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Cell Phone Procedures

Phones will be taken up each morning and returned to

students at dismissal.
For students who refuse to hand over a phone at the entrance, the
first recourse is to get the student make the necessary uniform
corrections. If the student makes the correction willingly, he/she
can carry on and report to class as usual.
If student still refuses to turn in the phone,
1st time spend the day in Supervised Study plus overnight.
2nd time spend the day in Supervised Study plus 1 day of OSS
3rd time spend the day in Supervised Study plus 3 days OSS
4th time spend the day in Supervised Study plus 5 days OSS
5th time spend the day in Supervised Study plus 10 days OSS
6th time spend the day in Supervised Study plus Expulsion

If phone is seen or heard during the school day, this means the
student knowingly and willingly did not submit their phone at the
entrance. Therefore, is considered refusal to submit the phone.
The teacher should buzz the office and ask for a hall
monitor to escort the student to Supervised Study.
The aforementioned progressive discipline steps should
be followed.
1st time spend the day in Supervised Study plus overnight.
2nd time spend the day in Supervised Study plus 1 day of OSS
3rd time spend the day in Supervised Study plus 3 days OSS
4th time spend the day in Supervised Study plus 5 days OSS
5th time spend the day in Supervised Study plus 10 days OSS

6th time spend the day in Supervised Study plus Expulsion

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