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The Sacred Space Sprays

The Sacred Space Sprays, co-created by Jane Bell and Steve Johnson, were designed primarily for Space
Clearing, an ancient practice brought to life by Denise Linn in her book Sacred Space. Jane and Steve are both
graduates of Denise's Interior Alignment training program and practice Space Clearing professionally, helping
people to create healthy living and working environments.
These sprays are based on the popular Alaskan Combination Formulas Calling All Angels, Guardian, Lighten Up
and Purification. To these were added complementary blends of essential oils and absolutes. Each spray contains
oils that were chosen on the basis of their therapeutic qualities and their ability to ground and enhance the
function of each essence combination.
The Sacred Space Sprays were formulated to address the increasing challenge of maintaining our health in this
crowded and fast paced world. Stagnant and toxic energies accumulate in our living and working environments
from computers and other electrical equipment, pollution, emotional upsets, illness, clutter and even from previous
occupants. Over time these disharmonious energies can have a detrimental effect on our physical vitality, relationships,
productivity, creativity, prosperity and general well being. You can cleanse yourself and your surroundings of
these unwanted toxins and bring in the fresh, elementally infused energies of nature by using the Sacred Space
Sprays along with the simple and straightforward techniques of Space Clearing.
These sprays were designed to help you evolve from a position of being at the mercy of your surroundings to
having a positive effect on them. Our vision is to help people create clear and vibrant living and working
environments which will have a positive effect on everyone who enters them. The apartments, flats, houses and
buildings in which we live and work can become beacons of light that radiate out and positively transform our
neighborhoods, cities, countries and the world.

The four sprays

Calling All Angels

Lighten Up

Use this spray to:

Use this spray to:

Invoke the love, guidance, and protection of the angelic

realm into a room after it has been Space Cleared.

Bring more light and energy into your aura, especially

during the long winter months.

Create a sacred, protected space for sleeping and

dreaming - works for pets too!

Enhance and increase the circulation of light and energy

in your living and working environments.

Strengthen the awareness that all family members are

supported and protected by the angels.

Give yourself a lift when you are tired and overwhelmed

by studying or working too much.

Bring the essence of joy and peace into your life.

Make a stronger connection to the Divine feminine.

Clear dark or heavy energy from a space where

there has been depression.

Treat animals that must be kept inside for long periods

during the winter.

Use this spray when you:


Need to strengthen your boundaries before entering

into another persons living, working, or personal space.

Use this spray to:

Want to invoke an energy of protection into a room

that has just been Space Cleared.

Release any kind of stagnant energy that has collected

in a room or building - the first step in the Space Clearing

Want to set a more relaxed and grounded energy into

the environment.

Break up unhealthy patterns of energy in a space where

there has been illness, addiction, depression, or abuse.

Want to preserve the energy that you have just invoked

into a space.

Release toxic energy from the mind, emotions, and

physical body.

Would like to decrease the detrimental effects that

computers and other electromagnetic equipment are
having on you or your employees.

Purify the energy in your rental car when you pick it

up and in your hotel room when you arrive.

Revitalize, balance, and stimulate the renewal of energy

on all levels of your home, office, or aura.

How to use the sprays


Begin to create Sacred Space by centering yourself and making an offering of gratitude. State that your
intention is to clear stagnant, inharmonious energies from the environment and replace them with positive,
uplifting, life affirming energies from nature and the angelic kingdoms. Call in the elements of Air, Earth, Fire
and Water to enhance and add power to the process.


To cleanse the environment you are working in, spray Purification around the room, paying extra attention to
the corners and any areas that feel heavy or dense. Continue in each room you are Space Clearing.


When the energy feels clear, you are ready to invoke fresh, new patterns of energy using one or more
invocation sprays:

Spray Guardian around the room or building when you want to invoke safety and protection into the
space, and also to seal the space after the clearing has been completed. This is an easy and affordable
way to bring more security into stores and businesses too!

Use Calling All Angels when you want to bring a very sacred and peaceful energy into the space.
Great for meditation and treatment rooms, yoga studios and nurseries.

Use Lighten Up when you want to uplift, revitalize, and energize a space. Good for rooms lacking
natural light, hospitals and elder care facilities, and anywhere there has been a history of depression.

All of these sprays are particularly effective when used in conjunction with traditional space clearing tools that
utilize sound, such as bells, singing bowls, and drums.

To complete the process, give thanks and ask to close the connection with the forces of Air, Earth, Fire and
Water. Notice the vibrancy and freshness of your environment and how good this feels!

We recommend using these four sprays on a regular basis to maintain the clarity of your home and work
environments. People in the healing professions will benefit from refreshing their treatment rooms between clients.
When you travel, space clear your hotel room when you arrive and mist your rental car when you pick it up. If
you move into a new home or office, use these sprays to facilitate your new beginning.

Sprays available from:

Fleurs de Vie - 500 Domaine des Bois - 01170 Echenevex, France
Tel. +33 (0) 450 42 62 32 - Fax +33 (0) 450 42 62 33 - -

Printed on recycled paper

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