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1) If safety time has been removed and it has been reduced by 50% of the
scheduled then the different safety time for tasks is as follows:
a. 24 days
b. 11 days
c. 8 days
d. 4 days
e. 9 days
f. 9 days
This would total to 65 days safety time. So the project buffer should be
somewhere around half which would mean approximately 33.5 days.
2) We square the duration of the tasks so it would be (24 2+112+82+42+92+92)
and the answer would be a project buffer of about 30.6 days.
3) I feel that Paul would be the constraint here because it jumps straight from
him to peter and there is no buffer.

Using the SSQ method the duration would be 77.6 days

Using the same SSQ method the duration would be 61.6 days

2) The constrained resources would be time, and as far as people it would be Al

for task D, and Sue and Al for task E.

Total project duration would be 12 days without the project buffer on

the end

Total project duration would be 12 days as well without the project

buffer as well.
4) There would be the feeder buffers that I have noted as well as a project buffer
at the end.

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