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2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR

Dear Scholars and Parents,
Welcome to sixth grade and welcome to middle school! I am looking forward to sharing the next
school year with each of you. I have very high expectations for all of my students and expect
everyone to do their best every day. It is essential that all students come to class regularly,
display appropriate behaviors, be attentive, and complete all class work and homework as
The information below is intended to inform you of the Social Studies curriculum, procedures,
and expectations of our class this year.
The sixth grade Social Studies curriculum is based on the Social Studies Common Core
Standards and current literacy standards. These standards will guide ALL of our classroom
instruction and activities. We will be exploring the following topics:
1. the origins of early humans
2. Mesopotamia
3. Egypt
4. India
5. China
6. Israel
7. Greece
8. Rome
All scholars will learn to look at the world from a holistic perspective.
All scholars will act as an informed world citizens in their daily interactions.
Scholars will maintain an 85% or higher on their weekly assessments
Classroom behavior is directly linked to academic success! This year will be fast paced so
disruptive classroom behaviors will result in the GCS progressive discipline.
C Courteous: scholars are expected to be polite in all of their classroom interactions.
A Always Prepared: Scholars will be prepared for class everyday. This means they come to
class with their materials and completed work.
R Respect and Responsibility: Respecting the learning environment is a primary goal for all
scholars. Scholars are expected to listen and follow directions the first time they are given.

Scholars are expected to respect the teacher, classmates, themselves, and PCAMS. Scholars are
responsible for their actions and education.
E Engage With Effort: Scholars will engage in every class lesson. Everyone should give
100% of their effort when in class and when completing assignments.
Do Now:
Each day, upon entering the classroom, scholars will have 5 minutes to complete a Do Now
activity. Projected on the board, this Do Now should be completed on scholar computers.
Scholars without access to a computer will complete assignments on clean notebook paper,
correctly head the paper, and then place it in the class try. A Do Now serves to engage scholars
in the days lesson with 1-3 questions about Social Studies content. Questions will be reviewed
in class directly following the Do Now.
Exit Tickets: Exit tickets will be given everyday. Similar to the Do Now, Exit Tickets are 1-3
questions that will are projected on the board at the end of each lesson. Exit Tickets are used to
determine mastery of the standard taught class. Exit Tickets are to be completed in Schoology
unless otherwise stated.
Extra Credit:
Current events on one of the following locations may be completed: Iraq, Syria, Egypt, India,
China, Greece, Italy. In order to complete a current event, scholars must access any news outlet
(CNN, MSNBC, etc) and, on a sheet of paper, identify Who the article is about, What is going
on in the article, When the event took place, Where the event to place, and Why the event is
important. Scholars may complete ONE extra credit assignment per week. Extra credit
completion and accuracy will result in 10% added to a current assessment grade.
Each day, a list of activities and assignments for Social Studies will be posted on the left-hand
side of the board for students to copy into their agenda. This is an excellent way for parents to
keep in touch with what is going on in the classroom on a daily basis. Scholars will be expected
to carry their agenda home each day to share with parents. Please check your childs planner
regularly to follow-up on this procedure.
Classwork and Homework:
Homework may be assigned Mondays and Wednesdays. Even if written assignments are not
given, scholars are always encouraged to review class notes for at least 10-15 minutes a day.
Social Studies assessments may be given on Tuesdays. Please encourage your scholar to study
for these weekly assessments.
Grading Scale:
[100 - 93 = A] [92 - 85 = B] [84 76 = C] [75 70 = D] [69 and below = F]

Homework [10%]: may be given on Mondays and/or Wednesdays. Scholars will use class notes
and online resources to complete. Scholars are to come to class with homework completed and
reviewed by a parent prior to turning it in.
Assessments [40%]: may be given on Tuesdays. Scholars are to study Cornell notes for 15
minutes every night in order to prepare for assessments.
Classwork [25%]: Work given in class should be completed during the class period. Scholars are
given work that they are capable of completing during the class day.
Participation [5%]: Scholars may be given a participation grade for Do Nows, Exit Tickets, and
class engagement.
Projects [20%]: Information for all projects will be explicitly explained in class. All scholars
will receive a hard copy of instructions and are encouraged to ask any questions.
Make-Up Work:
The assignments for each day will be posted in a Absent. If a scholar is absent from school,
it is his/her responsibility to check the folders and retrieve any missing assignments. Per
PCAMS policy, scholars must turn in make-up work within 3 days of returning back to school.
Failure to complete assignments will result in a failing grade.
Missing Work
Any work that is assigned in Social Studies is due on the due date. If a scholar is present when
an assignment is given but fail to turn the assignment in on the due date then there will be late
points deducted from the assignment grade. Scholars who are absent on the due date will not be
penalized if work is submitted upon return to school. Late work will result in a reduction of 10
points for everyday the work is late. All work is to be turned in within 3 days of assignment or
will receive a grade of ZERO.
Binder w/ Social Studies folder
College ruled paper
Pencils or Pens
Materials must be brought to class everyday. Missing materials will result in a reduction in
the weekly participation grade.
Scholars and parents, please feel free to ask questions if you have any concerns. I am here to
help you have a successful sixth grade year. Scholar, remember that YOU must also put effort
into this process to make it successful. Please feel free to call the school or e-mail me as needed.
I will respond to calls and e-mails as quickly as possible. All emails will receive a response
within 48 hours per PCAMS policy. My email address is:
Ms. Goetzendanner (Ms. G)

I have read and acknowledge the classroom expectations for myself in 6th grade Social Studies.
Sign:___________________________________ Date _________________________________
I have read and acknowledge the classroom expectations for my scholar in 6th grade Social
Sign: ___________________________________ Date _________________________________

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