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Effect of the Moon in various HOUSES

Moon is a very important planet in Vedic astrology. It is one of the three ascendants in Vedic
astrology. If the Moon is well placed in the birth chart then it brings good results both in personal and
professional life. The person with a well placed Moon would have a perfect work-life balance. The
person would have good environment at home, good peace of mind, and good favor of luck. The
person will be having good level of creativity.
On the other hand, if Moon is not well placed, it creates problems in case of mental peace, harmony
at home, gives quarrelsome nature and problems in case of fortune. The person may get wealth due to
other well placed planets but he would not be able to feel the pleasure of life.

Moon is known as our luck/destiny. This is one of the sensitive planets. This is the only planet
which can give silver spoon. Moon represents the mind, emotions, sensitivity, the mother, house
and domestic comforts, milk, sea and all things connected with the sea, hotel and food industry,
textiles and apparels. The moon is the fastest moving of the 9 planets and takes approximately 21/2 days to travel a sign.
Where the Moon is placed in ones horoscope has a very significant impact on ones life. Here in
this section, I am presenting the results of placement of Moon or Chandra in all the 12 houses of the
horoscope or the birth chart
The following are the results of Moon placed in the 12 houses from Ascendant (Lagna).
Moon through houses in Astrology

1. Moon in the 1st house1. A person with a first house Moon is usually a very sensitive, soft hearted person. His face would
be round and attractive.
2. If moon is in strong sign, in first house, then this can give very early success in every phase of life
without delay. This moon gives very good relation with mother; such a person is also very attached to
his mother.
3. This position however makes a person think very logically and practically mean not emotionally.
There is often a powerful hunger for personal expression, and there is great sensitivity to the people
around them. Such a person is also imaginative and has a great intuition.

4. Moon symbolizes beauty. Its placement in the ascendant makes the person very handsome in

5. Moon is always waning and waxing and represents mind. The mind of the native will therefore
be somewhat unsteady.
6. Moon is a watery planet. The native will therefore like watery places.
7. He will be soft spoken, will be of strong body but not intelligent.
8.In the first house moon makes a person a loaner like the 12th house. This position however
makes a person think very logically and practically. Every move is calculated.
9.Moon in the first house makes a person a restless, but a good business mind. But usually ruins
the relationship with mother if in the enemy sign.
10.Moon in the ascendant usually shows a person who was nurtured by their mother and have
taken on the identity of the mother and her values upon themselves and their personality.
11. The native is very sensitive, religious, emotional, imaginative and willing to help others all
throughout life.
12. The native would also have feminine qualities, but Moon is the planet where the sign
placement will determine its true nature for ex: Virgo moon very intelligent and diplomatic,
Pisces moon very emotional, Moon in Aries would make the native very impulsive, aggressive
and anger in nature. Their emotions would always be on the edge. Moon in Libra will be
someone high on life, soft, gentle, creative and balanced in mind and nature.
13. In Libra and Pisces in the Ascendant will also be good because she will be in the ascendant as
lord of the 9th, the 10th and the 5th respectively.
14. A person with a first house Moon is empathetic and understanding. Such a person can also be
protective, needy and emotional. He can appear moody, unstable, and overly dependent on others.
15. Those with Moon in the 1st house respond with powerful sensitivity to the environment, and they
are influenced by feelings, emotions, and instincts.
16. A person with a first house Moon will be treated as an elder brother by the other members of his
family. Such a person will keep rising and prospering in life as long as he keeps his mother happy
and loves her.

17. A person with a first house Moon will always be blessed by his mother. Such a person will be
easily harmed by his wifes sister and the green color. Hence, it is advised that a person with a first
house Moon should stay away from these.
18. A person with a first house Moon should never burn milk. He should also not sell milk for profit
as this would decrease the power of the first house Moon. If such a person engages himself in such
activities, his life and property will be harmed in one way or another.
19. A person with a first house Moon should serve others with water and milk freely for long life and
all round prosperity.
20. A person with a first house Moon usually has a long life.

21. Because of your emotional sensitivity, you might often take things too personally, and react
too quickly. Developing awareness that others' emotions are just as important, even if they are
not as overt and immediate as yours, will be important.
22. You have a soft exterior and tend to relate very personally and sympathetically to other
23. However, you sometimes let your emotions overpower your reasoning and logic, and
consequently you are sometimes biased in your opinions.
24. You are impressionable and rather gentle, or at least that is the way you appear. Your feelings
are on the surface and you cannot hide your emotions.

2. Moon in the 2nd house1. Moon is also significator of face. The Moon in the first as well as in the second house gives
the native a handsome appearance.
2. If a benefic Moon in the second (preferably in Aries, Taurus or Cancer) will help the native to
achieve in his young age a distinct professional achievement by the favors of the Government.
3. The second house is house of wealth (Dhanabhava) and educational achievements also fall
within the sphere of the second house. If the Moon in the second house is under benefic
influence, or if there is a full Moon alone in the second house, he will be highly educated and
wealthy. In this connection it should be noted that full Moon is rated as a first class benefic.
4. Here Moon can cause the native to always have ups & downs in their savings by being over
spenders. Such people would also be interested in occult and astrology because Moon's aspect on
the 8th house. When it comes to money, you can be generous and frivolous in your spending
habits one day and frugal the next.

5. You can be quite afraid of being in debt, and need to feel that the bills are paid in order to feel
secure and safe.
6. Moon in the second house is not so good placement for moon, since it gives lots of wasteful
spending habits to a person.
7. The mind will always be involved with family, family history, speech and wealth.
8. This placement of moon generally relies on family wealth. But they definitely blessed with
sweet voice, soft spoken.
9.The native would be close to their family and family assets and would be very much about
raising a family.
10.Such people are soft spoken, emotional regarding their family's well being and usually make
good restaurant owners or family business owners.
11. The mother of the native would be a house wife. There is an also great need to support from
family before and after marriage.
12. This moon also can give depressive nature if afflicted. And difficulties in martial life or
conjugal path of life.
13. This is likely also true of savings, as you fear being without. Still, there are times when you
can spend impulsively, on a whim, and this is likely when you are feeling emotionally frustrated.
14. You might also hold onto people quite tightly. Vanity can be an issue. You are often looking
for admiration, and you can be quite dependent on others for positive feedback until you learn to
develop your own feelings of self-worth.
15. Youre not as emotionally responsive as most people. You tend to hold back and wait before
expressing yourself, and when you do it is with deliberation.
16. You are likely to be a great collector of things ,your belongings give you a sense of security
and continuity with the past, which is important to you.
17. Antiques or things with sentimental value from your past are especially dear to you.
18.You may also cling rather tightly to both money and possessions, keeping them "in the
family" rather than sharing freely with those outside of your immediate circle.

3. Moon in the 3rd house1. The placement of the Moon in the third house is not favorable in the matter of finance as
Moon, the natural 4th house lord will be going to the 12 from the 4th.
2. Backbiting nature because of above as 3rd is the house of communication.
3. 3rd is connected with joints & watery planet moon can cause rheumatic troubles
4. The signification brothers and sisters are not damaged by the presence of the Moon in the third
house as the 2nd from the 3rd is coming to the 3rd.
5.Moon in the third house makes a person very witty, and clever. In this position the person has
good communicative ability.
6. Moons placement in this house is not good for mother. There may be a bit discomfort from the
mother or lack of nourishment from the mother ,Their relationship with the mother suffers since
this is originally the house ruled by Gemini Mercury, and Mercury is the enemy of Moon, but
Moon is neutral to Mercury.
7.This house gives love for media, writing, and journalism. The mind is always involved in
advertising, marketing, sales and working with hands. This also makes for a great sculpture and
8. A person can have a very spiritual mind, too. The mind would be greatly involved with
siblings, close neighbors and friends.
9. Moon in the third house makes a person very witty, and clever.
These people are build for sales and advertising because they are curious about others, and they
are curious about how to gather the crowd.
10. In this position the person has good communicative ability. This placement person can go for
communication line, writing, and journalism/media.
11. A person can have a very spiritual mind, too. This placement gives lady luck also.
You are very responsive, communicative, and curious. You can have a talent for imitating others
and/or for picking up languages.
12.You might intellectualize your emotions rather than truly feel them and deal with them, or you
communicate with excessive emotion.

13. Some of you may do both at different times, and as you mature and develop, you learn to find
a balance.
14. Your opinions and ideas change often, and you might find that sometimes you adopt others'
points of view and express their ideas as if they were your own. you are so very sensitive to
others' opinions.
15. You might be quite nervous and restless, requiring frequent changes of scenery, even if the
movement or travel takes place locally.
16. You often make decisions solely for emotional or personal reasons, because something "feels
right" or because you've always done it a certain way and you are uncomfortable changing it.
17. You have good psychological insight into others.

4. Moon in the 4th house1.Moon in the 4th house is one of the best positions for moon since this is the original house of
moon, and moon feels at home, and this is the house of home life and house of mother.
2. The mind is always thinking about issues related to the mother, home, land and property. They
are always trying to improve the condition of the home physically, emotionally, and
3. This placement of moon gives very good Married life.
4. This placement also impacts the career and the native might be a nurse or care taker.
5. This placement of moon helps in business of flower/cloth/sweets.
6. The Moon will cause the native to achieve king like status because from the 4th house, she
will be aspecting the 10th house but for this it must be essential for the Moon to be very strong
and beneficial. This can be possible when the Moon is full or is in Cancer or lord of the 5th
(Pisces Ascendant), 9th (Scorpio Ascendant) or 10th (Libra Ascendant). Other good results
ascribed to the Moon will accrue if the Moon is disposed as mentioned above.
7. Sometimes the mother will be sickly or the native will be brought up on the breast milk of
women other than the mother because Moon as the Karaka of the 4th house causes a dosha called
8. He will be over romantic by nature.

9. He will conduct business across the rivers or oceans as moon is a watery planet.
10.The home life of a person is blessed with moonshine, as the person has good and harmonious
relationship with the mother, father and siblings.
11. Moon in the 4th house is directly linked to the mother and home. The mind is always
thinking about issues related to the mother, home, land and property.
12.Mother would be a house wife, quite emotional and very much involved with her kids. The
teachings of the mother would have more or greater impact than academic teachings.
13.These folks always like having their home based business, working in nursing homes,
children and nursery school.
14.The mind feels balanced once they have the security of their own home like owning their own
land or house. This placement also impacts the career and the native might be a nurse or care
15. You might change residence frequently, or simply feel the need to make many changes in
your home.
16. Moving frequently may be a healthy thing if it keeps you emotionally stimulated, but if you
find that you do so on whims and later regret the changes, you might want to treat it as a
symptom of emotional unrest--as a sign that you are in a constant search for the perfect mood
and setting, when in fact a feeling of belonging should be worked on from the inside out, not the
outside in! Some of you might remain rather immature on an emotional level, never wanting to
truly grow up and take care of yourself.
17. You have strong attachments to your past, the place where you grew up, your heritage, and
family traditions.
18. In fact, you may be unable to step out of the habits and roles you learned as a child. Your tie
to your mother is very strong and you also seek mothering and protection from your spouse and
other family members as well.

5. Moon in the 5th house1. This position makes a person very artistic, gives talent in acting/films. Moon makes the native
very creative. This placement can show actor, comedian/media related.
2. This position can also give struggle in education if the moon is not strong, because moon is a
very sensitive planet, and being 5th house of Leo it feels hot and uncomfortable. But Moon
makes the native very creative especially in terms of acting, performing arts and being
emotionally involved with children.
3.This can show someone who is a child psychologist, actor, comedian and someone who
response to creativity with emotions.
4. This is good placement for easy gains.
5. This placement can give intelligent daughter.
6. This house is also house of romance and these types of persons are romantic and generally
successful in love matters.
7. This placement also shows good deeds from past life because having any benefic planet in the
5th house gives very good results in terms of wealth. But make sure Moon is waxing and not
waning. Waning moon is considered bad in astrology.
8.They can be great emotional romantic writers because 5th house is also the house of romance,
because romance involves being creative.
9.The mind is always occupied with entertainment, social and matter of children. 10.The mother
herself might have been a artist, or art teacher, took care of the native in all their extra curriculum
actives and was quite confident and proud woman.
11.During Moon's dasha the native would have sudden urge and emotional need to be creative,
have children and raise children.
12. Mantra Siddhi is one of the important significations of the 5th house. A beneficial Moon in
the 5th enables the native to get the blessings and pleasure of the female deities DEVI - by
sincere and devoted worship.
13. The wife will be beautiful because the Moon is a planet who symbolizes beauty and placed in

the 11th from the 7th. She will be quick tempered as the 5th is owned by Sun in the natural
14. Female planet Moon in 5th house, house of children, naturally gives more female issues than
15.Being ninth to the ninth house the 5th house is also a house of Dharma and Bhagya. This
house also signifies riches etc. Therefore with the beneficial influence of the Moon, the native
will become very prosperous in all respects Benefic influence of the Moon can therefore make
You love to share emotional experiences with loved ones and have a flair for the dramatic.
16. Love affairs are magnetic and intense, and you don't take them lightly by any means,
although you may go through much change with regard to your romances.
17. You are attached to children, whether they're your own or not. Your creative hobbies are
subject to relatively frequent changes, and you have innate artistic talent.
18. You have a vivid imagination and are given to daydreaming often.
19. There is a sense that you are always in touch, or trying to get in touch, with your inner child.
20. If the Moon is challenged, you may have problems with impulsive shopping or gambling, or
with frequent love affairs that never fully satisfy you. In any of these cases, you are more
attached to the game than the player, and this is something to work on if you are looking to find
true fulfillment.
21. You might take risks just for the fun of it, but in the process, you are being irresponsible to
others and to yourself.
22. You are emotionally expressive and often dramatize your feelings, acting them out or
blowing them out of proportion. You cannot hide your instinctive emotional reactions to people
or situations, and you don't make any pretenses about your personal sympathies or antipathies.
23. You have a childlike openness and playfulness which is very appealing to others, but which
sometimes gets you into trouble, as you take risks on impulse or whim.

6. Moon in the 6th house1.If moon is sitting alone in the 6th house without Jupiter or Venus, then relationship with the
mother is damaged, the person is used by co-workers, they are not given respect at the work
2. The person is also prone to depression and mind illnesses like schizophrenia and being bipolar, however the bi-polar problem usually comes when moon is sitting with Saturn and Mars,
or any malefic planet, where its being hemmed between them.
3.Sixth house is the original house of Virgo, which represents meditation and eating healthy,
usually people with such placement become doctors and nurses or alternative healers.
4.There is a great need of being critical, analytical and focused on details of all the tasks they
take at hand, but the problem here is the mind is constantly involved with obstacles and issues of
others and arrangement disagreements.
5.There would be great conflicts with the mother if Moon is a bad sign, the mother might
become the enemy psychologically due to her being the obstacle in obtaining mental balance.
6.Such folks also go through constant depression. Such people can also be suffering water
retention, heart and lack of sleep.
7.This also indicates someone who's mind likes to be involved in conflicts like a attorney, but for
that Moon has to be in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Capricorn.
8. Moon in 6th house gives emotional nature.
9. This placement gives disease prone body mainly environmental disease.
10. This placement can give less confidence but strong position in job. Enemies will be there but
not permanently.
11. Digestion system will be weak.
12. The Moon if posited in the sixth will lose all her good significations and the evil effects will
be aggravated if the Moon comes under malefic influences.
13. The native will indulge in sinful and immoral deeds because the sattvic qualities of the
planet will be destroyed in the malefic sixth house.

14. The Moon is a watery planet, therefore under malefic influences watery places will become a
source of danger for the native.
15. If the Moon in the sixth is under benefic influences the native will enjoy good health as 6th is
the house of health.
16. You have an emotional need to be useful, to work productively, to be organized and on top of
things, and to lead a healthy life.
17. Acceptance that any job requires some level of routine is hard for you. You are very sensitive,
and especially aware of minor health annoyances or body aches and pains. Some of you have
hypochondriac symptoms. Some attempt to get out of things they don't want to do by
emphasizing health problems or even exaggerate illnesses in order to gain sympathy.

7. Moon in the 7th house1. A benefic Moon will give good effects in the seventh house. The marriage will be delayed
because of his over romantic nature.
2. Other ill effects will be felt if there is evil influence on the Moon.
3. Moon being a royal planet, she enables the native to get fame from the Government.
4. If the lord of the seventh is powerful the native will have the privilege and means to enjoy the
company of two wives.
5. A malefic Moon will cause loss of wife.
6. If the Moon is full, exalted or in his own sign he will be a devoted husband and will therefore
like to keep only one wife. Such Moon will also provide him with all comforts and luxuries.
7.In the seventh house moon gives a good wife, and a good relationship in a marriage, and
business partnership.
8.The person becomes a diplomat in this house, usually very understanding of others. Moon's
mental stability comes when there is balance in relationship with spouse, and other people.
9. In the seventh house moon gives a good wife, and a good relationship in a marriage, and
business partnership. But this placement not confirms beautiful wife.

10. This moon gives interest in sex and sexual activities very much.
11. This moon gives tendency towards healthy relation with wife and in business.
12.Such a moon is quite creative in terms of design, artistic, business and loves forming
partnership. Such moon people need to be in a relationship to feel balance, they feel uncompleted
without their other half. But this spouse is very motherly, emotional and sensual.
13.Since 7th is 10th from the 10th, the career can also involve things related to moon like
medical, nursing, import export, sea, female products, mind therapist, psychologist, restaurant
owner, even a public servant since 7th house is the house of other people and Moon represents
local government.
14. Since 7th house is originally ruled by Libra, Moon here needs a creative aspect in their
relationship, trade and work. They usually make business decision emotionally rather than
logically unless Moon is in the sign of Virgo or Capricorn.
15. Emotional fulfillment is sought through relationships, but you may have many relationships
one after another, each time believing that this is "the one".
16. Taking time between relationships is something that is hard for you to do, but quite
necessary, as you tend to jump into relationships out of fear of being alone. You are very
adaptable to others' needs and usually quite likeable as a result.
17. Be careful that you don't become overly dependent on a partner, or assume that a partner is
going to treat you the same way as you do them.
18. You depend a great deal upon other people for emotional support and you have a large
"family" of friends that care about you and treat you as kin.
19. The women in your life are particularly important to you, and your relationship with them
powerfully influences your sense of security and happiness. You may be overly dependent and
unsure of yourself without a close partner.

8. Moon in the 8th house1. The 8th is one of the most inauspicious houses of the horoscope and a planet loses all its good
significations when posited in this house.

2. 8th house is 12th (house of loss) to the 9th house which signifies fortune and prosperity. The
Moon in this house will therefore spoil the fortunes and comforts to the person
3. He will be deprived of the comfort of conveyances as a moon signifying conveyance is in 8th.
4. The 8th house is a powerful significator for accidents. The Moon being a watery planet will
produce danger to life from drowning.
5. Moon in 8th house will separate the native from his relations on account of his wife as 8th is
the kutumba sthana of ones wife.
6. If the Moon is exalted or is in her own house the native will be long lived. This is because the
8th house being house of longevity a strong Moon (she will be lord of 8th in 8th if she is in her
own sign), will give a long life to the native.
7. Life will be shortened if the Moon is weak and quantum of shortening life will be in

8.This is mostly a bad placement for the moon, as it makes the natives mother addicted to drugs,
and alcohol, which also damages the relationship with the mother.
9. This is mostly a bad placement for the moon, in most of the cases this moon become reason of
divorce or broken in relationship, if Jup/Venus support is not there in the chart.
10. This placement make mystic, alcoholics, drugs prone body but in very few cases.
11. In women this placement gives menstruation cycle problem or lower stomach problem surely.
12. Moon is very sensitive planet, so in this house it gives depressive tendencies also because
moon can not ready for life`s ups-down. This placement gives ups-down frequently as well.
13. This placement is good for gaining knowledge but mind should be religious because this

14.This can also cause depression and psychosis in a person, but only in small cases, but this
placement makes a person a mystic as well, as the mind is submerged in the underground world.

15.People can do well in mining and oil industry in this house as they like to dig deep into the
matter of things and business, especially detective.
16.The 8th house deals with occult, things buried underground, secrets we hold, accidents and
sudden events, and since Moon is a soft and gentle planet, it finds it very hard to deal with some
of the most dramatic ups & downs of life that comes the native way, but there is also tremendous
interest in the occult, the native can have healing power, psychic powers and power to foretell the
future, this is why a good astrologer can have such position in D1 or D9 chart.
17.If Moon is in the 4th pada of any nakshatra there would great deep rooted issues with the
mother. Either the native was abandoned by the mother or there is lack of nourishment from the
mother due to her psychological problems.
18.But, if Moon is exalted or in its own sign of Cancer, then mother might have been a doctor, in
medicine, healer and helped the native out of many dramatic events.
19. But, there are always sexual secrets with the native. Either the native is over sexed and
desired sex all the time or there might be sexual abuse in early childhood, especially in nakshatra
of Rahu and Mars.
20. You are always fascinated with how people work, taboos, secrets, and all that is forbidden or
21. Sexual unrest, or an apparent need to constantly change sexual partners or to challenge you
sexually, may be a symptom of emotional insecurity. Jealousy and possessiveness might also be
qualities you struggle with.
22. Though you want closeness very much, you often close yourself off and do not really trust
others who may wish to get to know you. You are very wholehearted in your feelings and
responses to people, and you want all or nothing from the people you care for.

9. Moon in the 9th house1.In 9th house moon makes a person be very religious, than spiritual.
2.The native will also take long pilgrimage and could become a good teacher. This gives high
status in life, education and work if situated well.
3. Luck support is always with you.

4. In 9th house moon makes a person be very religious.

5. This placement gives good foreign tours.
6. This gives high status in life, High-education & good religious wife.
6. This placement gives good teacher also. These peoples are philosopher by nature.







8. He will become highly religious learned and charitable and will have prosperous children.
9. If the Moon is full he will become very prosperous and his father will be long-lived.
10. When there is any kind of evil influence on the Moon, the significations of the house will
suffer. The native will be unfortunate and will get unhappiness on account of the loss of his
parents early in his life.
11. If the Moon is in his own sign in the ninth, the lord of ninth will be in the ninth giving rise to
a powerful Rajayoga conferring great name, fame and prosperity to the native.
12. If the Moon is in Taurus (then the ascendant will be Virgo) she will be exalted in the ninth as
lord of the eleventh house (house of gains) and this disposition will be highly beneficial to the

13. These people usually make good professors at college, especially in the subject of
14. 9th house represents your teachers, gurus, teaching of your father, higher learning,
philosophy, belief system and religion, this why Moon (the mind) in this house is always inclined
towards such things.
15.The person would be quite religious, law-abiding, takes lots of interest in studying higher
philosophical or religious text and the mother herself would be involved in religion or religious
duty all throughout her life.
16.Priest, university professors and scholars can be seen from such placement, also there is lot
of interest in traveling for religious purposes, art of writing especially writing philosophical

17. But, if Moon is debilitated then the native would be find obsession with one's religion that
may lead to a demanded mind, a mind that might only see things as in black & white.
18.The native might think his or her religion is the only one that should be followed and they
would kill under the name of God. If Rahu is with Moon then the person would adapt to a
foreign culture or foreign religion.
19. This is a position that can indicate a deep longing for stimulation above and beyond the
everyday, mundane routine.
20. You are a philosophical sort, interested and curious about the world, other people, and
perhaps different cultures.
21. You can be extremely restless and discontented if you don't have a definite goal in mind. You
might find yourself longing to be somewhere else when you are unhappy, imagining that if you
were to move or travel, you would be much happier.
22. However, this attitude can only keep you from enjoying and improving upon the situation
you are now in, only serving to make you feel more unhappy in the present and with your current
23. Trying to avoid the attitude that "the grass is greener on the other side" will be important,
while attending to your needs to get away from time to time will help scratch the seemingly
incurable itch for something more.
24. You may have done extensive traveling in your early years, or in some way had a background
which enables you to understand and identify with many different types of people or cultures.
25.You have a craving for things which are far away and foreign or for things you have never
experienced before.
26.You want to completely immerse yourself in the feelings and tastes of a new place, rather
than simply have facts or an intellectual appreciation.
27. Emotionally, too, you are restless and something of a wanderer.

10. Moon in the 10th house-

1.This position is good for all planets, and in the 10th house moon gives a career in the medical
field or hotel business to most of the people, especially if its in the sign of cancer, Libra or
2. The tenth house is house of karma, profession, honours etc. If there is no evil influence on the
Moon, and the lord of the house is well disposed she will give beneficial results in respect of all
the significations of this house.
3. The native will do good deeds and be highly intelligent and kind hearted.
4. As the Moon will aspect the 4th house, the native will achieve high academic attainments.
5. With evil influences on the Moon, the significations of the tenth house will be spoiled and the
native will indulge in sinful deeds of all kinds and his life will be full of obstructions.
6.If the Moon is in her own sign Cancer (the ascendant will then be Libra), the Lord of the tenth
will be in the tenth house, giving rise to a powerful Rajayoga conferring great name, fame and

7.A female with tenth house moon can becomes some of the best nurses. 10th house isn't just
about career, it's actually about the ups & downs in career. However, the true picture of the career
is seen from the 7th house which is 10th from the 10th, so it's the career of the career house. But,
Moon becomes bright and mystical in 10th house.
8. This position is good for all planets because this is last and strongest Kendra, and in the 10th
house moon gives a career in the managerial/marketing, medical field or to most of the people,
especially if its in the sign of cancer, Libra or Pisces.
9. If sign of Taurus then business like garments/cloths, dairy, sweets/flower is very good for
10. Moon is queen in astrology and presents rajya/govt. So it can give Govt. job also even
support from state or city Gove. But again I want to say moon is waxing or waning full picture

11.Moon in Vedic Astrology also represents local government like state government, city
government while Sun is the federal government, so Moon being in the 10th house can show

someone who works in a local government, is very soft and gentle in their professional life and
they usually make emotional decision regarding work and career.
12.Besides being some of the best nurses, Moon also represents imagination, music and
creativity, while in the 10th house it can also show a singer or artist with lot of fame, but one has
to see if the moon was waning or waxing during time of birth.
13. Waxing moon is benefic while Waning moon is malefic. But, Moon can show ups & downs
in career due to its ruling the tides of the ocean, and like the tides, it will make the house go up &
14. This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for recognition, popularity,
acknowledgement, and achievement.
15. You can be quite charismatic. You are at your emotional best when you lead a structured and
responsible life, but it can take time to get there.
16. You may change your goals and ambitions, and/or your profession frequently in an attempt to
find the perfect fit.
17. You may worry about living up to your image, or the expectations of your family. Decisions
may be too emotionally biased, or you might act on emotional whims far too often.
18. You work well with the public and have an instinct for what the public wants and will
respond to. Having a "nest" is not especially important to you, and you may invest more of your
emotional energy into your career or public life than in your private life.
19. providing for and caring for others in a professional capacity is very likely.

11. Moon in the 11th house1. Another best position for the moon when placed in the 11th house of gains like for Cancer
ascendants. In this position the native has lots of female friends, easy gains, easy gains of
property and assets.
2. Gives a very religious and spiritual mother, and the mother usually benefits with a baby who
has this moon position.
3. Unless the lord of eleventh is weak, the placement of the Moon in the eleventh gives very
auspicious results in matters of acquisition of wealth, land etc. and also children.

4. If Moon is with Venus in the eleventh house the native will own conveyances as Venus is the
significator of conveyances.
5. The results of the Moon in the eleventh will be still better if the Moon be in Cancer. Then the
lord of 11th will be in 11th. If the Moon be in Taurus (Cancer Ascendant), the exalted lord of
Ascendant will be in the 11th forming a powerful Dhanayoga which will immensely benefit the

6.11th house is the house of large network, and large organization, Moon here needs to connect
to people in order feel mental balance.
7. These folks love making new friends, and making new connection, because through that they
learn, and they grow as a human being, including their mind.
8. They are regular party goers, fund raiser organizers, and in finance.
9. The mother could have been a PR agent herself, or very social house wife who had regular
parties at her place.
11. This moon can give good children and large organization also.
12. Gives a very religious and spiritual mother, and the mother usually benefits with a baby who
has this moon position.
13. 11th house is the house of large social network, and large organization, Moon here needs to
connect to people in order feel mental balance. This house moon gives very friendly nature.
These type natives works for society if 9 th house is also strong.
14. Moon in the 11th house usually gets their wishes and hopes fulfilled due to it being the house
of gains and income. 11th house is also the most important upachaya house in terms of wealth

15..But, if Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, then the native would be more scientific and worldly
in their approach and will tend to define everything through modern scientific methods.

16. They are also a bit eccentric as they run by the beat of their own drums. Usually this Moon
needs to read a lot and maintain up to date information of their field in order for them to feel
17. This placement also gives great gains through mother, children and artistic pursuits.

18. This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for a feeling of belonging with, and
support from, friends and associations with groups.
19.A changeable or unstable social life might be a reflection of inner emotional unrest. Waxing
and waning feelings for others can cause problems in your relationships. You are a person who is
filled with many dreams, wishes, and hopes for your future, and most of these are altruistic and
good-hearted desires.
20. You make friends your family, and feel a close kinship with people who share some ideals or
beliefs that you hold dear. You need people outside of your physical family to relate to and
belong to.

12. Moon in the 12th house1. Youre moody, sensitive, and intrigued by the hidden side of life. Withdrawal is your mode.
You prefer to conceal your emotions (along with certain sordid episodes from the past). Digging
out your secrets is no easy task. The mind of this person is a bit uncontrolled.
2. They may spend much time alone. Weakness of eyesight and lack of closeness with the mother
may manifest.
3. You have problems in married life.
4. You are often subject to loss of money, loss of prestige, heavy expenditure and disturbed state
of mind. Sometimes this moon gives drinking as regular habit.
5. This position gives birth to very talented writers, healers and spiritual personalities.
6. This position gives foreign tours from sea. Even it can give chance for permanent settle in
foreign countries.

7. If 12th house moons, if weak, then you are lazy and emotionally disturbed, lack of confidence,
morality and poor eye-sight. The native will experience restrictions. He will not be firm minded and
can easily be led away. He will be worried and may face heavy expenses.

8. The twelfth house is an-inauspicious house and it is termed as the house of loss. Therefore
Moon will lose all its good significations there and will be overcome by the evil significations of
that house resulting in a miserable and immoral life for the native. Thus moon in this house
rarely gives any comfortable results.
9.12th house is solitude and isolation, and wherever moon is placed one needs their mental
balance through that house, so such folks are always in need for me time or lone time. They have
to extract themselves from the public or crowd of people often to re-energize their mind and soul.
10. The mind is always interested in mystical and romantic subjects andinvolved in esoteric
things like astrology, aliens, ufo, meditation and spirituality.
11.One thing to watch out for is occasional depression with this moon especially when Saturn is
transiting through it or aspects through transit, because there is great pressure to work and take
on responsibility while moon in 12th house folks needs to retrieve themselves from the world
and would rather make their income from an isolated place.
12. You may become involved with institutions such as hospitals or prisons.
Your own feelings and emotions are something of an enigma to you, and it is often difficult for
you to share with others what you are feeling.
13. You frequently withdraw from contact with the world, and need a healing, peaceful
environment in order to blossom and come out of yourself. You identify with the oppressed,
disenfranchised or underdog in any situation and want to help them or care for them in some

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