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Of lies, deception .

an being clever
All my life I have wondered why people lie.lies have
become a norm from daily ones that start with I couldnt
call you back/ reply /come to work or a meeting some very serious ones
If I were to create a scatter diagram of lies most of them
would fall in convenience category.i lie because it is
convenient n avoid explanation.e.g I bought this v
expensive jewellery n claim it was gifted or bought years
ago to avoid explaining the splurge to parents spouse
friends etc.these are personal lies the kind you five to
family members or close friends
An next huge category are social an excuse to get
away from social norms..darling I am so sorry I couldnt
come to to your wedding/birthday / treat etc .this typical
gets handed to tier 2 friends n relatives
The damaging ones are swarm of lies or incident based
lies. The damaging ones hide deep seated problems like
financial issues, infidelity,substance abuse, serious or
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

chronic illness.swarm here is different n has a diff spread

here the issue is not the lie but what its trying to hide
Same for incident e.g murder, embezzlement, fraud, threat
or some other serious brake. Incident based lies are one of
as in lies to cover one major incident whereas swarm of lies
as the name suggest are repetitive as the underlying issue
The last two categories have legal undertones because
they can cause serious damage to the receptor, or person
in line of fire
So how do people get away with it.look at the recent case
of nani mukherjee or essica you seriously think
nobody knew or guessed or even had an inkling about her
aberrant past and why did so few witnesses come forward
in 2nd why did people choose to look away
There are only to answers popular or powerful.very few
people will stand up others rights esp if PnP are it self preservation
Now before I hit the den of rattle snakes I needed to cut
through the deceptionno compulsive liar will own upwe

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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

dont even own up to white lies forget about big ones with
serious stakes.n they dont come with LIAR stamp on
their forehead.lying is not brandedits too common to
be exclusive:)
It was my job to explore .when my ex was out
philandering most of his fn f (family n friends) knew about
it.none let it onlaw abiding citizens with daughterthe
kind that will go to a religious place atleast twice a
year.none of the ethics of any religion seems to hold a
candle to self interestits that powerful a force
But this time its gonna be in I intend to make
life miserable for those involvedso its cost benefit
analysis is clear.speak the truthbesides we are talking
murder here
The popular power is the dangerous enables the
fraudster to slander you in darkest of colours and people
just go with the flow from the fear of offendingadd power
to it and it makes for the most compelling case for lying
known to mankind
BR Ambedkar is case in point .social power is power of
majority that provides unequal punishment for same

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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

offence or sometimes no offencewhich is where we have

laws where theoretically atleast all are equal
So with that motivating thought I walk in to den no 1 like I
had once walked in to the office of hippo Hiralal
Hipo Hiralal my boss.with some very clear concepts in
lifean a very interesting person..(infact so interesting
that my 2nd book is all about him)

Meeting with PKjinaji

PKjInanji is an illustrious female of our colony. She is a size
a 6 an has been through six times more relationships than
me both these traits I envy her..she drinks like a
fish .which I donot

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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

(PS alcohol causes 4 times more damage to females than it

does to men)
Her fav punch line being why waste stomach space with
water when you can fill it with alcohol. Wonder if there are
any takers for this line in booze firms.stomach space na
ho gayi premium real estate ho gaya!
Her second real estate being men of all shapes n sizes desi
tharra s to videshi premium she is a SEC (socially evolved
creature) BIOPP ( busy in organising perpetual parties)
.the conversation is always eclecticwhenever you rate
an invite. Here I go barging in to an possibly disrupting her
social diary . Our dialogue goes something like
Me : hi , listen I have a problem
PKJ: yeah yeah listen you must come to my next party.all
local brokers will be there, I know you are interested in
Me : yeah let me know but listen
PKJ : its just a small get of my colleagues is
looking for a job see if you can help

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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

Me : sending up a prayer for HH ( hippo hiralals soul..n

mine when I tell him this).sure let me see ..but
PKJ: yaar I am entertaining a small group this timenext
time we can meet at the club for drinks .
ME : ok , I dont drink n I need some info
PKJ:( by this time looking at me as though I was crazy )
not anything.bacazee is not alcohol
Me: NO(screaming) n I need to speak to you about krmps
PKJ: yaar this guy I am dating an me plan to set up a
business with min capital .any suggestions.
Me: dripping sarcasm.listen I sincerely apologise for
barging in but could pl let me know whether you know
PKJ: who?
Me: almost ready to give up the ghost an become the
ghost who walks.describe in great detail the voice over
PKJ: after 30 min of curious listening to be used to gossip
laterlooks like someone is being clever

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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

ME: ready to strangle her start sputteringCLEVER

what is clever about being nasty mean and slander. If it is
such a positive thing for you then when you have children
with your current or next or whoever would you want them
to be clever like this
Its like saying pickpockets and robbers and frauds are
clever because they manage to fool .even that takes a
high level of skill an practise.but that doesnt make it
PKJ: did she steal something
ME: speechless for awhile..yeah a couple of small things
like my n my family reputation, my peace of mind , not to
mention the joy that I used to feel about most things in
life.loose change really
PKJ: I have never heard of herI keep travelling.yaar ek
do peg laga le saab theek ho jayega
ME: slammed the door in face and hope it shatters
Why do I even bothermaybe because I have hit the self
actualisation decade when principles and standing up for

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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

your beliefs n making a difference means more than being

popular..n besides I have always have that I dont give a
damn attitude.n that isnt gonna change not now
anyways.n anyways different strokes for different
folks.who am I to critize.

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read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

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