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Badab War Escalation Leagu e

A 40K Fight Club Campaign

Sponsored by AFK Games
takingtheMan sWarriors,Lamenters,andExecu onerswiththem.Thesecessionistsquicklyreignterroruponnearbysystems
andwreckhavocalonggalac cshippinglanes,pillaginglikepiratesonthehighseas.
eliminatethem.TheFireHawkschapterwasthefirsttoarriveonthescene,clashingwiththeMan sWarriorsinwhatissaid
This league is an escala on league. The purpose of an escala on league is to build and paint an army to a predetermined value
over a designated length of me. While compe on is an important part of Warhammer 40,000 it is not the primary focus of this
league. The primary focus is having fun with fellow hobbyists while enjoying each others projects and progress throughout the
course of the campaign.













Points 500 pts 1 HQ and 1 1000 pts Standard 1500 pts Standard 2000 pts Standard
Troop mandatory Force Org
Force Org
Force Org


All players must choose their force from a current codex or army list published by Games Workshop or Forge World. Army lists in
periods 1 through 4 may include any unit from their codex as well as any Forge World units listed for their army that do not have
structure points or those that are marked as Apocalypse Only. Period 5 can contain any GW or Forge World model. All units must
use the most current version of rules. Games will use 6th edi on rules as soon as the rules are released.

Those par cipa ng in the league will be divided into two forces. The loyalists and the secessionists. All players building one of the
thirteen loyalist chapter Badab War armies will make up the loyalist forces (see the Legios Spar cus Facebook page to see if there
are any loyalist Badab Chapters s ll available). The secessionist forces will be made up of the four secessionist Badab Chapters (all
which are taken) in addi on to any players wishing to par cipate in the league but arent interested in building any of the Space
Marine chapters wri en about in the Badab War. A er both sides have an equal number of players, any addi onal players will be
split evenly and randomly between the loyalists and secessionists.

Each game played within a period is worth campaign points to the winning side. Players may play as many games during a period
as they would like. Each period will have special missions worth more points to the campaign. Details will be released with each

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