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Year 10 Research task:

Use secondary sources to gather and present information in a digital format

on how some natural events such as:

Volcanic eruptions

have had on the Earths spheres.

The information should include the following information:
Description of what the event involves
Discussion of the cause of the event
Discuss the damage to the environment and which sphere(s) is
1) Cyclone Larry
Description of where it occurred, when it occurred, wind speed?
A tropical low developed over the eastern Coral Sea and reached cyclone
intensity during the early hours of 18 March 2006 and proceeded on a general
westerly course towards the Queensland coast. Larry rapidly intensified in the
following 48 hours reaching hurricane-force intensity at 56 m/s (110 knots). It
maintained at tropical cyclone strength until 21 March.1

What caused the cyclone?

The tropical cyclone was caused by a tropical low pressure system


The spheres of the earth that were affected included:

- the atmosphere and the biosphere: Cyclone Larry caused extensive damage
to crops such as sugarcane, banana crops. It caused severe and extensive
damage to the forest along North Johnstone river.
- atmosphere and the lithosphere: Coastal areas experienced erosion.
- lithosphere and the hydrosphere: the torrential rains caused soil to be eroded

deposit into rivers and creek. This made the water appear brown and murky.
The cylone also caused
a storm surge of 2-3m.

1. Bureau of metrology. 2016. severe tropical cyclone machine . Date retrieved [9[8[16]
2. cyclone larry 2006. 2006.
%20Cyclone%20Larry.htm##photos. Date retrieved [9/8/16]

2) Icelandic volcanic eruption (Eyjafjallajkull)

3) China Landslide 2015

4) Earthquake (SumatraAndaman earthquake: 2004)

5) Tsunami (boxing Day disaster 2004)

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