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Cinthia : Hello. Can I help you?

Soledad : Hi, I am at this conference. but I am early.

Cinthia : Yes, You are the first! That is ok. What is your name?
Soledad : Mi name is soledad Canaza.
Cinthia : Hi soledad, My name is Cinthia, I am the conference manager. It is about using
animals for transport and sports.
Soledad : Nice too meet you Cinthia, I am here, because I would like to hear the
Cinthia: Excellent! Before starting the conference
about using animals for transport and sports.

Id like to ask you a few questions

Soledad : Ok. Go ahead.

Cinthia: In Asian there is traditional style on the back of elephants. In northern state of the
USA, many people prefer travel by dog sledge. What animals do you use for
transportation in your country?
Soledad : There are a lot. Species include horses, donkeys , Mules or llamas, they are
domestic animals used by the peoples of the Andes Mountains. For example Llamas
contribute much more than transportation to the human communities in which they
Cinthia: Elephants are as heavy as cars, but they arent as fast. horses are as light as modern
machinery. Its more natural and cleaner to use animals for work and transportation
tan engines. We should use them more. What is your opinion?
Soledad : I dont think its as bad as the modern transportation, because modern
Transportation means a major use of energy and burns most of the world's
petroleum. This creates air pollution.
Cinthia: We still need animals for certain kinds of work. What do you think?
Soledad : Of course, It however also has the disadvantage that the animal needs to carry the
full weight of the person and needs more effort to transport the person.
Cinthia: Not only we use animals for work and transport , also for sports. What sports do
you have in Peru with animals?
Soledad : Bullfighting was and continue to be a tradition and it is best enjoyed at Plaza de
Acho, the oldest bullring in the Americas. there are also demonstrations of
steppping horses.
Cinthia: Its wrong to use animals like horses and dog in sports. Do you agree or desagree?

Soledad : I think that we shouldn't use animals for entertainment or sports because animals
can feel, fear, and pain like us. Animals cant choose if they want to take part or not,
especially in a sport like horse racing, where the horses fall over when trying to
jump a hurdle.
Cinthia: What do you do exactly?
Soledad : I am a veterinary, and I had the opportunity to come here for work. When I was
getting my work visa I had some free time and decided to volunteer with an animal
rescue home.
Cinthia: That good. I am from Piura, My friends have a shelter for abandoned dogs in
Piura. I was a volunteer of that shelter.
Soledad: Oh Great! Would you like to belong to the group of volunteer where I work?
Cinthia: Yes, of course!
Soledad : well, this is the information about our group.
Cinthia : Ok, we continue. Modern transport is much better. There isnt a reason to use
animals. What is your opinin?
Soledad : They are still appropriate in some specific contexts for example: Where other
options are limited and the animal is necesary for other reasons, where there arent
roads for motor vehicles.
Cinthia: That is all. I have to start the conference. Nice talking to you.
Soledad : Met too. So Can we meet tomorrow? I have a lot of information about the
volunteer group. are you interested?
Cinthia : Yes!

meet outside Ekeko Restaurant at 8 pm, OK?

Soledad : Ok Cinthia, that is great. See you at 8.

Cinthia: See you later.
Soledad: Bye .

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