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Chantelle Taylor

(830) 357-2670

Boerne-Samuel V. Champion High School

Spanish 2

Welcome to Spanish 2! In this class we will be reviewing your prior knowledge from your
Spanish 1 class and introducing new material. Please come prepared to class as I will
come prepared to teach. Participation is crucial in any language class. Listening,
reading, writing and speaking will all be required at different times in the lessons.
In the event of an unexcused absence please contact me by email if you know ahead of
time. For an unplanned absence please contact me as soon as possible to discuss
make-up work. Multiple absences may affect your daily grade.
Make-Up Work
If you are absent you may make-up the work for the day with a short essay question
that will count as a daily grade. If you are absent on the day of the quiz (unexcused) or
a test you may make-up the quiz or test with a maximum grade of 70.
Late Work
If your homework is not turned in on time you may submit it by the end of the day with a
maximum grade of 70, otherwise it will be a 0.
If you have earned a 69 or below on a quiz or test you may retake the quiz/test once.
This will allow you to replace your grade with a maximum grade of 70 or the retest
grade if below 70.
Daily (Participation, classwork, homework)


Conference Periods
4th Period A days 2:30pm-4:00pm
6th Period B days 10:30am-12:00pm
Google Classroom
We will be using Google Classroom for in-class activities, quizzes as well as homework.
Please be sure your account is set up properly and that you have access to my class.
Parents/guardians may access the site upon request of the class code.

Please email with any questions or comments.
Students and parents/guardians may visit the Spanish 2 portal for reference documents, notices, and parent

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