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Reflective Assignment
Leadership Assessment
Irum Sajjad
John Amendola

Part I



Were you surprised by your findings? If so why?

Before doing The Big Five Personality Dimensions assessment, I knew exactly which trait I
will be scoring highest in and which the lowest. So after doing the assessment, I was not
surprised by the results. I scored the highest in openness to new experience with a score of 13
and the lowest for extraversion at 8. I am a type of person who likes to go to different places, and
eat different food. I have a out of the box thinking personality and a creative mind. I get bored
with doing and seeing the same things. I am also not very social and outgoing at first. I might be
shy and quiet to certain people and I sometimes feel nervous being around people I do not know.
For this reason, I was not surprised when I scored highest on openness to new experience and
lowest on extraversion.
Have the findings changed your behavior in any way?
The findings did change my behavior a little because I knew what I was going to get. If the
results were different from what I expected, then that would have changed my behavior by a lot.
Also, it has increased my confidence of knowing my personality traits. I knew what kind of a
person I am and what might be my top personality trait, but this assessment has given me more
understanding of these traits and my personality as well.
What might be the impact on your personal or working life?
This assessment impacts my personal and working life because it will make me try to achieve the
personality traits I did not score well in. For example, I got the lowest score in extraversion, so I

am going to try to talk to more people at work and school. I might also try to fit in with the group
and do whatever it takes to be the life of the party. Also, getting a low score in conscientiousness
can impact my work life as well. This is because I get easily distracted, I may not be responsible,
persistent, and achievement oriented. Lack of these qualities may affect my chances of remaining
or getting a good job.
What are the implications and possible consequences of your strength or weakness?
After doing the assessment, I was confident of my strengths and weaknesses. I realized where I
mostly lacked in and what I was good at. Being an introvert, some of the possible consequences
would be having a hard time at work. This is because; you need to interact with people, and try to
impress the manager in order to get hired or do better at work. However, me being open to new
experience and agreeable can attract my clients and improve my relationships with them and my


4+3+5+4+2+2+5+2+2+4= 33

Were you surprised by your findings? If so why?

After doing the Locus of Control assessment, I was sort of surprised by the results because by
looking at the definitions of internal and external locus of control, I was confident that I had an
internal locus of control. This is because I have a more leadership personality; I like to lead more
than I like to follow. I am also very ambitious, self-motivated, and very achievement oriented.
However, I got 33 points in my assessment, when 52.2 is the mean. This means I scored pretty
low which makes me have an external locus of control. This is pretty surprising as I tend to
consider myself more of an internal locus of control but because I answered all the questions on
the assessment truthfully, I am more of an external control of locus than I thought. This means
that I believe forces beyond my control such as fate, luck, or competition, are responsible for
what happens to me.
Have the findings changed your behavior in any way?
Yes, the results of the assessment did somewhat change my behavior. I always thought the events
in my life happen mostly from my own actions, but the assessment made me think otherwise. So
every time something happens, I pay close attention to how I react to it.
What might be the impact on your personal or working life?
The impact may be that my actions in certain event could hurt others. For example, if I do poor
on a test or game, instead of blaming myself for not studying or practicing, I may blame it on
others players, the teacher, and the test or game itself for my poor performance. Having an
external control of locus can also prevent me from achieving something in life because it will
stop me from working harder and fixing my mistakes, rather I will blame it on my fate or luck
and depend my life on it.
What are the implications and possible consequences of your strength or weakness?
The assessment has made me realize that I have more of an external locus of control rather than
internal. It has made me realize my strengths of not taking certain events to heart; doing well in
work where success depends on compliance and my weakness of not being socially active. The
possible consequences of these are that I will not worry about anything and as a result I will not
try to fix things. It will affect me in my work life as I am not socially active and I do not blame
incidents in my life on myself. As a result, I may not be able to progress at work.


Were you surprised by your findings? If so why?

After doing the Personality Assessment, I was not surprised at the results. In the results, I
scored higher in introversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving. Most of the characteristics that
are listed under each trait relates to me. I think before I speak; I like facts, details, and practical
solutions; I make decisions by logic and analysis, and I am very last minute. The characteristics
associated with my four personality types are: cool, observant, easy-going, and good
craftsperson. This is exactly what kind of person I am. So as a result, I was surprised how
accurate my findings were.
Have the findings changed your behavior in any way?
No, the findings did not change my behavior in any way as they were exactly the same as my
What might be the impact on your personal or working life?
This may impact my personal and working life when I have to make decisions that could affect
other people. Being an introvert and having thinking as a characteristic, I make decisions based
on analysis, logic, and impersonal criteria, not considering values, beliefs, or concern for people.
I also do not worry about the outer world. So as a result, it would really impact my decision
What are the implications and possible consequences of your strength or weakness?

This assessment has made me realize that my personality traits can be my weakness and
strengths at the same time depending on the situation. For example, in perceiving, leaving things
last minute can be my weakness it comes to finishing tasks or assignments, but it can also be my
strengths because I can finish something in a short period of time. Possible consequences are that
I may be able to make good business decisions, finish tasks in a short period of time, and not say
something and then regret.
Part II


How do the concepts studied throughout the semester apply to the insights collected from
these self-assessments?
The concepts we learned in class all had to do with leadership and followership and the idea
behind these assessments were to get you to know your leadership characteristic traits. The
concept of The Evolution of Leadership defines leadership as being a trait, behavior, ability,
skill, relationship, and influence process. Throughout the course, we learned the characteristics
of leaders and followers, the traits, what makes an effective leader, the skills, and the
responsibilities of a leader. The assessments have given me an insight of what I lack and what I
have that would make me an effective leader. In leadership skills, managing people, showing
technical competence, being socially perceptive, handling conflict, problem solving and strategic
planning, all applies to my understanding of the Big Five personality dimensions and the
Jungs Typology personality assessment. This is because extraversion relates to managing
people and being socially perceptive where a leader needs to be able to communicate with its
followers effectively. Showing technical competence relates to openness to experience where a
leader has knowledge and experience about their work. Neuroticism and feeling and thinking
come under problem solving and handling conflict, of how someone makes decisions and reacts
to certain events.
What is the relevance of each assessment in terms of being an effective leader?
The relevance of the assessment Measuring Locus of Control in terms of being an effective
leader is that it tells you what kind of control one has, whether its internal or external.
Individuals with an internal locus of control believe their behaviors are caused by their own
decisions and efforts and they have control over those things that they can change. External locus
of control believes their behaviors and lives are controlled by their luck or fate, and they see

themselves as victim of good or bad luck. In leadership, when one coaches someone whether
they are top executives, managers, employees, the idea is to stop blaming others for events or
situations and start taking responsibilities for them. Leaders with an internal locus of control tend
to be better leaders than external because they have more power due to taking responsibilities for
events; they have strong believe in self-ability, and they take actions. Internals are also better at
handling information and problems and they are more achievement-oriented than externals. So
knowing which locus of control one has is important in becoming an effective leader. This is the
whole idea of this assessment, is to make one realize of their locus of control.
The Jungs Typology personality assessment is relevant to effective leadership because it tells a
person whether their personality type is extraversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition,
thinking vs. feeling, and judging vs. perceiving. Extraverts are action oriented, while introverts
are thought oriented. People who prefer sensing trust information that is understood by the five
senses, while people who prefer intuition trust information that is less dependent upon the five
senses and is associated with theory or principles. Those who prefer thinking make decisions
which seems reasonable, logical, and match given rules, while those who prefer feeling make
decisions by looking at the situation and considering the needs of people involved. Lastly,
Judging types like to have matters settled while perceptive types prefer to keep decisions open.
Leaders need to know what their way of decision making is, how they deal with certain matters
and solve problems, and what to consider when dealing with these issues. Not only do they need
to know themselves, but they need to understand their followers as well, as how their personality
is and lead them accordingly. This assessment also shows your overall characteristic of your
type, which in my case was a crafter, so I know I would be a great leader in craftsmanship.
The Big Five Personality assessment is relevant to effective leadership because these traits are
what differentiate the leaders from one another. Extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism,
conscientiousness, and openness to experience are all traits that show whether would be good or
poor leader depending on which trait is more and less accurate for you. A leader could use this
assessment to recruit or find a person that would be best for a certain job. If you score higher on
extraversion and on neuroticism that means you love the crowd but are easily distracted and get

Part III

Development Plan

After ding the Locus of Control assessment, the goal I want to achieve is becoming more of an
internal locus of control which means be more socially active, seek leadership opportunities,
develop leadership qualities, be able identify and solve problems, and be more achievementoriented within 2 months time frame to develop more of a leadership behavior which will
benefit me in my work life.
To measure my progress in accomplishing my goal, I will see how nervous I get when I have to
do presentations and when I go to parties and how well I am able to keep conversations going in
order to see how well I am doing to keep myself socially active. If I feel confident and excited
for presenting or meeting new people, this means my plan is working. Also, when I start working
in few weeks, if I am taking the initiative to do some work and I am able to solve client problems
effectively without the help of others, I know I am starting to develop leadership skills. I will do
the locus of control assessment every 3 weeks to see my score, if it is getting higher or lower.
The higher the score, the more I am turning into an internal locus of control.
In order to accomplish my goal, I am going to go to different events held at Seneca College that
encourage students to network and talk to seniors from different companies. I am also going to
practice as much as I can before doing a presentation and instead of getting my siblings or
parents to call government, phone, home companies, I am going to call myself. This will force
me to interact with people and be able to effectively communicate with others, which will result
in me being the life of the party. I will also take initiative to do different jobs at work, put effort
into my work, and work hard so I am able to train other employees and increase my opportunity
in leading. These behaviors will help me in making decisions on my own rather blaming it on the
outside world. I do believe in luck a lot when it comes to certain events in my life, but this type
of behavior does not make a good leader. So to accomplish that, I will need to accept the events
and look at what I did wrong or right that caused them. For this all I can do is keep in mind an
ambition of becoming a leader when such events occur, and keep in mind what a successful
leader will do in the same situation.

A leader is not born, but made throughout their life. So changing from an external locus of
control to internal, is a realistic goal. In high school, I used to be so nervous to present in front of
class no matter what it was. It was something I completely disliked, and I used to have hard time
talking to my classmates. As I grew up, I started doing more and more presentations, I started
interacting with different classmates in high school and college, and now I do not get that
nervous I present. I have a more leader personality than a follower, but I do not have the
characteristics of an effective leader. So, gaining the internal locus of control qualities is not very
hard if I follow my plan to achieve my goal. However, I will need to keep in mind what makes a
successful leader, and what they would do if they were in my situation.
I will be going on my first event to network with people on April 25, then go to a party where I
will only know a few people on May 10, and start work by no later than May 15. So by the end
of May, I want see an improvement in my social abilities. I am going to make a phone call to my
university on April 16 and Wind Mobile by April 17. I will start showing interest in my work to
do different jobs right when I start work, because it takes time to develop leadership skills. I am
going to do the locus of control assessment in the start and end of May, and mid-June to see my
progress in my score.
Part IV


This course has taught me a lot about leadership but the most important thing I learned is that
leadership isnt just leading; it has many aspects to it such as behavior, skills, traits, capability to
influence, abilities, and relationship.
This is important because when someone hears about leadership or being a leader, they think
about having people follow them. To be an effective leader, one needs to know how to behave
with their followers and what actions to take in a certain situation. A leader needs to have
knowledge and experience in the job they are leading for. Effective leaders need to know what
leadership traits they have and lack, as well as they need to understand the emotions and
reactions of their followers. This builds good relationship between the leader and follower, which
is very important in becoming an effective leader.

Before I took the leadership course, I always thought leadership was leading people. I thought it
was all about telling people what to do and making them follow what you do. I also thought
managers at a company were leaders. But I learned that leaders have more aspects to just leading
and how they are two different positions.
I can use my knowledge and understanding of leadership that I learned in this course, in mostly
my work life. I can show my managers the effective leadership traits, how they behave with
others, how they influence others and building relationships. This will benefit me because my
manager will see how I have the characteristics of a leader and may promote me in a higher
position. I can also share my knowledge with my co-workers. It could also benefit my life as a
mother. I will be a leader to my children, and to be a good mother I will require these

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