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Circulation System

A drilling mud is a fluid which should have Physical and Chemical Properties
required to adapt in any pressure and temperature conditions likewise are
considerate as one of the most important factors to avoid failures while drilling,
besides this remove the cutting in the hole and controls the reservoirs
pressure therefore the drilling mud is one of the most elements in the drilling
The drilling mud which is an element of the circulation system has many
functions for example clean the hole, cool and lubricate the bit, control the
formation pressure, etc.
Firstly the mud is mixed in the suction pit then the pump move de mud to the
stand pipe which is connected to neck goose now pass through the swivel
which sometimes is connected to Kelly or else the top drive next the mud
travel through the tubing until arrive the bit, in the same way this fluid get
out through the nozzles and travel around the annular space, here arrives to
float lines and is separated in a special tank which is sent on the shakers
moreover there are 3 kind of shakers.
In special occasion the mud pass through the cleaning pump, finally the mud
is incorporated to the suctions pits and the process is takes place again.

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