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Entry raw

1. Refrigeration Tank
*Temperature control
2. Pothole
*Turn up the heat, also serves with homogenization
3. Pasteurizer
*Pasteurize milk
4. Table work
5. Cleaning Trolley
* Clean
6. Icubation area
*Maintain and grow up culture

The pasteurizer is a machine whose function is to ensure that the food that is introduced this free of bacteria through
heating them to high temperatures, making retain their properties and characteristics such as nutritional
value and original flavor.

Refrigeration tank
This tank performs the function of effective cooling and cleaning exhaustive for better
quality milk.

Isothermal tank car

The isothermal tank allows transport milk in good condition from the milking farms until the site in that the
milk is processed.

The pothole is a container of the family of the pots that has a cover to take advantage of the
steam through from cooking.

Work table
Putting the various utensils and among other functions.

This equipment is used to keep milk at a right temperature for that microorganism
reproduce effectively and get in yogurt.

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