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Textile anti-static test methods and standards


Date2011-12-28 17:00:48


Textile anti-static function usually through special finishing (coating, metal

surface treatment, etc.) and use of conductive fibers (metal fibers, metal coated fibers,
conductive composite fiber, etc.) to pure spin, blended, mixed, etc. available.
Test method according to fabric selection
Textile anti-static performance evaluation should be based on the nature of the
different fabrics and different ways to test the projects due to different methods and
different. Static test parameters, including the risk of static power supply testing,
performance testing of materials and products, static, static sensitivity of inflammable
and explosive materials testing. Characterization of electrostatic properties of
materials or products, the main parameters of resistivity, leakage resistance, charge
density and half-life, half-life of friction such as voltage and charged. Electrostatic
properties of textile materials resistance evaluation of the main categories of
indicators, electrostatic voltage and the half-life, charge density and other indicators,
and the gray smoke testing, test sails, such as simple metal adsorption experiments the
low accuracy of the test target.
Types of test methods
China is now used in textiles, clothing antistatic performance testing of national
and industry standards are: GB/T12014-1989 "anti-static overalls", GB/T12703-1991
"Textiles static testing methods", FZ/T01042-1996 "textile materials electrostatic
properties of static voltage half-life determination ", FZ/T01044-1996" electrostatic
properties of textile materials, fibers determination of leak resistance ", FZ/T01059-1
999" static friction of the fabric of assay method ", FZ/T01060-1999" fabric friction
electric charge density determination method ", FZZY0 1061-1999" from the friction
of the fabric voltage measurement method. "
It should be noted that different standards for the applicability of test methods are
different. To GB/T12703-1991 "static testing methods for textiles" for example, the
method offers several different test methods, not only to test the project, the technical
conditions are different, but also for different products, the characterization of the
meaning is different. Such as:
A method (half-life method, and the same FZ/T01042-1996): +10 kV highvoltage option of placing the sample on the metal platform discharges 30s, measured
half-life of induced voltage (s). This method can be used to evaluate the attenuation
characteristics of static fabric, but the sample with conductive fiber on the metal
platform in contact with the ground state can not control, contact with conductive
fibers and the platform is good fast charge leakage, and poor contact with the general
decay rate when the textile Similarly, the same sample under different conditions to be

placed on the test results vary greatly, it is not suitable for anti-static conductive fabric
with performance evaluation.
B method (friction charged voltage method, and FZ/T01061-1999 basically the
same): 4 specimens (2 by 2-wai, 4 cm 8 cm) placed in the folder drum, the drum
speed and to 400r/min Standard cloth (nylon or polypropylene) friction test specimens
within 1min maximum charged voltage (V). This method because the sample size is
too small, the conductive fibers embedded in the fabric weave, the conductive fibers
with different sampling locations will have a great difference, so do not apply to
textile fibers containing conductive anti-static performance evaluation .
C method (surface charge density method, and FZ/T01060-1999 basically the
same): the sample under specified conditions in a particular way with the standard
nylon cloth friction measured after the Faraday cup charge, according to the surface
charge density of the sample size obtained (C/m2). Charge-density method for
evaluation of various fabrics, including fabrics containing conductive fibers through
the accumulation of static friction and the degree of difficulty, the test results and
samples of the gray smoke of a more closely related. Because the sample and the
standard cloth friction between the manual power is achieved, it is the consistency of
test conditions, test the accuracy and reproducibility of the results vulnerable to the
impact of operating practices.
D method (strip of clothing with a power law when): a specific way overalls and
chemical fiber underwear rubbed off clothes, put Faraday cup, obtained with a power
(C / piece). This method of test objects is limited fashion, but because the material of
the underwear is not specified, the friction can hardly be consistent way, the lack of
Looking at the existing electrostatic properties of textile testing national
standards and industry standards, and truly meaningful for the static with conductive
fiber fabric or performance test method only GB/T12703-1991 FZ/T01060-1999 the
charge density method. Therefore, the evaluation of textile antistatic properties, and
can not be forced to be found between different indicators of some relevance, but
should establish a comprehensive, multi-dimensional evaluation system to reflect the
different test conditions in the textile and state antistatic performance and actual
results. Some experts suggested that the charge density of the existing law, should be
further studied and improved technical conditions related to testing, the artificial
friction to automation to further improve the accuracy and reproducibility of test

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