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Sattlers Math Class

Seven things that students

want to know when walking
into the classroom:
1. Am I in the right room? - You can provide hall guides, signs, and a welcome
message. Stand at the door to help those that need help. Write your name on
the board and have a sign outside the classroom. Check every registration
card to make sure they are in the correct class.
2. Where am I supposed to sit? - I would offer assigned seating. This is to make
it where students wont feel bad if someone doesnt sit next to them.
3. What are the rules in the classroom? - Have a hard copy of the discipline plan
ready to explain. Every student gets a copy, and one should be sent home, a
large copy goes on the classroom wall, and extra copies are made available
as new students enter later in the year.
4. What will I be doing this year? - Have many procedures. Spend first two
weeks going over the procedures.
5. How will I be graded? - Do not use curve. Students earn grades based on
mastery of the learning criteria. Explain when you give first assignment.
6. Who is the teacher as a person? -Have a personality bulletin board. This will
have a section about yourself so that students can learn more about your
likes, family, and work.
7. Will the teacher treat me as a human being? - I have seven seconds to create
the perception that I care. It starts with:
a. How you treat yourself with respect, dignity, and love,
b. How you greet your students at the door,
c. How you dree,
d. What signs are posted in your classroom,
e. The message on the chalkboard,
f. The obviousness that you are organized and ready,
g. That you are in control of the learning environment for the classroom

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