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Improving your communication skills and confidence in English

The Splendid Speaking Course

Volume 2 Unit 4: Captivate Your Audience

Unit 4: Cultural Attractions

Task: Role Play (3-4 minutes)
Topic vocabulary
To have a tight budget
Target audience
To cater for a younger
To appeal to a/an (younger)
To attract visitors
To win people over
To get more people through
the door
To generate income
A wide range of facilities
Persuasive language
a) Use three adjectives
She was influential, modest
and an exceptional human
He was talented, insightful
and ahead of his time.
b) Use intensifying adverbs:
He was a truly remarkable
She was a really wonderful
Im absolutely certain youll
agree that

1. Introduction: Your local museum is failing to attract sufficient teenagers

and has asked you for help. With a partner discuss the following:

How can a local museum attract younger visitors?

What services or attractions could be offered to
interest younger people?
2. Planning: Spend a minute or two making notes on ideas you have for
making the museum a popular destination for young people.

3. Task Focus: A powerful way to make a point or express a view in a

situation like this is to personalise the point you are trying to make by
using an anecdote. Expressing your ideas or views with examples of
personal experience will make your point meaningful to you and
interesting for the listeners.
Can you think of any situations when youve thoroughly enjoyed a visit to
a museum, gallery or similar public building? What was it about the
experience that made it so enjoyable? Use this short anecdote to help
make your point.

4. Language: Tick the language on the left you want to use.

Task: Presentation (2-3 minutes)

Youve been asked to give a presentation to a group organising a cultural
festival, outlining an iconic figure from the present or past that best
represents your country. Choose from the following areas:

Listen to Raluca and

G e n e vi e v e t a l k i n g o n a
similar subject. See the
N o ve m b e r a r c h i v e s
( I n t e r vi e w 4 ) a t :
s p l e n d i d- s p e a k i n g . c o m

Film stars
Public figures

Carry out a little research about your chosen person and present your
opinion, making sure you include persuasive language (see left) to help make
a strong case for your icon! If it helps try organising your talk around the
following three points:

The person youve chosen and what theyre noted for.

Their cultural significance in your country.
Why this figure means so much to you personally.

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