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Rogue Trader: New Ship Components

Fighter Bay: P4: S4: Sp2 Mounts: Port, Starboard

Larger Imperial ships often contain launch bays filled with squadrons of fighters,
bombers, and other similar small craft. A launch bay may launch one squadron of
small spacecraft per strategic turn, and may support up to two squadrons in space
at a time. If this component becomes damaged, it can no longer launch squadrons,
and any squadrons it is supporting are removed from combat when it is time for
them to refuel, unless another source of support is available. A standard Fighter Bay
provides pilots with a rating of 30. Good and Best quality fighter bays provide pilots
with 40 and 50 skill, respectively. See Rogue Trader Small Spacecraft Rules for
further information.
Combat Air Patrol: Ships with fighter bays generally have fighters on patrol in the
surrounding area any time they are in hostile territory. A ship with at least one
Fighter Bay may make an immediate Average(+10)Scrutiny + Detection test to
detect any ship attempting to ambush it.
Torpedo Bay: - P:4 S:6 Sp:2 Str:6 D:1d10+2 Crit: 6 Rng:10 (Light Cruiser,
Many Imperial ships of the line mount an array of torpedo tubes within their massive
prows. These tubes can be used to launch huge torpedoes filled with explosives or
assault boats filled with boarders. A torpedo bay may only occupy a prow mount,
and may be mounted even on a ship with the Armored Prow component. Instead of
firing like a standard weapon, the Torpedo Tubes launch a squadron of torpedoes.
See Rogue Trader Small Spacecraft Rules for further information.
Labor Intensive: This weapon component may only be fired every other turn.
Nova Cannon: - P:12 S:8 Sp:3
A Nova Cannon is a huge rail weapon, normally mounted in the prow of a ship so
that the massive recoil it generates can be compensated for by the vessels
engines. It fires a projectile at incredible velocity, using gravimetric impellers to
accelerate it to close to the speed of light. The building-sized projectile implodes at
a pre-set distance after firing, unleashing a force more potent than a dozen plasma
A nova cannon is a special type of weapon with the following rules. Nova cannons
may only be assigned to prow weapon mounts, and may only be mounted on
cruisers. A nova cannon has a minimum range of 6 VU and a maximum range of 25
VU. When firing a Nova Cannon, select a target space. Make a Ballistic Skill test
modified by -10 for every 5 VU to the target square, rounding up (This means that a
nova cannon shot will receive a -20 Ballistic Skill penalty even at minimum range.)
Treat the nova cannon as a weapon with Blast 1. On a miss, the blast will scatter offtarget. Roll on the scatter diagram on p. 248 to determine direction, and move the
blast 1VU plus 1 VU for each degree of failure. Any ship in the center of the blast
takes 4 hits and suffers an automatic critical hit, while ships on the periphery of the
blast take 1 hit. A nova cannon does 1d10+1 damage and ignores armor. Any small
spacecraft squadrons caught in the blast are instantly destroyed.
Promenade P:1 S:2 Sp:1

While ships may act as space-going cities, few vessels dedicate much in the way of
space to this function, instead leaving the crew to undertake black-market trade and
criminal activities. A promenade supplants this underground activity by serving as
an official ship-board marketplace and recreational area. Crew members can gather
here to trade, supplement their ship-board rations, and enjoy their off-duty hours.
Rest and Recreation: Increase Crew Morale permanently by 3.
Free Market: This component provides 50 Achievement Points on any Criminal or
Trade endeavor.
Apothecarium P:2 S:1 Sp:1
All vessels have medical facilities, but a ship with a full Apothecarium is equipped
with major surgical facilities, resucatrix chambers, and clinics to tend to the crew.
Experienced tech-priests and medicians work to heal the sick, install augmetics, and
treat the wounded in battle.
Triage: Reduce all losses to Crew Population by 1.
Chiurgeon Chamber: This component provides a +20 bonus to all shipboard
Medicae tests.
Void Cathedral P:1 S:3 Sp:2
Many ships have shrines to the Emperor aboard. Some, however, transform their
entire vessels into glorious acknowledgements of the Emperors will by building
massive Void Cathedrals into their very core. A Void Cathedral sits at the heart of a
vessel, a mighty structure that incorporates ancient reliquaries, monastic chambers,
and a massive sermon-hall that can accommodate a significant portion of the ships
Reliquary of the Saints: When working towards a Creed objective, the players
earn an additional 125 Achievement Points towards completing that objective.
Ecclesiarchal Blessing: Characters from the vessel gain a +10% bonus to all
Interaction Tests made with members of the Ecclesiarchy.
Demonstrable Faith: Increase Crew Morale permanently by 5, and reduce all
losses of Crew Morale by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Suffer Not The Alien: Any interaction with xenos species causes 1d5 points of
Crew Morale loss per day, and characters from the vessel suffer a -10% penalty to
Interaction Tests made with xenos.
Aqua-Reservoir P:0 S:3 Sp:1
All ships have ample water supplies, but a ship that selects this component devotes
a sizeable amount of space to a major water reservoir.
Water Supplies: Increase the time a ship may remain at void without suffering
Crew Population or Morale loss by +50%.
Fire Suppression: The reservoir can be used to fight fires more effectively,
providing a +20% bonus to Command Tests made to put out fires. Crew Population
and Morale loss from fires is reduced by 2, to a minimum of 1.
Lance Coolant: Due to the excessive amount of water aboard, a ships lance
components may be cooled and fired more rapidly. Increase the damage of all
shipboard lances by 1.
Pneumatic Arterial P:1 S:2 Sp:2

A series of pneumatic transit tubes run throughout the ship, quickly conveying
cargo, materials, and crewmembers around the ship. During combat, security and
repair teams can be rapidly deployed to where they are needed.
Rapid Response: The ship gains a +10 to Command Tests when defending against
boarding actions and Hit and Run attacks.
Repair Teams: Repair teams can quickly be deployed throughout the ship, granting
a +10 bonus to Emergency Repair tests.
Evacuation: Reduce Crew Population losses due to fires, depressurization, and
other component-based damage by 1, to a minimum of 1.
*This component may not be installed on vessels with a Tenebro-Maze.
Dorsal Castellum P:0 S:0 Sp:2
A castellum is a massive tower that extends from the ships dorsal region,
expanding the space available for shipboard components.
Expanded Space: This component increases a ships available space by 2.
Integrity Loss: Adding massive external substructures reduces the ships ability to
take hits, reducing hull integrity by 3 points.
*This component may not be installed on vessels with a Reinforced Bulkheads.
Compact Plasma Core P:-8 S:-5 Sp: 2
Most Imperial ships have massive plasma generators to feed their ravenous
appetites for power, but such huge generators take up a great deal of space. A
Compact plasma core can free up space on the ship by removing unneeded
generators and plasma containment systems. A Compact Plasma Core is a
modification to an existing engine, reducing power output by 8, but taking up 5 less
*This component may not be installed on vessels with Auxiliary Plasma Banks.
Excess Void Plating P:0 S:2 Sp:2 (Light Cruiser+) P:0 S:3 Sp:2
For some captains, there is no such thing as too much armor. Excess Void Plating
layers heavy adamantine plates over the ships existing armor, creating a
formidable defense at the cost of speed and maneuverability.
Dead Weight: Increase the ships armor by 3, but reduce its speed by 2 and its
maneuverability by 5.
Gilded Hull P:0 S:1 Sp:2 (Light Cruiser +) P:0 S:2 Sp:3
Some captains prefer style over substance. These gregarious fellows tend to dress
flamboyantly, wear impressive yet impractical armor, and wield weapons more
suited to a trophy room than a battlefield. Such men often gild the hulls of their
vessels as well, to the point that they sacrifice protection for grandeur.
Flashy but Fragile: Decrease the ships armor by 2.
Impressive!: The captain and command crew of this ship gain +10 to any
fellowship test made while on it or in sight of it.

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