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The Niobrara-Verdel Presbyterian Church session met on June 7, 2016 in the fellowship hall of the church.

Members present: Ken Farnik, Doug Hrbek, Barb Farrar, Perry DeKay and Mona Weatherwax. Absent: Rick
Pastor Martha Atkins opened the meeting with prayer; followed by the call to order at 7:05 p.m. A motion was
made by Doug Hrbek, seconded by Barb Farrar to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2016 regular session
meeting, the May 12th parish meeting and the May 15th congregational meeting. Motion carried. The
treasurers report was approved and placed on file.
Pastors Report: Long-time member and elder, Ella Mae Shaneks funeral was held May 29th. The first
newsletter by email was a success. We will continue to gather email addresses. Pastor along with Mark and Pat
Simpson showed the church in Verdel to Donovan Schmidt of Crofton. Vacation Bible School was enjoyed by 45
children. The children raised $700 for Arlene Liskas smile. She shared information about her adventures as a
thank you to the children.
Clerks Report: We received compliments for our hospitality when we hosted Presbytery on May 19th. We
served 89 people that day, including children and workers. We will be compensated for those who registered
for the day. The financial agreement has been signed by Wilton Johnson, President of the PAT; Jim Scott,
Council President of Niobrara Lutheran and myself to begin the renovations for the parsonage following the
congregational vote on May 15.
Session Business:
Old Business: A discussion was held about options for a new nativity set to be purchased with memorial funds
in honor of Inez Cooley. A kid-friendly option is the priority. The Christmas tree will be moved to the fellowship
hall and also become more kid-friendly. Barb Farrar contacted Powers Furniture of Avon, SD about the fuzz
along the carpet seams. It is normal for a new carpet. Doug Hrbek talked with Rick Kuchar about the basement
light coming on after the emergency light has been activated. To remedy the problem would require taking out
drywall to follow the wires, since this portion was redone when it was moved from the old town site. The
session felt this was not feasible at this time. The outdoor lighting issues have also been addressed. The duskto-dawn light by the front door and the light on the church sign are now functioning correctly. Doug Hrbek will
contact Kuchar Electric about a separate switchbox being placed by the back door, so that the outside light can
be turned on without the hall and basement light also being turned on. The dirt work to level the parking lot has
made access between lots easier. Another load of gravel will be added. A thank you will be sent to Mark
Simpson for his donations to this project and the sidewalk. A motion was made by Mona Weatherwax,
seconded by Perry DeKay to give $200 to the VBS fund.
New Business: The session voted to accept the offer of $3000 for the Verdel church and the lots it sits on. It will
be sold as is. Fixtures not included are the bell, four pews, the PA system, the refrigerator, a receiving table and
a mirror. We will follow our attorneys advice about the payment of the Title insurance and closing costs.
Pastor shared information about One Room Sunday School for the fall. It would require four teachers each to
take one Sunday a month. She will share information with the Lutheran Council as well. A celebration of the
first year of Faiths United and a kick-off to summer activities will be July 10th, including kids activities, a BBQ
potluck and ice cream. Presently the Lutherans are sharing the use of our copier and will be sharing provision of
the paper and ink. The newsletter is going to become quarterly with the calendar being monthly. There will
possibly be another meeting about the parsonage on June 23rd as needed.
The meeting closed with the Lord s Prayer at 8:50 p.m. Our next meeting will be July 14th.
Mona Weatherwax
Clerk of Session

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