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a for effort

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Boypussy Kim Taehyung | V, Teacher-Student Relationship, Sexual
Coercion, Dubious Consent, Age Difference, Daddy Kink, Cunnilingus,
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Stats: Published: 2022-03-02 Words: 3044

a for effort
by spicyflms


"Is there something I should be concerned about?”

“Relax, Professor Kim. It won’t happen again, don’t get your panties in a twist.”




thank you anon for this idea! it's been a while since i've had time to write, so hope you
enjoy. i also didn't get a chance to properly proofread so excuse the mistakes!

Request: boypussy Taehyung getting eaten out by his student because the said student
submitted a shitty paper and well Taehyung was horny so

See the end of the work for more notes

Being a professor is no easy feat. Between his research work and classes teaching kids who can’t
care less about the principles of macroeconomics, he barely has any time for himself. His friends
often criticize him for missing their catch-up dinners, but he barely has time to breathe when he
gets home and slumps down on the

He does feel bad, he really does. At the same time, he can’t do anything about his packed
Hell, they’re lucky he even still responds to them (despite the reply coming days late). Taehyung
hasn’t even had time to… satisfy himself. He can go weeks without touching himself, without
feeling that delicious relief coursing through him. He hasn’t gotten laid in months either, online
hookups proving useless as men tend to only please themselves. A wham bam, thank you ma’am.

It becomes a vicious cycle when his patience wears thin with every passing day. With his being
unable to get off, he gets frustrated at the littlest things. Usually a saint, Taehyung finds himself
snapping at his students more.

He doesn’t like this version of himself. He needs to get laid soon.

Very soon.

Taehyung thinks he’s at the end of his limit when one of his best students, albeit slightly
mischievous, submitted a poorly written paper. Sighing, he marks a fat 32 on it. He can tell when
this kid’s put in effort; this certainly isn’t it. It disheartens him when these things happen, when he
has to have a “talk” with them and act all fatherly.

Jeon Jeongguk is a freshman, an honors student. Fresh out of high school with a brilliant mind and
the writing skills of a PhD candidate. The papers he writes are one of Taehyung’s reasons why he
loved being a professor and teaching.

But this one? This, Taehyung can tell he completed it at the last minute.

So, when Taehyung calls Jeongguk to his office after class, he prepares himself for an unpleasant
conversation. He’s seated across from him now, the paper with the red mark on it between them.
“Jeongguk,” he starts, “I know you’ve done a lot better than this. What happened?”

Jeongguk, frustratingly, shrugs. “Ran out of time.”

Taehyung frowns, “You've always been good at time management. Is there something I should be
concerned about?”

“Relax, Professor Kim. It won’t happen again, don’t get your panties in a twist.”

He stiffens. Jeongguk has always been a good, polite kid. This kind of tone surprises him. Not to
mention a comment that hits a little too close to home, a secret he’s kept to himself.

With pursed lips, Taehyung chides, “You might want to watch your tone, Jeongguk.”

“All due respect, Sir, you’re not my father. I’ll make sure to redeem myself.”

“Jeongguk, if there’s anything bothering you, you can tell me—”

“Listen, I’m not here for a therapy session about my life. You’re a teacher, you care about grades. I
get it. That’s why I promise I won’t fail you next time, Prof.”

Taehyung sighs, knowing this conversation won’t go anywhere. “Alright, you’re free to go.”

However, that isn’t the first time. Jeongguk’s next paper isn’t anywhere close to stellar, but
Taehyung figures he should let it slide. When it happens a third time, Taehyung gives into the urge
of once again summoning Jeongguk to his office.

“I don’t understand, Jeongguk. You’ve been doing so well all semester, but now it’s as if you don’t
even try anymore,” Taehyung sighs.
Jeongguk shrugs. “I can’t help it.”

“Why not?”

“Because this is the only way I can get your attention.”

Taehyung freezes in his seat. “Excuse me?”

“You do one-on-one’s with your worst students all the time, Professor.” Jeongguk leans forward,
elbows planted on his knees. His gaze is piercing and Taehyung bites back the instinct to shudder.
Jeongguk’s eyes have always been soft. This is the first he’s seen of him. It’s almost… predatory.

Licking his lips, Taehyung swallows dryly. The room suddenly feels too warm. “Well, t-they do
need the help.”

“And you don’t think you need to give your star students your time too?”

Taehyung can only blink, unsure of what to say. He doesn’t really understand why Jeongguk would
want office hours if he’s doing so well for the class.

Or perhaps, he’s solely choosing not to understand.

Before he knows it, Jeongguk is standing and prowling around his desk, causing him to stand
abruptly. Except this is probably his first mistake as the student backs him up against his desk.
Taehyung’s ass lands on the surface and he’s leaning back enough that he has to look up at
Jeongguk who towers over him. Taehyung’s throat moves again and Jeongguk watches this time, a
slow smirk curling on his lips.

“J-Jeongguk, I don’t think this is appropriate.”

Jeongguk presses closer, his crotch directly against Taehyung’s. The professor prays that the
younger can’t feel it. Can’t feel that something is wrong with him. That something is missing.

Except Jeongguk has always been an astute one.

Something flashes in his eyes as his glance falls to where the two are touching. “Professor,” he
growls and his hands skims down Taehyung’s lean frame — over his arms, his torso, his hips —
before he slides it between them. A hiss slips past Jeongguk’s lips and Taehyung jerks back


“I can’t say that I’m surprised.” Jeongguk lets out a low whistle. “Something about you — always
seemed so fuckable. I can now see why. My favorite professor’s got a cute cunt, doesn’t he?”

Taehyung pinches his lips together. “Please don’t do this. This is highly inappropriate.”

“I won’t tell anyone, I promise,” Jeongguk grins. “Don’t lie, I’ve seen you in your office day and
night. You’re a workaholic. I doubt you’ve gotten yourself taken care of lately, pretty.”

The nickname should feel offensive, but it just makes him feel small. It makes him feel as if he’s
ready to be swallowed up by Jeongguk’s words and touch. Taehyung gulps, feeling his body
quake. Except, he can’t tell if it’s from thrill or fear. Jeongguk’s right, he hasn’t taken care of
himself lately. It heightens all of his senses. Jeongguk’s touch leaves a trail of fire on his skin even
through the layers of fabric separating them. Jeongguk’s lips clinging onto his neck feel like a
breath of relief. His hands are wandering, fingers deftly tugging off his tie before working on his
buttons. The kid moves fast, Taehyung will give him that.

Taehyung’s not even sure if he can breathe properly at that moment. Jeongguk is suffocating him,
his every touch searing himself further into Taehyung’s soul. It’s as if he’s trying his damndest to
leave a permanent mark on him. And he’s succeeding.

“Why don’t you sit and lean back, pretty? Let me take care of you.” Jeongguk doesn’t wait for him
to respond before lifting him onto the desk. He’s fully sitting on the desk now and he can’t find a
route to escape — nor does he want to. Jeongguk leans forward and captures his lips in a kiss and
the man tastes of coffee and a hint of something sweet. It’s almost surprising how bold Jeongguk
is. Taehyung always figured he was a quieter type, but the way he moves now — so sure of
himself, so confident, it makes the elder pliant in his hands. Jeongguk’s tongue delves into his
mouth, seeking Taehyung’s own and tangling together. His large hands bury in Taehyung’s hair as
he tugs him forward, pulling an involuntary moan out of him.

“Fuck,” Jeongguk curses, pulling back to admire the sight of Taehyung so wrecked before him.
There’s a string of spit that connects them before Jeongguk licks his lips. “You’re so sexy when
you moan, Professor. I want you to make more of those sounds with me, especially when I have my
tongue on your cunt.”

Taehyung’s pussy clenches instantly, as if desperate for what Jeongguk is offering. He lets out a
shaky breath and makes one last futile attempt to stop this obscenity. “J-Jeongguk, listen, we’re—
we can’t do this. This isn’t right.”

“Says who?”

“I could lose my job, Jeongguk,” Taehyung whispers.

“I won’t tell anyone if you won’t. This is what I want. It’s consensual between two adults.”
Jeongguk presses forward again and, this time, Taehyung doesn’t have the power to resist. They
kiss again for what feels like hours, Jeongguk’s lips both soft and demanding against his own. He’s
never been kissed like this before, never with such fervor. It’s almost flattering how much
Jeongguk is attracted to him. He’s so distracted by how good Jeongguk is with his mouth that he
doesn’t realize the younger’s fingers had loosened his pants and slipped right in.

The first touch nearly has him orgasming on the spot. Jeongguk rubs his clit slowly, two fingers
circling the nub until Taehyung is shaking in his spot. “J-Jeongguk, I don’t know if I can—shit, I

“You can’t what, Professor?”

The title has him lurching forward too. There’s something so sexy and taboo in the way that
Jeongguk addresses him; like he wants to make Taehyung perfectly aware of the apparent age
difference and how forbidden this all is. He knows Jeongguk is of age, but he’s also still so young
compared to Taehyung. Knowing that Taehyung has this effect on someone so attractive, so
youthful, he’s almost proud of it.

Still, he can’t help himself when his thighs are quivering from Jeongguk’s hand. “I-it’s been a
while,” he admits shamefully, “I don’t know if I’d last long.”

“I don’t need you to hold out on me,” Jeongguk smirks. “I just need you to sit back and enjoy it.
Let me make sure you cum.”
Taehyung licks his lips and nods slowly.

“I want to taste you,” Jeongguk admits, gesturing to his pants. “May I?”

The kid didn’t quite ask for permission before and Taehyung wonders why he suddenly has
manners now. He quickly learns why when Jeongguk doesn’t bother waiting for an answer before
he’s lifting Taehyung’s ass up, pulling a squeak out of him, and yanking down his trousers.
Jeongguk gets on his knees until he’s face to face with Taehyung’s pussy. It was perhaps a mistake
for him to wear such a sheer thong today, but it was one of his most comfortable pairs.

Jeongguk wastes no time and presses his tongue against the lace. Even with the separation,
Taehyung can so clearly feel the pressure of the muscle against his sensitive folds. Jeongguk’s
thumb digs into his opening, the fabric slipping in between. Taehyung whimpers softly. “You’re so
gorgeous, Professor. Pink pussy so wet for me, it’s practically begging for me to taste it.”

Taehyung inhales a shaky breath. “Then why don’t you?”

With a devilish smirk, Jeongguk pushes his thumb in deeper until Taehyung hears the tear and then
— it comes. The touch. Jeongguk’s finger dips into him and he jolts in his seat. “Sensitive,
sweetheart,” Jeongguk murmurs. “Daddy’s got a pretty cunt. You’re dripping for me, for a student
half your age. How does that make you feel?” His fingers curl inside of Taehyung, drawing another
moan out of him. Taehyung can practically imagine the smirk on his student’s face.

His toes are curling from the delirious pleasure coursing through him. It’s been so long and
everything feels magnified. His sensitivity is through the roof and he doesn’t think he can even
breathe through Jeonggguk’s ministrations.

Jeongguk ducks his head again, half his face disappearing between Taehyung’s legs. His tongue
presses hot against Taehyung’s clit, rubbing harshly enough to have the elder squeezing his legs
together. Jeongguk moves faster, big hands prying his legs apart so Taehyung is fully free for the
taking. If he weren’t so lost in desire, he might’ve had a second to feel embarrassed being so open.
So exposed to a younger man. A man who could perhaps be his son in another life.

He licks another clean stripe up Taehyung’s cunt, letting the juices drip onto his tongue. “Christ,
you’re so sweet. Who else has been in you, Professor? I hope you’ve got a little virgin pussy.”

Taehyung’s insides squeeze. Never in his life did he expect Jeongguk to have such a skillfully
filthy tongue on him.

“Tell me, are you a virgin?”

Taehyung swallows thickly, heart lodged in his throat, “N-no, I’m not.”

Jeongguk hums and sticks two of his fingers in, eliciting a surprised yelp out of Taehyung. He
pumps them a few times and the slick sounds echo throughout his office. “Shame, a pussy this
tight, I would’ve thought otherwise. It must’ve been a while, huh? Poor professor. No one to take
care of him and his pretty pussy. Don’t worry, I’d be more than happy to do this more than once.”

Wasting no time, Jeongguk dives in and begins licking away at his cunt. His tongue strokes his
pussy lips, tracing the juices off and swallowing. Jeongguk’s own lips are sucking harshly on his
clit as he continues to pump his fingers into Taehyung. The squelching is lewd and loud; if there
were anyone outside, if they were close enough, they’d hear the filthy sounds of sex echoing from
behind the door. That possibility of getting caught, of his colleagues seeing him weak under the
hands of his student, of perhaps even joining them, has shivers spreading through his body.
The student is skilled, as if he’s practiced this a million times before. His fingers slide in and out
with ease as Taehyung continues to writhe underneath him. His tongue joins his fingers and
wiggles inside, drawing another pleasured sound out of the elder. “That’s it,” Jeongguk grins, “I
want to hear you moan, Professor. Want everyone on this floor to know how well I’m treating you.
Are you enjoying this, Professor? Or would you rather me call you daddy?”

Taehyung stiffens, his pussy tightening unconsciously.

“You like that, don’t you? Your student calling you daddy?” Jeongguk doesn’t relent his
movements. Even as he teases him, he’s still breathing against his sensitive cunt.

“N-no,” Taehyung stutters. He almost believes himself.

“My teacher taught me not to lie, Daddy.”

This man will be the end of Taehyung. His patience can only go so far and Jeongguk is truly testing
his limits. Fortunately, Jeongguk shows him some mercy when he instead returns to the task at
hand. He licks and sucks Taehyung’s sensitive skin, slurps echoing across the room. “Professor,
why don’t you open your eyes?”

Taehyung didn’t even realize that he had closed his eyes. When his eyelids flutter open, he sees
Jeongguk still between his legs, lips shiny with a sheen layer of slick. He finds his breath caught in
his throat. Jeongguk looks beautiful, but even that is an understatement.

“Look out the window,” Jeongguk says, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Doing as he’s told, Taehyung finds his breath knocked out of his chest a second time. Outside his
window, across the street, is a window washer on a boom. The man isn’t too far away, still within
clear view of the two. He’s facing the window across from them, unaware of the devilish acts
occurring on the other side. Still, if he were to turn around, if he were to just look closer, he would
see Taehyung with his legs spread and Jeongguk crouching underneath. The sight has Taehyung
clenching his fists, fingernails digging into his palms.

“Imagine if he saw you, Professor. Your legs open wide for your student. Bet he’d love to see your
face when you come.”

The mere thought of that window washer turning around and— oh god. Taehyung’s eyes widen as
the man does in fact whip around to dip his tools. He seems to momentarily glance across the
street, squinting at the light and towards this window. Taehyung’s window.

“God, he really would enjoy this, wouldn’t he? I’m sure he’d love to taste your pretty cunt too, call
you his little slut.”

Taehyung finds the words clogged in his throat and he can only shake his head.

Jeongguk grins, “Now, stick your tongue out. Come on.”

It’s almost humiliating to be told what to do by someone so many years his junior. However,
Jeongguk halts his movements, leaving him high and dry. “J-Jeongguk…”

“Stick it out,” Jeongguk instructs, sterner this time.

Flushing, Taehyung slowly parts his lips and lets his tongue roll out.

Jeongguk’s lips curve into a devious grin. “You look so cute, so desperate — like a dog. Maybe
next time I’ll make you bark before I eat your cunt. Beg until you cry before I even put my tongue
on your pretty pussy.”

And that perhaps is the last straw that sends him spiraling over the edge. His orgasm wracks
through his body and a loud moan slips past his lips. Taehyung no longer cares whether anyone
hears him; perhaps it’s even better if they do so they know that Taehyung is well taken care of.
The intensity takes all the oxygen out of his lungs and he’s left gasping for air as his cunt pulses
with pleasure. Jeongguk milks every last bit of his climax, continuing to finger and lick him until
Taehyung’s left with slight trembles.

Taehyung slumps back against the desk on his elbows, sighing at the exhaustion sinking into his
bones now that the adrenaline has worn off. He observes the mess around him — his pens
scattered all over the floor, papers in disarray, and Jeongguk licking his lips, cheeks glistening with
the remnants of Taehyung’s lust. Taehyung blushes at the sight.

“You know the offer stands. If you ever want someone to take care of you after class,” Jeongguk
pauses, “or during class, let me know. You’ve got a delicious cunt and I wouldn’t mind eating it
again. Maybe stick my fat cock in you sometime.”

Taehyung squeezes his legs together. Jeongguk notices and smirks.

Narrowing his eyes, Taehyung huffs, “I’m not saying no but this certainly isn’t going to save you
from that bad paper.”

“Trust me, I don’t need bad grades to get into your pants. I’ll make sure you cum to my next

“As long as you keep up the good work, I’ll take you up on your offer.” Taehyung bites back a


End Notes

thank you for reading! kudos/comment if you liked it <3 if you have nothing nice to say,
don't say it at all! <3

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