2 Read Coverage

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2 Read Coverage

-Why 2 Read? It is the best of both worlds. It is quarters and cover 2 mixed together, sprinkled with robber
concepts. How can you go wrong mixing some of the greatest coverages together? What I like about 2 read is
has little to no weaknesses, b/c you are running a pattern reading coverage it can become straight man, or squat
1/2's cover 2 simply based on what the distribution of receivers are doing. Isn't that what we are trying to
do...cover receivers? So long as I'm in a 2 high safety defense, I will run 2 read. Yes, I mix in some robber and
some true squat 1/2's cover 2 from time to time and the occasional cover 3 (rotational), but once I switched to 2
read I ran it 90% of the time. Best coverage in all football...
-2-Read-TCU Blue Coverage
-I like 2 Read vs a displaced #2 (twins) and robber/Cov4 vs a Tite #2
If you build these rules into your secondary, they can call the coverage rather than yourself. Any 2X2 or 2X1 set
can be handled with these rules and then you build in your trips checks. Makes your base calls very easy. I just
call Base Check coveragere and we are rolling from here. Obviously, i dont do this everydown, i will implement
blitzes and what not but this is our pure alignment based of the above rules
-I call our 2-read Zone Auto and I base the coverage call on the split of the #1 & #2 wr.
Blue is Cover 2
Orange is Cover 4
If the wr's split are far apart then my safety's call orange coverage to that side, if they are close or "normal"
distance then we call it Blue....Blue can change to Orange based on the route of #2 but Orange stays orange.
I love this coverage
-We called it 4 Read and ran C-4 (robber) unless #2 was removed and it cured a ton of ills.
As most have stated, as a base, this coverage handles 90% of what the offense is trying to do. Rep it, rep it, rep
it. Essentially, (in 4-3) you gain your OLB as a run first player as the corner and safety read #2's release. If #2
out now = C-2, if anything else = C-4.
The issues are as coachdub2911 has said, wide splits between #1 & #2 making your safety uncomfortable
getting over the top of #1 = check it to C-4. You are a tad bit slower with the safety in read as a run fit player
because he is looking at #2 and not the Tackle for run/pass read. I think the fact the backer isn't stressed to play
wide flat helps over all though.
-Basics: CB - you have #1 until #2 comes to you
FS - there are three things from #2:
we define vertical as anything by #2 that clears the heels of the underneath coverage man (S$/OLB)
I don't care what route you call it; does #2 go in, out, or vertical?
If a player blows the coverage, ask this question: What did #2 do? Don't ask why did you do ______? If he can't
tell you that #2 went in, out, or vertical, then you know that he wasn't reading his key.

-Basic rules for Safety:

2 out=Get on top of #1
2 in=flat foot read QB eyes/underneath #1/look for crosser from backside
2 vertical=Lock him up
-2 Detached WRs...
CB and Safety will look at the 2nd WR.
Normally the rules are something along these lines:
#2 Out: CB cover #2
Safety over the top of #1
#2 In: CB m/m #1
Safety look for work
#2 Vertical: CB m/m #1
Safety m/m #2
It can really be that simple...we taught to 2 read to our DB's in the wrestling mat room during summer ball when
a thunder storm forced us inside...
-It is that simple. The only thing I would add is to tell the corner to stay with #1 until #2 tries to cross his face.
This buys the safety some time to get on top of #1. We would rather rally to the throw in the flat than give up
something down the field.
-Now let's say #2 goes in or even goes vertical and #1 goes vertical, you say m2m on #1... Now who has the
flats if #3 (RB) runs a out route to the flats??? SS or olb has flat swing deep of three.
-The only time you have to worry about the 'final' #2 is if there is motion. The read is #2 at the snap.
-CB's read #1. If #1 releases inside or runs any type of short pattern, the CB leaves him and drops. As he drops,
he now looks to #2. If #1 releases outside or goes deep, the CB has him technically m2m, but it works like
cover 4 because the CB will be dropping to his deep 1/4. If the CB ends up looking off to #2, he follows the
same rules. If #2 goes deep or threatens his zone, the CB takes him. If #2 goes shallow/inside, the CB leaves
him and continues dropping to his 1/4, but he looks for crossing routes and backs releasing.
For the safeties, it's the opposite. They read #2 off the snap. If #2 goes deep, the safety picks him up. If #2
releases outside, or runs a short route, the safety drops and looks to #1. If #1 goes deep, the safety goes and
helps the CB with #1. If #1 goes short, the safety looks back in the middle for #3. In this coverage, the safety is
the run force, so rather than dropping to a 1/4 afterwards, he'll cheat up a little to take crossing routes or QB
So, if #1 were to run a fade/streak, and #2 were to run a slant or drag, the safety will end up looking at #1 and a
dbl team will occur between the safety and CB on #1. If #2 goes deep and #1 goes short, the CB will be helping
the safety dbl cover #2 (unless #2 goes inside, in which the CB will now look for crossing routes and backs

So basically, everyone reacts/covers according to what their read does. They don't cover a man if they enter
their zone. They cover a particular area/player depending on what their read does.
For the LB's in this particular cover 4, it's the opposite of the secondary. They are picking up short routes, and
leaving deep routes.
For the OLB's: They read #2. If #2 runs a short route, they are on him. Narduzzi also has his OLB's reroute #2
whenever possible. If he's running a drag or a slant, the OLB's will only follow them so much, then pass them
onto the MLB. If #2 goes deep, the OLB looks out at #1. If #1 is short, they basically jump the route. If #1 goes
deep, the OLB looks back inside for crossing routes and RB's releasing.
The MLB reads #3. #3 goes short, MLB has him. MLB reroutes #3 whenever possible. When #3 runs a short
crossing route, or out route, the MLB feeds him off to the OLB's, then goes back to the middle. If #3 goes deep,
he reroutes him, let's him go, then looks for #2 or #1 coming inside.
I guess one way to look at it is as an "if-then" coverage.
-we pattern read our cover 3 much like bluedevil4 does:
CB - Read 1
if #1 goes short. Drop and Look to #2.
if #1 goes deep. Cover #1
OLB - Read 2
if #2 goes outside. Cover #2
if #2 goes inside. Drop and Watch for #1 or #3
if #2 goes deep. Drop with him while Looking for #1 short
if #1 and #2 are deep. Cover #2
ILB - Read 3
if #3 Blocks - Drop and Read #2
if #3 goes outside. Drop and watch for inside route
if #3 comes inside. Cover #3
if #3 goes vertical. Drop hard and Read #2
FS - Read 2
if #2 goes short. Drop and Read #4 (#2 opposite)
if #2 goes deep. Drop and Cover #2
-1) a 3 deep shell for matching is slightly differnt than a 2 high shell. Pattern matching simply assigns rules for
players to figure out which man they should be covering. They don't drop to the flat and pick up the first guy
they see. Instead, pattern matching assigns you a receiver. Say I assigned you to the #2 receiver on the strong
side. If the receiver you were assigned ends up running his route horizontally across another receiver, then those
receivers have exchanged numbers. For example, if #2 and #1 at the snap of the ball run an out route and a slant
route, then the guy who started out as #2, becomes #1 after the receivers have crossed. The original #1 has
become #2 after he has crossed the other receiver. So regardless of the shell for right now, if I told you to find
the final #2, you would find #2 before the snap and work towards him. If your vision shows you another
receiver coming towards you who is going to cross your receiver then you need to let your original guy go
because you're getting a new #2. Similarly if #2 from your side ran a drag, and some receiver from the other
side also ran a drag, then you're new #2 could come from the backfield or possibly the backside drag.
A lot of people relate it to match up zones in basketball if you're familiar with that.

Anyhow, in cover 4, the 3 LBs (assuming a 4-3 defense) are responsible for finding the final #2, #3, and #2
receivers. The 4 DBs are responsible for deep routes typically. If the LBs don't get any shallow routes to cover,
then they spot drop to the flats, or hook/curl, etc. They zone off.
In a cover 3 scheme, the DBs can handle only 3 deep routes and the LBs and rolled up safety can match up to 4
shallow routes: 2 flats and 2 hooks. Because cover 3 schemes used to be vulnerable on 4 deep routes, some
coaches came up with SCF (Seam Curl Flat) and MCD (Match Carry Deliver). The OLB or safety in cover 3
normally matches the original #2 receiver on any vertical or out routes. This is to help out in case the offense
runs 4 verticals at your 3 DBs. The #2 defender can let the #2 receiver go if #2 releases inside because he has a
hook/curl player inside of him who can pick him up.
It's really a very long topic to discuss. I'd recommend buying that book by Tom Olivadotti called "Coaching
Pattern-Read Coverage"
There is no need for both SCF and MCD in my opinion. SCF is an easy way to explain a cover 3 pattern match
of the slot defender. MCD is better or possibly more sound. It may be a bit harder to teach but very similar
nonetheless. But of the 2 concepts, MCD probably best represents what it means to follow your original
receiver until another receiver overlaps him and becomes your new responsibility. MCD holds the essence of
pattern matching a bit more accurately than SCF does.
The OLB/safety player that must play these techniques needs to be a true athlete. So many coaches are using
these ideas and that's why so many coaches are going to 4-2-5 or 3-3-5 defenses. They need 5 DBs on the field
to execute SCF or MCD and don't want to make OLBs do it from a 4-3. You could but I think many coaches
don't trust it for a Sam or Will backer. Really depends on your personnel in my opinion."
-We are a 4-2-5 team that plays split field coverage. We will often play our WS on the hash at 10 deep versus
10 personnel.
Our cover-2 is more of a match-man type coverage. The corner and safety both start out by reading #2. From
there, we go to an "If...then" deal.
If #2 goes vertical, the corner mans up on #1, and the safety mans up #2.
If #2 goes out, the corner picks him up and the safety finds #1. If #2 continues on a wheel, the corner has him.
If #2 goes in, we essentially bracket #1.
It's not perfect, but it works well for us.
-Rule for LBs in 2 Read
Reroute is good, but don't lose your spacing to run over and tap somebody. STAY IN THE CURL! Only worry
about RB/#3* in the flat -STAY IN THE CURL! Don't worry about getting beat deep, get in a throwing lane.
Make the QB throw it over you or around you" STAY IN THE CURL!
*Most 2 read teams make some adjustment to trips
-Coach Woodalls Rule for 2 Read
Divide the field in half. RCB and RFS are paired together, LCB and LFS are paired together. You may have
field/boundary CBs an FSs, but each side works with their partner.
Both CB and FS read the #2 WR.

There are only 3 things #2 can do: out, up, crosser. I don't care about what the route is called those are the only
3 things we are looking for.
CB knows he will have #1, unless he sees #2 out at him, or is #1 runs a shallow cross.
FS must be in position to protect the post between him and the other FS. He must also play with enough depth
to cover over the top of #1 on a fade.
We play CB as 6x1 inside, but inside only because we like to play some off man and we use this alignment with
both, normally you play outside leverage.
FS aligns on the hash at 10 yards. He can ability align, the better he is let him creep up, not as good, let him
gain more depth....8-12 yards. FS can cheat off the hash up to 2 steps to try and apex between #2 and #1.
Now our rule for #2 going vertical (and the FS taking #2) is this: once #2 clears the heels of the underneath
coverage (LBs). You can make this rule what ever you feel is good based on what you see (we will tweak this if
we see a tendency on film).
If #2 runs a crosser/under route then the FS buzzes his feet and can rob the post/dig of #1. If #1 is vertical, then
he looks for the over routed from the other side. BEWARE the sluggo by #2 if you see this on film. This is why
we don't double #1 on a fade/crosser combo.
If #2 runs out, the CB takes #2. FS has to work hard to get over the top of #1 on a fade, which he must assume if
#2 is out. The FS immediately opens his hips and runs at a 45 degree angle to gain depth of 30 yards and below
the numbers. The FS is trying to make a play on the lollipop fade at around 30 yards. The FS will not be able to
make a play on the fade drilled in the window at 18-20 yards. CB can feather the quick out by #2 and help on
the fade to help protect this and help protect the check by #1. This is a D&D or tendency call for us.
Also on an out by #2, the CB must be ready to run with the wheel by #2.
You can tinker with all of these to suit what you see and the ability of your kids. This is our general rules of
Cover 3 Green
-does anyone use a depth to declare that #2 is vertical and safety takes even if an out. 5 yd out, 10 yd out, 15 yd
We have had a little trouble with seeing 2 verticals followed by a deep (10yd) out by #2.
I am thinking of using 10yds as the vertical limit and the Safety will "ME" call it and take #2 out, in, whatever.
-That's pretty much what we do. We use 7-8 yds. as our vertical declaration. It plays so much like true quarters
that our corner normally only sees speed outs/arrows, 5 yd. outs, and bubbles.
-If #2 gets behind the LB, he is the safety's; regardless of where he goes. If #2 breaks inside between he LB and
the LOS, the safety lets him go.
-Depth is sometimes tough to tell for defenders while the bullets are flying, I have used bluboy's way of doing it
with much more success than actual numbers.

-like bluboy and duece have said we don't use a specified yard amount. I tell my safties that once the #2 has
cleared the heels of the underneath coverage, then #2 is vertical.
Now if we see on film that the opponent will run this concept then we may tinker with that read a little or we
will simply go straight C2 or a Tampa 2 coverage with the CB playing funnel/force and getting underneath the
deep out. This would be more of a problem to the field than the boundary.
Another thing is what is the S$/LB doing? Would he not be getting depth and working to the throwing lane of
this deep out? he has no curl threat holding him.
Also, if the offense is able to sit back and throw this consistently, then you probably have some issues with the
-When we run our Cover 4 and see a lot of outs that are deeper than our normal read, we will align the $ outside
of #2. That puts us in an "Alert" check (jgordon, I know this is opposite of what you call it) and keys the $ into
the out/wheel from #2 and mans up #1. It plays more like true quarters. Our FS then is a true robber aligning at
8 yards and reading 2-to-1.
Another thing we have done is make a cloud call and play normal Cover 2 to that side. We had a lot of trouble
in our "Read" check taking a deep out by the corner. Our "Read" check is basically a soft cover 2 (again
jgordon, opposite of your calls I believe).
-If they are giving us trouble we will play either Blue me and have the OLB take the out, or we will will check
into bronco and have the safety take the out. Usually if both DB's communicate properly neither of these is an
-how would this look?

-Coach, that's not 2 read, that's 2 (Robber) coverage you just described. 2 read would be:
RC: Blue reads of 2, swing deep of 2.
SS: Curl/Flat/Swing deep of 3.
FS: Blue reads of 2, all of 2 vertical
RB: Hook-All of #3 vertical
AC: Blue reads of 2/swing deep of 2.
WS: Blue reads of 2, all of #2 vertical.
AB: Slice (fast to curl).
Now that's from the 4 man front version, so idk what you do with the Mike in the 3-3. In my version of the 3-3
(from the 4-2) our nose is the Mike, so he's going to whatever A gap the Tackle (in a 0) isn't going to. Again,

this is playing 2 read across the board or what is known as "blue" to TCU folks. As far as I know they do not do
this, they will play 2 blue, which is robber to the read side and blue to the away side.
-TCU Cover 2 Robber
Read side Corner: 1x7 match deep
Read Side Spur: Curl/Flat (follow Vert #3 strong)
Read Side Backer: Final position of #3 strong
Free Safety: #2 vertical OR #1 Curl/Post
Weak Side Backer: Final position of #2 weak
Weak spur: Curl/Flat (follow vert #2 weak)
Weak Side Corner: 1x7 1/2
-Here's what TCU does:
Cover 2: True robber (rules you have mentioned)
Blue: 2 read (rules I mentioned)
Cover 5: True squat 1/2's.
They call theirs 2 Blue so that the read side plays 2 and the away side plays blue (which is what I'd do if I were
Run support rules are simple:
To read side:
SS: force
FS: Alley/cutback
RC: Secondary force
WS: Boot/Reverse/Cutback
AC: Insurance
To away side:
WS: force
FS: alley/cutback
AC: secondary force
SS: Boot/Reverse/Cutback
RC: Insurance

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