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whatta man (good man)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Character: Bangtan Boys Ensemble
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Social Media, Explicit Sexual
Content, no smut tho, Fluff and Crack, Pining, Friends to Lovers
Stats: Published: 2016-08-25 Words: 7811

whatta man (good man)

by aeterisks


Out of all the kinds of blogs Jeon Jeongguk could have run, never in a million years
Taehyung would have expected him to have a porn blog.

(Or, Jeongguk runs a porn blog and Taehyung not so accidentally finds it.)


about to lose my reputation as a serious author lmao sorry... this. is. so. messy.


See the end of the work for more notes

If asked how everything starts, Taehyung would have to say everything was accidental. Taehyung
first knew about Jeongguk’s secret Tumblr famous life on a cloudy Wednesday noon, when the
two of them were having lunch with Namjoon and Hoseok, squeezed in the booths around the
ridiculously small table.

Taehyung is sitting by the window, distractedly chewing on his turkey sandwich and thinking
about all the assignments he has to do when Namjoon nudges his arm, catching his attention.
Taehyung turns his head to the right, looking at Namjoon, who nods in Jeongguk’s direction.

“I said,” the younger starts, swallowing then a bite of his own food, “if you can check if I have an
email notification from Professor Lee.”
Taehyung stares at Jeongguk for a moment in confusion, before remembering he’s sitting next to
the plug Jeongguk is charging his phone in. Stretching his arm, he reaches for Jeongguk’s phone,
pressing the home button to see the notifications on the locked screen.

Scanning the notifications―some texts from Jimin and some boy named Yugyeom, an
embarrassing amount of games, and more random apps―Taehyung sees, indeed, Professor Lee’s

He’s about to hand Jeongguk his phone back when he sees it, a notification from Tumblr reading
jeonsfw; 849 notes . Taehyung raises his eyebrows in disbelief, because eight hundred forty-nine
notes are a lot of notes, but he doesn’t say anything as he nods in Jeongguk’s direction, telling him
that he, indeed, got his professor’s email.

Instead of asking about it, Taehyung just nods and hands Jeongguk his phone, who quickly unlocks
it and starts reading the email. He lets it go just for now, but he is curious about Jeongguk’s blog
and plans on asking the younger about it.

Taehyung doesn’t remember again until a few days later, when he’s scrolling down his Twitter
feed and sees a Tumblr link―because despite the year being 2016, there are some people who still
sync Twitter and Tumblr, as if it weren’t annoying as fuck . He frowns down at his phone, mildly
annoyed, but then he remembers the notification he saw a few days prior on Jeongguk’s phone, and
wonders again what kind of blog Jeongguk runs.

What Taehyung thinks that fits Jeongguk best would be probably an aesthetic blog, highly edited
pictures of buildings and foggy skylines, but he may have a G-Dragon support blog. Hell, maybe
he reblogs cute videos of puppies and cheesy, bad jokes.

Taehyung bites down on his lip as he types the URL he saw in Jeongguk’s phone on Google
Chrome’s search bar, followed by dot tumblr dot com , because things are quicker that way. It
takes a bit to load, because Yoongi is probably downloading ten TV shows and a hundred movies
at the same time on his laptop, so he takes a sip of his orange juice while waiting for the website to
load, just to promptly choke on it once the images start to appear on his screen.

He manages to swallow down his drink as his eyes widen, leaving the glass on his desk as his gaze
scans the screen, a slight frown forming on his face.

Honestly, Taehyung has never seen as many dicks on his screen as he’s seeing right now.

Out of all the kinds of blogs Jeon Jeongguk―awkward, sweet Jeongguk, who told the lamest jokes
and embarrassed himself in impossible ways just to make Taehyung laugh; the same Jeon
Jeongguk who danced to the Oronamin C commercial song constantly, just because―could have
run, never in a million years Taehyung would have expected him to have a porn blog.

The URL kind of said it, but Taehyung thought it was just a pun, Jeongguk playing with the letter
on his name to come up with something remotely ingenious. Now that he has seen the contents of
Jeongguk’s blog he has to admit that it is smart, maybe even witty, but he’s still too shocked to
crack a smile.

For a moment he can’t believe it’s Jeongguk, because what the fuck . He must have gotten the URL
wrong, probably mistyped it at some point, but then he sees the sidebar, where under a black and
white picture of some guy’s abs―pretty nice abs, by the way―it reads Jeon · 20 · Seoul , and there
are just too many coincidences for it to not be him. What are the odds that a guy with the same
surname and age as Jeongguk, living in the same city, had an almost identical URL as him?
After the initial shock―and what a big shock it is, holy crap ―a small smile make its way to
Taehyung’s face. The whole situation is, well, funny, because now Taehyung is going to be able to
tease Jeongguk about this a lot. He’s still a bit fazed, mostly because he wasn’t expecting the
amount of gifs of dicks that is right now displayed on the screen of his laptop, but this is first level
teasing material, and if there is something that Taehyung loves, that has to be teasing Jeon

It’s right then when he notices the links under the short description on Jeongguk’s sidebar. There’s
an about page, a FAQ―and damn, Jeongguk must have a pretty decent amount of followers if he
had a FAQ―and what catches Taehyung’s attention, a link labelled me that leads to the posts on
Jeongguk’s blog under the tag me ―because, of course, Jeongguk couldn’t be even the teeny-
tiniest bit creative.

And again, Taehyung is surprised. Because where he was expecting a couple selfies, maybe a few
shirtless pictures―Jeongguk is proud of his body; Taehyung is glad Jeongguk shares his pride on
Instagram―or something harmless and completely safe for work, he finds videos. Videos that he
isn’t even playing yet, but the miniatures say it all, because there are more dicks and assholes and
dildos and hands , and it’s not like Taehyung isn’t familiar to any of that, but he isn’t familiar to
Jeongguk’s. His mouth gapes, because if that is true, if he’s right , Jeongguk’s sextapes are one
click away from him, on the internet for him to see.

And well, Jeongguk is hot and Taehyung is weak. Weak, and gay as fuck.

Scrolling down the page he counts a total of six videos, each one of them with at least five
hundreds notes, and Taehyung distractedly nods in approval. He can distinguish Jeongguk’s dorm
on the background: his bed, the full length mirror on the door of his wardrobe, that hideous carpet
that Taehyung had gotten him when he had moved into the dorm (and honestly, Taehyung is
pleased to know that carpet is comfortable enough for Jeongguk to fuck himself with his fingers
while laying on it, that is the kind of use he’d like all his gifts to have). He finds what appears to be
the softest, a video of Jeongguk jerking off in front of the mirror, recording himself with his
phone―he didn’t even bother to take the Iron Man case off, the fucking loser ―and clicks play.

He makes sure the earphones are plugged in as he waits for it to load, biting down on the corner of
his mouth, and he can’t believe he’s doing this. He can’t believe he’s about to watch one of his
close friends masturbate online, because that’s thirsty as hell and borderline creepy, but then the
video starts and Taehyung forgets about all that.

If there was any doubt that the blog owner or the boy in the videos was Jeongguk, it disappears as
soon as he opens his mouth, a groan in what definitely is Jeongguk’s voice falling from his lips.
Jeongguk’s―attractive―face can’t be seen, but his body makes up for it. He’s sitting on his heels
across of the mirror, thick and swollen cock fisted by his right hand as he holds the phone on the
other, and Taehyung swallows thickly as he watches the way Jeongguk’s fingers curl around his
length, stroking it slowly and teasing himself.

The temperature in Taehyung’s bedroom suddenly increases several degrees as he watches how
Jeongguk digs his thumb on the slit, smearing the pre-come over the head of his cock, and the way
he hisses before moaning loudly tells Taehyung he’s about to come even before he does. The first
strand of come lands on the mirror, the followings down Jeongguk’s thighs, and Taehyung watches
silently how Jeongguk strokes himself languidly, whining from the overstimulation, before the
video abruptly stops.

Now, Taehyung feels himself getting hard in his sweatpants, and he knows that the right thing to do
is to close Jeongguk’s blog and forget about it, pretending that he hasn’t just seen his friend jerking
off, and especially pretend it hasn’t turned him on. But Taehyung has never been one to do the
right thing , because what’s the fun in that? So instead, he clicks onto the next video, palming
himself over his clothes as he watches how Jeongguk fucks himself with a black dildo.

By the time he’s watched all the videos he’s fully hard, his underwear and sweatpants pulled down
to his knees as he shamelessly strokes himself, and he replays the video where Jeongguk is three
fingers deep inside himself, because the moans and whimpers he lets out right before he’s about to
come are sinful, and there’s nothing Taehyung would rather hear right now, his cock twitching in
his fist, and he’s so close now, so close ―

It only hits him after he has come all over his own hand what he has been doing, but he can’t bring
himself to be ashamed as he wipes his hand clean with some papers he founds on his desk that he’s
positive he doesn’t need. Jeongguk is hot, and he posted it online for everyone to see. If Taehyung
accidentally found his blog, it’s not his fault. The fact that he has been silently thirsting over the
younger for as long as he has known him doesn’t help either.

Taehyung knows he’s fucked.

Realistically, Taehyung knew he would end up on Jeongguk’s blog again. Not only on the me tag,
despite it being his favorite section even if Jeongguk doesn’t update it as often as Taehyung would
like, but Jeongguk seems to have good taste in porn. Something that Taehyung observes as a loyal
follower of jeonsfw is that Jeongguk is really, really into rimming―not that Taehyung minds, and
not that Taehyung would mind experiencing it on himself ―and rough sex―Taehyung wants to
cry, because why is he jerking off on the solitude of his bed when he could have Jeon Jeongguk to
pull his hair and manhandle him around―, and although Taehyung might be a bit biased, he swears
that everything Jeongguk reblogs is high-quality porn, the hottest stuff online.

But the thing is that, despite knowing that he would end up on the blog again, he thought that that
would be enough. He definitely didn’t see himself reviving his old Tumblr account, his blog
abandoned with a stupid URL that has way too many numbers on it and two anime-related gifs, just
to follow Jeon Jeongguk. Just to activate his notifications on his phone, because there is no way
Taehyung will miss Jeongguk’s original content. He’s his number one fan, after all―even if it’s in

However, after a week or so, stalking Jeongguk’s blog isn’t really enough. He wants to talk to him,
but not in the way he does usually. If he wanted to talk about Tokyo Ghoul or how classes went, he
could just send him a text, but this was different. Taehyung felt the need to tell Jeongguk how hot
his videos were, just because. It was an embarrassing thing to admit, but if for a casualty Jeongguk
checked out his blog after he messaged him, Taehyung wanted it to look good. So he changed his
URL for something a bit less embarrassing, found a cool theme that he spent more time than he’s
willing to admit on customizing and wrote a short description. He also deleted his old posts and
followed other blogs, reblogging more content that matched Jeongguk’s―and apparently now also
his own―interests.

Taehyung bit down on his bottom lip, doubting in between sending Jeongguk an ask or an instant
message. He decided to go for the instant message, in the end, because that somehow feels more
intimate than an ask.
Now, Taehyung has known Jeongguk for a long time. He sees through Jeongguk’s internet persona
because even if the younger looks just so cool with his sextapes, his FAQ, and all that Tumblr
famous shit, Taehyung knows the real Jeongguk. Real Jeongguk who is likely to reread and
overthink every reply before sending it, who probably blushes a little and grins at his phone
whenever someone praises him online. Hell, he doesn’t even know how his shy, awkward
Jeonggukie found the courage to upload those kind of videos online, probably encouraged by the
anonymity of it, but it’s still slightly out of character. If he didn’t have so many evidence that it
really is Jeongguk, he would probably still doubt about it.

The point is, Taehyung doesn’t feel intimidated by Jeongguk’s online fame. He knows the guy in
real life, and he knows he’s an awkward texter, so he sends him an overexcited hiiiiiiii!!!! with too
many is and more exclamation marks than necessary through IM.

Of course, Taehyung doesn’t sit there waiting for Jeongguk to reply his message. He has a lot of
shit to do, essays that he should be writing instead of customizing his brand new porn blog, but he
has always been one to procrastinate. He can pull an all-nighter in a few days, when the deadlines
approach, because that’s what college life is, in the end: being an irresponsible shit and losing
hours of sleep.

He’s scrolling through another tab when he hears the notification sound from the IM chat, quickly
switching tabs to see what the younger said.


heyyyy :)

Taehyung scoffs, because Jeongguk would be the kind of person to still use emoticons even now
that emojis exist, but he bites down on his bottom lip as his fingers hover over the keyboard,
thinking of a reply. He could cut the chase and go straight to the point, telling Jeongguk how hot
his videos are, but there’s really no fun in that. Besides, he wants to see what kind of person
Jeongguk is online.


nice blog

found it a couple days ago and i’m honestly in love


thank you!!

i honestly spend an embarrassing amount of time on it

so glad you like it

Taehyung bites back a smile, the knowledge that Jeongguk spends so much time on Tumblr
amusing him.

also ur vids are rly hooooot man

good shit


tysm omg

i’m flattered

i was a bit :// about posting them before but

Clicking his tongue, Taehyung waits for another message, one that follows that but , but after a few
minutes he guesses there won’t be any more coming. He’s a bit stuck because he doesn’t know
what to say next, but he refuses to let the conversation die there, so he quickly types something


u have a nice dick


oh my god i—

thanks omg

Taehyung smiles because he can absolutely see Jeongguk all flustered at the compliment, and he’s
about to type you’re welcome before a new message from Jeongguk appears on his screen, making
him raise an eyebrow.


also you’re from daegu right?


yup daegu’s one and only



oh nothing

i just have a couple friends from there

small world huh?

Taehyung chuckles lightly, guessing that a couple friends refers to Taehyung himself and Yoongi.
He thinks it’s cute, that Jeongguk thinks of him―well, and Yoongi, but Taehyung will suppress
that part―whenever he hears someone mention Daegu. Cute, endearing, adorable: Jeongguk is
them all.


more like small country keke

Over the following weeks, Taehyung keeps talking to Jeongguk online. He knows the younger
doesn’t have a clue it’s him since there is nothing on his blog that can link himself, Kim Taehyung,
to V, the owner of it. Jeongguk has followed him back and sometimes reblogs stuff from him,
which always brings an impressive amount of followers. It’s nice to talk to Jeongguk on Tumblr
because despite his characteristic shyness not completely going away, he sounds a bit more
careless, even if he doesn’t know V. It took real Taehyung a couple months to get Jeongguk to
open up to himself, so maybe he’s feeling a bit jealous that his internet persona could crack
Jeongguk faster. It’s probably the anonymity, he tells himself, but it still leaves a bittersweet taste
on his tongue.

As in real life, Jeongguk and Taehyung are the same as ever: they hang around each other and the
hyungs often, they meet up to marathon anime whenever they’re free, and they bicker a lot. The
thing is, Taehyung feels a little guilty about hiding from Jeongguk the fact that he’s the guy he’s
been talking online to for the past weeks. It’s not such a big piece of information, since despite
being amiable it’s not like Jeon or V are friends―and it does feel weird to think of their internet
selves as a separate entity from their in real life selves, god―and Taehyung doesn’t think that
Jeongguk gives it much thought.

Taehyung does spend a lot more time online now than before, though, and Yoongi, being the
observant roommate that he is, is quick to notice.

“The kid just locks himself on his room and just goes out to pee and eat,” Yoongi comments
distractedly as he sits on the couch, fingers running through Jimin’s hair. The other hums
contently, fingers thrown over Yoongi’s as he nuzzles into his chest, and Taehyung would think
it’s immensely cute if it weren’t also gross . He isn’t ready to see his roommate cuddling with his
best friend, no matter how adorable they are.

“Get a room,” he replies, throwing one of Seokjin’s cushions at the pair, but Hoseok catches it in
the air and places it under his head, settling himself in the couch next to the pair.

“Seriously, I thought I was home alone, but then I heard him sneeze,” insists Yoongi, Jeongguk
chuckling lightly from where he’s sitting on the floor with Seokjin, across from the small couch
Taehyung and Namjoon are sharing.

“Help me, hyung,” dramatically sighs Taehyung as he wraps his arms around Namjoon’s
shoulders, the elder gasping in surprise as Taehyung presses him close. “Yoongi is bullying me.”

“He’s older than me,” Namjoon points out, one arm around Taehyung’s middle as he hugs him
“It’s okay, you still have more authority than that dwarf,” he replies, gaze fixed on Yoongi as he
watches him roll his eyes, but there’s still a fond smile on his lips. “Besides, this is your place,

Namjoon just hums, as if thinking about Taehyung’s words, but doesn’t say anything as Taehyung
tucks his head on his shoulder and pokes his dimples―he still narrows his eyes at him and gives
him a questioning look, but he doesn’t think Namjoon is bothered by his antics. Namjoon isn’t
really bothered by Taehyung’s or Jimin’s antics because like Hoseok always says, he has a soft
spot on his heart for them.

It’s right then when Taehyung’s phone buzzes on the pocket of his jeans, making him squirm in the
couch until he manages to take it out and read the screen. He raises an eyebrow when he sees the
Tumblr notification, reading jeonsfw has sent you a message , shooting Jeongguk a quick glance.
The younger is still sitting on the floor, but now he’s frowning down at his phone. Detaching
himself from Namjoon and sitting on the opposite corner of the couch so the elder can’t see his
screen, Taehyung taps over the notification and forces himself not to look so surprised, especially
since he’s not alone.


hi i know we’re not rly that close but

i can’t talk to any of my irl friends rn

and i rly want to rant rn


Taehyung bites the insides of his cheeks, stealing another glance at Jeongguk and finding him still
looking down at his phone with a conflicted expression, and wonders what

got him so upset. He seemed normal just now, laughing as Yoongi teased Taehyung, so despite
knowing this sort of is playing dirty he writes a quick reply.


sure go ahead

we’re good fam

Jeongguk’s phone pings with a notification, and Taehyung tries not to stare at the younger as he
sees him quickly type on his screen, thumbs moving over the screen.


so i have this friend and i

rly rly like him it’s sort of hopeless but

and he’s just so ??? touchy with everyone

we’re hanging out right now and he’s all over one of the hyungs

and i know there is nothing going on between them but it still feels weird

i want him to be like that just with me and i have literally no reason to be like this but idk

also sorry i’m bugging you with this stuff the friend i usually rant about this stuff with is all curled
up with his bf so yeah

Taehyung’s thumb freeze over the skin as he reads the incoming messages, his eyes widening as he
rereads them once, twice, until it sinks in. Taehyung is smart , and it doesn’t take much to know
Jeongguk is referring to him. He thought about Jimin for a moment―even if the image of
Jeongguk and Jimin together might be the most incestuous thing Taehyung has ever pictured―but
there clearly is something going on between Jimin and the hyung he’s all over, and he’s positive
he’s the friend Jeongguk referred to as the one he rants with. Swallowing thickly, and trying to
assimilate the fact that Jeongguk likes him―holy fucking shit ―he quickly types something.


this is like really cliché but

have you tried to tell him


no i can’t do that TT-TT

i’m not ready to face rejection

i would cry i like him a lot

It’s kind of endearing, to see Jeongguk angsting like this over crushing―crushing on Taehyung . It
doesn’t really match his Tumblr famous persona, but it fits well with the Jeongguk that Taehyung
has come to know and love over the last year and a half, and Taehyung bites back a smile. He
would be lying if he said his heartbeat hasn’t quickened in the slightest, the thought of Jeongguk
liking him making his stomach twist in excitement.


how could he reject you anyone that rejects you would be an idiot

you have one of the nicest dicks in this country

Taehyung hears a shaky laugh fall from Jeongguk’s lips, making him smile slightly at his own
screen as he waits for the new reply.



but still he’s my friend i don’t want to ruin anything

i think he’s texting someone he’s like smiling at his phone and shit

ofc he has a bf or a something he’s so pretty and so hot how could he not

Taehyung bites down on both his lip, trying to hide his amusement because this whole situation
feels almost surreal. He wants to tell Jeongguk that there is no way in hell he would reject him, that
he has been trying to ignore the way his own heartbeat quickens in his ribcage every time
Jeongguk grins at him, but he can’t ruin things now.

Then, another message arrives.


i just really want to ride his dick :(

Taehyung chokes on his own saliva and starts coughing, six pairs of eyes instantly giving him
concerned looks.

“Do you need some water?” Seokjin voices out, Taehyung shaking his head fervently as Namjoon
harshly pats his back.

“I’m fine, hyung,” he replies, his coughs dying down, although he’s sure his face is red both from
mortification and because of the whole coughing deal.

It’s not like Jeongguk has not had any sexual experiences ever since he started college. Not too
much, just like Taehyung, but every once in a while they go clubbing and Taehyung knows that
Jeongguk either doesn’t come back alone to his dorm, or doesn’t come back at all. Taehyung is
aware Jeongguk has a sexual life, and now that he knows what Jeongguk spends his free time
doing―filming himself with three fingers up his ass and a cock ring on, running a porn blog; your
typical Thursday afternoon activities―he guesses that his sex drive is, well, higher than he
initially thought. If finding out that Jeongguk likes him made him feel giddy, finding out that
Jeongguk wants to have sex with him makes him feel lowkey―and highkey―horny.

“Are you alright?” asks then the reason behind Taehyung’s almost-death, genuine concern in his
voice, and Taehyung feels himself die a little inside.

“I’m fine, Guk-ah,” he assures, avoiding the younger’s worried gaze and staring down at his
screen, replying quickly to his last IM message.

It’s later, after he’s leaving Seokjin and Namjoon’s apartment along with Yoongi and Jimin―Jimin
is coming over again , and Taehyung knows it’s one of these days he’ll have to sleep with
earphones on if he doesn’t want his soul to be contaminated―when he finally voices it out loud,
asking to the pair, “What should I do if I hypothetically discovered Jeongguk likes me?”

Jimin and Yoongi stop on his tracks, giving Taehyung the look, before sharing a quick glance,
Jimin asking, “How would you, hypothetically, find out?”

“I’m not sharing my sources,” he replies, because anything is better than I’m catfishing him on his
porn blog . “But really, what should I do? I want something, but I don’t want him to know I know.
How do you casually flirt with someone after finding out they like you and want to ride your dick?”

“ Ew ,” Yoongi says, wrinkling his nose, and Jimin laughs as he bops it. “Just, do whatever, it’s not
like Jeongguk will realize you know, anyway. He thinks he’s being sneaky when he couldn’t make
it more obvious even if he carried an I like Kim Taehyung neon sign,” Yoongi adds then, and
Taehyung bites down the urge to say that he didn’t realize , sue him. He had to have Jeongguk
himself to tell him. Maybe he’s a bit dense, after all, but he has always told himself not to look too
much into Jeongguk’s behavior around him. He knows he falls quickly and falls hard, so avoiding
it is way easier than trying to help it. “I’m surprised it took you so long to notice, actually.”

“Shut up,” Taehyung mumbles, crossing his arms over his chest as Yoongi opens the door to their
building, holding it so Taehyung and Jimin can step inside. “He’s not that obvious, though. You’re
just bullshitting me now.”

“Ha-ha,” laughs Jimin sarcastically. “ Are you alright? ” he says then, in a poor impersonation of
Jeongguk’s voice. “All while sending you the biggest heart eyes in fucking South Korea. Seriously,
Taehyung, how could you not have realized? He would worship your ass if you let him.”

“I would definitely let him,” Taehyung comments, Yoongi groaning at that.

“Then,” Jimin starts, and Taehyung already knows he probably isn’t going to like what comes next,
“let him now.”

Flirting is something that has always sort of naturally come to Taehyung. He’s spontaneous and
natural when he does, and that’s probably the reason why he is good at it.

But with Jeongguk, he’s just stuck.

Both Jimin and he had reached the conclusion that Jeongguk would probably have an ictus if
Taehyung suddenly blurted out hey, you’re hot, you’re cute, please date me and fuck my ass , so
flirting it is.

But flirting with Jeongguk is hard, especially because he’s not used to know how someone he’s
flirting with looks and sounds like while getting off―sure, he’s never seen Jeongguk’s orgasm face
and he really wants to, but that’s another story―and that is a very distracting factor. It doesn’t
come naturally, because although he’s starting to really, really like Jeongguk―not just Jeongguk’s
body, but Jeongguk himself, which he finds kind of endearing and also a bit frustrating―his first
instinct is to go to their comfort zone, to the buddy, completely platonic zone. Absolutely not the I-
want-to-hold-your-hand-and-suck-your-dick zone.
Needless to say, Taehyung’s master plan of making Jeongguk notice he’s interested is a big, big

Luckily for himself, Taehyung has another resources, said resources being Tumblr. Jeongguk keeps
messaging vhung , using him as his romantic therapist, or something, and Taehyung is delighted
that he gets to give advice to Jeongguk about how to win his own heart. It’s ridiculous and
somehow stupid, because Taehyung could just ask Jeongguk out now that he knows that Jeongguk
will say yes in a heartbeat, but it’s funny to watch Jeongguk act around him.

Now that he knows, he sees why Jimin and Yoongi―and everyone else, actually―said it was
obvious: Jeongguk is past the stuttering and blushing stage, but he acts around Taehyung in a way
that he doesn’t act around anyone else. He’s careful, he’s attentive, and he’s always checking for
Taehyung’s reaction after doing or saying anything funny, his face lighting up when Taehyung

So yeah, Jeon Jeongguk is whipped and thirsty, but so is Jeongguk, and that is starting to be a
problem since he really can’t get their relationship to advance.


just ask him out already

you’re hot and nice

i bet that boy isn’t stupid enough to reject u


no stop he’s not stupid :(

he’s just dense

he’s been acting weird lately like

maybe he knows now and is disgusted

Taehyung rolls his eyes at that, because why ever would Kim Taehyung, king of being gay as hell,
be disgusted by another boy crushing on him? By Jeongguk , hot Jeongguk, crushing on him?


aww i bet he’s not

you’re such a pessimist

just ask him out and stop fooling around


i’m realistic
this is so embarrassing


stop just do it you’re so whiny

and not just when u have a dildo up your ass wow



listen i’ll ask him out




So really, Taehyung was starting to be a bit tired of this game; he was tired mostly because he
spent a lot of time imagining what being with Jeongguk would be like, when he could just be with
Jeongguk instead. He zoned out a lot, because sometimes when he was with the younger he
couldn’t help to picture what those pretty whimpers that fell from Jeongguk’s lips when he’s about
to come would sound like on his ear, while he’s buried deep inside him, jerking him off until―

“Hey, hyung?” calls someone, and Taehyung should be embarrassed that Jeongguk himself is the
one interrupting his impure, not innocent at all fantasies.

He shouldn’t be surprised, though. They’re getting some work together at some café Jeongguk
suggested earlier, and Taehyung has been staring at his computer screen for at least ten minutes
without typing anything.

“Yeah?” he asks, gaze snapping to meet Jeongguk’s eyes.

The younger is looking at him, amused, and Taehyung feels his lips forming a pout before he can
even stop himself.

“You were spacing out,” is what Jeongguk says, taking a sip of his drink before biting down on his
bottom lip, looking nervous. “Were you, uh, thinking of someone?”

Taehyung smiles widely at that, putting his laptop aside so he can look at Jeongguk. He leans his
elbow on the table, chin resting on his palm as he asks, “Why? Would it bother you if I were?” he
asks, watching the tips of Jeongguk’s ear flush bright read as he looks down at his own computer,
mumbling something intelligible. “Would you like me to think about you, perhaps?”

Jeongguk’s gaze snaps to Taehyung at that, his eyes widening just the slightest as he presses his
lips in a thin line. Taehyung’s smile widens at that, because he has always loved to mess up with
Jeongguk and to get him all flustered, but then the younger frowns.

“Maybe I do.”

That definitely isn’t the kind of reply Taehyung was expecting, mostly because it’s too bold and too
sudden to be Jeongguk’s, but he can’t help to feel his stomach tingle, because this is flirting. This is
good, this is progress . They have skipped the baby steps, the brief touches and flirty glances, but
Taehyung doesn’t mind too much. Not when Jeongguk is looking at him like that, expectant,
waiting for his reply.

“Cute,” is what he ends up saying, tapping his fingers over his cheek. Jeongguk blinks at him once,
twice, but then his mouth stretches in a wide smile, the kind that Taehyung gets a bit more often
than anybody else, and the funny feeling on Taehyung’s chest is back. “You’re so cute I might
even fall for you, Jeongguk-ah.”

Jeongguk doesn’t say anything else, just resumes furiously typing on his laptop, but this time there
is a content, satisfied smile on his lips. One that Taehyung mimics as he passes his notes to his
own computer.

Taehyung doesn’t want to think about how stupid they look, grinning as they keep working in
comfortable silence, but he’s positive that Jeongguk’s foot isn’t tapping against his own


i think he likes me

Taehyung raises a lazy eyebrow at his phone, turning it on after it ran out of battery midday today.
About time , he thinks, tapping over the notification and waiting for the Tumblr app to open. He
doesn’t know what made Jeongguk think that, really. Was it that that afternoon together at the
café? Or was it maybe the fact that Taehyung’s skinship with Jeongguk had increased meanwhile
everyone else’s had suddenly dropped? Maybe it was the fact that Taehyung took every
opportunity he could to sit beside Jeongguk, or make Jeongguk laugh, or compliment him

It is so tiring, trying to let Jeongguk he liked him without actually telling him, but it seems to be
working after all. He rolls his eyes, but a small smile still makes its way to his lips as he sits on the
bed, writing a quick reply.


told ya

why tho


we’ve been flirting

well he’s been flirting i’ve been trying to keep up

uh i think i’m going to ask him out

(Taehyung definitely doesn’t do a victory dance when he reads that. No, of course he doesn’t.)


aye omg that’s good jeon i’m proud

look at you all grown up

asking your crush out


omg stfu istg

i’m going to post something btw

Taehyung almost squeaks, anticipation and excitement building up on his stomach. He waits
patiently for Jeongguk to link him the post, and right when he’s about to watch it his phone pings
with a notification. Frowning, he retrieves it from where it is, still on the pocket of his jeans that he
threw away as soon as he stepped inside the room. He bites down on his bottom lip, attempting to
hide his smile despite no one being around, when he sees the text notification.

From: jeonggukie

you doing something tomorrow?

To: jeonggukie

new phone who dis

From: jeonggukie


To: jeonggukie

ahh then i’m free i always have time for my asshole

From: jeonggukie

oh my god

i’m so

anyways want to grab coffee after class?

To: jeonggukie

hmm depends
i could go w joonie his building is closer to mine

From: jeonggukie

i mean like

a date

To: jeonggukie

ahhh only if you’re paying

(i’d love to)

From: jeonggukie

good thing i’m paying then

(thank you♡)

Taehyung doesn’t think about the video again until half an hour later, when Jeongguk is telling
him about what Yugyeom from his Literature class did the other day, and although Taehyung
doesn’t really care much about that Yugyeom he likes the way typos slip in Jeongguk’s texts when
he’s excited, or how he sends a bunch of random letters whenever he finds something funny. The
video can wait, Taehyung think. Besides, he’d rather have the real thing any day.

“I don’t like this,” groans Hoseok as he buries his head on his arms. “Out of seven of us, four are
already dating each other. What am I going to do if Seokjin and Namjoon suddenly start to date,
too? I don’t think I’ll be able to third-wheel three couples at the same time and be able to sleep at

Jeongguk laughs, his body trembling under Taehyung’s head, resting on the younger’s shoulder,
and Taehyung frowns as he looks up, protesting, “Don’t move.”

The younger hums, pressing a light kiss to the crown of Taehyung’s head as Jimin makes gagging
noses across of them, and Taehyung kicks him on the shin.

“I don’t even like men―” Namjoon starts, but Seokjin interrupts him then.

“But you like me,” he says, followed by a wink, and Taehyung stays silent waiting for Namjoon’s

“I don’t ,” Namjoon assures, followed by an offended gasp by Seokjin. Hoseok groans again.

“Looks like dinner is going to be awkward today at the Kims’,” Yoongi jokes, Taehyung grinning
at him from across the table. “I’m heading home now, you coming?”

“Sure,” Taehyung replies, starting to stand up, but then Jeongguk places a hand over his thigh and
stills him.

“Wait,” he says, Taehyung looking at him and watching how he bites down on his bottom lip.
“Come over?”

Hoseok groans again .

“’Kay,” Taehyung replies with a grin, leaning forward to peck Jeongguk’s cheek. “I’m going to
give you and Jimin some alone time because I’m your favorite dongsaeng,” he adds then, smiling
widely in Yoongi’s direction.

“ I am his favorite dongsaeng,” Jimin interjects then, standing up and grabbing his coat, turning
around. “Later, losers,” he adds as he walks away, his fingers forming a peace sign as he leaves.

Truth is, Taehyung and Jeongguk have been dating for almost three weeks now, and despite him
being more than happy with the innocent, sweet aspects of their relationship, there is no point in
denying that the sex is mind-blowing.

They really aren’t taking things slow, and Taehyung still is a bit surprised that sweet, cute
Jeonggukie can switch to bedroom Jeonggukie so fast, that either begs to get fucked until he cries,
or makes Taehyung beg for it. Jeongguk is good at it, and hasn’t failed to reach Taehyung’s already
high expectations. Boyfriend goals, indeed.

But there’s a downside, and it’s that Taehyung is feeling a bit uneasy about hiding from Jeongguk
the whole Tumblr deal, especially because now they are dating, and he’s not supposed to hide that
kind of stuff from Jeongguk―hell, he shouldn’t have when they were just friends .

So really, even if he’s just supposed to enjoy an amazing cuddle session with his boyfriend while
they watch silly videos on Taehyung’s phone, the elder can’t shake the feeling of guilt from his
chest. He’s going to have to confess, and he’ll have to do it soon.

Luckily―or unluckily, depending on how you look at it―for him, destiny seems to have other

“Oh, shit, Jeongguk, there’s a video of a monkey walking a dog, can we see that one?” Taehyung
asks then, looking at Jeongguk from where he’s curled over the younger’s chest, the other looking
away from his phone to scan Taehyung’s screen.

“Uh? Yeah, sure,” he says, Taehyung pouting at the vague response. “Sounds good, babe,” he adds
then, Taehyung sighing as he taps over the thumbnail.

What happens next, after Jeongguk locks his phone and puts it away is probably one of the most
embarrassing and mortifying moments in Taehyung’s life. His phone pings, and when the push
notification appears on the top of the screen he is horrified to discover it’s a Tumblr one. One that
reads, jeonsfw has posted a new video .

Taehyung squeaks, Jeongguk freezes under him and they both stay silent for a moment as the video
of the monkey and the dog starts playing.

“Kim Taehyung,” Jeongguk starts, and when Taehyung looks up at him, Jeongguk is redder than
Taehyung has ever seen him. He doesn’t look angry, though, just profusely embarrassed. He has
that look on his eyes that he uses when he’s being teased too much, begging for mercy, and
Taehyung has to bite down on his lip to hold back a chuckle.

“ How dare you post porn while we’re cuddling,” he asks then, an accusatory finger stabbing
Jeongguk’s chest. Jeongguk whines in complaint―dramatically, because there is no way
Taehyung’s finger hurt him―and catches Taehyung’s wrist.

“No, how dare you ―” Jeongguk starts, but then he interrupts himself. He stays silent for a
moment, as if looking for a nice way to word it, but he seems to give up, since he says, “How dare
you follow my porn blog and subscribe to my videos of me masturbating without telling me, oh my
god, Taehyung, you’ve seen me fucking myself with an eight inches dildo!” Jeongguk protests,
covering his face with his hands.

Taehyung laughs, muffling Jeongguk’s protesting groan as he does, and he clings to the younger,
tucking his chin on his sternum. “Don’t be mad,” he pleads, grabbing Jeongguk’s hands and taking
them away from his face, so he can kiss his chin. “Those were so hot, if it helps. I just accidentally
found your blog, and honestly… You have a nice―”

“Please, don’t, this is so mortifying,” interrupts Jeongguk, still blushing bright red as he looks at
the ceiling, avoiding Taehyung’s eyes. Taehyung laughs, and before he can do something to stop
him, Jeongguk snatches Taehyung’s phone from his loose grip and unlocks it. “Anyways, let’s see
what kind of blog you have.”

“No, Jeongguk, please, baby, don’t―” he starts, stretching his body so he can reach the phone, but
Jeongguk wraps his legs around Taehyung’s body―and damn those thighs, Jesus Christ , they
surely are strong―and holding him in place as he stretches his own arm, taking the phone out of
Taehyung’s reach. He finally gives up and stops fighting, burying his face on Jeongguk’s chest and
waiting for the younger’s reaction when he discovers who he is on Tumblr.

“Oh my god ,” Jeongguk says. “Kim fucking Taehyung, you are vhung ? Oh my god, Taehyung,
shit! We’ve been talking online for three months!”

“Listen, I―” he starts sitting up in his heels in the middle of Jeongguk’s parted legs, but then
Jeongguk squeaks. He sits up as well, cross-legged across from Taehyung, again covering his face
with his hands.

“Taehyung, fuck, I ranted to you about how much I liked you . About how much I wanted your
dick up my ass, oh my―” he starts, but Taehyung interrupts him with a giggle. “Don’t laugh! This
is so embarrassing, holy shit, Taehyung, what the hell?”

“Please, don’t be mad,” he repeats, but Jeongguk makes an offended noise on the back of his

“How am I not supposed to be mad? I― I feel like you’re teasing me,” Jeongguk admits in a low
voice, looking down at his hands.

“Oh, Guk, baby ,” Taehyung coos in amusement, holding Jeongguk’s cheeks on his palms, making
the younger look up at him. “I like you , a lot. Not just because of your stupid porn videos, or
because you’re hot, but because you’re adorable and a sweetheart, okay? And I definitely wasn’t
teasing you. I was going to tell you, but it was― well, violent .”

“I’m still mad,” Jeongguk says, words distorted by Taehyung’s palms on his cheek, but Taehyung
can see through it.


Jeongguk grabs Taehyung’s wrists, taking his hands away from Jeongguk’s face, and seems to
think about it for a moment.

“What kind of URL is vhung , besides? I’ve been rolling my eyes three months thinking, woah, this
guy is so full of himself ―”

“Now you now it’s legit,” Taehyung says, wiggling his eyebrows, and Jeongguk’s mouth splits
into a small smile. “I wanted to use taehung , but it’d be too obvious.”
Jeongguk sighs loudly, chin resting on his hand as he narrows his eyes at Taehyung.

“There might be a way to make it up to me,” he starts, sounding a bit shy, and Taehyung raises an

Taehyung already sees what’s coming. “And what would that be?”

Jeongguk bites on the inside of one of his cheeks, gaze looking away from Taehyung’s for a
moment before falling back on his eyes, with a renewed intensity.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Jeongguk carries on, to what Taehyung hums
inquiringly. “Just, is not something I can ask a one night stand to do, you know.”

“Cut to the chase, Jeon ,” Taehyung says. Jeongguk’s ears are bright red again, but before the
younger can say anything Taehyung adds, “You want me to star in one of your movies ?”

Jeongguk look at him for a moment, staring blankly at him, but then he’s looking down at his
fidgeting hands as he replies, “Uh, yeah? You don’t have to if you don’t want to, I just wanted to
post something with someone, and it’s not like I’ll be hooking up with someone else in
awhile―not that I want to! But, yeah, I guess I want you to? Besides, you’re hot, and you don’t
seem to have a problem with the whole… sextapes deal, so I―”

“You’re rambling,” interrupts Taehyung, Jeongguk raising his gaze and tilting his head to look at
him. He’s still blushing furiously, and Taehyung finds it sort of endearing. Very endearing, if he’s
being honest. “Honestly, just three weeks into our relationship and you’re already asking me to do
a sextape, Jeongguk.” The younger groans. Taehyung laughs lightheartedly. “Don’t worry, babe, of
course I will. I’m flattered you want me to, not gonna lie.”

“Really?” Taehyung nods energetically. “Thank God, if you said no I’d probably cry in

Taehyung chuckles again before he replies, “I don’t think I can keep up with your dramatic ass.
Now, back to the real issues of our relationship,” he starts, a frown appearing on Jeongguk’s
forehead, “ how dare you post porn while I’m trying to show you cute, innocent videos of


“ Jeongguk .”

And really, if Jeongguk posts a video of Taehyung riding him the next day, Taehyung honestly
doesn’t mind. He is kind of flattered that Jeongguk’s followers like it, even more than a lot
following him when Jeongguk states who he’s filming with in the caption―which is a big deal,
Taehyung thinks, because Jeongguk never captions his videos; he is Jeongguk’s first caption.

End Notes
title is i.o.i's whatta man (good man) please support my queens

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