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Centro de Extensin Idiomas UdeA

Ingls Profesionales

Contrasting traditions, rituals and customs

Goal: To provide the students with information that helps them understand, speak and
write about ways to compare and/or contrast traditions, customs and rituals around the
Task one: After watching the video provided in the following link: , use the box below to type
relevant words and examples.
Both Cats and Dogs are animals
Like Cats, Tigers are feline
Peru is similar to Colombia, also is a country in Latin America.
University comparisons to College are different
I work all day in the same way my classmate.
That chair in comparison to a bed is less comfortable.
I wake up early in comparison to Alejandro, He wakes up at 11:00am
Like Cristian, I try to speak English.

Task two: Use the information learnt in the previous video and compare/contrast the
traditions chosen for your project with Colombian traditions.

Like Pakistan, Colombians use chicken buses to transport.

People in Alaska use sled dogs, in the same way we use a carriage.
Indian people go to the city by train, in comparison to Colombian people prefer to ride the
Colombia and Per use the same means of transport in the hometown.
Sometimes Egyptians people ride on camel back. Similarly, Colombians ride on horses back.
Motorcycle of Colombian are using for two or tree person, in comparison to motorcycle of
Bolivia are using for seven or eight person.

Task three: Watch the following two videos. Then, use the box below to type key
examples about the information presented in the videos:
How to express opposing ideas in English: despite, although, nevertheless, in
spite of...:
Vocabulary - though, although, even though, despite, in spite of:

Task two: Use the information learnt in the previous videos to contrast/compare
differences among the cultures you chose for your project and Colombian traditions,
rituals and/or customs.

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