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April in Bloom

Dear Friends and Family,

Whirlwind trips, beaded headdresses, and precious people! Where shall we begin? As I am
writing this I am in Georgia visiting friends and family. It has been a long, productive and
immensely full summer! Back in May I traveled to Papua New Guinea to help more fully
establish the lab on board the YWAM PNG, then I was off to Vanuatu where not all went as
planned.I was then off to New Zealand ending with a conference in Australia prior to returning
home late July. It was probably one of the hardest trips I have been on, but it was also the most
I am extremely thankful to each of you for your love, support and prayers. Though this trip was
challenging to say the least, I know I made it through because people were praying for me! For
those who gave financially, there is no way to measure how much good has come from it, from
people hearing the Gospel to receiving life giving medicine, the impact will be felt for years to
come. Come with me as I recount Gods faithfulness during this past trip!

When the ship arrives, people come! It always

puts a smile on my face and warms my heart
to see how people come to see the ship and
desire for us to come and help them. We were
greeted many times during this trip as the ship
sailed from Alotau to Lae in Papua New Guinea.
On one occasion a father was teaching his
young daughter how to paddle as they came
to see usit was so precious! It amazes me
the skill by which they can paddle, and often
without good eyesight or feeling well.

Each clinic day we would go ashore to prepare

samples to view under the microscope. Most of
the time we were away from the clinic set up or
isolated all together.
This was a unique time in which we had an
audience! It was precious to see the curiosity
shown by these children. Without adequate
translation it was difficult to show them more
but what we could show them they enjoyed!

Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771
My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it.

Bank draft donations are now possible! Please contact me for further information J

April in Bloom
Some of the most dear and lovely people I meet are ones
like this grandmother. Her daughter asked me to come to
her house, because she is ill but could not walk to our
clinic. I sat on her porch and asked her to tell me her
story. What was so precious was that every sentence she
would end and that is all She spoke about her
children, how she would cough, her eyes, her night
sweats, her garden, her she told me her story
she would pause after each phase and say and that is
all... What she didnt realize was that her symptoms she
was weaving into her story were consistent with TB. I
asked her to cough in a cup for me and for her son to
bring another sample to the clinic later that day.
It is for people like her that I go. Here she has no access
to a medical diagnostic lab, but we were there! And with
just a few moments of listening and asking her to cough
for me, I then had something to work with.
Before I left I prayed for her and blessed her, she smiled
and while I was saying my goodbyes her daughter was
fastening a beaded headdress on me as a thank you gift.
For the rest of the day, I have to admit I had no problem
asking for samples! I asked and they looked and saw the
beads and coughed J The tricky part was putting on my
mask to work!
This is a great example of the generosity, love and
hospitality of the people of Papua New Guinea. I have
been given so much and I have seen Gods faithfulness
shine through when I least expect it!
Overall we examined over 500 slides and reviewed
samples from 142 peopleunfortunately many were
diagnosed with tuberculosis (70% of those tested).
There is a statistic that is out that states that every 2hours someone in Papua New Guinea
dies from TB. To say that it is an epidemic is an understatement, one of the ways we can
help is to bring diagnostic care to remote areas to accurately diagnose TB so that those who
are ill can receive the medical treatment they need. In one village I went to, the nurse in
charge of the aide post told me that people die before they ever hear the report from the
nearest testing facility. This statement took my breathe away to think that people are dying
simply because they havent been told how sick they are.
Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771
My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it.

Bank draft donations are now possible! Please contact me for further information J

April in Bloom
The next stop on this journey brought me to Vanuatu. Unfortunately I also brought with me
some unwelcomed passengersmy stowaways were in the form of malaria. At the close of
my first week in Port Vila, I sinced something was a miss. Once on board I tested my blood
and found a high amount of parasites and to make things worse, I had the bad kind (the one
that causes cerebral malaria). We went to the pharmacy got some meds then pulled up
anchor and while at sea, I realized that the meds were not working...after several liters via IV
drip and swithching medication, I began to get well. My body was quite wrecked through it
though and I am just now feeling like me. It has taken much longer for me to heal than I
predicted. But, God has seen me through the worse...quite ill on sea while en route to an
isolated island. He is truly faithful! For those who have been praying for my health, THANK
Once I was up to going to clinics, I went J
here is one we set up in a school on the
island of Ambae, to help with healthy child
This portion of the trip I was serving with
Marine Reach. They are the ships ministry
with YWAM from New Zealand. Their vessel
the Pacific Hope has a plan to have a full on
board lab currently there is a microscope
and some stain.
Thank you for going on this journey with me! I am
currently planning on returning to Papua New
Guinea in October then heading back to Kona, HI
to finish preparing to move to New Zealand.
Depending on visas and logistics, I am not sure
when that would be, however I hope to be in my
new home in Tauranga, New Zealand by June of
This move will place me more strategically where
I need to be to continue investing in Papua New
Guinea and Vanuatu as well as the ships that I
am serving with.
I am needing an increase in my support to be
able to do this well. Would you please pray about
joining my financial team? Please contact me for
further details!

Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771
My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it.

Bank draft donations are now possible! Please contact me for further information J

April in Bloom

This is an article that was published in newspaper in Papua New Guinea, it was written
by Anna Scott, who serves with YWAM in Townsville, Australia with the YWAM PNG
Ship. Thank you for taking the time to read this! Please write when you are able! It is
always encouraging to hear from you!
Blessings and Love,
Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771
My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it.

Bank draft donations are now possible! Please contact me for further information J

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