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1 A. It, willcont,inue to be this address'

z O. My next quesLion is: Are you a college
3 graduat e ?
4 A. I'm a gra.duate f rom the University of
5 Florida.
6 O. My next question is: WhaL part, if do1r,
7 did you take in the I9g5 University of Florida
B student governmenL election?
9 A. During the sPring of 1995 for the
t_0 Unj-versity of Fl-orida student government elections
lr I was one of the representaLives of the UniversiLy
1-2 of Florida chapter of the Alpha DelLa Pi sororj-ty
13 for the Focus ParLY.
t4 O. My next question is: What was the
15 relat.ionship of the Focus Party and Florida Blue
J_b Key in t,hat election?
t7 A. To t.he best of my observaLions of who
1B was involved in the Focus Party and my personal
,', 1,9 knowledge. about student politics at the university
of Florida campus, that. the Focus Party was very

ZI closely tied to Florida Blue KeY-

zz O. My next question is: What knowledge did
23 you have of 'John McGovern at that time?
24 A. At. that time I was personalJ-y acquainled
25 with ,fohn McGovern, who I believe to be a party in


P.O. BOX 4589 . OVERLAND PARK, KS 66204

SHAWNEE MISSION, KS (913) 262-0100 ' KA|{SAS CITY, MO (816) 421 -6052


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