards Moonbin, wrapping his arms around his
waist like he might scold Jungkook but turning his fingers so the notepad is in Moonbin’s eye

He doesn’t miss it, because Moonbin’s eyes zero in on it before the color drains from his face.

“If you wanted to drink illegally, Jungkook-ah, you shouldn’t have come to your hyung’s job. You
know I’ll tell Eomma.”

Jungkook narrows his eyes at Yoongi. There’s a tick in his jaw that doesn’t seem playful and
Jungkook is riddled with confusion.

The laugh Moonbin lets out sounds strained. He’s mentioned knowing of Yoongi and Jungkook
wonders if Yoongi knows of him too.

It makes him nervous if Yoongi does and if he has a legit reason for glaring at Moonbin. Which he
does when he turns again, eyes latching onto Moonbin shaking his head.

“I'm not. I mean, not a date, Min. Just thanking Jeon for his help. A genius this one is. Tell your
Eomma that.”

The compliment doesn’t pull out a proud Yoongi like it normally does. Instead, Yoongi doesn’t
even look his way as he lets out a soft, “hm” and pulls out a small notebook. “How’s the pork belly
sound, baby bro?”

Jungkook wants to hide under the table. He’s thankful Moonbin orders quickly so Yoongi can
leave, but then he’s stuck with Moonbin’s questioning eyes. Yoongi never calls him that.

“That’s fine, hyung.”

And Yoongi only nods his head before walking off, not even taking Moonbin’s order.

“I’m not underage,” Jungkook laughs awkwardly as soon as Yoongi is gone. “Hyung is just - um,
that way.”

Moonbin snorts as he rubs at his eyebrow, stress appearing on his face. “ You’re Min’s baby

The sweat is building on Jungkook’s palms but he put his nice pants on and is afraid to ruin them.
He plays with the fancy napkin instead, though he’s sure it’s more expensive than his pants.


He isn’t expecting the way Moonbin laughs almost painfully as he rubs at his face. The look in his
eyes is dread when he pulls his eyes away.

“Ah shit.”

“Why - why ‘ah shit’?”

Another laugh as Moonbin glances worriedly around the restaurant. “Word around has it that Min’s
brother is apart of his crew now and he’s been very um, persuasive, I guess, that no one bother him
or he’ll make his fight with Cheol look like a flick on the wrist.”

Dread fills Jungkook. He loves his hyung but his protectiveness makes embarrassment flood him

The mention of Cheol Su makes Jungkook’s stomach twist uncomfortably.

“What did he have written on the notepad?”

Moonbin’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline at this. He shrugs more times than necessary until he
gives in under Jungkook’s glare.

“More or less that if I’m here because of Cheol Su he’ll make me choke on my own dick. Which
I’m not, by the way. I can’t stand that biker shit crew.”

Jungkook groans, knocking his head down until it jumps against the table.

“He’s all talk,” Jungkook replies. Which he probably shouldn’t because he knows Yoongi isn’t all
talk and he doesn’t want to ruin Yoongi’s reputation either. He just doesn’t want Moonbin to be too
afraid to come near him.

“My crew is cool with Min’s boys,” Moonbin says quickly. “But I have a feeling that he doesn’t
just mean bother in a bad way.”

Jungkook lets out a noise that embarrasses him further. “What?”

Moonbin’s hands quickly fly up in defense, eyes glancing in the direction that Yoongi left in a way
that makes Jungkook want to run away.

“I meant it when I say that I just want to thank you, Jungkook. But I also am cool with getting to
know you more.”

Oh . Jungkook hesitates, unsure as to what to say.

“Why?” blurts from his lips so quickly he almost slaps a hand to his mouth in hopes of taking it

“You’re cool man. And hot, just don’t -“

Moonbin’s lips snap shut so quickly it’s almost comical as Yoong returns, bottle in hand. It’s quiet
as he pops the cork and pours the wine into two glasses.

He barely pours two sips into Jungkook’s and places a glass of water beside it.

“Hyung, can I have a word?”

Yoongi nods without hesitation. If Jungkook didn’t know him as well as he did, he would think
Yoongi’s expression was impassive. But there’s a tightness in his jaw and a wrinkle in his nose that
sounds otherwise.

“Excuse me, Moonbin-ssi.”

Moonbin looks pale.

Yoongi guides Jungkook with a hand on his elbow towards the back, through a door that says staff

It’s much brighter than the candle lit dining area, and much louder with shouts of orders instead of
soft, classical music.

“I love you hyung but you’re embarrassing me.”

Yoongi scoffs at that, crossing his arms over his chest. “Is it a date?”
“No,” Jungkook breathes. “Well, I have no idea to be honest but I’m not interested and I don’t
know why you’re acting this way.”

Yoongi plants a hand to Jungkook’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “I like Moonbin, he’s a cool guy

“Really? Because your face says murder. And I know you threatened him.”

Shrugging slightly, Yoongi lets out a soft giggle. “That’s just my face, Koo. He’s a cool guy but I
will break all of his fingers if he touches you. I’m in the mood to break all of his fingers now, to be

Jungkook groans loudly, planting a hand to his forehead. “I’m not even interested, but if I was, you
would need to back off.”

“I wouldn’t,” Yoongi says instantly, stubborn. There isn’t even shame on his face when he says it.

“And why not?”

He’s caught Yoongi, who frustratedly opens his mouth a few times before actually speaking.

“Jimin will kill me if I don’t sabotage this,” Yoongi grunts in a way that Jungkook may he think he
could be lying.

“What does that mean?” Jungkook wheezes desperately.

“I can’t tell you,” Yoongi says with another shrug and his face tells him that he won’t, even if
Jungkook presses him more.

Jungkook groans again. “He’s nice. Stop glaring at him. He looked as if he might pass out when he
realized I’m your brother.”

The smile on Yoongi’s face in response is too big, too proud. Jungkook rolls his eyes at him before
he turns and pushes back into the dining room.

“I’m really sorry about that,” Jungkook says as he sits back down. “I had some trouble lately so,

“I heard,” Moonbin responds and it doesn’t seem judgmental. “Explains why Kim acted that way
when you were tutoring me.”

Realistically, Jungkook should have expected Taehyung to come into the conversation at some
point. From an outsider view, his behavior was probably strange. But his body grows taut at the
sound of his name anyway.

“What do you mean?”

Moonbin sips idly at his drink before he places it onto the table and rests his cheek against his
hand. Jungkook refrains from telling him it’s rude to put your elbows on the table.

“Word also has it that someone has finally locked Kim down. I don’t know him well enough, but
Eunwoo-ssi tells me monogamy and Kim are enemies.”

Jungkook’s laugh sounds like he’s gasping for air. He gives in and rubs his palms over his thighs
before squeezing them between his thighs.
“Word of advice, Taehyung hates gossip.”

It shouldn’t be a feeling he has, but something warm ignited inside of him at the idea of people
thinking of them together.

It is quickly followed by a heaviness at how not true it is. They’re barely even talking right now.
He sees him sometimes and gets a smile, but it isn’t anything like before.

Jungkook considers downing the entire bottle of wine so he doesn’t have to feel how badly he
misses him. He fills half a glass instead, ignoring the sour taste as it slips down his throat.

“Good to know, but it’s shit I can’t involve myself in, Jungkook. Shit like your brother looks about
a second away from risking it all and murdering me,” Moonbin says, starting off strong but his
breath comes out raspy at the end. “I’ll be right back.”

Glancing at the bar, Jungkook finds it to be true. He isn’t just glaring, but curling his finger for
Moonbin to come over.

Jungkook wants to bury himself.

He tries not to watch Moonbin head to the bar and busies himself with admiring the threaded
design on the napkin instead.

When the tablecloth shifts, Jungkook glances across for him to ask Moonbin what Yoongi wanted,
but finds Taehyung there instead.

His sudden appearance has the breath rushing from his lips.

He looks like he fits in this place, a fitted suit jacket over a silky, floral shirt that dips so low
Jungkook can see the curve of his chest beneath the assortment of necklaces he wears. His ears are
lined with earrings and when he lifts an elbow to the table to rest his cheek against his hand,
Jungkook finds his wrists just as decorated.

It’s annoying how his first thought is worried, worried that Taehyung is here on a date with
someone else.

“Hey there, Jeon. I wasn’t expecting to see you in a place like this.”

Taehyung’s voice is honey, his lips quirked and eyes bright in the way that Jungkook has missed
the most.

“On a date?”

Jungkook grips into his thighs as he shakes his head. Somehow he forgot how intimidating
Taehyung can be when doing nothing at all.

“No. Just with a friend.”

“Moonbin?” Taehyung scoffs.

“If you already know, why are you asking?”

Jungkook expects Taehyung to shine with brightness at his comeback, he isn’t expecting the way
Taehyung’s tongue jabs into his cheek before he frowns.

It’s frustrating. Taehyung doesn’t have the right to frown. He wouldn’t be tutoring anyone else if
he didn’t stop showing up.

But the thought is ridiculous in too many ways that Jungkook wishes he could pull it from his

“I was texting Yoongi to see if you’re around. Wanted to hang out.”

Jungkook’s chest is tight.

For the most part, Taehyung has avoided him the last couple of weeks. Except for the one time he
was with Moonbin and the time he accidentally stumbled upon him in the rain.

It would be Jungkook’s luck that Taehyung finally reaches out to him and he’s too busy to come.

Because he would. He misses Taehyung so much it hurts him sometimes.

“Why didn’t you text me ?”

Taehyung only shrugs, giving away the fact that he doesn’t have an answer.

That he’s messing with him again.

Jungkook grits his teeth. “You should probably go. If I get home early maybe -“

Nerves make Jungkook choke on his words.

Taehyung glances lazily towards the bar, lifting a brow. “Where’d your date go, anyway? Kind of
rude to leave you for so long.”

Jungkook frowns, glancing towards the bar where he finds Yoongi tending to someone else and
Moonbin nowhere to be found.

“What are you doing?”

Taehyung’s eyes are already on him when Jungkook looks back at him, intense in a way that
makes goosebumps erupt across his skin.

“Trying to kidnap you,” Taehyung admits shamelessly with a cock of his head. “Wanna hang out.”

Wrinkling his nose, Jungkook kicks at Taehyung underneath the table.

“Are you saying that because I’m here with Moonbin?”

Taehyung shakes his head and Jungkook can’t tell if he’s lying or not.

He can’t tell because Jungkook wants him to be lying.

As obnoxious and as rude as Taehyung can be, thinking when he’s jealous makes Jungkook’s heart
soar. He fills his glass again, glaring over it when he brings it to his lips.

It makes Taehyung’s grin falter for a moment but it’s back when Jungkook finishes drinking and
glides the glass across the table.

“How’d you even know I was here?”

“Like I said, I was texting Yoongi.”

Jungkook laughs. Jimin will kill me if I don’t sabotage this rings loudly in his memory. The fact
that Moonbin still hasn’t returned confirms that it worked.

“Don’t want to waste the food he order -“ Taehyung starts but he stops when Jungkook quickly

“Need the bathroom.”

He needs the cold water as thoughts try to invade his head. They only grow worse when he realizes
Moonbin isn’t in the bathroom either and he wants to dunk his head beneath the faucet.

He doesn’t understand .

There’s water dripping down his neck when the bathroom door opens and through the mirror he
finds Taehyung sneaking in. His eyes are dark when approaches and Jungkook feels like he can’t

“Why are you and Yoongi out to sabotage a date that isn’t a date?”

“So it is a date?”

“I literally just said it wasn’t.”

“Are you sure?”

Jungkook whips around, breath sticking to his lungs at Taehyung’s proximity. “Why do you care?”

Taehyung grins, eyes dilated in a way that Jungkook suspects his behavior is more because he isn’t
sober than anything.

“Why do you always involve yourself with boys who are no good for you?”

As he says it, Taehyung snakes a finger across Jungkook’s jaw and the touch is so gentle that it
tickles, keeping Jungkook from pushing away.

“I don’t.”

Taehyung pushes his lips out in a pout at that. Cocking his head, he ghosts his fingers down the
side of Jungkook’s neck before his hand drops to his side.

The shiver rushing through Jungkook’s limbs is impossible to control, even if he squeezes his
hands into fists in attempt to.

“Mhm. Cheol Su. Me.”

Jungkook’s annoyance drops at that. He wants to touch, to take Taehyung’s hand.

He wants to not want Taehyung anymore.

But he knows it isn’t going to happen, unless Taehyung truly stays away from him for a long time
and Jungkook doesn’t want him to.

“You’re nothing like Cheol Su, Tae.”

The only response he gets is Taehyung’s soft laugh as Taehyung reaches out, stretching his fingers
to brush against Jungkook’s knuckles like he wants to hold hands too.
It’s just Taehyung messing with him again, helping Yoongi break up his not date. He knows .


“No? Then why won’t I leave you alone when you clearly want me to?” Taehyung breathes finally,
taking a step forward. “You’re tense now but am I leaving? No, I’m just as selfish.”

Jungkook shakes his head at that. He isn’t tense because he doesn’t want Taehyung near him. He’s
nervous, afraid he’ll say something to make Taehyung avoid him again.

It’s different and Jungkook hates that he makes Taehyung feel this way.

He knew he would fuck up at some point, and he did.

“No, because you know that I want you close,” Jungkook whispers. “There’s a difference.”

Taehyung grins, just a small quirks of his lips before he finally takes Jungkook’s hand.

Jungkook wonders when Taehyung’s hand became a source of courage for him.

“I directly told Cheol Su I didn’t want him to touch me,” Jungkook goes on, lifting his eyes to
Taehyung’s even though it makes his nerves worse. “I directly told you I liked it, and you always
asked me if I didn’t.”

Taehyung hums low, licking at his lips. “And right now?”

Jungkook squeezes Taehyung’s fingers, tugging them until he takes another step forward. The air
feels too thick around them that Jungkook’s almost dizzy with it, tunnel visioned onto Taehyung
and his soft mouth.

“Right now what?”

Jungkook finds it hard to think with how close Taehyung is, after the weeks that felt like years of
wanting Taehyung just like this. He feels ridiculous for it, not even drunk but head heavy with the
same feeling.

“Do you mind me touching you now or do you want me to move away?”

Neither. Jungkook wants him closer, touching him more.

And Taehyung like this gives him more courage, but not enough to close the space between them.
In case Taehyung really is messing with him, his heart can’t take Taehyung pushing him away.

“What’s your problem with Moonbin?” Jungkook says instead.

His nerves of saying the wrong thing are stronger as Taehyung pulls his touch away and steps
back. He keeps his eyes on Jungkook for what feels like forever before he answers.

“I don’t have a problem with Moonbin. I don’t know him.”

“You act like you do,” Jungkook says.

Taehyung grits his teeth, clenching hard. When he turns his head, looking away from Jungkook, his
eyes catch on small, finger shaped bruises over his throat.

They’re new, still developing into what will probably become a dark, angry purple.
“I don’t have the right to act that way but I do anyway. See? Selfish.”

Jungkook feels speechless, more confused than ever. If Taehyung is trying to prove he’s like Cheol
Su, it won’t work.

But Jungkook doesn’t understand why.

“If it makes you feel better, Moonbin thinks - he heard that I’ve ‘locked you down’ or something.”

Taehyung doesn’t laugh. Taehyung isn’t doing anything Jungkook expects him to tonight.

“He said that?”

Jungkook nods, folding his hands together in hopes Taehyung will take them into his own again.


Taehyung grins at that. “Good.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes and pushes Taehyung gently in the chest. It isn’t effective as Taehyung
grabs his hand and pulls him closer.

“I thought you hated gossip.”

“I do,” Taehyung says and Jungkook stills as Taehyung leans in and he can feel his breath hitting
over his ear. “But I like people thinking you’re mine.”

Jungkook exhales sharply, wanting to turn to look at Taehyung but his nerves keep him from it.

It’s so quiet he isn’t sure Taehyung can even hear. Or maybe his heart beat is beating too loudly for
him to hear it himself.

“Tell me, because you’re confusing me.”

Taehyung sighs, nuzzling against Jungkook’s jaw for a moment.

“Keeps you safe.”

Jungkook thinks of what Soohyun said, though he doesn’t understand much of it.

He understands enough that Soohyun was saying Taehyung wouldn’t be safe if Jungkook was his.

That he sat up all night in bed that night, restless, trying to figure out if Soohyun was just trying to
scare him or if there was really a threat for him to be scared of.

“Am I not?”

Taehyung cups his cheek and angles his head. For a brief moment, Jungkook thinks he might kiss
him but he doesn’t.

“Of course you are. You’re Min and Tae’s boy.”

It’s so stupid and dumb but Jungkook’s heart kicks start at Tae’s boy.

It isn’t until Taehyung is pressing at Jungkook’s bottom lip that he stops moving, eyes falling wide
before he pulls his touch away. He swallows thickly and there’s something in Taehyung’s eyes that
makes Jungkook want to assure him it’s okay.

“Where are you going?”

Taehyung shrugs, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Not sure yet.”

Jungkook scoffs, heart wild. He doesn’t know if this is a good idea but he wants to be with
Taehyung still.

There would never be a time that Jungkook insulted Taehyung’s intelligence but the word almost
slips into his mind. How Taehyung could ever think he’s like Cheol Su is beyond Jungkook.

But it clicks in his mind, the way Taehyung’s hidden his insecurities deep and only lets them out
when he’s frustrated, rarely just to share. That this resembles the way he reacts to schoolwork.

Maybe Jungkook didn’t realize the words hate would have dug into Taehyung’s skin like
whoever’s fingers bruised his neck. Because that’s when Taehyung ran from him and came back
with a self proclaimed similarity to Cheol Su.

Jungkook just doesn’t know if he believes Taehyung would care enough about his words.

“You’re right. You are selfish.”

Taehyung’s body snaps taut, his face hardening so quickly it makes Jungkook regret playing with
him. His words do affect him and he doesn’t understand why.

“You kick my date out and don’t even offer to walk me home?”

Moonbin hadn’t drove Jungkook here, but he doesn’t mention it, letting his lips waver into a
teasing grin.

Taehyung’s eyes twinkle as he nudges his head towards the door without any hesitation at all.
“Come on, Jeon.”

It’s quiet as they walk, though Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind it. His mind races with things to say
to break it, to push Taehyung to explain more, to help him understand what the hell anything he
does means.

But it’s nice and Jungkook doesn’t want to ruin it. Though he can’t help but glance at the marks on
his skin that Taehyung doesn’t even try to hide.

His first thought is jealous, that Taehyung already found someone else to keep him company, to
make flush in the way he likes. To kiss him nonstop because Taehyung has always seemed
addicted to kissing.

But his second thought is of Taehyung’s mother, the way she had so effortlessly cut her rings into
his skin in front of him.

“What happened?” Jungkook asks softly, reaching up to brush over his bruised skin, pulling away
traces of makeup on his fingers.
Taehyung flinches at first, not even glancing Jungkook’s way.

“Nothing,” Taehyung responds. “Don’t be nosy, Jeon.”

“I get to be,” Jungkook replies quickly. Normally he wouldn’t be so brusque, but a desperate part
of him needs to know if Taehyung’s mother hurt him again. “You owe me for breaking up my

Taehyung shoves into his shoulder, lips set at a frown. “I thought walking you home would make
up for that?”

Jungkook shrugs. “Haven’t decided yet.”

Maybe he doesn’t have to be nervous about everything he says, because Taehyung’s eyes light up.

“You’re turning into a shit, Jungkook. I like it.”

Jungkook narrows his eyes at that and when Taehyung licks at the corner of his mouth, he knows
it’s on purpose.

“Answer the question.”

And Taehyung doesn’t, but Jungkook can’t let it go.

“Was it your mother?”

Taehyung snorts. “No.”


Taehyung glares at Jungkook from the corner of his eye. He doesn’t respond again, but instead
wraps an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders and pulls him close.

“Drop it.”

“Tell me,” Jungkook says, being selfish himself as he curls into Taehyung.

He’ll regret it one day, when he’s attached and feeling dumb for being so desperate to be near
Taehyung when he runs away again.


Taehyung laughs at this, but there isn’t any amusement in it. “What happened over the last month?
Shy baby is gone.”

Jungkook grips at his bottom lip. He can’t quite tell Taehyung that right now, he wants to be a
stronger person, wants Taehyung to stay, to be interested in him again.

Even if he shouldn’t.

But he has the courage right now and he needs Taehyung to see that sometimes he does.

“Don’t avoid the question.”

Taehyung’s chest rises before he exhales out until he can’t any longer. “Soohyunie. It isn’t a big
deal. We fight all the time. He looks worse than me.”
Dread consumes Jungkook and the frown on Taehyung’s face has him curling further, planting a
hand to Taehyung’s chest.

People pass by as they walk but Jungkook doesn’t care; he likes the idea of being Taehyung’s too.

Even if he shouldn’t.

Fuck, he’s screwing himself over big time.

“What happened?”

“Drop it,” Taehyung says, a little harsher this time, but he tightens his grip around Jungkook.

“Tae -“

As much as Taehyung has been surprising him tonight, nothing surprises him more than the way
Taehyung stops walking and his lips come crashing down against his. It hurts almost, the way their
teeth clash together.

Jungkook digs his fingers into Taehyung’s chest and opens his mouth, a silent okay for more.

But Taehyung doesn’t give it to him, instead pulling away a second later.

“Sorry,” Taehyung says, pulling from him completely. “Wanted you to shut up.”

He’s aiming for teasing, the corner of his mouth lifting weakly, but he misses.

Jungkook touches over his lips. “It’s fine.”

Taehyung snorts, his easy demeanor gone. “I need you to tell me something, Jeon.”

He feels awkward now that Taehyung is no longer touching him, suddenly unsure what to do with
his hands as if he’s never had them before.


“Did you see my brother the other day?”

Jungkook seizes up, dragging his hands up towards his chest and holding them there. Taehyung
only quirks a brow, waiting.


The look on Taehyung’s face reminds him of that night, when he turned from Cheol Su to him with
the rage still in his eyes.

“He offered me a ride home.”

“So why were you still walking when I found you?”

Jungkook hesitates. He never said when he saw Soohyun, but Soohyun must have told him already.

He hasn’t been acting it, hasn’t looked it until now, but part of Jungkook wonders if Taehyung is
angry that Jungkook didn’t tell him.

“I told him I lived on campus so he dropped me off at one of the dorm buildings.”
Taehyung snorts. “Why?”

“I don’t like him.”

“You don’t know him.”

Jungkook peers at Taehyung. Maybe it isn’t his business, brothers can be hard on each other
sometimes. But he has seen the hatred pouring off of Taehyung every time he mentions his brother.

Maybe Taehyung isn’t as closed off from emotion as Jungkook’s always thought.

“You don’t know Moonbin.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes at that. “It’s different.”

“Yeah it is. I have more of a right to dislike your brother. He called you dumb, I don’t want to
know him.”

They’re standing awkwardly in the middle of the sidewalk, in front of a building whose lights are
so bright he feels as if he can see every pore on Taehyung’s beautiful face. People are passing this
and despite this, Jungkook doesn’t shy away when Taehyung rubs the back of his hand over
Jungkook’s cheek.

“Jungkook -“

Jungkook doesn’t listen as he pushes forward, letting their noses knock together. He feels suddenly
inexperienced as he slots his lips over Taehyung’s bottom lip, losing his nerve quickly.

But Taehyung is sighing, fingers slipping over his cheeks and kissing him back. It’s just a press of
the lips, Taehyung’s tugging over his before he pulls away.

There’s a warmth in his eyes that makes Jungkook even more confused.

“Just wanted you to shut up.”

Taehyung smirks at that, head cocking to the side. “Effective.”

“You know, it’s not good,” Jungkook says as Taehyung continues to rub over his cheeks, eyes still
latched onto Jungkook’s mouth. “Everyone thinking I’m yours.”

Jungkook hates the frown that tugs at Taehyung’s mouth. “And why not?”

“Because,” Jungkook tries, hating when Taehyung pulls away. He knew he would mess up but
now he can’t stop because Taehyung won’t let it go. “Because I always cause everyone unneeded
stress and problems. I don’t want to cause more problems for you.”

Taehyung laughs at that, a bit manic like. “My life is full of problems, baby. My only problem with
you is -”

It goes quiet as Taehyung shakes his head. “Nevermind. I’m overstepping again, aren’t I?”

Jungkook caused the problem, caused Taehyung not to be light and carefree anymore. Sure it was
too much sometimes but Jungkook was also envious of it.

“You’re not,” Jungkook insists.

I want you to kiss me.

I missed you kissing me.

“Soohyun said he heard about me,” Jungkook starts because he needs Taehyung to know that isn’t
what he meant, but Taehyung is walking off.

“Soohyun can fuck off and so can anyone else who thinks - what Cheol spread about you is true.”

Jungkook rushes after him. “So you heard? That Cheol Su is telling everyone I’m his?”

Taehyung whips around, eyes wide as they search over Jungkook’s face. “What?”

He suddenly feels light headed, his skin feeling more cold than hot.

Jungkook hates feeling cold sometimes.

“And you say Cheol and I aren’t that different,” Taehyung says. He looks pissed and Jungkook
can’t help but tense up when Taehyung crowds back in his space.

Taehyung hesitates, fingers dancing in the air over his cheeks before he clamps them down.

“That’s not what I meant,” Jungkook supplies dumbly, gripping hard onto Taehyung’s waist
because he doesn’t want him to walk away again. “I don’t - I like it too.”

Taehyung frowns so hard it looks as if his eyebrows are protruding from his forehead. “Then why
are you so tense right now?”

Jungkook bites hard on his bottom lip. He feels himself seizing up but he really doesn’t want to.
“Because I don’t want to say the wrong thing and you avoid me again.”

Taehyung lets his fingers brush against Jungkook’s skin. “Do you hate me?”

Jungkook shakes his head but doesn’t say more, doesn’t tell him exactly how much he doesn’t hate

“Let’s go home,” Taehyung says finally, though he doesn’t move. “Because my only problem with
you, Jeon, is that I can’t stay away from you. Leaving your side right now will feel like I’m being
tortured and I don’t know what to do about it.”

It’s said softly, softer than Taehyung’s ever been and Jungkook can’t breathe .

“You’re the one who decided to stay away when you didn’t have to,” Jungkook says.

“I should,” Taehyung says, crowding even further into him that Jungkook presses back. It only
makes Taehyung move with him, walking back until the cold glass hits his back.

Even amongst everyone walks the streets, Jungkook doesn’t care.

“Because I take and push, take and push,” Taehyung goes on, palms tilting Jungkook’s head until
their lips breeze over each other. “And I don’t give a shit about anything.”

“That’s not true.”

“It is, baby. That’s how I am.”

Jungkook, stubborn, shakes his head. “It isn’t.”

“What do you want from me?” Taehyung asks, pained sounding as he presses their foreheads

Jungkook reaches up to stroke his fingers over Taehyung bruised neck. “For you to take whatever
you want from me .”

Taehyung laughs quietly, the sound brushing over Jungkook’a lips.

“I don’t want to be like Cheol, Jungkook.”

With a sigh, Jungkook shakes his head and rubs his hands down Taehyung’s arms, trying to soothe
away the pain in his voice.

Even when Taehyung has admitted things before, he either did angrily or impassively. Never

“Like I said, Cheol Su tried to take what he wanted. I’m giving it to you because I want it too.”

There’s a beat where the words hang in the air before Taehyung closes the space between them,
hands folding around Jungkook’s neck as hips lips crush down onto his own.

Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to kiss back, hands gripping at his arms to pull him close. Uncaring
about who sees or what it will feel like if Taehyung runs away again.

Taehyung makes him brave, uncaring and his mind blank of no stress other than kiss me, kiss me.

And Taehyung does, until his chest is heaving with gasps for air and his body is tingling with the
need for more. He kisses every inch of Jungkook’s mouth before he lowers his head and
Jungkook’s own tilts without him telling it to, knowing what Taehyung wants.

It hurts the way Taehyung bites into his skin, teeth bruising and tongue lapping over in apology.
He sucks hard, pulling Jungkook’s body into his own with the waves of pleasure it creates down
his spine.

“Fuck,” Taehyung breathes, licking over the spot once more before he mumbles something that
Jungkook can’t hear.

This time, it’s Taehyung’s face that is red when he pulls back. So red that Jungkook can’t help but
trace his fingers over his cheeks to feel the heat of his skin.

It still makes him nervous, but if it comforts Taehyung to hear it than he has more courage to say

“You can take as much as you want.”

He knew before, he’d want Taehyung in anyway Taehyung wanted him, but in this moment, he
realizes just how badly he missed being like this.

“Can I stay with you tonight?”

Jungkook nods without hesitation. “Of course.”

Jungkook is expecting Taehyung to touch him more, kiss him more. He isn’t expecting Taehyung
to raid his closet for clothes that are too big for him and curl onto Jungkook’s couch.

There’s a tremor in his hand when he reaches for Jungkook and a second later, Jungkook is falling
into the small space beside him. Their chests press into each other and Jungkook hooks an arm
around him as an excuse not to fall.

“I don’t mean to confuse you,” Taehyung whispers suddenly, his hand rubbing up Jungkook’s
spine. “I like people thinking you’re mine because I’m terribly jealous. I was jealous when I saw
you with Moonbin.”

Jungkook tries to tilt his head to look at him, but Taehyung presses his chin into the top of it and
stops him.

“I don’t want to come off possessive or anything Jungkook, because that’s not how I mean it, but.”

Silence sits heavily between them and Jungkook doesn’t interrupt. It’s the best decision when
Taehyung is trying to open up because he struggles with it.

“But sometimes I struggle with my anger and it’s even harder to do when I think about someone
touching you. Of you not wanting it and them doing it anyway. And I don’t like thinking of
someone touching you like that even if you do want it.”

Taehyung lets Jungkook move back to look at him but Taehyung doesn’t return the gaze.

“Don’t want anyone else to see how easily you fall apart or get red.”

Jungkook cups Taehyung’s jaw, pushing pressure into the touch to pull Taehyung down.

He kisses Taehyung because he knows he needs it. He needs to acknowledge what Taehyung is
saying but he knows if he says anything, Taehyung will change the subject.

“You make me feel weak, Jeon,” Taehyung mumbles against his lips.

Jungkook smiles, crawling up to curl over Taehyung, burying him into the back of the couch. He
drags his fingers down Taehyung’s neck and lower, rubbing over his chest.

“Ironic, because you make me feel strong.”

There’s a confidence in him that he doesn’t want to lose as he kisses Taehyung again. It isn’t as
soft before, there’s no hesitation in the way Jungkook licks into Taehyung’s mouth.

And there’s no hesitation in the way Taehyung adjusts them, pulling Jungkook over him and
shoving his hands beneath his pajama shirt. His touch is scalding, burning its way up his spine.

Jungkook curls his fingers around Taehyung’s neck, his earrings tickling his hands as he licks into
his mouth. His confidence only builds with each soft groan Taehyung lets out, rumbling in his chest
in tune with his fingers digging into Jungkook’s skin.

It feels like role reversal when Taehyung’s exhale comes out shaky when Jungkook pulls away to
kiss at his neck and cover the finger prints with marks of his own.
“Jungkook -“

Taehyung hisses through his teeth when Jungkook bites his skin, the sound ending in a soft giggle.

“Baby,” he modifies. “Come here.”

Jungkook lifts up, shaking his head. He looks down at Taehyung, at his blown out pupils and
swollen lips. The nerves are still there, lingering behind his want and need for Taehyung.

“Take me to bed, Tae.”

Taehyung pushes up, tongue licking over his lips. “Sleepy?”

There’s amusement in his eyes and Jungkook rolls his eyes, scrambling off of Taehyung. He’s
already half hard and he knows Taehyung knows when his eyes immediately drop to his crotch.

“No,” Jungkook says, reaching out and grabbing Taehyung’s hands. “Why are you shaking?”

Taehyung stands and runs a hand over Jungkook’s sweaty temple. “Because I’ve been high all day
and now I’m not.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. Coming down from a weed high never makes Jungkook shake,
but he doesn’t ask, doesn’t want to think about Taehyung harming his body to the point his fingers


Taehyung tenses up but he relaxes as Jungkook rubs down his chest and slips his hands beneath the
shirt Taehyung wears.

“Because I don't like to feel,” Taehyung admits under his breath.

“What about right now?” Jungkook asks, hands roaming over Taehyung’s belly and higher, fingers
dipping into the spaces between his ribs.

“I want to feel,” Taehyung says and Jungkook kisses him, keeping true to his words that Taehyung
can take what he wants.

It isn’t slow, kisses that bruise, fingers that grip and tug. He lets Taehyung push and take like he
claims to do, his back burying into the comforter over his bed as Taehyung crawls over him. He
pushes and takes too, darting in for a kiss when Taehyung pulls back, rucking his shirt off until he
tugs it off.

Embarrassment fills him when his hips grind up needily, but it doesn’t last long as Taehyung
groans deep and works his hips down to meet his.

Taehyung may push and take but he also gives. He’s tender in the way he searches over
Jungkook’s face here and there, looking as if he may stop and ask Jungkook if he is okay before
Jungkook tells him with a kiss.

It’s overly hot, Jungkook’s heated skin starting to sweat as Taehyung sits onto his lap, staring
down at him as he pushes Jungkook’s shirt over his abdomen.

Jungkook tenses when Taehyung kisses his chest, mouth hot and lingering over his skin. He
whimpers out when Taehyung bites, hips bucking up when Taehyung’s lips move too close to his
When Taehyung stills like he may stop, Jungkook slips his fingers through his hair, chest pressing
back against his mouth until it latches over a bud.

“Tae,” Jungkook gasps. He swears he’s never been so hard in his life, cock pulsing against his
sweatpants as he ruts up against Taehyung’s ass.

He isn’t used to Taehyung being so quiet, filling the room with groans instead of teasing comments
that make Jungkook’s ears burn.

He isn’t used to the intensity in Taehyung’s eyes as they latch onto his own, fingers tugging at
Jungkook’s shirt until he lifts off the bed so Taehyung can take it off.

Jungkook circles an arm around Taehyung’s hips, his own circling harshly into his own as
desperation fills him. He likes how heavy lidde Taehyung’s eyes become, when his mouth falls
open around a harsh breath.

“What do you want,” Taehyung breathes, hips rocking down hard and it’s too much.

Too much and not enough.

Taehyung presses his hands into Jungkook’s chest, laying him back down before he follows. He
rolls his hips expertly, cock rocking down against Jungkook’s own achingly hard length.

“What do you want, baby?” Taehyung breathes against, mouth brushing over Jungkook’s parted

Frustration fills Jungkook, from the need to touch his cock to the way the words stick in his throat.
He had been doing so well with his confidence but he feels it faltering the more Taehyung undoes

It’s intimate the way they are and Jungkook isn’t afraid of it.

Even if it’s all Taehyung wants.

“You,” Jungkook breathes, nails skating down Taehyung’s bare back to dance over the round of his
butt. He just holds him, feels the way Taehyung’s back arches before rolling his hips forward.

It makes Jungkook imagine the way Taehyung would move inside of him, slow and gentle, the
way Jungkook thinks they both need right now.

“Want you,” Jungkook says again, pushing Taehyung off to tangle his own pants off, thighs
immediately clenching together in embarrassment but it does little to hide stiff cock.

Taehyung watches his face, eyes never dropping to where Jungkook palms at himself through his
loose underwear.


Jungkook would laugh normally, because Taehyung doesn’t move despite his acknowledgement.

Jungkook huffs out, curling over before he snags open his bedside drawer.

He chucks the bottle of lube almost harshly, making it bounce off Taehyung’s chest. He waits for
the teasing comment, but it doesn’t come.

Instead, Taehyung looks just as serious as he crawls across the bed and slips his fingers down
Jungkook’s chest.

“Okay,” he says again, before his hands push beneath Jungkook’s briefs and take him into hand.

It’s good, familiar in the way Taehyung strokes him, fingers catching over the precome leaking st
the tip, rolling it down his length and squeezing the base. Jungkook’s legs part and close like
they’re dancing, his body moving as Taehyung crawls back over him.

“Do you have a condom?”

Jungkook nods, twisting his bottom lip as Taehyung leans over him to dig into the drawer. He
doesn’t make a comment about the size of the unopened box like Jungkook expects. It had been a
gift from Yoongi, who had hastily shoved it into his nightstand after walking in on him one day.

Taehyung doesn’t rip a single condom off, eager in the way he drops a sleeve beside Jungkook and
discards the rest of the box without care.

“That many?” Jungkook tries to joke as Taehyung hovers back over him.

“We don’t have to use any of them,” Taehyung murmurs, skating his lips down Jungkook’s throat.

It’s slow, until it’s not, Taehyung’s lips trailing down Jungkook’s body until his hands are pushing
his thighs spread open. It’s gentle, until it’s not, Taehyung’s teeth digging in harder with every gasp
Jungkook legs out, ever clench if his legs.

“Don’t hide your face,” Taehyung whispers despite not looking at him, attention focused on the
spot below his belly button as he sucks more marks into his skin.

Part of Jungkook wants to as Taehyung peels down his briefs, eyes focusing up on the ceiling as
his bare cock twitches back towards belly. But another part of him doesn’t, doesn’t want to be so
shy that Taehyung thinks he’s anything like Cheol Su.

Taehyung hums as he pulls back onto his calves and strips Jungkook’s briefs. His own length
presses hard into the material of his pajamas, which are bunched cutely around his hips. His soft
belly rolls as he sits, his nipples hard and chest flushed in a way that makes Jungkook understand
why Taehyung loves it so much. His hair is no longer perfectly styled, a wreck amongst his head.

He’s still so decorated, bangles clacking over his wrists and necklaces resting over his chest. His
earrings tinkle when he cocks his head and shows off Jungkook’s favorite decoration, the mouth
shaped bruises that already start to darken over his throat.

“Do you know how pretty you are?”

The words fall from Jungkook’s lips before he can stop them. There’s an air of intensity around
them that grows as Taehyung stops what he’s doing, glancing at Jungkook.

Taehyung had been right. He’s complimented Jungkook too many times to count. Jungkook hasn’t.

“What?” Taehyung asks, rubbing his palms down the inside of Jungkook’s thighs.

“I said - I said, I think you’re really pretty,” Jungkook hiccups as Taehyung’s glides his hands over
the low of Jungkook’s belly, ghosting his hand over his cock without touching him properly. His
cock twitches pathetically, like it’s chasing Taehyung’s hand and begging for more. “I never told
Taehyung smiles softly. “Do you?”

Jungkook nods, swallowing thickly as he hooks his legs up, pressing his feet to the ground. “I do.”

A low groan leaves Taehyung’s lips as Jungkook spreads his legs. He hopes he comes off as
confident as he is aiming for, not as nervous as he feels.

“What’s pretty about me, Jeon?”

Jungkook breathes out harshly as Taehyung kisses at Jungkook’s legs, planting soft kisses to his
sensitive skin. He feels exposed like this and he can’t help the way he hooks an arm over his eyes.

It isn’t a big deal, just sex.

“Your face,” Jungkook comments, thighs clenching as Taehyung bites into his skin. “Eyes.”

“Let me see yours,” Taehyung says, lips tickling him. His hands are heavy on his waist, thumbs
rubbing over the jut of his hip bone. “Let me see those pretty eyes, baby.”

Jungkook bites his tongue as not to whimper at that. He breathes in through his nose before he
finally pulls his arm off.

It’s overwhelming, the sight of Taehyung nuzzling between his legs and eyes flicking up to meet
his. His eyes are heavy with want, teasing before he turns his head and mouths at the side of his

“Oh,” Jungkook huffs, reaching down but laying his hand limp on his stomach as he watches
Taehyung’s tongue flick out.

A bead of precome weeps from the head, trailing as lazily as Taehyung drags his tongue to meet it.
Taehyung doesn’t take his eyes off of him as he lifts his head, fingers catching over his foreskin to
pull it down.

“Tae,” Jungkook moans, clenching his eyes closed as Taehyung’s mouth falls open over him. He
doesn’t take him down his throat but mouths at the head, sucking gently.

“You’re so hard,” Taehyung comments, legs kicking out behind him as he lays flat on the bed.
“Does it feel good?”

Jungkook nods, head hanging back as Taehyung mouths down his length. A tremor ripples through
them as Taehyung breathes over his balls, a rough moan followed when Taehyung pulls one into
his mouth.

It’s slow, Jungkook being unraveled and pulled closer with every lick, every touch. Each moan that
causes embarrassment to coat his chest red. Nerves that make his thighs clench together as
Taehyung’s mouth moves lower, pushing between his cheeks.

Taehyung pulls away then to gently pry Jungkook’s thighs apart. “Tell me if it’s okay.”

Jungkook’s chest moves quickly with his panting as he nods. But Taehyung doesn’t lower again,
instead crawls over him to plant a soft kiss to his mouth.

“Tell me if you want me to stop,” Taehyung breathes, their noses tickling against each other.

“I don’t want you to,” Jungkook murmurs, reaching up to grab Taehyung’s forearm. “Promise.”
Taehyung accepts the kiss Jungkook gives him, teasing his tongue into Jungkook’s mouth until his
hips are rocking up, cock rubbing up against Taehyung’s soft belly.

It makes Taehyund laugh quietly, the teasing in his eyes but it never comes. “Has anyone ever
kissed you there before?”

Jungkook’s lungs are tightening, pushing out any left over oxygen until he feels dizzy. “No.”

“Turn over, baby. On your belly.”

There’s a tremble in his entire body as Taehyung moves aside so he can. Jungkook wonders if it’s
because Taehyung knows he’ll want to hide his face and he does, burying it in an elbow he hooks
beneath him to support his head.

There’s hands on him a moment later, lips trailing over his spine. Anticipation makes Jungkook rub
down the comforter, wanting to bunch it beneath it to fit his cock between so he can come. But he
doesn’t, tensing his body to stop moving when Taehyung flicks out his tongue and licks down
Jungkook’s back.

He seems to kiss and lick forever, until it feels the entirety of his ass is covered in kisses. He
whines when Taehyung stops touching him, looking over his shoulder when he hears the sound of
foil ripping.

He watches as Taehyung slips a condom over his middle finger before gripping his cheeks and
leaning in.

The breath wipes from Jungkook at the first press of Taehyung’s lips against the rim. It’s just a
peck, a soft hum traveling from Taehyung’s lips and into his skin.

Jungkook can’t speak, though the urge to call Taehyung’s name is there when Taehyung kisses him
again, mouth opened. It’s too much, too little, Jungkook doesn’t know.

He just wants more.

And Taehyung knows, sucking down harshly as Jungkook’s hips jerk up, pushing back against his
face. It’s mortifying, causing Jungkook to whimper as he buries his face again.

Taehyung only presses him down again, fingers gripping tight as he licks over him. Jungkook can
feel more than hear the way he groans, the sound going right to his dick.

He feels like he could come already, cock pulsing beneath him as he circles his hips, desperation
for the frustrating friction his blanket can give him.

“Fuck,” Taehyung gasps, sounding out of breath as he pulls back and spits. “Do you know how
good you sound?”

Jungkook flushes harder, unaware of just how much noise he’s been making.

“Do you like it that much?” Taehyung breathes, sounding as aroused as Jungkook feels.

Despite asking, Taehyung rubs his condom covered finger over his hole, tracing over the muscle
before pressing against him. It breaks off Jungkook’s response, his gasp so loud his ears burn.

Taehyung has touched him there before, but it feels different. Before, Taehyung hadn’t been
watching himself touched him, hadn’t had Jungkook so exposed in front of him.
There’s a hand rubbing up his spine as Taehyung presses his finger against him harder, rubbing at
his tense muscles when he dips his finger past the rim.

A mix of pleasure and nerves make his body shake, the bed starting to creak from the movement.

“You say I’m pretty,” Taehyung whispers like he’s talking to himself, reaching for the bottle of
lube. Jungkook braces himself for the cool liquid, but it feels like forever before Taehyung is
touching him again, the lube now warm and dripping off his fingers.

Jungkook feels worked up, heart racing too quickly as Taehyung pulls his finger back to thrust into
him again, a little faster this time. He arches his back, moving Taehyung’s finger deeper inside of

There’s lips on his spine again, a hand holding his hips down firmly as Taehyung continues to fuck
his finger into him. It’s long, his knuckles digging into his skin as he hooks it and rubs at his walls.

The moan Jungkook chokes out sounds more like a sob when Taehyung presses against his
prostate, pleasure moving through him like a tsunami. He bites hard into his arm to muffle it.

It’s intense, the pleasure that knots in his belly and throbs between his legs. There’s tears in his
eyes as Taehyung rubs against the ball of nerves again, he can feel them sticking to his eyelashes.

“God, Kook,” Taehyung breathes, pulling his finger back and working his hole open again. He
sounds breathless already, releasing his hold on Jungkook so he can move his hips freely.

And he does, jerking back so his cock rubs over the sheets and back, wanting to fuck himself
against Taehyung’s touch but it’s gone.

“Could break my finger clenching like that,” Taehyung laughs softly, his tone more fond than
amused. “You’re gonna come already, aren’t you?”

Jungkook is mortified, really. He humps against the bed weakly, shaking his head in his lie.

He’s so close, the clench in his stomach growing painful as his cock throbs in need of release.

“You can,” Taehyung assures, pressing between his cheeks again and it isn’t until there’s a pinch
of pain that Jungkook realizes he’s guiding two fingers into him.

“Oh, oh,” Jungkook huffs, lifting his hips off of the bed to keep his cock untouched, not wanting to
come yet. He doesn’t want to ruin this -

“Good?” Taehyung asks, stilling his fingers. “Want me to -“

“No,” Jungkook breathes. “Keep going.”

And Taehyung does, kissing the swell of his ass as he guides his fingers deeper. Jungkook can't
help but imagine the way it would feel to have Taehyung’s cock moving into him like this, the
girth much thicker than his slender fingers.

He hates the tears in his eyes as Taehyung reaches between his legs as he fucks his fingers into
him, fondling his balls before tickling over his length.

There’s teeth biting into his skin a second later. Taehyung groaning loudly as his fingers grip over
the wet head of his cock and he clenches hard around him.

The wet sound of Taehyung’s touches has Jungkook’s ears burning. His back arches and releases
with each thrust and stroke, his thighs trembling too much but he’s determined to keep himself up.

But Taehyung is relentless, stroking a fist over his cock in time with each thrust. His touch set on
making Jungkook come.

He nearly does as Taehyung presses a third into him, slowing the pace of his fingers but Jungkook
is keening, struggling to keep his legs up as the sensation washes over him.

“You’re so tight,” Taehyung comments, the hand over his cock working faster. “Come around my
fingers, baby.”

“Not yet, not yet,” Jungkook gasps, begs until Taehyung stops touching his cock. He pulls his
fingers away too and Jungkook whines, body thrumming hard as he sits on the edge of orgasm.

“Let me see you,” Taehyung begs too, hands on Jungkook’s hips to nudge him into turning around.

Jungkook’s barely turned before Taehyung is taking his hands into his face, lips set into a frown.

“Baby,” Taehyung murmurs, wiping a thumb beneath his eyes and collecting the tears there.

“Feels good,” Jungkook assures him. Too good. Too much. His whole body feels like he’s being
touched, like every nerve is sensitive and throbbing.

Taehyung looks unsure for a moment but Jungkook grabs his hand and guides it back between his

“Wanna come with you,” Jungkook says. “Please.”

Taehyung grins as he flicks off the condom, uncaring as to where it goes as he pushes up on his
knees to rid the rest of his clothes. He settles into the bed, grabbing Jungkook’s arms to pull him
onto his lap.

“No,” is all Taehyung says when Jungkook reaches for the discarded sleeve of condoms. He takes
Jungkook’s cheeks again, pulling him into a hot kiss.

Jungkook rubs against Taehyung’s belly as Taehyung fucks his tongue into his mouth, the hands
around his jaw keeping his mouth open. He moans into it, moans at the feeling of Taehyung’s hard
length digging into his thigh.

He’s nervous, trying to focus on how good it feels and not how embarrassing Taehyung is going to
think he is the first time they have sex. Trying to assure himself he won’t ruin it like he tends to do.

Letting go of his cheeks, Taehyung rubs over his thighs, pulling him closer on his lap as he circles
own hips to grind against Jungkook. He pants quietly, eyes heavy when he looks into Jungkook’s
eyes before moving to his chest.

Sweat trickles down his neck and chest but Taehyung keeps kissing, teasing, fingers gripping hard
into Jungkook’s thighs and he’ll know they’ll bruise. It’s maddening how long Taehyung takes
before he’s circling his fingers around his own cock, stroking himself.

Jungkook’s heart leaps into his throat as he lifts his hips, fingers gripping into Taehyung’s
shoulders to steady himself.

“So cute,” Taehyung groans, hands clasping over Jungkook’s ass to tug him back sitting. “How do
you feel?”
“Good,” Jungkook breathes. Desperate and nervous really.”

Taehyung flashes him a mischievous smile before he’s wrapping his long fingers around them both
of them, not hesitating to stroke his fist.

“And now?”

“Oh,” Jungkook huffs, pleasure pulsing at the heat of Taehyung against him, his hard cock rubbing
against his own with every stroke. It’s slick sounding, their precome mixing together, Jungkook’s
hips chasing after Taehyung’s hand because he’s too close, already brinking on the edge of orgasm.

“Look - look at me,” Taehyung pants, his hips jerking as he grips his hand almost painfully hard
into the flesh of Jungkook’s ass, his legs trembling beneath him.

Jungkook knocks his forehead to Taehyung’s, biting hard into his own bottom lip but he fails in
keeping back his hitched breathing, the sharp moans leaving his lips as Taehyung pulls him over
the edge.

“Wanna see you come,” Taehyung gasps, slipping his fingers between Jungkook’s cheeks as his
strokes grow quicker, messier. He loses his rhythm as he fucks his fingers into Jungkook and
Jungkook loses the hold he has on his moan, choking it out as his orgasm washes over him.

It’s a mix of harsh pants and hiccuped moans, Taehyung’s lips moving like he’s whispering
something but Jungkook’s heart beats so loudly in his ears he can barely hear it. He wraps his arms
around Taehyung strokes him through it, fingers held between his cheeks, unmoving from how
hard Jungkook clenches around him.

“Fuck,” Jungkook grits out, his body rippling with tension. The sight of come leaking from his
cock and collecting all over Taehyung’s fingers, belly, and his own length has Jungkook’s hips

Taehyung slips his hand from Jungkook, planting it beside himself as he rolls his hips into his fist.
Jungkook hisses from oversensitivity but he grabs Taehyung’s cheeks to taste every grunt and
groan he lets out.

“Wanna make you come too,” Jungkook breathes, reaching between them until Taehyung lets go.

He’s the devil, Jungkook thinks, as Taehyung looks at him with hooded eyes and sticks his come
coated fingers into his mouth.

“Shit,” Jungkook grunts, stroking Taehyung quickly. He likes how heavy Taehyung feels in his
hand, how he can feel him twitch beneath his stroke.

“Good, good, like that,” Taehyung grunts as he reaches up, pushing his slick fingers against
Jungkook’s lips.

Post orgasm Jungkook is a different breed of Jungkook, he thinks as he turns his head, taking
Taehyung’s fingers into his mouth. He lifts his hips when Taehyung grows taut, his hips staggering
up to match Jungkook’s stroke.

Taehyung really is pretty, even more so when he comes. His thick brows pushed tight together, the
wrinkle between them almost looking distressed. He comes silently, swollen lips parted open as
Jungkook rubs the head of Taehyung’s cock against his ass. He feels hot every time he feels a spurt
of come collect against his skin.
“Don’t,” Taehyung gasps as Jungkook guides the head of his cock between his cheeks, come
collecting over his rim. Jungkook stops immediately but Taehyung bucks his hips almost
desperately, contradicting his own words.

With a low noise that sounds like a mix of a groan and a growl, Taehyung pulls Jungkook into a
kiss as he milks out over his hole, soft jabs against him that make Jungkook brace for Taehyung to
push inside of him.

He doesn’t though, wrapping his arms around Jungkook as he falls back and takes Jungkook with

“Fuck Jeon,” is all Taehyung says before he’s kissing Jungkook again, hands rubbing quickly over
his back before knotting into his hair. “You’re so good, you know?”

Jungkook whimpers quietly, caging Taehyung’s head in with his arms, fingers tugging into
Taehyung’s mint color strands. The kiss slows but Jungkook’s body still thrums.

He feels sticky and gross, come drying over his ass and belly, sweat covering every inch of his
skin. But he feels light as Taehyung kisses him and kisses words into his skin that he can’t hear.

They feel like a lot, his heart absorbing every kiss and he knows he shouldn’t, shouldn’t think too
much of them.

“So pretty,” Taehyung murmurs, smoothing his fingers over Jungkook’s cheeks before guiding
him up again. “I missed you.”

Jungkook’s heart squeezes in his chest as he slips from Taehyung, falling onto his side beside him.

“You mean you missed my dick.”

Taehyung wrinkles his nose at that, pushing into Jungkook’s space to curl an arm over his hip. “All
of you. The dick is an added bonus.”

Jungkook flushes, glancing down. He’s trying not to let use usual flood of thoughts after sex but it’s

He was sure Taehyung was going to have sex with him, but he was stopped every time.

“What was that, hm?” Taehyung asks, eyes twinkling. “Wasn’t expecting you to do something
kinky like that?”

Jungkook huffs out. “Like what?”

Taehyung is gone in a flash, laughing quietly before he’s crawling over Jungkook and rubbing over
his spine to lay him flat.

He swears Taehyung moans as he cups the round of Jungkook’s cheeks, spreading him.

“Oh,” Jungkook gasps, embarrassment flooding him as he feels Taehyung’s tongue lapping at the
come collected over his hole.

He tenses when he feels his hole clench and flutter, a moment before Taehyung licks into him like
he wants every drop.

“So hot,” Taehyung moans quietly, patting Jungkook’s ass gently before jiggling it with both
hands. “Beautiful.”
The words make Jungkook feel light and he curves his back to watch Taehyung as he climbs off of

“I thought - I thought you asked for a condom because you wanted to have sex,” Jungkook weakly
asks as Taehyung pads away from the bed and finds the discarded condom.

Taehyung falls still for a moment. “I didn’t.”

Jungkook nods at that before he looks away and leans his cheek into his elbow, too exhausted to
clean up anything around them or even pull in briefs.

Taehyung doesn’t seem to be, walking carelessly into the hallway naked before coming back with
a decorative hand towel from the bathroom. It’s damp and he wipes it over his stomach and soft
cock before moving to Jungkook.

“That’s for decoration,” Jungkook notes, tone breathy as Taehyung wipes off Jungkook’s skin.

“It doesn’t match anything,” Taehyung jokes as he taps Jungkook’s hip for him to roll over.

It’s tender the way Taehyung touches him. Jungkook feels a little ridiculous under the care but it
makes his heart big.

“For the record, I do want to have sex with you,” Taehyung says, eyes focused on Jungkook’s
stomach and not his face. “Just not tonight.”

Jungkook pushes up onto his hands as Taehyung wipes between his legs. “Was it because of me?”

Taehyung doesn’t look at him for a moment before he tosses the damp decorative cloth aside and
climbs onto Jungkook’s lap. He kisses him gently on the cheek, where his skin is sticky and tight
from the tears he shed.

“Don’t think those things with me,” Taehyung breathes, scratching his fingers down Jungkook’s
back lightly. “Please don’t.”

Jungkook shivers as he nods, not mentioning that he can’t help it. If he could, he’d never think

“I’d be cool just hanging out, talking about chemistry or whatever.”

Jungkook grins, heart fluttering. Taehyung looks much more alert now, though soft. “Really.”

Taehyung bites at his grin. “Okay, well maybe not chemistry. Though I did have this sexy tutor
once that made it interesting, sometimes.”

Rolling his eyes fails him when Jungkook’s smile breaks through anyway.

“Really? What was his name?”

Taehyung scrunches his face in thought, rapping at his chin. “I can’t remember. Nice cock though,
super big. Like.”

Jungkook shoves Taehyung off of his lap when he holds his hands out more than a foot apart.

“Shut up.”

“Jealous?” Taehyung teases, wiggling his brows. “Don’t be. You’re my only baby.”
Jungkook’s breath hitches at how simply Taehyung says it as he lies on his back and holds his arm
open for Jungkook to curl into his space.

And he does, warning at how they feel fitted together, force once not feeling like he has to rush to
pull briefs on or yank the blanket from beneath them to cover himself.

For the longest of time, Jungkook wondered if he would crush on just anyone who showed him
attention, flirted with him. He didn’t trust himself enough to know if he truly liked someone, which
is why he’s never dated. Not that he’s had anyone else ask him except the girl who sat next to him
in his English classes in high school.

But he can see it with Taehyung and he wants it, wants it bad.

It’s a dangerous situation to put himself in but he’ll deal with it for small moments like this,
cuddled up together, listening to Taehyung breathe before he falls asleep.


For someone as anxious as Jungkook, he falls asleep easy. Unlike Taehyung who knows he won’t
be sleeping.

He worries Jungkook is too stressed from exams as he runs a finger over Jungkook’s brow.
Stressed about whatever happened between him and Soohyun.

Stressed that he did something for Taehyung to not have sex with him.

Taehyung sighs, rolling closer to Jungkook’s warmth and stilling when Jungkook turns into him
too. He remains asleep, snoring softly despite the sweat not even being fully dried from his body.

It makes Taehyung feel too much and it’s his own fault. He told Jungkook he wanted to feel, but
it's overwhelming.

He stays there, watching Jungkook sleep until the sound of the front door opening has him pulling
away. Yoongi has admitted countless of times that he has to check on Jungkook before going to
bed, refusing to stay out all night long unless someone goes home to check on him.

That’s why he pulls the sheets over Jungkook’s bare body and pulls clothes over his own before
heading out. The briefs are too tight - Jungkook’s, and the shirt smells like Jungkook’s cheap
cologne and sweat.

Taehyung pulls the collar over his face and breathes it in. He searches around, wanting Jungkook’s
pants too to leave in.

The kitchen light floods into the hallway so Taehyung heads there first, finding Yoongi undoing
the tie of his work shirt before heading towards the cufflinks. Taehyung inspects a frown, an
interrogation, but he gets a smile when Yoongi looks to him.

“I’m about to go possibly ruin my rep at the Club. It better not be just because you were horny,”
Yoongi teases lightly, eyes running over the length of Taehyung’s bruised neck.

Taehyung rolls his eyes. “You think so little of me, hyung?”

Yoongi laughs. “Not at all.” The grin softens, and Taehyung tenses because he sees it in his eyes.
“What happened before you came to the restaurant?”

Taehyung busies himself with the fridge, eyeing the insides for something to drink so he doesn’t

“I saw the finger prints on your neck man, tell me what happened.”

Taehyung grabs a bottle of Powerade, but holds it to his hot neck instead of drinking it.

“Soohyun was trying to get under my skin, you know he does that.” Taehyung rubs at his brow,
hesitating. “But he was telling the truth. He picked up Jungkook the other day to drive him home.”

Yoongi cranks his neck to the side, the soft crack making Taehyung grimace. “You know if him
and Cheol still hang? Could be a problem if he figures out where we live.”

“Jungkook lied and had him drop him off on campus.”

The grin on Yoongi’s lips doesn’t match the irritation in his eyes. “He’s a smart kid. I’ma head to
the Club now, gonna see what kind of info I can get. You staying here?”

Taehyung glances back towards the hallway. He wasn’t planning on it.

Tonight was too much, intense. He revealed too much, probably confused Jungkook. He doesn’t do
emotion like this and he doesn’t want to give Jungkook the wrong idea.

But before he can respond, Yoongi claps his hand. “Good. Go back to bed, Tae.”

“I’m -”

“Staying,” Yoongi finishes for him, voice soft as he approaches, taking the bottle away from him
and planting it to the table. “I’d prefer if someone was with Kook just in case there are eyes on

The nerves are back and Taehyung hates them. “I’ll go the Club then.”

Yoongi shakes his head. “I need you to stay here, Tae Tae.”

Heat flushes down Taehyung’s skin as irritation bundles inside of him. It isn’t directed at Yoongi,
but the fact that Yoongi knows he wants to run. That he’s that easily readable.

He’s irritated because even he doesn’t want to run but he feels like he needs to.

“Thought you told me to stay away from your dear baby brother?” Taehyung says, harsher than

Feeling one thing makes him feel everything. The things he has buried inside of himself peeking
their heads over the walls he’s built whenever one emotion slips through.

“Do you know why I told you to stay away?” Yoongi asks, arms crossing over his chest.

“Cause I’m shit?” Taehyung grits out, already moving towards the door before Yoongi jumps in
front of him.

“Because I knew he would fall for you,” Yoongi says, pressing his hands into his chest. “And I
didn’t think you would fall for him and choosing between the two of you would be like ripping off
a limb.”

Taehyung snorts at that. He already knows Yoongi would choose Jungkook, but he isn’t mad about

“The same reason I didn’t tell Kook about Hobi and I,” Yoongi goes on. “I know I seem like I have
my shit together, but I don’t.”

They share a laugh and the tension in Taehyung seeps away some. Even more so when Yoongi
rubs a hand over the back of his neck and squeezes gently at it.

“I don’t want you to stay just for Kook, though that’s one reason. I want you to stay because you’re
going to hurt yourself if you leave.”

And Taehyung doesn’t open up, he doesn’t know how the hell Yoongi figured that out.

“Don’t think I noticed your benders came directly after you heard Kook say he hated you?” Yoongi
answers quietly like he can read his mind. “Every time I’ve seen you since, you’ve been high on
something Tae.”

“Not correlated,” Taehyung lies so easily he doesn’t even mean to do it.

Yoongi rolls his eyes as he pulls his touch away. “You know that night you disappeared? You were
a real mess man, I’m quite sure you were hallucinating. Or just that drunk, I don’t know.

“Either way, I told you to stop calling yourself an idiot and you know what you said to me? You
said, ‘only idiots want to love someone who hates them.’”

Taehyung pulls back, arms wrapping over his middle.

When Taehyung told Jungkook he wanted to feel tonight, he jinxed himself. He doesn’t want to
feel this.

But Yoongi is still smiling softly. “So go and fall in love with my baby brother and don’t stop
yourself from doing so. Trust yourself to do so because I do.”

Taehyung breathes in, his chest hard like his heart is made of stone and ready to crumble.

“If you make me cry, I will actually challenge you to a death match. On the ring, no gloves.”

Yoongi’s laugh is big enough to potentially wake Jungkook, but he quickly covers it.

“You really trust me?”

Leaning against the counter, Yoongi nods without hesitation. It sits quiet for a minute as Taehyung
tries to figure out how to handle that, feeling strange under Yoongi’s careful watch.

“I’m going to tell you something, but you can’t tell Kook I did, okay?” Yoongi says before he rubs
his lips together and hesitates. “Kook’s dad left a few years back, didn’t tell Kook where he was
going. Didn’t want him to know, get the wrong impression that what he was doing was for any
other reason than just taking care of his mother. Told him it was a job overseas.

“He made me promise to take care of Kook and make sure he stays in school so he can take care of
his mother the right way. Take care of him so he doesn’t hurt himself trying to. He told me to
threaten any man that goes after his heart because it’s fragile and too big.”
Taehyung smiles as he glances down at the ground. “Is that why you threatened me?”

Yoongi nods, eyes bright. “No, I just mean Jungkook really does have a big heart, just like you. But
now I’m threatening you to him because I see you need him.”

And Taehyung doesn’t need anyone, really. Not in that sense. But Jungkook gives him a lot of
things he needs, things he wants to feel but is too afraid to feel them.

“And if he realizes he does hate me and breaks my poor, damaged heart?”

There’s a knock at the door but Yoongi doesn’t make a move to answer it. “I trust you so you trust
me, alright? He won’t hate you, even if you were to slip out like you look like you’re going to right

Taehyung sighs, giving in when he hears the door open and signaling the end of the conversation.

Yoongi doesn’t look alarmed, but a grin covers his face when he hears Hoseok’s voice calling.

“Hola! We ordered a hot babe for two, here to pick up.”

A second later Hoseok is strolling into the kitchen, sunglasses perched on his nose despite it being
late, and an arm hooked over Jimin’s shoulder.

“There he is, delicious.”

Yoongi makes an embarrassed noise at that.

Jimin’s eyes are full of laughter when he looks between Hoseok and Yoongi, but they soften when
they find Taehyung. He kisses Yoongi hello before he comes to Taehyung, eyes falling onto his

“You alright? Your dad called me because you missed dinner. Looking for you.”

Taehyung nods. “Didn’t want to be there.”

“You could have called me,” Jimin says but he rubs his lips and pops them before wiggling his
brows. “I know why you didn’t, though. When’s the wedding?”

Jimin squeaks out when Taehyung shoves him.

“It’s not like that,” Taehyung grunts.

There’s heat rising in his cheeks and for a brief moment, Taehyung wonders if Jungkook likes how
red he gets as much as Taehyung likes it on Jungkook.

“It is,” all three of them say, their tones different levels of annoyed before Taehyung quickly turns
on his heel to go back to Jungkook.

It is.

Taehyung struggles to sleep, his eyes only falling shut moments before Jungkook’s phone starts

He groans, arm stretching out to assault the noise but rolling into Jungkook instead.

“Sorry, sorry,” Jungkook gasps, quickly scrambling to shut off the alarm.

As nervous as Taehyung had been to face Jungkook completely sober in the morning, he doesn’t
regret staying when he takes him in.

He hadn’t forgotten how soft Jungkook is after he wakes up, though his memory doesn’t do it
justice. His face is swollen with sleep, hair a wreck over his head and eyes barely open. He’s even
more pretty with the dark marks that formed over his bare skin during the night, showing them off
as he stretches his head to each side.

Taehyung slips beneath the sheets, curling towards Jungkook more to slip his hand over his bare
thigh and pull him close,

“Sleep longer,” Taehyung says. The sun isn’t up yet, he knows it’s too early for Jungkook to be

“Can’t,” Jungkook says as he slumps back down next to him, grinning tiredly as he rubs at his
eyes. “Have an exam.”

“Please,” Taehyung whispers, pushing his lips into a pout.

A pout that Jungkook giggles at, nose wrinkling before he kisses him.

“A couple minutes,” Taehyung whispers into his mouth, gripping his thigh tighter to pull it over
his own.

Yoongi had been right. Taehyung has been using too much lately because he hates to feel. Drugs
and sex, it takes his mind off of things.

Jungkook is the same way, the one that makes him feel but he’s addicted to it when he has
Jungkook with him. When he’s gone, it’s a different story.

“Okay,” Jungkook giggles, shifting until his bare body is sliding over Taehyung’s clothed one.
“Just a few more minutes.”

A few minutes turn to a half hour before Jungkook is scrambling from Taehyung, thighs still
trembling and causing him to be unsteady as he hops off the bed.

“When is your exam?” Taehyung pants, pushing himself up despite wanting to go back to bed

“Nine,” Jungkook says, panic lacing into his tone despite it not even being seven yet.

Taehyung snorts, amused as he watches Jungkook’s butt bounce as he takes off towards the

There’s a yell a second later before Jungkook is rushing back into the bedroom to grab his
underwear and is gone again.

Taehyung lays back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and trying not to feel. It doesn’t work and
it makes him restless to the point he has to get out of bed and busy himself.
In the living room he finds Yoongi, half hanging off the couch with his fingers nearly touching.
Jimin’s face is squished against his lower back, a hand resting over the curve of his bottom.

“Don’t ask why they’re on the couch,” Hoseok says with amusement as he walks in from the
kitchen. “Yoongi insisted on sleeping there. And listen, I love the both of them with my entire heart
but there’s a large, much comfortable bed in the other room. And that’s not the way I like my back
broken, you know?”

Taehyung snorts. Hoseok’s nearly naked, his neon green briefs hugging his hips much too tightly.
Taehyung snatches the cup from his hands, inhaling the scent of coffee.

“You love them?”

Hoseok’s lips snap shut quickly, eyes narrowing at Taehyung. “Don’t say a word.”

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung wonders if all of them have buried their feelings inside of themselves.
Everyone but Jimin at least, who Taehyung has always been envious of for how unafraid he is to
share the deepest parts of himself.

“Just wondering how you realized it,” Taehyung admits.

The grin Hoseok gives him stretches wide, making him cackle softly as he snatches his coffee
back. “Oh Tae Tae, if you even have to wonder if you do or not, that’s your answer there.”

It isn’t. Because Taehyung doesn’t love Jungkook, he isn’t there yet. He just isn’t used to the

But when Jungkook comes rushing out of the hallway, hair wet and still dripping down his
forehead, Taehyung wonders if he’s wrong.

When Jungkook fumbles over his buttons and tries to throw on his backpack at the same time, lips
pouting out, Taehyung knows he is.

“It's cold outside,” Taehyung says, grabbing a jacket haphazardly thrown over the arm chair that he
is pretty sure belongs to Yoongi. “Come here.”

Jungkook looks like he might argue but he slips off the backpack and lets Taehyung slip the coat
onto him.

Something so simple has Taehyung’s heart racing inside his chest. His fingers shake when he helps
Jungkook with the buttons and he hopes no one notices.

Jungkook does grin when Taehyung buttons them to the top and changes his mind, unbuttoning
them until a hickey beneath his collarbone is revealed.

“What are you doing today?” Jungkook whispers as if not to bother his sleeping hyungs.

“Nothing,” Taehyung admits. The only thing he knows is he as to figure out what Yoongi found
out last night and that he doesn’t want to go home.

“Are you gonna stay here? Maybe I can see you before I go to work?”

There’s a brightness in Jungkook’s eyes that makes Taehyung know, without a doubt, that he loves

And it makes him feel bad because he knows he’s going to give Jungkook a reason not to love him

“Of course,” Taehyung says before he leans in and kisses him. He doesn’t hesitate to kiss him
deeply, holding onto the collar of his shirt, despite the squeak he lets out when their lips touch.

Taehyung doesn’t see him before work, hiding out at Namjoon’s to smoke something that Yoongi
won’t scold him for. Phone shut off to ignore the flood of text messages from his parents, angry
over him skipping out on dinner.

He falls asleep in the room Namjoon lies to his parents about Jin’s, hating the way the pillows
smell like Jungkook.

And he doesn’t see Jungkook the next day, shuffling himself home after his father threatens to
deplete his bank account. He takes the yelling without a care, ignoring the sting of his mother’s
fingers when she pinches at his bruised neck. He doesn’t even bother to tell her that they hide the
ones Soohyun left behind.

He hides out in the guest house with Butler Kang, because he’s the only one that knows how much
Taehyung sometimes needs silence. Sometimes he just needs to be alone so he doesn’t have to
work so hard to act like one thing when he’s feeling another.

And the next, the last day of the semester, Taehyung wakes up with a groggy head from taking one
of his mother’s sleeping aids. He rolls back over, knowing he won’t see Jungkook today either.

Avoiding campus, he heads downtown. It is pretty quiet during the day, but some bars morph into
coffee shops when the sun is up for more business. His phone is still off, he knows someone will
come looking for him soon, which is why he lied to Namjoon and said he was going out of town
for the weekend, not wanting to be home.

The air is cold but the coffee shop he steps too is so warm he immediately takes off his coat. It’s a
small bar at night, mostly old people and adults getting off from their nine to fives. During the day
it’s a hipster crowd, those who don’t blend in with the drugs and grunge of the downtown during
the nighttime.

“Tae Tae!” The man behind the counter calls, already moving to brew something for him.
“Surprised to see your face, heard you been stirring shit up.”

Jungkook had been right. He truly hates gossip.

“And how’s that?”

Rocky is his name, another Star boy that runs with Eunwoo and Moonbin. He’s cool, passing a
small bag hidden beneath the cup of coffee he hands him, his wolfish grin stretching towards his

“Cheol came in the other day and tried to bribe me into letting him know when you show up again.
Eunwoo hyung told me you guys fought too? You Min boys need to stop using your fists so

Taehyung tucks the bag into his pocket discreetly, shrugging. “I don’t see a problem with it.”
Rocky rolls his eyes, laughing quietly. “It does strengthen your rep. Don’t tell Bin this, but he was
sure white in the face when he told me he accidentally tried to hit on your boy.”

Wrinkling his nose at that is Taehyung’s only response at first. He can’t think about Jungkook,
though he knew it was a date.

“Tell me Rocky, you seen my brother lately?”

Rocky wipes his around a towel as he considers it. “Yeah, came in the other day to donate some
fancy coffee that smells like ass.”

It’s hard not to roll his eyes. “Him and Cheol are up to something and I’m trying to figure out what
and why.”

No one else is in the cafe slash bar except a few kids that look much younger than him at a corner
near what’s supposed to be the live mic stage. But Rocky still whispers, still checks around them
with quick glances.

“I don’t know, man. Your brother’s crew isn’t favored around here. Heard Cheol got messed up a
couple days ago for talking about Yoongi’s brother. You know that crew that dresses like they live
in a leather bar? Frequents the dance club? Kicked Cheol out because Yoongi made it known if
anyone messes with his baby bro well - you know how pretty his threats are.”

Taehyung clenches his jaw so tight it feels like it might crack open.

“Thanks Rocky-ssi. Keep me posted if you hear anything, would ya?”

Rocky nods, grinning mischievously. “You’ve got balls going after Min’s brother, man. I knew you
were crazy, but this?”

Taehyung ignores him with a laugh. Falling in love with Jungkook was something that’s made him
weak, not strong.

Taehyung doesn’t let anyone make him feel weak.

It’s tradition and it’s rare that they do it. It’s euphoria at it’s finest and Taehyung’s always wanted
to push a little more, test a little more. Namjoon prefers it more than Taehyung does, but he does
like the body high and the pleasure that comes with it.

They take a dab at the beginning of the night, dipping their pinky into the crushed pill. He needs it,
feels desperate for the feeling of euphoria inside of his chest instead of this stupid pain there

He knows he’s running. He’s aware he’s being the Cheol Su he doesn’t want to be but worse.

It’s been a few days and Taehyung has avoided Jungkook at all costs. But he can’t . He can’t be
that person.

So he shoves the powder into his mouth, screaming fuck all because he can’t do it.
He can’t fuck around with Jungkook and ignore him, can’t have Jungkook thinking it was because
of him and not the fact that Taehyung is freaking the fuck out over his own heart.

It doesn’t help rid his thoughts of Jungkook, but it keeps them from hurting. He thinks over of the
way Jungkook looked beneath him, the way Jungkook felt being his even for the night.

He feels like a creep but his skin is hot and the slightest of things are sending a jolt of arousal
through him. The slick sound of Jimin’s mouth has a heat burning down his spine and he tries not
to look, but he finds himself doing so anyway. It’s a common feature that one of the two couples
around him will randomly make out at some point, something normally he’s numb to, but tonight
he’s struggling.

Jimin grins into Hoseok’s mouth, fingers curling around his throat and tilting his head back and
Taehyung excuses himself to search for water. That’s another thing he hates about the drug. He
overheats and has to drink so much water or Yoongi will kill him. that he feels like he never leaves
the bathroom because he has to piss so much.

He finds Yoongi in the kitchen, weed spread out across the counter and their beer bottles now
stacked neatly around the kitchen sink.

“Is there a reason you are having a party the same weekend as Jin?” Yoongi asks, not looking up at

“My house is empty,” Taehyung replies, feet slapping over the cold tile of the kitchen. Hoseok told
him the heating isn’t working properly but Yoongi can’t afford to fix it. “And it’s bigger. Jin didn’t
have a problem with it.”

Yoongi peers at him then. “You know Jin’s birthday is Sunday?”

Taehyung nods, swinging his arms behind his back. “I know. I’ll have the mess to deal with and he
can wake up on his birthday to a clean house.”

The grin on Yoongi’s lips is knowing. His parents leaving so early wasn’t planned. They’ve
technically left Soohyun in charge and Jin was on board with Taehyung’s want to trash the house.

He’s also hoping one of his friends will stay so he won’t feel so lonely when he wakes up

“We should leave before Jungkookie gets here though,” Yoongi says as he nudges his head
towards the beer Taehyung holds in his hand. “And don’t leave a mess, or he’ll stay up cleaning all
night. I need him to sleep.”

Taehyung nods. He came here knowing he would run into Jungkook, and for once since he’s left
him, Taehyung doesn’t feel nervous about it.

Lately, nerves have been filtering through Taehyung’s system. He wonders if he’s contagious; if he
somehow picked them up from Jungkook.

“You haven’t been around,” Yoongi goes on. “Phone off. Told Namjoon you were out of town for
the weekend but you’re here.”

Taehyung exhales. Yoongi will be able to tell he’s floating on cloud nine, this conversation better
off for another night.

Yoongi glances at him, raising a brow.

“Hoseok also also told me you mentioned wanting to know what it felt like to love someone.”

“What a whore,” Taehyung grunts “He can’t keep his mouth closed for shit.”

Yoongi giggles, but punches him hard enough in the arm it hurts. “Hey, that’s my baby you’re
talking about. You should have known he would wake me up the moment you left to tell me.”

Part of Taehyung hopes Hoseok told Jungkook so he doesn’t have to.

“It isn’t a big deal.”

“It is,” Yoongi says, softer this time. “Because that’s why you’ve been gone. If I thought you hit it
and quit it with Kook, I would have kicked your ass but I know it wasn’t that.”

Taehyung doesn’t want to talk about it. He doesn’t even want to talk about it with Jungkook, he
just wants to be with him.

And he doesn’t have to wait long, doesn’t have to pretend to ignore Yoongi for long when he hears
the tone of Jungkook’s voice floating in from the living room.

Taehyung expects Jungkook to look embarrassed, closed off, maybe even upset when he comes
padding into the kitchen and sees him. He isn’t expecting the brightness in Jungkook’s eyes or the
way he bites at his bottom lip like he’s trying to hide his smile.

It makes Taehyung’s blood feel like it’s rushing through his body, an avalanche of chaos that feels
so good he is hopping off the counter.

“Kook? Did you eat? We’re just about to head out but I can make you something.”

Yoongi’s voice sounds distant and Jungkook doesn’t respond, still biting at his smile as he watches
Taehyung approach.

“Kook? Oh lord, not in front of me.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jungkook responds distractedly as Taehyung presses a finger under his chin. “Count
the granola bars you snuck in my bag.”

There’s a laugh from somewhere behind him and Taehyung is so focused on Jungkook’s mouth, it
confuses him that the sound doesn’t come from it.

“Hey,” Jungkook breathes. “I’ve been so busy the last couple days, I’m sorry I didn’t reach out.”

It is Taehyung that needs to be apologizing but he isn’t think about that now. He focuses on
Jungkook’s red, cold cheeks that he smoothes a hand over to warm.

Jungkook flinches at the touch, face crumpling before he plants a hand to Taehyung’s forehead.
“Tae, you’re hot, do you have a fever?”

Taehyung snorts. “I think that’s the only time you’ve complimented me, Jeon.”

Despite rolling his eyes, Jungkook grins. “I’m being serious, you’re really warm.”

“Well, you ever been this close to the sun before?”

Yoongi groans loudly. “Please take this somewhere else.”

Jungkook is burning like he’s the one suffering from the sun’s rays when he pushes his hands into
Taehyung’s chest and shoves him out of the kitchen and towards the hallway.

“Do you want soup? Medicine? Yoongi mentioned a party tonight but if you’re sick -“

“Not sick,” Taehyung interrupts with a laugh. “Plus, the party is at my house, I must go.”

Jungkook falters at that but Taehyung doesn’t let him for long before he wraps an arm around
Jungkook’s waist and pulls him in tight.

It feels good, no right, having Jungkook’s body against his like this. His body tingles every inch
that their bodies meet.

“Tae,” Jungkook breathes as Taehyung rubs a hand up his spine until it’s folding over the back of
his neck, legs spreading some to fit Jungkook better inbetween. “You are more affectionate than

Taehyung only hums, lips pouting out to brush over Jungkook’s cheek.

“Just missed my baby.”

Jungkook’s laugh sounds tense, a bit awkward, but he rubs his hands over Taehyung’s chest
instead of pushing him away.

“I missed you too.”

Wrinkling his nose at that, Taehyung pulls away to look at Jungkook’s face. His lips are parted and
there’s a shy look crossing his face.

“Did you really?”

Jungkook nods, tapping his fingers against the bruises on Taehyung’s neck that haven’t faded
completely yet. “Yes. Are you okay though? Serious answer. You seemed upset the other night
and I uh, figured you needed some alone time. That’s why I didn’t reach out. Not because I don’t
care. Because I do. Care, that is, if something is bothering you, I am here.”

He goes on rambling, growing redder with each word that falls out of his mouth like he can’t help
but spit them. And Taehyung can’t stop grinning, feeling hypnotized but the frantic way Jungkook
assures he cares, he just wanted to give Taehyung his space.

Taehyung doesn’t understand how Jungkook just gets him so easily.

“I wasn’t upset.”

The doubt is in Jungkook’s eyes but at least he doesn’t push him anymore. He doesn’t push him
away either when Taehyung ducks his head forward for a kiss.

Taehyung has no idea if there are nerve endings in the tongue but it feels like it as he kisses
Jungkook, his body warming over with waves of euphoria with every stroke past Jungkook’s lips.
He feels it when Jungkook groans softly, the sound pounding through him and making his body
pulse as if it were waiting to dance to the noises Jungkook makes.

“Tae,” Jungkook gasps quietly, pressing a hand to Taehyung’s neck to push him back. Even that
creates a throb between his legs. “Everyone is here like, just at the end of the hall.”

“As often as I have walked in on them, payback is necessary.”

Jungkook lets out a noise of complaint, hiding his face against Taehyung’s neck for a second.

A chill still clings to Jungkook and Taehyung rubs it away, his own body burning with heat.

When Jungkook pulls his head away, smiling softly. “I thought you said the party was tomorrow?”

“Wanted it tonight,” Taehyung tells him, leaving out the part that he needs an excuse to get high
without Yoongi coming down on him and he couldn’t go a day longer without seeing Jungkook.

He hates that he’s so weak that he has to be high to see him.

“Well, I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, Tae. I have really good news, I was hoping if you were
still down it would make you feel better.”

It isn’t just Taehyung’s body pulsing, but his heart too.

Jungkook pulls away to tangle off his backpack, eyes wide with nerves again.

“I hope it isn’t me overstepping,” Jungkook stammers out as he starts to dig inside the bag. “But
your professor emailed me to tell me she was impressed with your improvement so I was nosy.”

Taehyung watches quietly as Jungkook rips out a packet of paper from his bag before thrusting it
into Taehyung’s face. He recognizes it as the exam he studied so hard for, but he doesn’t seem to
register it as his own as he takes in the bright red 83 scribbled at the top.

“I knew you could do it,” Jungkook breathes out as he takes Taehyung’s hand. “She said she tried
to get ahold of you and congratulate you herself, but couldn’t.”

Taehyung takes the paper in his hand. It isn’t the number that has the happiness flooding through
his body, but the way Jungkook looks at him.

It hadn’t been a joke when Taehyung called him the sun.

The paper falters in Jungkook’s hand when Taehyung doesn’t take it or acknowledge it again, his
eyes fluttering as Taehyung continues to look at him.

It feels right, in this moment. Maybe it’s the drug, the confidence and misplaced judgment affecting
him more than ever. The feeling in his chest, maybe.

Or maybe it’s just the way Jungkook looks so excited and proud when he looks at him.

“I love you, Jungkook.”

It’s instantaneous the way Jungkook’s face falls, the large grin he wears shrinking as his eyes grow

“Wh - what?”

Taehyung smoothes his palms up Jungkook’s arms, wishing he could feel his skin instead of the
puffed fabric of his coat.

Deep down, Taehyung wants to hurt by the silence but he’s built so many drug induced walls over
himself that he can’t feel it.

The moment is broken when Jungkook pulls away and it isn’t until a second later that Taehyung
realizes it’s because Hoseok is making his way down the hallway, a shit eating grin on his face.
“No dick sucking in the hallway,” he cackles, slapping Taehyung on the shoulder. “Chim says you
have E. Not sharing?”

Taehyung pushes himself from the wall to dig into his pocket, pulling out the small bag Rocky had
given him when he had visited the cafe.

Jungkook remains silent and wide eyed as he watches the transaction, eyes focused on the way
Hoseok digs a pill from the bag.

“You should take one Koo,” Hoseok hums. “Just a little. Yoongi will kill me though, so if he asks
blame it on Taehyung. He likes him better.”

Taehyung’s eyes slowly drift to Jungkook, who shakes his head and places a hand in front of

I love you, I love you.

“You’re his boyfriend,” Taehyung points out numbly.

Hoseok shrugs. “He’s grumpy with me. Long story, don’t want to talk about it. Kookie?”

“No, I don’t know what it is,” Jungkook says quietly.

“Makes you feel good. Like, really good. Euphoric, confident. Makes orgasms feel like -“ Hoseok
whistles before he pops the entire pill in his mouth. “Serotonin levels through the roof.”

Jungkook looks to Taehyung then, mouth tilting down. “Are you high?”

Hoseok seems to notice he missed something then, making a quiet ‘op’ sound before he takes a
step back away from them.


Jungkook sighs, handing Taehyung his exam. “I should have realized. You never make sense
when you’re high.”

It doesn’t hurt him, but it will. Even if Jungkook takes his hand into his own.

“I’m gonna get ready and meet you at yours, okay?”

After two days that felt like a life time of Taehyung avoiding and missing Jungkook, he doesn’t
want to separate from him.

“I’ll wait for you,” Taehyung says, following after Jungkook before he can respond.

Jungkook is red to the top of his ears as he strips from his outside clothes and tosses them to the
edge of his bed.

“What does it feel like?”

“Hm,” Taehyung hums. He’s aware of how much he’s starting to sweat, his shirt clinging to his

“Being high.”

Taehyung shrugs before he sits on the edge of the bed. He snatches Jungkook’s wrist, tugging him

“Feels like I need you beside me. Not much different than when I’m sober.”

It does. The need to cuddle and fuck is overbearing.

Jungkook giggles softly, quickly climbing over Taehyung’s lap, knees digging into the mattress.

“You know what,” Jungkook says, rubbing his hands over Taehyung’s shoulders, “I’ve been trying
to be more confident. Maybe I should try it.”

“No,” Taehyung says immediately, rubbing his fingers up Jungkook’s spine and pressing down
until his back arches and he’s closer. “You don’t need to be more confident.”

Jungkook plays with the hair at Taehyung’s nape without responding for a moment. “I want to be
more confident, my nerves ruin everything.”

“I want -“ Jungkook huffs out, rolling his eyes at himself. “I want you to be able to tell me things
when you’re sober. Without worrying how I’ll take them.”

It’s dangerous, a terrifying path to take. But Taehyung doesn’t feel it in the moment, only feels that
the right thing to do is make Jungkook smile and want to kiss him.

“I’ve told you how much I want you when sober plenty of times,” Taehyung says.

Another eye roll and Jungkook sinks his weight into his lap. “Do you still want me? After the other

It’s so quiet that if Taehyung wasn’t staring at Jungkook’s mouth, he would have missed some of

Taehyung groans, adding pressure to his touch until their chests are stitching closer together.
“Made me want you more, baby.”

Jungkook exhales like he’s been struggling to breathe. “I’ll still get weird sometimes but I’m
working on it. Not thinking too much about it. It’s just sex between friends, not a big deal.”

He lifts his hips then, the move tentative before he drops back down and grinds into Taehyung’s

“What are you doing?” Taehyung breathes as a jolt of pleasure whips through him. He doesn’t
stop Jungkook though, holding his hands loosely on his hips as he continues to nervous roll down
against him.

“I figured that’s why - that’s why you took it before you came here,” Jungkook breathes, reddening
when Taehyung’s cock twitches against him.

It isn’t, it is not . But Taehyung can’t focus on anything but the spark inside of him as Jungkook
grows more confident, hips rolling with purpose.

“Isn’t it?”

Taehyung groans low, looking up at Jungkook through his eyebrows. “I took it because it makes
me feel happy. I had a shit couple of days.”

Jungkook stills in his ministrations, eyes searching over Taehyung’s face. “Do you want to talk
about it?”

It may be rude but Taehyung laughs at himself more than Jungkook. “No, you know I don’t.”

Jungkook nibbles at the corner of his mouth before he nods. “Okay. Are you happy about your

Taehyung grabs onto Jungkook before he flies back, making Jungkook lie on top of him. He’s
heavy, making Taehyung feel like he’s being crushed and his toes curl when his body soars from

“I’m so happy, baby. Aren’t you supposed to be getting changed or something?”

There’s silence surrounding them before Jungkook dips his head down and brushes his lips against
Taehyung’s ear. “I have to get undressed first, don’t I?”


I love you, Jungkook.

It rings loud in his head, even over the music that thumps around them. He can’t stop thinking
about it, especially when Taehyung tucks his face into his neck and it feels like he’s saying it

Jungkook had been set on accepting casual just to be around Taehyung; the flirting, the sex,

Taehyung can’t say those things. It makes it harder for him.

He blames it on Taehyung being high again. It’s like being drunk right? Saying shit you don’t

Jungkook wants Taehyung to mean it.

Sweat drips down Taehyung’s forehead and Jungkook can taste it when they kiss. He feels that hot
too, his shirt sticking to his back and jeans clinging uncomfortably to his legs.

He wants to feel relaxed. No more busy schedule for the next month, no more having to wake up
before the sun.

But his mind is too busy.

Something is wrong and he can’t figure out what it is. Yoongi’s eyes had been on Taehyung
nonstop until they separated. The last minute party, the fact that Yoongi’s asked him every day
since the night at the restaurant if he’s heard from Taehyung.

It worries him.

“What the fuck,” Taehyung groans, sliding an arm around Jungkook’s waist and pulling him close.
“Quick, make your face ugly.”
Jungkook snorts, threading his fingers around Taehyung’s neck. “What?”

They’re too close, chests pressed together, for Jungkook to see what Taehyung is looking at but he
stills when Taehyung tongues at his neck.

Jungkook glances at the people around them, the lights too bright to hide like they could in the

A moan filters past Jungkook’s lips when Taehyung bites hard, body pressing into his.

“Turn around and tell me if you know the guy watching you,” Taehyung whispers into his ear.

Nerves rattle through Jungkook but he does, slipping his back against Taehyung’s chest. There’s a
lot of people here he doesn’t recognize, not even from campus. He searches over them before he
finds who Taehyung is talking about.

He’s in a small group of people, drinks in hand. He isn’t staring, but Jungkook watches as his eyes
dart constantly at them.

Taehyung’s breath is hot on his ear as his hands slip over Jungkook’s hips, tickling at his thighs
and Jungkook’s heart flutters, wondering if Taehyung is staring back.

Jungkook is trying to be casual, uncaring but Taehyung acts the most uncasual and it’s hard.

I love you, Jungkook.

“Looks familiar,” Jungkook says, tilting his head when Taehyung tucks his head over his chin.
They’re not as much dancing but lazily grinding, Taehyung’s hard length pushing into his ass with
every roll.

It’s hot.

“His name is Xian, one of my brother’s crew. And he shouldn’t be here.”

All night, Taehyung’s voice has been like honey, but now it is cold. Colder than Jungkook’s back
when Taehyung moves away.

“Don’t,” Jungkook says, heart thumping. “Let’s go find Yoongi, hm? Or Jin? You said his birthday
is Sunday?”

Taehyung turns, but only to press a kiss to Jungkook’s forehead. “They’ll be in the kitchen. Get me
something strong, would you baby?”

Jungkook tightens his grip, showing off his strength. “That’s me.”

There’s a twinkle in Taehyung’s eye as he smirks. “Bring shy Jeon back, I miss him.”

It’s teasing but Jungkook wonders if he’s telling the truth. It would be his luck.

“Go, go,” Taehyung goes on. “My high is wearing off, I need a drink, please.”

Jungkook knows that Taehyung is just trying to shoo him away so he can talk to Xian . But he
frowns anyway.

He’ll get Taehyung water. He wants a sober Taehyung tonight; maybe an honest one.
But there’s been plenty of times sober Taehyung has told him he wanted him and Jungkook
couldn’t tell if he was messing with him or not.

“I’m sending Yoongi,” Jungkook says, nervous. “Though, I think you should get him first.”

Taehyung snorts at that. They probably look ridiculous, holding hands while spread apart in the
middle of the dance floor but Jungkook doesn’t want him to go.

“It’s my house, baby. Soohyun knows he can’t bring his guys here. Appa hates them.”

Coming to Taehyung’s, he knew he risked running into Soohyun. But he didn’t feel nervous about
it as much with his hyungs around him.

The paranoid part of himself imagined Cheol Su by his side, but he had seen the way Cheol Su ran
from Yoongi and Taehyung so easily.

Jungkook doesn’t want to leave Taehyung’s side, but he also doesn’t trust if Taehyung can handle a
confrontation without Yoongi beside him.

“Okay,” Jungkook relents. He barely lets go of Taehyung before he’s turning and pushing through
the crowd to get to the kitchen.

Yoongi is in there like Taehyung said, a smile on his face that makes his gums stand out and
Jungkook hates to ruin it. He doesn’t even have to try, the moment their eyes meet, it slips away.

“What’s wrong?” Yoongi asks because even if Jungkook were smiling, he’d be able to tell.

“Tae said some guy that is apart of his brother’s crew is here and he’s going to kick him out.”

Yoongi doesn’t seem as stressed as Jungkook feels when he clamps a hand to Jungkook’s shoulder.
“It’s cool, Kook.”

“Can you just make sure? Please?”

“Of course,” Yoongi says, tickling his fingers through Jungkook’s hair. He snorts, amusement in
his eyes before he shakes his head. “The two of you, I swear.”

He doesn’t elaborate and Jungkook doesn’t ask him to as he takes off. Jungkook sidles up beside
Jin where Yoongi had been, glancing at the array of solo cups he’s steadily pouring drinks into.

“Drink making is an art, Jungkook-ah,” Jin says seriously as he drops something bright blue into a
cup. “Watch and learn.”

Jungkook laughs shakily, glancing out the kitchen door and wishing he could see Yoongi and
Taehyung through the throng of people.

“Happy birthday hyung. What are you making?”

Jin shrugs as he grabs another bottle. “No idea.”

It becomes hard to wait after a while, no matter how interesting it is taste testing the array of
different drinks Jin makes. He excuses himself shortly, heart hammering at the idea of something

Taehyung has been clingier than normal, Jungkook doesn’t think he’d stay away for too long.
He doesn’t find Taehyung nor Yoongi at the place where he had left Taehyung. Nor the man
Taehyung had wanted to kick out.

He searches through the crowd, peeking through the rooms he passes and only finds more naked
skin than he ever wants to see.

When he steps into the upstairs hallway, he finds Jimin and Hoseok, huddled beneath one of
Taehyung’s mother’s paintings.

If he weren’t worried about finding Taehyung, he’d be embarrassed because Taehyung definitely
lied about his mother’s paintings not being self portraits.

“Hey have you seen Tae or Yoongi?”

Jimin turns when Taehyung speaks, his face covered in drawings. Hoseok holds the pen, which he
quickly hides behind himself.

“No, why?” Jimin asks in alarm. There’s a mustache over his mouth and a dick on his forehead and
Jungkook definitely doesn’t want to know.

“Just lost them,” Jungkook says. Yoongi had seemed calm and he doesn’t want to alarm anyone
else like he had when he first approached Yoongi.

“Tae usually hides out during parties,” Hoseok adds.

Jungkook nods, taking off without another word. Taehyung had admitted that the first time they
went to a party together, though Jungkook had thought it was just a ploy to get him alone.

The biggest problem is, in a house this big, Jungkook doesn’t know where to look.

He follows his gut first, heading towards Taehyung’s section of the house. He doesn’t feel
comfortable barging in without permission, but he’s desperate to just see him.

Soohyun had said it is rare for Taehyung to bring someone into his personal space, so if he’s trying
to hide - it would be there.

It’s more unkempt than last time, books spread out across the floor, clothes lying around. Jungkook
sighs at the empty containers of ramen, picking them up and tossing them before he searches the
rest of the area.

Taehyung isn’t here.

Jungkook only peeks into Taehyung’s room, unsure about entering it alone and without permission.
The bed is a mess, blankets on the ground in a mix of shoes, socks, and underwear.

The walk in closet is the only thing that is neat. Everything in order except the leather jacket
Jungkook must have left behind. It lays over the bench, folded.

Jungkook sits beside it, tapping his fingers on his thighs. Maybe Taehyung forgot he was coming.
Maybe he didn’t care.

Maybe Jungkook should have told him why he came.

The sudden sound of the door opening has Jungkook jumping to his feet to rush out of the closet,
not wanting to appear like he was snooping.
But he stops when he has the door halfway open, hearing not only Taehyung’s voice but someone
else too.

“Just calm down, Tae.”

It’s Yoongi, Jungkook thinks as he presses himself against the door and listens.

“I can’t calm down. I’m pissed off.”

“Hey, hey. Punch it out, catch your breath, and go find Kook.”

“I don’t want him to see me so angry,” Taehyung grits out. It sounds like he’s pacing, his feet
heavily hitting the ground. “Just give me a second.”

“Take your time,” Yoongi says, a slight waver in his voice betraying the calmness he is trying to
show. “But don’t stress man, I’ll rip your brother’s fucking eyes out if he comes near him, yeah?
But Soohyun is clearly trying to push you into doing something stupid, Tae. Don’t do it.”

Jungkook clenches his eyes closed at the word, bracing himself for Taehyung’s reaction.

It comes quickly, the sarcastic laugh. “That’s what I do, hyung. I do stupid shit. My parents are
going to disown me eventually. At least fucking up Soohyun is a good reason. Because I will. I
swear hyung, if he says Jungkook’s name one more fucking time I’m -“

It goes quiet for a second, the sounds of scuffling making Jungkook alarmed though he knows
neither one of them would hurt each other.

He doesn’t understand why Taehyung is so upset but his words hurt his heart. The pain in his voice
hurts Jungkook like it’s his own family problems.

“And he knows that. It’s bait. You fight Cheol first and you’ll be banned from the Club,” Yoongi
says softly.

It’s wrong of him, but Jungkook gently eases the door open more to hear better.

Taehyung snorts and his voice sounds wet when he speaks. “I don’t give a fuck. I don’t give a fuck
about anything, no offense. I don’t give a flying shit if it was true that Jungkook sucked every dick
in Seoul, I’d still love him and want to bury Cheol six feet under for saying a word about it.”

Jungkook stills, that word pounding through his head again before he panics and swipes a pair of
shoes off the rack to bring attention to the fact he’s there.

They are there in a second, both angry looks that transform to alarm on Taehyung’s and relief on

Taehyung’s face falls blank after a second. “What are you doing hiding in my closet, Jeon?”

Jungkook shrugs, clenching his hands into fists. “Got tired of hiding in my own.”

The joke goes over Taehyung’s head, or he doesn’t find it funny. Yoongi’s eyes light with
amusement, lips quirking up some.

“I - I know you hide out at parties so I wanted to find you,” Jungkook quickly says. “Then I heard
yelling and panicked.”

“How much did you hear?” Taehyung says.

“None of it,” Jungkook lies again. “When I panic, my heart beats really hard in my ears. I can’t
hear anything. Is everything okay?”

Now it’s Taehyung that looks relieved as Yoongi rolls his eyes, looking as if pains him not to snort.

“Family stuff,” Taehyung supplies. He seems alert, no longer high but he must be. Jungkook has no
idea how long highs last, but Taehyung had drank since they got here -

Jungkook squeezes his fingers, wanting to rip them through his hair.

“Do - do you want to talk about it?”

Taehyung looks at him for a long moment, quiet before he nods his head. “I do.”

When they both glance to Yoongi, he snorts, raising his hands in front of himself. “Oh look, I just
remembered I have something to do. A very important something.”

His voice is overly sarcastic and Jungkook tries to laugh but Taehyung is still watching him, his
face still blank.

“Right,” Yoongi trails off. “Text me if you want to go home, Kook-ah. If not, well, wear a condom

“Hyung,” Jungkook complains, pushing forward to shove Yoongi out. It only makes Yoongi laugh,
his eyebrows wagging.

“Take care of him, Kook,” Yoongi says quietly, softening as Jungkook guides him to the door.

“Of course I will,” Jungkook replies.

When Jungkook comes back from insisting he’ll call Yoongi if he needs to, that he doesn’t have to
stay sober just for him, Taehyung is out on the balcony.

It’s cold outside, Jungkook instantly wrapping his arms around himself as he pads across the
wooden ground to where Taehyung leans against the balcony.

It stays quiet for some time and Jungkook waits, giving Taehyung the time he needs to open up.

“You know,” Taehyung finally says, dragging Jungkook’s eyes from where the full moon looms
ahead of them, “when I was younger, whenever my brother did something troublesome, he’d tell
my parents it was me and I would be punished for it.”

Jungkook breathes in unevenly. He’s shivering, teeth clenched as not to let them chatter but
Taehyung seems unaffected by the cold.

“I think he enjoyed that I had my things taken from me. Toys and games, things like that. His first
year of college, he brought me to a party, got too drunk, clipped a car while driving and ripped the
bumper off. I was blamed for that too, had my car taken away. Just got it, I was super excited about

He doesn’t know if it’s okay, he doesn’t want to disrupt Taehyung, but he shifts closer so
Taehyung can reach for him too.

“His second year, one of the maids found heroin in his room. Despite the track marks on his arms,
he said I hid it in there to get him in trouble. They gave my dog up for adoption.”

Jungkook’s heart lurches and he gives up on giving Taehyung space, tickling his fingers down his
forearm until he can pull his hand from the railing and hold his hand instead.

“He’s never gotten in trouble,” Taehyung laughs, turning to him. “But I told my Appa he was
bothering you the other day and he did. For the first time that I remember. I thought my father was
pretending to like you because he’s a fucking dickhead, but he stopped Soohyun’s allowances for
the month, I guess. He’s supposed to be babysitting me while my parents are gone. I want to see if
they’ll blame him for trashing the house.”

Taehyung laughs again, turning more to Jungkook to wrap his arms around him and pull him into
his body heat.

“Jeon Jungkook,” Taehyung whispers, but doesn’t elaborate. He just holds Jungkook and Jungkook
lets him, despite the cold sleeping into his bones, he lets Taehyung take whatever he needs.

I love you, Jungkook.

I’d still love him.

Jungkook wants Taehyung to mean it.

“Tae? What made you so angry earlier?”

Taehyung rubs Jungkook’s biceps as he presses a kiss to his cheek. “Stupid shit. Soohyun is angry
with me, started running his mouth because he found something else he’d enjoy taking away from

Jungkook bites his bottom lip, pulling back some to take in Taehyung’s face. His jaw is hard and
brows furrowed, but his eyes are soft.

“What is it?” Jungkook asks quietly.

But Taehyung shakes his head, rubbing his biceps once more. “You’re shivering, lets go inside.”

Jungkook doesn’t push, but he keeps his hand in Taehyung’s as he pulls him back inside. There’s a
vibration of music coming from the party and they should probably go back to it, but Taehyung is
guiding him to his closet and shoving a sweater over Jungkook’s head instead.

“That guy was here for Yoongi. Wanted to spread the message that Cheol’s challenging him to a
fight,” Taehyung says after a minute, eyes heavy on Jungkook. “Said some other stupid shit that
pissed me off.”

“Do you think he will?” Jungkook asks nervously.

He doesn’t know much about this stuff, but he has a bad feeling about it.

“Yeah. Because the guy pissed me off and I ran my mouth like an idiot, agreeing for him

“Don’t call yourself that,” Jungkook says under his breath. “I’ll challenge you to a fight if you call
yourself that again.”
Taehyung grins, eyes finally sparkling some. “Why do you care so much, Jungkook?”

The nerves are full force, thumping so hard it feels like his neck is vibrating. “Because you’re not.”

He swallows, frustrated as Taehyung continues to look at him. He wants to make a joke of some
sort, but the atmosphere isn’t right for one.

“Because it pisses me off,” Jungkook goes on, his words more rushed and he feels the word vomit
coming on. “It makes me really angry and sad when you say that and I’ve really missed hanging
out with you. I don’t want to be pissed every time we do.”

Taehyung looks as if he’s trying to remain passive but Jungkook sees it on his face every time he
diverts his eyes.

“And you’re now obligated to hang out with me as much as we used to,” Jungkook spits, adding a
harsh finger pointing to the ground for effect.

The grin is back in his eyes as Taehyung comes near. “How’s that?”

“Because I said so,” Jungkook tries, his voice sounding more aggravated than he feels. “And you
can’t be high or drunk when we hang out either. If you worry about my health, I get to worry about

Taehyung takes Jungkook’s cheeks as if to stop him but it doesn’t work.

“And you’re not allowed to get mad if someone spreads one of Cheol Su’s lies about me because I
don’t care and you shouldn’t either.”

“But I do,” Taehyung says softly, eyes blazing. “You did hear me earlier.”

Jungkook shakes his head though it’s now obvious that he’s lying. “The only rumor you can listen
to is me being yours because it’s the only one that matters. And that is final.”

Part of Jungkook wants to swallow his words and hide but another part of him enjoys how soft
Taehyung’s smile is because of them.

When he opens his lips to speak, Jungkook shoves a finger against his mouth to stop him. His
confidence isn’t going to hold long and he is definitely going to lose it if Taehyung teases or asks
the right questions that he doesn’t want to answer.

“Not another word about it. When’s the fight?”

Taehyung waits until Jungkook pulls his touch away before he speaks. “The weekend before
spring semester starts, boss baby.”

Jungkook punches Taehyung lightly. “Shut up.”

Rapidly, Taehyung flings his hands into the air to protect himself. “You’re almost as scary as
hyung. I’m shaking.”

Jungkook moves like he might shove Taehyung again, but instead he wraps his arms around his

He’s nervous about Cheol Su and Taehyung being so angry, but he knows Yoongi can handle it.

“Do we have a deal, Kim Taehyung?”

Taehyung grins big, so wide Jungkook can see his molars. “Please from now on, only refer to me
as Jeon Jungkook’s.”

Chapter End Notes

:3 out of every chapter, I'm most excited to see what people think of this one.

I will soon have an actual chapter amount figured out...thank you for being patient
with me this was supposed to be three chapters im sorry

Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

Hello again! So I've decided this fic will be ten chapters long. I know I am not very
trustworthy when it comes to anticipated fic length (sorry lmao) but I am quite sure it
won't be longer than that.

I want to thank you again for all of your wonderful feedback and love that you have
shown this fic. A lot of my personal feelings are in this fic, so it just means a lot yeah i
love you

This chapter contains worries about coming out and fears of dealing with homophobia
in the first part of the chapter. If you have questions before you read, please don't
hesitate to message me first!

Please enjoy!! <3 <3 <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

There’s a full thump in his head, his mouth like sandpaper. His eyes feel glued shut but he doesn’t
want to open them anyway, doesn’t want to see the empty space beside him.

Taehyung groans quietly, burying his face into the pillow. Jungkook and him had just talked for
the rest of the night, about anything and everything. Things that don’t matter, things that made
Taehyung’s belly hurt from laughing too hard. Things that made Jungkook smile so hard his nose
scrunched up so high it nearly reached his shining eyes. Eyes like the stars that Taehyung went on
about liking and Jungkook listened like he cared.

When the night grew late and the party they didn’t attend started to di, Jungkook had insisted on
staying, insisted on curling up beside him in bed. Taehyung doesn’t want to open his eyes and see
him not there.

“If you’re awake you should check your phone. Hobi hyung has called you about twenty times.”

The sudden sound of his voice has Taehyung’s eyes flying open. It could be the drugs still
lingering in his system, making him hallucinate.

He isn’t. Jungkook sits beside him, back against the headrest, glasses hanging off his nose as he
reads from his phone. The same clothes from the night before, though his pants are probably still
discarded somewhere near the end of the bed, his body heat keeping the sheets warm.

“He said it wasn’t an emergency when I called him,” Jungkook goes on without looking at him,
still immersed in whatever he is reading on his phone. “But then he texted you and said it is and
not to tell me so. Yeah. Sorry for reading that, I didn’t mean to pry.”

Taehyung doesn’t look for his discarded phone. Instead, he turns to Jungkook, lets his hand wander
beneath the sheets until he feels skin. He curls a hand over Jungkook’s thigh and gently tugs,
wanting Jungkook to lay beside him.

Clicking his own phone closed, Jungkook moves without hesitation. He gives into Taehyung’s
touch, sinking beneath the sheets until they’re lying face to face.

“What are you still doing here?” Taehyung whispers. It is a simple question, doesn’t mean
anything, but he feels as if it reveals too much. Jungkook is smart, he’ll pick up on it.

There’s no hesitancy in the way Jungkook cups Taehyung’s hip, not like there used to be and his
skin feels hotter than ever. That last few times they’ve been together, Taehyung has only seen a
glimpse of the shy, fumbling Jungkook he had first fallen in love with. He wonders if Jungkook has
just grown comfortable with it - he hopes it’s that Jungkook has grown comfortable, trusting of

“Didn’t want you to wake up alone,” Jungkook admits, his voice following the same quiet volume
as Taehyung’s. “I know you don’t like to be alone.”

Taehyung’s heart squeezes too painfully in his chest and he wonders when he’s going to stop being
surprised by Jungkook knowing things he’s never told him.

He’s admitted to hating being alone, but how Jungkook knows he still does even though he hates
his parents just as much is surprising to him.

“And I think your house is trashed, Tae. I can help you clean it.”

Taehyung shakes his head as he strokes a hand down Jungkook’s jawline. He must have been
awake for awhile because his eyes are alert and no longer swollen with sleep. It doesn’t feel like
morning, but the curtains are drawn closed and he can’t tell.

“Fuck the house,” Taehyung says without amusement. He means it just as much as he means fuck
his parents. “I’m moving in with Hobi. Watching his apartment while he’s gone.”

Jungkook curls closer then, eyes dropping to watch the movement of his own hand as he rubs it
down Taehyung’s chest.

“Are you really?”

“Want to,” Taehyung admits though he hadn’t thought much of it until now. Just a glimpse of a
thought before. Leaving his parents is too much of a change, one he doesn’t know if he is ready
even if he needs to get the fuck out. “I’m there all the time anyway.”

There’s a serious look in Jungkook’s eyes as he rubs his lips together and caresses gently over
Taehyung’s collarbone. It makes Taehyung’s heart race, his fingers dig in a little harder with the
need to fidget but Jungkook doesn’t push for an explanation.

He never does. If anyone deserves everything Taehyung can give someone, it’s Jungkook.

“You should still clean up some. It is unfair to make the maids do it, Tae,” Jungkook says
hesitantly. “And can you please call Hobi and see what his emergency is? If it was something
serious, I think he would have told me but it’s still bothering me.”

Jungkook is right and guilt makes Taehyung’s chest heavy. He had only thought about getting his
brother in trouble, not adding extra work to the cleaning staff.

“Okay, okay. I’ll get some coffee and we’ll clean. It’s probably just a dick emergency, babe. If it
was anything else, Jimin would be blowing my phone up too.”

Jungkook snorts at that. “Dick emergency?”

Taehyung nods, stretching his limbs as a discreet way to wrap them around Jungkook. When
Jungkook giggles, he knows it isn’t as discreet as he had intended.

“Hobi mentioned Yoongi being grumpy with him. He probably suggested that dick slapping stuff
he’s been interested in lately.”

It’s a joke and it’s worth it when that serious look slips from Jungkook’s eyes and his noise of
complaint sounds amused.

“Shut it,” Jungkook whines, snuggling close and plopping a kiss to Taehyung’s throat. Another
simple thing that feels like a lot. “Call hyung, please. They never tell me about their problems
because I can’t handle them.”

Taehyung sighs, not wanting to pull away from Jungkook after saying something like that but he
does to search for his cellphone.

It’s buried between them and Taehyung sits to retrieve it, sheets falling around his hips and the air
feels cool against his bare torso. He tugs Jungkook by his sleeve, shivering dramatically until
Jungkook rolls his eyes and shifts between his legs.

Jungkook is tense at first, back against Taehyung’s chest with Taehyung’s legs on either side of
him, but he relaxes against him as Taehyung tickles his lips over the side of his neck. Maybe he
should take Hoseok’s calls more urgent, but a part of him so desperately just wants a few moments
of nothing but this warmth between him and Jungkook.

Hoseok answers after a single ring, his voice high pitched as Taehyung slides his fingers through
Jungkook’s and plants their clasped hands into Jungkook’s lap. Over his shoulder, Taehyung can
see what Jungkook had been reading on his phone, an article about something called serotonin
neurons .

Taehyung feels fond, tucking his face against Jungkook’s neck as he speaks to Hoseok.

“It’s an emergency, why didn’t you answer?”

“I was sleeping,” Taehyung laughs quietly. “It was a rager last night, bro. People normally sleep in
the next day.”

Hoseok snorts, alerting Taehyung to the fact his emergency is as Taehyung expected; not actually
an emergency. “Okay, but you were hidden away with Kookie for most of it and also, it’s two
o’clock in the afternoon.”

Glancing back at Jungkook’s phone, Taehyung finds Hoseok is right.

Which means Jungkook had sat in bed with him for probably a while before Taehyung woke.

Maybe Taehyung is having an emergency too.

“Irrelevant,” Taehyung quips. “What's the emergency?”

Hoseok sighs for a long time, silence following like it always does when Hoseok wants to talk
because they both suck at this thing. And when he does finally open up, his words come out fast
and breathless like he needs to get them out before he chokes on them.

“Hyung wants to tell his mother that we are a thing. Which is annoying, by the way, because he’s
the one that didn’t want to call us boyfriends before he told Jungkook first. And I totally
understand that, but he can’t just spring it on me so suddenly! We had a plan! When we went home
for vacation, he introduced Jimin as his friend. Did Jimin say anything about that? Because he
seemed to understand but you know. Yoongi is out to his parents as gay, I think Jimin was hurt that
despite that Yoongi, still called him just a friend.”

Taehyung hums. He doesn’t know, not truly. He’s never hidden his sexual orientation from his
parents, never felt like he had to. He’s used it against them to aggravate them, reminded them as
much as possible in case so they knew and couldn’t push it under the rug as something else like
they always do.

“If he said he was fine, he probably was. He’s better at this stuff than you and me.”

Hoseok laughs awkwardly, the sound pinching off and turning wounded. “I'm not out to my parents
though. Like I can be gay as fuck in front of them but when it comes to it, they’re all ‘where’s your
future wife, Hoseokie?’ And the moment Eomma Min knows we’re dating she’s going to go to my
house with food and start planning the wedding.”

Jungkook turns slightly, not discreet in the way he angles his ear as if he wants to hear better.

Taehyung bites him gently on the earlobe but he isn’t successful in warding Jungkook off. Instead,
Jungkook giggles quietly and angles his head more. It’s tempting, the need to soothe the own
nerves starting to build in his chest from Hoseok’s words by kissing over the curve of Jungkook’s
neck. There’s still hints of bruises there from their time together, which he must have hidden with
makeup the night before because Taehyung hadn’t noticed how dark they still are.

“You know, I have that same problem,” Taehyung murmurs. He’s trying. Hoseok and him relate to
each other a lot. They both close off, use sex in a way to lighten the tension in their chests. It gives
Taehyung hope that he can be so open about his love the way Hoseok is with Jimin and Yoongi,
even if he denies he is. “But you have to not give a shit because you aren’t changing who you are.”

Hoseok sighs into the phone. If anyone radiated pride, it is Hoseok. Unapologetically himself,
sunshine, warmth. But he’s right. Hoseok could get married to a man and his parents still wouldn’t
understand or accept their son is gay.

Taehyung nuzzles into the side of Jungkook’s neck, wondering when Jungkook’s skin and warmth
became something that soothed him so well. He wonders if him and Jungkook were dating, if he’d
finally tell his own mother he’s gay. If he’d want Taehyung to re-introduce him to his parents as
his boyfriend too.

If he’d even want to date someone as chaotic and messy as him.

“From what you’ve told me about Eomma Min, I think if you talk to her, she’ll keep quiet.”

Jungkook turns again at that, obviously eavesdropping now. His lips are set in a frown, even when
Taehyung kisses over one of the fading bruises on his neck.

“I don’t know, man. I’m so nervous I don’t even want to go home.”

And Taehyung isn’t good at these things. He doesn’t know what to say to comfort or assure
Hoseok but he desperately wants to. He doesn’t know how to advise Hoseok to just say fuck it all
and force the truth down his parents throats. Because Hoseok loves his parents and Taehyung
doesn’t love his own.

Because they’re talking about Yoongi here, who always puts everyone before himself and would
go his entire life sitting in the closet beside Hoseok if Hoseok needed him to. But it isn’t fair to ask
him to do so.

“Tell hyung that. He loves you too, you know?”

There’s a twitch in Jungkook’s lips, the corners lifting up in a small smile. He’s no longer
pretending to look at his phone, the screen dark and held limply in his hand.

“I did. And he said ‘okay’ and nothing else. And I’m going to regret it when he tells Eomma Min
about Jimin and not me. I know it doesn’t make sense. One minute I’m telling him it will hurt me
if he only tells her about Jimin and the next I’m freaking out because he wants to tell her about me
too. It is unfair of me to do that to the both of them because I can’t make up my fucking mind
because I’m afraid .”

It’s too much for Taehyung, the words resonating with him and his own problems.

This is why he and Hoseok don’t talk about these things. They relate too much to each other and
run from their problems so much they can’t hear it from the other.

Jungkook whips his head at the growing frantic sound of Hoseok’s voice and with shaking fingers
he quickly tugs the phone from Taehyung’s ear.

Part of Taehyung is relieved, the other part angered at himself because he feels himself choking.
He doesn’t want Jungkook to keep seeing the way he chokes, he doesn’t want to keep choking
when his friends need him.

“Hyung what is it? Please tell me. I can handle it. I promise.”

Taehyung wraps his arms around Jungkook’s middle, lips smoothing over his racing pulse. It goes
quiet, only the muffled sound of Hoseok’s voice from the receiver and Jungkook’s soft humming in
response. Jungkook doesn’t handle it well, his breath shaky as he exhales and body tense, but when
he speaks, it doesn’t show in his voice.

“You know hyung probably meant ‘okay’ as in take your time in deciding, right? He’s bad at
words with me, I’m sure he’s no better with you. And you’re talking to me , hyung. If anyone
knows about being afraid it’s me.”

Jungkook sinks into him, shifting so he can turn his head enough that their noses touch.

It’s soft.

Taehyung feels warm.

“We all suck at expressing stuff,” Jungkook laughs quietly, eyes looking like they hold the stars
when he looks up at Taehyung.

Maybe his eyes hold the stars, and maybe all of Jungkook holds his heart.

Taehyung cups Jungkook’s cheek, angling his head to kiss him softly. He couldn’t stop himself
even if he put all of his effort into not planting his lips to Jungkook’s.

You never make sense when you’re high rings loudly in his head. It’s ironic, because Taehyung
thinks he expresses himself better when he is. When he can speak without feeling.

It was a slip up though, saying the words out loud. He knows he feels them and he knows he isn’t
ready for Jungkook to know it either.
But he does and he’s still here, beside him, kissing him, not pushing Taehyung into talking about it

Like Hoseok, he can’t make up his fucking mind because he’s afraid. He desperately wants to
make Jungkook listen to the words, make him understand that he isn’t saying it because he is high
or messing with him, but because he means them. But he also swallows the words down and
refuses to let them out because he can’t handle Jungkook sweeping it under the rug like his parents
have always done to him.

Taehyung has never loved a person like this. Not romantically. He loves his hyungs strongly, more
than anyone, but it is different with Jungkook. He loves him in a way that makes him want to break
open his chest and reveal his heart before he gives it to him, uncaring if he can’t live without it.

“I think you should be honest,” Jungkook mumbles against Taehyung’s lips and he isn’t sure if
Jungkook is speaking to him or Hoseok. It would be impossible for Jungkook to be able to read
minds but at this point, Taehyung wouldn’t be surprised if he could. “How you feel isn’t going to
change whether they know or not and both Jimin and Yoongi are going to support you no matter
what you decide. Think about that most of all, hyung.”

Taehyung smiles against Jungkook’s lips, clinging around him closer.

Telling Jungkook about his feelings won’t change them, but it could cause painful ones to join
them. He doesn’t mention that it can be the same for Hoseok if his parents disapprove, not wanting
Jungkook to feel insecure about helping his hyungs again.

“Yeah, Yoongi-yah told me already. You’re not supposed to know I know.”

Jungkook’s laugh tastes as sweet as he looks as Taehyung opens his lips to catch it, just before
closing them around Jungkook’s bottom lip. He can feel Jungkook’s eyelashes fluttering against his
own as he hums low and quiet.

He wants to be greedy and selfish, but he’s trying to work on that so he pulls away before he gives
in and kisses Jungkook so he isn’t able to keep helping Hoseok.

“I love you Hobi-ah, please come to me more often.”

Jungkook bites at his grin as he looks up at Taehyung. A moment before his eyes grow wide with
horror and he’s lurching up from Taehyung’s chest.

“Shut up,” Jungkook groans in embarrassment before flinging the phone to the end of the bed.
Even with the distance, Taehyung swears he can hear Hoseok’s wild cackling.

Taehyung lurches across the bed to retrieve his phone, ignoring Jungkook’s yelps for him to stop.
Jungkook tries to wrestle him back, keeping him from getting to it but Taehyung is quick and
Jungkook isn’t wearing pants, leaving his sensitive thighs vulnerable.

Jungkook flies back, legs clenching closed when Taehyung pinches the inside of his thigh hard,
distracting him before he crawls over the bed and snatches the phone.

He’s a heavy weight on top of him as Jungkook plants his body over Taehyung’s, but not in enough
time for Taehyung to get the phone to his ear, hiding it between himself and the mattress so
Jungkook can’t snatch it back.

“What’d you say to get the baby all red?” Taehyung giggles as Jungkook’s voice rises higher so he
won’t hear.
“Give me the phone,” Jungkook grunts, wrestling to retrieve it himself. He tightens his legs around
Taehyung’s waist, wiggling him beneath him.

“I said when he’s ready to tell someone else he loves him too, I am here -”

The phone is shoved from Taehyung’s ear before Hoseok can finish and Taehyung can barely
complain as his stomach swoops from Hoseok’s words and Jungkook’s movements. Taehyung’s
always known Jungkook is strong but he’s thrown off by how effortless Jungkook manhandles
him, pushing him around and planting his hands firmly above his head.

Jungkook’s eyes are wide with alarm before he ducks down and presses a hard kiss to Taehyung’s

And Jungkook must know how weak Taehyung is because he gives in, opening his mouth and
letting Jungkook take.

Take and take he does, kissing Taehyung until he feels breathless from it. Until his skin is hot and
he hates his clothes and wants to feel more of Jungkook on top of him. Uncaring as if to whether
Hoseok is still on the phone or where the phone even went. Uncaring about everything but
Jungkook here, on top of him, panting quietly into his mouth.

Taehyung wonders when the sound of Jungkook’s breathing, a simple thing every human does,
became something that could affect his heart so much.

“Have I - oh - mentioned I missed my shy baby?” Taehyung jokes as Jungkook bites hard onto the
side of his neck. “Is that all it takes? A little teasing in the right direction and poof, nerves are

Jungkook groans in annoyance before hovering over him, skin burning red. “Shut up.”

Taehyung snorts, pressing his hips up as a challenge. He likes being restrained like this more than
he’ll admit. “Make me.”

“I’m trying to,” Jungkook huffs, flustered, and it’s adorable.

“Don’t want Hobi to tell me that bad?” Taehyung pushes, half joking and half serious.

“He’s just talking shit like always,” Jungkook grumbles, lips pouting out. “We should go see him
before he leaves. He seems okay now but he also said he was going to talk to Yoongi now and he
might need us again. He’s avoiding Jimin’s calls, I’m assuming Jimin won’t let that happen for

Taehyung softens at the sudden change of the mood. Jungkook lets go of his hands to sit firmly in
his lap.

“He’s probably trying to break down Hoseok’s door as we speak,” Taehyung mumbles, happy
when Jungkook’s eyes brighten again.

“Will you go with me? He seems more comfortable talking to you.”

Without hesitation, Taehyung nods even though he knows he will be of no help. Hoseok comes to
him because Taehyung makes it easier to joke about these things and forget that they feel bad.

“Should clean now then,” Taehyung suggests though he truly doesn’t want to get out of bed.
Jungkook pushes his lips into a pout, curling an arm around Taehyung’s neck as he scooches
closer. He breathes out sharply when his cock digs into the soft roll of Taehyung’s belly.

“Not yet.”

When they get to Hoseok’s apartment, it is evident that talking to Yoongi did not go as well as
Taehyung was hoping. Yoongi’s outside Hoseok’s door, pale in the face with his head leaning
against the hallway wall.

“He’s barricaded himself inside,” Yoongi grumbles without looking at them. “Says he’s staying
here for the break. He loves Christmas, Kook, this is a problem.”

Taehyung punches in Hoseok’s passcode to his door, frowning when it clicks unlocked. He had
been expecting for the code to be changed for Yoongi to be stuck outside.

Jungkook sits beside Yoongi, leaning into him until their shoulders are pressed together. “He’s

“Doesn’t have to be,” Yoongi says slowly, his voice drawling out and quiet. “He waited for me to
tell you, I’ll wait for him to be ready to tell his parents. Jimin will too.”

Without word, Taehyung slips inside slowly. The apartment is quiet as he wanders through it,
searching for Hoseok until he finds him in the spare bedroom.

Hoseok jumps when he notices him, flushing to the roots before he throws his arms out. He looks a
bit crazed, his hair sticking out over his ears and his shirt inside out. He’s wearing swimming
trunks instead of regular pants and one sock is pulled up over his calf and the other sags around his

“I made up a room for you. Clean sheets. I think. You’ll dirty them anyway. Which, say thank you
hyung, I bought you condoms too. All sizes, too awkward to ask you know? Jungkook would pop a
vein if I even tried.”

He fumbles around, fixing the comforter on the bed though it’s already neat. Taehyung pads after
him quietly, listening to him ramble about how he’s fixed the room until he takes his hand and
makes him sit beside him on the edge of the bed.

“It’s okay,” Taehyung starts off and Hoseok pulls away like he wants anything but this
conversation. Taehyung understands the feeling, but he swallows thickly and tries to think of what
he’d want someone to say to him. “It’s okay not to be ready and it’s okay to be ready but too afraid
to do it.”

Hoseok huffs out, patting down the hair around his ears. “It’s really important to Yoongi and Jimin.
Even more so Jimin. The label.”

Taehyung nods. Jimin’s always dreamt of love, tucked himself away with romance novels and
crying in delight when he found ones online about boys in love because none of the stores had
books like that. Jimin’s always loved, crush after crush, opening up to boyfriends about his
feelings despite breakups and harsh words thrown at him.
All through his life, Taehyung has been envious of the things that make Jimin Jimin. His ability to
love, strongly and openly, was the one Taehyung was envious of the most.

“You’re more important to the both of them,” Taehyung tells Hoseok quietly. “Or are all three of
you still pretending like this is some kind of fuck buddy situation?”

Hoseok huffs out a laugh, elbowing him. “Hell yeah we are. I tried once, to make it official with
Yoongi. He wouldn’t. And I understood why. Now he wants it and I’m the one chickening out. We
are three idiots who have come together, fallen in love, yet we’re just - idiots .”

Taehyung grips Hoseok’s thigh, understanding now why Jungkook hates that when he calls
himself that. He hates the word when it leaves Hoseok’s lips, like a knife slicing through his skin.

“Don’t call yourself an idiot,” Taehyung demands. “Where’s Jimin?”

Hoseok’s eyebrows clench together, guilt in his eyes. “He’s probably on his way here. I had a
meltdown this morning and ran away.”

Taehyung nods, leaning over to plop a wet kiss to Hoseok’s forehead. “Stay here. Do you trust

Without hesitation, Hoseok shakes his head. “Absolutely not.”

He earns a swat on the arm from that, Taehyung twisting his face into an expression of the utmost
offense and finally, Hoseok smiles big. “Fucker. You’re lucky I love you. Be right back.”

It isn’t something Taehyung should do; he doesn’t know the consequences. He isn’t sure if it’s just
because his own confessions have been building in his chests or if it’s because he wants better for
his friends than himself. He doesn’t even know what to say, but when he rips open the apartment
door and finds Jimin rushing down the hallway and Yoongi starting to stand up, words rush from
his lips.

“Hoseokie is in love with the both of you,” Taehyung snaps, his voice harsh as if it’s an accusation.
“Which I’m sure the both of you know, because it’s obvious. And he’s scared and needs forehead
kisses. All of us suck at talking about things and we should form a support group but that would be
pointless because no one would fucking talk about how they’re feeling.”

Jimin frowns at that, slowing in his steps as Yoongi stands, hands settling to his hips. Jungkook is
still on the ground, looking up at him with wide eyes. He’s picking at the fabric of his sleeve and
Taehyung is hyper aware of his presence, of his eyes on him.

“And from now on the word idiot is banned,” Taehyung declares, feeling frustrated. “If it leaves
any of your mouths, I will punch you. This is not a threat, but a promise. Don’t say it, don’t call
yourself it or you’ll lose teeth.”

There’s a light touch on the finger he’s been stabbing towards the ground without realizing. Jimin
is there, wrapping a hand around his own as he smiles softly. He looks tired, eyes swollen like he
had cried himself to sleep.

“Excuse me, half of my heart is in there and is sad and you’re in my way,” Jimin murmurs, eyes
brightening and turning fond. “And you’re wrong, I am great at talking about my feelings. It’s you
lot here that acts like love is some scary thing.”

Jimin flicks underneath Taehyung’s chin before pinching it and turning his head, ignoring the way
Taehyung fights him off because Jimin is strong . He makes Taehyung look at Jungkook, who has
turned his eyes away to look at the fascinating stitching of his sleeve.

“Shut up,” Taehyung says, jerking his head away. “This is about you. Thought you liked the
attention on you?”

Ignoring Taehyung’s attempt at a jab, Jimin squeezes his arms around him and plants a kiss to his
cheek. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

It’s whispered just for Taehyung. Honest and vulnerable, shaky in a way that tells Taehyung he’s
afraid in admitting it.

“Well, whatever you do, it’ll be the right thing,” Taehyung assures him, squeezing back before
letting go.

Jimin reaches out for Yoongi then, wiggling his fingers as his chest puffs out with a heavy exhale.
“Come on, don’t be nervous. He’s our boy.”

Taehyung’s chest feels tight when he sees Yoongi’s shaking fingers reach for Jimin’s. Yoongi is
the strongest one out of all of them. He’s been with Hoseok since they were little, and is still not
handling it well.

He looks to Jungkook, surprised to find Jungkook watching him instead of Yoongi and Jimin.
There’s something in his eyes that Taehyung can’t read. Something soft and loud as he pats the
floor beside him and quietly asks Taehyung to come close.

“I have a serious question.”

Taehyung bites at his bottom lip, nervous as to what serious question Jungkook has. Nervous that
he’ll handle it the way he handles everything serious.

Jungkook doesn’t wait for a response, huffing out like he too is nervous to ask.

“Was it really that easy for you to come out to your parents?”

Taehyung watches Jungkook swallow thickly, eyes looking everywhere but at him. “Yes. I don’t
care what they think.”

Jungkook looks at him then. “That’s not true.”

“It is,” Taehyung says without hesitation. “It wasn’t always true. But now it is. They’re pieces of
shit and there’s nothing wrong with being gay. There’s plenty of other things they can hate me for.
Those things I don’t care about either.”

Jungkook reaches over, taking Taehyung’s hand into his own. He doesn’t need the comfort, he
truly doesn’t care what his parents think about his sexual preferences, but his fingers are shaking
anyway and he hates that Jungkook has noticed.

“It doesn’t hurt you? When they say those things to you?”
Those things. There’s many things that Jungkook could be talking about. Taehyung doesn’t want to
talk about any of them.

“No. It used to,” Taehyung finds himself saying anyway. They’re sat outside of Hoseok’s
apartment still, backs against the wall and it isn’t a place to be having this conversation but
Taehyung doesn’t want to move. “When I was younger. It upset me when they were angry at
something I couldn’t control. That they didn’t understand things were hard for me.”

Jungkook nods, rubbing his thumb over Taehyung’s knuckles. “What part of it is hard for you?
When you’re trying to learn?”

Taehyung knocks his head against the wall. This is truly a conversation he doesn’t want to have.
But Jungkook has always been patient with him, never judgmental. He’s never made Taehyung
feel stupid.

He wants to be better for Jungkook because though he hates people having expectations of him, he
knows Jungkook truly believes he can fulfill them.

And maybe it isn’t right, maybe he should be doing it for himself, but Taehyung wants to prove
Jungkook right.

“It is hard to focus, I guess. I can read a sentence and when I’m done it’s like I didn’t retain any of
it. It takes me awhile to read a simple sentence. I hate reading.”

Taehyung bites his bottom lip, his chest heavy and the silence from Jungkook doesn’t help. But he
knows he needs it, needs Jungkook’s patience.

Part of Taehyung wonders if that’s why he feels this way, because Jungkook gives him what he’s
always needed. But another part of Taehyung knows that he’d love Jungkook regardless.

“I don’t want you to know this,” Taehyung whispers. “My father is right, I am apathetic. I became
that way. I didn’t give a shit about my grades. I didn’t want to try because it was too hard and when
I did try and fail, it confirmed their thoughts and just made me feel bad.”

There’s a soft hand on his cheek before Jungkook is turning Taehyung to look at him. He remains
quiet, gently rubbing Taehyung’s cheek.

Jungkook doesn’t sweep things under the rug, he gives Taehyung the time to find the words, gives
him time to be ready to say them.

“You think I’m smart and for some reason, I want to be smart for you.”

Jungkook exhales sharply, eyebrows scrunching together. He rubs his lips together, focusing on
Taehyung’s face and he can see his mind working to find something to say.

“‘Smart’ is subjective,” Jungkook starts slowly. “There’s many different ways people can be
smart. Retaining facts isn’t the only way. Struggling to understand things doesn’t mean you’re not
smart. Bad grades doesn’t mean you’re not smart. Academic intelligence doesn’t even prove
someone’s worth at all. I don’t care about your grades, I just want to see you believing in yourself,
proud of yourself, no matter what it’s about. I want you to know you’re worth just as much as
anyone else.”

Taehyung sighs shakily before he leans in to kiss Jungkook on the mouth. He can’t talk about it
more, he already feels drained. He can’t focus on the words because Taehyung doesn’t cry and he
isn’t going to in front of Jungkook, but his chest feels too heavy.
And Jungkook knows, of course he does. He knows not to push too much, probably knows how
much Taehyung can handle without Taehyung saying it.

He wants to say the words again until Jungkook is red in the face but he can’t.

“I’m sorry I was someone who accused you of not trying,” Jungkook mumbles. “Before. I’m not
smart either.”

Taehyung snorts at that, earning a gentle shove in the chest before Jungkook curls his fingers into
his jacket and pulls him closer.

“I’m serious,” Jungkook laughs, the sound washing away the discomfort Taehyung feels. “I know
not to be so nervous about things, that they don’t matter, but I still let my nerves take over and
seize me up until I can’t do the stupid thing that’s so easy to do. I know Yoongi hyung will always
love me but I still worry one day he’ll get sick of me. I know my mother will accept me as easily as
she did accepting Yoongi, but I still can’t tell her. I know you -”

Jungkook presses his lips together and Taehyung’s heart thuds so heavily in his chest that it pushes
an exhale from his lips that he can’t control.

“The word ‘stupid’ is banned too,” Taehyung murmurs. Jungkook isn’t calling him it, but using it
while talking about himself makes Taehyung hurt worse than the thousand times his parents have
stabbed that word into him.

Smoothing out the wrinkles his fingers created in Taehyung’s shirt reveals how badly Jungkook’s
fingers tremble. Taehyung wants to take his hands but Jungkook tucks them against him, squeezing
them into fists.

“I know that you like me for me but I still get nervous that you’ll find me annoying too. Or I’ll do
something wrong and you’ll realize you don’t want to be around me anymore.”

Taehyung can’t help the way he laughs at that because is ridiculous. He doesn’t want to open up,
doesn’t want to admit his feelings, but he can’t have Jungkook thinking anything but the truth.

He takes Jungkook into his arms, pulling him onto his lap and uncaring about where they are. He
folds his hands over Jungkook’s cheeks and kisses him, a soft press against his mouth. It’s easier
when they’re not looking into each other’s eyes, easier when Taehyung presses their foreheads

“You are incredibly annoying,” Taehyung says. “It’s my favorite thing about you.”

Jungkook lets out a noise that is half complaint, half amusement. “I don’t try to be.”

“No, no,” Taehyung assures, rubbing his hands down Jungkook’s arms. “I said I like it, Jeon. I like
the annoying way you push me to be better because I need it sometimes. I like that you don’t
realize how much I like you because it means I get to prove it to you more. I like that you make me
care about things.”

Cupping Taehyung’s neck, Jungkook shifts in his lap until his thighs are wrapped around his hips.
He snuggles against Taehyung’s shoulder, breathing out heavily.

“What do you mean?” Jungkook whispers. “When you say you like me?”

It’s too much of an admission, though he isn’t even admitting it properly. Taehyung doesn’t like
Jungkook. He loves him.
“I mean I like you baby,” Taehyung says, rubbing his hands up Jungkook's back to hold him closer.
“Don’t worry about that changing. You should see by now that there isn’t anything that could push
me away from you.”

Another heavy exhale and Jungkook clings tighter to him. “I’m going to worry. That’s what I do.”

Taehyung laughs quietly at that. “It’s okay, I’ll just find a way to convince you. Worry away for
nothing. You’ll just get high blood pressure.”

Jungkook shifts up at that, looking down at Taehyung with the peering eyes that appear whenever
Taehyung admits things. “Are you messing around again?”

And Jungkook is annoying. It’s hard for Taehyung to put things into words, hard for him to admit
when he feels things and Jungkook makes it so he has to always.

“I called you my baby, said I only like you being called mine.” You heard me say I loved you. “I’m
telling you things I don’t tell anyone. Not even Jimin. I let you boss me around and tell me off. I
was -”

Taehyung hesitates. It’s too much, too much, and the way Jungkook is looking at him doesn’t help.

“I hated being away from you, so much. That’s why I know you shouldn’t worry,” Taehyung
admits, the words falling from his lips despite the anxiety riddling through him. “I don’t give a shit
what people think but I give a shit what you think. So I’m not messing around and I kind of, I kind
of need you to understand that. Because I lied. I do care sometimes. I don’t like when people ignore
things that make me me and liking you is one of those things.”

It’s too much, too much of himself revealed. It makes it worse when Jungkook stays silent, staring
at him.

“I said smart was subjective,” Jungkook finally says. “You have to spell these things out for me.”

And Taehyung can’t, won’t. So he kisses Jungkook instead, putting all of his feelings in the touch
of their lips. Jungkook accepts it easily, mouth parting open without question. Taehyung wants to
whisper the words into his lips but he’s already said too much, opened his heart too much, and left
it in Jungkook’s hands to break it.

He doesn’t pull away until there’s the sound of the door opening, feet hitting the ground before a
low groan fills the hallway.

Jungkook flushes immediately, lips slick and swollen as he scrambles off of Taehyung’s lap.
Yoongi is there, gesturing for them to come inside.

“You didn’t have to wait,” Yoongi says, looking more tired than Jimin had.

Jungkook jumps to his feet to take Yoongi’s hand. “I told you I can handle things. I am here for
you as you’re here for me.”

Yoongi glares at that, but he pulls Jungkook close. Taehyung feels like he’s intruding watching
how hard Yoongi hugs Jungkook. He feels it even more so when Yoongi lets out a sound that
sounds too much like a sob.

“I don’t want to mess up,” Yoongi breathes so quietly that Taehyung knows he shouldn’t be
hearing it.
He stands up then, slinking around them to slip inside the apartment despite his need to be around

Taehyung already knew he was fucked but he feels it even more now.

Inside the apartment, he finds Hoseok slumped face first in the cushions of the couch, Jimin sitting
on the edge and rubbing at his back. Jimin’s face is squished, lips pouted before he starts to coo
and tickle up and down Hoseok’s spine.

“Labels aren’t that important, baby. I’m good with not calling us anything as long as I know how
you feel about me,” Jimin finally sighs, rubbing his fingers beneath Hoseok’s shirt. “And you
know when the people you’re in love with admit that they feel the same way, the best reaction isn’t
to look like you’re dying. It’s misleading.”

Hoseok makes a sound like he’s dying as he turns towards his side. “I’ll kill Tae for telling you. A
heathen, he is.”

Jimin snorts in amusement. “I already knew you loved me and hyung, Hobi-ah. I just wasn’t sure if
you loved me the way I love you.”

Hoseok moves to turn then, but he stops when his eyes lock onto Taehyung.

Taehyung wiggles his fingers in the air, a nervous greeting. He’s never been afraid of Hoseok,
Hoseok is the least terrifying person Taehyung’s ever seen even when he’s truly angry or trying to
be scary. But now, Taehyung considers fleeing and hiding behind Jungkook.

“ Kim Taehyung. ”

Taehyung’s arm fly in front of him as Hoseok leaps to his feet and flies across the space separating
them. He prepares for an attack, hands shoving out to push Hoseok away but Hoseok wraps around
him like a koala and crushes his arms between their chests.

“I love you,” Hoseok grunts, wiggling Taehyung in his arms. “You know I’m going to return the

His attempts to pull free are pointless as Taehyung only manages to yank an arm out. Panic floods
through him as the front door opens again and reveals a frowning Jungkook. His eyes are red, his
nose wrinkling like he’s sniffling tears away.

“Hey Kookie,” Hoseok starts, pressing his cheek into Taehyung’s cheek until it hurts. “Taehyungie
here -”

And Taehyung has never been good at panic, his arm dodging forward to shove his fingers into
Hoseok’s mouth before he can continue.

Hoseok gags, flying away from him. His face twists in disgust before he punches Taehyung’s arm.

“You’re disgusting,” Hoseok says in horror but his lips twitch as Jimin covers a hand over his
mouth and giggles into it. “Your fingers taste like lube you asshole.”

Taehyung huffs out an awkward laugh before he twists on his toes and takes off, finding a new
appreciation for Jungkook’s avoidance of awkward situations by running.

“Let’s get out of here baby,” Taehyung yelps, grabbing Jungkook’s hand before he takes off
through the door.
Taehyung hates running, hates feeling breathless, but he doesn’t mind it much when Jungkook is
beside him. Jungkook is tugging against his hold, laughing softly before Taehyung slows.

He hates feeling breathless but he doesn’t mind it when he pushes Jungkook against the side of
Hoseok’s apartment building and kisses the oxygen from his lungs.

Jungkook giggles, nose wrinkling against Taehyung’s as he grips Taehyung’s side and holds him
close. There isn’t anything shy about the way he kisses Taehyung and lets Taehyung kiss back, a
confidence in him that has him pressing Taehyung close to his body.

There’s no drug in his system but Taehyung feels just as high.

Jungkook pulls back first, shivering and shrinking into the warmth between them. His eyes are
wide as he smiles, panting softly.

“Are you okay?” Taehyung asks, searching over his face. His eyes aren’t too red, but just enough
that it worries him.

Jungkook nods. “I don’t see hyung cry often and I cry easily. I hate that he’s so nervous when he
doesn’t have to be.”

Taehyung warms over but stills as Jungkook goes tense and starts to lower himself down the wall.

“I like you too by the way,” Jungkook whispers. He shrinks further, like he’s trying to hide against
Taehyung’s chest. “So. Well. Like.”

Taehyung laughs as Jungkook shrinks even more, his heart leaping in his chest.

“So there’s that,” Jungkook breathes before he drops to his knees and pushes between Taehyung’s.

Taehyung nearly falls as Jungkook shoves his legs apart with his body to escape Taehyung’s
embrace and take off in a run.

A fast run, he’s yards away by the time Taehyung turns around.

“Jeon!” Taehyung calls with a groan. He hates running but he doesn’t mind chasing after


“Yoongi hyung brought his boyfriend home. You should have seen Eomma, cried like a baby.”

Jungkook grins up at where he holds his phone over his head, smiling as his little brother goes on
and on. His face is mostly blurry and the audio delayed, but Jungkook’s chest warms at the sound
and sight of him.

“Though, I definitely thought Yoongi and Hobi were a thing. Walked in on them kissing once -”

“You what?” Jungkook interrupts, nearly pushing off the bed but his feet are held snug to the end.
“You didn’t tell me that!”
He doesn’t know what came about with Hoseok’s decision to come out with his parents and to
Yoongi’s mother, and Jungkook’s his heart heavies at the idea that Hoseok might still be sad.

Despite the bad quality, he can see the way Jihoon grins. “You’d lose your head, hyung. You
know, now Eomma can’t stop talking about you bringing someone home.”

Jungkook flops back onto the bed, groaning in complaint. There’s a soft giggle from the end of the
bed, followed by a tickle over the arch of his foot that has Jungkook yanking it back.

At the end of his mattress lays Taehyung, a grin in his eyes as he presses his lips tightly together.
He holds a nail brush in one hand, the dark red color standing out. His other hand is folding back
around Jungkook’s foot to pull it back and angle the brush over his toes.

Jungkook narrows his eyes at him in warning before he looks to his brother.

“And I know you have someone. When Eomma interrogated Yoongi hyung, Jimin-ssi looked like
he might piss his pants trying not to laugh.”

Another laugh comes from the end of the bed and Jungkook forces his foot away from Taehyung’s
grip but is snatched easily again. He paints over Jungkook’s toe nail, the brush shaking as
Taehyung laughs.

“Watch your mouth, Hoonie, don’t cuss at your elders,” is Jungkook’s best comeback so he sticks
with it.

“Yeah, yeah. So who is it? Spill the beans.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “There’s no one. Put hyung back on the phone.”

There’s the sound of the cap screwing back onto the bottle of polish before it thuds to the ground.
Something cold blows over his toes, Taehyung’s cheeks rounding out as puffs air to dry the paint.

Jihoon laughs as if it’s hilarious that Jungkook is lying, calling for Yoongi.

“You’ve always been bad at lying, hyung,” Jihoon says as the phone wobbles from him walking
through their apartment building. “Who is ‘Taehyung’?”

Another laugh from Taehyung. Jungkook is going to kill Jimin, or at least glare aggressively at
him. He’ll kill Yoongi too. Hoseok is the only one he likes.

“Just a friend.”

Jihoon snorts. “I heard Hoseokie hyung tell Yoongi that he hopes you and Taehyung bang until
your hearts fall out and you have to finally admit you lo-”

It rips from his lungs before Jungkook can stop it, the scream directed at the screen of his camera
and surprising Taehyung so much that he topples from the end of the bed and Jihoon drops his

“What the fuck, hyung,” Jihoon gasps. “Yoongi! Jungkookie is being weird again.”

The bed dips as Taehyung crawls back onto it but Jungkook can’t look at him. His heart is
pounding; he’s going to kill all of his hyungs. Hoseok too. None of them can be trusted.

Jungkook seizes up at the feel of lips against his ankle, the bed dipping from Taehyung’s weight
before those lips slide up towards his calf.
There’s a devilish look in Taehyung’s eyes as he glances up at Jungkook, hiding his grin against
Jungkook’s skin.

It’s only been a few days since the campus has cleared out and true to the deal, Taehyung has been
with him nearly every moment of it. More so than before, only parting ways when Jungkook
attends his one class, his advising with Professor Ma Ri, or work.

He hasn’t even showed up to his job or tried to convince him to call out. Though he is there the
moment Jungkook closes shop, idling his car outside of the restaurant with an excuse that it’s cold
and they were just going to meet up anyway.

They’re together a lot more than before. Before when it was just tutoring sessions and their Friday

Jungkook hates being away from Taehyung. He’s never hated being alone until now.

Neither one of them has brought up their confessions. It’s impossible to think Taehyung meant
anything other than like in the way Jungkook is taking it, but he hasn’t mentioned it.

But things are hard for Taehyung to talk about so Jungkook won’t push it.

A flutter erupts in Jungkook’s stomach as Taehyung crawls between his legs, gently kissing up his
skin. He curls his toes, careful not to mess up Taehyung’s paint job. Taehyung had been excited
about the prospect of painting Jungkook’s nails, his fingers also the same shade of red. He even
decorated Jungkook’s ankles with the dainty chains he had wrapped around his own before taking
them off.

Jungkook feels pretty and he wonders if Taehyung thinks so too.

“Don’t,” Jungkook whispers with a laugh, pressing his knees together as Yoongi’s face appears on
the screen.

“Whatever Jihoonie claims I did, I didn’t,” Yoongi says right away, grinning and giving himself
away. Jungkook’s groan sounds less complaining like he intends as Taehyung pries his knees apart
and latches his lips to the inside of his thigh.

“He’s a nosy kid, stop talking about my love life where he can hear.”

There is an amused look on Yoongi’s face. “What was that? Your what life?”

Jungkook burns hot, clenching his thighs around Taehyung’s head and muffling his laughter.

“My sex life,” Jungkook corrects, embarrassed at having to say it. Taehyung bites him, making him
wince and bite his own tongue as a flutter of arousal sends through him. “Jihoon is too young to
hear those things.”

Yoongi looks amused. “Jihoon has probably already had sex, Kookie.”

Jungkook gapes at that, filling with horror. Jihoon is his baby, he’s never going to be old enough to
have sex. He says as much, earning another snort from Taehyung and Yoongi.

“I don’t want to talk about my baby brother’s sex life either,” Jungkook grunts. “I want to know
what happened with Hobi.”

Jungkook jerks when Taehyung bites again, giving up on saving his toenails to dig his feet into
Taehyung’s shoulder.

It backfires when Taehyung takes the back of his thigh and presses it back, spreading his legs
further. Arousal pulses through him and it’s so dumb, how fond and easily turned on he can be with

It’s been playful these last few days and it’s really wrecking Jungkook’s heart. Even now,
Taehyung looks playful and ready to pounce at the same time. He doesn’t react to Yoongi’s teasing
like he is aware Jungkook is trying not to freak out about it.

“Stop,” Jungkook mouths, but he doesn’t want Taehyung to stop and he knows it’s obvious in the
way he smiles.

“You have no one?” Taehyung whispers before clicking his tongue. “Jeon, I’m hurt. Do ‘just
friends’ do this?”

Jungkook’s heart rushes up into his throat as Taehyung pinches the back of his thigh, the look in
his eyes darkening before he licks the back of Jungkook’s knee.

It tickles, but it also makes his nerves tingle and shoot through his body and straight to his dick.
It’s a strange feeling, one that has him burning with embarrassment and the need for Taehyung to
do it again.

“Hoseok decided not to tell his parents yet,” Yoongi admits, quiet and lips close to the phone as he
starts to move away from the room he is in. “He wants to tell my Eomma himself. I told him he has
a whole month before we go back, so he doesn’t have to do it right away.”

For the longest time, Jungkook had thought Hoseok was out to everyone. It had surprised him to
see how nervous and afraid Hoseok was, though he had a feeling Hoseok’s story about never
officially coming out was because he was nervous. He’s never really seen Hoseok like that, always
the hum of positivity amongst the three of them.

“Yeah, I get it. I haven’t even told Eomma,” Jungkook says, trying not to glance down at
Taehyung and alert Yoongi to his presence. Taehyung is making it hard though, tongue rolling over
his bottom teeth to lick at Jungkook’s skin.

“Which you should,” Yoongi says. “She knows, Kook. Asked me when you were bringing a rich
man home.”

Jungkook grunts quietly as Taehyung bites low on the back of his thigh, pressing his leg until his
foot nearly hits his head. He drops the phone, making it smack against his forehead until he’s
scrambling to pick it up again.

“She doesn’t know,” Jungkook wheezes. She can’t know. “I said stop talking about my sex life,
anyway. Where is Hoseok now?”

“With your Eomma, I think,” Yoongi goes on as Jungkook’s face starts to burn. There’s a rush
through him as Taehyung’s hand slips over the crease of his thigh and hip, squeezing softly. “What
the hell are you doing?”

“I have to go,” Jungkook blurts suddenly, flinging his leg aside as Yoongi’s face crumples when
Jungkook’s foot pushes into the screen. There’s a giggle below him a moment before there’s a
pressure between his legs that has his hips bucking up. “I’ll call you back in a minute.”

The horror reaches Yoongi’s eyes, clear even in the shit quality of the camera, as Jungkook’s voice
tilts into something too much like a moan. Yoongi’s hanging up before Jungkook gets a chance

Jungkook flings the phone across the bed before he sits up, wrestling his leg from Taehyung’s grip.
Taehyung laughs quietly, little choked out giggles, as he kneels up.

“You’re the worst,” Jungkook whispers, still fond as he cups Taehyung’s neck to bring him close.
“That was an important conversation.”

Taehyung bites at his lips, planting his hands beside Jungkook’s hips to crawl closer. “What’s this I
hear about you bringing a rich man home? Is that what you want me for?”

Jungkook groans in complaint, wrapping his arms around Taehyung to wrestle him back onto the
bed. “Who said I was taking you home?”

There’s a soft look in Taehyung’s eyes as he rubs his hands beneath Jungkook’s shirt, the only
article of clothing other than his briefs that Jungkook managed to pull on when he noticed Yoongi

“Oh, am I your secret lover then?” Taehyung teases.

Jungkook rolls his eyes before he plops a kiss to Taehyung’s lips. He has no idea what Taehyung is
to him in terms of labels, but he knows what he is to his heart. It’s more than just a friend and just
sex, but something that feels a lot like he wants to take Taehyung home and have his family love

“You’re not so good at keeping it a secret,” Jungkook teases back. “When Butler Kang picked me
up from work yesterday, he made sure to tell me that condoms are important.”

Taehyung laughs loudly, delight in his eyes. “Yeah, I got the safe sex lecture from him too because
he’s noticed my box of condoms hasn’t been touched when he cleaned my room.”

Jungkook stills, heart soaring into his chest but Taehyung doesn’t notice as he leans up and presses
his giggle against Jungkook’s neck.

“You haven’t been using them?”

Taehyung rubs up Jungkook’s spine and down again, planting his hands at the bottom curve of his
back before responding. “Have you not been there? Am I that boring, Jeon? You space out while
your dick is in my mouth?”

Jungkook flushes, biting his tongue. They haven’t messed around as often as Jungkook had been
anticipating. Taehyung doesn’t initiate it often, it seems to be him that does more. He worries it’s
because Taehyung doesn’t want him, but the want is clear in Taehyung’s eyes the moment
Jungkook starts to touch him.

He thought he had Taehyung figured out, but he was wrong.

Taehyung pulls back, hair laying out around his head like a crown. He’s since colored it honey
brown, a color that makes him appear softer than ever.

“Well no, I mean, you really shouldn't be putting anyone’s penis in your -”

“Don’t say penis. Please don’t say penis.”

“- mouth without one anyway. Diseases can be transmitted through semen too, you know. But I
meant like, you’re not having sex with anyone else? I mean, it isn’t my business. Nevermind.
Actually, I’m really busy right now, so I have got to go. My friends are having a crisis and I’m
wanting to get off, when did I become such a shitty friend?”

Jungkook wonders if Taehyung has been working out as he tries to roll off of him but is stopped.
Taehyung wraps around him like a koala, his legs a vice grip.

“Stop,” Taehyung laughs, cheek reddening. “You know I like when you get jealous.”

“Not jealous,” Jungkook grunts, trying to push Taehyung away but he’s rolling instead, his back
planting to the bed. “Just being safe about sex.”

Taehyung snorts, hovering over him. “I’m recently tested, clean. The only dick I have been
touching is yours. If you want me to get tested again, I will.”

Jungkook softens, shrinking into the mattress. He wasn’t worried about that, hadn’t even thought
about that though he probably should have. He nibbles on his bottom lip, another wash of emotions
running through him because his life is that way and he can’t stop it.

And Taehyung is starting to realize it because he rolls his eyes before leaning down and rubbing
the tip of Jungkook’s nose against his own. He knows the words are clogging in Jungkook’s throat
but he only looks amused, fond.

“We’ll go together, hm?” Jungkook shies away when Taehyung bites the tip of his nose playfully.
“But if you say penis again, I'll fight you to the death.”

Jungkook giggles, wrapping his arms around Taehyung.

It’s been nice. Even when Taehyung has his moments of being too quiet, when he pulls away with
distant eyes or looks at Jungkook too long in silence, it’s nice.

“That’s the name of it. You have one, you can’t be grossed out by it’s name.”

Taehyung scoffs at that. “It’s a dick, Jeon. A cock. A massive cock that wants to play with you
right now.”

Jungkook’s laugh is a mix of disgust and amusement as he kicks Taehyung off, only to pull him
close again.

“You’re so gross,” Jungkook says in a way that sounds a lot like I love you too.

“And you’re not a bad friend,” Taehyung says, softer this time. “I’m a bad influence.”

There’s tension in Taehyung’s back when Jungkook rubs his hands up his spine. He is a bad
influence, Jungkook won’t correct him on that. But Jungkook hadn’t lied when he said Taehyung
makes him braver, stronger.

“You were right, you know. We all suck at talking about our feelings.”

Taehyung grins, pressing his lips at the base of Jungkook’s throat. He wonders if Taehyung
realizes he hides his face just as much as Jungkook does. If Taehyung’s noticed that he’s been a lot
more serious lately, not interrupting their conversations with jokes. That he’s opening up to
Jungkook and Jungkook prays it means he’s finally trusting him.
“And all of us suck at listening to them too,” Jungkook murmurs, threading his fingers through
Taehyung’s hair and lifting his head to kiss his lips. “Maybe we should start that support group.”

Taehyung hums as he kisses Jungkook’s bottom lip. “What are you doing tonight?”

If the question is to avoid the conversation, Jungkook won’t push. There are times where it’s
necessary to make Taehyung speak, but right now it isn’t.

Jungkook can’t handle anymore right now either.

“I have class and then helping Professor Ma Ri for a few hours after. She asked me to organize the
supply lab and grade some papers. Even gave me the keys.”

Jungkook is expecting Taehyung to make a joke about having sex on a lab table or something, but
he just looks down at him softly.

“Come to dinner with me after,” Taehyung finally says. “Somewhere really nice. Wear something

Heat rises to Jungkook’s cheeks. “Like what?”

“Whatever you want,” Taehyung says, shifting a hand beneath the loose shirt Jungkook wears. He
fixes himself between Jungkook’s legs with ease, like he’s made to be there. “You can go through
my closet if you want. I haven’t been home, but I’ll give you my keys.”

Jungkook exhales out sharply as Taehyung’s hips roll against his, the movement slow and soft as
Taehyung’s voice.

“What do you want me in?” Jungkook pushes, spreading his legs some to keep himself from
grinding back against Taehyung. He likes the feeling of Taehyung using his body like this, how it
feels to feel Taehyung slowly grow hard beneath his boxers. “I know you like to dress me up.”

Taehyung giggles quietly. “I like to play, baby. Your clothes are just as cute. So, will you come?”

He says it while pressing hard against Jungkook’s hips, intent in his tone and Jungkook bites hard
at his bottom lip.

“Is it an um? A uh -” Jungkook closes his eyes, embarrassment flushing through him because he
can’t say a simple word. “Is it a date?”

Taehyung doesn’t answer for a moment, hips rocking against his as he grips Jungkook’s jaw to tilt
his head back against the mattress, leaving his neck arching and begging for Taehyung’s lips.

“Do you want it to be a date, baby?”

Another word, one that Jungkook has said a thousand times in his life. A million times, probably.
One of the first words most kids learn when they’re still learning to talk.


Jungkook exhales shakily, hoping Taehyung thinks it’s from the pleasure slowly growing inside of
him and not from how nervous admitting that makes him feel.

He wants to go on a date with Taehyung. He wants to date Taehyung.

“Then it’s a date,” Taehyung says just as shakily, fingers gripping a little harder into Jungkook’s
jaw. “A date.”

He says the word like it’s foreign to him, breathing it out across Jungkook’s skin.

“It’s a date,” Taehyung says again, quietly like he’s speaking to himself.

Winter session is a lot easier than a full semester, though the cold air makes it harder to wake in the
morning and even harder to walk to class. It’s harder when his bed is so warm, Taehyung snuggled
into his back and refusing to wake or let Jungkook go to get ready.

Despite the amount of time they spend together, Jungkook finds himself missing Taehyung as he
works through Professor Ma Ri’s papers. It’s tedious work, grading, allowing his mind to wander
too much, too often. He wants to call Taehyung but he knows he won’t be able to get any work

And he doesn’t want to seem needy. They have their date tonight, and Jungkook is just anxious. He
doesn’t have anything pretty to wear, and he had thrashed through Yoongi’s closet while Taehyung
was in the shower and didn’t find anything there either.

Jungkook glances at the bright red paint on his nails and wonders if Taehyung really thinks his
clothes are cute too. He wonders if he finds Jungkook plain looking in his oversized sweaters and
comfy pants, his sweater vests and pleated pants.

With a heavy sigh, Jungkook stops himself from throwing the papers off of the counter top. He
groans low instead, fists pressing against his eyes before someone clears their throat.

Jungkook jolts at the sight of Professor Ma Ri in the doorway. Her hair is falling over her shoulders
in waves and she isn’t in her normal work clothes. Jungkook flushes at the sight of her breasts
popping out over her very low cut shirt, the skirt she’s wearing revealing miles of leg.

“I’m sorry, I forgot something,” Professor Ma Ri quickly fumbles out with a smile as she clacks her
high heel shoes across the lab towards her desk, fingers gripping at the bottom of her skirt to tug it
down. “I thought I told you not to stay here too long, Jungkook. You can bring the papers home.”

Jungkook flushes, glancing back at the work he hasn’t done. He doesn’t have a problem with
people wearing revealing clothes but it’s his Professor and also freezing outside.

“I will get distracted there, Professor.”

Professor Ma Ri smiles sweetly as she pulls a small bag from beneath her desk. “I was so distracted
today I forgot my purse , of all things,” she laughs. “Honestly, do not pressure yourself grading
those. I will be busy tonight so if you have any questions, they’ll have to wait until tomorrow. You
can rest too.”

“Yes, Professor.”

Professor Ma Ri rolls her eyes. “Ma Ri-ssi is fine, Jungkook. You know if you need to discuss
anything other than science, I am here to listen. I’ve been worried about you since your incident.”

Shame swirls inside of him with his embarrassment. He’s been a lot better, gained weight. No one
seems to believe him that it was an accident. Even his Coach scolded him and lectured him about
nutrition when Jungkook told him why he had to quiet for the season.

“I am okay, Ma Ri-ssi.”

The name feels weird on his tongue and he bends his head in apology. She’s not only his Professor
but his advisor, the one who has helped him make his schedule each year, advising that he take on
less and listening to Jungkook break down in a panicked rant about how he can’t.

“Yoongi hyung has gone home for the winter break and I am feeling homesick, but I am eating
fine. I only have one class this winter session.”

Professor Ma Ri pats his cheek gently. “Good. Though if Yoongi is gone, what at home is so

There’s amusement in her eyes as her eyes drop to Jungkook’s collar and his ears instantly turn hot.
He’s still trying to figure out the makeup thing.

“I um - uh,” Jungkook coughs, clearing his throat. He’s thankful he doesn’t have to answer when
Professor Ma Ri’s name is being called from the hallway and her head whips up, eyes growing

Jungkook grows hotter at the sight of President Kim walking into the lab, glancing at the watch
around his wrist. He also is dressed up in his normal expensive suit, except the tie is gone and half
of the buttons of his shirt are undone. He doesn’t look up at first, and his face is screwed in
annoyance when he does.

It changes quickly, eyes growing slightly wide as he takes in Jungkook before his expression grows
blank. It makes Jungkook want to shrink in on himself, a bad feeling forming in his gut.

“Mr. Jeon,” President Kim greets. “I didn’t know you were here. What are you doing in the science
building so late?”

Jungkook gestures towards the exams with shaking hands. It isn’t that late, the last of the classes
had finished about a half hour before. The library is still open on the other side of campus.

“I asked him to. I am a bit overscheduled this winter break and Jungkook-ssi offered to help like a
student teacher,” Professor Ma Ri says sweetly, batting her eyelashes. “Is that okay, Jungwoo-ah?”

The President smiles stiffly, nodding his head. “Of course.”

He clears his throat, eyes still glaring at Jungkook. Taehyung had said his father likes him more
than he thought, but right now Jungkook doesn’t think that’s true.

“Don’t stay too late, Mr. Jeon. Make sure you rest, we do not need another incident,” President
Kim says and Jungkook wishes everyone would stop bringing it up. “I’ve assumed my son has
been with you? He hasn’t been home in some time.”

Jungkook tenses. Taehyung has been with him every night, but he doesn’t know how long
Taehyung hasn’t been home. Or if he wants his father to know where he is.

“I don’t know, sir.”

The President smiles before he takes Professor Ma Ri’s elbow into his hand. He waves a hand
towards the door that she flushes at before excusing herself.
Jungkook’s nerves are suddenly worse.

“If you see him, please tell him to come home,” the President says quietly once the sound of
Professor Ma Ri’s steps have faded completely. “His mother suspects the worst, every time. He has
a habit of running away, going on benders. She’s afraid his heart will give out from the things he
shoves into his body.”

Jungkook clears his throat this time, uncomfortable. He doesn’t know how often Taehyung uses
anything. It never seemed to be different from Yoongi’s partying habits and Jungkook never saw
those to be a true problem.

Except last week. Yoongi called it a bender and he wonders what happened to make Taehyung hurt
that badly.

“I’m meeting him for dinner tonight,” Jungkook tells him to assure him his son isn’t dead
somewhere. He can’t tell if the President cares or not.

President Kim stiffens, hand half raised like he was about to plant it to Jungkook’s shoulder.

“I don’t know,” Jungkook replies. If he did, he wouldn’t tell him, but he doesn’t.

Jungkook is nervous to go on a date with Taehyung.

The President breathes through his teeth, a slight hissing sound coming from them. “I would
appreciate if you didn’t mention seeing me here tonight, Mr. Jeon. My son has a creative
imagination and I don’t need him worrying his mother more than he already did.”

Jungkook glances back towards the door that Professor Ma Ri stepped out of. The President has
looked guilty since he first laid eyes on Jungkook.

“I won’t, sir,” Jungkook promises. “Though, I don’t understand why it would be a surprise to
Taehyung that you are here, as you are the President of this university.”

Maybe it’s his defensiveness, but there’s a tension in his tone that sounds more angered than
Jungkook even feels.

The President narrows his eyes at that. “Have a good night, Mr. Jeon. Tell my son to call me.”

Jungkook doesn’t relax until the lab door is closing behind President Kim. He slumps in his seat,
eyes pressing into his forearm as he buries his head into the table. Taehyung won’t care that his
father is on a date with someone else, from what it looks like, but he will care that it’s Professor
Ma Ri.

Maybe he’ll think that’s why his grades have improved so much.

He scrambles his things together when he notices the time. Taehyung should be there to pick him
up soon, hopefully waiting in the car because there’s a gray look to the sky like it may snow. It
makes the air feel even colder, and the thin shirt Jungkook had picked up wasn’t a good idea even
beneath his thick, winter jacket.

He sits himself in the front of the building, savoring the warmth and pulls out his phone. He’s been
reading articles about drugs and their effects on the brain, psychological studies on verbal abuse in
children and the long term effect, reading up on different kinds of learning disabilities until his
phone has been filled with nothing but science articles. So many that he’s been nervous of
Taehyung seeing every time he uses Jungkook’s phone.

He pulls up a new article from his list to read while he waits for Taehyung. The head line, ADHD
Hyperactive - Impulsive Type , flashes across the screen before it goes blank and Yoongi’s name
appears a second later.

He’s happy he stood up to his hyungs and told them to open up more, but Yoongi has been calling
every day to ask Jungkook his opinion on Hoseok and he feels out of place. He doesn’t want to
give advice and have Yoongi do the wrong thing, so he only listens to Yoongi vent his worries
before Yoongi comes to a conclusion himself.

Hoseok is the same way, though not as open. He talks to Taehyung the most, which would make
Jungkook jealous in another life but he likes that Hoseok has someone he’s comfortable talking to.

“Jungkook, where is Tae?”

There’s no greeting, no kindness in Yoongi’s tone. The hair stands on the back of Jungkook’s

“Um? I don’t know. He’s supposed to be picking me up from class. We have - have an um,

“He isn’t answering,” Yoongi says, voice hard and ignoring the last part of what Jungkook said.
Something is wrong and Jungkook is jumping to his feet. “Tae’s supplier said he’s worried Tae is
about to cause some trouble, could you try calling him? And if that doesn’t work, call your friend.

Jungkook doesn’t even say goodbye before he hangs up and dials Taehyung’s phone number. He
doesn’t know what Yoongi means by trouble but he also knows Taehyung promised not to be high
with him, and he shouldn’t be at a supplier right before their date.

He doesn’t know if he can handle Taehyung going on a bender when it’s only him here to take care
of him. He thinks Namjoon stayed behind, but he would feel bad for never reaching out except for
when he needs help.

When the phone goes right to voicemail, nerves spring through him. He doesn’t call Taehyung
again, but Moonbin. He answers in seconds.

“Do you know where Taehyung is?” Jungkook asks, walking out of the science building and
towards the main road around campus, the one that leads down to the city. “Yoongi hyung told me
to ask you.”

“He’s at the Club. I’m headed there now, you need a ride?”

“Yes,” Jungkook says in a rush. Why would he be at the Club right now? “What is he doing

Moonbin whistles lowly. “Where are you? He’s really sprung for you, my dude. The Club has strict
no fighting outside of the ring rules. Yoongi enforces them more than any other fighter. It’ll look
disrespectful for Taehyung to go against his own crew’s rules like that.”

Jungkook’s heart pounds against his chest. He knows the answer, but he asks the question anyway.
“Who is he fighting?”

“Who do you think?” Moonbin asks lowly. “Cheol Su.”


Promising to be with Jungkook even more than they had been before makes Taehyung’s chest
warm. But it was the wrong thing to promise as leaving Jungkook’s side feels like torture. Every
moment spent with him just grows the feeling inside of his head to the point where Taehyung
understands what the phrase ‘crazy in love’ means.

And it could be something other than in love but Taehyung doesn’t give a shit. He likes the
feeling, but he hates it when Jungkook is away from him.

Loving Jungkook makes him nervous. He’s never been nervous for a date before. Well, Taehyung
really has never been on a date before. He was surprised by Jungkook suggesting it.

“I haven’t seen you out,” Rocky says as Taehyung saunters into the cafe bar. It’s dark outside, the
atmosphere slowly changing into the nightlife. “I’m out of stock. But I can call Bin.”

Taehyung holds up a hand, stopping Rocky as he reaches into his pocket. “I’m not picking up. Just
needed something to do. I have to stay sober.”

Rocky looks amused at that, even snorts quietly. “Why?”

Slumping onto a bar stool, Taehyung tucks a hand beneath his chin and raises a brow. “Oh? You
haven’t heard? Moonbin says word on the street is Kim Taehyung is locked down.”

Rocky slides a glass across the counter, ignoring Taehyung’s push to stay sober as he empties a
bottle of light beer into it.

It isn’t until Rocky glances down the bar that Taehyung realizes he’s just using it to busy himself
as a reason to keep talking to him. Taehyung vaguely recognizes the older man, not so discreetly
watching him. Even if he didn’t, the leather jacket hanging off his shoulders and the bandana
wrapped around his wrist is enough to associate him with Cheol Su’s stupid crew.

“Might have heard that,” Rocky admits, handing the beer off. It’s just a light beer, nothing that will
affect Taehyung but he sips at it slowly.

He promised to stay sober when he’s with Jungkook. He doesn’t want Jungkook to smell it on his
breath and think he’s anything but that.

“Also might have heard that if Yoongi loses his fight to Cheol Su, he loses the one that locked you

Taehyung pauses where his lips are wrapped around the lip of the glass. He glances back at man
across the bar, whose eyes drop the moment Taehyung looks at him.

“What the fuck does that mean?” Taehyung asks, tilting the glass some so it splashes across the

Rocky is quick in grabbing a rag, but slow in the way he wipes it up. “Cheol Su has a new boxer
entering the ring. Young thing, hasn’t fought yet but will. Jinjin-ssi told me the deal is, whoever
wins gets the other’s rookie. Which might not be a good trade. If Jeon is anything like his father.”

Like his father. Jungkook has never mentioned anything about him, and Jungkook doesn’t box,
Taehyung thinks. The problem with gossip is false information is easily spread and true
information is easily manipulated, and it’s hard to tell which is which. There’s no way Yoongi
would agree to that, unless Yoongi was sure he would win.

And Taehyung knows for a fact that Yoongi is cocky when it comes to his ability to win on the
ring. But Taehyung would never believe, even if Yoongi told him himself, that Yoongi would
wager Jungkook.

“What about his father?”

Rocky gives up trying to be discreet about them talking, folding his arms over his chest. “Don
Min? Used to fight back at the Club before he got arrested a few years ago. I knew he was the one
that introduced Yoongi to the Club, that’s why the owner is so close to him, but I didn’t know he
was Jungkook’s father.”

Taehyung didn’t either. He has heard the name mentioned before, between Yoongi and the owner
of the Club. But it isn’t Taehyung’s business. This is something that Jungkook needs to tell him,
not something that needs to be gossiped about.

“The problem with everyone here,” Taehyung says slowly, louder as he stands and sips at his beer
again, is that they believe everything they hear. "If Cheol Su thinks he can even step in the same
room as Jungkook again then he’s missing a few brain cells. But we all knew that, didn’t we? Have
to be to challenge Yoongi again after getting his ass pummeled the first time.”

The man across the bar is no longer pretending that he isn’t watching them as Taehyung slams the
beer onto the counter, making it clatter and splash onto the rag Rocky had been cleaning with.

Rocky’s eyes go wide with alarm when Taehyung walks around the empty bar stool chairs, waiting
to be filled by old men who really don’t fit in the downtown area but think drinking in public rather
than alone makes them less of an alcoholic. He clamps his hand down on the familiar man, digging
his fingers into the fake leather.

“Where’s Cheol Su right now?” Taehyung asks.

The man appears unperturbed, but it’s in the subtle way his eyes widen that tells Taehyung it’s an
act. Just like everything else about the god forsaken biker crew.

“Where do you expect?”

Taehyung sniffles, neck cracking to the side. He can’t, he shouldn’t. He’s reckless and has never
been good at controlling his impulses and loving Jungkook only makes it worse.

“Tell him I’m coming.”

Another thing Cheol Su and Taehyung have in common is Soohyun taught them both how to box,
trained them. Cheol Su more so than Taehyung, but enough that Taehyung knows how he fights.
Knows his weaknesses.
Taehyung’s advantage is the rage inside of him and the fact that he’s had Yoongi teach him a few
things too.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” the announcer asks, trailing after Taehyung the moment he
steps inside the Club. Taehyung is glad word already spread.


“But -”

The announcer’s hair is bright green and hanging over his forehead, which he has to look through
to look up at Taehyung from his short height. He grips Taehyung’s elbow and Taehyung’s not in
the mood to be touched but he keeps himself from punching like he wants to.

“Because this is totally illegal.”

Taehyung glances across the Club where he can see the back of Cheol Su, hidden beneath the dark
red light cascading down from the ceiling. Same place he always is; at the bar, boasting on about
himself and coming up with excuses as why he can’t fight on the ring.

Well, Taehyung could just be stereotyping but right now he doesn’t give a shit. Him and Cheol Su
used to be cool, cool enough to get fucked up at the same place but never close.

Back when Soohyun invited him to college parties and Taehyung thought it was what he had
always heard about; siblings growing close as they’re older. He heard it was normal to fight with
siblings when you’re young but it isn’t that between Taehyung and Soohyun.

Taehyung hates Soohyun and it’s only grown stronger.

“Ban me from the fucking club,” Taehyung says with a shrug. “I don’t give a shit.”

The announcer, Jinjin, rolls his eyes. “You know Cheol will ruck up enough noise to get all of
Min’s boys banned. MJ has to stick to the rules he made, Tae. No matter how much he owes
Yoongi, he doesn’t break the rules.”

Taehyung is hoping for it. If they’re banned, there’s no fight with Cheol Su. Jungkook won’t be
able to enter the Club to fight for Cheol Su if Yoongi somehow loses.

He’s completely confident in Yoongi’s ability to kick Cheol Su’s ass but he wouldn’t risk
Jungkook for anything, even if it was a guarantee.

“Alright,” Jinjin says, holding his hands up. “But I had nothing to do with this if Yoongi asks. You
know he’s against fights off the ring. Actually, tell him I wasn’t even here. He pays me a good
amount to make sure you don’t fuck up while he’s gone -”

Taehyung whips his head at that. Yoongi doesn’t have a lot of money; there’s barely any heat in his

But Jimin has a lot of money and Yoongi would never ask him for it unless it was something like

“What does that mean?”

Jinjin rolls his eyes. “My boys are supposed to be looking after you while he’s gone.”

“I hate the Star boys.”

Jinjin laughs at that, all chipmunk teeth. “You hate Moonbin because he tried to get with your boy.
But he’s chill, man. We already told Yoongi you were here, so you should get the hell out.”

Taehyung sniffles his nose. He figured someone would. Yoongi is going to kill him for this but
he’s hours away and wouldn’t make it here in time. “Wish me luck, Jinjin.”

He doesn’t get luck, but a low groan of complaint before Taehyung takes off through the crowd.
There’s a fight happening in the ring already, two massive guys that look like they could pummel
Taehyung with their eyes. Yoongi’s beaten one of them before, and Taehyung puffs his chest out,
wanting that same confidence.

There’s a hand pressing hard into his chest a moment later, so hard he’s stumbling backwards. The
first thing he sees is Moonbin, god fucking Moonbin, but it takes Taehyung to realize a moment
later that it’s Jungkook forcing him back.

Jungkook beside him, looking a furious angel. He’s since changed since they parted, looking like
his and Taehyung’s closet mixed together. His hair curling, earrings sparkling over the shell of his
ears. There’s eyeliner sloppily smudged around his eyes and Taehyung can’t tell if he’s wearing
lipstick or chewed on his lips too much.

Concern makes Taehyung worry about Jungkook only wearing a leather jacket over his button up
shirt. It’s supposed to snow tonight which is why Taehyung wanted to take Jungkook out.

Jungkook’s eyes capture everything and Taehyung wants to see the snowflakes in them. But right
now they’re too loud in a way that makes Taehyung’s heart thump unevenly.

“What are you doing?” Jungkook snaps. “You and I have a date, why are you here instead?”

He’s pissed. It’s obvious in his glare. But Jungkook shouldn’t know what he’s doing here.

Taehyung groans, clenching his eyes closed. “Yoongi.”

He shouldn’t have been surprised Yoongi had someone watching out for him, though why he chose
the Star boys, Taehyung doesn’t know. And he shouldn’t be surprised Yoongi would involve the
one person Taehyung might actually listen to.

Jungkook nods, pushing Taehyung back again.

“Let’s go,” Jungkook says, reaching down to take Taehyung’s hand. “You promised me a date and
I am hungry. Soon to be hangry.”

Taehyung glances over Jungkook’s shoulder, finding Cheol Su’s eyes on them. The grin on his lips
pisses Taehyung the fuck off. But Jungkook shouldn’t be here; can’t hear the things that are said
about him across the Club.

“Moonbin, broski, take Jungkook out of here,” Taehyung says, eyes challenging as he glares back
at Cheol Su.

He’ll get the hint and he’ll let Taehyung have the first hit. He’ll be smug about it even though it’s
exactly what Taehyung wants.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Jungkook grits out. “But on our date. So come on before I take
Moonbin out on a date instead.”

Moonbin flies back, eyes wide with alarm and Jungkook’s are still narrowed, threatening. There’s
no amusement in them, but Taehyung knows he’s just pressing his buttons.

“Don’t drag me into this,” Moonbin breathes desperately. “Yoongi hyung told him to call me.”

Fake friends all around, Taehyung thinks.

“It’s at Diner 48. You know the one? Go there. There’s a reservation under my name.”

“Got it,” Moonbin says nervous, reaching for Jungkook.

It makes the anger in Jungkook’s eyes grow but there’s something else there too that has Taehyung
feeling too heavy.

He’s messy and chaotic, selfish and uncaring, Jungkook has to know this before he goes on
spouting out words like I like you again.

“Is this because he’s telling everyone I’m his?” Jungkook demands, ignoring Moonbin. He presses
into Taehyung’s space, keeping him from moving. “Because that’s a bad thing to fight over,
Taehyung. Especially since you already know I’m yours.”

Taehyung glances at Jungkook, his softening features. “You’re yours,” Taehyung corrects though
he desperately wants Jungkook to be his. “You belong to yourself, Jungkook.”

“Yes,” Jungkook grits out, folding his hands over Taehyung’s cheeks. “But if part of me belongs to
you too, doesn’t that mean I’m also yours?”

If Jungkook is just talking to distract Taehyung, it’s working. Taehyung rips his eyes away Cheol
Su to look at Jungkook, at the stars in his eyes and the frustrated scrunch of his eyebrows.

“What part of you belongs to me?” Taehyung breathes suddenly, the music blaring around them. It
seems louder than it had before, drowning out the words and the people around them.

Jungkook’s eyes are loud with nerves, his hands clammy and cold. There’s red covering his throat
and he has his shirt unbuttoned for Taehyung, revealing his red collarbones too.

“I’ll - I’ll tell you over dinner.”

“What part?” Taehyung demands again, curling a hand around Jungkook’s throat to bring him in
for a kiss. He needs one. He needs an answer.

“Leave here first,” Jungkook says, eyes searching over Taehyung’s face. “What are you on

“Nothing,” Taehyung grits out, leaning in to kiss Jungkook and distract him but a moment later
Jungkook is being pulled away from him.

The sight of another hand on Jungkook has his ears hot, the fingers digging into his shoulder so
hard the knuckles turn white. Everything for Taehyung turns red when Jungkook's face crumples in
pain, and he rips Cheol Su’s hand from Jungkook so hard he can’t be sure the bones don’t break.

Cheol Su is in front of him in a second. He’s bigger than Taehyung but he falls easily when
Taehyung shoves him.

“What are you doing here, Kookie? Surprised to see Yoongi let you out of his sight?” Cheol Su
greets, his smile too cruel to be friendly. Jungkook pulls easily from Cheol Su’s grip and shoves
himself hard in front of Taehyung.
“We’re leaving,” Jungkook says, shoving his back into Taehyung’s chest but Taehyung barely

“Come have a drink,” Cheol Su says, eyes finding Taehyung. “Soohyunie is here. We were just
talking about you. Wondering if the rumors were true.”

Taehyung doesn’t give a shit if the rumors were that Jungkook is an actual genius, he is angry. He
shoves past Jungkook, ignoring the way he grips at Taehyung’s arm to tug him back. There are
other hands on him too, but he doesn’t give a fuck.

“You’re going to keep Jungkook’s name out of your mouth. You and my brother,” Taehyung says
lowly. They are gaining the attention of the crowd around them, some people moving back to make
space for them. “And you’re going to stop telling everyone he’s yours.”

Cheol Su laughs, though his shoulders broaden defensively. “And what are you going to do if I
don’t? Son of Don Min should be able to handle himself, don’t you think?”

Taehyung doesn’t think as he reaches up and grabs Cheol Su’s neck, fingers digging in. “I’ll
destroy your fucking life, got it?”

Jungkook yanks hard, pulling Taehyung back until his grip releases on Cheol Su’s throat. There’s
no fake amusement on Cheol Su’s face now. There are other people in their stupid biker outfits
behind him, the number growing and he knows any moment his brother is going to appear, but he
doesn’t give a shit.

Jungkook had thought of him differently; not believing him when he said he doesn’t give a shit
about anything. He doesn’t. The only thing he gives a shit about is something he can’t even admit

“You don’t want that beef, Taehyung. You’re an idiot.”

It’s fast, the way Jungkook shoves Taehyung back. It’s even faster the way his arm flies through
the air, fingers clenched and crunching into the side of Cheol Su’s face. His hand is barely away
from his face before his leg flies up, his knee breaking into Cheol Su’s chest as Cheol Su starts to
buck forward.

Maybe the rumors are true about Jungkook’s father.

“Don’t call him that,” Jungkook snaps, shaking out his hand. He kicks out his leg again, this time
angling his foot between Cheol Su’s legs. Even Taehyung flinches when Jungkook uses all of his
strength, the grunt Cheol Su lets out pained. “Say whatever the hell you want but don’t call him
that. We’re leaving.”

Soohyun appears behind Cheol Su, arms reaching out to help lift him up, eyes blazing with hatred
towards Taehyung. He’s high as a kite, Appa and Eomma’s pride and joy.

“Don’t do it baby brother,” Soohyun starts, his tone a lot calmer than he appears. “I won’t be the
worst son anymore if Eomma’s little Tae Tae gets arrested.”

Taehyung could roll his eyes at that, at his brother thinking either of his parents gave a shit what he
did with his life because they care about him. It’s rich coming from Soohyun.

“Shouldn’t have warned me you were coming,” Cheol Su laughs, lips spread so wide Taehyung
can see all of his red teeth. “Maybe you and the boyfriend’s dad can meet -”
Someone is grabbing the back of Taehyung’s shirt, tugging him back as his fists clench by his side.
He laughs, the sound loud and amused, cutting off Cheol Su and making his face drop

“Don’t you proclaim you can take anyone on? Destroy Min fucking Yoongi without losing your
breath?” Taehyung laughs harder and Jungkook steps in front of him, his hands gentle against his
chest. “I can’t even make Yoongi breathless but I challenge you to a fight and you call the police!

He can hear them, the distant sound of the sirens. He’s being shoved back harder, too amused by
the way Cheol Su’s face crumples.

“Get the fuck out. I’ll deal with you messing up but I’m not dealing with Yoongi when something
happens to Jungkook.”

It’s Jinjin again, this time paired with the owner of the place. A short man with a smile so innocent
sometimes it doesn’t seem like he fits inside of the Club.

“Go out the back,” the owner, MJ, says. “I’ll deal with the police. Not a person here will speak
against a Min’s boy. They won’t be welcome in the Club again. That brother of yours has caused
enough trouble here, I’ll love to have a reason to ban him for good.”

Taehyung hates being manhandled, but he doesn’t mind the way Jungkook roughly moves him to
the back of the club, the sirens growing louder when the back entrance flies open.

The cold air hits him suddenly, the snow falling slowly from the sky. Jungkook is shoving him
away and turning, speeding off so fast it’s like he is darting through the snowflakes.

“Jungkook!” Taehyung says.

He wonders how many times this is going to happen to them, them chasing each other while the
other storms off. If they will keep fighting, getting angry at each other.

“We had a deal!” Jungkook calls back, the sirens loud around them before the cut off. Jungkook’s
voice lowers but the yell is in his tone. “You get to care about my health and I get to care about
yours! That includes physical health!”

Jungkook swings around when Taehyung grabs his arms and Taehyung flinches when Jungkook
swings his hands upwards.

But his touch is gentle, tender the way he strokes over Taehyung’s cheeks. It contrasts with the
hard way Jungkook kisses him.

The air is thick and cold, but Jungkook’s hands are hot, his mouth even hotter.

When he pulls back, his eyes are angry and there’s tears brimming over his eyelids. It’s hard to see
through the wet snowflakes spotted across his glasses.

“What was it that you said to me? Are you going to tell me why you’re risking your health
knowing how worried your hyungs already are?” Jungkook breathes. “How worried I already am?”

Taehyung remembers when he said that. The same kind of night, just not as cold. He remembers
how worried he had been when he saw Jungkook walking in the rain, even though they hadn’t been
talking so much at the time.
“There’s nothing to worry about,” Taehyung says. “It’s just a fight.”

“I don’t care if you came here to play patty cake with him!” Jungkook yelps. “I hate him. I hate
seeing him, I hate him being around you even more! You don’t like thinking about people touching
me and I don’t like thinking about people touching you!”

Taehyung softens, but angry Jungkook doesn’t stop. He is almost unrecognizable in the way he
blabbers, words spilling from his lips harshly as he pulls away and tightens his hands into fists.

“I hate that any of this is happening! I caused a problem for you when I didn’t mean to and I’m
sick of doing that! I don’t want you to give into Cheol Su. Let them fucking talk, Taehyung. I don’t
care! What other people think has zero effect on the world unless you let it have an effect! I only
care what you think about me and I know .”

Silence falls on them and Jungkook is breathing heavily, looking wild at him as the snow starts to
collect in his hair and dampen his bangs.

“I heard you when you said that,” Jungkook huffs out.

And oh no . Taehyung is not ready for this conversation. He thought it would take longer for
Jungkook to bring it up.

“I heard when you said you didn’t care what rumors about me are true,” Jungkook goes on, his old
self appearing as nerves reach his eyes. “And I know you know they’re not. So ignore them.”

Taehyung is nervous, hands shaking. Rain tickles down his neck and makes his shirt cling to his
body. He should have gotten his coat. The leather jacket Jungkook wears isn’t enough to keep him
warm, even if it’s still too warm out for the snow to do anything other than melt on the sidewalk.

Jungkook isn’t saying what Taehyung said but he knows. He knew Jungkook heard him but now
he needs Jungkook to say it.

“What part of you belongs to me, Jungkook?”

Jungkook grits out, making a noise of complaint as he throws his hands into the air. “I am
convinced you make it your mission to prove to the world that what they say is true, that you’re not
as smart as you are!”

Jungkook comes back to him, meeting him half way but he shoves Taehyung back again.

“You own my heart, Taehyung,” Jungkook snaps before he turns on his heel again. “Now take me
on the damn date!”

And despite everything, the tension, the anger Taehyung felt tonight, a smile touches his lips.

“Say please.”

Jungkook keeps walking, unaware that Taehyung isn’t.

“Jeon!” Taehyung calls, his skin feeling heavy with and heat and ice. “I’m sorry.”

Jungkook stops then, turning around. He hesitates when he realizes they’re now a few yards away.

Taehyung isn’t ready to say it again but he’ll never be ready.

“I’m sorry I messed up our date night,” Taehyung goes on. “They aren’t just words. I don’t care
what Cheol Su says, it doesn’t - I still.”

He’s said them out loud but they’re hard now with Jungkook looking at him.

“I still love you even if they were true,” Taehyung rushes out. “That’s why I do care what he says.
Because rumors like that, they make people think they can touch and take. It’ll make fuckers think
they can touch you and expect you to let them. And I sure as fuck care about that. That pisses me

Jungkook steps over the icy sidewalk, hands tucking into the pockets of his leather jacket. He’s
quiet, the words hanging loudly in the air between them.

“Don’t tell me it doesn’t bother you,” Taehyung goes on, feeling like he may word vomit all over
him but he can’t stop himself. He’s opened a floodgate and they’re both about to drown. “You
worry too much about people’s reactions to you not to care.”

“I do,” Jungkook interrupts, closer to him now. “I do do that. I’m trying to change that.”

Taehyung lets out a frustrated noise. “You don’t have to change any part of yourself.”

Jungkook smiles, teeth digging into his bottom lip before he takes Taehyung’s hand into his own.
“It’s okay to change. We’re at that age when we’re changing the most, Taehyung. Figuring things

Frozen still, Taehyung lets Jungkook run his hands up his arms and cup his neck, fingers stroking
over wet skin and dragging through damp strands of hair.

“We can help each other figure them out,” Jungkook hums, breath hitching. “Tutor each other.”

Taehyung snorts, the knot releasing in his chest. Not enough, though. He just wants this tension to
be over with and for him to be able to cuddle Jungkook and press his love into every inch of his

“My balls are freezing, baby. Let's go home.”

Jungkook snorts as he nods. He takes Taehyung’s hand into his own, both of them trembling and
tight from the cold.

“I would joke about you making them warm, but I’m too tired to keep joking,” Taehyung sighs,
knocking their shoulders together, throwing a grin at Jungkook. It’s the truth but he will push
through his exhaustion to make Jungkook smile.

“Can I ask you something?” Jungkook asks quietly, still smiling but the tone is falling into serious
again. He doesn’t wait for Taehyung to nod, doesn’t even look at him to see how he responds.
“What did Cheol mean about Don Min’s son? Is he talking about Yoongi’s father?”

Taehyung goes quiet, looking around the empty streets. He feels confused by the genuine
confusion in Jungkook’s eyes. “Don Min got Yoongi into boxing.”

Jungkook sighs, rubbing a hand down his face. “Yoongi doesn’t tell me anything. His father left
years ago and I thought he didn’t talk to him.”

It is awkward suddenly and Taehyung wraps an arm around his shoulders instead, pulling him
close. “It’s a rumor, baby. Don’t listen to it until you talk to your hyung.”

It has been quiet since they shuffled into Hoseok’s apartment. Not quite home but Jungkook
doesn’t complain because at least Hoseok’s heat is working. He is freezing, an uncontrollable
tremor wrecking through him. He’s probably going to get sick but he doesn’t care.

Clothes stick to his reddened skin, which feels raw as he strips the damp clothes from his body. At
least the leather jacket kept his arms from getting wet as the snow picked up, though they’re just as

Taehyung’s teeth clatter as Jungkook helps him from his own shirt. It’s quiet, but Jungkook thinks
it needs to be right now. He feels too much, but numb. At another time, he’d be freaking out about
Yoongi’s father, the police, Taehyung, but right now he can’t.

The first touch of hot water on his skin is uncomfortable, burning. But Jungkook bites his cheek,
dealing with it as he pulls Taehyung in with him.

“Jeon -”

“Don’t say anything,” Jungkook whispers, pulling Taehyung close to the stream of hot water but
only letting the steam touch him. “Just kiss me.”

And Taehyung does, eyes searching over Jungkook’s face before he cups his jaw and leans in. He
kisses Jungkook until the warmth inside of him isn’t just from the water or steam, until the tension
in his body dies out and turns into exhaustion.

Jungkook sighs into it when Taehyung angles his head and kisses him deeper, planting their bodies
closer together.

He doesn’t quite know if he loves Taehyung but he knows he’s getting there.

“Baby,” Taehyung murmurs like a secret, pulling back to whisper the words against his jaw. He
kisses him there gently, leaving a path of open mouth kisses across his skin. “There’s an elephant
in the room.”

Jungkook laughs quietly, angling his head so Taehyung can kiss over his neck. “That’s - oh, a
weird way to refer to your penis.”

Taehyung makes a noise that sounds more wounded than amused. He bites Jungkook playfully, his
chest rattling. “I don’t mean that, loser.”

Jungkook’s amusement fades but he’s still smiling. He knows it’s hard for Taehyung to talk about
things, that saying what he said tonight was a lot for him. He isn’t going to push him to say more.
Especially because Jungkook doesn’t know what to say in response.

No one has ever loved him before.

“You can open up at your pace,” Jungkook breathes as Taehyung rubs his hands down his sides
and locks their fingers together. “I’m patient.”
Taehyung only nods before he kisses him again, turning their bodies so the water sprays onto his
back instead.

When the water turns cold and Jungkook can barely stand, they get out of the shower. Taehyung
rubs a soft towel over his body, ruffling it around his head. The clothes they put on are unfamiliar
but the bright colors and intricate patterns tell Jungkook that they’re Hoseok’s.

“I still want that date,” Jungkook says as Taehyung leans back against the sink counter and takes in
Jungkook’s too baggy of shirt and lime green sweatpants.

Taehyung pushes off the sink, moving until he can plant his hands on the door behind Jungkook,
pushing him into it. They’ve touched and took from each other but Jungkook doesn’t mind if
Taehyung needs to take more.

But he doesn’t, not when there’s a loud thump behind Jungkook’s from the other side.

“Come out already, man. I’m dying here.”

Jungkook’s heart beats heavily even at the familiar sound of Namjoon’s voice.

“Yoongi is blowing my phone up even though I told him you’re clearly fine because you’ve been
moaning and I’ve had to suffer through it because Yoongi won’t let me leave until I make you talk
to him.”

Jungkook shrinks in embarrassment, flushing beneath Taehyung’s small smile. It takes a minute of
Namjoon complaining before Taehyung finally pulls away and lets Jungkook open the door.

Namjoon is on him in a second, touching Jungkook’s cheeks and inspecting his face before
moving to Taehyung. Taehyung fights it off at first but finally gives in.

“What happened?”

Taehyung only shrugs before he stuffs his hands up the back of Jungkook’s shirt and folds them
over his spine.


Namjoon narrows his eyes at that before he shoves his phone into Taehyung’s face. Jungkook only
gets a glimpse of Yoongi on the screen before it’s over his shoulder.

Jungkook can feel how Taehyung tenses against him.

“Are you okay?” Yoongi says.

The sound of Yoongi’s voice has Jungkook’s chest heaving again. Exhaustion mixed with
everything else makes him feel like he could cry.

He’s upset that Yoongi can’t talk to him about his father. But he understands. Jungkook is
judgmental for him leaving, Yoongi could be afraid he would disapprove.

He knows he won’t ask, but he desperately wishes he had the courage to.

“I’m fine, hyung,” Taehyung says sweetly and maybe Jungkook is learning more about him
because he can tell that he’s lying.

“Good. Your brother got arrested.”

Taehyung sucks in a breath, arms falling to himself and allowing Jungkook to pull away. Namjoon
shrinks away from them, but his hands cross over his chest. A stance that says he isn’t going

“MJ told the police it was Soohyun and Cheol Su causing a ruckus inside. Your brother was
fucked up, they found baggies on him.”

Taehyung doesn’t look pleased by this, staring hard at the phone.

“Every one else there said they hadn't seen you all night,” Yoongi goes on. “So you should thank
MJ but not going to the Club anytime soon. Maybe he won’t ban you.”

Taehyung breathes out, eyes wide. He flinched when Jungkook takes his clenched hand, though he
relaxes a moment later. “Sorry hyung.”

Yoongi laughs quietly. “Something must be seriously wrong if Kim Taehyung is apologizing. I’m
not mad Tae. I would have done the same thing.”

Jungkook leans in, resting against Taehyung’s shoulder so he can see Yoongi on the screen.
Yoongi is smiling, eyes bright.

“MJ hasn’t banned you, yet. Jungkook though.”

Yoongi glances at him, growing even brighter. It goes quiet then and Jungkook feels embarrassed,

He hates violence. But he hates Taehyung being called that word even more.

“I’ve only been gone a week, stay out of trouble. I love you both.”

The phone jostles and a second later, Hoseok is there, face close to the screen before it’s just his
lips. He smacks kisses against the screen, cooing over the sound of Jimin’s voice in the

Namjoon snatches the phone away, exhaling. “Can I go home now, hyung?”

Jungkook covers his mouth, laughing quietly.

Past Jungkook would be inconsolable. Nervous, worried about upsetting Yoongi, causing a
problem. He feels a bit of that inside of him still, knows it will come out sooner or later, but right
now he is okay.

He’s working on it.

“Yeah get out of here,” Taehyung pushes gently, pulling away from Jungkook to guide Namjoon
out. “Unless you want to stay for another show.”

Namjoon glares and Jungkook grows hotter than the shower made him. “I never want that.”

His voice fades as Taehyung leads him from Hoseok’s apartment and Jungkook makes his way to
Hoseok’s guest bedroom. He wants to crank the heat but he can’t afford to pay the extra cost.

Despite the slight chill he plants his hands to the glass window, watching the snow slowly fall. He
hates that it won’t stick to the too warm ground and won’t be here more than a day at most, but it’s
pretty look at.
Taehyung is even prettier as he pads back into the bedroom, shaking out his still damp hair. He
looks amused before he flops down on the bed, limbs spread out like a starfish.

“You’re pretty,” Jungkook says quietly. “Did you know?”

Rolling to his side, Taehyung props himself up with a hand to his jaw. Jungkook never thought
he’d be so endeared by Taehyung’s shit eating grin.

He wonders if Past Jungkook would be proud of him or as judgmental as he was of Taehyung.

“I know,” Taehyung says without shame.

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he makes his way to the bed. “Like really pretty. Beautiful. Handsome.

Taehyung’s smile is big as he rolls over as Jungkook knees across the bed and above him.


“That’s not a word.”

“It is,” Jungkook laughs, resting on Taehyung’s lap and dragging his shaking hands over
Taehyung’s soft belly. He’s still nervous to be with Taehyung like this, to touch him like this, but
his mind is more confident that it’s okay, that Taehyung won’t push him away. “Means Kim
Taehyung. I haven’t told you much.”

Taehyung pushes up, resting back on his palms as Jungkook’s hands rub over his chest.


“Shut up,” Taehyung laughs and Jungkook swears his cheeks turn pink. It could be the lingering
heat from their shower but Jungkook hopes it’s because he likes that Jungkook thinks he’s pretty.


Taehyung snorts, cocking his head. “Now you’re just trying to woo me. Unnecessary, Jungkook.”

“Baby,” Jungkook whispers, corrects. He tickles his fingers across Taehyung’s neck and brings
him close to kiss his forehead.

“Mine,” Taehyung murmurs, angling his head up and catching Jungkook’s lips.

It felt right at the time, saying Taehyung owns his heart. He’s not sure when he realized that
Taehyung did but he knows that feeling is only going to grow more. It makes him nervous, the idea
of falling in love, his mind already worrying over if Taehyung wants him as a boyfriend and how
he can even ask.

But he saw it in the way Taehyung struggled to say the words, to tell Jungkook he loved him. It
looked hard, like Jungkook had presented him a chemistry equation without explanation and told
him to figure it himself.

If it wasn’t more, it wouldn’t have been so hard. He’s heard Taehyung tell their hyungs he loves
them, teasing, easily. He said it with the same passion he uses when he proclaims he hates his

“I’m going to love you too,” Jungkook whispers against his lips, so breathy and quiet he doesn’t
know if Taehyung can hear him. He can feel the way Taehyung’s brows scrunch when Jungkook
presses their foreheads together, too nervous to look Taehyung in the eyes. “I get so nervous to say
things so be patient with me if I don’t say it right away. Don’t take it for anything else other than
that, okay?”

Taehyung rubs over Jungkook’s thighs, bunching the sweatpants over his hips. He stays quiet for a
moment before he nods.

“Promise,” Taehyung murmurs back before he plants a kiss to his lips to seal the deal.

Chapter End Notes

I am very excited to hear your feedback!! Prepare for a lot more mush bc taekook
deserve it

Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

Hey my dudes! Sorry this one took me a little longer to post, I've been on vacation.
Hopefully the fact that is 23k almost makes up for it:p

It's long, a lot happens lol. But!! One more chapter after this and then my baby is
finished :(

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Taehyung pants heavily. It’s the only sound he hears, heart thrumming as quickly as the breath that
leaves his lips and tuning out every other noise. His body thrums, overly warm, throbbing, craving
to be touched still despite having just had hands all over him.

He turns his head to the side, glancing over at the panting man beside him. The grin on his lips is
borderline cocky, an expression that is unfamiliar on him but makes Taehyung’s belly swoop with
want. He licks at his teeth, eyes dark before the waves of shyness hit and Jungkook is ripping his
eyes away from him.

Every inch of Jungkook is red, the color trailing from his chest down to his navel and Taehyung
wants to complain when Jungkook covers himself with the sheets as if to hide the part of himself
he had just been showing off.

“Who is this?” Taehyung muses, reaching over to trace the shape of Jungkook’s chest. “Hello Mr.

Pulling the sheet higher, Jungkook nearly covers his face with it before Taehyung stops him.

“Don’t,” Jungkook complains as Taehyung crawls to hover over him and wiggle his nose against
Jungkook’s cheek. “Don’t ever talk about it.”

Taehyung scoffs at that. “Oh, I’m always going to talk about it. I’m never going to shut up about it.
Not every day do I have such a pretty baby stroking his cock right -”

Jungkook grunts loudly when he shoves Taehyung, making him fall back against the bed. He’s
quick to move back into Taehyung’s space, still complaining even as he curls into Taehyung’s side.

“I’m going to make it my Facebook status. Let the world what the nerd that holes himself in the
library looks like when he fucks himself.”

Taehyung gets pinched for that, but there’s a smile tugging at the corners of Jungkook’s lips. “Shut
up. You don’t even use Facebook.”

“I’ll start,” Taehyung sighs, hooking a hand behind his head and using the other to tickle his
fingers through Jungkook’s hair. He should be getting ready to leave, to spend the next few hours
at the shit hole he used to call home, but he can’t get himself to move. “Tell me how to use it. It’s
for complaining about life and political arguments with people you don’t know, yes?”

The giggle Jungkook lets out makes Taehyung feel warm. “There are memes too.”
“Amazing,” Taehyung murmurs, curling over again to wrap himself around Jungkook. He doesn’t
want to leave his space.

He hates that he wonders too much about whether or not Jungkook would like to be connected to
his page because he heard making it official on Facebook is a thing. An important thing according
to Jimin.

“Tell me more.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose. “I have to get ready for class and you have to get ready to see your

“Don’t wanna,” Taehyung replies immediately, pouting his lips as far as they can go. “Call out for

With a grin, Jungkook gently untangles himself from Taehyung. He’s glistening; sweat still
trickling down his body because he had truly put in his all to get himself off while Taehyung
watched. It’s going to be difficult to pay attention to his parents when he has the image of Jungkook
on his knees, holding himself up with one hand behind his back and the other fisting quickly over
himself stuck in his mind.

“The quicker it starts, the quicker it ends.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and doesn’t move, watching as Jungkook pads around the room bare skin
and flushed. He grows hotter around the cheeks when he catches Taehyung watching him and
tosses a shirt at him.

“Get up. You’ll be late.”

Taehyung could care less about being late to meet his parents. He’d prefer to skip it altogether but
it’s been weeks since he’s been home, weeks he’s been avoiding talking to them.

He doesn’t want to hear how sad his mother is that his brother is in jail. He doesn’t want to know if
Soohyun has been bailed out or not because it’ll only serve to piss him off more. He really doesn’t
want to hear about what a shit son he is when he’s been spoiled the last few weeks with Jungkook,
who has been going out of his way to compliment Taehyung whenever he can.

Even when Jungkook isn’t trying, he somehow makes it so Taehyung doesn’t feel like a walking
piece of shit.

“They’re just going to whine about my brother and complain about me scaring my mother. I’d
rather study.”

Jungkook snorts as he pulls on a pair of loose joggers. There’s that soft look on his face again, the
one that Taehyung knows means he’s going to talk about something Taehyung doesn’t want to talk
about. “I think you feel bad for worrying your mother, Tae.”

“I do not,” Taehyung says because he doesn’t. “You think I’m a better person than I am, Jeon.”

“You think you’re a worse person than you are,” Jungkook shoots back. A moment later his eyes
go wide, hands shaking in front of his body. “I mean. No. That doesn’t sound right. I mean, you’re
not a bad person at all. You think you are, but you’re not.”

Taehyung is laughing as Jungkook fumbles over his words, eyes worried and hands still moving
quickly in front of him even when Taehyung pads into his space and takes them into his hands.
“I am not,” Taehyung murmurs.

“If you don’t stop saying these things,” Jungkook grunts, tugging Taehyung close, “I’m going to
obliterate you.”

Taehyung leans in towards Jungkook until his nose brushes over his hot cheek. “Sounds kinky.”

There’s a wrinkle over the bridge of Jungkook’s nose as he cups his hands over Taehyung’s biceps
and rubs them. It falls serious again, the amusement slowly slipping away from Jungkook’s

It isn’t as bad as it has always felt. Taehyung doesn’t mind the serious with Jungkook as much as
he thought he would.

“They don’t deserve the chances you give them,” Jungkook whispers.

It’s unfair the way Jungkook so effortlessly knows things even Taehyung hasn’t said to himself
yet. He hasn’t acknowledged the part of himself that agreed to meet his parents because he wants
to feel like they missed him; worried about him.

“I don’t deserve the chances they give me,” Taehyung corrects softly. “I haven’t been an angel,

Jungkook rolls his eyes before he presses a quick kiss to his lips. “Obliteration. It will happen.”

The words are on Taehyung’s tongue; he can taste him. He likes the way they feel there, even if
they like to be stuck inside of his mouth instead of being freed. But he’s working on saying them
effortlessly, without hesitation, without a knot forming in his chest because there’s a part of him
that he likes to ignore that is afraid of saying them.

“I love you,” Taehyung whispers, focusing his attention on Jungkook’s mouth instead of his eyes.
His mouth is just as expressive as his eyes though; his lips parting and forming a circle, a harsh
breath that’s almost a gasp leaving them like it’s Taehyung’s first time saying them out loud.

Jungkook doesn’t say it back but when he kisses him, Taehyung feels like he had.

“Now go,” Jungkook says softly, extracting himself from Taehyung. “If it’s something you can’t
handle, leave. Don’t try to endure it. Leave and call me, got it?”

“Got it,” Taehyung says with a huff, holding his pinky out for Jungkook. “I’ll need some comfort
from that doppelganger of yours.”

Jungkook is loud in his groaning when he shoos Taehyung out of the house. The laughter that leaks
down the hallway is enough to ease the ache in Taehyung’s chest and the worry about how shit his
meeting with his parents will go.

They’re talking. Small talk about the weather and things about the university that goes in one ear
and out the other. He hums sometimes to seem as if he’s responding, but it’s overly obvious
Taehyung isn’t paying attention. His eyes are focused on his phone, on the messages that pop up,
on anything other than the talking around him.
Jungkook even texts nervously, the three dots indicating he’s typing popping up over and over
again before disappearing before long periods of times. Sometimes it happens, forcing Taehyung to
sit in anticipation, and all he sends is the embarrassed emoji.

Taehyung feels heavy with fondness, to the point that he sinks into the living room couch, smiling
dumbly at his phone. He likes that as much as Jungkook is pushing him to be more serious, it’s
when he needs to be. He likes that Jungkook knows sometimes he just needs to joke around
because he can’t handle bad feelings in his chest.

“ Taehyung . Listen to your mother when she’s speaking to you.”

Taehyung grunts in response, finishing typing his sentence before he puts his phone down.

His parents sit across from him, perfectly posh in the way they sip at tea in cups made of the finest
china. His mother’s face is tight, cheeks stretched and round with botox, lips pursed with thin
wrinkles around her mouth. She sits with a leg over the other, her perfectly painted nails tapping at
her knee.

Taehyung looks down at his own nails, chipped and kind of messy because Jungkook sucks at
painting nails. But it had been cute watching him try, a look of focus on his face like he took the
task very seriously.

“Yes, Eomma?”

“What is so important you must be on your phone?” she quips, annoyed. She’s always annoyed, it
barely bothers him anymore. He knew not to expect anything else but he had. He always does.

Taehyung glances down at the screen before he lifts it, showing off the silly selfie Jungkook had
sent him. He doesn’t like the way his mother’s face lights up in response or the way she hides her
smile behind her teacup.

“I have heard you and Mr. Jeon are spending quite a lot of time together,” his father remarks. “Has
he been keeping you out of trouble?”

It is hard for Taehyung not to roll his eyes. “Yes. Appa. We do bible every night.”

“Oh? Is Jungkook religious?”

Taehyung gives in to the eye rolling at the absolute delight in his mother’s face. For what reason,
he doesn’t know. None of them are religious and he’s disappointed the sarcasm didn’t show in his

“Does it matter?” Taehyung asks, sinking back into the couch as another silly selfie comes
through. Jungkook should be in class right now but he doesn’t mention it, too selfish to support

They have spent the morning together and Taehyung will be with him again when he leaves here,
but he wishes they were together right now. Away from his parents, surrounded by the comfort
only Jungkook gives him.

He wants to throw a tantrum, become insolent. He’s brimming on the edge of it and he’s trying to
bite his tongue, but with them it is impossible. Just the sight of their faces has him tipping over the
edge of annoyance and into the pool of bad behavior. It hasn’t even been as bad as Taehyung had
been anticipating it to be but he can’t help but be rude.
Jungkook really does think he’s a better person than he is. It isn’t only his parents that are wrong
and Taehyung knows that. He’s given them a hard time. They’ve deserved it, but Taehyung hasn’t
been completely undeserving of punishment.

“You should invite him and his family to Christmas dinner,” his father goes on. “We’re making an
event of it this year.”

Taehyung laughs. He can’t help it. The last thing he wants is to meet Jungkook’s family the same
day they meet his own. The last thing he wants to do is have Jungkook anywhere even near his
family at all.

“But it will be too hard to eat while we all pretend to look posh and perfect in front of the Jeons,
Appa,” Taehyung complains, whining in the most dramatic way. “Surely we can just invite him
over some other time? We shouldn’t lie so much on Jesus’ birthday.”

His father chooses to ignore that, instead focusing on pouring dark liquid into his tea. Taehyung
wishes for a drink just as strong too just to deal with his parents, but he made a deal with Jungkook.

Taehyung glances back down at his phone again, knowing the smile on his face is too telling. He
tries to control it, not wanting his parents to catch on that Jungkook is something of a weakness for
him, but he can’t.

sexy scientist: is this better?

Another selfie of Jungkook comes, not much different than the first few. His face is squished to
one side, nose wrinkled into a silly expression but this time his glasses are off and he’s unbuttoned
the top few buttons of his shirt.

“The Seo’s will be in the area. We’ve invited them as well. You know Mr. Seo has influence in the
field Mr. Jeon is interested in. It may be a good connection for him. And connections are the most
important. They’re good to make while -”

Taehyung flicks his eyes up at his father, typing out a quick ‘better with the shirt off’ before he
turns off his screen. He hates that his father is right and has that look in his eyes like he knows he’s
found a way into convincing Taehyung into coming.

He hates that he already knows Jungkook is his weakness.

He hates that he makes it obvious that Jungkook is his weakness.

“Jungkook can make his own connections,” Taehyung says but even he can hear how ingenuine his
words are. “I’m not going either. I’m surprised you even want me there, Appa. Aren’t you worried
I’ll embarrass you in front of your colleagues? They’re already going to judge knowing Soohyunie
has gotten himself locked up.”

Both of their eyes narrow at that, his mother even sputters into her tea like she’s surprised by his

“You will come and you will be on your best behavior. I told Mr. Seo you would be there and that
you’ve developed a growing interest in the field of Chemistry. He’s bringing his daughter -”

Taehyung plants a hand to his face, groaning before his father can finish. He was worried a time
like this would come. He knew a time like this would come. But this has completely blindsided
There were a thousand things he thought his parents wanted with meeting him. A power move, to
show Taehyung they still have a hold on him, or maybe just to get out all the bad thoughts they’ve
had about him because they get a kick slapping him with them. He even considered that maybe
they just wanted to scold him for hanging out with Jungkook, which they must know by now.

But not this. Taehyung would take them calling him every bad name in the book before he would
deal with this conversation.

“The only thing about Chemistry I am interested in is Jungkook and I am definitely not interested
in your friend’s daughter,” Taehyung grunts. He doesn’t know her; has only heard of Mr. Seo
because he donates to the university. An old colleague of his father’s that now works in
pharmaceuticals and creates the same drugs that his mother stuffs down her throat and pretends
like she isn’t just like her sons. “I’m gay. G-a-y. Homosexual. Into men.”

His mother stands up then, walking out of the room with another word or even a glance in his
direction. He can hear her shaky exhale but Taehyung doesn’t care.

It’s been years since Taehyung has come out to his family, years of not talking about it and just
pretending it isn’t there even when Taehyung was so loud about it. He doesn’t want to talk about it

It’s not until this moment that Taehyung realizes he much prefers his parents ignoring it altogether.
It’s not until this moment that Taehyung realizes how afraid he’s been for them to not only ignore
this part of himself but for them to deny it.

“You cannot marry a man, Taehyung,” his father says, not even bothering to look his wife’s way as
she leaves. “Whether you want to or not, you cannot. It is the law. And that is not why I have asked
you to come here, either way.”

“I’d rather not marry and end up in a relationship like you and Eomma have anyway.”

“Taehyung -”

“You do realize how shitty you two are, right?” Taehyung grunts. He holds out his fingers, ticking
each one as he speaks. “You barely talk to each other. You probably haven’t touched each other in
years. The only thing you two have in common is you get off on making your kids’ lives fucking

His father’s fingers curl tightly around his glass, so tightly his knuckles turn white and Taehyung
would worry about him shattering the glass if his father was a stronger man. Regardless, his face
remains calm and collected as he crosses his legs and narrows his eyes at Taehyung.

“Tell me, son, how I’ve made your life ‘fucking shit’? Your mother and I have given you
everything. More than most children have.”

Taehyung watches his father’s expression. He really is that ignorant to not understand; to not get it.
Taehyung laughs quietly, shaking his head. His hands are shaking too and he clenches them around
his phone.

Plenty of times he has told his parents they suck, but he’s never felt it ripped from his chest and
made him ache before.

“You’ve ignored everything that makes me me,” Taehyung says, words tumbling from his mouth
like they’re jagged rocks falling during an avalanche, ripping over his tongue and crashing into the
empty space between him and his father. “Instead of being patient with me when things were hard,
you called me dumb and stupid. Instead of helping me, you yelled at me when I couldn’t do
something that I was trying really hard to do.”

It isn’t just his hands shaking now, but all of him. His hands have been set to vibration mode,
moving so much that he doesn’t even feel it when a text comes through and his phone vibrates.

His father doesn’t say a word. He remains quiet, glaring at Taehyung as his face grows harder and
harder by the moment.

“You tell me I’m a shit son and kiss Soohyun’s ass even though he genuinely is a shitty person. To
the core. At least I have some decency in me. The worst part is, I still feel bad for Soohyun
because I know he’s a shitty person for the same reason I am.”

He’s aware of Butler Kang making his way into the room. He’s always been there for the fights
between them, silently watching as his parents tore Taehyung apart. Taehyung isn’t angry with
him; he knows there was nothing the Butler could do about it.

But when it was just the two of them, Butler Kang would be kind and gentle. Taehyung truly is a
shitty person because he never saw it as attempts to make him feel better and he’s always given the
Butler hell.

“And I told you I was gay years ago. I’ve waited for the insults, for you to admit that your worst
fear is no longer having a dumb son who doesn’t make it in life but a gay one at that. Gay, dumb,
and useless. You can say it, Appa.”

Taehyung rips himself from the couch, body thrumming. He’s angry to the point where he says
things and he doesn’t know who he is trying to hurt with them. He hates floating on the edge of
pain but he hates that he pushes himself to hurt and hurt.

He hates that he’s expecting his father to say the words just as much as he’s wanting him not to.

Slowly, his father rubs at his chin. He lets Taehyung huff and pace before he points his fingers to
the couch where Taehyung had been sitting. “Sit down, Taehyung.”

Taehyung clenches his teeth before he plants himself back onto the couch. He can’t handle this at
all and he needs to leave, he told Jungkook he would if he couldn’t handle it, but he isn’t moving.

“I do not care if you’re gay,” his father starts, his tone sounding amused and it only pisses
Taehyung off further. It’s like he’s missed most of what Taehyung said, skipping over all of it to
stay focused on what he wants instead of what Taehyung feels. “I don’t care if you marry a woman
and never touch her. But you are expected to marry and you can not marry a man in this country.
That is all.”

“I’m with someone,” Taehyung grits out before his father can continue. He can see his father’s cool
and calm expression starting to waver, slipping into something that reminds Taehyung too much of
when he was a child. “Cheating is the one shitty quality I don’t inherit from you.”

Taehyung looks down at his phone, wanting just to see Jungkook’s name at least but a smash has
him whipping his head back up.

The glass his father had been holding lays on the ground, transparent brown liquid sliding off the
wall and towards the ground.

“Put your phone away,” his father snaps. His blank expression is gone, his face now covered in a
rage that has Taehyung flinching out of habit. “I have had enough of your rude remarks and
insolent behavior. You’re on a path of losing everything we’ve saved for you. You are lucky to
even still be allowed back into this household. You will show your mother and I respect. You’ve
kept yourself closed off from us. You do not get to do this and then presume to know anything
about your mother and I.”

Taehyung laughs. He can’t help it. It hurts how hard he laughs, belly aching and tears brimming
over his eyelids. The look on his father’s face only worsens it and he can’t stop.

He can’t stop, even when his father stands up and shoves the tray for their tea to the ground,
shattering it across the ground. Liquid seeps out over the pristine carpet and Taehyung laughs
more. The room, just as perfect and well put together as they make themselves seem, yet his father
destroys it the way he destroyed his children.

Taehyung just watches his father destroy it. The words he grits out don’t hurt him, don’t affect him.
They’re angry and mean and Taehyung doesn’t give a shit.

Butler Kang is there in an instant, running straight to the mess. Taehyung doesn’t know if the
choked feeling is from laughter or because he’s going to cry. He feels it; feels a bit hysterical about
it but he won’t let his father see it.

“I’m not going to your shitty fucking dinner,” Taehyung gasps out. “Take every fucking penny, I
don’t care. Give it to Soohyun. You’re the reason he shoves drugs into his veins, might as well
help fund the problem you created. Compensation for the fucked up childhood us two had.”

The rage is clear in his father’s eyes but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that his father storms
towards him like he might attack. His father’s never really been one for physical punishment; that
was always his mother. But right now he thinks he’s pushed his father too far.

It isn’t until Butler Kang steps in between them that Taehyung’s laughter dies away and he starts to

“Sir, I think it is best to return to this at a later time. I can fetch you a cigar. If you’d just go sit in
your office.”

His father breathes heavily, resembling a bull the way his nostrils flare but he doesn’t move past
Butler Kang.

“Get out of my house.”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh, this one dry. “After all that I’ve done, that’s the breaking point? Me
being with a man?”

He wants to hear it but he should have known his parents never give him anything he wants.

“You’ve haven’t listened to a word I’ve said! Just like always! I don’t give a shit if you’re with a
man,” his father grunts angrily and Taehyung has no idea if he is lying or not. It’s hypocritical
because his father hasn’t listened either. “You have little regard for this family. You -”

“Being a part of this family broke me!” Taehyung yells. It rips from his throat before he can stop it,
chest aching so bad he isn’t sure where the sudden pain came from. It goes quiet, nothing but the
pounding of Taehyung’s heart in his ears. “So you and Eomma and Soohyun can all fucking rot for
all I care. I don’t want your fucking money. I want to be as far away from all of you as I can be.”

And with that, he leaves, twisting on his heel and storming out. He ignores his father angrily
calling after him, he ignores his mother who stands in the hallway with tears streaming down her
face. They’re fake; on for a show, to make his father angrier or whatever, Taehyung doesn’t care.

He doesn’t stop until he’s in the safety of his car, sinking into the seat until he can calm himself.
He waits like that, not worried about his parents bothering him because they don’t care as much as
they pretend to. He waits until he no longer feels like he’s choking and his hands stop trembling
enough that he can finally unlock his phone.

For the first time in a long time, it isn’t drugs or alcohol or sex that makes Taehyung want to forget
every uncomfortable feeling in his body.

It’s Jungkook.

He answers on the first ring, sounding as breathless as Taehyung feels.

“I’m sorry, I know you’re with your parents. I thought sending it would help distract you. I’m so
embarrassed, please delete it.”

Taehyung doesn’t know what Jungkook is talking about as he rubs his forehead. Just the sound of
his mortified voice has Taehyung laughing wetly. It isn’t enough to take his pain away but in this
moment, it’s never felt so good to have Jungkook in his life. “Where are you right now, baby?”

“Home,” Jungkook answers immediately, voice changing from anxious to worried. “What’s

“I’m kidnapping you today,” Taehyung tells him, blinking back the moisture on his eyes. It’s in his
voice, raw emotion. He finds it too hard to hide from Jungkook lately and he doesn’t want to either.
“Just you and me.”

There’s a moment of silence before Jungkook says, “I ended up skipping class today so I could be
there for you if you needed me. I’m already waiting for you.”

Jungkook doesn’t ask, doesn’t press Taehyung with questions. He sits wrapped around Taehyung’s
back, playing with his hair and snickering here and there. Every now and then he kisses the side of
Taehyung’s neck or wraps his arms around him.

The television plays but Taehyung hasn’t been paying attention to it. He focuses on Jungkook’s
warmth and the feeling of his heart against his back until he feels calm enough to stop thinking
about it.

There are times when Jungkook tries to make jokes and Taehyung tries to laugh at them. He still
tries even when Taehyung completely fails. He switches to talking quietly about nothing, maybe to
distract him, and Taehyung doesn’t mind, likes the sound of Jungkook’s voice. But he finds he
can’t rid his own thoughts enough to listen the way he should be.

He isn’t sure what’s more frustrating; the fact that his father ignored everything Taehyung said or
the fact that Taehyung knows he’s done a lot to make his parents so disappointed in him.

“Jungkook. Are you close with your father?”

Jungkook’s fingers falter in Taehyung’s hair. It feels like he’s braiding the long pieces that tickle
over his neck.

“Kind of? He isn’t home much because he travels for work. Doesn’t call that often I think, because
he misses us.”

Taehyung hums, cocking his head to the side. “Is he good to you?”

There’s no hesitation in the way Jungkook hums his affirmation. “He has the mindset that you
don’t let anything get in your way, you do what you have to do. So sometimes he didn’t understand
it was hard for me but I think that it’s just because it’s hard for people to understand. Not because
he didn’t care.”

Taehyung turns then, until he can lean against Jungkook’s chest. He curls his legs into his body,
making himself as small as possible so Jungkook can wrap around him.

“I think you underestimate yourself, baby. You do what needs to be done all of the time. Your
anxiety keeps you from other things,” Taehyung tells him. “Not work or education or being there
for the people you love.”

Jungkook fits a hand over Taehyung’s cheek. “What happened?”

Taehyung watches Jungkook’s face as he strokes his cheeks. He doesn’t want to talk about it, to
have Jungkook realize he promised to love someone as messy as Taehyung is.

But Jungkook has stars in his eyes and one of the reasons Taehyung loved stars so much is because
he would hide beneath them when he was younger. Disappearing when he was upset regardless of
the weather, when he didn’t have a car to go to Jimin’s and didn’t trust Butler Kang not to bring
him home.

He would hide in his massive yard, back lying against the grass and eyes on the sky to sit with
them until he felt better.

Jungkook is those stars now and the words are tumbling from Taehyung’s lips before he can stop
them. Too many words, starting back at a time way before tonight even though that is what
Jungkook had been asking about.

And Jungkook listens with patience and his full attention. He doesn’t say a word but his expression
tells Taehyung he’s hurting. But Taehyung doesn’t stop, too selfish and unable to control the flood
of revealing stories leaving his mouth.

When he feels like he’s said too much, jumping from Jungkook in a panic, Jungkook pulls him
back with a hand around his wrist. When he feels the tears in his eyes, he isn’t sure why they’re
there but Jungkook squeezes his hand so hard it hurts.

Jungkook just listens until Taehyung’s quiet and even then he doesn’t say a word, just holds
Taehyung’s hand in his own.

“The worst part is I know I do a lot of shit that deserves scoldings,” Taehyung goes on, voice thick.
“They do have good reasons for being so hard on me.”

Jungkook grunts at that. “Maybe as an adult, but never as a child. If they don’t like you acting out
now, they should have treated you better when you were young. You never deserved the things
they did to you as a child, Tae.”

Taehyung’s eyes flicker over Jungkook’s sad face, which is partially hidden from him as he looks
away. He wonders when he became the person that could talk about this. He wonders when he
stopped being afraid of Jungkook finding him too messy to deal with.

“I told him I’m with someone,” Taehyung admits, throat dry from talking.

Jungkook looks up from their clasped hands. The tears are in his eyes and it’s Taehyung’s fault but
he’s selfish because it means something to him that Jungkook cares for him that greatly.

“I told him I don’t cheat like him and Eomma do. Which, I’m not sure if it’s cheating since they’re
hardly together but I didn’t care at that moment. I don’t know which made him angry but he told
me I’d lose everything, and to get out. I lied when I said it don’t care if they don’t accept me.”

Jungkook pulls his knees up to his chest, turning them until they press against Taehyung’s.

“Please say something.”

He doesn’t. Instead, Jungkook reaches out until their other hands are intertwined. He drags
Taehyung’s hand towards his face and gently plants a kiss to his knuckles.

“I’m sorry,” Jungkook finally says. “I'm sorry they treated you this way. Made you feel worthless.
I think you should leave and leave for good.”

Taehyung wants to. But he has no skills and the only reason he is in school is because of his father.
He has no job, no money without his allowance. Surely he’ll lose his car.

Groaning lightly, Taehyung drops his face to his knees and tries to focus on the way Jungkook’s
lips feel brushing over his skin.

“You know all of us would let you stay with us. Everyone is graduating this year and all of them
would take you with them.”

Taehyung lifts his head again, watching Jungkook. His words are true and he doesn’t know why he
hasn’t thought them before. Maybe because Past Taehyung wouldn’t have believed them so easily.

“I can transfer schools.”

He says it so genuinely that Taehyung almost believes it. But it’s impossible for him to mean it. He
worked hard for this school and it isn’t something he would easily give up for Taehyung.

“Don’t say those things.”

“Why would I want to go a school with someone like him running it?” Jungkook says, resting his
chin on top of their clasped hands. “I’m already terrified of being alone here, I’d want to go

Taehyung untangles their hands to spread his legs and tuck them around Jungkook, one leg shoving
into the couch cushions and the other falling off the edge.

“You’re losing it if you think Yoongi would move too far from you.”

Jungkook’s lips quirk up in a smile. “You’re losing it if you think any of us would go anywhere
without you.”

Wrapping his arms around Jungkook’s back, he yanks Jungkook forward to smother him against
his chest. “I'm sure my father would get a kick out of that. His freeloading son, jumping from
couch to couch.”
Jungkook grunts, attempting to pull from Taehyung’s chest but Taehyung doesn’t let him. He
doesn’t do crying and he feels it coming. He might let himself but he doesn’t want Jungkook to see.

“Didn’t you say your father is only rich because your mother inherited wealth? You’ll work hard,
Tae. I know because I know you like spoiling me. Can’t do that without money.”

The first string in the knot in Taehyung’s chest is pulled loose and he laughs, burying his face
against Jungkook’s.

“It’ll have to be your turn. When you get your degree and become successful. I have no skills.”

Taehyung pulls back and pets the hair from Jungkook’s forehead. Looking at Jungkook is
overwhelming and he feels it coming, his chest like a tsunami.

“What do they call it in the field? Glucose guardian.” Taehyung snorts, smiling weakly in an
attempt to fight it off. “Pharmacologist by day, glucose guardian by night.”

Jungkook smiles at his joke, but he is soft in the eyes. “It’s okay.”

It isn’t okay, because just Jungkook saying that is enough to make it come out, spill over. The tears
like a tsunami, harsh and ugly. Painful from being buried deep for years and years. And he hates it
but Jungkook holds him through it.

“We can figure it out,” Jungkook murmurs into his hair, the pained tone of his voice making the
tears hurt like daggers in his chest. “Together. I promise.”

Butler Kang brings his stuff the next day. A handful of bags, not everything Taehyung owns. Not
that he minds when Butler Kang hands him the photographs from his hallway, the drawings of the
space and sky he drew when he was younger.

Jungkook hangs them up in his bedroom, finally decorating his normally bare walls with
something other than schedules and syllabi. He doesn’t even ask Taehyung if he’s bringing them to
Hoseok’s, moving in with Hoseok, he just knows where Taehyung wants to be.

He hangs his clothes up, shooing Taehyung away when Taehyung tries to stop him. He doesn’t
want Jungkook to think he needs to take care of him. He cried it out the night before and now he’s
fine, back to not giving a shit if his parents want him around.

Back to pretending like he isn’t terrified about cutting himself completely off from them.

Taehyung doesn’t question how Jimin knows to show up the day after that, lying through his teeth
about just ‘missing his Tae Tae’ and needing to see him. Not when Jungkook jumps to the door a
moment before Jimin knocks and not when Jimin looks to him with the softest eyes ever before he
tackles him to the couch.

“Let me burn your house down.”

Taehyung grunts out a laugh at the serious look on Jimin’s face before shoving him off. It doesn’t
work well as Jimin climbs back onto the couch and curls around him.
“I’m serious. I’ll burn it right to the ground.”

Across from them, Jungkook sits with a soft smile on his face. He tucks his legs beneath his butt
and Taehyung wishes the couch was bigger so he could have the both of them around him.

“I love you, Jimin-ah.”

Jimin jumps up at that, a bewildered look on his face. He even glances at Jungkook for
confirmation. “Did you just?”

A second later, Taehyung is being smothered by Jimin’s weight on top of him. He complains about
the kisses on his cheeks but he doesn’t mind them as much as he pretends to.

“Do you know how long it’s been since you’ve said that?” Jimin huffs, pulling himself away from
Taehyung with glee in his expression. “Every time I say it you kind of making this grunting noise.”

Taehyung flushes as Jungkook giggles at that. He pulls himself from the couch, trying to calm
down the feeling in his chest.

This time it isn’t a bad one even though it feels just as overwhelming.

“I’m blaming you,” Jimin says as he flies over towards Jungkook and pinches his cheek roughly.
Jungkook karate chops at Jimin’s arm but Jimin is moving away before he can. “Oh god, I can’t
wait to tell Yoongi and Hobi. Will you let me record you saying it?”

Jimin’s laughter bounces off of the walls as Taehyung tosses a couch pillow at him. He twists his
face into anger but he feels far from it.

Right now he feels okay; happy.

“Give me the deets?”

Taehyung looks up from his bowl and at Jimin. He only grunts in question, his cheeks puffed with
food and lips smeared with sauce. They’re sat on the living room floor, bottles of soju and take out
littering the space around them.

Jimin rolls his eyes. “You and Jungkook.”

Relieved that Jimin isn’t asking about his parents, Taehyung hurriedly swallows down his food.
“What about Jungkook and I?”

Another eye roll and Jimin flicks a greasy green bean at him. “Did you dramatically scream at him
about being in love with him the way you did with Hobi?”

Taehyung glances nervously at the front door like Jungkook may pop in at any moment. “Kind of.”

The smile slips quickly from Jimin’s lips as his eyes blow wide. He throws another green bean.
“Shut up, don’t lie.”

A bought of silence with Jimin staring at Taehyung is all Jimin needs for him to know Taehyung
isn’t. He gasps, a hand flying to his mouth and a groan starts to grow inside of Taehyung the
moment before it happens.

Jimin flings himself across the space between them, knocking the things around them and
Taehyung over. He’s a heavy weight on top of him, wiggling around and squeezing at his cheeks.
His legs lock over Taehyung when Taehyung tries to push him off.

“I’m so proud of you.”


“Tae Tae,” Jimin cooes before pressing onto his hands, keeping Taehyung trapped beneath him. “I
want to know every detail. You’ve become mushy lately, thanks to Jungkook. I’m sending him a
fruit basket.”

Taehyung feels his cheeks grow hot and he elbows Jimin in response. It’s too gentle though, Jimin
barely reacts.

The door opens then and they both look to find a startled Jungkook. He looks away quickly,
confusion on his face.

“Uh, am I interrupting something?”

With a grunt, Taehyung shoves a giggling Jimin from him to jump onto his feet. Jungkook still
doesn’t look away from the wall. “No. Jimin was being annoying.”

He ignores Jimin’s complaint to run to Jungkook. He tugs at Jungkook’s jacket, pouting when it
isn’t effective in getting Jungkook’s attention.

Jungkook squeaks when Taehyung closes around him and presses a kiss to his cheek. His hands
come up like he may push him away but they curl into Taehyung’s shirt instead.

“Don’t tell me you’re jealous of Jimin?” Taehyung snorts, whispering when he sees how red
Jungkook gets.

“M’not,” Jungkook grunts roughly, shrinking in front of Taehyung.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, humming sarcastically before he plants a finger beneath Jungkook’s chin
and kisses him.

Jungkook’s yet to bring up Taehyung telling his father he was with someone. He’s yet to ask what
that means or ask if Taehyung wants that. Hell, Taehyung would even take Jungkook asking him if
he meant someone else so he could get over his own nerves and ask Jungkook to be with him.

“This is gross,” Jimin snorts and Taehyung knows he’s amused without turning around and
looking at him. “You guys are too cute.”

“Shut it,” Jungkook grunts, nose wrinkling but his eyes are too doey to make it threatening.

Taehyung’s fond and he kisses Jungkook’s because he can’t help it. “Come, join us. Jimin’s been
boring me.”

Jimin complains loudly, kicking Taehyung when he sits but he’s full of laughter when Taehyung
tumbles over.

Jungkook still doesn’t look as comfortable, awkwardly holding a bottle in his hands as Taehyung
makes him a plate of food. He is quiet as he listens to Jimin and Taehyung play around and when
Jimin decides they play a game, Jungkook chugs at the bottle of soju.

“Spit it out,” Jimin says. “Why do you look constipated?”

Taehyung raises a brow in question. He’s still trying to learn when Jungkook needs to be pushed
and when he needs his space but he’s been wanting to ask since Jungkook first sat down.

“It’s nothing,” Jungkook says before he chugs from the bottle again. “Okay go. What’s this game?”

“It’s called 21 questions,” Jimin says seriously, pressing his elbows onto his knees to lean closer to
Jungkook. “Taehyung and I both get to ask you 21 questions. The first one; what the hell is up?”

Taehyung snorts at the way Jungkook’s face twists and his lips pull back like he might growl. It’s
ridiculously cute.

“I said nothing,” Jungkook huffs, eyes widening. “I saw your father today.”

It is sudden the way Taehyung’s smile leaves his lips. “What? Did he bother you?”

“No,” Jungkook quickly says as he passes off the half drank bottle of soju to Taehyung and opens
another one for himself like he isn’t paying attention. “He was in Professor Ma Ri’s office when I
went to bring the papers back. He was fine.”

Whatever Jungkook says next is so jumbled that Taehyung can’t make out a word of it. Jimin
stares at him, mouth slightly opened from confusion.

“Slowly,” Taehyung instructs, reaching over to take Jungkook’s hand.

Jungkook makes another face like he may growl but Taehyung knows he’s getting frustrated with

“He apologized to me,” Jungkook huffs. “He said that he’s sorry that Soohyun treated me badly.”

Taehyung goes still, fingers loosening around Jungkook. Technically, Soohyun had never treated
Jungkook badly. That had been a lie Taehyung told to get Soohyun in trouble.

“Good. Why do you look so nervous about telling me that?”

Jungkook takes his time in answering. He fidgets a lot and even Jimin seems unsure about whether
or not to interrupt.

“He invited me for breakfast Christmas morning,” Jungkook finally says. “He wants me to bring
you. Just us so you don’t have and I quote, ‘pretend to love him.’”

Jimin laughs before Taehyung can. “Tae’s father can fuck off. We’re having Christmas together.
The three of us. Four of us, I think Namjoon-ah is still in town as well.”

Jimin flies up at that, jumping to his feet and chugging the rest of his bottle. “I’m gonna start
planning. Prepare for lots of mistletoe because you two are cute when you kiss and I miss being
kissed and want to live vicariously through you.”

There’s a look of hesitancy in Jungkook’s expression when Jimin leaves for the kitchen and
Taehyung turns to him. He fumbles with his hands, fingers spreading wide to let Taehyung’s fit
between them when Taehyung takes them both into his own.

“If you want to go there that’s up to you,” Taehyung says. “But I’m not going.”
“I know,” Jungkook rushes out. “I’m not going. I’m just telling you about it. I - I stopped my work
with Professor Ma Ri. Because um, well. Because.”

The nerves come back and rush into Jungkook’s eyes, making his face red.

“Because,” Taehyung repeats.

Jungkook nods, swallowing thickly. “Well, because your father is usually in the office when I get
there or shows up sometime during our meetings together.”

Taehyung snorts. It isn’t surprising. He’s sure most of his tutors growing up felt they had the right
to be so rude to him because of their relationships with his father. They’ve never been discreet.

“If you’re nervous about telling me, I don’t care,” Taehyung tells Jungkook with honesty. “I’m
supposed to be leaving, remember?”

They haven’t discussed it since the night of the fallout but Taehyung has been looking. Searching
for jobs, other schools. He’s looked in the areas he knows Yoongi and Hoseok are going. Which,
he had been right that Yoongi wouldn’t go far from Jungkook.

It isn’t far enough for Taehyung but it doesn’t matter how far he is from his parents as long as he’s
with all of them.

“You know what?” Taehyung says before Jungkook can respond. He shifts on his knees and
crawls towards him. “I still owe you a damn date.”

There’s a gleam in Jungkook’s eye then. “You do.”

“Let me take you out on one then. None of this shitty talk allowed.”

Jungkook nods, adjusting himself like he knows the way Taehyung moves and anticipates the way
he climbs onto Jungkook’s lap. He threads his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, tilting his head
back so Jungkook can look up at him.

“I won’t take you to a snob restaurant like Moonbin did.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes at that. They’re unfocused and Taehyung wonders if the alcohol he
chugged down like he had been desperate for it is finally getting to him. He still holds a bottle in
his hands, the cold glass resting against Taehyung’s thigh. “Your first date idea was at a snob
restaurant, babe.”

Taehyung warms at the nickname. It’s rare for Jungkook to call him anything like that. Jungkook
grins goofily when Taehyung tugs his hair. “Give me a couple days. I’ll figure out something that
will make you embarrassed and completely red. I know you like that.”

“I do not.”

“You do.”

Jungkook glares as he takes a sip of soju and lets Taehyung gently extract it from his hands. “I like

Heavying himself in Jungkook’s lap, he rests his forearms to Jungkook’s shoulders and sinks down
until they’re eye level. “What was that?”

Jungkook mumbles it again, eyes rolling with annoyance. “I like you. Sometimes.”
“Say it again.”

Another wrinkled nose and cute growl and Taehyung is rolling in his love for Jungkook.

“Shut up,” Jungkook grunts, curling his arms around Taehyung’s back and pulling him close. His
face is really red but Taehyung doesn’t know if it’s from the soju or him. “This is why I don’t tell
you anything.”

“You like me,” Taehyung teases, wiggling in Jungkook’s lap. “Does Jungkookie have a crush?”

Jungkook dodges his head back when Taehyung moves in for a kiss and turns his head so
Taehyung’s lips plant hard against his cheek instead of his mouth.

“Shut up .”

Taehyung nibbles on Jungkook’s cheek until he feels it round beneath his mouth as Jungkook
smiles. “Make me.”

There’s a noise of pure disgust from behind them when Jimin reenters the living room. “I will
murder you. That’ll make you shut up.”


With how often he’s with Taehyung, Jungkook feels ridiculous for hating the fact that Taehyung
isn’t here. He feels needy, uncomfortable in a way that feels paranoid because he’s alone. His skin
feels raw in a way that makes him need to be touched, his lips already missing the feel of
Taehyung’s. He blames it on Taehyung of course, who has teased his heart with compliments and
teased his body with touches and promises of more and later .

It’s been strange how quiet Taehyung has been lately. Jungkook isn’t used to it and he knows there
are times when Taehyung needs to be alone but he’s feeling selfish today. He wants to ignore
Taehyung’s needs and be there to comfort him, but he’s kept his phone off to fight off the urge to
text him nonstop since he left.

But he uses the time to his advantage, soaking his body in the tub and smelling each of Hoseok’s
soaps to find one that smells good. He opens a new box of soap to clean himself, his nerves
building just at the prospect of what he wants to do to make Taehyung feel better.

It worsens when he leans over the bathtub to open the cabinet beneath Hoseok’s sink and finds
enough lube for fifty people. He just wanted to clean himself, ready himself for Taehyung, but his
cock twitches just at the sight.

It’s embarrassing and Jungkook is thankful no one is around and that God was really on his side
and made it so no one could read minds.

There are no windows in the bathroom but paranoia seeps back into Jungkook as he moves his
hands between his legs to touch himself.

He isn’t good at this. He always gets too embarrassed in the middle of masturbating and he is now.
Even when he’s alone and no one can walk in on him. No one but Taehyung, but Jungkook doesn’t
want Taehyung to see the way he touches himself, stretches himself even though he’ll be able to
tell when Jungkook asks him to touch.

Jungkook shivers at the feeling, the tightness around his fingers. It’s an awkward angle and he
doesn’t know how people get off on fingering themselves. It’s harder to do, his body too tense that
he can barely move them.

He closes his eyes, water sloshing over his thighs as he kneels. He thinks of Taehyung’s bony
fingers, the way they feel against his neck. The way they’ve felt in his mouth, rubbing between his

A soft moan leaves Jungkook’s lips as he pushes his fingers deeper, cock twitching against the
cold porcelain of the bathtub. He rests his forehead against the wall, body slippery with soap he
didn’t finish washing off and oily because he spilt too much lube into the water. He laughs at
himself, the sound aroused as he thinks of how Taehyung laughs between kisses.

He wonders how Taehyung would want him. Grinding down in his lap, face into the pillows, on
his back. He’d force Jungkook to look at him like he always does when they fuck around and
another moan leaves Jungkook’s lips because as much as it embarrasses him, it’s hot to see how
hungry for it Taehyung always looks.

Jungkook fucks his fingers into himself a little harder, thighs spreading as he moves his knees over
the bottom of the tub. His knuckles fuck back into the water, sploshing it around and his ears burn
but he fucks them faster, abdomen tightening with pleasure.

His fingers tighten around the metal bar attached to the wall, arm bulging and tightening to hold
himself up as his thighs start to shake. It isn’t enough, frustrating that he can’t touch himself

“Fuck,” Jungkook breathes, filling with frustration as his body teeters on the edge of pleasure. He
presses his fingers deeper, back arching until his cock glides over the tiled wall.

Jungkook grunts when he touches that place that makes his cock kickback against his stomach,
leaking steadily, his thighs trembling. He chest heaves as he rubs at his prostate, hating the way
the tears immediately touch his eyes from how overwhelming good it feels.

His arm is tired, pained before he gives up and uses his other hand to stroke quickly over his cock.
He needs to come; uncaring of the moans that sneak past his lips and echo in the bathroom. He
grabs hold of the metal bar, fucking into his fist, grunts leaving his lips with every thrust of his

Hiding his eyes is something Jungkook needs even when he’s by himself. He hides his face against
his forearm as he comes, a choked moan leaving his lips as his body pulses. Come slips down his
soapy fingers, his hole clenching hard around nothing.

Jungkook groans lowly, slumping down until the back of his thighs are touching the bottom of the
water. He rests his cheek against the bathroom wall, trying to catch his breath.

A bit of exhaustion sneaks inside of Jungkook, but he’s too wired and anxious to fall asleep. He
cleans himself like he planned to after his body calms down, coats his skin in lotion that smells like
coconuts. He fixes the paint that has chipped on his nails, thankful it’s on his left hand and he
doesn’t have to figure out how to paint the nails on his dominant hand by himself.
He digs through the guest room until he finds the clothes Taehyung had stored there. Nerves make
his hands shake as he pulls out the pretty fabric, wondering if it’s too weird or if Taehyung will like

Jungkook is going to ask for Taehyung’s dick inside of him, he doesn’t know why he’s worried
wearing a fabric that’s touched his dick shouldn’t be touching his.

It feels as pretty as it looks, the color black and lacy around the hips and see through over his
crotch. His cock is already half hard just from pulling it over his thighs and hips. It is tall
underwear, resting just beneath his belly button.

He feels embarrassed, quickly taking them off and folding them neatly despite finding them
crumpled and pulls on a simple, dark red pair of underwear instead. They’re smaller, the head of
his cock pushing at the band even when he adjusts himself.

In a few minutes, Jungkook has Taehyung’s clothes spread out around the ground. He folds some
of it as an apology for going through his things, even though Taehyung has made it obvious he
likes it when Jungkook wears his things.

He hesitates when he finds one of his favorite things Taehyung wears, decorating his legs beneath
the two holed up jeans he loves. He sucks in a breath, imagining what Taehyung would look like
watching him in them.

They’re hard to pull on, his toes getting stuck in nearly every hole. He finds it amusing, falling
back onto the bed as he tries to pull on Taehyung’s fishnets and laughing quietly. He almost gives
up but he is determined, pulling the fabric up so it’s over the lower half of his body.

He doesn’t look at himself in the mirror, knowing he’ll chicken out if he does. Instead, he pulls a
pair of black cargo pants on over them, letting them hang from his hips so the fishnets can still be
seen around his belly.

Most of the clothes here are meant for the cold, but Jungkook smiles when he finds Taehyung’s
crop top. He flushes at the ‘boy toy’ written in the middle, the color dark green and maybe he
should have worn the black underwear instead of the red.

Jungkook is just pushing his fingers through his still damp hair, threading his fingers over long
strands that he hopes Taehyung pulls when he hears Taehyung call for him.

He hesitates when he finds Taehyung moving through the living room, eyes angry and face red.
The anger is gone immediately the moment he looks to Jungkook and he walks across the room to
him like their bodies are magnets, pulling him forward.

“Baby,” Taehyung sighs, cupping Jungkook’s cheeks but just pressing their foreheads together.

“Everything okay?” Jungkook murmurs.

Taehyung nods, staying quiet for a moment, eyes closing. When he inhales it sounds hiccuped like
he is crying.

Jungkook feels selfish; on a mission to seduce Taehyung when he knows he should be listening,
making sure he’s okay.


He isn’t crying, eyes bright when he pulls back and looks to Jungkook. “Soohyun was bailed out of
prison. Not surprised.”

“Is that why you’re upset?”

“Not upset,” Taehyung clarifies as he cocks his head. “I don’t care about my family that much,
Jungkook. Remember?”

Jungkook presses into Taehyung, hoping he was right and Taehyung likes touch when comforted.
He seems to. “You are upset, it’s okay.”

Taehyung hums, slipping his hands over Jungkook’s arms. “I think I figured out why my father is
around Professor Ma Ri so much.”

Jungkook’s heart heavies in his chest, the bit of arousal he had been feeling washing away. “What

Silence. Taehyung doesn’t look at him as he rubs his arms and glances between them. He reaches
between their bodies, tracing over the band of the fishnets.

“I went to ask her to give you a free day tomorrow so I can take you on our date,” Taehyung starts,
smiling despite everything. “I knew you wouldn’t and it was supposed to be a surprise anyway.
Well, Appa was there. I heard them talking.”

Jungkook bites at his bottom lip, wanting Taehyung to look up at him but he doesn’t. He keeps
eyes trained onto his fingers.

“What did he say?”

“He was telling her about bailing Soohyun out of prison, about me running away he called it. I
never heard him sound like that or talk about his feelings at all. I’m a lot more like him than I
realized. He laughed after talking and then proceeded to be gross and flirty. Just like I do.”

Taehyung laughs dryly at that, his eyes insecure.

“Not gross,” Jungkook assures. “You should take some things seriously but I think it’s good that
you can ease yourself when you need to.”

The insecurity in his eyes doesn’t go away but it’s okay for now; Jungkook is determined to make
them go away for good.

“Well, it’s when my father got gross that I interrupted. Even if I hadn’t heard him, he looked guilty
as shit. Warned me not to say anything, to come for Christmas. Told me I’m one mistake away
from losing my inheritance like I give a shit about money. Which I do, actually. I’m terrified about
not having it even though that makes me sound like a snob.”

“Not a snob,” Jungkook assures him, rubbing over Taehyung’s neck. His heart is racing, too fast.
He doesn’t look it but Jungkook presses his thumb over Taehyung’s pulse and feels it.

“He really wants me to go to Christmas dinner and I really want him to eat shit. Guess neither one
of us are going to get what we want.”

Jungkook sighs, bringing Taehyung close. “I’m sure Jimin hyung could get a way for your father
to actually eat shit if you let him. He’s been vicious with his threats the last few days.”

Taehyung laughs loudly, the insecurity quickly leaving him. Or maybe he hides it better when he
laughs. “Probably. But Jeon, I have a question.”

Without hesitation, Jungkook nods. Even if it’s something embarrassing, he wants to give
Taehyung whatever he needs right now.

It isn’t until Taehyung’s fingers are gently caressing down his sides that he realizes Taehyung’s
done talking about his father.

“Baby,” Taehyung murmurs, turning his head to whisper the words against his neck. “What were
you planning in this outfit?”

Jungkook flushes, tensing immediately as Taehyung lets him go and pulls back to look at him. He
suddenly regrets everything he’s ever done in his life as Taehyung’s eyes slowly rake down his

“Turn, please.”

Jungkook glares at the amused look on Taehyung’s face as he does just that. He wants to hide his
face in his palms and he does when he turns around and Taehyung groans obnoxiously.

“Sexy, sexy baby.”

There are hands on Jungkook’s hips then, Taehyung planting to his back.

“I swear you can read minds,” Taehyung says, his tone vulnerable. “Or at least mine. Is it bad that
after seeing my father, all I wanted to do was be around you? Take my mind off of him and focus
them on you?”

Jungkook’s shoulders shake as he laughs awkwardly, twisting to look back at Taehyung. He

watches Taehyung’s face, seeing the sadness still in his eyes.

It means a lot that he even lets Jungkook see it, even if he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. It means
he’s comfortable, more trusting. Open.

“It isn’t bad. That’s what I’m here for.”

Taehyung shakes his head at that. “That’s not what I meant. I just meant, being around you makes
me feel better. Whether it’s like this or just quiet.”

Jungkook softens. He wonders how Taehyung can be so soft and serious while looking like he
might ravish him at any second. Serious isn’t Taehyung’s thing and he claims not to be good at it,
but he has always been bad at realizing his own abilities.

“No more serious,” Taehyung says after clearing his throat. “Now tell me what you have planned
here, babe.”

“I wanted to um, seduce you?” Jungkook breathes unsurely. “But I can later. You’re upset now.”

“Not upset,” Taehyung says again, warming his hands over his belly and down, fingers catching on
the fist nets and lower.

There is no hesitation in the way Taehyung cups between his legs and presses a kiss to his neck.

“Are you going to schedule this seducing? Put it in your planner?”

The laugh Jungkook lets out is breathless as Taehyung rubs over his cargo pants, coaxing his cock
to harden.

“Don’t make fun of my planner. You’re getting one for your birthday for next semester.”

Taehyung snorts, nuzzling into the side of Jungkook’s neck. “Why do you make me feel like this?”

Jungkook tenses, head tilting back. Arousal drips through him as Taehyung thumbs at the zipper.
He isn’t sure what to do with his hands, he hadn’t thought this whole thing through truly, so he
gently cups his hands over Taehyung’s wrists.

“Do what?”

“You could wear a trash bag and seduce me,” Taehyung murmurs, distracted like he’s lost in his
own thoughts. Jungkook gasps quietly as he takes the lobe of his ear into his mouth, sucking

“Why do I make you feel like what?” Jungkook rasps out, applying pressure to Taehyung’s wrist
until he gets the hint and slips his fingers beneath the folds of Jungkook’s pants.

There’s still the material of his underwear between Taehyung’s skin and his own, but he gasps at
the heat on Taehyung’s hand and the pressure he applies over Jungkook’s hardening length.

“The moment I left you here, I missed you,” Taehyung finally tells him, fingers petting distractedly
over Jungkook’s cock. He huffs out a small laugh when Jungkook’s cock twitches beneath his
hand. “I wanted to be alone and miserable by myself but I couldn’t stop thinking about you.
Kissing you, making you laugh, listening to your annoying explanations about serotonin inhibitors
or whatever the fuck.”

Jungkook turns his head, panting softly in an attempt to kiss Taehyung but Taehyung doesn’t push
forward to kiss him back.

“Touching you,” Taehyung hums, rolling his fingers over the head of Jungkook’s cock. “I was
thinking Appa would probably be happy to know the person I fell for was you.”

Jungkook closes his eyes, embarrassment making his cheeks hot.

“Don’t talk about them,” He begs softly, turning even more as he grinds against Taehyung’s hand
and bites at his lips. “Want you only thinking about me when you fu - fuck me.”

He can feel Taehyung grin against his lips. It’s his attempt at dirty talk and he knows it sounds
horrific with how shaky his voice is, but Taehyung grinds his hips against him like he likes it.

“Don’t say fuck,” Taehyung laughs quietly. “Might come in my pants.”

It’s easy being with Taehyung. It makes Jungkook understand why it’s okay to just laugh and play
around sometimes. It makes the air less awkward, less tense. He’s still nervous but he isn’t as
nervous when Taehyung jokes with him. Not that swallow up and halt everything he’s doing kind
of nervous.

“Fuck,” Jungkook breathes, gasps, into Taehyung’s mouth before he turns around. He feels
frustrated by the gentle way Taehyung strokes his stiff cock, annoyed that Taehyung won’t kiss
him. “It’s okay. I’ve already came.”

Taehyung snorts, fingers slipping underneath the band of the cargo pants and pushing them down
Jungkook’s hips. His fingers catch in the holes of the fishnets, tugging them until they’re following
the cargo pants down to his thighs, the band pressing into his skin before Taehyung cups
Jungkook’s ass cheeks.


“I meant, in the shower,” Jungkook fumbles out, suddenly overwhelmed by the way Taehyung’s
hands cup over his asscheeks. He’s done that a thousand times, it isn’t any different, but it feels it.
“The bath.”

“The bath,” Taehyung breathes heavily, groaning low when he squeezes Jungkook’s asscheeks and
pulls him close. “You played with yourself in the bath?”

Taehyung sounds like he can’t believe it and it’s mortifying. Jungkook presses a hand over his face
when he nods.


There’s no more amusement, the air around them heavying as Jungkook rocks into Taehyung’s
touch. Taehyung’s fingers digging over his ass cheeks, spreading him beneath his briefs.

“How’d you play with yourself, baby?”

When Jungkook pulls his hands away, Taehyung’s eyes are on his face, dark and heavy. Jungkook
makes a noise of complaint as he reaches behind himself, taking the bands of the briefs and pulling
them back and against Taehyung’s hands.

“Were you embarrassed?”

“Taehyung,” Jungkook complains, his tone confirming that he was and is indeed embarrassed.
Taehyung grins as he slips hands beneath Jungkook’s briefs, skin on skin.

“Wanted me to walk in on you?” Taehyung hums, steadying Jungkook with a look like he knows.

“No,” Jungkook half lies. It would have been torture if Taehyung did but he also thinks Taehyung
would have been attractive watching him fuck himself with his fingers, maybe even offering to
help. “Wanted to be ready for you.”

There is nothing gentle about the way Taehyung pushes Jungkook against the wall, though his
hand cups the back of Jungkook’s head like he doesn’t want it to bump against it. There’s nothing
gentle about the way Taehyung finally kisses him, finally grinds down against him.

“You make me feel like I’m going nuts,” Taehyung breathes, kissing Jungkook’s jaw as he rubs his
hands up Jungkook’s stomach, brushing beneath the crop top. Jungkook doesn’t know if he’s
supposed to hear it or not, so he doesn’t reply. Instead, he lifts Taehyung’s leg and wraps it around
his waist.

Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to roll his hips against him, body working like a tease, a preview of the
way he’d thrust into him. It’s slow, cock dragging against every inch of his own before Taehyung
rolls his hips again, hands coming up to press his forearms around Jungkook’s head.

“Come here,” Taehyung breathes, voice hitching as Jungkook presses into his head against the

“I’m here,” Jungkook murmurs back, head dropping to the side when Taehyung leans in for a kiss.
He does it again and again until Taehyung is groaning in frustration, his fingers digging into
Jungkook’s cheeks to hold him still.

Jungkook moans into it, the rough touch sending a whirlwind through him. Mouth opening,
Jungkook asks and Taehyung gives without it being said. He tongues slowly into Jungkook’s
mouth, tickling over his teeth and licking over his tongue, muffling the soft noises he lets out.

Taehyung’s kisses taste like smoke and mint, messy as always. Jungkook is used to the way drool
dribbles out of his mouth when Taehyung kisses him, but it still makes him embarrassed. It’s still
shockingly obscene the way Taehyung licks his chin and dips the saliva back into his mouth.

“Cute,” Taehyung breathes heavily as he pushes from Jungkook and presses a finger to the tip of
his nose. “Boy toy.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that, biting the inside of his lips as arousal flushes through him like a

It takes him a moment to realize that Taehyung is talking about the words written across his chest.

He wants to be good for Taehyung and seduce him, but he doesn’t know what the hell to do. And
he doesn’t know how to do it without his nerves showing.

Jungkook desperately doesn’t want to ruin this either by Taehyung thinking he doesn’t want it.

“I - like your clothes,” Jungkook says, arching off the wall some. He must look ridiculous with his
pants half around his thighs, cock hard and straining against the deep red briefs. The stupid crop
top. “They’re pretty.”

“You’re pretty,” Taehyung murmurs, hands gripping Jungkook’s hips, thumbs fingering over the
bands as he arches Jungkook off the wall. Their hips line together and Jungkook breathes out
shakily, touching over his abdomen. His confidence grows when Taehyung sucks his bottom lip
into his mouth like he doesn’t even know he’s doing it, eyes following Jungkook’s hand as he
pushes the crop top up his chest. “Pretty, pretty baby.”

Jungkook’s confidence doesn’t last long though. His fingers dip over a perked nipple before he’s
turning his head, ripping his gaze away from Taehyung and inhaling.

Taehyung doesn’t comment on it, holding them together as he leans down and takes Jungkook’s
nipple into his mouth. He does it over the shirt, the material feeling rough with his saliva and
dragging over his skin.

“Oh,” Jungkook gasps, grabbing a fistful of Taehyung’s honey brown hair as he bites at him.
Arousal ripples through him in waves with every harsh suck of Taehyung’s lips, every groan in
Taehyung’s throat and muffled against his chest.

“You - you’re pretty too,” Jungkook tries, overwhelmed by the sight of Taehyung mouthing at his
chest, the feel of his hands rubbing up his back and over his ribcage. Taehyung’s fingers leave
burns in their wake, red skin dripping slowly down his chest.

Jungkook lifts his arms when Taehyung pushes the shirt into his armpits, but he doesn’t lift it off
of him. Instead, he mouths at Jungkook’s bare, untouched nipple on the other side of his chest. The
sound of Taehyung spitting has Jungkook’s hands curling into fists above his head, eyes clenching
closed before Taehyung blows softly against his wet skin. Jungkook tenses, wishing his hips would
stay still too, when Taehyung licks out and smears his spit over Jungkook’s nipple.

“Please,” Jungkook gasps quietly but he doesn’t know what he wants. He wants his briefs off, a
hand around his cock, a hand around Taehyung’s cock, something.

“Please what?” Taehyung says, tone soft as he presses a kiss to Jungkook’s chest and strips the
crop top from him.

“Please um,” Jungkook huffs out. Every inch of him feels like it’s sparking, even more so as
Taehyung’s hands rub over his torso like he’s mapping out every inch of him. “Please, baby .”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh, pulling away from him. He hooks a finger in Jungkook’s briefs, to tug
him along. Jungkook doesn’t budge, making it so the briefs pull and give Taehyung a glimpse of
his weeping cock.

Taehyung doesn’t look at it though, instead those endeared eyes are on Jungkook’s face.

“I meant, what do you want? Though, you can call me baby if you want.”

Jungkook hooks a thumb in the other side of his briefs, peeling them down. Taehyung’s arm falls
limp to his side, his eyes finally dropping to where Jungkook reveals himself.

“I won’t bite your head off if you accidentally call me something other than baby though,”
Taehyung teases, mocking as he reaches out and rubs his palm beneath Jungkook’s cock. He barely
touches him, cupping below the head before his fingers curl around him and he tugs softly.
Jungkook groans, hips following the movement. “Like you.”

“Shut up,” Jungkook gripes, spreading his legs as Taehyung plays with him. He tugs his cock a few
more times before spreading his fingers over him, precome collecting beneath his fingers and
sliding down Jungkook’s length.

“Make me.”

Taehyung is infuriating, frustrating. Jungkook rolls his eyes at the amused smirk on Taehyung’s
lips before he grips Taehyung’s shirt. “You need new lines.”

It’s easy the way Taehyung falls to his knees when Jungkook tugs again on his shirt. Taehyung
doesn’t even look at him before he kisses up his length, tongue flicking out and spread over the

It’s when he’s tilting his head over Jungkook’s cock, mouth over the head that his eyes meet
Jungkook’s. His laugh is amused as Jungkook immediately covers his face in the hook of his arm.

Jungkook already feels close just from Taehyung mouthing at the head of his cock. He doesn’t
want to come too soon, to be too sensitive. He has only ever came twice in the same day and he had
tried for a third, touching his soft, sensitive cock with determination but it had been too much.

“Bed,” Jungkook huffs, gripping at Taehyung’s shoulder but he doesn’t pull off. His eyes sparkle
like the constellations are inside of them before he sinks lower, gagging softly as he takes
Jungkook down his throat.

He constricts around him, eyes glossing over as he holds Jungkook’s cock down his throat, hands
curling around to the back of his thighs to hold him there.

“No,” Jungkook gasps, hips grinding softly as he tries to push back Taehyung’s hands. It’s too
much, the pleasure building inside of him and making his own eyes gloss. He’s going to cry in
front of Taehyung, too overwhelmed adn it’s embarrassing. “No, don’t - don’t want to come yet.”
Taehyung pulls off then, breathing heavily before he quickly strokes his hand over Jungkook’s
cock. Quickly, determined to do just that.

“Want you relaxed,” Taehyung breathes, leaning down to lick over Jungkook’s balls. “Before I
stretch you.”

Jungkook arches again, head pressing painfully into the wall as he digs his fingers into his palms
and tries his hardest not to come. “I - I already. Already did.”

The hand around him stops, fingers tight around the base of Jungkook’s cock and he gasps out, the
tears building in his eyes. His body pounds heavily with pleasure, on edge and just a quick stroke to
push him over it.

But Taehyung doesn’t, fingers keeping him from coming and unmoving until Jungkook’s breathing
has calmed.

“You already did? In the bath? That’s what you meant?”

Jungkook swallows, nodding. He isn’t going to make it through this alive. Not with the way
Taehyung looks up at him like he may eat him whole.

“Let me see, baby.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose, thighs immediately clenching together and Taehyung laughs, eyes
bright and warm. “No.”

“No?” Taehyung hums, distracting his hands by pulling Jungkook’s clothing farther down his legs.
“How do I know you’re ready for me, then? Massive cock, remember?”

Grunting, Jungkook jerks his knee up as if to knee Taehyung but it’s gentle. Taehyung laughs,
kissing Jungkook’s knee instead.

“You’re the worst,” Jungkook wheezes but it isn’t true. Taehyung eases the tension inside of him,
warms away his nerves and insecurities.

“Am I? That’s why you were so eager to stuff your fingers inside yourself for when I came home?”

Jungkook grunts again, whipping around to hide his face against the wall.

Taehyung groans low, immediately cupping him. It’s awkward feeling when Taehyung spreads
him, exposing him so close to Taehyung’s face.

So close, inches away from him. He’s hyper aware of this but he still startles when he feels
Taehyung’s hot breath against his skin.

“Can I?” Taehyung asks, rubbing a hand up Jungkook’s back and pressing down until his hips are
arching and Jungkook’s chest is touching the wall. “Please?”

Jungkook can’t think straight, can’t speak. He chokes on his words, chokes on a moan that sounds
much too desperate. Taehyung sounds the same, groaning like he’s overwhelmed before his tongue
drags between Jungkook’s cheeks.

This is something Jungkook has never done before. It feels as intimate as he expected, as dirty as it
sounds. Taehyung does it like he’s hungry for it, licking over his hole and mouthing at him,
sucking as hard as his fingers grip into his skin to spread him.
Jungkook can’t help the pants that leave his lips, the overwhelmed exhales as Taehyung tongues
into him slowly. His whole body heaves with his breathing, heart pounding against his sternum
despite how still he remains.

“Mmm,” Taehyung groans, his tongue slipping inside Jungkook easily. It is a strange feeling, but
Jungkook’s cock throbs with every thrust of Taehyung’s tongue.

The feeling washes over him easily, the suddenness of his orgasm. He scrabbles at the wall,
choking out Taehyung’s name to tell him to stop, but Jungkook doesn’t know if Taehyung can hear
Jungkook’s “st - st” with how loud he groans when Jungkook clenches around him.

Taehyung’s hands on him are the only thing keeping his knees from buckling out as Jungkook
comes. It’s harsh the way his muscles clench together, the way Taehyung’s name rips from his
throat. He tries to grip into the wall but his fingers slip over the surface in frustration.

“Oh god,” Taehyung grunts, kissing his hole. “I thought you didn’t want to come?”

“I didn’t mean to,” Jungkook gasps, pressing his eyes against his forearm as he tries to catch his
breath. He can’t. Every part of him feels like he’s being touched and prodded, every inch of him
feel as if it’s breaking open and spilling out pleasure. He’s fucking mortified in truth.

“Can you come twice?” Taehyung murmurs, kissing his skin as he reaches a hand around to stroke
Jungkook’s sensitive cock. Jungkook shivers from it, thighs clenching together. “Still want me to
fuck you?”

Jungkook’s legs are wobbly as he pushes up from the wall and he feels Taehyung stand behind
him. “Yes.”

“How do you want me to?”

“I don’t care,” Jungkook breathes, dropping his hands to the hem of Taehyung’s sweater. “Any

It is softer, gentler the way they touch each other as they find their way to the guest bedroom.
Jungkook is thankful he had turned the light off, that Taehyung doesn’t turn it on as he kicks off
his cargo pants and scrambles onto the bed.

He’s thankful the curtains don’t let in a lot of light, though for a moment he regrets it as he watches
Taehyung’s silhouette as he strips his shirt from his body. When he sees Taehyung kick his pants
from his legs before padding around the bed and searching blindly through the nightstand.

His briefs too, Jungkook thinks as Taehyung’s cock digs into his stomach. He hovers over
Jungkook, soft kisses pressed to his cheeks, fingers stroking over his chest. “I can’t see in the dark,
that better be lube and not glue or something.”

Jungkook wants to laugh but he’s nervous. He wheezes instead, inhaling deeply and trying to catch
his breath as Taehyung continues to trail over his body.

He’s thankful for the dark because Taehyung is looking down at him. Jungkook wonders how
much of him Taehyung can see, if he wants to see more or likes the dark too.

“No condom,” Jungkook breathes as he touches over the sheets and feels the foiled package
Taehyung must have dropped there. “If you - if you want.”

It had been another mortifying experience for Jungkook, especially when Yoongi called him in the
middle of it. He couldn’t not tell Yoongi what he was doing at the clinic, especially since Yoongi’s
mind went to the worst case scenario.

Hoseok had been delighted him and Taehyung were getting tested together, excited like Jungkook
just announced their engagement.

“Are you sure?” Taehyung asks, hips rocking down against Jungkook. He is already getting hard
again, his cock twitching each time their bodies meet.

“Yeah. They’re chocolate flavored. Fake chocolate smells horrible,” Jungkook breathes, trying to
joke, taking the bottle of lube and hopefully not glue to spread it over his fingers. Taehyung moves
to let him sit up and when he takes Taehyung’s hands into his own to spread lube over Taehyung’s
finger. They’re trembling too.

“Are you sure?” Jungkook asks because he’s never asked Taehyung want he wants either, he just
expected him to want it too. “You can wear one if you want to.”

“S’not that,” Taehyung murmurs softly, fingers flexing beneath Jungkook’s hands. “These things
mean a lot to you.”

Jungkook’s heart takes off. He tries to swallow it down, the insecurity shoving into his mouth.
“No, no. I know it’s just sex. Not a big deal.”

“It’s okay that it is,” Taehyung says, crawling back over him and guiding him until he’s laying flat
down. “It’s okay that it’s a big deal. It’s okay to be nervous, baby.”

Jungkook plants a shaky hand to Taehyung’s arm before guiding it between his legs. Taehyung lets
him, fingers flickering out to stroke between his cheeks.

“Not nervous.”

“You’re shaking,” Taehyung says softly, leaning down to kiss his belly.

“I came twice,” Jungkook grunts unhappily despite wanting to come a third time. “I’m not going to
ever stop shaking.”

Taehyung laughs quietly. “Greedy boy. I haven’t come once.”

The lube is colder, between his cheeks. Taehyung is messy like always, spreading it over his skin
much more the necessary before he eases his fingers into Jungkook.

“Good,” Jungkook whispers, melting into the mattress as he tries to release the nerves coiling
through him. “Want you to to -”

He presses his lips shut, but the groan Taehyung lets out in response tells him he knows what he

Jungkook pants as he rests back against the pillows, eyes closing. He focuses on the sensation and
not the fact that it’s Taehyung pressing against his prostate, touching inside of him, stroking
himself with his free hand like he can’t help it.

Taehyung grunts quietly as Jungkook grinds back against his fingers, the slick sound of him
stroking himself loud in the quiet room. Even Taehyung is quiet, quieter than he normally is when
they mess around.
A low moan leaves Taehyung’s lips as he pulls his fingers from Jungkook and shifts to his knees.
Jungkook suddenly can’t breathe as his legs part, giving room for Taehyung to kneel between

His breathing sounds huffed out and as overwhelmed as he feels. Taehyung stops touching himself
only to shove a pillow beneath Jungkook’s back, lifting his hips, to spread his legs and pet over his
cock again.

“Okay?” Taehyung breathes, stroking over himself again. He groans low and long, the head of his
cock nudging Jungkook’s thigh. “Remember, just -”

“Just go on,” Jungkook begs, hooking a leg around Taehyung’s waist. He wants Taehyung so badly
it hurts him. “Want you.”

Taehyung moans brokenly as the head of his cock rubs over his hole, fingers spreading him open.
His hips jerk, a harsh grunt leaving his lips before Jungkook feels the first spurt of come against
his skin.

He’s slow in the way presses the head of his cock between Jungkook’s cheeks, slowly inching his
cock forward. The bed trembles with how hard Taehyung trembles, as if it’s hard for him to move
so slow when his orgasm pulls through him.

“Oh fuck,” Taehyung gasps, hands gripping tight into Jungkook’s thighs to keep them spread.
Jungkook burns hot, face flushing as he feels Taehyung cock pulse and spurt inside of him.
“You’re fucking tight, baby.”

It hurts a little, a small pinch when Taehyung sinks in deeper. There are fingers on his face a
second later, grappling at his cheek before Taehyung lets out an aroused laugh and leans over him.

“Making sure you’re not hiding your - your face,” Taehyung whispers, breathless and shaky. “Does
it - hurt?”

Taehyung circles his hips, pressing a hand down beside Jungkook’s head. Under the hands
Jungkook plants to his stomach, he can feel the way his stomach muscles contract and tense.

“No,” Jungkook breathes. It isn’t his first time having sex but he feels as awkward as he had then.
He doesn’t want Taehyung to draw attention to the fact that he’s nervous or thinking too much.

But it doesn’t stay awkward long as Taehyung kisses him, bottoming out and holding himself still,
pressed deep inside of him. He kisses him until Jungkook is complaining for him to move,
Taehyung laughing softly in response.

“What?” Taehyung murmurs against his lips. “Just want to stay like this.”

Jungkook grunts, pinching Taehyung’s chest. “Move, please.”

Taehyung does without more teasing, pulling his hips back and sinking back in almost as slowly as
the first time. He pulls back, hands rubbing over Jungkook’s stomach and up to his thighs, pulling
him and guiding him onto his cock.

“Tae,” Jungkook moans, grabbing for the hands on his thighs, fingers needing to be where they
belong. Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to thread their fingers together, pressing their clasped hands
against the inside of Jungkook’s knees before he thrusts into him with less hesitation.

The mix of lube and come makes an embarrassing noise as Taehyung rocks into him, hips steady
in the way they arch and roll. He pants softly, the sound still touching Jungkook’s ears even over
his own low moans. His own cock lays untouched and drooling on his belly, twitching back and
toward Taehyung whenever he presses against his prostate.

“Do you know how - how hot you are?” Taehyung breathes desperately, squeezing Jungkook’s
hands before his hips slap forward, the sound of their skin smacking loud. “Asking me to come in

“ Tae ,” Jungkook chokes out, sounding more pleased than complaining. His knuckles dig into his
skin as his hips rock back to meet each thrust. There’s a pinch of pain in the spread of his thighs,
but he’s unwilling to let Taehyung’s hand go.

And somehow, Taehyung knows him. He lets go of one of their hands to hook Jungkook’s thigh
over his waist, but he holds on tight to the second one like he knows Jungkook doesn’t want to let

He presses to the side of them instead, pushing them into the sheets as he kisses Jungkook like he
wants to taste every moan that rolls from his tongue. He can’t speak anymore, washed over with
pleasure and his heart too big in his chest to do anything other than just feel it.

It’s a big deal, but doesn’t feel like one with Taehyung. Taehyung who whispers compliments into
his mouth as he fucks him. Taehyung, who slows when Jungkook’s moans sound more like sobs
and strokes into him with purpose when Jungkook grips into his ass cheek, quietly begging him for
more . Faster, harder.

Taehyung, who moans his name like a prayer, tucking his face into the curve of Jungkook’s neck
as his hips stagger. Taehyung, who seems turned on by how loud Jungkook is but doesn’t mention
it, knowing how embarrassed Jungkook would get.

“Tae,” Jungkook grunts, thighs gripping over Taehyung’s thighs as he slows. “Wanna -”

Taehyung, who moves so easily when Jungkook moves him. Who knows he can’t say the words
out loud but somehow can read his mind and finds his way to his back where Jungkook wants him.

Taehyung, who is quiet as he kisses Jungkook, patient as he rubs over Jungkook’s trembling
thighs. Never pushing him to hurry up despite how close he must be, his cock leaking steadily and
throbbing in Jungkook’s hand as he adjusts it behind him.

“Want the lights on,” Taehyung murmurs, though not moving to do so. “Bet you look so pretty,
even prettier sitting on my cock.”

Jungkook huffs at that, focusing hard as he wraps around Taehyung’s cock again.

He doesn’t do this. He hasn’t done this. He’s nervous about it, trying to remind himself how
similar it is to the way he’s sat in Taehyung’s lap a thousand times, been stroked of like this so he
could come across Taehyung’s chest.

Taehyung groans lowly, rubbing Jungkook’s back as he bottoms out. He plants his hands to his
ankles, pressing down on his legs as he slowly rocks against him.

“You - you like getting fucked that much, baby?”

Jungkook groans, lifting his hips and working them back down. He knows Taehyung is watching
him again, won’t look at him even in the dark. He moans in surprise when bony fingers wrap
around his bouncing cock, fingers loose for Jungkook to fuck up into.
“Like that,” Taehyung breathes in praise as Jungkook fucks himself down onto his cock and up into
his fingers. “You want me to come in you, baby? Make me come?”

The dirty words make Jungkook hot. He fucks his hips hard, ass smacking back against
Taehyung’s trembling thighs. Sweat drips down his back and tickles his face, heat radiating from
his skin and choking him.

Taehyung grips his hip, meeting Jungkook’s movements with a hard thrust in return. He cock stabs
into his prostate and maybe later Jungkook will be embarrassed by how loud he moans, how
desperate he sounds, but right now he needs it. Needs to come, to feel Taehyung come.

“Fuck,” Taehyung grunts, fingers tightening around Jungkook’s cock as he starts to stroke him with
purpose. “Gonna come.”

It isn’t clear whether it’s a question or a statement but Jungkook nods, whispering out his ‘yes’
before he pushes up and curls his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders.

Their teeth clack together as they attempt to kiss, Jungkook’s hips staggering as his cock rubs over
Taehyung’s belly. Taehyung’s tongue licks into his mouth when he comes, body locking up hard,
painfully. Taehyung groans loudly as Jungkook clenches around him, hips bucking up once before
Jungkook feels him orgasm.

“Mm,” Taehyung hums, fingers digging into Jungkook’s cheeks to kiss him as his hips move on
their own accord. His own cock aches with oversensitivity, but he keeps himself planted in
Taehyung’s lap, slowly riding him.

Taehyung leans back with an arm holding him up, his other hand stroking over Jungkook’s cock,
playing with the drips of come at the head and spreading it down his length. His hips jab up when
Jungkook clenches around him, his head falling back into a moan.

For a moment, Jungkook wishes the lights were on too as Taehyung comes. He wants to see how
good he’s made Taehyung feel, wants to tell him he’s pretty but the words are stuck in his throat.

“Fuck, I love you,” Taehyung breathes, spreading the come over Jungkook’s skin as he grips
Jungkook’s ass. The swat he plants there is gentle, but Jungkook fills with static electricity at the
feeling. Taehyung grips into his skin right afterwards, groaning low in his throat like he’s
overwhelmed. “Didn’t know you knew how to ride a cock so well.”

Jungkook flushes, attempting to lift himself but Taehyung stops him.

He wants to say the words too, but he chokes on them. He feels like he’s flying right now and he
doesn’t want to come crashing to the ground in a panic.

“Who’d you practice with? I’ll send them coal for Christmas.”

Jungkook whines softly as he finally is allowed to lift himself from Taehyung. He flushes at the
feeling of the come leaking from him, dripping down his skin. He clenches, but becomes more
embarrassed at the thought of holding Taehyung’s come inside of him.

Taehyung doesn’t let him stray far, keeping him on his lap and rubbing his hands over the mess of
Jungkook’s skin.

“I’m kidding,” Taehyung murmurs against his lips. With their chests pressed together, Jungkook
can’t tell if it’s his heart or Taehyung’s that is beating so hard it feels like it might escape. “You
Jungkook nods, tucking his face against Taehyung’s neck. “Really good.”

“Don’t over think like you do,” Taehyung whispers again, hands rubbing up Jungkook’s back. “It
was so good. You were so good. I still love you just as much.”

Taehyung’s words make his chest tight but releases it just as quickly as it comes. Taehyung presses
soft kisses to his neck, rubbing out the nerves inside of him with hands over his back and gripping
his shoulders.

“You sound so pretty,” Taehyung keeps going, kissing his collarbone. “And you’re too cute when
you want something. Whiny, demanding.”

Jungkook bites at his smile when he pinches Taehyung and earns a sharp grunt from him.

“You owe me a date,” Jungkook reminds him.

Taehyung grins. “Look at you, not even sex on the first date but sex before the first date.”

It’s decided; Jungkook hates Taehyung. He says as much as Taehyung laughs.

"Yeah, you sure sounded like you hated me just now.”

Jungkook groans in complaint, but he curls towards Taehyung even more, reaching out to take his
hand into his own. He hates Taehyung so much it feels a lot like love.

It’s cold. Ice bites into Jungkook’s skin and makes his teeth chatter. The small hairs on the back of
his neck feel like icicles.

Despite it all, he is warm. Hot breath against his cheek, warmth against his chest. Taehyung’s arms
snaking their way around his shoulders to hold him close. His cheeks feel tight from the cold but
burning with heat. He shoves his hands between their bodies, them trembling for many different

The physical effects of his anxiety are the most annoying. He’s comfortable with Taehyung, being
like this with Taehyung, but his hands still shake and his cheeks still burn. He had been a mess at
the beginning of their date and it took some time for him to calm down enough that Taehyung
didn’t look concerned.

He feels stupid because it’s just a date with Taehyung. Just hanging out like they do every other

“Eat this.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose, folding closer into Taehyung’s chest. The winter hat he wears is
scratchy and his hair feels sweaty. The gloves are the same material, though more worn out.
They’re falling apart, seams frayed. His mother made them when she could still use her hands
“Eat it,” Taehyung demands, shoving the hot dog against Jungkook’s mouth, face twisted in mock
anger. Jungkook tries to keep his mouth closed but he laughs, making the bread dig into his teeth.

“I ate too much,” Jungkook complains, shoving the hot dog away and sinking back into
Taehyung’s chest.

Jungkook’s feeling clingy.

Taehyung hums before his jaw drops, mouth opening wide and he shoves as much of the hot dog
into his mouth as he can.

He’s also feeling fond.

Cheeks bulging, Taehyung makes a noise of pleasure. His fingers sneak playfully beneath the
strands of hair tickling the back of Jungkook’s neck. Too long; he needs to cut his hair soon, but he
likes the way Taehyung plays with it like a habit he can’t break.

“Not enough,” Taehyung says, words muffled from his mouth being full. He ignores the way
Jungkook scolds him with his eyes for eating with his mouth open. His eyes are crescents like he’s
smiling but can’t with how stuffed his mouth is. “You didn’t eat enough.”

Jungkook ate plenty. Actually, he’s never eaten so much in one day. Breakfast consisting of
omelets and bowls of rice that weren’t cooked properly but he knew Taehyung tried. Barbeque, ice
cream, pastries, boba, smoothies. More ice cream, pizza, and something called a New York hot dog
that’s filled Taehyung’s mouth and smeared chili all over his lips.

He’s going to burst . He feels heavy with it; heavy with satisfaction.

“I’m going to die if I eat anything else,” Jungkook tells Taehyung, pulling back though he doesn’t
want to. He has had a good day but he wants to go home. Rest, cuddle. He’s complied with
Taehyung’s demands of not speaking about anything serious during their date, even though it’s
been hard at times. Taehyung says mean things about himself sometimes with a smile on his lips
like he doesn’t even realize he’s saying them.

But despite this, Taehyung’s smiles have been grand and genuine looking.

He’s never been to an amusement park before. The highlight of his childhood was the large green
park close to home and the multicolored jungle gym he could swing off of. There was a community
center close by that he went to a few times with one of his friends, an amusement park in his own
mind with the indoor pool and basketball court.

The rides are horrific; stomach twisting, body tensing to the point he can’t feel his legs when he
gets off the rollercoaster. It’s worth it though to see how bright Taehyung’s eyes become, how
wide his smile is when his tiny fists cheer up into the air.

“Plus, you want to go into that stupid Tomb of Horror and I’m going to throw up if I eat more.”

Taehyung huffs at that, swallowing the rest of his hot dog before he licks at his lips. Jungkook
wipes at the corner of them, collecting chili on his thumb before he presses it between Taehyung’s

Another pleased hum, this one more exaggerated as Taehyung rubs his hands up Jungkook’s back
and cups the back of his neck.

“We don’t have to go,” Taehyung mumbles, tongue flicking out past his teeth to chase after the
thumb Jungkook pulls back.

He’s hot in the cold air. They’re in public, the sky darkening but the lights of the amusement park
still shining down on them and showing the world the way Taehyung tries to suck Jungkook’s
finger into his mouth.

Jungkook’s only focused on Taehyung.

“It’s fine.”

Taehyung snorts. “You’ve been pale since I mentioned it, baby.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. He isn’t surprised. He doesn’t know what the Tomb of Horror
consists of but it sounds a whole lot like Jungkook doesn’t want to find out.

“We can go on the Ferris Wheel instead,” Taehyung goes on as he starts to walk, arms tight around
Jungkook and making it so they have to waddle. “Could bribe the guy running it to stop it at the
top so I can suck you off while you take in a nice view of Seoul.”

Jungkook snorts, burying his face into Taehyung’s neck. He can feel his heartbeat. His skin is hot
despite the winter air, his scarf long discarded because Jungkook couldn’t stop unwrapping it to
kiss his neck.

He finds himself wondering what Taehyung meant when he told his father he was with someone. If
he meant him; if he meant that he wants to be with him or if he was just saying that to get his father
off of his back.

It hurts still, remembering the way Taehyung had looked when he walked through the front door of
Hoseok’s apartment after meeting with his parents. He had never seen Taehyung so pale and
broken looking. So broken that no matter how much he wanted to hide that he was, he couldn’t.

“Space Warrior was my favorite,” Taehyung continues, joy in his voice and Jungkook just wants to
listen to it. “Could bribe the director to let you wear one of those Virtual Reality helmets while I
suck you off. Get a blowie while fighting aliens.”

Jungkook groans in complaint, pinching Taehyung’s chest. Taehyung talks like he’s reading the
newspaper, so casual and loud about wanting to suck him off. “I just want to go home.”

Taehyung softens, warmth and brightness still in his eyes. There’s still chili smeared over his top
lip but Jungkook doesn’t mention it. “One more thing, is that okay?”

He isn’t tired or feeling bad, he just wants to be selfish and have Taehyung all to himself. It’s loud
and busy here, cold. He wants to curl beneath the blankets and talk about nothing with Taehyung.
Blow jobs, too, of course.


Taehyung presses a kiss to the tip of his nose before he pulls out of their embrace. He grabs
Jungkook’s hand swinging it between them. “Are you having fun?”

Jungkook nods without hesitation. “I’ve never been to an amusement park before. I hate roller
coasters as much as I thought I would.”

One of Jungkook’s favorite things about Taehyung is the way he laughs, teeth revealed and
shoulders shaking as he lets out tiny, huffed out giggles.
“You went on four?”

“I liked how excited you became after riding them,” Jungkook says offhandedly, burning more
when he realizes he said it. Taehyung’s eyes are on him but he doesn’t meet them, chewing on his
bottom lip and keeping his eyes on the ground instead.

A shoulder knocks into him and Taehyung’s fingers squeeze around his hand. “You could have
told me you didn’t like it.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Jungkook lies. It was horrific and he wants to never do it again.

Taehyung doesn’t respond at first, but Jungkook knows he’s rolling his eyes. He can almost hear

“Well, no more rides,” Taehyung finally says. “So don’t worry.”

Jungkook pushes his lips into a pout, stretching their arms out and behind him so he can curl into
Taehyung. “I’m not worried. We can go on more rides if you want.”

Taehyung searches over Jungkook’s face before brushing his knuckles over his cheek. They’re in
public but Jungkook doesn’t mind the way Taehyung presses their lips together. He had so many
times in front of Jimin it embarrassed Jungkook, but he liked the feeling of being boyfriends even
if they aren’t.

“No more rides,” Taehyung insists. “Unless you want to ride this dick.”

Jungkook shoves Taehyung, pushing into his chest until he’s stumbling back and laughing loudly.
His nose wrinkles as he laughs, cheeks bulging like dough rising over the corners of his mouth.

“Today you’ve made like at least eighty sex jokes,” Jungkook huffs, fond. “Horrific, cringey, sex
jokes. This is a record.”

Taehyung shrugs a shoulder. Jungkook thinks he looks proud. “It’s how I ease tension.”

This time, it’s Jungkook who softens his amusement into something more serious. Taehyung says
it without any stress in his features but Jungkook touches him hesitantly anyway.

“Why tension?”

Taehyung’s head jerks to the side like he wants to crack his neck but doesn’t. He shoves his hands
into the pockets of his thick winter jacket, shoulders jerking up into a shrug.

“I don’t do dates,” Taehyung finally says as Jungkook follows after him, making it so their bodies
are still pressed together as they walk. “And I don’t like how many people look at you, Jeon. And
the way it makes me feel.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. He hasn’t noticed anyone looking at him.

“The conductor on the last ride was your type. Tall. He didn’t tell me his name, but he sure let you
know it was Johnny.”

The upwards flicker of Taehyung’s lips has Jungkook groaning as he realizes Taehyung is messing
with him again.

“Because I couldn’t see his name tag. I wanted to know who to blame if I died on that thing,”
Jungkook laughs, clinging to Taehyung’s arm. “And no one is looking at me, Tae.”
“He was,” Taehyung goes on, grinning. “Didn’t you hear what he said?”

Jungkook shakes his head. The conductor had spoken English to Taehyung and Jungkook had been
surprised when Taehyung replied back in almost perfect English.

There are things that they’re still learning about each other. Like Taehyung puts the cereal in
before his milk, speaks English, hates birds. He’s terrified of them and Jungkook felt bad for
laughing at how Taehyung shrieked when one landed a few feet away from where they had been
eating their ice cream.

“I don’t speak English as well as you,” Jungkook says. “You know how impressive it is to be able
to speak two languages fluently? Even somewhat fluently? I’m literally never listening to you say a
bad word about yourself again.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, shyness creeping into his face. They’re borderlining a serious topic that
Taehyung has banned but he doesn’t mention it. “I can understand a little Chinese too. And some
Spanish from all the novelas Hoseokie made me watch with him.”

Jungkook grins, nudging into Taehyung’s space. “The ones he cries watching?”

“Yeah, yeah, those ones. Fucking sap.”

Taehyung says something in English then, his voice deep and words slow. He screws his face in
concentration as he says them and his pronunciation is a little off, but Jungkook warms.

Jungkook is liar, understanding every word that leaves Taehyung’s lips. He’ll admit it soon
enough, tell Taehyung that he used to stay up all night trying to teach himself English and teach it
to Jihoon as well. He feels sneaky lying about it, but Taehyung is more open when he thinks he
isn’t understanding.

“You’re far too beautiful, baby. Of course everyone is looking at you.”

Jungkook cocks his head to the side, pretending to be confused. Sometimes Taehyung still makes it
hard for him to breathe, his lungs squeezing painfully in his chest so his words come out wheezed.

Taehyung has red cheeks from the cold but his eyes are warm enough to heat the ice from his skin.
“I said, I am happy to be here with you. And I’m excited to show you this.”

This ends up being a path that Jungkook thinks is supposed to be a fake nature walk for children,
the area surrounded with plastic mushrooms and butterflies that he takes in before the lights
suddenly shut off. Jungkook adjusts his eyes to the dark, smiling softly as Taehyung adjusts the
glasses on his nose right before the sky lights up.

Jungkook tilts his head upwards, staring at the speckled stars across the ceiling. He doesn’t know
where they’re coming from but there are so many, and they’re bright.

Taehyung cups Jungkook’s cheeks, angling his head back down. The lights collect in Taehyung’s
eyes like there are stars in his pupils.

“Have I ever told you that your eyes shine?” Taehyung murmurs, tipping his thumbs beneath
Jungkook’s glasses to rub beneath his eyes. “You know how much I like space, it’s ironic there’s a
galaxy in the eyes of the one person I like more.”

Jungkook bites at his bottom lip. Since his promise to love Taehyung, Taehyung has been more
soft, mushier. It’s like he’s trying to get Jungkook to fall in love faster.

It’s working.

“That was as cringe as your sex jokes,” Jungkook lies, trying Taehyung’s technique of joking to
ease the feeling in his chest, the way the room tenses around them.

“Fuck face,” Taehyung says, probably meant to be mean but he sounds and looks much too fond
for it. “I set this up for you and this is how you treat me?”

It’s joking but Jungkook feels his eyes widen before he looks around again at the constellations
above them. “You had this set up for me?”

“Yes,” Taehyung murmurs, pulling Jungkook down the path some. “Spent an hour trying to google
cute date ideas, dude.”

“Dude,” Jungkook repeats sarcastically. “Don’t ‘no homo’ me when you’ve offered to suck my
dick eighteen times today, bro .”

Another giggle and Taehyung clings to him like he’s feeling as needy as Jungkook does. “Baby

“Better,” Jungkook huffs, pressing their wrinkled noses together. He wants to look at the stars on
the ceiling but he likes the stars in Taehyung’s eyes more. “Now tell me about the constellations.”

Jungkook likes listening to Taehyung talk. When he explains something he fumbles over his words
and sometimes he gets distracted, jumping from topic to topic and going off on tangents before
forgetting his place. They stand in place for a while at times, Taehyung taking Jungkook’s hand to
help him trace out the constellations he tells stories of.

“Her mother’s name was Cassiopeia. Claimed she was the most beautiful thing to exist. Zeus was
pissed. He was all, ‘you claim that when a whole Jeon Jungkook exists?’”

Jungkook leans into Taehyung’s chest, shivering at the feel of Taehyung’s fingers trailing down his
arm as he finishes tracing out Andromeda. “Shut up.”

He can feel Taehyung’s smile against his cheek before they move on, waddling down the path. He
wants to turn and look at Taehyung but sometimes Taehyung doesn’t like talking with eyes on him,
turning around in bed when he tells Jungkook something and pretending to be busy with his phone.
Turning away when they sit on the couch to lean over the armchair like he is getting something but
coming back without anything.

“Pretty fucked up, though. Zeus was like, ‘you’re actually a hag, give me your daughter for saying

Taehyung’s voice jumps from excited and in wonder, to slow and cautious. He pronounces things
wrong and some things Jungkook knows, he gets wrong, but Jungkook doesn’t mention it.

At the end of their path, Jungkook feels his chest heavy.

“That’s Capricornus, my star. It’s a sea goat.”

His breath tickles Jungkook’s neck as he traces it out. It doesn’t look like much of anything but a
triangle and he wonders if Taehyung can see it.
“My favorite story is the one where Capricornus is a goat called Amalthea. Saved Zeus from being
eaten by his father.”

There’s a hint of sadness in Taehyung’s voice before he clears his throat.

“I had them put you next to me. That’s Virgo, Virgin in Latin. How fitting.”

Jungkook elbows Taehyung playfully. “Not a virgin.”

“Oh, I know ,” Taehyung breathes in his ear as he slips his fingers back down Jungkook’s arms and
points at the stars that make up Virgo. “Looks like an angel, just like you too.”

Things like this are hard for Jungkook to handle. He shrinks into Taehyung, overwhelmed by the
comment. Taehyung hums, pleased, before continuing.

“I read a few stories about her.”

For someone who claims to hate reading, Taehyung spouts facts about constellations like he’s read
and read about them. Jungkook imagines it; Taehyung hiding beneath his blankets at night with a
book in hand, reading about the stars.

“Zeus’ daughter, Persephone. She was abducted by Hades I think, forced to marry him. Eomma
Demeter was like ‘fuck that, I’m destroying the world until you give her back’. Zeus made an
agreement that she only stay with dickwad Hades for half the year. Which, is bullshit. But I see
Zeus is trying to be a better father than his baby eating Appa.”

Jungkook giggles, turning in Taehyung’s embrace. Amusement is coating Taehyung’s face like a
mask, but Jungkook can see in his eyes that it isn’t one.

“Tell me something else?”

Taehyung quirks a brow as he folds a hand around the back of Jungkook’s neck, gently rubbing
circles over his skin.

“Tell me,” Jungkook breathes, hiding his hands in the folds of Taehyung’s jacket. “Tell me the

Confusion fills Taehyung’s eyes but he still looks amused, fond. “What?”

Jungkook can’t say the words, rolling his eyes at himself because he’s ruining the softness of the
moment. He just wants to hear them. “The thing you said that I heard and I’m not supposed to
know but I promised to do it too.”

Taehyung still looks confused for a moment, face twisting as he stares at Jungkook. But when he
laughs it’s sudden, and loud.

The sound echoes off the walls before Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s cheeks between his palms
and pulls him into a series of kisses. Wet, fat kisses pressed to every inch of his face.

“My baby,” Taehyung breathes like he’s saying the words already. “I love you. Happy?”

Jungkook shakes his head. “Say it again.”

Taehyung’s laughter is like butterfly wings, fluttering out of his mouth. “I’ve made you into an
annoying asshole.”
“That you love.”

Soft. Soft. Taehyung is so soft that Jungkook feels like mush.

“Sometimes,” Taehyung lies. “Right now, we are enemies.”

Jungkook pulls away from him them, nerves flooding back into him. He likes that they come less
and less, but he wishes they would finally leave for good. At least when it comes to Taehyung.

“Well, if that’s the case, then forget what I had planned for our date.”

Taehyung’s face falls then as he watches Jungkook walk backwards and away from him. “Don’t be
a shit, Jeon. What is it that you had planned?”

Jungkook shrugs as he nibbles on his bottom lip. He’s going to throw up if he tries to say the words
out loud. “Guess you’ll never find out.”

Taehyung tackles him then, wrapping his body around Jungkook’s. He pads around the path with
Jungkook in tow, biting at his cheeks and then his neck. “Tell me.”

“Bring me home,” Jungkook says instead. “And you’ll see.”

“I’ve corrupted you,” Taehyung says in mock horror. “What have I done?”

Jungkook gently punches Taehyung in the chest. “You’re annoying. I thought we could go home
and study Chemistry for old times’ sake.

Taehyung screws his face at that. “I actually have important plans right now. Bye.”

Taehyung takes off then but he doesn’t move fast, lets Jungkook catch up to him and take him into
his arms. He pretends to fight Jungkook off but even then his efforts are weak.

He wants to say the words, but they sit on his tongue instead.


Taehyung is feeling blissed out. He knows the feeling will last with Jungkook by his side but he’s
afraid of losing it. He’s afraid of the moments where he will feel upset or scared. They’re going to
come, he knows it. But right now, he doesn’t feel it. Not with Jungkook beside him.

“You know, university isn’t your only option? You can find something else you like to do,”
Jungkook is saying. There’s a table covered in papers in front of him, everything lined up in an
order that Taehyung should probably know because he has been listening to Jungkook. “I think
you’ll do well in school but if it isn’t something you want to do, you don’t have to.”

Taehyung doesn’t know what he wants to do. Part of him doesn’t even want to look, doesn’t want
all of this to be for nothing if he ends up alone and back at his parents’ house.

“Oh, oh!” Jungkook says in excitement, turning around where he sits in front of the table to look at
Taehyung. “There’s a planetarium right by the University Yoongi hyung is going to. You could
work there.”

There’s a smile on Taehyung’s face, joy in his heart at how excited Jungkook is by finding
something Taehyung likes to do.

“And there’s a Burger Deluxe. I could ask Jiwon-ssi for a transfer.”

Jungkook starts tapping away, oblivious to Taehyung’s silence. It is a nice silence though.
Taehyung just absorbs it all, tries to take it all in. He tries to understand why Jungkook is so easily
moving his life around for him when that’s so unfitting to Jungkook’s character.

“It’s perfect, really,” Jungkook keeps going on. “I wanted to go to this school. It was my second

Taehyung curls around the pillow he’s holding. It’s cold in Jungkook’s apartment. Even in
Jungkook’s hoodie and a thick blanket over him, he can feel the chill. Jungkook doesn’t seem too,
maybe he’s grown used to it. He wears basketball shorts with his own hoodie, hands peeking out
from the sleeves as he types.

“Why did you choose this one?”

“Yoongi and Hoseok went here,” Jungkook replies without hesitation. At first. He stops typing
before turning around in his seat. “I mean, I liked the program too. But, don’t laugh, but I don’t like
being alone either. Not like, completely.”

Taehyung buries his cheek into the pillow. “You must be staying here during the winter session

Jungkook nods. “Yeah. But you’re here with me.”

He turns then, filling the room with the sound of keys tapping and Taehyung’s silence. It stays like
that for a while before Jungkook closes his laptop and joins him on the couch, pulling the pillow
aside and curling in front of him. He rattles off the different benefits of the university he found,
justifying each potential problem they could have. He is excited; so excited and Taehyung
desperately wants it to work out.

He likes that Jungkook talks about his future and he’s in it.

“And what about your parents?” Taehyung hums, stroking Jungkook’s cheeks. “What do your
parents say?”

Jungkook nibbles at the corner of his mouth as he shrugs. “Eomma wouldn’t mind as long as I was
happy and eating well. I haven’t talked to Appa in forever.”

“Why? I thought you were close?”

Jungkook shrugs again, eyes unsure as he reaches up and takes Taehyung’s hand into his own,
pulling it from his cheek. “He only calls sometimes.”

“You could call him.”

“I don’t have his phone number.”

Taehyung frowns at that. It mirrors the frown on Jungkook’s lips like he too is confused by the fact
that he doesn’t have a way to contact his father. It seems genuine, his confusion and Taehyung
wonders if Jungkook knows anything about Don Min and his connection to Yoongi.

He should say something, even if the rumors aren’t true and the veteran boxer has nothing to do
with Jungkook at all. If he does, it’s something Taehyung hasn’t told Jungkook and it feels like

He’s trying to be better and more deserving of the love he wants Jungkook to have for him.

“Can I ask you something, Jeon?”

Jungkook shrinks into his chest, hiding his face against him. “Sure.”

“Where’d Yoongi learn to box?”

Jungkook glances up at him before he pushes a leg between Taehyung’s and snuggles closer. Now
that he isn’t as shy with him, more comfortable, he’s needier about being touched and getting
touched when he wants it. Taehyung likes that Jungkook is no longer afraid to take.

“He used to fight in school a lot. When people picked on me. I think Hobi and him practiced a lot
together but now I’m not so sure if that’s actually what they were doing.”

Taehyung laughs at that. “I don’t think so either.”

Jungkook makes a face of disgust, but his eyes are amused. “Why do you ask?”

The front door opens but neither one of them bat an eyelash at Jimin’s entrance. He only glances at
them too, a teasing smile on his lips as he drops his bag onto the armchair and strips from his
outerwear. He doesn’t need to stick around, Taehyung knows he wants to spend the holidays with
Hoseok and Yoongi, but it means a lot that he does anyway.

Even if Taehyung is glued to Jungkook’s side and unable to pull away. Even if he wants to fight
Jimin every time Jimin looks at them and gives Taehyung a knowing look.

“Jimin will know,” Jungkook says as he turns around to look at him. “How did Yoongi learn to
box? I feel like I should know this but hyung always kept it from me because I cried the first time
he got a bloody nose.”

Normally, Taehyung would laugh or tease but it makes him sad thinking of Jungkook being that
troubled by something happening to his hyung.

“Uh, he had a mentor,” Jimin says, cranking his neck to the side.

The sudden discomfort on Jimin’s face has warning signs going off in Taehyung’s head.

Jungkook frowns at that as he sits up and Jimin immediately covers his eyes like he’s expecting
Jungkook or Taehyung to be naked beneath the blankets. He only removes them once he peeks
between his fingers and sees that’s not the case.

“You know who Don Min is,” Taehyung says as he sits up behind Jungkook. “Spill.”

Jimin huffs at that, crossing his arms over his chest. There’s a warning look in his eyes but
Taehyung doesn’t know what he’s warning him against. “Why do you sound like you’re accusing
me of murder?”

Jungkook is rigid; his normally pink skin turning a ghostly white as confusion fills his eyes even
more. “Don Min?”
He turns then and Taehyung realizes it isn’t confusion in his eyes, but hurt. “So hyung really did
meet his father and not tell me?”

Jimin’s eyes are wide as he shakes his head behind Jungkook.

Letting out an awkward laugh, Jungkook stands and wipes his hands down his front despite neither
being dirty. “I am going to go for a run.”

“Baby,” Taehyung says, reaching for him immediately. “What’s wrong?”

Another laugh. Jungkook looks more hurt this time. “Why wouldn’t he tell me that? I said it didn’t
bother me but I lied.”

Jimin looks panicked now, gritting his teeth.

“You should ask Yoongi before assuming,” Taehyung instructs hesitantly. “I don’t think Don Min
is his father.”

This time, Jimin is glaring, shaking his head before he cuts a hand over his neck to tell him to stop.
Taehyung ignores him.

“Well, I don’t know. But I think -”

He’s cut off by a scream. Jimin yells, eyes clenching closed as he hollers. He continues doing it,
causing Taehyung and Jungkook to stare at him in alarm. He doesn’t stop until a vein is poking out
over his temple and his face is red.

Jimin inhales deeply, catching his breath. “Sorry. Caught a cramp.”

“From standing?” Jungkook asks in concern. He walks across the room and quickly grabs Jimin’s
shoulders to observe him.

“Yes. Very painful. Take me to the infirmary,” Jimin says, cringing as he grabs his thigh and lets
out a noise of pain. “Please, Jungkook-ssi. Can’t walk.”

Taehyung is impressed by the theatrics but it doesn’t stop his curiosity from growing. It makes it
grow faster.

Jungkook hustles to get his things together and help Jimin into his winter coat. He’s really doing it
when he cries out softly when Jungkook pulls his arm through the sleeves.

“I thought the cramp was in your leg!” Jungkook exclaims, his voice now sounding as panicked as
Jimin looks.

“It’s everywhere,” Jimin moans. “Oh god, am I dying?”

Jungkook looks alarmed and nearly rips Jimin out of the apartment without even so much as a

A second later, he’s rushing through the door and planting a kiss to Taehyung’s lips. “I’ll take care
of him for you.”

Taehyung only snorts at that, nodding. He would tell Jungkook that Jimin is fine but he’s going to
use the empty apartment to his advantage.

He’s going to interrogate Yoongi and then run away and hide from him for forever.
The computer lights up when Yoongi answers his video call. Or Hoseok, whose face is too close to
the screen. He wrinkles his nose and wiggles his head as he says hello in a high pitched voice.

“Tae Tae, I expected your call,” Hoseok says, leaning back. He’s dressed like he had just been
outside, a hat pulled over his head and making his ears curl forward. There’s a scarf around his
neck and his round cheeks are bright pink. But he’s sitting in a room that Taehyung somewhat
recognizes as Yoongi’s childhood home from the few times they’ve video called while he was
there. “Do you want to tell me why Jimin-ah texted us and promised he wasn’t really dying and if
you call us we should ignore you?”

Taehyung cusses quietly. Jimin knows him too well.

“Because your boyfriend is a dramatic asshole that has Jungkook panicking that he’s dying,”
Taehyung grits out. As smart as Jungkook is, he’s gullible because his heart is too big. “He
screamed his head off about being in pain because we were talking about Don Min.”

The brightness in Hoseok’s eyes immediately slips away. Even through the screen it’s noticeable.
He looks off screen for a moment, eyes searching for something before he looks back to Taehyung.

“What about him?”

“Soohyunie and Cheol Su were talking about him the night of the arrest,” Taehyung says, leaning
on his elbows as he gets closer to his computer like it helps him see Hoseok better when it doesn’t.
“There seems to be a discrepancy on who he is.”

“It doesn’t matter who he is,” Hoseok says, his voice too defensive. It’s uncharacteristic of him.
“He isn’t around anymore.”

Taehyung steadies his gaze on to Hoseok, watching as his eyes continue to flicker somewhere else.
He can somewhat hear the sound of someone else in the room speaking, maybe Yoongi or
Jungkook’s baby brother.

“It does matter who he is if Soohyunie was right and it’s Jungkook’s father. Or if Jungkook is right
and it’s Yoongi’s, because Jungkook is quite upset that Yoongi wouldn’t tell him something like

Hoseok cusses quietly, rubbing a hand down his face and jostling the computer he must have
perched on his lap. “You’re cute. Protective of the little one, aren’t you?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. He is, whatever. “Yeah. Now tell me.”

“Not my business,” Hoseok says quickly. He turns the computer then, showing off Yoongi’s back
as he walks alongside what looks like a porch outside of their apartment. “All I can tell you is that
Yoongi is going to kill your brother for saying anything, though. My condolences.”

“The bitch can rot,” Taehyung grunts. “Please tell me, Hoseokie.”

Hoseok glares when Taehyung sticks out his bottom lip. He flicks him off when Taehyung’s eyes
grow wide and he tries to mimic Jungkook’s doe eyes.

“Fuck off,” Hoseok says, clearly struggling with himself. “I really can’t tell you this thing. It’s
super important to hyung.”

“Well put him on the phone then,” Taehyung says, annoyed that his tactics didn’t work. They
always work on Hoseok, which means it’s something important. “I understand Jungkook has a hard
time with some things but he isn’t a child and if either one of those things is true, Jungkook doesn’t
know and it’s kind of fucked up not to tell him.”

Hoseok glares at that. They’ve never fought but Taehyung feels like they might. He feels defensive
and he shouldn’t, not with Hoseok.

“Yeah, I’m sure it would be really helpful for Jungkook’s already high blood pressure to know that
his mother isn’t actually getting money from his father anymore because he’s in prison. Yes, let’s
tell him that.”

Taehyung goes quiet as Hoseok snaps defensively. It’s a strange thing seeing Hoseok angry, but it
only lasts a second before Hoseok quickly claps a hand over his mouth. His eyes blow out wide as
he shakes his head.

“Shit, shit. You’re the devil Kim Taehyung. You’re not supposed to know that.”

Now, Taehyung wishes he didn’t. Because Hoseok is right; that would be bad for Jungkook to
know. He’s been relaxed the last few weeks, seemingly unstressed. Much better than he had been
during the semester. He knows it’s going to come back because Jungkook has a lot of classes next
semester, plus trying to transfer to a new school and work.

“Well, I do,” Taehyung says. “So tell me everything.”

Hoseok grunts at that before he buries his face into his palm. “It isn’t anything serious, that’s why
no one told Jungkookie. The Club had a lot of illegal shit going on when hyung and I first started
going there. MJ was just starting to take over and fix things; make it so the most illegal thing in
there were kids sneaking in with fake IDs. It was bad place at bad time kind of deal. The worst
thing Jungkook’s father was involved in was gambling. He was a fucking cheater, but no one could
tell. He made a lot of money that way.”

Taehyung rubs at his chin as Hoseok clears his throat and looks to his side. A few seconds later
Yoongi is sitting beside him, head tilting until their foreheads touch.

“Taehyungie, what are you doing and why does Hoseok look like you just told him you lost

Taehyung laughs nervously. He can’t do this. He can’t tell Jungkook this nor be the only person
Jungkook has when he finds out. He isn’t that strong of a person yet to be strong enough for
someone else. Especially Jungkook, who really needs a strong person.

“Soohyunie was bailed out,” Taehyung says.

Hoseok looks relieved for a second but his avoidance of Yoongi’s eyes is a dead giveaway.
Hoseok’s always been the worst liar out of all of them.

“Not surprising,” Yoongi hums. “Cheol Su won’t be. His parents don’t care about him and he has a

“Good,” Taehyung says, nodding his head. “Alright. That’s all. See -”

“Tae,” Yoong interrupts, voice firm. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Taehyung laughs before he closes the laptop before Yoongi can say another word.

Like Jungkook, Taehyung is also a runner.

He feels anxious as he waits for Jungkook and Jimin to return. It feels like forever and when they
finally step through the door, Taehyung would be amused by how annoyed Jungkook looks, but he
can’t find it in him.

It isn’t right for everyone to keep this from Jungkook, even if they had a good reason to.

“Somehow, this one roped me into getting a physical exam,” Jungkook huffs, chest broadening.
“Which, I am sure has a little to do with you too, Taehyung. Though, I thought you were against
me joining the track team again.”

Taehyung had nothing to do with that but he lets Jungkook rant.

“Which, I can. But I don’t want to. I’m trying hard not to overwhelm myself too much this
semester. I can run on my own. Track and field really doesn’t benefit me in any way, so I can cut
that out at least.”

Jimin also watches Jungkook pace around, his face unsure when he looks to Taehyung. They know
each other well, even if Jimin doesn’t specifically know what Taehyung does know, he knows
Taehyung isn’t going to keep it to himself.

“Jungkook -”

“Tae don’t,” Jimin says immediately, jumping in between them.

It catches Jungkook’s attention immediately. He stops pacing, eyes growing wide as he looks
between them.

“Yoongi,” Jimin starts, but he stops himself with a wary glance at Jungkook.

“No offense but Yoongi is wrong here,” Taehyung says.

“What is going on?” Jungkook asks, itching as his neck. “What happened to hyung?”

There’s stress in Jungkook’s features, his brows pushing together. It’s wrong to keep it from him,
but Taehyung gets why Hoseok and Yoongi want to. He physically can’t get the words to leave his
lips as he watches Jungkook’s growing stressed expression.

“Yoongi doesn’t think we should be together but I disagree.”

It slips past Taehyung’s lips before he can stop it. It comes packaged with panic and nerves, two
things that Taehyung never feels. It’s a lie too; Yoongi used to warn him off of Jungkook but not

Jungkook’s eyes grow even wider, his face instantly reddening. “What?”

Taehyung cusses quietly to himself, rubbing a hand over his face. He should come with a
babysitter or something to keep himself from digging himself into a hole. He’s thought of many
ways of broaching this subject with Jungkook and this is definitely not one of them.

“Yes,” Jimin goes on, nudging his head as if to tell Taehyung to keep going. “Yoongi doesn’t want
you two to date because of reasons.”

“Reasons,” Taehyung grunts. His hands are shaking. Who allowed him to use his voice, ever?
“Well, tell Yoongi to fuck off because it’s happening.”

Jungkook is still staring at him, hands half held out in front of him before he curls them into a fist
and tucks them over his chest.

“I mean if that’s okay, um okay with you,” Taehyung huffs, gesturing offhandedly to Jungkook. He
breathes through his nose; channeling his relaxed self. He gives Jungkook a grin, hoping it looks as
at ease as he needs it to be.

“If what is?” Jungkook breathes.

“If you um, date me,” Taehyung says. He can’t pretend that nerves aren’t swallowing him whole.
He’s trying and failing. “Like date. Yeah, date.”

“Date,” Jungkook repeats and Taehyung suddenly hates the sound of the word. “Like boyfriends.”

Taehyung knows dating means being boyfriends but hearing it makes Taehyung realize that he
didn’t quite consider that.


Jimin’s eyes are glowing with glee but Jungkook doesn’t notice. “You tell hyung then,” Jimin says,
trying for annoyed but he sounds too pleased. “I’m out of here before you guys start banging.”

Jungkook doesn’t move even when Jimin leaves and slams the door behind himself. He doesn’t say
anything but stares at Taehyung as if Taehyung’s admitted to killing an animal or something.

“You’re making this awkward,” Taehyung tries, attempting to joke but he knows it’s the wrong
thing to say.

“I do that,” Jungkook says. “I do that all of the time.”

Taehyung jumps up from the chair when he sees the panic start in Jungkook’s eyes. He quickly
folds his hands over Jungkook’s cheeks and kisses him until he calms.

If Jungkook can’t handle this, he definitely can’t handle the news about his father.

“Is the idea of being my boyfriend that bad?” Taehyung breathes as he presses their foreheads

Jungkook shakes his head as he curls his fists around Taehyung’s wrists and keeps his hands on
him. “No. Are you -”

“If you ask if I’m messing with you,” Taehyung starts to growl, “I will obliterate you.”

There’s a quirk in Jungkook’s lip at that, his body relaxing. “Big word there.”

Taehyung relaxes too, pulling back some to take in Jungkook’s face. “I have a really good tutor.”

“Do you?”

Taehyung nods, melting. He’ll figure it out; how to tell Jungkook. Sometime that isn’t now.

“Mhm. I fired him though,” Taehyung sighs dramatically. “Inappropriate for me to date my tutor,
you know?”

Jungkook’s breath is shaky. “You really want to be my boyfriend?”

Taehyung nods without hesitation. “You’re acting more surprised by this than me telling you I love

For a moment, Jungkook doesn’t respond, only searches Taehyung’s face as if to see if he is
messing with him. “I’m not a very good boyfriend.”

Taehyung snorts. “Just be who you are and that’s perfect for me, baby.”

Jungkook shakes his head, gently prying away from Taehyung. “No. You’re not telling me
something. Don’t just blurt things like that out, Tae, unless you mean them.”

“I do,” Taehyung huffs. He does, but he hadn’t meant to ask this way. “I don’t know how to ask
you to be my boyfriend because I don’t do things like this.”

It seems effective enough to make Jungkook less suspicious of him. Taehyung feels like a shitty

He’ll have to go home, to Christmas dinner. He’ll have to deal with his parents and secure his
allowance so he can give Jungkook money. He’ll lose his mind when he finds out his mother is
missing an entire income, start working extra shifts to the point where he won’t sleep.

Taehyung worries he’d even drop out of college to take care of his mother.

“Why - why so suddenly?”

Because it’s the only thing he could think of to change the subject, Taehyung thinks. “I”ve been
wanting to,” he says instead. “I didn’t know how.”

Jungkook’s lips quirk up but his eyes are still narrowed. “You just say the words.”

Taehyung laughs, his chest loosening. “Ironic, coming from you. If it’s that easy, you say it.”

It’s immediate, how red Jungkook becomes. “Fine.”

Planting a hand to his hip, Taehyung waits for Jungkook to ask him but he doesn’t say anything. He
just glares.

“Shut up,” Jungkook finally grunts. “You better keep calling me your baby.”

Taehyung feels elated as Jungkook steps into his space and curls his arms around his neck. “Why
would I stop?”

It’s cute, how aggravated Jungkook looks. “Because you’re annoying and will probably call me
boyfriend every two seconds because it makes me red.”

Taehyung snorts. He has a point. “Kiss me, boyfriend.”

Jungkook presses his lips so hard together they turn into thin lines.

Taehyung is so fucking fond it hurts. He rolls his eyes, smoothing his hands down Jungkook’s
back. “Maybe I should start calling you brat because you sure are one.”

The red on Jungkook’s cheeks grows so dark he looks like a tomato. He looks startled for a
moment, eyes widening but Taehyung doesn’t get a chance to joke about him liking the name
before Jungkook is kissing him.

It feels good, a happiness settling inside of Taehyung that he hasn’t felt before. But it’s fucked up
that he can’t fully enjoy it because he knows he isn’t going to be able to keep this from Jungkook,
not for long.

And Jungkook is going to crash and burn and Taehyung’s not going to be able to handle it.

Chapter End Notes

Please share your thoughts!

Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

Hi!!! This is a double update, two chapters!! The second being the epilogue. I'll be
honest, I had a hard time finishing it because I've had such a connection with the
characters and the storyline. Well, I hope you enjoy it!! I'll be emotional at the end of
it so,, prepare for that lmao.

I have quite a few extra scenes that I've taken out and want to do something with in
regards to this story so check #chemfic on twit going forward if you're interested to
read those! Or if you'd like to tweet your reactions <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungkook watches as Taehyung paces around the room, eyes focused on the mirror as he tries on
outfit after outfit. There is a heap of clothes growing over the chair tucked in the corner of his
room, things that had looked fine, really good, on Taehyung, but had been ripped off and tossed
aside anyway.

Taehyung seems frustrated as he tucks a silky white shirt into his high waisted pants. He rakes his
eyes over himself, slender fingers slipping over the part of his chest that is revealed from the low
collar and proceeds to rip the shirt off of himself.

Anger and nerves go side by side when it comes to Taehyung, the same way nerves look like
sadness on Jungkook. Or maybe it is frustration simmering off of him, making him huff and puff,
glare at himself, fling the material aside like it isn’t worth millions of won.

That anger or frustration dies out when Taehyung’s eyes find Jungkook watching him. Jungkook is
still not used to Taehyung being so open, so vulnerable with him. He doesn’t make a joke or close
off his expression, he lets Jungkook see that something is bothering him.

He doesn’t tell him what it is though, but his shoulders heavy as his movements slow and he more
carefully pulls the shirt back out from where he’s tucked it into the band of his pants.

“I like that outfit,” Jungkook complains. He’s learned that his pout can bring a smile to Taehyung’s
lips easily, but he doesn’t look towards him.

He doesn’t respond either but grunts in frustration as a frayed string catches on his belly button

Jungkook is quick to rush to him, taking his hands away gently so he can do it himself.

“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Jungkook asks gently as he frees Taehyung’s dangling
piercing and tucks the shirt again. He uses it as an excuse to touch Taehyung, to let him feel the
comfort of his presence, the warmth in his skin.

“Nothing,” Taehyung hums.

“Someone called you this morning and you looked upset about it,” Jungkook reminds him, cocking
his head to the side to take in his expression. His jaw is tensed as he grits his teeth but remains still
for Jungkook to dress him.

“It was my mother,” Taehyung finally says, fingers stretching out where his hands hang by his
hips, flexing before turning into fists. “She reminded me to dress my best. Like she deserves the
Taehyung best.”

Jungkook falls still as Taehyung’s eyes divert away from him. He had a feeling earlier Taehyung
was speaking to some member of his family just by the icy tone of his voice. He knows even if it’s
best for Taehyung, it isn’t always simple for someone to completely tear themselves away from
everything they’ve known.

But it tears Jungkook up inside watching it affect him.

“So, yeah. I’ve changed my mind and decided to go there for Christmas. By the way.”

Taehyung pulls away from him, not meeting his eyes. Jungkook just watches him undress for the
eightieth time and dig through his closet for something else.

“Why?” Jungkook asks, fiddling with his hands. “You know I support whatever pace you want to
set, but - but I am yeah, just wondering why?”

The shirt Taehyung pulls out is nearly see through, the material a mint green and so thin that when
Taehyung pulls it on, Jungkook can still see the dark of his nipples perfectly through it. He tucks
this one in too, showing off his narrow waist before he lowers it over his shoulders until his
collarbones and the dips in his shoulders are revealed.

“I have to, Jeon.”

Dread fills Jungkook at the matter of fact way Taehyung says that. Taehyung still doesn’t look up
at him, but watches himself.

“I’m looking for the best outfit that screams, ‘I like dick’. Or! Better yet, the best outfit that
screams, ‘I’m trying to get dick.’” Taehyung turns in front of the mirror, looking at the curve of his
back as he arches slightly. “Jeon Jungkook’s dick, specifically of course.”

Jungkook snorts but it’s lacking the amusement Taehyung is probably aiming for because he’s
worried about Taehyung going to his parents’ again.

He wouldn’t fully understand if it was something Taehyung wanted to do, but he’d keep quiet if
Taehyung wanted to rather than felt he had to.

“You don’t have to go Tae. It’s clearly upsetting you.”

Taehyung’s expression changes quickly, a grin on his lips, an ease to his features that comes paired
with a careless shrug. But Jungkook can see it in his eyes that he’s lying.

“I’m not upset, baby.”

“What happened to ‘fuck my parents’?” Jungkook asks gently.

Another shrug and Taehyung rips off the green shirt. The next shirt he grabs is Jungkook’s, a light
lavender button up that is drastically different than the other things he’s tried so far. It’s much too
big on Jungkook and much too big on Taehyung, hanging off of him and way past his hips as he
starts to button it.
“I’ve realized the poor life isn’t for me.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he curls his arms around Taehyung’s waist and tucks his chin over his
shoulder. He watches Taehyung’s fingers move in the mirror, rolling over each button. His fingers
are covered in thin rings designed like flowers and leaves running up the length of each one.
“You’re lying. But you don’t have to tell me. Not until you’re ready.”

He pulls away with a kiss to Taehyung’s cheek. Silence and Taehyung isn’t something he’ll ever
get used to. It’s not only moments like these either, where something is weighing down on one or
both of their hearts. There are also quiet moments that feel tender, when sleep is about to take hold
of them but Taehyung traces Jungkook face to hold onto him for a few moments longer. When
Jungkook gets home from work and finds Taehyung napping; those first few moments after he
wakes are always soft, his face squished and words too deep and ragged to be understood.

They are the moments that Jungkook thinks about the most when his chest does that thing because
he realized how much he loves Taehyung.

“Okay,” Taehyung breathes, looking almost relieved but his voice is barely above a whisper.

“I like that shirt the most. Do you have something that color? I’ll wear it and we can match.”

Taehyung stays quiet as Jungkook rummages through his things and pulls out the first purple thing
he finds. It’s a cashmere sweater that is a few shades darker than the shirt of Jungkook’s that
Taehyung is wearing now, but it’s soft and he’s seen Taehyung intimately while wearing it before.

He holds it up to his chest with hopeful eyes, wondering if Taehyung remembers that he’s jokingly
gotten angry at Jungkook for coming on it because he didn’t know if it would stain and it was

Victory screams inside of him when Taehyung smiles, lips quirking up sinfully before he rolls his

“You should go naked,” Taehyung says, pressing a hand to his hip. “Nothing says Happy
Christmas more than a bare bodied cutie.”

Jungkook pulls the sweater up until it’s covering his red face. He wants to know why Taehyung
has suddenly changed his mind about Christmas with his parents, so much that it’s bothering him.
But he doesn’t want to pressure Taehyung anymore than he already has. He doesn’t want Taehyung
to start shutting down around him because Jungkook can’t give him the space he needs.

“I’ll consider it,” Jungkook huffs from behind his sweater curtain.

He doesn’t hear Taehyung’s footsteps and he jolts when the sweater is being yanked from his
hands. Taehyung is grinning, his features soft as he lets the sweater fall to the ground like it isn’t
actually that important to him and squeezes Jungkook’s cheeks until his lips pop out like a fish’s.

“You’re not going,” Taehyung says. “But if you want to wait here for me naked, I wouldn’t
complain. Though I’m not sure everyone else would agree.”

Jungkook can't argue from the way Taehyung is pushing into his cheeks but he tries his best to

He knows Taehyung is upset because he’s thrown a last minute Christmas dinner together,
blackmailing everyone into coming because he doesn’t like to admit out loud that he hates being
alone. Jungkook has listened to him while he was on the phone in the hallway, talking quietly
while Jungkook pretended to be focusing on the last of his homework before the holiday.

“Don’t go,” Jungkook tries to say but it comes out garbled.

With a kiss to his lips, Taehyung finally lets his cheeks free.

“They don’t deserve another chance “ Jungkook says, flustered. He can’t let it go.

The last time Taehyung had come home from his parents had broken Jungkook’s heart and he can’t
see it again.

Taehyung looks at him for awhile before he takes his hands into his own.

“I will be fine, Jeon. I’ll smoke before I go. They’re much more bearable when I’m high. Eomma
is probably going to be a zombie, she always is for holidays. Even more so this holiday since
hyung is fresh out of prison.”

Jungkook frowns at that. He doesn’t want Taehyung to go but it isn’t his place to tell Taehyung
what to do. “I’m only letting you go if I go with you.”

Taehyung grins at that. “‘Letting’ me?”

Jutting his chin out, Jungkook nods. “And that’s final.”

Despite the dreary air around Taehyung that’s been there since this morning, his laughter seems
genuine. It reaches his eyes and makes his smile wide. Jungkook likes when it makes his nose
wrinkle and he finds it stupid how much he desires to kiss the mole at the tip of Taehyung’s nose.

“That’s real cute of you,” Taehyung mocks. “I’m not letting you go. It’s not good for me to be on
the defense before my parents can even be shitty and I will be if you’re there.”

It’s quick how fast Taehyung goes from amused to serious. He still looks light when he says it.

“I’ll be able to handle whatever comments they want to make about me,” Taehyung goes on and
Jungkook doesn’t think he believes that. He had admitted to not understanding why he was so
angry when he blew up on his father; why his sudden apathy to the whole situation turned to blind
anger. “But they mention one thing about you working more next semester or growing up poor, I’ll
flip the table over. So it’s best if you stay here, love.”

Jungkook presses his lips into a thin line as Taehyung reaches up to play with the collar of
Jungkook’s sweater. This one is Taehyung’s too, an oversized mustard yellow sweater with dark
red triangles over the elbows. It smells like Taehyung and is just as warm as him.

“I don’t accept,” Jungkook says. Taehyung drags his hands down his chest before stuffing them
beneath the lip of his sweater, his hands much cooler than Jungkook’s body and making him
shiver. “I don’t care about people’s opinions about me being poor.”

Sometimes he does. Sometimes he hates the way people look down on poor people, how they
associate them with being worth less than them even though they work just as hard. He hates how
people assume his mother is lazy for not working because she’s too ashamed about her illnesses to
tell people about them.

But not Taehyung’s parents. Jungkook doesn’t care at all what they think.

“I know,” Taehyung says softly, cupping Jungkook’s waist before palming over his skin and
settling at his spine. He touches Jungkook like he just needs to. “I just don’t want you there,
Jungkook. I don’t want you to see me shamelessly ass kiss just for money. I don’t want them to see
that you’re someone they can use against me. And I really don’t want them to say a rude word to
you. ”

Jungkook still thinks Taehyung is lying. He can’t be sure. “I want to be by your side.”

There’s a smile on Taehyung’s lips as he presses down on Jungkook’s spine to pull him into his
body. “You know that means a lot to me, baby. But I’ve gotten all the hyungs to come over
tomorrow so you won’t be alone for Christmas while I’m there. Everyone; Jin, Joonie, Yoongi and

They didn’t have any Christmas plans originally. Jungkook had been trying to think of ways to
wake Taehyung up and then making him breakfast. Or maybe make breakfast together and then
just hanging out. Going somewhere on a date at one of the restaurants in town.

His own family hasn’t really celebrated Christmas much over his life. Dinner as a family was
important every day. Even when his father wasn’t home for weeks at a time, Jihoon and Jungkook
had to be home every night to eat with their mother. Sometimes it would annoy Jungkook, when he
was too busy with homework or studying and didn’t have the stomach to eat.

He started missing family dinners when he started to work and it’s been years since.

“I have the entirety of the day to find a way to convince you to let me come,” Jungkook says. “And
I’m determined, so like, prepare to lose.”

Taehyung’s eyes roll at that. “Oh, it’s a game now?”

Jungkook juts his chin out again. “Yeah. You’ve yet to see my competitive side. I don’t like to

The giggle Taehyung lets out warms Jungkook’s heart and brings a smile to his own lips.

He likes when their smiles press together, when their lips are so frozen stretched out that their kiss
becomes more teeth than anything. He likes when he can taste Taehyung’s soft giggles, even when
they come out deeper, gruffier.

Jungkook doesn’t know how long they stay like that, kissing and giggling into each other’s mouths,
but he could spend hours that way. Taehyung is the first to pull away, despite Jungkook gripping
into his shirt to tug him back.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Taehyung huffs, tilting his head to the side. “As much as I
would like to keep kissing you, babe, I don’t want to keep being the reason you miss out on your
responsibilities. I’m trying to work on not being selfish with you.”

He does, but somehow school hasn’t been a priority as of late. Making sure nothing hurts
Taehyung is his main concern and Jimin isn’t here to fill in for him as a comfort for Taehyung at
the current moment.

“Kicking me out?” Jungkook challenges because his brain is dumb and won’t let him admit to
Taehyung why he’s stalling.

“Actually, yes,” Taehyung says, pulling Jungkook close. “I have something else to do and I can’t
have you here for it.”
Jungkook hesitates when Taehyung slips his hands away from his shirt and grabs his hands instead.
He looks teasing but Jungkook is suddenly nervous.

“What is it?”

“Can’t tell you,” Taehyung sings, twirling around with their hands still clasped, leaving them
crossed when he faces Jungkook again. “Do you think this shirt looks good on me?”

Jungkook nods without hesitation. Taehyung literally could pull off anything, Jungkook swears it.
But there’s something nicer about Taehyung being in his clothes specifically. Jungkook doesn’t get
it but he also doesn’t think too hard about it.

“Be patient and maybe you can strip it off of me later.”

“The apartment isn’t going to be empty anymore,” Jungkook reminds him with pink tinted cheeks.
He should probably clean before Yoongi returns.

Not that Yoongi himself is that clean, but at least he’s been considerate of Jungkook’s space too.
Jungkook is quite sure he walked past a condom beside the couch this morning and while he hasn’t
let any food sit out, there are enough water bottles and cups around the house that are half filled
with water for them to recreate their own ocean.

“So?” Taehyung asks but there’s that shit eating grin in his eyes because he knows exactly why
Jungkook doesn’t want to fuck around with his hyungs here. “Is it because you can’t be quiet to
save your life?”

Jungkook tugs away from Taehyung. “If you wanted me to leave, you’ve succeeded. My poor heart
today; you’ve told me twice that you don’t want me around.”

Taehyung doesn’t let him leave though, becoming a koala around his back that Jungkook attempts
to weakly push off. He ends up dragging Taehyung through the apartment instead, refusing to give
up until Taehyung is letting go and planting himself to the front door.

“I have a surprise for you,” Taehyung says, pressing his hands into the door like that will stop
Jungkook from leaving. It does. “That’s why I want you to leave. For a few hours. Of course I want
you around me. If I had it my way we would be like two of those little chemical things that are
bonded together at all times. Like H2O. You’re my oxygen.”

Jungkook snorts, softening at how quickly the words rush from Taehyung’s mouth. “Does that
mean I get two of you?”

Taehyung presses his shoulders into the door, leaning off of it some as Jungkook comes close.
“Kinky fucker. Isn’t one of me good enough?”

“More than,” Jungkook corrects, taking Taehyung’s hand. If he only knew how much he was
actually his oxygen too. “Forget hydrogen, you’re my number one element.”

Light shines in Taehyung’s eyes. “I actually get that one. Maybe I’ll become more invested in
school next semester so I can learn nerdy ways to flirt with you.”

Jungkook almost groans at that. He can only imagine how annoyingly fond he’s going to be. “Is
that not what you did last semester?”

“Can’t say. Don’t remember. Not a thing. Who even are you? Get off.”
Rolling his eyes, Jungkook clings tighter. At this point, he might as well skip everything he has
planned for the day because he doesn’t want to leave.

“The surprise better not be a Christmas present. You better not be going to your parents to get
money because you spent yours on a Christmas present for me.”

“I’m not,” Taehyung complains and it feels like he is telling the truth. “I promise.”

He flings out his pinky finger then, waiting for Jungkook to curl his own around it before he tugs
Jungkook forward until their lips meet.

“Now get out of here. Go be a productive adult or whatever.”

Jungkook breathes in through his nose and slowly exhales as he makes his way down the corridor.
Just being here makes him nervous because of how often he’s been uncomfortable. It isn’t any
different today but if Taehyung can build the courage to talk to his father after the things he’s done
to him, so can Jungkook.

For what felt like hours, Jungkook had stood in the cold outdoors, in the middle of the green, just
glaring up at the Main Office building and trying to find the strength to go inside. He had been
quite determined from his walk from his last class before exams of the winter session to here, but it
had slipped away the moment he realized what he was doing.

But he is determined not to back down. Taehyung needs someone to stand up for him, to protect
him because even though Taehyung tries hard to protect himself, his ways of protecting himself
hurt him more than anything.

Jungkook wants to be a strong enough person to do these things for him. He wants to help
Taehyung with the things in his life that need to get better the way Taehyung has been helping him.

Maybe he’s naive, maybe it’s a lost case, but he can’t sit back and do nothing knowing Taehyung
might have to face listening to all of the things that make him break down again.

The President’s secretary isn’t there when Jungkook walks by his desk and towards the open office
door. The glass reveals that the President isn’t alone either. There are raised voices and Jungkook
hesitates for a moment because the other voice sounds so much like Taehyung.

When Jungkook had first met Soohyun, he looked familiar in the way he resembled Taehyung but
Jungkook never really thought they looked alike. From behind, they look almost identical. The
only difference is Soohyun’s hair is his natural black and Taehyung’s is an array of light browns
and blondes because Jungkook had tried to help Taehyung color his hair and it came out incredibly

“It's really shit, Appa. This is fucking bullshit!”

Soohyun and Taehyung sound as similar as they look and Jungkook feels a wash of panic over him.
He had been told Soohyun had been bailed out of prison, but he hadn’t been expecting to run into
him so soon. The rage in his voice is loud, unlike Taehyung whose angered voice is scarily steady.

“Watch your mouth, Soohyun.”

“Fuck that,” Soohyun snaps and Jungkook turns, making it so neither Soohyun nor the President
can see him when Soohyun starts to turn in his pacing. He really shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but
he knows Soohyun getting in some kind of trouble might make Taehyung feel better.

Or, it might make him feel worse. Jungkook’s findings on how Taehyung really feels about his
brother are inconclusive.

“You’re telling me I can’t come home for Christmas and you want me to watch my fucking
mouth? Have you forgotten, Abeoji , that parents’ traits are given to their children? You and
Eomma both have fucking anger issues and you expect me not to?”

There is silence for a moment and Jungkook swears he can Soohyun breathing heavily.

“It isn’t anything personal. Your brother and Jungkook are going to be there and every time you
and Taehyung are around each other, it becomes volatile.”

Jungkook presses into the wall. President Kim’s voice is steady, maybe more concerned than
scolding, but Jungkook doesn’t believe it for a second.

“Ah.” Soohyun laughs sarcastically. “Your concern isn’t Taehyung, Appa. But Jungkook, your
golden boy. Tell me, who else is going to be there? Who would you like to keep blinded to the fact
that we are a shit fucking family?”

The way Soohyun says his name makes him feel sick. Yoongi had assured him that there was no
way Cheol Su would get bailed out and if he did, he wouldn’t show his face. But the sound of
Soohyun’s voice makes Jungkook’s body tense like Cheol Su might turn down the corridor at any

“I do not think we need to air out every problem in front of company. Especially not during dinner.
It isn’t about fooling people, son, it’s about being a good host.”

Soohyun doesn’t seem to hear him. “I’m sure Jeon is well aware of how shitty you are. Taehyung
loves telling the world that you suck at being a father. I’m surprised the news hasn’t found out
about how the Institute’s President is actually shit.”

There’s a slam and Jungkook jumps, heart starting to race in his chest.

“I’m shit? You didn’t seem to think so when your mother and I bailed you out of jail!” The
President shouts, losing the control he had been holding onto. “You and your brother, I swear. At
least there is hope for Taehyung. Jungkook is a positive influence on him, while you are still
wasting your time with those so called friends that let you shove poison into your body!”

“Would you be so quick to defend your golden boy over your sons if you knew he wasn’t as
perfect as he is in your head?”

Jungkook’s heart thrums in his chest. He doesn’t care about the rumors, not as much as Taehyung
does at least. But he doesn’t really want the University President to hear them either. He doesn’t
want to be apart of the Kim family arguments at all, especially not Soohyun and his father’s.

The President’s fondness for Jungkook has nothing to do with him as a person. The President just
likes that his work has rewarded with donations to their biochemistry department and the articles
Jungkook has written name drop his school. It’s all about image and reputation.

“Jungkook shouldn’t be blamed for the sins of his father,” President Kim says coolly and Jungkook
frowns in confusion, shrinking against the wall. “Just like you won’t be prosecuted for my sins.
Just your own. The ones you’ve done very little to make amends for. Now get out of my office and
calm yourself before you come over for dinner tonight. Your Eomma has missed you.”

Soohyun laughs again and it sounds a bit hysterical. Jungkook wonders how the President can’t see
what he’s doing to his kids when he’s witnessing their reactions with his own eyes. It sounds
similar to his fight with Taehyung, how Taehyung couldn’t stop laughing to the point his laughter
became sobbing.

“Maybe I won’t be prosecuted for your sins but I sure as fuck am suffering because of them,”
Soohyun snaps, anger radiating out of his voice in waves. “Taehyung too.”

It doesn’t make up for the things he’s done but Jungkook is surprised by the way Soohyun includes
Taehyung, acknowledging that Taehyung has hurt too. It isn’t enough, he doesn’t think Taehyung
will even want to hear it, but it makes Jungkook feel a little more confident.

If someone as shitty as Soohyun can stand up for Taehyung, even the tiniest bit, so can Jungkook.

Soohyun grunts something Jungkook can’t make out before his feet slap harshly in the ground. It
takes Jungkook a moment to realize he’s leaving and he’s too late in moving, jumping back from
the door as it flings open.

There’s murder in Soohyun’s eyes when he looks at Jungkook. It almost takes his courage away.
Soohyun shoves him harshly with his shoulder, pushing Jungkook back.

Jungkook’s body feels like it’s been electrified with how quickly fear pounds through him when
Soohyun hovers down at him. He isn’t much taller than Jungkook, but Jungkook feels tiny beneath

Another shove and there’s a hand pressing into Jungkook’s chest until his back rattles against the
wall. It doesn’t hurt, the pain masked by the adrenaline rushing through his body.

“Get Tae the fuck out of here,” Soohyun grunts.

“You - you don’t care about him,” Jungkook breathes. He wishes he could absorb into the wall and
disappear, but he’s trapped. “You don’t get to pretend to, either.”

The last shove hurts because Soohyun curls his fingers into his shirt to tug him forward before
slamming him back again. Jungkook doesn’t fight against it, his body locking up. Panic rises bile
into his throat and he tries to bring himself together but he can’t.

“Tae will get sick of our father’s love for you and drop you. I heard that’s quite easy to do. Don’t
make quite an impression, do you? At least that’s what Cheol Su said.”

Jungkook only glares as Soohyun walks back. There is a grin on his lips like he’s succeeded in
doing something just then, but he didn’t. Jungkook doesn’t care about his words or Cheol Su’s.

Before Jungkook can respond, the President is stepping out of his office with alarm on his face. His
eyes flutter wide in surprise as he takes in Jungkook but they turn to daggers when he turns them to

“I said get out,” President Kim says, pointing his finger down the hallway. “Mr. Jeon come into
my office.”

If he leaves now, he won’t have the courage to come back. He feels too rattled and he hopes
Taehyung is down to smoke and take a bath when he gets home because the amount of nerves and
fear he feels is going to make him crash hard. Jungkook isn’t a physical person at all; just the idea
of it has him upset.

He doesn’t want the President to see it but the President is dragging him into his office and
slamming the door before he can change his mind.

“Sit. I’m sorry if you’ve heard anything. Both of my sons are a bit testy this week.”

Jungkook swallows thickly. The President rubs a hand down his face and heads straight to the side
of his office, opening up a cabinet and pulling out what looks to be Whiskey.

“Would you like a glass?”

Jungkook shakes his head, hugging his backpack to his chest in an attempt to calm himself. His
limbs feel like noodles and he slips into the seat President Kim had offered him. “I don’t drink.”

“Good,” President Kim hums before he takes a giant sip himself. “Is this about my son or are you
here to explain to me why you’ve requested your transcript?”

The things he’s planned on saying leaves his head. He knows better to imagine scenarios
beforehand because they never work out the way he’s planned for them to, but he can’t help it.
There are smashed things on the ground, picture frames and books that are spread out with their
pages crumpling against the carpet. President Kim doesn’t acknowledge them as he pours more
Whiskey into his glass and sits across from him.

“Um, sir. Both.”

President Kim fiddles with the rim of his glass, the tip of his finger tracing it and Jungkook doesn’t
know why it’s intimidating but it is.

“You’ve requested Taehyung’s as well. I thought him leaving home was dramatic enough, please
do not tell me he plans on leaving the University as well.”

Jungkook tucks his hand beneath his backpack. His sudden confidence is gone. He planned on
coming in here and forcing the President to realize that Taehyung deserves better, but he is failing
in the face of him.

“If this has to do with my relationship with Professor Ma Ri, Mr. Jeon, I’m afraid that isn’t any of
your business and it shouldn’t affect your studies here.”

Jungkook laughs breathlessly at that. “It has - it has more to do with your relationship with your
son, sir.”

The President hesitates at that, lips pressing into the glass before he lowers it without a sip.
“Excuse me?”

“I’ve asked Taehyung to come home for Christmas with me.”

It’s a lie but that was Jungkook’s point in coming here; to get the President off Taehyung’s back
and stop blackmailing him into coming home for the holiday. Taehyung and Soohyun both seem to
think their father has some softness for Jungkook, and he’s praying it’s true for this.

“I haven’t been home in sometime,” Jungkook starts to ramble off quickly, hoping it doesn’t make
it more obvious that he’s lying, “and I’m nervous about it and I hate traveling by myself. And
Taehyung offered to help me pay for it so I don’t have to overwork myself and -”
The President holds up a hand to stop him. Jungkook presses his lips together, fingers tightening in
a clasp in front of his hips to keep them from visibly trembling.


Jungkook hesitates, his neck starting to grow hot and sweaty. He reminds himself why he’s here,
why he has to not panic and make an excuse to leave. He shoves his hands between his thighs,
hating how sweaty his palms get. It’s worse than the way they tremble. A stupid human function
that Jungkook doesn’t really understand the evolutionary benefit of.

“I am supposing you’ve heard of Taehyung and I’s argument on this matter.”

Argument , Jungkook thinks dryly. He nods.

The President folds his hands over his desk and levels his eyes at Jungkook.

“Taehyung has a way of hearing what he wants to hear, of twisting the truth,” The President starts
and Jungkook is already regretting this. “It is important for you to know that I do not disapprove of
your relationship with my son.”

Jungkook’s heart thuds in his chest. Taehyung had told him he told his father he was with
someone, but not that it was him . He had suspected President Kim would know that Taehyung has
been with him this entire time, that Taehyung’s kind of living with him right now.

That they plan on continuing to live with each other even though Butler Kang had delivered all of
Taehyung’s things to Hoseok’s and they’ve both been at Hoseok’s more than Jungkook’s

He doesn’t know whether to deny it or confirm it.

“Not because you are both men, at least. I will be open with you and tell you that I do worry that
Taehyung is a bad influence on you.”

Anger seeps into Jungkook. He shakes his head, laughing softly. “He’s helping me become a better
person, actually. Helping me with things that are really hard for me to do by myself right now.”

It pisses him off that the President looks amused by this. All he can see in his mind is the way
Taehyung had looked when he broke down and it pisses him off.

“I’m glad to hear that, Mr. Jeon. You’ve had an impact on him too, I see. It isn’t like Taehyung to
care for someone other than himself.”

It’s bullshit.

“Sir, I mean no disrespect but I’m terrified to go home even though my mother is warm and kind,
yet Taehyung can build up the courage to go home where he’s been beaten down both physically
and emotionally.”

The anger Jungkook feels is mirrored in the President’s eyes but he doesn’t have a right to be
angry. There is no reason for Jungkook to think the President will listen to him when he hasn’t
listened to his sons, but Jungkook feels so frustrated that he doesn’t get it.

It’s one of those things that Jungkook will defend and talk about until he’s blue in the face, jabbing
it into the President’s mind until he finally accepts it.
“His courage is inspiring to be honest and I came here with a lie so I could get you to back off of
Taehyung because for some reason, you care more about my well being than your own son.
Clearly both of your sons feel this way.”

The President opens his lips but Jungkook doesn’t give him a chance to speak. He hates being
angry and he can’t handle it, doesn’t know how to control and use it properly. His words shake and
tremble, there isn’t any bite in them, but they feel like they’re knives leaving his lips and he knows
his mother would knock him aside the head for saying this to the President of the University.

“It’s ironic to me that the President of a school focused on science and technology doesn’t
understand or accept that science and technology literally have proven that people’s brains are
different. That people learn differently. That people pick up different topics easier than others. That
people’s brains are impacted greatly by experience and especially their experience as a child. It’s
amazing to me that you don’t see what you’ve done. Taehyung isn’t the only one responsible for
his insubordinate behavior.”

Jungkook huffs out as he rips himself up from the chair. He feels breathless and he doesn’t know
how fast he was speaking, if the words even made any sense once they left his lips.

“Have you finished, Mr. Jeon?”

Jungkook doesn’t know, he didn’t plan this. His plan was to lie about Christmas in Busan and than
leave. His back up plan was to break down in tears, probably. “Not really.”

The President smiles at that. “It is a good trait to see the good in people. But do not presume to
know how I treat my sons. Taehyung is an adult. He is responsible for his own behavior.”

Jungkook isn’t a violent person, he’s never understood rage to the extent that it’s made him want to
lash out. Just the once, when Cheol Su spat the one word that hurts Taehyung the most at
Taehyung. But now he glances at the shattered frames on the ground and feels the urge to push the
rest onto it, frustration growing inside of him the way it had hugged tightly to Taehyung this

“But I’ve heard you tear down Taehyung with my own ears. It’s like you have an addiction to tear
him down whenever you mention him. I’ve heard you call him an idiot when he isn’t,” Jungkook
rushes out, the desperation in his voice loud but he doesn’t try to hide it. “He likes space, did you
know? Greek Gods and astrology and constellations. I don’t see the images in the sky like he does,
my imagination is nothing compared to his. He talks about it so much that Namjoon hyung jokes
about being annoyed by it even though he’s a damn aerospace engineer major. But it took him
forever to tell me about it because he hates when people dislikes things about him and he feels like
he can’t talk about things properly. Because his whole life he’s been told he’s stupid. I’m not
presuming anything, I’ve heard you call him that.”

Jungkook feels his face start to burn and his throat close up. One of the reasons he doesn’t do
confrontation is because he cries easily, even when he isn’t sad or when he doesn’t want to. And
people think he’s weak for it, though sometimes he is. People don’t take him seriously when he

But he’s angry and he hurts so bad for Taehyung it feels like his own heart is breaking. He can’t
stop them from touching his eyes or making his words coming out hiccuped and he truly doesn’t
care if the President thinks him weak for it.

“Mr. Jeon, I need you to calm down. You’re right in my fondness of you but I will not tolerate
being disrespected.”
Jungkook laughs, the sound as twisted as he imagined Taehyung’s was when he fought with his
father. “You say Taehyung hears what he wants to hear but I just said all that and that’s all you
respond with. Is it that difficult for you to accept your son is actually good? That’s what you want
him to be, isn’t it?”

The President leans back in his chair, eyes steady on Jungkook. “He used to sneak out of bed at
night to look at the stars.”

Jungkook hesitates, falling still. He can imagine it, a young Taehyung tip toeing through his
massive house just to lay in the grass and watch the stars. He thinks about Taehyung’s dog being
with him, though he hadn’t told him what he looked like.

It reminds Jungkook that Taehyung had to lose his dog because of Soohyun, because his parents
always believed Taehyung to be bad.

“And he would get sick in the cold and the rain. Because Taehyung gets in the way of himself and
doesn’t care for his own body, his own future. I do not find it wrong of me to push and expect him
down the appropriate path to better himself.”

Another laugh. He feels incredibly disrespectful but he can’t help it. The President looks so serious
and convinced of his own thoughts, so sure that what he’s done is right.

“Well, I do hope you support Taehyung bettering himself,” Jungkook says. “I asked four our
transcripts because I’m leaving at the end of the semester and I’m taking Taehyung with me. Just
like I’m taking him home with me for Christmas so he can know what love and family feels like
for once. I wish you could accept you’ve hurt him and change your actions but you aren’t, so the
only way Taehyung can better himself if he goes far away from you and the rest of your family.
When both of your sons, who don’t even get along, are telling you how shitty everything is, you’re
supposed to listen.”

The President stands too but Jungkook is turning on his heels. The panic is starting to kick in and
he doesn’t feel like himself. His courage is weaning and his eyes are glassy with tears.

“Mr. Jeon.”

“I have to go,” Jungkook huffs out, the sob in his tone because he can’t keep it in.

He knew Taehyung’s parents treated Taehyung badly and hurt him, but it isn’t until this moment
that the realization of just how badly it must hurt for your parents not to love you feels. It hits him
so suddenly it makes him ache with it.

“I have to go,” Jungkook repeats, shoving the door back open and leaving.

Jungkook runs home. The cold bites at his face but his insides are hot. He doesn’t want to ruin
Taehyung’s surprise but he needs to see him. Needs to hear his voice and hold him in his arms. He
doesn’t know if he needs to comfort himself, to calm himself from the panic he’s starting to feel
because he could get kicked out of college or lose his scholarship for that, or just to show
Taehyung love.

The urge to love Taehyung is so strong, so overwhelming, that he can’t even make it inside the
apartment before he’s calling Taehyung. He even skips over the steps on the staircase because the
elevator will take too long.

“Hey sexy,” Taehyung murmurs, voice low. “If you’re calling to ask if you can come home, yes.
But we need to work on that patience of yours. Who knew you were such a brat, baby.”

“Are you at mine?” Jungkook asks, ignoring the rest of him. It would be his luck that Jungkook has
ran all the way here just to have to turn around and run over to Hoseok’s, which is a handful of
miles away.

“Yeah. Why are you so breathless?” Taehyung asks, his tone quickly changing as concern fills it.

“I’m running,” Jungkook gasps out. He’s been trying to continue running after dropping out of
track, but Taehyung is a cuddler in the morning and sometimes Jungkook doesn’t want to stop
watching him sleep. He’s not out of shape, but he’s starting to grow tired faster than normal. “I
need, I want. I have to tell you something.”

“Calm down,” Taehyung tells him, his worry growing. “What happened? Where are you?”

“In the hallway,” Jungkook grunts as he hops onto their landing and rips open the door to their
hallway. “Couldn’t wait to hear your voice. Had to call you before I saw you.”

“Wait,” Taehyung says but Jungkook is pulling the phone from his ear as he jogs to his apartment.
The door is opening before he can punch in the code and Taehyung is there, the concern loud in his

“Jeon,” Taehyung starts, holding a hand out towards him as if stopping him from coming into the

“You were wrong,” Jungkook huffs, wheezing. “You’re the oxygen. My oxygen. Because I felt like
I was choking but seeing you helps me breathe easier.”

His words don’t match the panting that leaves his lips because campus is actually pretty fucking
far his apartment to run the entire way, but he hopes Taehyung understands what he means either

“What?” Taehyung huffs, reaching out for him. “Catch your breath, baby. Calm down.”

“I can’t,” Jungkook breathes, vision blurring as the tears touch his eyes. His body is mistaking this
for panic or maybe he’s mistaking it as just feeling desperate to tell Taehyung. “Oh, I can’t. My
heart hurts so fucking bad.”

Taehyung’s face breaks at that, his eyes wide in such a pained and vulnerable way that it just
makes Jungkook angrier at the President. He thinks of a young Taehyung looking at his parents
like that, at his tutors. He thinks of the face Taehyung makes when he’s trying but it’s not working,
and things like idiot and stupid being thrown at him.

He’s so angry it shakes inside of him and he’s afraid to touch Taehyung and accidentally hurt him
when he’s trying to do the opposite.

“I love you,” Jungkook blurts, ignoring him as he bends forward and rests his hands onto his knees.
He can’t catch his breath and he feels dumb that his the racing of his heart feels like panic and he
doesn’t know which emotion is dragging the tears from his eyes but he can’t choke on them. “I
love you and you should be told that every day. Because - because you’re an amazing person.
You’re really kind and courageous and beautiful and really fucking smart.”
Taehyung starts to move forward, closing the door behind his back but Jungkook stops him,
shaking his head. As much as he needs to be beside Taehyung right now, he feels all the emotion
from today is going to make him crash and Taehyung’s touch will be the push to tip him over the

He’s trying to be courageous too, to stop letting his emotions suck him dry.

“I just have to tell you that,” Jungkook wheezes as he stands straight. There are tears in Taehyung’s
eyes too and maybe he’s doing this wrong because he never wants to see Taehyung look so upset.
“I am not very good at showing it but I really want you to feel it. It’s so important to me that you
feel it and if there’s something I can do to make sure you do, please tell me. I love you so fucking
much and I’ll - I’ll tattoo it on my forehead if that’s what it takes for you to feel it.”

Taehyung cocks his head to the side, his lips starting to quirk up finally as he crosses his arms over
his chest. He watches Jungkook, probably smiling because Jungkook is burning up. Beneath his
winter jacket, his body is covered in sweat and he knows his face is the shade of red Taehyung
loves so much.

Jungkook so badly wants to love Taehyung the way he deserves and be deserving of the love
Taehyung has for him.

“Say something now. You never stop talking, why are you quiet now?”

Taehyung doesn't say a word, only laughs under his breath. Jungkook’s heart doesn’t calm even as
he catches his breath. He steps forward, uncaring about his sweaty palms and shaking fingers to
offer Taehyung them because he knows Taehyung won’t think him weak, or judge him for them.

He doesn’t hesitate to take Jungkook’s hands into his own, swinging them around their bodies.

“Does your heart hurt because you love me?” Taehyung whispers.

Jungkook shakes his head immediately. “My heart feels right loving you.”

“Say it again.”

Jungkook grunts at Taehyung’s teasing smile. His eyes are shining bright and that’s all Jungkook

“I love you, Taehyung,” Jungkook murmurs, leaning in to press the words to Taehyung’s lips. He
squeezes Taehyung’s fingers, savoring the feel of Taehyung being pressed against him because it
calls his heart.

He can feel Taehyung’s smile as Jungkook cocks his head to slot their lips together. Or tries to, but
it’s hard because Taehyung’s lips are too far stretched back that Jungkook feels more teeth than

“I love you too,” Taehyung breathes as he pulls his head back, “and as much as I really want to kiss
you and more, we have company.”

Jungkook goes still, slowly turning to look at the opened door. He can smell cleaning product and
food. There’s the low hum of Christmas music, a song that his mother loves and used to sing to him
underneath the Christmas lights around town when he was small enough that both he and Jihoon
could sit on her lap at the same time.

“I tried to warn you,” Taehyung says, eyes soft and amused. “But um, I’m quite sure everyone
inside and the entirety of the building just heard you scream your confessions at me. Which, we
will have to talk about. I want to know what suddenly caused you to do this and why you looked so
upset doing so.”

It isn’t that loving Taehyung is something he wants to hide but he suddenly feels embarrassed. He
has been thinking about ways to tell Taehyung he loves him and chickening out each time because
he feels ridiculous. He definitely didn’t plan screaming them while dying because he just ran miles
to get to him.

“You know I don’t mind, right? Love having everyone know you’re mine,” Taehyung jokes. “But
I’m worried you’re a second from panicking and that this might backfire and make it worse, not
make you happy.”

Jungkook feels like he might as his face scrunches together. He lets Taehyung tug him into the
house, confused as to why Taehyung looks so nervous. He breathes through his nose, letting it fill
his chest so his mind understands that he can actually breathe just fine.

There’s a rumble of applause and Jungkook looks into the living room. All of his friends are there,
hands clapping enthusiastically. That isn’t a surprise; Jungkook knew they were coming.

But Jungkook looks over them and at the woman sat in the middle of them all, in the old tattered
couch that he wouldn’t want her to see because despite growing up with little money, their house
was always neat and orderly.

“Eomma,” Jungkook breathes as he takes in his mother’s smiling face. She looks older than
Jungkook remembers or maybe he doesn’t remember well enough. It’s been too long because
Jungkook chickens out of everything.

Even she lifts her bent and sore fingers to clap them together.

“Surprise,” Taehyung cheers, hands flying out as he wiggles his fingers. “Happy Christmas.”

Jungkook stares at his mother, at her loving face. Still loving and happy despite just hearing the
son she didn’t know was gay yell about loving his boyfriend in the hallway. Her warm, teary eyes
matching his own because he’s overwhelmed by the sight of her and he knows that she’s missed
him a lot too.

He isn’t panicking, not quite, but every emotion he’s felt today is draining him and he feels so
heavy that there’s a choking feeling brushing up in his throat and he knows he’s going to break
right here in front of everyone.

But Taehyung is his oxygen and he touches Jungkook’s back, a small pressure that tells him
Taehyung’s got him. The feeling in his chest hitches and he makes a soft choking noise, unable to
move and hide despite all of the eyes on him.

“What did I miss?”

Jungkook’s heart leaps in his chest when Jihoon pads into the living room too. He looks amused as
he stares at the clapping crowd and moves through it to wrap his arms around Jungkook. It keeps
him together, the pressure around his chest but his vision blurs again and he’s thankful for the way
his glasses fog up.

“Missed you hyung.”

Jungkook clings to him. He’s gotten taller, almost as tall as himself. And stronger, he squeezes
Jungkook like he’s trying to show his muscles off. It makes Jungkook laugh wetly before he
wrestles Jihoon off so he cup his cheek and take in his face.

He’s missed his family.

“You should have left your apartment dirty on my behalf, hyung. Eomma is never going to believe
me now that I’m too busy to do chores.”

When Jungkook had left, the house had been trashed. It takes him a moment to realize it isn’t
bitingly cold either, which had been the reason they’ve spent a majority of their time at Hoseok’s
house. It’s actually warm, maybe a little too warm that even Jihoon’s cheeks are pink.

“You should be doing your chores,” Jungkook scolds softly, but there’s no bite to his tone. “You’re
supposed to take care of Eomma for me.”

Jihoon rolls his eyes, but he’s soft. He’s a little more unfocused than Jungkook was at that age and
Jungkook’s glad for it, he always hated thinking of how hard Jihoon was going to have to work. He
didn’t want Jihoon to miss out on fun things.

But Jihoon did take over easily and even if he pretends to be stubborn and uncaring, he knows he
takes good care of their mother.

“I am,” Jihoon promises. “Let go of my face now.”

“No,” Jungkook grunts, pulling him close to pepper a kiss to his cheek. Jihoon complains loudly,
hands pressing into Jungkook’s chest to shove him off.

The sound of his mother’s laugh makes his heart warm but he’s nervous to approach her. He has to,
he needs to, but he hates being afraid of his mother. He wants to keep clinging to Jihoon or maybe
run away again but his mother is holding out her arms to call him over and he can’t turn away from

She smells like home. Jungkook isn’t exactly sure what it is, but he presses his eyes closed around
his tears as she pulls him low to kiss his forehead.

“My baby boy, I’ve missed you.”

Jungkook presses his lips hard together, feeling them waver as badly as his shaking hands. The
hands she’s holding and can feel.

“I’ve - I’ve missed you too, Eomma.”

“Oh,” his mother whispers under her breath. “Don’t cry. This is supposed to make you happy.”

“I am,” Jungkook promises, opening up his eyes but his glasses are speckled with tears.

She smiles and Jungkook doesn’t understand why her eyes are glossy too. “I see now why you’ve
been so busy that you couldn’t call. Been too busy falling in love, hm?”

It isn’t judging or angry. It’s teasing and warm. He’s too aware of the people around him and how
Namjoon quietly excuses himself from where he sits beside Jungkook’s mother to give them
privacy. He hears other footsteps retreat but he knows without looking that Yoongi is still there.

Yoongi’s always known when Jungkook’s needed him, even if it was at a time that didn’t make
sense for Jungkook to be so worked up.
“Eomma, I -”

“Don’t need to say anything else,” she whispers, eyes crinkling and showing how deep her wrinkles
around them are. “Sit with me. I am going to be selfish right now because I can. I haven’t talked to
you in so long.”

Jungkook sits where Namjoon had been. Jungkook had been right, Yoongi sits in the armchair to
the side of them, looking away but Jungkook knows he’s listening. It isn’t that simple, coming out,
but his mother makes it feel like it is.

“I’m sorry,” Jungkook says, throat thick because he doesn’t know how to put it into words. He
doesn’t know how to explain why he didn’t tell her, or why he doesn’t come home. He doesn’t call
because he’s afraid but his explanations don’t make any sense because she’s his mother and he
shouldn’t be afraid of her. He isn’t truly and he struggles because he doesn’t want her to feel that

But his mother just takes his hands and pats them in her lap. “None of that. Tell me about school.
Are you eating? Any new science discoveries I should know about? I try to read articles but I will
admit, they either go over my head or they’re about the dying Earth and it terrifies me to think

A knot releases in Jungkook’s chest just like it always does with his mother. Every time it’s like
this but he still gets worked up and hides. He’s working on it.

“It terrifies me too,” Jungkook responds. “A lot of things terrify me.”

She frowns, quiet for a moment before she nods. “I know, baby. But you don’t need to be afraid of
me. Are you going to properly introduce me to this boyfriend of yours now?”

Yoongi laughs at that, quietly as he hides his smile behind his hand.

“Or do you need your time?” his mother whispers, head cocking gently to the side.

Jungkook shakes his head. This is definitely not how he wanted to come out to his mother, he never
wanted to. Not until Taehyung. It isn’t necessarily coming out that he wants to talk about, but how
much he loves Taehyung.

“I’m okay,” Jungkook murmurs. “I’m sorry -”

“Hey,” his mother interrupts, shaking her head. “Don’t apologize for another thing. Jihoon and I
have missed talking to you, I don’t want to waste it on needless apologizes.

Jungkook glances to Jihoon, who nods in agreement. “I much rather hear about this boyfriend of
yours, too.”


Taehyung hates being nervous. He doesn’t know how Jungkook can deal with it all of the time,
even low levels of it. He feels like he’s going to throw up.
Well, he knows Jungkook doesn’t always deal with it well but he does know how to cope with it
and Taehyung doesn’t find any of Jungkook’s methods to be working.

He shouldn’t have stuffed his face earlier because it makes him afraid he might actually throw up.
It was easier meeting Mrs. Jeon as a friend, Hoseok and Yoongi haphazardly introducing him as
Jungkook’s best friend, but now his nerves are shot because Jungkook’s stuttering out the word

It’s something that Taehyung is in love with but in the face of Jungkook’s mother, he feels like he
wants to stuff his fingers into Jungkook’s mouth and keep him from saying it.

“Taehyung-ssi,” Mrs. Jeon starts. “It is so nice to meet you.”

Taehyung bows. Is he bowing too much? Too little? He bows lower, nearly falling into her lap. He
stands straight, suddenly self conscious in Jungkook’s button up.

She had commented on it being her son’s. Is she thinking about that now? Did she think anything
about it before? He should have stuck with one of his own pieces of clothing. Is it normal for
boyfriends to wear each other’s clothing? He usually associates it with fucking, do other people?

He doesn’t know how to do the boyfriend thing and he really hadn’t thought about it much until
this moment. He doesn’t know what to say to Jungkook’s mother, if he should tell her that he also
loves Jungkook so she isn’t worried the feelings he just screamed about aren’t returned. So she
doesn’t take Jungkook saying his heart hurts before he confesses as a sign that Taehyung doesn’t
return his feelings.

“Mrs. Jeon. I see where Jungkook gets his good looks from.”

He’s got this. Taehyung knows to trust himself. He is charming.

Jungkook’s elbow flies out and whacks him in his arm. His face is tomato red and Taehyung’s
amusement muffles his nerves. But only slightly. He’s happy to see Jungkook calmer and that
seeing his mother hadn’t sent him into a panic because he was getting there.

If Jungkook ever says he can’t handle things again, Taehyung is going to challenge him to a death

“You owe me,” Hoseok whispers too loudly from some other part of the room. “I told you he
would say that.”

For the first time in a long time, other than sex and it being summer, Taehyung’s face feels hot.

Mrs. Jeon giggles at that. “A charmer. Sit, sit. Tell me more about yourself.”

“Eomma,” Jungkook groans quietly, head hanging before Taehyung takes the seat beside him. He
hesitates before cupping a hand over Jungkook’s knee.

Jungkook has finally said it to him, told him he loved him. At the worst possible time too. He feels
bad for not trying harder to warn Jungkook before he accidentally came out in front of his mother.
They can’t even discuss it right now because it’s been months since Jungkook’s seen his mother
and he looks like he’s about to tuck himself in her lap like a baby kangaroo in his mother’s pouch.

As bad as Taehyung feels, he also is thankful that whatever caused Jungkook to look so upset and
crazed when he confessed to Taehyung, might heal easier when Jungkook can embrace his mother
and feel her comfort. He never wants to see Jungkook like that again or feel that afraid again.
“Taehyung grew up with Jimin-ssi,” Yoongi explains as he moves on the chair to allow Hoseok to
sit beside him. They’ve all came back into the living room after Jungkook pulled Taehyung in and
Taehyung wonders if Jungkook is uncomfortable with the audience.

Jimin hums his agreement, sitting in front of the chair and leaning back against both Hoseok and
Yoongi’s leg.

“They’re both handfuls,” Jin says with a serious expression but there’s humor in his eyes a second
later. Taehyung narrows his eyes at both him and Namjoon, who nods in his agreement.

“Do not believe a word they say, Mrs. Jeon. I’m an angel.”

Even Jungkook snorts at that but his eyes are warm and fond when he looks away from his mother
and to Taehyung.

“You are,” Mrs. Jeon says, surprising Taehyung. “Taehyung-ssi was very kind to help me visit
you, Jungkook-ah. I know you worry for me, my boy, but your Eomma is strong. I can handle a
few hours on the train to see my eldest son.”

Jungkook nods though Taehyung knows he’s going to continue to worry about it. “It must be
annoying to have to only see Jihoon all of the time. I’m sorry I put you through that.”

Laughter rumbles around the room, blocking out Jihoon’s noise of complaint. Even Mrs. Jeon
looks surprised by Jungkook’s comment, amusement bright in her eyes as she holds a hand to her
chest and laughs.

“Yeah, see, Eomma, not an angel,” Yoongi jumps in. He tries to be scolding but he looks too fond
to do so. “This one here has corrupted our Jungkookie. He’s been shit talking ever since Taehyung
came around.”

Mrs. Jeon doesn’t even blink at Yoongi’s cussing. She folds a fond hand over Jungkook’s cheek,

It had been an offhand idea, inviting Mrs. Jeon and Jihoon too. He needed his hyungs here and he
wasn’t sure if it was overstepping or not his place to invite Jungkook’s family too, but Yoongi
assured him it would be a good thing. Jungkook doesn’t talk about why he doesn’t answer phone
calls or avoids home, at least not to Taehyung. He didn’t want Jungkook to be angry if it was the
wrong thing to do.

But watching him smile so genuinely at his mother, Taehyung knows it isn’t.

Maybe he trusts himself a little more that he will be able to take care of Jungkook the way he takes
care of him.

“Dude. Bro. My man. I feel like we’re at your wedding.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes before taking in Hoseok. He quickly wraps an arm around Taehyung’s
shoulder, pulling him in. He’s missed him and Yoongi, even though they’ve only been gone a few
weeks. It had felt like hell and he’s thankful Jimin was so quick to come back to him when he
needed him.
He’s overwhelmingly lucky to have the people he has in his life.


“That was beautiful,” Hoseok whispers and he sounds choked for a minute like he might actually
cry. “I one hundred percent knew Jungkook would say I love you that way. He is the most dramatic
man I know and I know you and Jimin so that’s saying something.”

Taehyung playfully elbows him. Hoseok is the most dramatic out of all of them. Second is Yoongi
and then Jungkook.

“He sounded like he was falling apart,” Taehyung whispers.

Hoseok nods at that, chewing on his bottom lip for a moment. “Jungkook feels everything and he
feels everything strongly.”

Taehyung sighs at that. “He does. I no longer think it’s a bad thing but I won’t lie, I was terrified to
see him like that.”

“Because you love him too,” Hoseok says and it’s awkward but Taehyung wants to be more open
with Hoseok too. “And I’m happy for you, Taehyungie. But as happy as I am for you, I’m not
letting you off the hook for using up all of my lube.”

Hoseok cackles loudly as Taehyung shoves him off. “We only used a few bottles.”

Despite the teasing, Hoseok looks soft as he ruffles Taehyung’s hair. He had asked them all to
come home early to be with Jungkook tomorrow but also because he needs them. He’s too nervous
to go to his parents’ tomorrow. He doesn’t want to sit through their berating and their comments.
He doesn’t want to feel so angry and hurt again.

He doesn’t want to fuck up and take pills to get through it like he craves to. He’s trying to be a
better person for himself but he won’t be able to handle if he fucks up and disappoints Jungkook.

“I don’t actually care,” Hoseok assures him. “You’ve been acting weird today and I’m not used to

Taehyung glances down the hallway. He had retreated to Jungkook’s bedroom because there are a
lot of people and even though they’re all his people, he wanted to be alone. Somewhat alone. He
wanted Jungkook to spend time with his mother and Jihoon, not wanting to interrupt them and
worry anyone because he can’t get out of his own head.

“I am fine. If Jungkook told you differently, he was lying.”

It doesn’t look as if Hoseok believes him. “Jimin told us. Plus you’ve been quiet and dude, you’re
never quiet. I’ve expected for you to remind us all that Jungkook loves you at least sixty times

Taehyun grins at that. He’s never going to get used to hearing it. He doesn’t even know if he fully
believes it, though it’s hard not to with how desperate Jungkook had looked when he said it.

“I hope you know if you still plan on going to your parents tomorrow, you better plan for all six of
us to come with you. Hell, I’m sure even Mrs. Jeon and the little one will come too.”

Taehyung wants to shove Hoseok again because it makes his chest heavy. But he groans instead,
rolling his eyes.
He used to be better at pretending to be better than he was. Now he sucks at it. All thanks to Jeon

“I really am fine. We all have to do stressful shit for money, right?”

“You act as if your best friend isn’t just as loaded as you are,” Hoseok scoffs, throwing a hand
towards the hallway as if he’s indicating Jimin. “Even if he wasn’t, all of us would come together
and find a way to take care of you.”

It’s too much and Taehyung really doesn’t want to talk about this right now, but he knows Hoseok
is either going to keep pushing or he’ll be replaced with Yoongi, who will probably succeed in
making Taehyung cry again. He liked it better when Hoseok and him didn’t talk about things.

Maybe he should only trust Namjoon, who will just pass him a joint and not force him to listen to
how much his friends love him. Maybe he can’t trust anyone because Hoseok said the six of them
which means Namjoon is included in the make Taehyung feel loved thing.

“I don’t want the money for myself,” Taehyung admits. Maybe Hoseok will better have his side
here if he knew why. “I want to help Jungkook and his family. I stand by the fact that someone,
probably Yoongi is best, needs to tell Jungkook about his father. And you know he’s going to
panic when he finds out his mother is actually hurting more financially than he thought.”

Hoseok frowns at this, his frown so deep that his dimples, shaped like tiny perfect circles, pop out
above his mouth.

“I understand why you don’t want to,” Taehyung goes on. He’s been thinking about this a lot,
almost obsessively, since Hoseok told him about it. “Trust me, I really do. But even if Jungkook
handles it as badly as you expect him to, he has all of us here. Look at how well he just handled
accidentally coming out in front of his mother. He feels strongly and reacts with tears, but that
doesn’t mean he can’t handle things.”

There are footsteps in the hallway and Taehyung goes quiet in case it’s Jungkook. It’s Jimin, who
only takes one look at Taehyung before he’s crawling on the bed and wrapping himself behind
him. His arms are a tight pressure around Taehyung’s chest and he needs it. Hoseok stays quiet and
Taehyung doesn’t mean to be defensive, he knows how much Hoseok loves Jungkook, but
Jungkook has to know.

“Hobi-yah, I love you, but if you’re making Taehyung upset, I’ll fight you.”

Hoseok laughs at that. “I’ve told him about our plan to crash the Kim family Christmas dinner.”

“Oh hell yeah,” Jimin says strongly, switching sides and betraying Taehyung so quickly and
shamelessly. “You know Taehyung actually has the audacity to think he has to go through shit
alone? I’m personally offended.”

Taehyung makes a noise of complaint at that but he doesn’t shove Jimin off. He grabs his hands
and holds them tighter to his chest. “Shut up.”

Hoseok’s face wrinkles at this as Jimin laughs. “What happened to you? King of Comebacks is
losing his touch.”

Taehyung stands then, or tries to but Jimin won’t let him go and he bends backwards instead,
dragged down by Jimin’s weight. “You all suck and I hate you.”

“Nope,” Jimin laughs. “You told me you loved me the other day.”
“I was drunk,” Taehyung grunts, trying to pry Jimin off of him. “It feels good telling Jungkook, so
I thought I’d try it on you but it didn’t feel as great. Actually made me sick, threw up after.”

Jimin finally lets him go only to kick him in the ass when he stands. “Liar.”

Taehyung nods because it’s true. He’ll never say it again though because Jimin will use it against
him because he’s a demon and for some reason unknown to Taehyung, also his best friend.

“Someone should tell Jungkook,” Taehyung says as he looks to Hoseok. “Maybe after the

“I’ll ask Yoongi to,” Hoseok says. “If you stay here tomorrow or take one or all of us with you.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes at that. Hoseok is probably joking. “Blackmailing me?”

Hoseok only gives him a shrug, eyes soft. “Is it working?”

“Yes, yes,” Taehyung lies. He stands then, feeling overwhelmed and he just wants to get this over
with but his friends are making it harder. “Fine, I won’t go.”

He knows Jimin doesn’t believe him but Taehyung leaves the room before either one of them can
call him out on it.

Jungkook is in the kitchen with his mother when Taehyung finds him. Jihoon sits on the counter
the way Taehyung always does and Taehyung smiles softly as Yoongi scolds him to get down but
gets ignored.

“Yeah, I was,” he hears Jungkook say and Taehyung presses a finger to his lips when Jihoon finds
him standing in the doorway. “He has a hard time and he gets frustrated when he doesn’t

Taehyung feels defensive when Mrs. Jeon laughs at that, but it’s soft. “Just like you?” she asks.
“You’ve always been so hard on yourself, Jungkook-ah. Remember when you told me you were
terrified of being homeless because you couldn’t figure out that one geometry problem?”

Jungkook groans at that, and he turns his head, glancing at where Jihoon and Yoongi play fight.
“It’s a surprise I even passed Geometry, Eomma. Pythagorean theorem was a nightmare.”

Taehyung knew Jungkook was stressed about school, but he didn’t know he struggled to
understand things too sometimes.

“Well, you must have done alright. I have no idea what that means,” Mrs. Jeon laughs. She pets a
warm hand over Jungkook’s neck and Jungkook digs his arms deeper into the sink where the water
runs over them. Cool water because sometimes he needs it when he’s nervous, Taehyung’s noticed.
“Does he make you happy?”

“Grossly so,” Yoongi jabs, turning away from Jihoon and catching Taehyung eavesdropping in the
doorway. “Eomma, they’re gross.”

The laughter masks the sounds of Taehyung’s steps as he decides to reveal himself, his chest
feeling lighter. Jungkook jumps when his fingers brush over his back and Taehyung doesn’t know
how much is okay in front of Jungkook’s mother, but he hopes at least cupping his hip is okay.

Jungkook is tense but he doesn’t push Taehyung off. He’s flushed to the roots and Mrs. Jeon smiles
softly at them.
“We were just talking about you,” Mrs. Jeon says, cupping Taehyung’s forearm. “Jungkook-ah
was telling me that you’ve met through tutoring.”

Taehyung flushes himself. He doesn’t want Mrs. Jeon to know how much he struggles in school.
“Chemistry. Your son came highly recommended, Mrs. Jeon.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes at that. He looks uncomfortable a moment later when Mrs. Jeon says, “the
university President, yes?”

Water drips from Jungkook’s wet hands as he pats his neck with his cold fingers. “Yeah. I - I didn’t
tell you about the tutoring sessions because you already said I was doing too much.”

Mrs. Jeon smiles at that. Taehyung wonders if anyone told her about Jungkook’s collapse or if
they’re protective of all of the Jeons in the same way. “Well, I would have stopped you yes. But
then would you have met your boy?”

Jungkook side eyes Taehyung, flushing harder. “I’m sure I still would have.”

There is an ache in Taehyung’s back and neck from sleeping on the couch. He didn’t have to but he
refused to leave Jungkook’s apartment, Jungkook’s side. His mother had taken Jungkook’s
bedroom, Taehyung had made sure to make the bed with his most expensive and comfortable
sheets from home. He even begged Butler Kang to bring them to him, including his own mother’s
fancy aromatherapy candles.

Jihoon had taken Yoongi’s bedroom, trembling with excitement and Jungkook explained it’s
because he’s never had a bedroom to himself before. Taehyung wondered if that is how Jungkook
had looked when he first moved in with Yoongi.

He doesn’t know if it’s appropriate to sleep with Jungkook when his family is here, but he curled
around Jungkook anyway. Jungkook fell out hard and fast, barely able to keep his eyes open as
Taehyung kissed him.

Now he sleeps soundly, sinking into the back of the couch with his head thrown back and mouth
open. He is red and sweating slightly because Taehyung had cranked the heat up high after getting
it fixed because the apartment has been so cold.

And because Mrs. Jeon’s fingers had been like icicles.

Taehyung wants to stay in bed, to wake Jungkook up with his mouth or tiny praises about how cute
he looks, but waking up earlier than everyone for once is a sign.

He sneaks off of the couch, stretching his limbs and neck. The sun isn’t even up yet and if he
sneaks out, Jungkook won’t be able to follow. He doesn’t worry too much about his appearance,
only brushing his hair and not styling it. He doesn’t care that the cashmere sweater Jungkook chose
is slightly stained because what screams ‘I like dick’ more than a sweater with stains from come
that isn’t his own, Taehyung doesn’t know.

Jungkook is a little restless when Taehyung moves to leave, squirming over the couch and pushing
the blanket down to his hips so his bare torso is exposed. He’s red all over, probably too hot and
Taehyung turns down the heat some.
He bends over the arm of the couch, pressing his lips to Jungkook’s forehead. Jungkook’s lips rub
together, his fingers coming down to scratch at his belly. “Morning Jeon.”

Taehyung can feel his nose wrinkle when he presses his lips to the bridge of it. Jungkook hums
deeply, a tired noise leaving his lips when Taehyung moves to kiss his cheeks too.

“Wake up sleepy baby.”

Jungkook says his name, but it’s whispered and distant. Taehyung wonders if Jungkook is
dreaming about him or if he will if Taehyung keeps whispering to him.

Taehyung moves, lips hovering over Jungkook’s. “What was that?”

He feels Jungkook’s breath against his lips as he exhales. “Tae, come. Now.”

Taehyung grins, smiling against Jungkook’s lips. “Having a dirty dream, bossy baby?”

Jungkook whines softly and Taehyung interrupts it to slot their lips together.

It’s an awkward thing, an upside down kiss. He has to readjust the slot of their lips, unused to
Jungkook’s full bottom lip being on top. He sucks softly until Jungkook’s own lips part and his
chin tilts to kiss Taehyung back.

It’s slow and soft as Jungkook is half asleep still. But Jungkook is smiling when Taehyung pulls
away and kisses his forehead again.

“Happy Christmas, lover.”

Jungkook hums but doesn’t respond, his breath still heavy like he might fall asleep again.

“Going to get coffee,” Taehyung tells him, brushing his hands over his cheeks. He wants to stay
beside Jungkook, whose eyes fall back closed after Taehyung’s finished kissing him. It isn’t a lie,
his parents will probably have coffee, but he doesn’t clarify that he isn’t coming back with it.
“Sleep some more.”

Jungkook reaches up, knotting his fingers into Taehyung’s shirt. “Stay with me for a few minutes.”

Taehyung shakes his head. If he does, he’ll chicken out and never get to his parents. “I’m not
sucking you off with your mother in the other room.”

Jungkook pouts his lips at that, peering one eye open. “Shut up. Not what I meant.”

“No?” Taehyung murmurs in amusement as Jungkook leans his cheek into the pillow and
Taehyung bends back down to exhale against his ear. “You wouldn’t like waking up fully to your
dick down my throat?”

Jungkook huffs at that, reaching up to cup the back of Taehyung’s neck. He holds him there as
Taehyung licks at the shell of his ear and another whine leaves his lips when Taehyung pulls away.

“Fuck you, I’m not gonna be able to get it out of my head now,” Jungkook grumbles but his eyes
are amused as he watches Taehyung.

“Good,” Taehyung says, wiggling his brows. “The wait makes the climax better. But you’re
impatient, you wouldn’t wait for me, would you?”

Jungkook pushes his lips out in that but he shakes his head. “I wouldn’t.
Taehyung pretends to be offended, flipping him off and savoring the way Jungkook’s face breaks
out in a smile that shows off his bunny teeth.

It is difficult to leave but Taehyung does. His chest heavies and his limbs feel even heavier as he
walks to his car. It will be sometime before his friends get to Jungkook’s to start their Christmas
dinner, a few hours before they realize Taehyung is going to his parents by himself.

Hopefully by then, Taehyung will be able to leave. He prays it isn’t an all day event and that his
parents really meant that it was just breakfast.

He knows Hoseok wasn’t actually bribing him with telling Jungkook about his father, but he hopes
that Hoseok waits until the end of the day. Or at least until Taehyung is finished with his own
parents. He’s nervous, thinking about it, unsure as to why he decided to get involved.

Because it’s wrong to keep it from him.

Butler Kang opens the door when Taehyung pulls up in front of the house. There’s fake snow on
the ground and collected around the pathway leading up to the house. Taehyung rolls his eyes at it.
The house is also covered in an array of colored fairy lights, his house looking like Santa’s wet

“Taehyung-ah,” Butler Kang greets. “The house has been quiet without you.”

Taehyung presses his sunglasses up his nose. He’ll have to take them off eventually, and his
mother can see how red and bloodshot his eyes are and understand why Jungkook’s cologne is also
mixed with the scent of weed.

“I’ve missed you, Butler-nim,” Taehyung says, holding an arm out for him but Butler Kang pulls
him into an embrace instead. “I know it is early, but I was hoping for coffee.”

“Of course,” Butler Kang says with a nod. “Your parents are both awake. They are in the den if
you’d like to see them.”

“I wouldn’t like to see them. I’d rather rip my limbs off, actually,” Taehyung says, though he
knows he’s going to have to at some point. “Is Soohyun here?”

Butler Kang hesitates, grimacing some before he shakes his head. “Your hyung came over for
dinner last night, Taehyung-ah. He won’t be here today.”

Taehyung snorts. At least that’s a bit of a relief. “I’m assuming it didn’t go too well, huh?”

“You’d be correct. Your brother’s recovery has been difficult. His temper is worse than before.”

“Anyone’s temper is it’s worst when faced with my parents,” Taehyung quips.

It feels strange sitting in the overly high-tech and overly clean kitchen. Even though Taehyung had
scrubbed Jungkook’s kitchen, it was still cracked and stained in areas that showed it was older. It
was smaller and didn’t smell like lysol. It felt homier, especially because Taehyung’s filled his
mind with memories of Jungkook in that kitchen.

Somehow, sitting in his childhood home, he realizes Jungkook feels more like one than this place.

“The Seos will be arriving shortly after breakfast. I do not feel the holiday to be appropriate for
business work, but your father insists.”

Taehyung snorts, fingers playing over the mugs as Butler Kang starts the coffee pot. “Is he
working with Mr. Seo? I only assumed him to be a colleague that is in for the holiday?”

The coffee pot beeps loudly when it’s hot enough and Butler Kang takes the mug away from
Taehyung to place beneath the stream. “Your father is looking to expand the chemistry department
at his university. Partnering with a biochemist as renown as Mr. Seo will hugely benefit the
program. Plus, funding of course. His company has a huge internship program for undergraduates
that your father would like to incorporate into the curriculum.”

Taehyung frowns at that. As little as he doesn’t care about his father or the damn university, that’s
something that Jungkook would be really excited about.

If he weren’t looking to transfer schools.

“Of course,” Taehyung hums. “I didn’t realize Appa had such a fondness of chemistry, I guess.”

Butler Kang laughs at that. “I believe it is for Mr. Jeon. I overheard your father mentioning him to
Dr. Seo and how he would he would be the be the best fit for the internship.”

Taehyung tries not to grip his mug too hard as he listens. He knows what his parents are up to now.
They’re going to bribe him into doing something, who fucking knows what, and they’re going to
use Jungkook against him.

Not just Jungkook, but things that could really help Jungkook become what he dreams to be.

Taehyung’s pissed but he’s thankful he actually showed up.

It’s a half hour later or so that Butler Kang is announcing breakfast. It’s still quite early for
breakfast and he’s sure all of his friends are still asleep, but Taehyung turns his phone off.
Jungkook probably fell back asleep but Taehyung doubts he slept for long.

“Taehyung,” his mother greets, reaching out to cup his cheeks. She is gentle as she is sometimes
when Taehyung disappears for weeks at a time. “Oh you’re lovely, come sit.”

Despite her friendly greeting, it feels fake and he feels more warmth from Mrs. Jeon and he just
met her.

His father is at the head of the table, back straight and poised already. Taehyung sits beside him,
across from his mother. He’s not used to sitting in Soohyun’s spot and it feels slightly strange
without him here.

“You came.”

Taehyung nods, pressing his hands between his thighs beneath the table cloth so his parents can’t
see. He’s noticed that it’s something Jungkook does a lot and he understands now that it is kind of

“I thought you were spending the holidays in Busan?”

Taehyung frowns at that. His father looks genuinely curious, not mocking. Taehyung can’t tell.

“I uh, no?”

His father frowns at that. He turns, accepting a cup from Butler Kang and places it gently in front
of himself. The maids move around the room, bringing in different plates and dishes and it all
seems too much for three people.

“Ah, yes, he did admit to lying about that.”

Confusion fills Taehyung. His father laughs in a way that tells Taehyung he hadn’t forgot whoever
it was had lied. “Who?”

“Mr. Jeon.”

“When did you talk to him?”

“Just yesterday,” his father says, his lips tightening until wrinkles appear around his mouth. He
glares down at his tea cup. Taehyung’s heart thuds in his chest as he absorbs his father’s words.
His father could be lying to piss him off or telling him the truth to piss him off.

“I’m assuming after our argument yesterday, that is why he is not here with you today?”

Taehyung swallows thickly. Argument. Jungkook and his father, argued. He finds it hard to

But yesterday, Jungkook had been so desperate to tell him that he loved him that he ran miles from
campus to their home to do so. He had been upset, needing to Taehyung to feel loved not just hear

“What time did you two talk?”

Taehyung doesn’t know what to do when his father tells him the time and he realizes that
Jungkook was running home after speaking to his father.

It was his father that had upset Jungkook, something that Taehyung’s been trying to prevent. It was
whatever they argued about that had Jungkook so upset and aggressively needing to tell Taehyung
he is loved.

“He’s such a sweet boy. I wish he were here,” his mother says as a maid starts to fill her plate.
Taehyung holds a hand up when one tries to take his, telling them he can get it himself. “Your
father told me you and him are in a relationship now?”

Taehyung hesitates over the bowls of rice, steam filtering into the air and hitting at the hand he
uses to hold the spoon.

Surely, Jungkook hadn’t told his father that.

Surely, they aren’t going to breach the topic of Taehyung’s sexuality so quickly into the day when
the last time it caused a fight that had Taehyung storming out.

Honestly, Taehyung believes maybe his parents should be more lenient of his bad grades because
they’re not so smart themselves.

But his mother looks as high he is, except from her drug of choice; pills. Her eyes are slightly
unfocused when she looks over her teacup and tries to settle on him.

Taehyung doesn’t respond because he isn’t choosing who Jungkook comes out to. Instead, he fills
his plate with rice and moves on.

Taehyung glances up from the dish of galbi, finding his father looking at him.

“Your mother is speaking to you.”

Taehyung smiles sweetly. It isn’t too bad but it feels like torture and there’s no way Taehyung is
going to be able to get through this.

He has to though, before they shut off his allowances.

“I’m sorry Eomma, this just smells so delicious,” Taehyung murmurs, batting his eyelashes and
pretending not to know fully well that she didn’t have a hand in cooking anything on the table.
“I’ve been staying with Jungkook since everyone has gone home for the winter. Jungkook isn’t
used to being alone.”

Taehyung doesn’t sit until his plate feels heavy, even though he won’t be able to eat much of it. His
stomach twists too much for him to be hungry. His stomach is sour from the coffee, which had
been a lot stronger than Taehyung was used to.

“That’s kind of you dear,” his mother says. “But I’d like you to come home.”

Staring down at his plate, Taehyung pushes his knife over his food to spread it around his plate and
pretend not to hear his mother. That he can’t do, he promised Jungkook. Jungkook is too excited
about leaving, about finding the stupid planetarium for Taehyung to work at.

Even though they’re redeveloping his program at their current University and it will probably be
wicked amazing and make Jungkook regret leaving.

“We talked about this,” his father says quietly. “Taehyung is leaving.”

Just how much did Jungkook and his father speak? And what about? Taehyung’s curiosity is
building but he doesn’t want to hear his father speak Jungkook’s name. He doesn’t want to know if
this redevelopment is a punishment instead of a bribe because Jungkook told him they were

“I’m surprised to hear you say that,” Taehyung says as he starts to cut his meat. “I’m surprised
you’re not ordering me to move back home.”

There’s the sound of utensils scratching over plates and silence from both of his parents.
Taehyung’s heart is starting to thump too much and his friends had been right, they were all
fucking right.

Taehyung shouldn’t have come here alone. It feels as if the breath isn’t filling his lungs as much as
it should, little jolts in his chest that make him squirm in his seat.

“You’re an adult,” his father says. “Isn’t that correct, Yoonhee?”

His mother smiles softly. “Right. Where is that you’re off to?

Taehyung stares at them. Both of their heads are down as they cut and scoop their food. They speak
casually as if discussing the weather, almost robotic. “I haven’t gotten into another school.”

“You will,” his father says. “Professor Ma Ri will write you a recommendation. Even if it’s a lie,
you will get in. I asked her to write it myself.”

Taehyung is so confused, he doesn’t even mind the comment. He doesn’t even want to joke about
the fact that his father thinks he’s doing him a favor, or mention the fact that they’re definitely
fucking each other.

“I suggest you start looking for a job now. Saving up. Since you’ve already enrolled in only three
classes this upcoming semester, it should be easy for you to work full time.”

Heat rushes over Taehyung’s neck as his father talks. It isn’t easy for him, that’s why he only takes
three a semester.

That’s why his father is reminding him, because he supports him leaving but not to help him when
he does.

He’s probably lying about being okay with Taehyung going, for some sick twisted reason while
thinking he has one over him.

“And Jungkook I’m sure can’t afford a full rent on his own. Biochemistry is a very demanding
major, he can’t be working much. How are you going to afford rent?”

Taehyung’s heart pounds in his ears. His father doesn’t listen, he could give him an entire
explanation and the man wouldn’t hear a word of it.

He wants to say something rude and harsh but he presses his lips down together.

“Amenities? School? Gas?” His father glances up at him then. “Mr. Jeon’s scholarship is through
our personal science department. You’ll have to remind him of that. He may need to look in
applying for other program scholarships.”

Dread quickly runs through Taehyung. Jungkook hadn’t mentioned that. He’ll figure out a way to
pay for everything, he had planned on it, but his goal here was to get money for Jungkook to feel
less financially overwhelmed. “Appa -”

His father cuts him off, waving his fork. “Before you hear me wrong, it is not a threat nor
punishment. Mr. Jeon deserves that scholarship but it is required he attend our University in order
to receive it.”

Taehyung nods. He doesn’t fully believe it isn’t a punishment but he knows how scholarships
work. He knows his father isn’t telling him these things like a father guiding his son. His lips are
pulled up too much in a grin for that.

“Maybe Dr. Seo’s facility has scholarships of his own,” his father says quietly. “It would have
been nice if Mr. Jeon were here to meet him.”

It falls silent at that and Taehyung doesn’t pretend to eat or enjoy his time with his parents. There
is no point in doing so anymore.

He wants to be gone, so far away from this shit hole but he doesn’t think he can unless he does it

“Tell Mr. Jeon if he’d like a recommendation as well, I can write one myself.”

Taehyung grunts at that as he pushes his place to the side to ignore his father. Or he tries to, but his
father is determined to do something here and he keeps talking until Taehyung feels as if he’s
crawling out of his skin.

“Mr. Jeon has told me ways in which you’ve helped him overcome things,” his father keeps going
and Taehyung isn’t pretending to eat anymore. He holds his utensils in his fists and keeps them
propped around his plate. “Which I am glad to hear. But after seeing him yesterday, I’m worried of
the stress you’ve placed upon him.”

Taehyung swallows. His father doesn’t know anything about him and Jungkook’s relationship. He
won’t let it affect him.

“I see now that adding the tutoring sessions helped contribute to his health problems last
semester,” his father says as he plants his own utensils down and folds his hands over his plate,
eyes finding Taehyung. “He was always a great student but I’ve seen the changes since you two
started being around each other. He’s become disrespectful, less responsible. He promised to help
Professor Ma Ri over the winter session and he broke that promise right before exams. I am
worried about the impact all of this will have on Mr. Jeon.”

Taehyung is pissed. It’s nothing even like before. He glances up at his father, holding his gaze and
he wonders if he can see it. If it amuses him.

If he knows Taehyung feels that anger towards himself because his father is right.

“Enough of this talk,” his mother interrupts. “Honey, it is a waste of time. Let’s just - eat.”

Taehyung doesn’t eat, keeps his arms crossed over his chest as he sits and listens to his parents
stupid attempts at small talk. For being married nearly thirty years, they suck at it.

He excuses himself when they’ve finished, walking through the Christmas lights and Christmas
decorations that will be packed away in a week’s time and stay in storage for another year. He
wants to look at his phone but he feels guilty for sneaking off.

He heads up to his bedroom instead, hoping to grab a few things before heading home. He doesn’t
ever want to come back here.

It shouldn’t be surprising that he opens the door and finds nothing but boxes. Everything of his is
packed into boxes and rubbermaids. Everything. Even his couch is gone.

Taehyung rests against the doorframe, staring around the room.

He can’t be here.

Taehyung nearly runs through the house. He understands Jungkook’s need for cold when he’s
upset because the cold air relieves his burning skin. He wants to smoke again, but he doesn’t know
when the Seos will be here. He should stay, at least long enough to get Dr. Seo’s contact
information for Jungkook.

As much as he doesn’t give a shit, Taehyung isn’t rude to people he doesn’t know. Or he’s trying
not to be. He wants to be rude to the Seos for the sole purpose of pissing off his father for thinking
he has any desire to meet Dr. Seo’s daughter, but his father had been right.

Securing a relationship with Dr. Seo would have been an amazing thing for Jungkook and
Taehyung is ready to talk Dr. Seo’s ears off until he requests to meet Jungkook himself. Taehyung
has retained enough that he can remember some things Jungkook is interested in, some of the
research he’s working on. He talks so passionately about it that sometimes Taehyung gets
distracted with thoughts of how cute he is and sometimes Taehyung truly doesn’t follow when
Jungkook talks about it.

But he’s been working on it, wants to be someone Jungkook can talk about things he’s interested
with, and he’s been getting better.

But he can’t stay in this house a moment longer. Everyone is wrong about him. He isn’t strong.


Taehyung freezes walking down the steps of his house. Maybe there was something in his weed or
maybe he’s so desperate for Jungkook’s comfort that he’s hallucinating him. Either way, his eyes
land on those red cheeks and doe eyes. His hair fluffed in curls around his head and the high collar
of his winter jacket tickling his jaw.

“Hey,” Taehyung mumbles, tongue heavy because Jungkook isn’t a hallucination and neither are
the people behind him.

Jungkook walks down the pathway, eyes focused on Taehyung. There’s a car parked up the
driveway, an SUV that Taehyung recognizes as Butler Kang’s.

“Did you think I didn’t know you were sneaking out?”

Jungkook doesn’t look angry, but he’s smiling softly. He’s wearing the purple button up shirt
beneath the winter jacket, unbuttoned around the chest and tucked into his dress pants. They match
because Jungkook knows him well enough to know what he would have chosen to wear.

“Why are you here?”

“Because I am,” Jungkook says. Behind him is the rest of his friends, all of them. Even Mrs. Jeon
and Jihoon are there, Mrs. Jeon holding on tightly to her youngest son’s arm. “So deal with it.”

There’s a smile flashing in front of his eyes before Jungkook takes Taehyung’s cheeks and kisses
him right on his front porch step. In front of their friends and in front of his family.

Taehyung’s throat feels too tight.

They must have had this planned more than he realized, because they’re all dressed up and neat.
Up close, Taehyung can see that Jungkook even has done his own makeup, which he usually make
Taehyung do. His eyelids are covered in glittery white eyeshadow that Taehyung thinks is his own
but hasn’t used in centuries.

“Happy Christmas, babe,” Jungkook murmurs. “When is dinner? I am starving.”

There’s laughter behind Jungkook and Taehyung feels embarrassed for once by all of the attention
on him. Namjoon nudges his shoulder with his own and claps the back of his neck, a silent gesture
of support but he’s an enemy just as much as the others around him.

Taehyung doesn’t handle this much affection at one time well.

“I’m actually about to leave,” Taehyung admits quietly, vulnerably and Jungkook pets over his
cheek in response. He doesn’t want Jungkook to be disappointed in him that he couldn’t handle it.

Clearly they’ve all spent time planning this crashing and dressing their best, but Jungkook doesn’t
hesitate in the way he accepts this by taking Taehyung’s hand and moving his body in the direction
of the car.

They’ve all lugged themselves here, Mrs. Jeon as well, but they all turn right around and take
Taehyung away from the house.
The first thing Taehyung notices when they step back inside of Jungkook’s apartment is the smell
of food. It’s all precooked and packaged, and Jihoon and Yoongi don’t hesitate to start opening it
and setting the table the moment they arrive home.

“Just in case you didn’t want to stay,” Jungkook murmurs, squeezing the hand he's refused to let go
of since they were at Taehyung’s home. “Wanted you to still have Christmas dinner with your
family. Your true family.”

Taehyung shoves his shoulder into Jungkook’s because he can’t handle the overwhelming feeling
in his chest.

“We should talk.”

Jungkook frowns at this. “Okay. But after dinner.”

The bad feelings loosen in Taehyung’s chest as they eat. There are too many people to sit at
Jungkook and Yoongi’s small table, or even fit in their kitchen, so they all truck themselves into
the living room.

Jungkook leans against his mother’s knees, his own propped as he lets Taehyung fill up his bowl
over and over again. He still isn’t too hungry but it’s easier to eat around this family.

“When Jungkookie was little, he used to sneak away to the rooftop. He didn’t think I knew.”

Jungkook goes still, cheeks bulging with his lips still stretched around the food he’s shoving into
his mouth.

His mother looks fond as she glances down at her son.

“There were gardens up there and Jungkookie always bothered the ahjussi who tended to them into
explaining every flower he grew.”

Yoongi laughs at that. “He didn’t think you knew but where else did those bouquets he made you
come from?”

Laughter fills the room as Jungkook makes a muffled noise of complaint, eyes falling closed as he
tries to chew the food he pushed into his mouth at the same time.

“He always carried these rocks in his pockets,” Mrs. Jeon goes on, laughing quietly. “He thought
they were fossils. I found them all over my house. ‘Eomma, what dinosaur do you think this one

Jungkook groans again. “ Eomma . Pick on someone else, please.”

“No, no,” Taehyung interrupts, smiling fondly. “I want to hear more.”

Jungkook glares at him for that. “No you don’t.”

Propping an elbow on the couch he leans against, Taehyung turns fully to Jungkook and deposits
their bowl between them. “Oh I do. Please Jungkook, let your mother speak. Don’t be so rude.”
It’s nice, sharing stories back and forth. It’s easy, seemingly so the way Jungkook pushes his bowl
aside and leans over to rest his head in Taehyung’s lap. It makes him warm that Jungkook doesn’t
seem nervous to, even in front of his mother and brother.

Taehyung brushes his fingers through Jungkook’s hair as he listens to everyone around them. Or
tries to. He focuses too much on watching Jungkook, watching his face scrunch up when he
laughs, watching his fingers as they dig into his thigh when Jungkook readjusts Taehyung’s leg as
his pillow.

He doesn’t think before he leans over, fingers grazing over Jungkook’s jaw before kissing the tip of
his nose.

Jungkook falls tense, lips slacked for a moment before he tilts his chin up and pecks Taehyung’s

Insecurity is in his eyes and he doesn’t hide the way he glances to his mother before curling over
and burying his cheek into Taehyung’s leg.

Taehyung flushes when his eyes meet Mrs. Jeon and he rests back against the couch and readjusts
until Jungkook is laying on his belly instead. He idly taps over Taehyung’s stomach, his fingers
rubbing over his shirt and he vibrates quietly with a laugh as he pinches one of the stains.


Jungkook isn’t used to being affectionate in front of people. It makes him nervous but he doesn’t
find he minds it too much. It doesn’t make him uncomfortable at least, though he’s still expecting
his mother’s face to fall when she catches Taehyung holding his hand or absentmindedly kissing

But it doesn’t and Jungkook knows Taehyung is silently asking for comfort so he doesn’t stop him.

He is a little anxious about whatever Taehyung wants to talk about. He’s worried Taehyung is
changing his mind about leaving, that his parents did something to blackmail or guilt him into
staying in his childhood home.

It’s Taehyung’s decision but Jungkook wants to make sure it’s only that; Taehyung’s decision.

“You don’t have to stay.”

Taehyung snorts at that as he changes out of his cashmere sweater and into an oversized sleep shirt.
“I most literally do not want to be anywhere else right now. You can say that every night and I will
remind you of it every night until you believe me.”

Jungkook tightens his grip around the bathroom counter where he sits, watching as Taehyung
changes into his pajamas. “We’ll have to sleep on the couch again.”

“That’s fine,” Taehyung says easily before padding over the tiled floor. He slips between
Jungkook’s spread legs, hands flat against the counter around Jungkook’s hips before he leans in
and kisses him.
Everyone is still here, spread throughout the apartment. He knows it’s probably obvious that
Jungkook snuck off to the bathroom to follow Taehyung into it, but he wanted to kiss Taehyung
without anxiety.

Of course, he still feels some, but he smiles easily against Taehyung’s mouth.

His thighs tense and clench together when Taehyung moves his hands between them, gently
caressing over his sensitive skin. Jungkook isn’t used to how hot his apartment is now that they’ve
fixed the heating unit, dressing himself in loose basketball shorts and a t-shirt. That probably
means it’s unnecessarily warm but it’s nice how easily Taehyung’s hands slip beneath the silky
material of his shorts to bunch them higher up his hips.

“Can’t,” Jungkook murmurs against Taehyung’s lips. “Eomma is in the other room.”

Taehyung nods, squeezing down on the flesh of Jungkook’s thigh before licking at his lips.
“You’re just warm.”

He pulls back then, slowly easing his fingers down Jungkook’s legs until he can circle his palms
over Jungkook’s knees and rub his thumbs over the bones there. Jungkook presses them into
Taehyung’s hips, keeping him stood between his legs. There is a static of arousal brushing through
him with every touch and he really doesn’t want Taehyung to stop, but he has to.

He had lied this morning about not waiting for Taehyung. After Taehyung had left, he couldn’t
stop thinking about it, the way it would have felt to wake up and find Taehyung’s lips circled
around his cock.

But he couldn’t do anything about the way that made his body react because his mother was
waking up and Jungkook had to rush and put something on that was less obviously showing his
hard on.

“Are you okay?”

Taehyung nods. His face is unreadable as he cocks his head and searches his eyes over Jungkook’s

“What?” Jungkook complains, pinching Taehyung’s stomach.

“I’m good,” Taehyung promises. It’s too soft, Taehyung’s expression too heavy.

“What happened with your parents?” Jungkook pushes, though he tries to keep his tone soft.

Taehyung is quiet for a moment, glancing between them to watch the way he continues to rub over
Jungkook’s thighs. Jungkook is learning the difference between when Taehyung is touching him
because he wants to please him and when he touches him because he is comforted by his skin.

“They made it very clear that I will not be able to afford leaving home.”

Jungkook snorts at that, but he frowns when Taehyung looks up at him with torture in his eyes.

He sighs, folding his hands over Taehyung’s cheeks, making Taehyung look at him when he

“Fuck your parents,” Jungkook says and he gets a laugh from Taehyung at that.

“They’ve known me my whole life. You’ve only known me a few months. What if in a year you
realize I’m shitty and you regret changing school? And you see that I’m dragging you down and
not doing enough to make me worth the risk?”

Jungkook leans away from him some, thumbs rubbing over the swell of his cheeks. He hates
Taehyung’s words and he doesn’t know where they’ve come from, so suddenly. Their filled with
so much insecurity that Jungkook isn’t used to seeing on Taehyung. At least, not when it comes to
their relationship.

“It’s your parents that are shitty,” Jungkook corrects. “Plus, as much as I want to move away
because it’s good for you. I’m also selfish. You think too highly of me to think I’m not.”

It’s true. He chose his current school even though it wasn’t his first choice because of the
scholarships, because it’s where Yoongi and Hoseok decided to go and he didn’t want to be alone.
He tells Taehyung as much, even though he isn’t sure Taehyung will believe him because it isn’t
the first time he’s told him.

“And of course you’re worth the risk,” Jungkook goes on, softer than before. “But it isn’t a risk,
here, Tae. It’s actually a better situation for the both of us.”

Taehyung hangs his head, shaking it. There’s something else he isn’t saying and Taehyung looks
pained when he looks back at him. “What if I can’t keep a job? Or I need help with school but
you’ve overloaded yourself and can’t help me?”

Jungkook frowns at that. “You don’t even have to go to school if you don’t want to, Tae. If it’s
hard for you drop out.”

Taehyung laughs at that, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“I’m serious. University is my thing, school is my thing. It’s totally okay if it isn’t yours,”
Jungkook goes on, desperately wanting Taehyung to believe him. “And if you have a hard time, I’ll
find a way to help you. Even if I can’t help you myself, I’ll help you find someone who can.”

Taehyung huffs at that. “You’re my only tutor, baby. I would never cheat on you like that.”

Jungkook laughs at Taehyung’s joke, relief filling him. “Stop worrying about it and just let me
prove it to you, got it?”

Taehyung pulls back, rolling his eyes. “Did Jeon Jungkook just tell me not to worry? Oh how the
tables have turned.”

The smile makes Jungkook think everything is okay but he isn’t sure. He rubs up Taehyung’s arms,
pulling him close to his body. He wraps his legs around his waist and Taehyung is quick to hold
his legs, fingers rubbing over the fabric of his dress pants.

“I’m needy,” Taehyung murmurs against his lips, head tilting to the side. “All of the time.”

“I don’t care,” Jungkook breathes. “We’ve been kind of living together the entire winter session
and I still haven’t changed my mind.”

Taehyung presses their foreheads together as he fingers Jungkook’s waist and slowly tugs his dress
shirt out from beneath his pants.

“We’ve been in here too long,” Taehyung murmurs, a grin on his lips. “Do you think our friends
have our back enough to distract your Eomma from noticing?”
Jungkook shivers, tilting his chin to nip at Taehyung’s bottom lip.

He knows about honey moon stages and that this may not always stay the same, this dying need to
embrace each other at all times, but he knows the feeling in his heart always will.

“Not for long. Make it quick,” Jungkook breathes and relief fills Taehyung, the suddenness in how
he seems to calm and the sadness leaving his face surprising Jungkook.

There’s no hesitancy in the way he drops to his knees, tugging Jungkook half off the sink.
Jungkook pretends not to notice the way his fingers shake and fumble to undo the button of
Jungkook’s pants, and Taehyung bites his thigh when Jungkook swats his hand to help him.

It’s nerve wracking, hitting him like a train when Taehyung frees his cock from his pants. The
realization of his mother being awake just a hallway down, his house filled with people, having his
hips stutter up into the air.

Taehyung grins before he takes Jungkook’s hardening length into his hand. “Knew you were into
this, you kinky shit.”

Jungkook seeks Yoongi for help. Once his mother has excused herself for bed, eyes too heavy to
remain open any longer, they pull out drinks and quiet the television. Jungkook makes sure to push
Jimin aside where he sits beside Yoongi, taking the place himself.

Everyone here is pro getting Taehyung away from his parents. That’s why they had all come
together to rescue him from them. Jungkook had seen that stubbornness in his eyes, that look of
insecurity that told him Taehyung was going to go even if he said he wasn’t. Taehyung had barely
slept the night before, restless in the small space on the couch, playing with Jungkook’s fingers,
stroking over his neck, all so gently as if he didn’t want to wake an already awake Jungkook.

But if anyone isn’t afraid to push Taehyung in the right direction, unaccepting of his closed off
behavior, it’s Yoongi. Even Jungkook is learning when it’s the right time to push Taehyung and
when it’s necessary to back off and let him deal with it the way he does.

Yoongi’s glancing at him with an amused smile, the room filling with Jimin’s mutterings of
complaints that Jungkook so rudely shoved him aside.

“I miss when you were afraid of sex, Kookie. Now you’re bold enough to slip away for a half hour
with Tae and come back looking like you’ve just gotten best fuck of your life.”

Jungkook grimaces, nerves flaring through him as he elbows him. He’s not used to talking about
sex with Yoongi yet. It still makes him uncomfortable.

“Stop, it did not look like that.”

“There are come stains on Tae’s shirt,” Yoongi points out, waving a hand towards Taehyung.

Jungkook laughs at that. “That’s from another time.”

Yoongi’s face twists in disgust and he groans. “You guys are nasty.”
Jungkook doesn’t disagree, it’s pretty gross but the clothes are clean. “Shut up, again. I have to talk
to you about something.”

A seriousness quickly takes over Yoongi’s expression and he ducks closer, realizing the drop in
Jungkook’s tone is because he doesn’t want everyone to hear.

“Taehyung is going to back out of Operation Get Taehyung the Hell Away From His Ass Shit
Head Parents.” Jungkook wheezes, whispers, wishing Hoseok had come up with a shorter name.

Without being discreet, Yoongi lets his eyes drift to where Taehyung sits beside Jin, shoving him
softly for what Jungkook assumes is shit talking based off Jin’s shit eating grin. Jihoon is with
them too, looking up to them with such bright eyes that crinkle every time he laughs. His little
brother has been talking about Taehyung since he’s gotten here, been near him as much as he can.

It warms Jungkook’s heart.

“He has no choice,” Jimin jumps in, kneeling his way in front of them. “Babe, when you talk about
someone, you don’t look at them.”

Yoongi grumbles at that and Jungkook would laugh but his chest is too heavy. He hates this. He
was getting better but one worrisome thing and his mind is working a thousand miles a minute,
imagining too many things for him to just focus on one. But all of them make his chest feel like it’s
heavying and collapsing in on itself at the same time.

“Of course he’s going to be nervous about it, Jungkookie. He has a hard time balancing school part
time and that’s without work.”

Jungkook hadn’t thought about that. He wants to slap a hand to his forehead. Of course he should
have thought about that.

“And remember the summer before you came here? You were sick like every day, worried you
wouldn’t be able to handle university and you’re at the top of your class,” Yoongi reminds him.

Jimin makes a noise at that, lips stretching into a grimace. “Handling?” Jimin says with air quotes
around the word. “Jungkook-ssi quite literally - I mean, yeah. There’s no need to worry.”

They seem to hold an eye argument and Jungkook wants to shove them both aside and just handle
this himself. But Yoongi is circling his fingers around his wrist, keeping him from doing just that.

“I’ll talk to him. You know when parents manipulate you and treat you like shit, it could be
making him believe the things they say.”

Jimin cusses quietly at that, glancing over his shoulder at Taehyung despite scolding Yoongi for
doing that just a moment ago.

“I did tell President Kim that Taehyung and I were leaving,” Jungkook murmurs. “Maybe he said
something to make Taehyung worry.”

“Probably,” Yoongi hums in thought. “They really are Ass Shit Heads.”

Jungkook watches as Hoseok wraps around Taehyung’s back and plops down. He tickles at his
neck and Taehyung sinks low, leaning back against his chest.

It makes Jungkook soft watching Hoseok tend to Taehyung because it’s so obvious to all of them
that something is wrong. Hoseok nuzzles his chin into his hair and Taehyung clings their arms to
his chest

That’s what Jungkook does, holds his fists against his chest because the pressure over his heart
feels like it’s helping even if it isn’t.

“I’ll talk to him,” Yoongi hums as he stands and wipes off his legs. “Tae, can I have a word?”

Taehyung’s eyebrows reach up towards his scalp as Yoongi curls a hand and gestures towards the
kitchen. His eyes immediately fall to Jungkook and he tries not to look guilty.

But Taehyung really is as smart as Jungkook thinks he is because his eyes narrow as he extracts
himself from Yoongi and stands.

He even points two fingers at his eyes and then at Jungkook and Jungkook burns red.

“Brutus,” Taehyung grunts before he follows after Yoongi.

Jimin laughs quietly, even Hoseok’s shoulders shake with laughter.

“I tell him all the time that’s not the saying,” Namjoon hums as he takes Yoongi’s side behind

“Excuse me,” Jungkook mumbles before he stands and tip toes after them.

There are many things Jungkook needs to work on. Life is constant evolving and improvement.
Eavesdropping is one of those things, but at the current moment, he needs to.

Well, he doesn’t need to. He knows if there is anything Yoongi tells him it’s because Taehyung
doesn’t want him to, which therefore means Jungkook doesn’t want to know it. Not yet. But
concern is washing over Jungkook so strongly that he can’t help the way he curls himself to the
side of the kitchen entryway and eavesdrops anyway. Just like Taehyung had done the day before
and listened to Jungkook praise him to his mother.

Praise him unknowing Taehyung was there and Taehyung still doesn’t believe him.

Taehyung’s concerns that Jungkook may regret changing schools are understandable, but Jungkook
truly wants to. It makes him sick thinking about how the President talks to Taehyung and then lies
so effortlessly to his students and their families about what he finds important as an educator.

He knows the President is going to keep coming to him for favors, that he’ll still have to see him
and probably end up being expelled anyway because he won’t be able to keep his words to himself.
He’s always been docile and quiet, even when upset, but he can’t do it with this.

Because Taehyung needs someone who won’t be docile and quiet, but will so strongly stand up for

“I’m really fine,” Taehyung says but even in his voice it sounds dead. “I mean it.”

“Yeah,” Yoongi hums, disbelieving. “You always shine bright Tae. You are dimmer than one of
those shitty street lamps around the parking garage.”
Taehyung laughs at that. There’s some noise of fiddling around and Jungkook wants to look over
the threshold and just take Taehyung in, but Yoongi will see him.

Yoongi, who probably knows he’s eavesdropping anyway because he caught him doing it a
thousand times while they were growing up.

It’s truly amazing Jungkook never found out him and Hoseok were seeing each other accidentally.

“Yeah well,” Taehyung says and it sounds so final that Jungkook imagines him shrugging.

“Well nothing,” Yoongi pushes. “Tell me what it is. Don’t sit with it on your shoulders all night.”

Jungkook closes his eyes when Taehyung falls silent. He hears the distant noise of the others still
in the living room, quiet enough that he can still hear Yoongi and Taehyung and the noise won’t
disrupt his mother’s sleep. Even if she could sleep through every alarm in the apartment going off.

“Jungkook sent you didn’t he? He’s a shit.”

Yoongi laughs and it’s obvious that he’s lying when he denies it. Jungkook peeks then, finding
Yoongi with his arms crossed over his chest and eyes soft onto Taehyung. He can’t see much of
Taehyung but he’s restless, playing with the hair at the top of his head before crossing his arms and
doing it again.

“You know he worries,” Yoongi murmurs and the fond tone in his voice tells him that Yoongi
definitely knows he’s eavesdropping. “Loves you or whatever he screamed at you in the hallway.”

Another laugh. Jungkook takes note at how well Yoongi can talk to Taehyung, to comfort him, to
help him open up. He wants to be that person one day.

“My parents pretty much confirmed they’re cutting off my allowance,” Taehyung finally says.
“Which, I was okay with at first. I didn’t want their money. Hell, I would change my last name just
not to be associated with them.”

Footsteps echo from the kitchen and Jungkook doesn’t try to hide the fact that he’s eavesdropping
anymore. Even when Yoongi’s eyes find his.

“But I changed my mind because I want to be able to help Jungkook so he doesn’t stress so much.
God fucking knows working and school for me is going to be an absolute nightmare. What if I bail
out on it like I always do? What if Jungkook breaks down and needs me and I can’t handle it for
shit? What if he gets fed up because I suck at this love thing and I can’t prove to him I won’t do
him the way Cheol Su did.”

There’s a flood rushing from Taehyung’s mouth now and Jungkook’s heart clenches. He doesn’t
talk and then he breaks, flooding the space around him with every thought in his head. He’s getting
better at talking before this, but it still happens.

Because Taehyung was right; it hasn’t been that long since they’ve broken into each other’s lives
and wanted to start changing to begin with.

“You have me to help you be there for Kookie,” Yoongi says with ease. “And you’re going to have
all of us to help you take care of yourself.”

“And if Jungkook decides he doesn’t really love me and now we’re awkwardly living together
while broken up? Sharing a room nonetheless because we have no money to buy anything bigger?”
Taehyung’s arms flail at this, eyes turning to Yoongi and Yoongi laughs, the sound filling the

“Dude, I knew Jungkookie was going to follow me where I went. Because he sticks to people he
loves like glue. That includes you. Even if you do break up one day. Which - way to tell me you
guys are official, by the way. I should have gotten a card in the mail.”

The sound Taehyung lets out is still tense, but closer to a laugh than before. “I’m impulsive and
been rubbing off on Jungkook too much and I am afraid I’ve made him impulsive too. I need too
much and I’m going to drain Jungkook and I know he thinks this is the best idea but he’s wrong.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he takes a step into the kitchen. This, this he can handle. These are
normal nerves, not ones that are from Taehyung’s deeply rooted insecurities that Jungkook is afraid
to touch and make him hurt, but also willing to try and rip out even if it takes years.

“He’s wrong because he doesn’t know everything. He doesn’t know about his father, so -”

Yoongi coughs loudly, fist flying up towards his face so quickly it bumps into his mouth.

“Fuck off,” Taehyung grunts and Jungkook falls still at the sight of alarm in Yoongi’s eyes. “I
know you don’t want to, but you have to tell him. You can’t blindside him with something as
important at this.”

Yoongi turns his glare to Taehyung who doesn’t say anything for a long moment before he’s flying

Jungkook feels like his heart is trying to beat his sternum to it’s death. The air is tense around him
and he doesn’t understand what Taehyung means or why Yoongi looks so upset by the fact that
he’s said it.

“What - what about my father?”

Taehyung’s face falls instantly, skin paling and Jungkook feels sick. His stomach hurts and it’s a
habit that his hands instantly go to his chest, fingers fiddling over one another. Neither of them say
a word, they just stare at Jungkook.

He doesn’t like it; doesn’t like the look of concern and pity on their faces. His chest sinks with each
exhale, the panic returning to him like an old friend returning home.

“What? Is it?” Jungkook huffs again and Taehyung is moving at the first sound of it in his voice.

“Fuck,” Yoongi grunts, rubbing a hand down his face. Taehyung is in Jungkook’s space, pulling
his fists from his chest to thread their fingers together.

“Tell me what you meant,” Jungkook breathes. He doesn’t know why Taehyung looks at him so
sad, but it hurts his heart.

His brain doesn’t like it either. He can’t stop the fear that swells inside of him because of their god
damn expressions.

“Fuck, just tell -”

“Appa hasn’t been helping out,” Yoongi grits out, clearly struggling with the words and he refuses
to move his hand from his face. “He’s fine just, he hasn’t been working that’s all. Taehyung’s
stressed you’re going to overwhelm yourself trying to work more on top of everything.”
Taehyung’s fingers squeeze over Jungkook’s and he brings them up to his own chest, holding his
hand against his sternum. His jaw ticks, the muscle flexing strongly over the hinge of his jaw to the
point he almost looks angry.

“What?” Jungkook grunts, shaking his head as he looks to Yoongi in confusion. He doesn’t know
why either one of them look so upset about that. There has been plenty of times his father has
struggled to find work, that they went a few weeks, sometimes a few months, before he could find
something. “He’s not gambling again, is he?”

Taehyung cocks his head at that. “You knew?”

“You knew?” Jungkook repearts harsher than intended. “I knew - I knew he did before I was born.
That’s why he had so much debt.”

Taehyung relaxes at that but Yoongi is stepping up to them, cupping the back of his neck. “It’s
fucking late as shit. Can’t we just talk about this tomorrow?”

Jungkook doesn’t know why Taehyung looks so frustrated when he glares at Yoongi or why
Yoongi so pointedly ignores him. But Jungkook also knows he isn’t going to be able to sleep all
night if neither one of them explain right now.

“No,” Jungkook says firmly. “You’re telling me why you’re acting weird and talking about my

Yoongi presses a finger to his lips, head cocking towards his bedroom where his mother sleeps
because Jungkook is starting to raise his voice. “Jihoon doesn’t know either, be quiet.”

“Know what?” Jungkook demands.

Maybe if he didn’t feel so worked up, he wouldn’t miss the hesitation on his face. Or maybe it
wouldn’t be amplified to the point where Jungkook knows what’s going to leave Yoongi’s lips.

But there’s no possible way, not even Yoongi who overdoes it in his worrying for Jungkook’s well
being, would not tell him if his father passed away. He wouldn’t push it that far. Jungkook isn’t
that incapable of being told things.

“Your father is in prison,” Taehyung says finally, earning a hard elbow from Yoongi.

Jungkook stares at Taehyung’s mouth, wondering if he’s speaking another language again. He’s
good at them; he’s been practicing lately. Even if he only knows a handful of words, it’s

“Way to go,” Yoongi says, shaking his head. “Look, Kook, your Appa asked me not to tell you.”

“What the hell do you mean he’s in prison?”

Taehyung is replacing Yoongi’s hand with his own at the back of his neck, fingers gentle in the
way they comb through the strands of hair there. It’s soft and a support Jungkook leans into.

He isn’t panicking, he’s angry.

“He got roped up in some shit at the club to send you guys some extra cash. It was wrong place
wrong time,” Yoongi explains quietly and quickly, face growing paler by the minute. “It’s only a
few years. Everyone is fine.”
Everyone is not fine. Jungkook is pissed, so much so that he feels his forehead throbbing with the
pressure of his heartbeat. “Why - why did no one tell me?”

There are fingers on his cheeks and he wants no one to touch him but Taehyung is so gentle it hurts
Jungkook too much to push him away.

“Breathe through your nose first,” Taehyung whispers so quietly Jungkook almost misses it.

Jungkook feels like a racehorse with how hard he inhales and exhales. “I’m not panicking. I’m
pissed off. Which is not an overreaction. You would be pissed too if your best friend told you your
father was in prison and he knew about it this whole time. When was it? How is Eomma and
Jihoon affording food? What was he charged with?”

When he feels the panic rush through him, he pulls away from Taehyung’s touch. He just needs an
open space and Taehyung doesn’t move, but lets his hands fall to his sides.

He holds them palms up, like they’re ready for Jungkook to take when he needs them.

“You know we all take care of each other back home,” Yoongi tells him softly. “And it was the
summer before you came here, Kookie. I’m serious, remember how sick you became every time
you even thought about going to university? What would you have done if you found out then?”

Jungkook huffs out again. He’s trying to remember the breathing cycles he had researched about
after his last panic attack. They’re hard to remember when he’s feeling so angry.

“I wouldn’t have left,” Jungkook stutters out.


Neither Taehyung nor Yoongi’s mouths move and the voice is softer, lighter. Jungkook turns
around to find his mother there, her hair done up and curlers. She looks softly at him, just like she
always does.

“Come with me,” she says, holding a hand out for him and Jungkook is angry, he doesn’t want to
take it. “It isn’t a suggestion.”

There have been plenty of times Jungkook’s been scolded when he’s been too upset to react
properly, but this time she speaks softly. She keeps her hand out, waiting for Jungkook to take it.

He does, folding his palm over hers so carefully like he’s afraid his grip might worsen her already
weak bones.

“Do not be mad at Yoongi. I asked - begged him not to tell you,” his mother says softly as she pulls
Jungkook from the kitchen.

Away from Yoongi and Taehyung, suddenly alone with his mother during this, he desperately
wants them back.

“How - how did he know then?”

She shakes her head, a finger pressing to her lips before she guides Jungkook into his bedroom and
closes the door behind them.

“I don’t want Jihoon to hear.”

Suddenly, Jungkook understands a little. He doesn’t want Jihoon to hear either. Because he’ll feel
the same way, at the same exact time as Jungkook. It’s the year before he heads off to university
too and he won’t want to leave.

“Your hyung was there,” his mother starts as she guides him to the end of the bed and waits for
him to sit before she sits too. “At that damned boxing club. Your father would gamble on those
fights, bet who would win. He always bet on Yoongi-yah, that’s why he never lost.”

Jungkook almost smiles at that.

“But those clubs, sometimes well, they get rowdy. People get drunk and ignorant. Your father was
stressed and on edge already. He didn’t react the way he should have when a drunk man started to
run his mouth.”

She pauses to rub her hands over Jungkook’s, warming his skin. “He didn’t hurt the man too much,
Jungkook-ah, but enough to bring the police to the club. Where there was illegal gambling and
enough drugs to get most handcuffed. The manager helped Yoongi slip right through the back
door. He had weed on him and your Appa put it into his own pocket instead.”

Jungkook watches the bones of her hand move beneath her thinner skin as she talks. Jungkook had
been in the same situation just a couple of weeks before. That same thing could have happened to
him and the reality of it makes his stomach twist.

But he knows he’d do it again, or at least maybe punch someone with his words instead of his
hands to protect Taehyung.

“What made Appa so angry?”

His mother shrugs her shoulders. “I think it was about Yoongi-yah. He was new to the club and
quite good. No one likes someone who comes in and takes over.”

His mother smiles when she says it and Jungkook smiles too. He suddenly feels bad for being so
angry at him but he also feels like he is going to be for a few more hours.

“I did that,” Jungkook admits. “Someone called Tae stupid and I punched them. Because his
parents call him that and you can tell it hurts him really badly. Like really badly.”

His mother looks at him, head cocking as she moves her hands from his and to his shoulders.

The suddenness of saying it out loud has Jungkook’s eyes watering. The last two days have been
fucking draining emotionally and he feels both numb and hypersensitive at the same time.

“Like breaks his heart because he doesn’t focus or process things as easily as some people do and
his parents call him an idiot for it. An idiot. They said that to their own child.”

Jungkook huffs out, a soft sob as his mother cooes.

“They think they’re good people because they’re rich and Mr. Kim runs the school but my father is
a better man than him and he’s a criminal apparently. What the hell Eomma, why didn’t you tell

Eomma clicks her tongue, her eyes are blazing with emotion but none of them anger. “You’re a
caretaker baby, you’re good at doing that. You get that from both your father and I. But it is our job
to take care of you, not the other way around. Not yet. It was important for you to go and better
your life than stay at home.”
Jungkook doesn’t believe he’s been good at taking care of people at all, but he’s spent a long time
taking care of his mother. But he added to her stress as well, making her frustrated when he was too
anxious to even make a phone call. She never said as much but Jungkook would feel guilty

He shakes his head, denying that. “Eomma, you can’t work.”

She sighs, letting Jungkook take her sore fingers into his own. He holds them gently. “I’m strong, I
told you. I adapt. I do whatever I need to to take care of my boys. That’s what your father did too,
Jungkook-ah. Please don’t be angry with him.”

“I’m not angry with him. But I - I want you to please tell me things. You and hyung,” Jungkook
whispers, nervous again. He breathes through his nose. “Even if I react badly at first. We all react
badly to bad things. This is - this is something to react badly to. If me staying in school is
important to you, I can find a way to do that and help you. But you need to tell me.”

His mother nods without hesitation, taking Jungkook’s face into her hands. “Okay, love. Are we
having the ‘I’m an adult now, Eomma’ conversation?”

Jungkook laughs quietly at that. “Yeah, we are. Can’t say I like being it all that much, but I am

“I know,” his mother murmurs. “And you’ve made me so proud.”

When Jungkook leaves the bedroom, he finds the house mostly empty save for Taehyung.
Taehyung lingers half way between the door and the couch, hands held behind his back.

“Are you leaving?” Jungkook asks and Taehyung’s eyes wide in alarm. His body turns towards the
coat rack like he may grab the winter jacket he wore but Jungkook stops him. “I don’t want you

Taehyung nods but doesn’t move.

“Unless -”

“I don’t want to be anywhere else but beside you,” Taehyung clarifies with such ease that the knots
in Jungkook’s chest loosen. “I told Yoongi to leave. He was scared to stay when you found out
your father got arrested for his drugs. For betting on his fights.”

Jungkook nods. It feels awkward. Why? “I - I am not really angry at him. Just a little at the
moment. Maybe in the morning. But not for that. I’m glad Appa did that for him. I’m just mad he
didn’t tell me.”

Taehyung nods. He doesn’t tell Jungkook it’s unfair to be angry even if it is. He just remains still,
staring at him like he doesn’t know if he can come close or not.

“I’m not angry at you either,” Jungkook says, finally taking a step and breaking the distance
between them.

“I wanted them to tell you when I found out.”

Jungkook nods. He wants to know the details but he’s exhausted. Them implies that Hoseok
probably knew too and Jungkook is too tired to let it make him angrier. He wouldn’t be surprised if
all of his friends new except for him at this point. “Come lay with me.”

He lays on the couch first, wondering if Taehyung had propped the pillows there while he waited
for Jungkook to come out. Taehyung throws the blanket over him even though one of them will
discard it in the night before he snuggles into the space left for him.

Taehyung is warm but Jungkook covers him with the blanket and holds him close. Close enough
that he can feel Taehyung’s breath hitting his face.

“My Appa punched some guy for talking shit about Yoongi.”

There is a smile on Taehyung’s lips that looks unsure, like he doesn’t know if he should be smiling
about that or not.

“Don Min is him, isn’t it?”

Taehyung nods, curling an arm around Jungkook’s waist and forcing his arm into the space
between his back and the couch.

“I didn’t know he boxed. To be honest with you, he was gone so much I don’t know a whole lot
about him. He was around me more when I was a child but, I don’t know. He seemed like he was
there a lot for Yoongi. Which, surprisingly makes me happy because he didn’t have an Appa at

Taehyung shifts, eyelashes fluttering against his cheekbones as he watches Jungkook. He just
listens quietly as Jungkook talks. Talks about nothing, little clips of memories he has of his father,
talks about Jihoon and Yoongi more.

It is late when Jungkook finds his mind too heavy to talk anymore. He nuzzles closer to Taehyung,
until he can brush their foreheads together.

“They’re right. I would have stayed home if I found out then,” Jungkook admits. “I was really
scared about going to school to begin with, from moving away from home.”

Taehyung nods. “Ironic, I was the one that was excited to go to University.”

Jungkook laughs quietly at that. “Don’t lie. It was for the parties.”

Taehyung doesn’t even hesitate to nod in affirmation.

“I’m proud of your for handling this so well.”

Jungkook laughs at that. “Oh no, stay tuned. A stress attack is on it’s way.”

The smile Taehyung gives him is soft, so soft it makes Jungkook’s heart feel okay for the moment.
“When you do, I’ll be right here. So will everyone else.”

Jungkook swallows. He doesn’t want to think about it right now but Taehyung always makes him
feel so much. He always feels so much and sometimes it’s tiring, but he likes the way Taehyung
makes him feel.

“Same to you. When you have a hard time dealing with things or become afraid. I want you to
know that it’s okay to be nervous about changing things. But if you really want to leave, don’t let
your worry for me stop you,” Jungkook whispers.

He can feel the ghost of Taehyung’s smile. It’s soft and gentle, the late of the night and the
heaviness around them like one of those thick, weighted blankets that Jungkook used to sleep with.

“And don’t worry about me changing my mind about you,” Jungkook says, even more quietly.
“That should be me. You know I’m a dweeb and you’re - well, you’re -”

“In love with you,” Taehyung finishes for him. He drags his fingers up Jungkook’s side before
pulling his hand away and holding out a pinky finger. “Promise.”

It’s dumb how much Jungkook loves this thing of theirs. There are times when he is still unsure,
still worried Taehyung is messing with him. But Taehyung is amazing at assuring him, making him
feel like he’s in this just as much as Jungkook is.

He’s comfortable with growing with Taehyung and he thinks Taehyung is comfortable growing
with him.

“Well good. You know, I was looking into that Virgo Capricorn thing you mentioned the first time
we officially met?”

Taehyung hums, lips pressing together to suppress his smile. Jungkook props his head up in his
elbow, glancing down at Taehyung and he feels his cheeks grow red. He’s thankful for the dark
around him.

“I was looking into it and we’re pretty compatible,” Jungkook huffs, his tone already turning
amused at his attempt at a joke. “Guess you could say we have a lot of chemistry .”

The laugh Taehyung lets out sounds like it’s ripped from his chest. His eyes crinkle as he reaches
up to touch the back of Jungkook’s neck, pulling him down for a kiss.

And everything feels okay for the moment. Even if Jungkook knows there will be not okay
moments, and really horrible moments to come, it feels good to have something - someone,
Taehyung , to give him moments to push through them.

“Yeah, yeah. I guess we do.”

Chapter End Notes

I would love love love so much to hear what you think about this chapter? As always
thank you so much for reading <3 Stay tuned for the epilogue!
Chapter Notes

Hello! Make sure you've read the chapter before as this is a two chapter update!

Also, please check out this cool cover my best friend made for this fic here. It's so
amazing (peep Tae's glasses). I also suggest checking out her other edits, she's so

Anyway! Enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Five Months Later

“Hold still or I’ll poke your eye out.”

Jungkook groans, his eyes starting to water. It’s cute how much he fidgets like he hates when
Taehyung does his makeup, but it’s always Jungkook who insists that Taehyung does it.

“I hate mascara,” Jungkook complains.

Taehyung adjust himself on Jungkook’s lap, pulling the brush away. “Okay but you literally told
me you wanted to try the glittery mascara and asked me to put it on you.”

Jungkook frowns at that, blinking rapidly. “I don’t remember that.”

Taehyung snorts, tugging the glasses perched on the top of Jungkook’s head back down to the
bridge of his nose. “Fine. Deal with one eye done.”

Jungkook wraps his arms around Taehyung’s lap before he can shift off of it. His lips are glittery
too, though only Taehyung had applied the glitter gloss to his own lips.

There is less fidgeting when Taehyung finishes Jungkook’s other eye. But Jungkook looks strained
with how tense he becomes as not to move.

It’s cute.

“What are you doing?”

Taehyung whips around to find Jihoon there, standing in the entrance to their bedroom with his
shoulder against the doorframe. He looks amused and so much like Jungkook, it’s still disorienting.

“Packing,” Jungkook replies as he gestures wildly to the boxes stacked around their bedroom. Most
of it is Taehyung’s things. He feels less upset about finding all of his things packed Christmas Day,
or more grateful that they did the work for him.

He hasn’t talked to them since.

Jihoon snorts. “Looks like it. Are you wearing makeup, hyung?”

“What to it?” Taehyung asks, earning a pinch from Jungkook.

Jihoon likes to tease, no differently than the rest of their friends, but it hits Jungkook differently
because for so long he was afraid to come out to him.

Taehyung is protective, sue him.

“Looks nice,” Jihoon says, still amused.

The younger Jeon is like a mix of Jungkook and Taehyung, a mix of wide doe eyes and a cocky,
teasing grins that always seems amused.

“I was told to come and get you because we’re about to leave,” Jihoon explains. “We played rock,
scissors, shoot to see who would brave an accidental naked walk in. Won’t lie, I was nervous.”

Jungkook rips the mascara from Taehyung before tossing it at his brother. “Go away, rascal. We’ll
be out in a second.”

The sound of Jihoon’s laughter echoes down the hallway as he retreats.

Taehyung turns back to Jungkook, slinging his arms over Jungkook’s shoulders. “We can stay in if
you want.”

“It’s fine,” Jungkook promises, leaning his head back to look up at him. “We have to go. The
hyungs graduate tomorrow.”

Part of Taehyung just wants to stay in as well. The apartments and campus are going to be filled
with parents and families and then he’ll have to sit through a four hour graduation. His father will
speak and Taehyung prays to every god above him that his father doesn’t find a way to speak to

And then the day after that, they’re trucking themselves across the city to a new place and town
with the same friends they’re going out with tonight.

“You know we’re gonna live in a party house, right Jeon?” Taehyung muses as he shifts off
Jungkook’s lap and helps him stand. Jungkook looks like a dream in his tight, ripped jeans. The
sweater he wears torn in certain areas, revealing one side of his collarbones, some of his ribs.
There’s a grin on his lips, as Taehyung eyes the choker around his throat. “Good luck with all that
horrific studying you do.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes but the nerves are there. He rubs his tongue over the tiny ball beneath his
bottom lip, a new accessory that Taehyung still can’t handle looking at without feeling like he
might cream his pants. “There’s a library for a reason.”

This semester wasn’t as bad as the others. Personally, not at all. Education wise, well at least
Taehyung didn’t fail any of his classes. He even came out of History with a solid 84.

He blames the fact that Jungkook’s found a new tactic of reciting study points to him while
Taehyung makes love to him.
Whatever, it’s effective. There’s no way Taehyung will forget the order of Prime Ministers when
he has the mantra of Jungkook moaning them in his memory.

“Right. Your mistress,” Taehyung sighs miserably, tugging him along. The piercing pokes out as
Jungkook plays with it and Taehyung thinks it’s actually a horrible idea that he got it done because
it’s distracting. Jungkook plays with it a lot . “Is this going to keep happening? I wait, alone, and
naked probably, for my baby to come home to me while you’re in her?”

Jungkook’s cheeks bulge around his smile and Taehyung can’t tell if the sound he lets out is
supposed to be a giggle or a whine.

“You could come with me.”

Taehyung twists his face at that. In the hallway, there’s a vibration of voices because Taehyung
and Jungkook really were taking too long in getting ready.

“That’s usually the goal,” Taehyung teases. “Though I’m not really into having a threesome with
your secret lover.”

The breath rushes from his lips as Jungkook presses him to the hallway wall, his face crumpling
into a - yes, that’s definitely a whine before he pins Taehyung’s hands slightly above his shoulders.

“You better not be doing that thing where you try to convince me this is a bad idea,” Jungkook

Taehyung shakes his head, tilting his hips up to Jungkook’s with a teasing smile. He sticks his
tongue out, flicking it at the tiny ball. It sits in the middle, right beneath the fattest part of
Jungkook’s mouth. “It isn’t. But if it makes you manhandle me like that, I might keep doing it.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose before he loosens the grip on Taehyung’s wrists. “You were right, I am
kind of into it.”

There’s laughter filling the space between them before Jungkook kisses him.

It's been months and months of kissing, lots of it, and Taehyung still can’t get over the way it
makes him feel. He doesn’t know how long honey moon stages are supposed to last but he’s sure
this one is going to last a life time.

“But you better be sure you won’t regret it. We leave the day after tomorrow.”

Jungkook sighs like he always does when Taehyung mentions this. He takes Taehyung’s hands,
kissing his knuckles. “Of course I’ll regret it. I will have to deal with Jimin every day.”

Taehyung shoves Jungkook in retaliation for the way his heart had dropped for a moment.

“You remember how annoyed you get when I ask if you’re messing with me?” Jungkook asks and
Taehyung nods, though annoyed isn’t the right word. He’s frustrated he hasn’t done enough for
Jungkook to believe him, even if he knows it’s just that Jungkook can be insecure. Jungkook
assured him of this but maybe Taehyung is insecure too. “Well, it’s the same thing.”

It is unlike Taehyung to stand off to the sidelines, just watching the crowd before him. His back
digs into the bar behind him and he can only somewhat hear Jin over the music, but he nods along
to whatever he says anyway.

He watches Jungkook, the way his face lights up as he giggles. He’s sandwiched between their
friends, not quite dancing as much as laughing, and it brings a smile to Taehyung’s lips.

“Fucking whipped man,” Jin says, suddenly so close to Taehyung’s ear that the tickle of his breath
against his skin has Taehyung jerking away.

Taehyung doesn’t deny it though he does threaten Jin to a death match, effectively making Jin burst
into giggles. “Fucking hypocrite. Where is Joon anyway?”

“Preparing his speech for tomorrow. Practically shoved me out of the house to come with you
guys. Said I was distracting him but I was just sitting there.”

Taehyung knows the feeling. He’s nervous for Namjoon too, having to stand in front of the entire
staff, graduating class, and their families and make a speech.

That’s what he gets for being so smart, Taehyung thinks as he finds Jungkook again and smiles
thinking about him at the podium too.

There is no way Jungkook wouldn’t be the valedictorian for their year and he’s going to shit his
pants on stage. Taehyung might have to literally force the audience to be naked so he’ll be calm
and enjoy his moment.

Jungkook looks nervous now as Hoseok talks to him, Hoseok’s hand planted firmly to his wrist as
he tries to drag it over his shoulders like he wants to dance with him.

“Joon said you got a really good internship on the other side of the city,” Taehyung says. “Working
at Horizons?”

Jin nods, fiddling with the drink he’s barely touched. He thinks they’re all nervous to graduate
tomorrow, even if it’s just walking on stage and a few months away from the next step in their

“Works with adults who have developmental disabilities. Helps them with work and finding
apartments and all that.”

Taehyung nods. Jungkook had sent in his application for the planetarium the other day because
Taehyung kept trying to hide it from him pretending that he sent it. He doesn’t know how to do a
resume and the instructions online were no help.

He doesn’t know why he needs a resume to work at a planetarium and Jungkook says ‘Researcher
on Google’ wasn’t a thing he could actually put on it. He became fed up with it, knew whoever
was responsible for hiring would probably laugh while reading it.

But Jungkook had sent it out and never told him until Taehyung got the call back for an interview.

“You’ll be close to us,” Taehyung says. “You and Joon. Good.”

Taehyung watches as Jungkook finally gives into dancing with Hoseok as someone else slides
behind his back, hands tickling over his waist. Nerves reach Jungkook’s eyes as he turns his head
to say something to the stranger.

He’s pushing away from the bar when Jimin appears, shoving a hand between the man’s chest and
Jungkook’s back. Whatever Jimin says has the man’s eyes blowing wide and his hands flying up.

Taehyung smiles and cups Jin’s forearm to excuse himself.

Maybe he isn’t too worried about Jungkook moving in with all of them because even if he hates the
way they take care of him, they all go out of their way to anyway.

Taehyung wishes he could hear the laughter over the music but he settles on focusing on how
warm Jungkook is as he wraps around him. Jungkook goes rigid at first, half turning to shout, “I
told you I have a boyfriend.”

Taehyung tightens his hand around his waist, only smiling at Hoseok across from him before he
turns his lips against Jungkook’s ear.

“Is that so? He cute?”

Jungkook relaxes instantly and sinks back into Taehyung’s chest. “Yeah, pretty hot.”

Taehyung bites at his grin before he schools his features. “I’m down if he is.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. Hoseok lets go of Jungkook but doesn’t move far, just far
enough to move his hands in a robot motion.

“He probably isn’t,” Jungkook plays along. His body is burning when Taehyung slips his fingers
beneath Jungkook’s shirt, his skin sticky with sweat though he hadn’t been exerting himself much.

“Am not,” Taehyung laughs, tickling his fingers over Jungkook’s belly to feel his muscles flutter
there. “Not in a bad way.”

Jungkook reaches up, stroking his fingers over Taehyung’s neck.

A second later, there’s a hand on the back of his head but Taehyung doesn’t realize it’s Hoseok’s
until his face is smashing into Jungkook’s.

It doesn’t hurt but his nose squishes against Jungkook’s and the frames of his glasses dig into his

Jungkook tilts his head up and presses his laugh against Taehyung’s lips. He misses, his teeth
scraping over Taehyung’s top lip and that damn piercing grazing over his bottom.

Taehyung sucks it into his mouth, gently before he rubs his tongue over the top.

A wild thought of Jungkook with a tongue piercing touches his mind and he groans, shaking his
head to get rid of it. He’s too young to die and that would certainly kill him.

“Fucking gross,” Hoseok yells but there’s laughter in his voice.

He says something else, maybe about finding his boyfriends, but Taehyung isn’t listening as he
tilts his head and licks into Jungkook’s mouth.

Over the last few months, Jungkook has grown more comfortable kissing with people around them.
It’s the first semester since Taehyung started at the University that he hasn’t partied a handful of
days every week. He sticks to the weekend parties, following his friends out, but he doesn’t drink
as much and he’s lost his taste for pills.
Jungkook comes to some of them and when he doesn’t, Taehyung leaves early to show up at his
job or distract him from whatever work he’s barricading himself inside of his apartment to work

He’s still working on that, distracting Jungkook, and Jungkook is getting better at telling him when
it really is necessary for him to give him space.

Most of the times though, Jungkook welcomes the distraction.

Jungkook turns in his arms, lifting his own to wrap around Taehyung’s neck to kiss him deeper.
He’s hungry about it, no shame in the way he shoves his tongue into Taehyung’s mouth and molds
their bodies together.

Confident Jungkook in bed is something Taehyung has only seen a few times. Just the other day,
Jungkook had whispered dirty words into his ears while they fucked that had Taehyung coming too
fast and Jungkook flinging himself off the bed with the reddest cheeks. He hid under the bed like a
gremlin and didn’t come out until Taehyung said as much and he needed to swat at him in revenge.

But he still like how shy Jungkook is, doesn’t mind having to pull his hands away from his face

Taehyung threads his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, tugging until his head tilts. He can taste the
vibration of Jungkook’s moan and he shifts a leg between Jungkook’s, thigh rubbing between to
feel Jungkook’s cock stiffen.

Jungkook pulls back when his hips roll, eyes heavy and dark before he drags Taehyung out of the

They don’t stay out late, trucking back to Namjoon and Jin’s house because it fits all of them
better. And, Mrs. Jeon and Jihoon had came the night before to see Yoongi and Hoseok graduate
and are currently occupying Jungkook’s apartment again.

It’s familiar, crowding into the den and filling it with smoke. It’s nice when Jungkook settles into
his lap without hesitation and takes Taehyung’s into his own.

Jungkook still squeaks in embarrassment when Taehyung moves his lips to breathe smoke between
them but licks at them instead.

Laughter fills the room and Jungkook groans, tucking his face into Taehyung’s neck.

He falls asleep like that and Taehyung remains still as not to wake him.

This week had been filled with exams and packing and Jungkook cleaning the apartment with a
toothbrush for his mother’s arrival. Dark bags had moved in beneath Jungkook’s eyes but he’s
become better with concealer and Taehyung hadn’t noticed at first.

Jungkook’s also getting better at coming to Taehyung or one of the others when he’s overwhelmed.
He doesn’t refuse their attempts at making sure he eats either. But he still struggles with it and
leans into makeup instead.

“I still haven’t packed shit,” Jimin huffs as he rests his head against Hoseok’s thigh and kicks his
legs over Yoongi’s lap. “Do it for me.”

Yoongi grunts at that, pinching his thigh. “Your lease isn’t up until next month, babe. You have
Jimin groans at this. “Please. I’ll suck you off.”

There’s complaints from everyone but Hoseok, who curls his body over Jimin’s head to whisper
something to him.

Yoongi’s eyes automatically dart to a sleeping Jungkook. Now that he’s open about his relationship
with Jungkook, Jungkook has had the pleasure of walking in on him as much as Taehyung used to.

It still sends fear through him when he lays in bed and suddenly hears Jungkook screaming from
somewhere in the house.

The first time he had ran out of bed in a hurry to find him, yanking the sheet over from the bed to
cover his front only to find Jungkook holding his face and bending over like he was in pain in front
of the bathroom door. Yoongi didn’t even chase after him like he would, but continued doing
whatever made Hoseok sound like a wild animal on the other side of the door.

“You’d do it anyway,” Yoongi huffs in amusement.

“It’s going to suck living with you all,” Taehyung lies, smiling softly so they know he’s lying.

Jimin isn’t transferring schools but he swore the commute wouldn’t be a problem. Taehyung thinks
he’ll only last a semester before he ends up transferring as well. But he’s close to his family, unlike
Taehyung, and wants to be around them for more than just maintaining an allowance.

“It’s going to be a love hotel,” Namjoon quips, voice tight as he smiles. It had taken all six of him
to pull him out of his bedroom and away from the speech that he keeps editing and changing. “You
lot are the biggest group of horn dogs I’ve ever met.”

There’s laughter at that and Jungkook fidgets, turning further into Taehyung’s chest. He breathes
out when Taehyung cups the back of his neck and draws circles against his skin.

“Says the guy who has a ball gag,” Hoseok cackles.

Yoongi goes white at that because he had been the one to discover this.

The laughter is loud and Jungkook starts to jostle awake. Taehyung excuses them, though he needs
help getting Jungkook’s heavy body from his lap so he can stand.

He half wakes up, eyes heavy lidded before he slumps back against Taehyung.

“Come on, sleepy baby.”

Taehyung helps Jungkook to Namjoon’ and Jin’s guest room. He heavies the moment they step
inside, his arms clinging around Taehyung’s shoulders.

“You’re a thousand pounds,” Taehyung grunts as he pushes Jungkook into the bed. It thumps
beneath Jungkook and Jungkook groans quietly, quickly pulling his legs up towards his body.
“Don’t fall asleep yet, I have something to tell you.”

Jungkook rolls to his back, peering one eye half open before closing them again. He slings a hand
over his forehead as Taehyung undoes his jeans.

When Taehyung first met Jungkook, he knew he’d like to be around him, to mess around with him.
He didn’t realize how in love he would be with being domestic with him.

“Hey, hey. Don’t fall asleep on me.”

Taehyung pulls the jeans from Jungkook’s thigh, biting him on the leg and Jungkook jerks his leg
up in surprise.

“What?” Jungkook grumbles like he’s grumpy but he never fails to look fond when he looks at

Taehyung slips the jeans from his feet before he climbs onto the bed. Jungkook half pulls himself
further up, but stops when he’s far enough to hold onto Taehyung’s waist, his cheek pressing right
above his belly button.

He twists his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, holding him close. The hand he presses to
Taehyung’s side is adorned with rings, little golden bands that he had taken from the jewelry box
when Taehyung found him curiously looking through it.

They’re pretty on him and Taehyung traces them with his free hand, watching Jungkook’s fingers
twitch from his touching.

“What is it?” Jungkook huffs, his voice signaling he is about to be asleep again.

“Just, I love you.”

Namjoon’s speech is a success, which no one is surprised. He speaks eloquently, captivating, even
holding onto Taehyung’s attention which usually runs very quickly away when Namjoon is talking,

Probably because half of the time when they hang out, Taehyung is high and half asleep on his
couch. And Taehyung finds engineering one of the most confusing topics ever. Ten times worse
than Chemistry.

“Oh look at your boy. I am so proud of him,” Mrs. Jeon says to Yoongi’s mother who she sits
beside, squished between her and Taehyung. She slides an arm easily through Taehyung’s,
squeezing him close. “Remember how bad he was in school! Oh it’s a surprise you have any hair

Taehyung giggles at that as he watches Yoongi across the stage, the cap on his head tilting to the
side. Jungkook claps beside him, his hands close to his chest and moving quickly against each

When he turns to Taehyung, his eyes are just as watery as Mrs. Jeon’s voice sounds.

“Oh baby,” Taehyung laughs, curling an arm around him. “Are you that happy for hyung?”

Jungkook just nods and tilts his head to Taehyung’s shoulder. He stays like that until Hoseok
appears, and he straightens, his hands slapping together once more.

There is a happiness in Taehyung’s chest too as he watches on. He wants that feeling, that

He never truly gave a shit before but he wants it now. Jungkook has offhandedly mentioned him
not going to school if it wasn’t for him, all of them have actually. But Taehyung wants it.

“A round of applause for the Graduating Class of 2019!”

There is a beat of silence before the rumble of applause vibrates through the building. Taehyung
stuffs his fingers into his mouth, whistling as he watches Namjoon wrap around Jin until their lips
meet. Delight soars through him at Hoseok’s smile, the way he shines it at Yoongi before kissing
him as well.

Jungkook grips down on Taehyung’s forearm, squeezing so tightly that it tugs Taehyung’s
attention away. It isn’t only Jungkook that looks alarmed but Jimin beside him as well.

They both stare down at the crowd like they’ve just witnessed a murder.


There is no response other than Jungkook glancing at where the Jung family sits behind them. Both
of Hoseok’s parents’ faces unreadable.


Taehyung stands, clapping as loudly as he can, shouting his friends’ names. He doesn’t think that’s
why Hoseok turns to them but the look on his face tells Taehyung that he hadn’t meant to kiss
Yoongi where his parents could see.

Yoongi doesn’t seem to notice at first, or at least Taehyung doesn’t think so until he grabs
Namjoon and drags him down to face level.

Jimin bursts into a fit of hiccuped giggles as he brings his hands to his face, eyes wide with worry
and concern but also maybe it could just be pride. It looks as if Yoongi kisses Namjoon or maybe
he just wants it to look that way because Hoseok is laughing too.

With a glance towards Mrs. Jung’s, he thinks he sees the same look in her eyes as Jimin too.

They rush outside when the graduates are released. Thanks to Jungkook, they already had a spot
where they agreed to meet and finding them through the crowd is easier than planned.

Taehyung clings to Jungkook’s back, Jungkook’s hands under his thighs to support him, as he
watches Jimin throw himself at Hoseok, squeezing his cheeks. Hoseok laughs but it is gone from
his eyes.

“Your parents didn’t even see.”

Hoseok huffs at that. “Eomma literally told me she was going to keep her eyes on me at all times
because she doesn’t want to miss a moment of me graduating because I - I worked so hard to get

Jimin cups Yoongi’s face and guides him close to where Hoseok and his own face are and
Jungkook turns so quickly, Taehyung nearly falls off of his back.

“Congratulations, hyung,” Jungkook says as they approach Jin and Namjoon beside the others.

Taehyung hops from Jungkook’s back but keeps a hand at his spine. The crowd around them is
thick and noisy as people try to find whoever came to watch them graduate.

“What’s it like being kissed by the one and only Min Yoongi? Hobi and Jimin never like to share
the details.”

There is a collection of groaned complaints from around them before there’s a hand gripping to the
back of Taehyung’s neck. Yoongi is there, smiling softly.

“Operation distract Hoseok after dinner is in full affect,” Yoongi grumbles so only he can hear.
“After dinner, you got me?”

Taehyung holds his fist out for Yoongi to tap. “As long as this distraction doesn’t include you
kissing my boyfriend too.”

Yoongi shoves Taehyung at that but it’s gentle. “Listen, I panicked.”

Taehyung doesn’t comment as Jungkook pulls away and wraps his arms around Yoongi. He looks
embarrassed at first, Yoongi’s eyes wide before he sinks into Jungkook’s embrace and hugs his

“I’m so proud of you, hyung.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Yoongi grunts but he rubs his fingers over the back of Jungkook’s head. “See? I
walked across that stage and I barely put in half the amount of work you did. You can go easier on

Jungkook pulls back with a grin. “Fat chance.”

The restaurant they go to after the graduation ceremony is packed with graduates and families.
Their party is the biggest, their attempts at putting the tables together so they can all be one failing.

Taehyung is squeezed between Jungkook and Mr. Jung, his thigh pressing into Jungkook’s. Which
is less to do with the lack of space and more to do with the fact that Jungkook is gripping onto his

It’s nice having everyone together, even if Taehyung is the only one whose parents aren’t present.
Even the Parks came to support their son’s boyfriends.

Not that Taehyung wants his parents here, but their absence seems loud. Just as loud as the tension
Taehyung feels sitting beside Mr. Jung, but the goal was to keep Hoseok surrounded by support.

“Now you’re moving tomorrow?” Mrs. Jung asks where she sits on the other side of her husband
and beside her son. Hoseok looks pale, not as cheerful as he once was, or as much as a new
graduate should be. He fidgets with the utensils on the table, nodding. “Don’t you think you should
rest a day or two?”

“Or come home,” Mr. Jung adds. “You haven't been home and even then you barely were because
you were at the Mins’ so much.”

Hoseok fidgets again and when Yoongi moves his arm beside him and Hoseok sinks his beneath
the table, Taehyung knows they’re linking fingers.

“I start my new job in two weeks,” Hoseok explains. “I’m sorry.”

Mrs. Jung reaches over and covers Hoseok’s fiddling hand with her own. “Don’t be sorry, baby.
We’re proud of you.”
It feels like she means something more and Hoseok looks at her like he hopes it does.

Taehyung clears his throat, lips opening to say something to release the tension in Hoseok’s
shoulders but Jungkook is squeezing him in warning.

He doesn’t like that Hoseok is vibrating with it. He doesn’t like that it sits heavy at their side of the
table. He doesn’t like that he feels that same defensiveness inside of him he feels when he’s with
his parents when the Jungs seem ten times more kind.

He hates that a night that’s supposed to be happy feels tense because Hoseok kissed his boyfriend.

“I’m sure Hobi-yah will be running home after a couple days of dealing with us,” Taehyung says
suddenly. “I’m sure he’s comforted knowing he can, no matter what.”

Mrs. Jung has Hoseok’s eyes but they aren’t as expressive. Or maybe Taehyung isn’t good at
reading people but he doesn’t like it.

Thankfully, the waitress approaches their table then. She holds a pad in her hands, her bright green
hair pulled into space buns at the top of her head.

Hoseok is so tense and distracted he flinches when she steps beside him.

“Hello! I’m Soojin, I’ll be your server today. How are you all?”

Hoseok huffs, eyes widening so large they resemble Jungkook’s worried doe eyes.

“I’m fine. I’m gay.”

It goes quiet quickly, the tension around them heightening uncomfortably. Hoseok is bright red as
his lips press together and Yoongi and Jimin look frozen beside him.

Jungkook gasps under his breath, shoulders shrinking like it was him that just came out to his

Taehyung looks at Mrs. Jung, who watches her son, and refuses to look at Mr. Jung beside him.

The wrong reaction will piss Taehyung off. He’s been working a lot on his anger but Jungkook
constantly reminds him that some bad reactions are reasonable for certain things.

“I mean,” Hoseok starts, laughing awkwardly as he looks up at the waitress. Her eyes are wide like
a deer in headlights. “No, I mean I’m gay. Not like happy gay. Though, I am happy. Really
incredibly happy.”

“Hope,” Yoongi starts quietly but the words are falling out of Hoseok’s mouth too quickly for
Hoseok to hear him. Taehyung can relate.

“So yeah, definitely like a happy gay but a happy gay who is in love with boys. Two, actually. It’s
great, you should try it some time.”

Hoseok’s cheeks puff out before he stands, knocking his chair back and still clinging tightly to
Yoongi’s hand. The waitress immediately steps back, hesitating before she rounds the table and
starts at the other side.

“If you’ll excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom.”

The table shifts as all of them stand to go after him immediately, their chairs screeching across the
floor. Hoseok is gone in a blink of an eye and neither one of his parents move.

Hoseok does go to the bathroom, pacing along the stalls and urinals and shaking his hands in front
of himself. His eyes blow wide as he exhales, his nose flaring wide with each inhale.

“Hob,” Jimin starts. The bathroom is too small for all of them but their sudden rush from the table
must have caught Namjoon and Jin’s attention because they’re shoving into the bathroom behind
them all.

“I’m not expecting anything actually,” Hoseok says, still word vomiting and not looking at any of
them. “Appa is a member of the emotionally constipated club like Tae and I. I think it’s rubbed off
on Eomma after almost thirty years of marriage. That shit happens. Look at these two, barely
together half a year and already soul twins.”

Jungkook twists his fist into Taehyung’s silk shirt, keeping him from closing in on Hoseok’s space.
He’s already close enough that when Hoseok waves a hand out to indicate him, it nearly smacks
against his chest.

“I actually have started taking laxatives,” Taehyung tries to joke. “Works wonders.”

Hoseok laughs wetly at that and the others do too, but it’s awkward. It sounds like a sob, like the
panicked way Jungkook laughs at himself when he’s stressed.

“Fuck, what did I do?”

Jungkook is the first to move, shoving through them to immediately stop Hoseok from pacing. He
grabs Hoseok’s hands and links their fingers between them.

“I’m super proud of you,” Jungkook tells him. “Like, so incredibly proud.”

There is a mutter of agreement amongst them and Taehyung can hear Namjoon asking Jimin what

Hoseok nods, eyes watering. “I can’t believe I have to live the rest of my life in this bathroom.”

Jimin snorts. “I’ll drag you out, babe. This bathroom does not smell good enough for you to live

Everyone moves then until they’re surrounding Hoseok. It might look strange if someone were to
walk in on them, a huge group hug in the middle of the restaurant’s bathroom, but the only thing
that matters is the way they embrace Hoseok.

“You’re good baby,” Yoongi tells him softly. “Even if it’s about to be hard, you have all of us to
carry that weight with you too.”

“Good thing Jungkook is here then,” Hoseok breathes out, pain tinting his voice and Taehyung
heart aches at his attempts to lighten the mood. “Fucking jacked.”

They break apart when the door does open, revealing a nervous looking Jihoon.

“Eomma Jung asked for you to come back to the table,” he says. “And she told me to tell you not to
be afraid to.”

Jimin grabs Hoseok’s cheeks, pushing Jungkook aside. Jungkook wrinkles his nose but his eyes are
“See? That’s a good thing.”

Hoseok nods and exhales like he can’t catch his breath. “Tae. Hurry, give me one of those
emotional constipation laxatives.”

“On it,” Taehyung grunts as he slinks between Hoseok and Jimin to grab Jungkook. “Do your thing

The laughter in the bathroom is enough to pull Hoseok forward and towards the bathroom door.

Waiting for Hoseok feels like it takes hours. Everyone is restless as they wait for him, especially
Jungkook who has started to repack everything already in boxes.

Dinner was awkward at first, but the conversation picked up. Hoseok’s awkward silence was still

“This is so dumb,” Jungkook grunts suddenly. “Sorry, I know you hate that word but if anything in
this world is fucking stupid it’s the fact that kids having to be afraid of telling their parents they’re
in love.”

Jungkook grunts again as he shoves the box he’s working on closed and scribbles furiously over it
with a permanent marker.

“It is dumb,” Taehyung agrees. He wraps himself around Jungkook’s back and kisses his neck.
“Hopefully it will work out.”

Jungkook makes a face at that as he turns. He lifts the marker in hand and cups a hand over
Taehyung’s face to tilt his head.

Taehyung arches his neck, giving Jungkook access to his neck. He grins at Jungkook’s frustrated
concentration and cups a hand at his waist to hold him still.

“Writing a book?” Taehyung mumbles. The felt tip of the pen tickles his neck and he tries not to
shiver at the feeling.

The piercing pokes out as Jungkook’s new habit is playing with that instead of licking the corner of
his mouth when he’s concentrated. Taehyung hates it.

“No,” Jungkook murmurs before he blows over the ink and Taehyung trembles. “Don’t look at it.”

Taehyung narrows his eyes, touching over the skin and wishing it was raised so he could feel it.
“What? Not fair.”

He wrestles the marker from Jungkook and cups his neck, pressing his thumb beneath his Adam’s
Apple to hold him still and grinning when Jungkook moans softly.

Taehyung then proceeds to write ‘fuck face’ in big letters at the base of Jungkook’s throat.

“Perfect,” Taehyung hums before he moves his hands and parts his lips over Jungkook’s Adam’s

It’s enough to distract them before they hear the front door opening and the shuffle of their friends.
There are more words written over his skin but Taehyung forgets about looking at them when he
rushes out to meet Hoseok.

He’s been crying. His eyes are red. Taehyung is angry before he speaks and Jungkook grabs his
arm to keep him from running over to him.

“Eomma is okay,” Hoseok blurts, holding his hands out. “She is happy for me.”

Yoongi doesn’t look relieved but he nods. Jimin looks nervous.

“Appa said, um, well he said maybe one day he might be okay with it but he has to adjust.”

It’s not the worst case scenario but nowhere near as good as Hoseok deserves.

“He said he should have known because I cried when he told me I couldn’t marry Yoongi hyung
when I was like five.”

There’s a collection of laughter and Hoseok smiles, reaching out his hands for Yoongi and Jimin.

It feels intimate so Taehyung only smiles softly, making sure Hoseok sees how happy he is for him
to at least have it off his chest before Jungkook is wrapping around him and pulling him back into
the hallway.

“I’m happy for him,” Jungkook murmurs. “I hope Mr. Jung comes around.”

“He better,” Taehyung grunts. “I will find a way to convince you murder is right in certain cases.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he pushes the bathroom door open and shoves Taehyung inside.

He looks ridiculous with black letters scribbled over his neck. He admires them, the “Jungkook’s
baby” he wrote first, surrounded by compliments like ‘sexy’ and ‘smart.’

Taehyung feels guilty when Jungkook frowns at the cuss words on his own skin.

“No, listen,” Taehyung starts, hands flying up. “Those are compliments. Those are the things I
moan when we fuck. ‘Oh, fuck face,’ you rememer that right?”

Jungkook swats Taehyung. “I’m sure you’ve moaned ‘dick nose’ before, yeah.”

Jungkook is smiling as he curls his arms around Taehyung’s waist. “That’s just where I want your
nose near.”

“Weird way to ask for a BJ,” Jungkook huffs, “baby.”

Taehyung groans as he tucks his face against Jungkook. “You and your ‘BJs.’ It’s cock sucking
baby, dick licking, fuck my throat raw.”

Jungkook groans in embarrassment, his cheeks burning and Taehyung is in love with it.

Routine. Routine is important.

It brings order even when Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind the chaos as much.

He wakes up a little earlier than he needs to because Taehyung is a pain in the ass to wake.
Sometimes he lets him sleep, sometimes Jungkook kisses him awake and uses the extra time to
start this day off with his hands exploring over warm skin.

It took some time to adjust living with so many people. But Jungkook has it down now. A quick
shower before Taehyung’s so he can still use the bathroom to get ready. Dressing is the hardest
part because clothes he doesn’t wear end up in the laundry basket because somehow the difference
between his and Taehyung’s clothes has disappeared.

There is food in his bag that he finds in his first class. He usually can tell who it is from based on
what it is. Granola bars from Yoongi, rice cakes from Hoseok, fully cooked meals from the night
before from Jimin, and Cosmic Brownies from Taehyung.

He meets Namjoon after classes. His next class is in the same building as where Namjoon’s intern
program is. He listens to Namjoon’s stories about his work and plans to meet up later in the day,
like all of them do every day because Jin’s graduate program is at another school and they’re all
determined to stay as close as they were.

Jungkook skips lunch but Jihoon never fails to show up in the science building to shove some food
into his arms. He complains about Jungkook’s lectures not to miss class, every day because it’s

It’s routine to rush into the academic building, eagerness filling him every day despite seeing
Taehyung every day.

It still makes him smile to see him leaning against the white board, that same shit eating grin on his
face that he’s worn since day one.

“Ready to teach me, tutor-nim?”

Taehyung’s changed his major to liberal arts. He’s still determined to prove school can be his thing
and a lot of the times Jungkook thinks he only comes to the tutoring center as a way to kiss

But Jungkook doesn’t mind. Taehyung’s better at focusing though there are still times when he
shuts down when he doesn’t immediately understand something or something takes him a few
explanations to understand.

He refuses to get help from anyone that could probably help him professionally, but Jungkook is
slowly pushing him towards going.

“What is it today?”

Taehyung’s expression closes off, turning to one of annoyance but it doesn’t last long as he pushes
off the white board to approach him. “Physical Science. Ready to get physical, baby?”
Routine. It’s routine to come home after work and find Yoongi half asleep on the couch with a
textbook opened in his lap and a dying blunt in the ashtray. They take turns making dinner based
on who is free during the night, which is usually Taehyung because he claims working at night
should be illegal. He tends to cause the house to smell like smoke. Or it’s Hoseok, who thinks cups
of microwaveable ramen are nutritious, or Jimin who shoved so many vegetables into their meals
that they’ve banned broccoli from the house.

Jihoon is the only one who doesn’t have to cook or do any chores. His hyungs have taken to him so
well and made him the baby of the house, spoiling him. Even Yoongi , making Jungkook the new
leader of lectures and responsibility.

And it’s routine to curl up with Taehyung at night, after Jungkook gets off the phone with his

He still hasn’t had the courage to talk to his father.

He listens to Taehyung talk about the planetarium and it’s routine that he interrupts himself by
touching Jungkook too much it distracts him.

They’ve made it so they have free time together, even if every one of their other free moments
they’re usually together too.

“You’re not paying attention to me, am I boring you?”

Jungkook glances down from his phone to where Taehyung is on his elbows between his parted
legs. “No, no.”

He didn’t mean to not pay attention, but Taehyung had only been resting on his thigh, watching the
tiny television across from their bed.

“What is it?” Taehyung asks immediately, crawling over Jungkook but he holds the phone far
away from him.

“Nothing. Just Science Daily.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and snatches the phone away from him with ease. He rests back on his
calves, looking at his phone. “What is this?”

Jungkook sighs, leaning back into his pillow and he’s trying not to show that he’s stressed. “Just
internships. I really need to do one next year, but none of them pay.”

There is no way Jungkook can manage school full time, an internship, and a part time job. Even if
Jihoon also gets a part time job and starts contributing to the bills, he would feel bad if he started
contributing less.

“I can pick up more hours,” Taehyung says as he scrolls through the page Jungkook had pulled up.
“Is this the one you want?”

It’s a really fantastic internship with one of the best pharmaceutical companies in the country. But
it’s not paid and it requires more hours than any other internship.

“No, just a good one,” Jungkook lies.

Taehyung quirks a brow, looking over the phone. “You want it.”
Jungkook giggles, shaking his head. He sits up, hands rubbing over Taehyung’s waist. “No. Go
back to what you were doing, you have my full attention now.”

“Ah, ah,” Taehyung scolds, leaning back from Jungkook so he can’t kiss him. “Don’t use your
dirty tactics to distract me, Jeon. You want it, you’re applying. And you’ll get it because you’re a
fucking genius and you’re going to do amazing.”

Jungkook sighs, flailing back onto the bed. “No.”

“Baby, it’s like almost a year off. A lot can happen in a year,” Taehyung goes on. “It’s been about
a year since we met and look how much has changed.”

He’s right. A lot has happened in a year and Jungkook has handled all of it pretty well, even if
there’s been times when he’s felt so stressed and depleted he didn’t think he would.

“I know.”

Taehyung screenshots the page and Jungkook groans at that, knowing Taehyung is up to
something. He throws the phone aside after a moment before leaning over him, hands planting to
either side of Jungkook’s head. “I’m going to tell Yoongi hyung about it.”

Jungkook gasps in betrayal before he flips them, struggling at first but managing to get Taehyung
onto his back. Taehyung is a fit of giggles as he wrestles back, knees coming up to knock into
Jungkook’s side but it’s so gentle it doesn’t work.

He pins Taehyung’s hands above his head, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. It’s easy to win
when it comes to Taehyung. His biggest weakness is kisses and Jungkook, Jungkook isn’t exactly
sure in which order.

“Let it go,” Jungkook mutters. “I can’t handle an internship and I’m not saying that because I’m
extremely stressed about it, but because I know I can’t handle it.”

Taehyung presses his lips together as tightly as possible.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I don’t trust you.”

“I’m offended,” Taehyung scoffs, pressing against the hold Jungkook has on his hands but he
doesn’t get very far. “A year really does change a lot. You’re not how you used to be.”

Jungkook grins at that. “I think we can blame you for that, babe.”

Taehyung wrinkles his nose. “I am an angel.”

Leaning down, Jungkook fakes like he might kiss Taehyung, enjoying the way Taehyung’s lips fall
open without hesitation, before he brushes his lips over Taehyung’s jaw instead.

“You are,” Jungkook breathes against Taehyung’s ear. “A pretty angel. But I don’t trust you.”

Taehyung groans low at that, half complaint and half aroused.

But before Jungkook can explore more, there’s a scream from beside them that has Jungkook flying
off of Taehyung.

Jihoon is in the doorway, which had been open. He is covering his face with his hands, making a
noise like he’s dying.
“Put your clothes on!”

Taehyung props himself on his elbows, grinning smugly at Jungkook’s little brother. “We are fully

They are, except Taehyung’s already short shorts are rucked up so high it’s almost indecent.

Jihoon stops his wailing to peer through his fingers. Jungkook’s face feels extremely hot.

As happy as Jungkook is to have Jihoon here, he worries that Jihoon is living with all couples and
it might ruin his innocence.

“What in the hell,” Jihoon huffs and Jungkook bites his tongue, reminding himself that Jihoon is
an adult and can cuss. “How do you guys have lives when all you do is bang?”

Taehyung laughs quietly at that. “I go to work.”

“And sext Jungkook while you’re there!”

Jungkook grows hotter at that. Jihoon wasn’t supposed to see that either but they have the same
kind of phone and Jungkook didn’t know you could hide the messages from showing in the
notifications until Jihoon threw his phone at him and made him do just that.

“Listen,” Taehyung says, holding his hand out. “It’s perfectly normal, little bun. When you meet
someone -”

Jihoon makes a face at that. “I am not interested in sex, at all. Not for myself and definitely not
seeing you have it. So please, stop being gross, someone is here for you.”

Jungkook snickers quietly as he jumps from the bed. He ruffles Jihoon’s hair and pulls him close,
tucking their faces together. “I’ll be better.”

“Stop saying that all the time,” Jihoon says, rolling his eyes. “You’re the best hyung. You don’t
have to tell me you’ll do better every single day when you’re already the best.”

Jungkook presses a punch to Jihoon’s ribs, just a gentle tap of his knuckles against him. “I’m the
best? I’m telling Yoongi.”

He runs off as Jihoon complains and Taehyung’s loud laugh fills the hallway.

His joy quickly falters as he rushes into the living room and finds the last person he ever imagined
to see there, but Gong Cheol Su.

“Oh,” Jungkook huffs, immediately taking a step back. He even holds out his hands but Cheol Su
is just standing there.

He’s dressed funny, in a button up shirt and tie and there are flowers in one of his hands.


Jungkook shakes his head. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Cheol Su looks pale and he holds out the flowers for a moment before letting them fall to his side.

“How do you know where I live?”

“Is Yoongi here?” Cheol Su says sheepishly.

“Yes,” Jungkook lies and Cheol Su grows paler. He had only thought it was Taehyung and him that
were home before Jihoon showed up.

“I was sent here,” Cheol Su grumbles, “to apologize.”

Moonbin had told him Cheol Su got out of prison a few weeks ago. They keep in contact
sometimes because Moonbin struggles with school a lot, but he barely hears from him now that
Jungkook suggested Sanha could tutor him because he goes to the same school.

“By who?”

Cheol Su rubs at the back of his neck. He looks afraid and Jungkook’s heart is thumping loudly in
his chest. Jungkook jolts when a hand touches his back and suddenly Taehyung is there.

“Get the fuck out,” Taehyung grunts. “Whatever you’re here for, it isn’t wanted.”

Cheol Su swallows thickly, holding his hands out.

It’s a lot different than the Cheol Su Jungkook remembers.

“Listen, I have to,” Cheol Su says. “I mean - I mean, I want to.”

Taehyung stands half in front of Jungkook, shoulders broadening. He’s been working out lately and
his arms make his shirtsleeves stretch. They don’t quite rival Cheol Su’s, who is even more jacked
than Jungkook remembers, but Cheol Su still looks nervous.

“Who sent you?”

Cheol Su is sweating now. He takes a step forward and Jungkook presses into Taehyung’s back.

He doesn’t come closer but he pulls a letter out of his pocket and hands it over to them. Taehyung
takes it first but he doesn’t read it, only opens it to make sure there isn’t anything in it and hands it
off to Jungkook.

One glance and Jungkook recognizes his father’s handwriting.

“We - we were in the same building,” Cheol Su explains quickly. “I knew him from the Club so I
thought you know, he would be the best to bond with because no friends in prison is a fucking
nightmare right? Well, I guess Yoongi-ssi already told him about me and um, us . I mean, what I
did to you.”

Taehyung snorts but it isn’t amused. “Good. I hope he made your life hell.”

“He did,” Cheol Su says and Jungkook is slightly uncomfortable by that. His father has always
been kind in his eyes. “And if I don’t apologize, he still will. So I am sorry for what I’ve done to
you, please tell him I came by.”

Taehyung holds a hand out, stopping him. “Ah, ah. That’s a shit apology coming from a shit
person. Make us believe you.”

Jungkook jabs Taehyung in the back. He’d prefer Cheol Su just to leave.

Cheol Su breathes through his nose. “I’m sorry that I treated you like shit, Jeon. I’m sorry I spread
those lies about you. I’m sorry I - I treated you badly because you wouldn’t have sex with me.”
Taehyung crosses his arms over his chest and doesn’t respond so Cheol Su rubs a hand over his

“I’m sorry for everything. I really am.”

“No -”

“Tae,” Jungkook interrupts, curling an arm around his waist. “That’s fine. Now go and don’t come
back here.”

“Please, tell -”

“Get out,” Jungkook huffs loudly.

The sight of him is still disorientating and he doesn’t want to hear a word more of it.

Cheol Su plants the flowers to the table and hangs his head, bowing slightly before he turns to
leave. Taehyung is moving behind him before Cheol Su can reach the door and he pushes him
slightly as Cheol Su opens it.

“Taehyung,” Jungkook sighs as Taehyung turns and shrugs, holding his hands out. “That wasn’t

“Neither was all the shit he did to you,” Taehyung murmurs. “Be thankful I didn’t punch him in the
face like I wanted. Did you see his nose? You definitely broke it that one time.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as Taehyung presses into him. His anxieties are a mess but he doesn’t feel
sick or like he might pass out. He holds tightly onto the piece of paper and it isn’t until Taehyung
eases it out of his hands and opens it that he reads it.

I love you, son.

I am proud of you.

Tell Taehyung to take care of you or he will suffer the same fate.

Jungkook huffs out a laugh at that but glancing up at Taehyung, he’s pale.

It’s nice when they can visit home, or at least their collective home. The city they all met, sat
around the bonfire that Jungkook remembers firsts being terrified to go to

Now he can enjoy the warmth of the flames on the cheeks and the body wrapped around him with
gut wrenching nerves. He can rest back against Taehyung’s chest with his legs propped up around
hides without thinking too much about it because it’s become so normal and routine.

It’s nice, hearing his friends laugh when they talk to each other over the flames. Sometimes his
silence is taken as a bad thing even when Jungkook is just quiet because he’s comfortable that way.
Or quiet because he rather absorb the things around him.

“You okay?” Taehyung murmurs against his ear. “Kinda quiet baby.”

Jungkook hums as he peers back at Taehyung with one eye. “Mm, just listening.”
Sometimes Taehyung doesn’t believe him when he’s being honest. Sometimes Jungkook doesn’t
believe himself either.

But right now, he’s good. They have a few extra days off and they’ve chosen to come back here,
camp in the cool air of the whatever this lot used to be back in the day.

“Is that so? Or are you having a dilemma about being here with your boyfriend or that tall fuck that
keeps looking at you?”

Jungkook bursts out in a laugh, not even looking to see where Taehyung’s eyes go because he
knows it’s to Sanha.

When they met again, Taehyung came right up to him and said, “and yes, remember me, I am

It’s ridiculously cute and there’s a gleam in Taehyung’s eyes that tells Jungkook he’s more teasing
than not. More at ease with the fact that Jungkook’s by his side.

“I’ve actually been meaning to tell you about a tall guy.”

The amusement falters but Taehyung cocks his head in curiosity.

“He’s so pretty babe, you should see him. He’s actually here.”

Jungkook sits up, eyes scanning over the bonfire. He scrunches his face in confusion, tapping his

When he turns back, Taehyung is full on frowning at him until Jungkook grabs his cheeks.

“Ah, there he is.”

There is pink tinting Taehyung’s cheeks. “Shut up. That was so lame.”

“I learned from you,” Jungkook reminds him. “While I tutored Chemistry, you taught me Shit
Flirting 101.

Taehyung narrows his eyes at that, pulling Jungkook until he’s back in his lap properly. “Well, shit
or not, it worked didn’t it?”

Watching as Taehyung takes both hands into his own, he settles back into Taehyung’s chest and
enjoys the way it rises and falls against his back.

“I suppose it did.”

Yoongi fights one last time at the Club while there. Jungkook and Taehyung go, even though
there’s a high energy of nerves surrounding them.

Cheol Su isn’t there, banned from the Club. Soohyun is still there, paid his way back in.

They see him but Soohyun doesn’t see them. Too far gone to notice much of his surroundings.

Jungkook doesn’t miss the pill he pops onto his tongue and he knows Taehyung sees it too when
his hand squeezes tightly over his own.

When he looks to Taehyung, Taehyung stares straight ahead at where Yoongi is destroying his
opponent on stage.

It takes him a few days to talk about it, more so than just shrugging his shoulders. But he does.

“I hate him but I also hate that he’s destroying himself,” Taehyung admits when they lay in the
dark, sleeping starting to fall onto Jungkook but straying far from Taehyung. “Just because we
grew up together.”

“I know,” Jungkook murmurs, curling towards him. “It’s okay.”

He thinks Taehyung turns his head towards him then, but he can’t make out his face.

“Maybe because I know I was going down that path.”

Jungkook sighs, hand searching through the dark to find his cheek. His skin is hot beneath his

“I don’t think you would have gotten there,” Jungkook tells him. “You had all of us and, I think
even if you didn’t, you still wouldn’t have.”

Taehyung thinks he has too much faith in him. Jungkook disagrees.

“Funny, I feel weaker now, but better.”

Jungkook smiles, rubbing at the corner of Taehyung’s mouth because he feels him frown. “You’ve
lent me your strength, baby. But we share it now.”


“You’re going to be late.”

“I don’t care.”

“Tae - Taehyung .”

Taehyung’s laugh is muffled before he presses a hard hand against Jungkook’s mouth. “Be quiet
baby, everyone is awake.”

It still embarrasses Jungkook sometimes but Taehyung still compliments how pretty his red skin is.
He tries to be quiet but pleasure is blossoming through his body so quickly he’s struggling.

They tried ways to muffle the noises Jungkook makes before but he didn't like the feeling of the
fabric in his mouth and when he looked at Namjoon’s ball gag it was so terrifying he refused to try

Taehyung doesn’t seem to mind his fingers being the only option.

“I have - I have to,” Jungkook tries beneath Taehyung’s hand.

“Come?” Taehyung finishes with a snicker, his hips grinding forward hard and Jungkook arches
back into the bed, biting hard on his bottom lip because yes . But he also has an interview in an
hour and he needs to be there at least thirty minutes early.

Jungkook isn’t sure how quiet they actually are, the bed creaking with Taehyung’s steady hips,
Taehyung’s own grunts louder than Jungkook’s despite his scoldings. A hand on his mouth only
makes the moans leaving his lips needier, he isn’t sure how much quieter they actually are.

Jungkook’s need to get ready in time leave him when he does come and heavies into the bed.
Taehyung isn’t any help, kissing over his skin and rubbing his fingers over the sweat clinging to
him as Jungkook tries to catch his breath.

Sometimes, Jungkook’s routine is interrupted and he’s rushing out of the house with his shirt half
down and his hyungs laughing at his sexed out hair but it doesn’t upset Jungkook as much

He makes it to his interview fifteen minutes early instead of thirty. His nerves blossom the moment
he steps into the building and he hurriedly tries to fix his hair and clothes.

“Mr. Jeon, Dr. Seo will see you now.”

Jungkook nods, inhaling deeply. He’s been going to the school counseling building and it’s helped
a lot with his anxiety. He still has steps to take and sometimes he brings Taehyung with him
because Taehyung hates going alone.

He’s trying to tell himself that anxiety at times like this is normal, not him relapsing into a bad
state. It’s normal to be nervous before an interview with one of the top biochemists in the country.
It’s normal to freak out about meeting a man’s whose work Jungkook has been following for years.

Jungkook almost rushes back out of the room the moment his eyes land on Dr. Seo. It’s normal

“Mr. Jeon! Please sit, sit. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Jungkook can’t believe this. He’s a lot bigger than Jungkook anticipated, broad shoulders and
towering over him. He looks as rich as Jungkook has assumed him to be, his wrists covered in a
watch that Jungkook could sell and never have to pay a bill again in his life.

“I - hello, Doctor-nim. I was um, surprised to receive your email.”

Jungkook cusses quietly at the stuttering before he takes Dr. Seo’s hand. His palm is so sweaty but
Dr. Seo doesn’t mention it. He doesn’t even wipe his hand off which he probably should.

The chair is big and leather and Jungkook feels small even when he tries to keep his shoulders
straight like Taehyung told him. He hadn’t noticed that he curls his shoulders forward when he’s
nervous and makes himself small until Taehyung pointed it out.

“I have heard a lot about you. I am quite impressed. I’ve read some of your research essays. For an
undergraduate, it’s quite impressive. I think you would do well conducting your own research.”

Jungkook blanks at that. His neck is sweaty too and he knows it’s building over his forehead. He
has no idea how a man like Dr. Seo would come across his work and he is mortified because his
writing is still not very good. “Um, my essays? Sir?”

Dr. Seo nods enthusiastically as he folds his hands on the desk before him. “Yes? The ones you
sent with your application for my company’s intern program?”

Jungkook exhales shakily and tries to laugh when Dr. Seo does but it comes out sounding like he’s

Dr. Seo pulls a folder that he has pushed aside on his desk. He offers it to Jungkook and Jungkook
hates how the folder shakes when he takes it into his hands.

“You do not need to be nervous. Your friend who delivered it told me you were too worried to
bring it yourself.”

Jungkook takes one look at the handwriting on the application and his chest warms. He had
mentioned this intern program so offhandedly, he doesn’t know how Taehyung remembered. He
wasn’t going to apply, he was just telling him about how it had popped up in his Science Daily

“I - yes, I am sorry, sir. I am very nervous.”

He’s getting better at not being embarrassed by it, too.

“That’s fine,” Dr. Seo says. “Your application was on the top of my pile. It comes with some great
recommendations. I studied undergrad with both President Kim and your old advisor, Professor Ma
Ri. I will admit, I didn’t even take a look at the other applications I was so impressed with yours.”

Worry fills Jungkook at the idea that Taehyung’s interacted with his parents again. He hasn’t
spoken to them since they’ve left Seoul, even when they’ve reached out to him.

They even reached out to Jungkook and Jimin to get in contact with him.

The allowances haven’t stopped but Yoongi’s convinced Taehyung not to touch the money unless
it’s an emergency. He doesn’t trust that it isn’t a bribe or something his parents will hold over

“I will - I will be honest with you, Dr. Seo, but I did not know about this application,” Jungkook
admits hesitantly. “I wasn’t planning on applying.”

Dr. Seo frowns at that and Jungkook goes pale, worrying he’s offended him.

“Can I ask you why? You’re a great candidate and it will look amazing on your resume. You do
well and we can offer you a placement here when you graduate, which helps pay for your graduate

Jungkook knows these things. “I cannot afford an unpaid internship, sir. I’m -“

Dr. Seo holds up a hand to stop him and Jungkook closes his lips so quickly he feels silly looking.

“President Kim is a close friend of mine. When his son came to me with this application, he was
quite passionate about you deserving this internship. Quite persuasive even before I looked over
your application, which is truly the only thing he needed to show me to convince me. I am a very
wealthy man and my company is very prospering, it is not a worry to me to offer you a paid

Jungkook swears Dr. Seo is talking but all Jungkook sees is his mouth moving as his words go
through one ear and out the other.
“Take two days to think about it,” Dr. Seo finalizes. “I believe it will be very good for you.”

Jungkook nearly runs out of the building after saying his goodbyes and probably too many ‘thank
you’s than were necessary. He’s pulling out his phone as he steps outside to call Taehyung,
wanting to know if he’s at work yet, when Jungkook stumbles upon him outside of the building.

There is that grin on his face as he leans against his car, eyes bright as he watches Jungkook
approach. They grow wide when Jungkook stomps and flings his arms out.

Jungkook flings those arms around Taehyung’s neck, pulling him into his arms. “What did you

Taehyung nuzzles into the side of his neck, arms circling around his waist to pull their bodies flush
together. “Nothing. What do you mean?”

“I only mentioned this internship once. I didn’t even say I wanted it.”

“I know,” Taehyung responds with amusement in his tone. “But I know you and I know you want

Taehyung pulls back then and plants a hand to his own chest.

“And I, your loving boyfriend, just happened to know the head of the company. Of course I had to
do something.”

Jungkook nibbles on his bottom lip. “You didn’t tell me you spoke to your father.”

“Because I didn’t,” Taehyung tells him. “I talked to Professor Ma Ri. I asked for her help.”

Jungkook cocks his head, peering up at Taehyung. It’s been a year since their first tutoring session
together, a year of falling in love and growing. The sun shines down on them but he thinks
Taehyung is brighter, even when his expression turns so soft it warms Jungkook.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. “I did and even if I didn’t, I wanted to. You did my resume for the
planetarium, so take it as I owed you one.”

“You don’t owe me anything,” Jungkook clarifies though his heart doubles in size. He’ll never get
used to the feeling of being in love with Taehyung.

Taehyung plants a hand to Jungkook’s chest, fiddling with his tie quietly before he undoes his top
button. “I owe you a lot, baby.”

“You don't,” Jungkook insists but Taehyung is getting that stubborn look in his eye. “It’s I that
owes you.”

“You -“ Taehyung starts but stops quickly, peering his eyes at Jungkook accusingly. “Are you
about to do that thing where you use my words against me and make me look like a hypocrite?”

Jungkook huffs out a laugh. “Hell yeah I am.”

This just in. Today, Kim Jungwoo, the President of The Institute of Science and Technology here in
the capital, has been arrested on a multitude of charges.

Jungkook hesitates to look at Taehyung, who sits tense on the couch beside him.

Reports say that President Kim is being charged with sexual misconduct with one of his
employees, embezzlement, and bribery. President Kim allegedly took money from multiple
programs within the Institute, including the Biochemistry Department, in order to quiet his
employees about their sexual relationship.

“Fuck,” Taehyung breathes, rubbing at his jaw.

The victim states that their relationship started with President Kim approaching them in the hopes
she would manipulate his son’s grades.

Jungkook tenses too, immediately taking Taehyung’s hand into his own. Taehyung is pale and he
sees it in his eyes, can count down until anger takes over his face.

“What. The fuck,” Taehyung grunts, ripping himself from the couch.

Jungkook quickly shuts off the television.

“You know she didn’t,” Jungkook quickly says, following after him. “I reviewed every assignment
because I thought she would be unfair.”

Taehyung isn’t listening and Jungkook grabs him, forcing him to face him.

“Maybe she was going to, I don’t know, but you clearly made it so she didn’t have to.”

Exhaling loudly through his nose, Taehyung presses their foreheads together. He trembles slightly
but he doesn’t rage, he doesn’t shut down.

“And that doesn’t even matter. Look how well you’re doing right now. Your GPA is up, your
grades are good. That’s all you.”

Taehyung doesn’t say anything as he takes Jungkook’s hands and locks their fingers together.

“Look at poor Appa’s reputation now. It wasn’t even me who fucking ruined it.” Taehyung
breathes out and it’s uneven. “I almost regret not being the one who did it.”

One of their phones ring but it goes ignored. It’s probably someone who saw the news, or maybe
one of Taehyung’s shitty parents trying to explain.

“Don’t go to that place,” Jungkook whispers, half begs.

“It isn’t that easy.”

“I know.”

Jungkook sighs as he pulls his hands away to wrap his arms around Taehyung instead.

“But I’ll be there to pull you out of it,” Jungkook promises with a kiss to Taehyung’s cheek.

President Kim is found guilty. It was hard watching Professor Ma Ri talk on the stand. Taehyung
feels bad for being annoyed with her and the relationship he assumed she had with her father.

She didn’t want it, but she didn’t want to lose her job either.

He isn’t even annoyed if she did change his grades. He’s just frustrated because it felt good
working hard and passing.

Even if she tells the stand she never manipulated the grades, eyes boring into Taehyung as she did,
he doesn’t quite believe her.

But Jungkook is right. All of his grades now are his own, though he still requires a lot of help to
get there. They’re all his.

“Hope the bastard rots,” Yoongi grunts beside him. He’s fiddling with his suit, clearly
uncomfortable in the courthouse.

Everyone came even though Taehyung insisted they didn’t have to. Even if he didn’t fucking know
why he wanted to be here anyway.

He watches his mother across the hall, tears pouring down her face. He saw Soohyun at one point
but he’s glad his brother got the message not to approach him.

It’s hard seeing him strung out and maybe one day, Taehyung will decide whether or not he wants
to help him out. He wants to knowing that Soohyun is this way because of the same thing he’s
gone through, but Soohyun’s hurt him too much.

Jungkook says it’s okay to not be there and Jungkook is the smartest person Taehyung knows. But
Taehyung hasn’t decided yet.

His mother hasn’t quite got the message about approaching him and Taehyung tenses when she

“Excuse me, Mrs. Kim,” Hoseok says politely, bowing his head as he steps in front of Taehyung.
“I’m afraid my client isn’t allowed to talk to anyone associated with your husband.”

Jungkook circles his arm around Taehyung’s, clinging to him and turning until he’s hiding his face
in his shoulder.

His mother looks confused.

“Yes, our deepest apologies,” Jin pipes in. “Unfortunately, Mr. Kim cannot comment on his
father’s case. It could rise problems for his own case.”

Confusion fills Taehyung too and he wonders how alike him and his mother look.

The smirk on Yoongi’s face is cocky as he crosses his arms, the three of them creating a barrier in
front of him.

“The university requested all students affected by President Kim’s bribery and discrimination can
be be compensated.”

Taehyung immediately wants to shake his head, but he stops himself.

“If anyone can be a voice for them, it’s our client. So if you’ll excuse us.”

They’re all turning and pushing Taehyung away before he can stop them. He briefly hears his
mother call after him that she’s filing for divorce, but his friends don’t let him hear.

He would be happy for that if it weren’t for the circumstance. He knows his mother is only doing it
because she’d look bad supporting him.

It’s all about image to the Kim family.

“I’m not suing the school,” Taehyung huffs under his breath as they move outside.

“I got this,” Hoseok says as he straightens out the lapels of his suit jacket proudly. “I read a couple
of articles about being a lawyer.”

Jimin snorts fondly. “We are fully confident in you, baby.”

Jungkook trails his hand down Taehyung’s arm until their palms clasp together. Taehyung hates
feeling anxious, but he does because he doesn’t want to sue anyone or be apart of anything that will
show the public his deepest insecurities. He’s still working on talking about them with his friends.

It’s been a long tiring process but Taehyung has made a lot of steps. It’s been hard with the court
process, with hearing it on the news, with having to make a statement against his father already.

“You don’t have to,” Jungkook whispers. “I’ve already reached out to the university to take the
stand myself.”

Taehyung is even more uncomfortable with that because he can see the nerves in his eyes.

They both speak out against his father, side by side, together. It had been relatively painless, a few
statements made, a few interviews.

The university mostly wants to keep it quiet and let the attention die out after his father’s trial.

The divorce makes the news, his mother painted as a woman betrayed by her husband. He doesn’t
listen to her claim she never knew the monster that he was.

Taehyung doesn’t want the money he receives, even if his allowances have stopped. They didn’t
stop out of punishment, but because his parents lost all of their money.

He gives most of it to Yoongi, who pays back Jimin and gives the rest to Mrs. Jeon and his own

The rest of it, he pays off Jungkook’s tuition with.

He’s nervous about Jungkook finding out, but he had snuck it this morning and immediately rushed
to work.

Jungkook always comes for his lunch break during the summer months. He’s nervous about seeing

“Excuse me.”
Taehyung is in his own mind and he apologizes to the customer in front of him. He knows he looks
a mess because he didn’t have time to get ready and make the bank before work. His hair is wild,
his shirt only finally buttoned properly because his supervisor had scolded him.

That’s the hardest part about his job, even if his bosses are usually kind. Taehyung doesn't so well
with criticism, even if it’s offered gently and it’s necessary for him to learn.

The customer is an older man, balding. He looks a bit tired and ragged. But he’s dressed nicely in a
suit, a banana yellow suit.

“Yes?” Taehyung says. He swallows, rolling his eyes at himself. Sometimes when he’s not feeling
the best it affects his job but he’s working on it. “I’m sorry, I mean, looking to buy a ticket for the
day, sir?”

The man shakes his head. “I’m not sure yet. I’m looking for someone.”

Taehyung folds his hands over his lap. That’s not his problem but the man is looking at him

“Do they work here?” Taehyung asks and tries hard not to let his annoyance sound in his voice, but
he’s anxious and he really doesn’t know how to stop letting it affect him yet.

“No. I was told he would be here.”

“Well, sir, I can’t help you if they don’t work here.”

The man nods at that. “I apologize. I’m very nervous. It’s my son and I haven’t seen him in some
time. I was told he would be here.”

Taehyung doesn’t want to hear this man’s story. Not when today is supposed to be dead and he can
spend his time anxiously looking at his phone and waiting for Jungkook to text him.

“Well, you can take a seat over there and see if he comes out when he’s finished.”

“How long does it normally take?”

Taehyung shrugs. He could spend the entire day inside of the planetarium. “It depends. Three to
five hours.”

The man pales but nods. “Thank you.”


The man sits there for awhile and Taehyung starts to feel bad. He offers him water and time seems
to tick by slowly for the both of them as he waits for his son and Taehyung waits for Jungkook.

His leg is shaking a mile a minute as he stares at the clock in the last minute. Jungkook is never
late and the moment Taehyung’s replacement is stepping in to let him go on break, Jungkook is
bounding through the door.

“Kim Taehyung!” Jungkook grunts, his face red. He isn’t angry but nervous. “What did you do?”

“Jeon -“

“I have money from the settlement too,” Jungkook breathes and he’s really come a long way
because he doesn’t seem to care about the people around them. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“You have zero excuse not to take that internship now,” Taehyung tells him.

Jungkook breathes out through his nose, making his nostrils flare. “I accepted it a long time ago.”

Taehyung’s heart thumps heavily in his chest and he grabs Jungkook’s cheeks to plant his lips to

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I was afraid Dr. Seo would change his mind after we talked against President Kim,”
Jungkook whispers. “He hasn’t yet.”

He seems to come aware that there are people around them and he flushed shying away. The place
is nearly empty save for Taehyung’s coworker and the old man, making their scene even more

Jungkook tenses when he pulls away and Taehyung sees the man blatantly watching them. A flare
of annoyance fills him and he could at least pretend not to be eavesdropping like a decent human

The annoyance only grows when the man stands and Taehyung shields Jungkook slightly, taking
Jungkook’s hand so they can go. There have been times when their public displays of affection
have been met with glaring eyes and disapproving looks. Taehyung doesn’t care about them but he
knows it makes Jungkook angry.

Jungkook doesn’t move when Taehyung tries to move him, he just keeps staring at the man.

Taehyung turns to tell him that he’s over stayed his welcome but he’s crying.

His eyes are bright red and watery. “Jungkook-ah.”

Confusion riddles Taehyung as Jungkook continues to stay hidden behind him, but an answer
quickly comes when Jungkook breathes out a quiet, “Appa.”

And fuck.

Taehyung feels awkward standing between them but he doesn’t mind being a comfort for

“Oh,” Taehyung blurts. “Mr. Jeon-ssi, you should have told me you were looking for Jungkook.”

Mr. Jeon looks amused and Taehyung is slightly afraid of him. He’s not afraid of many things but
Jungkook’s father is one of them.

He knew he’d meet him eventually, when he got out of prison, because Taehyung plans on being
by Jungkook’s side until his dying breath.

“You didn’t seem too interested in helping me.”

Jungkook comes to then, swatting his arm and Taehyung is bowing in apology. Too much,
probably, but he’s mortified.

“It’s fine,” Mr. Jeon says. “Will you - can I? Jungkook-ah.”

Jungkook moves then and embraces his father. It’s a long hug, a strong one and Taehyung diverts
his eyes and pretends not to listen to his mutterings.
“I wanted to surprise you. Yoongi told me you’d be here.”

Fuck Yoongi for not warning him, Taehyung thinks, but he’s fighting back a smile as he watches
Jungkook’s own grow.

“I’m - I’m sorry for not answering your calls.”

Mr. Jeon shakes his head. “You are not the one that should apologize. That is me and I want to, if
you’ll allow me.”

Jungkook nods. “You don’t have to either though. I - I am about to head to lunch, would you like to

Nerves wash over Taehyung and as much as he wants Jungkook to have that time with his father,
but he feels incredibly awkward.

“Yes, I’d love that. If Taehyung doesn’t mind. He looks like he may punch me if I approached

God, Taehyung wants to die.

Jungkook laughs at that. “He’s incredibly protective of me.”

Mr. Jeon’s eyes meet his and they’re bright. He nods his head. “I approve of him already, then.”

The lunch is made of awkward small talk that is uncomfortable. Taehyung doesn’t talk often, but
holds Jungkook’s hand beneath the table.

When it’s time for Taehyung to leave for work again, he suggests coming up with an excuse to be
there for Jungkook but Jungkook insists he’s fine.

“I’m strong now, remember?” Jungkook says with eyes that tell him he isn’t sure he is.

“You’ve always been,” Taehyung reminds him.

It’s frustrating waiting and worrying, difficult not to text Jungkook. His shift drags by and
Jungkook isn’t home when he returns.

It takes Jimin and Hoseok dragging him out of the apartment for him to relax.

It’s not that he doesn’t think Jungkook can handle it, but even the smallest damage to Jungkook’s
heart makes Taehyung want to be by his side.

“Look at him,” Jimin murmurs to Hoseok. “The bastard’s in love.”

“Old news,” Taehyung grunts. “You really should stay up to date.”

Jimin laughs at that. “He’s fine, you know. Hyung is with him.”

Taehyung nods. Yoongi is a little more resistant in accepting Jungkook doesn’t have to be tended to
with gloved hands, but he’s working on it.
They all are. Change and growing up and whatever.

“I was rude to him,” Taehyung says. “I thought he was an annoying customer.”

Hoseok and Jimin find this hilarious. Even more so when Taehyung glares.

“It isn’t funny,” Taehyung complains. “He has actually threatened me before. Indirectly. Said if I
didn’t take care of Jungkook, he’d - well I don’t know exactly but I don’t want to find out.”

Hoseok shifts off his stool to wrap an arm around his shoulder, knocking their temples together.
“He’s all talk. That’s where Yoongi gets it from.”

“Plus, you take good care of Jungkook,” Jimin adds.

Taehyung’s stomach heavies as he sips his drink. Talking about Jungkook makes him think about
Jungkook, which makes him worry about Jungkook.

“Whatever. I don’t want to talk about this.”

Hoseok pulls away but there’s still hands on him. They shift over his face and cover his eyes.

Breath hits his ears. “Guess who?”

Jungkook giggles quietly before snatching his earlobe between his teeth.

Butterflies erupt in Taehyung’s stomach. He still isn’t used to them but he never wants them to go

“Better be a hot piece of ass. My boyfriend has been gone all day and I’m feeling needy.”

Jungkook complains, pulling away to punch his shoulder. “You’ll get nothing now.”

Taehyung grins as he turns to curl an arm around Jungkook’s waist and pulls him close. He
inspects his face, notes the reddened eyelids but the lack of sadness between them.

“You know I only want you, baby,” Taehyung murmurs, ignoring the gagged noise Hoseok and
Jimin make. Yoongi and Jihoon follow after Jungkook before sliding onto the bar beside them.

Jihoon immediately starts bickering about how he is in fact old enough to sit at the bar.

“Good,” Jungkook says, curling into him and fitting between his legs. He flicks his fingers through
the long hair on Taehyung’s nape. “Could use a hard fuck right now.”

Taehyung laughs at Jungkook’s bluntness and the way it’s accompanied by red cheeks. “Are you

Jungkook nods, his features soft as his eyes look over Taehyung’s face. “Emotionally drained but
good. It was good emotions but tiring nonetheless. Yoongi hyung cried.”

“I did not,” Yoongi calls over the snickering around them. “When are Joon and Jin getting here? I
like them all better than you.”

When Jungkook smiles, it is still soft. “It was all good, baby. I was angry at him at first, because
Eomma was working when she’s so tired but Eomma likes reading to the kids at the elementary
school. It’s good for her now that there is no kids at the house with her.”
Jungkook opens his lips like he might say something else and Taehyung waits, giving him his time,
but he’s pressing forward and pulling him into a kiss instead.

Taehyung accepts it greedily. It’s soft, just their lips gently molding over each other, but Taehyung
doesn’t let Jungkook pull away when he tries to.

“Stop,” Jungkook murmurs with a laugh as he tries to pull away again and Taehyung grabs his
bottom lip with his teeth so he can’t. “Appa says he’s going to get changed and meet us here.”

Taehyung pulls back immediately and looks around like Mr. Jeon is already there.

“Where is he staying?”

“With us.”

Taehyung groans, pulling away from Jungkook. “How exactly do you expect to get fucked hard
with your father in the house?”

There’s a collective groan from around them and Jungkook smacks Taehyung in the chest, eyes
wide. “Shut up,” he hisses. “I’m never telling you anything again.”

Taehyung grins. “You love me.”

“Unfortunately,” Jungkook complains, pulling back but Taehyung is grabbing onto his hands to
follow after him. “Unfortunately, I have this big wicked crush on you.”

“Just a crush?” Taehyung teases, raising an eyebrow as he pulls Jungkook back to him.

“Yeah,” Jungkook grunts defensively. “A tiny crush. Not a big deal. Just like, want to spend the
rest of my life with you or whatever.”

Taehyung softens and his cheeks hurt from his smile but no matter how hard he tries, he can’t get
it to calm down.

“Even if we can’t get married?”

“Yes,” Jungkook says, less teasing and more serious. “Want you next to me forever.”

“Oh thank god,” Taehyung breathes. “I just signed the lease to move in next to your side. It’s a
thousand year lease so don't back out on me.”

Jungkook swings their hands behind him, pulling Taehyung’s chest against his own. “I won’t. I

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook grins at the pucker od Taehyung’s lips. For too long, Taehyung almost
gets impatient.

“Promise,” Jungkook murmurs, grabbing Taehyung’s cheeks and squeezing them to keep his lips
pushed out as he peppers kisses on his lips over and over. “Promise, promise, promise.”

Chapter End Notes

Thank you SO so much for reading. I am very emotional about this ending, so I will
say a few words but if you don't want to read those, I'll end on my normal note first. I'd
love to hear your thoughts, find me at:

& curiouscat

I have a few things in the works, so I hope that you enjoy what I have coming up!

So, I'm not very good at words when it comes to anything other than fic lol. But I
wanted to tell everyone how much the feedback has meant to me. There have been
people who have said that they've really connected with the characters in this story and
this,,, this has meant the world to me. I've put a lot of myself into both Tae and
Jungkook's characterizations and I've put a lot of myself into this story in general. So it
means a lot that people have reached out to me because I love that I've given people a
character to connect with, but I also, more so, love that they've connected with a
character that I so much relate to. Honestly, I've put so much of myself into this fic
that I felt bad that I hadn't researched as much as I usually do, I just went off of
personal experiences and personal feelings. I wanted to make sure I wasn't
romanticizing the issues I covered but also that I showed it's okay to need people to
help you get through them and be inspired by people around you to want to change
them without invalidating your own struggles. I don't know if I did well at doing this,
but this is very reflective of my personal process in getting better. So lkajf;lk I don't
know what I'm even trying to say here other than thank you for every person who has
reached out, who has read, who has loved these characters. Your feedback has been
overwhelmingly great for my heart and I just want you to know how much I appreciate

I want to thank Ines for giving me this prompt and for being someone who holds a big
part of my heart in her hands. I know it was only supposed to be don't trust
me with these things, but it's turned out to be one of my most favorite things I've ever
written. And I feel like it brought me closer to you so before I get too mush here's my
heart take care of it you have no choice :p

And thank you so much to Maya, always, for editing everything and dealing with my
constant fic nonsense and just being the best friend I could ever have. Ily <3

End Notes

WHAT DO YOU THINK?? I hope you've enjoyed reading it. I should be back with another
chapter quite soon. The chapter lengths will be roughly the same. I would love to hear your
thoughts, kudos and comments are very welcomed.

Find me here on twitter where I post update times/previews of things I'm working on, fic
recs, crying about taehyung etc.
Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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