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American Headway 4

Unit 2 Been There Done That!

Vocabulary List (Fall 2013)
Explorers and Travelers
(pp.12 & 121)
1. set off to begin a journey
2. route a way that you follow to get from one place to another
3. territory land that is under the control of a particular country or
4. extensively great in amount
5. range (n.) a line or group of mountains or hills
6. fortune a large amount of money
7. summit (n.) the highest point of sth, especially the top of a
8. diarrhea having three or more loose or liquid stools per day, or
as having more stools than is normal for that person
9. pickpocket (v.) a person who steals money, etc. from other
peoples pockets, especially in crowded places
10. mug (v.) to attack sb violently in order to steal their money,
especially in a public place
11. afford have enough money to pay for
12. occasional happening or done sometimes but not often
13. publishing (n.) the profession or business of preparing and
printing books, magazines, CD-ROMS, etc. And selling or making
them available to the public
14. decade a period of ten years, especially a period such as
1910-1919 or 1990-1999
15. employ to give sb a job to do for payment
16. headquarters a place from which an organization or a military
operation is controlled; th people who work there
17. overland (adv.) across the land; by land; not by sea or by air
18. off and on from time to time; now and again
19. remote far away from places where other people live
20. shares [company] (n. pl.) any of the units or equal value into
which a company is divided and sold to raise money. People who
own shares receive part of the companys profits
21. paradise a perfect place for a particular activity or kind of
22. boom (inf.) (n.) a sudden increase in trade and economic
activity; a period of wealth and success
23. cash in on (v. phr.) to gain an advantage for yourself from a
situation, especially in a way that other people think is wrong or
24. national (n.) a citizen of a particular country
25. idyllic peaceful and beautiful; perfect, without problems
26. vital necessary or essential in order for sth to succeed or exist

27. per capita for each person

28. inhabitant a person or an animal that lives in a particular place
29. convince to make sb/yourself believe that is ture
30. ration (v.) to limit the amount of sth that sb is allowed to have,
especially because there is not enough of it available
31. worsen to become or make sth worse than it was before
32. evict (v.) to force sb to leave a house or land, especially when
you have the legal right to do so
33. demolish (v.) to pull or knock a building
34. intention what you intend or plan to do; your aim
35. venture (n.) [business] a business project or activity,
especially one that involves taking risks
36. exotic from or in another country, especially a tropical one;
seeming exciting and usually because it is connected with foreign
37. resort (n.) [vacation] a place where a lot of people go on
38. relentless not stopping or getting less strong
39. charity an organization for helping people in need
40. campaign (v.) to take part in or lead a campaign, for example
to achieve political change or in order to win an election
41. approach (n.) a way of dealing with sb/sth; a way of doing or
thinking about sth such as a problem or a think
42. consume (v.) to use sth, especially fuel, energy or time
43. revenue the money that a government receive from taxes or
that an organization, etc. receives from its business
44. lowend at a cheaper end of a range of similar products
45. coop up (v. phr.) to keep a person or an animal inside a
building or in a small place
46. compound (n.) [building] an area surrounding by a fence or
wall in which a factory or other group of building stands
47. prime of first importance; main
48. gridlocka situation in which there are so many cars in the
streets of a town that the traffic cannot move at all
49. boost (v.) to make sth increase, or become better or more
50. charge (v.) to ask an amounted money for goods or service
51. admission [cost] the amount of money that you pay to go into
a building or to an event
52. destined (adj.) having a future which has been decided or
planned at an earlier time, especially by FATE
53. impact (n.) the powerful effect that sth is on sb/sth
54. concern (n.) a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by
many people
55. hindsightthe understanding that you have a situation only
after it has happened and that means you would have done things

in a different way
56. assets (n. pl.) a thing of value, especially property, that a
person or company owns, which can be used or sold to pay debts
57. exploit (v.) to treat a person or situation as an opportunity to
gain an advantage for yourself
58. safaria journey ; a period of time spent travelling on when you
are not home or work
59. eeriestrange, mysterious and frightening
60. shimmeringshimmer(v.)shine with a soft, slightly wavering
light (as adjective shimmering)
61. ridgea narrow area of high land along the top of a line of hills;
a high pointed area near the top of a mountain
62. buzzing (adj.) buzz(n.) make a low, continuous humming
sound (often as noun buzzing)
63. awe (n.) feelings of respect and slight fear; feelings of being
very impressed by sth/sb
64. invadeto enter a country, town, etc. using military force in
order to take control of it
65. civilizationall the people in the world and the societies they
live in, considered as a whole
66. do away withto stop or having sth; to make sth end
67. do without sth. to manage without sb/sth
68. could do with sth. used to say that you need or would like to
have sth
69. do sth. overto do sth again
70. make (sth.) of sth. to understand the meaning or character of
71. make off with sth. to steal sth and hurry away with it
72. make sth. upto invent a story etc., especially in order to trick
or entertain sb
73. make up for sth. to do that corrects a bad situation
74. (be) opposed to (v. phr.) disagreeing strongly with sth and
trying to stop it
75. profit (n.) the money that you make in business or by selling
things, especially after paying the costs involved
76. presumablyused to say that you think that sth is probably true
77. chorea task that you do regularly
78. trek (v.) a long, hard walk lasting several days or weeks,
especially in the mountains
79. constantlyall the time; repeatedly
80. hecticvery busy; full of activity
81. exhaustingmaking you feel very tired
82. value (v.) to decide that sth is worth a particular amount of
83. hang out (inf.) (v. phr.) to spend a lot of time in a place
84. privileged (adj.) having special rights or advantages that most

people do not have

85. pros and cons
86. advocate (v.) to support sth publicly
87. (be) due (adj.) caused by sb/sth; because of sb/sth
88. triplet (n.) one of three children born at the same time to the
same mother

American Headway 4
Unit 3 What a Story!
Vocabulary List (Fall 2013)
1. chronological following the order in which they occurred
2. burglar a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal
3. smash (v.)/(n.) (v.) violently break (something) into pieces
(n.) an act or sound of something smashing
4. suspiciouslyin a way that makes people think sth wrong, illegal
or dishonest is happening
5. robberythe action of robbing a person or place
6. plunge (n.)/(v.)(v.) to decrease suddenly an quickly
(n.) an act of jumping or diving into water
7. manage to do sth.
8. dare (n.)a challenge, especially to prove courage
9. bet (v.)risk a sum of money or valued item against someone
elses on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as
a race or game
10. rescue (n.)/(v.)(n.) an act of saving or being saved from danger

or difficulty
(v.) save (someone) from a dangerous or difficult situation
11. nerda foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or
is boringly studious
12. hack into (v. phr.)to secretly find a way of looking at and/or
changing information on sb elses computer system without
13. tow awayan act of a car being officially removed from a place
where it has been illegally left
14. (go) bust(of a person or business)failed because of a lack of
15. beggara person, typically a homeless one, who lives by asking
for money or food
16. avalanchea mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a
17. collapse (v.)to fall down or fall in suddenly, often after
breaking apart
18. fatallycausing death
19. alert (v.)warn (someone) of a danger or problem
20. shed (n.)a simple roofed structure used for garden storage, to
shelter animals, or as a workshop
21. bar (v.)to close sth with a bar or bars
22. fashionablecharacteristic of, influenced by, or representing a
current popular style
23. dress codea set of rules, usually written and posted, specifying
the required manner of dress at a school, office, club, restaurant,
24. attempt (n.)an act of trying to do sth, especially wth difficult,
often with no success
25. capturetake into ones possession or control by force
26. scale downreduce the number, size or extent of sth
27. thrillera novel, play, or film with an exciting plot, typically
involving crime or espionage
28. suspense (n.)a state or feeling of excited or anxious
uncertainty about what may happen
29. spinechilling(of a story or film) inspiring terror and excitement
30. pageturnera book that is very exciting
31. pound (v.)to beat quickly and loudly
32. prompt (adj.)acting without delay; arriving at the right time
33. suicide (n.)the action of killing oneself intentionally
34. episodean event, a situation, or a period of time in sbs life, a
novel, etc. that is important or interesting in some way
35. glimpse (n.)/(v.)a look at sb/ sth for a very short time, when
you do not see the person or thing completely
36. exposereveal the true, objectionable nature of (someone or

37. twist (v.)/(n.)(v.) form into a bent, curling, or distorted shape

(n.) a thing with a spiral shape
38. hauntingbeautiful, sad or frightening in a way that cannot be
39. witness (v.)see (an event, typically a crime or accident)
40. gadget (n.)a small mechanical device or tool that does sth
41. hardnosedrealistic and determined; tough-minded
42. clash (v.)meet and come into violent conflict
43. intensevery great; very strong
44. corruptiondishonest or illegal behavior, especially of people in
45. unbearablynot able to be endured or tolerated
46. tense (adj.)unable to relax because of nervousness, anxiety, or
47. claustrophobicthe fear of having no escape and being closed
in small spaces or rooms
48. compellingthat makes you pay attention to it because it is so
interesting and exciting
49. gaze (n.)a steady intent look
50. descend (v.)to come or go down from a hugher to a lower level
51. vanishto disappear suddenly and/ or in a way that you cannot
52. precautionsomething that is done in advance in order to
prevent problems or to avoid danger
53. deserted (adj.)empty of people
54. clutch (v.)to hold sb/sth tightly
55. desperatelyfeeling or showing that you have little hope and
are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself
or others
56. ultimatehappening at the end of a long process
57. gossip (n.)the act of forming opinions about what has
happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts
58. speculationthe forming of a theory or conjecture without firm
59. wear offto gradually disappear or stop
60. tenanta person who occupies land or property rented from a
61. acutepresent or experienced to a severe or intense degree
62. tranquilquiet and peaceful
63. deeds (n. pl.)a legal document that is signed and delivered,
especially one regarding the ownership of property or legal rights
64. conveneto arrange for people to come together for a formal
65. retreat (v.)to move away or back

66. pensivelythinking deeply about sth, especially because you

are sad or worried
67. profound (adj.)very great; felf or experienced very strongly
68. bizarrevery strange or unusual
69. jammed (inf.) (adj.)not able to move
70. jigsaw puzzlea puzzle consisting of a picture printed on
cardboard or wood and cut into various pieces of different shapes
that have to be fitted together
71. serial numbera number put on a product, such as a camera,
television, etc. in order to identify it
72. smash hit (n.)a song, film/movie or play that is very popular
73. broke (adj.)having completely run out of money

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