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Intelligencia Literati 3rd Quarter Performance

*Rotational Inertia
1) What is Rotational Inertia, and how does it compare to inertia as studied previously?
Answer: Besides the names of both and their spelling, these moments of Inertia are very different
things. Rotational Inertia is the tendency of a rotating object to remain rotating while simple inertia, is
when a non-rotating object resists rotating and therefore stay as a non-rotating object. Both moments of
Inertia change when torque is applied.
2) Inertia depends on mass; rotational inertia depends on mass and something else.
Answer: It depends on both mass and how far away mass is from the axis of rotation also known as,

1) What does torque tend to do to an object?
Answer: It causes an object to turn/spin or rotate. Its kinda like a twisting or rotating effect of a force
acted upon an object.
2) How do clockwise and counterclockwise torques compare when a system is balanced?
Answer: There is absolutely no comparison to be made! Clockwise torque and counterclockwise
torque are always equal to each other. This then creates equilibrium or balance.

*Center of Mass and Center of Gravity

1) Draw a baseball and a baseball bat, then locate the center of mass and gravity of both

Answer: Well, I dont really know how to draw, but thanks to the power of friendship and technology, we
present to you this photo.

1) What is the relationship between center of gravity and support base for an object in
stable equilibrium?
Answer: The center of gravity, is always over the support base. However, should it go below the base,
then the object itself will suffer a consequence even Olympus itself fears. It will fall and eventually

2) Why doesnt the Leaning Tower of Pisa topple?

Answer: The center of gravity of the famous tower is above its support base. Therefore, it doesnt topple
over and retains its equilibrium.

3) How far can an object be tipped before it topples over?

Answer: Its times like these where I ask, what would Oprah do? but then again, the answer is pretty
simple. Just dont let that unfortunate objects center of gravity go below its support base! But if it does
then have a merry Christmas.

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