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PAPER 2 Writing
PAPER 3 Use of English

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

For questions 1-18, read the three texts below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D)
best fits each gap.

PAPER 4 listening

PAPER 5 Speaking

sse tia tips

~ Read each text quickly to
understand its general
meaning before you attempt
the task.
~ The gapped word or phrase
may be part of a fixed
expression, collocation or
phrasal verb, or it may be a
discourse marker which affects
the meaning of the text as a
~ Check the words before and
after the gap carefully to decide
what type of word you are
looking for.
~ Once you have finished the
task, read the whole text again
to check that your choices make
sense in the text as a whole.

In ancient times the egg was a symbol of life, birth and fertility, and it featured
prominently in several creation myths, representing the (1)
beginnings of time
and the birth of the universe. It was also believed that the egg had magical powers:
it could (2)
off storms, illnesses and the evil eye. In many societies decorated
eggs were at the centre of rituals and ceremonies that (3)
with the spring - a time
of new life and growth

after the long hard winter.

Today eggs continue to be important in many cultural and religious events - such as
Easter - and shell decoration is an effective (4)
for demonstrating
artistic skills.
The symmetrical form of the egg - often (5)
one of the most aesthetically
pleasing shapes in nature - (6)
itself to a great variety of decorative techniques:
it can be dyed, painted and embellished
and precious jewels.
1 A total
2 A ward






with leaves and flowers, and even gold, silver





Question 2: Which of the options

forms a phrasal verb with 'off',
meaning 'do something to
protect yourself from'?
Question 3: The preposition after
the gap is regularly used with
one of the options.
Question 4: The sentence talks
about the activity of decorating
egg shells and how this can
demonstrate artistic talent.
Which option can be used to
describe how something is
Question 6: One of the options is
often used with a reflexive
pronoun and the preposition 'to'
to mean 'be suitable for being
used in a particular way'.
Question 7: One of the options
often collocates with 'collections'
that are on display in museums
and art galleries.
Question 9: The correct option is
often used to express that
someone or something possesses
something impressive.
Question 12: The correct option
must mean 'open a building
officially for the first time'.

The Burlington Museum was recently re-opened after an extensive development

programme that aims to make the collections (7)
there more appealing to a wider
public. The Museum's
fine collections
can now be seen in more inspiring
, and exhibitions include a wide range of innovative displays which allow
visitors to make use of the latest interactive information technology. The Museum
also (9)
an excellent new education centre and art room, as well as a gift shop.
Finally, ramps and wider doorways offer improved (10)
for the disabled and
people with limited mobility.
The Museum worked closely with community groups to achieve its goals. One of the
of this collaboration
is a Buddhist shrine created with the assistance and
advice of the local Buddhist community. A priest (12)
this significant exhibition
and more than two hundred people of different faiths attended the event.
9 A
10 A
11 A
12 A








Question 14: The correct option

must mean 'unexpected'.
Question 15: There is a 'trap'
here, so think carefully about the
structure of the sentence and the
meaning intended!
Question 17: The correct option
must mean 'lift something heavy'.

Peter's plane was due to leave at 8.40 am. My father, having little (13)
in my
brgther's ability to get himself to the airport on time, had offered to drive him there.
A punotual man himself by nature, he detested the thought of any (14)
and so roused Peter as early as he dared. (15)
,they arrived at the airport well in
advance of the recommended two hours prior to departure. They made their way
over to the check-in desk, where a queue was only just starting to (16)
When his turn came, Peter handed over his passport and ticket and (17)
his bags
onto the conveyor belt. The check-in attendant frowned. 'I'm sorry, sir, but you aren't
on the passenger list,' she said. Then she took a closer look at his ticket and her eyes
widened in surprise. 'Now I see the problem. You're booked on tomorrow's fli-9~t!
You've come a day too early!' She turned to my father, who was temporarily (18)
for words, and asked, 'Does he do this often?'

13 A credit




B faith
B unfounded
B Duly
B gather
B hoisted
B shocked






PAPER 2 Writing
PAPER 3 Use of English

You are going to read four extracts which are all concerned in some way with the
sense of touch. For questions 19-26, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you
think fits best according to the text.

PAPER4 listening
PAPER 5 Speaking

E sential lips
In touch with machines

~ This part of the exam tests

your understanding of the
whole short text or text
organisation, and some
questions may also focus on
the details in sections of the

Engineers are finally beginning to recognise the value of the human touch
with regard to the operation of mechanical devices. Until recently, the
makers of automated machinery seemed bent on rendering operators
redundant by reducing their involvement with the machine to the touch of

~ Readeach text quickly to

understand its general
meaning before you attempt
the questions.

a button. This theoretically made the user's job easier, but in practice, they
felt they had no connection with the machine or how it functioned.
The relatively new field of haptics is changing all that. It focuses on

~ Readthe questions carefully

and decide which part of the
text they refer to.

ensuring that an operator can 'feel' what a machine is doing. Haptic

principles, which have been applied very successfully to cars and aircraft,

~ Look at key words in the

questions and see how they
relate to the relevant part of
the text. The text will probably
express ideas using different
words from those that appear
in the questions and options.

are now being applied to earth-moving equipment with excellent results.

By programming

haptic feedback into the electronic control system,

engineers are helping operators to enhance their understanding of how a

machine is responding to a particular terrain through feel, and by doing so,
achieve optimum performance. It is also hoped that operators will be able

~ Checkthat the option which

answers the question or
completes the question stem
conveys the same meaning as
that expressed in the text.

to anticipate possible hazards in the ground, such as hidden water or gas

pipes, by means of haptic warning sensations transmitted through the
controls and so take evasive action.

Question 19: What did the

manufacturers do before that is
now changing?
Question 20: Readthe second
paragraph and think carefully
about how haptic feedback helps
the machine operator. Which
option describes this most

19 The writer says that until recently, the manufacturers of automated

A intended to make the users of machines redundant.


B felt no connection with the machine they were operating.

C largely ignored the human need for physical contact with a machine.
D used haptic principles to develop machinery.


Haptic feedback
A reduces the operator's


of how his or her machine operates.

B enables the operator to manoeuvre machinery over the ground.

C makes the operator's job less complex.
D makes the operator more aware of how his or her machine is performing.

fia f

Question 21: Readthe question

stem and answer options. Here,
you are being asked in what way
:; iropractors treat patients. Find"
- e part of the text which
c swers this question. Which
otion expresses the same idea
in other words?

- - - - - - - - ..-......-- ,.


you suffering from back pain or inexplicable

headaches? Any

strained muscles from playing sport or perhaps whiplash

from a

recent accident? Then what you may need is to visit your local

estion 22: Read the question

=:-Bmcarefully. Note that the
. er implies that a person who
'shes to visit a chiropractor
::~ould do something; however,
-'" does not give this advice


diagnose and then treat problems


nature by making specific adjustments

of the body - the spine in particular


of a neuroto the joints

- in order to improve the

of the nervous system, and thereby enable the body's

natural healing processes to do their work. No drugs or surgery, just

gentle manipulation

is a primary

for a doctor's

at the hands of a trained specialist!



referral. Registered chiropractors

negating the need

are subject to rigorous

and high standards of practice are maintained.

Patients enthuse about the wonderful

feeling of release they


after treatment,


becomes. So why not give it a try? Chiropractic

and how much easier and more supple


change your life!



Chiropractors treat patients

A by employing gentle massage techniques.
B by altering the alignment of bones in the body.
C by adjusting the position of nerves and muscles in the body.
D by manipulating the nervous system.

Before visiting a chiropractor,

the writer implies you should

A visit a doctor who can diagnose your problem.

B obtain a referral from your doctor.
C stop taking any medication.
D ensure they are a member of a recognised chiropractic


Question 23: Look for a word or

phrase in the text that means
'realise' and what the writer say~
after this. Which option
expresses the same idea in other
words? Also, think about the
words in the options. For
example, if you 'conform' to
something, what does that
Question 24: Think about the
overall meaning of what the
writer says in the second
paragraph. What does 'abstract
images from forms' mean? What
do artists try to do and how do
they do it? How might the sense
of touch help them to do this?

Art and Visual Impairment

Ks a student artist with a minor visual impairment I had spent
years trying to keep up with my peers, struggling to master the
principles of colour, form and perspective, until it dawned on me
one day that perhaps the skills I was attempting to develop need
not necessarily be visual. I started to re-examine the way in which
I worked and realised that I could change my perspective, so to
speak. I started to devise a tactile approach to recording the world
that would complement the way I experienced it - rather than
merely trying to reproduce it.
Touch is far more meaningful to the visually impaired - blind
people in particular - than it is for the majority of people. It can
offer an alternative means of observation that increases one's sense
of perception and it provides a unique, non-visual way for artists to
abstract images from forms. Visual artists are taught to understand
light. I have been learning to understand space and distance,
volume and dimension, form and substance, and to work with
materials that occasionally dwarf me.

23 What did the artist realise about herself?

A She had been trying to conform to established ideas about art.
B She needed to improve her visual skills.
C She wasn't as talented as the other students in her class.
D She could improve her sight by changing the way she worked.

24 How can touch be used in art?

A It can improve one's powers of observation.
B It facilitates the power of sight.
C It enables artists to create without needing to see.
D It helps visual artists to experience large objects.

Question 25: Readthe question

stem carefully. You need to find
the 'main' reason, which implies
there may be other reasons too :..
just less important ones!
Question 26: Be careful not to

read too much between the

lines. You may think that a text
implies something, but what
does it actually say? Which of
the options is stated explicitly in
the text?

In touch with the child

Touch is the first sense to develop in the embryo. Only a few
weeks after conception a primitive nervous system linking skin
cells to a rudimentary brain has already developed. Throughout
the gestation period the foetus's tactile system develops and it
will remain a potent form of communication throughout the
course of a person's life. Essentially, touch aids psychological,
intellectual and physical development while its absence can
cause undeniable harm. Touch is a child's first language. Long
before he can see, smell, taste or hear, he experiences others and
himself through touch, the only reciprocal sense.
In our consumer based society, we misguidedly try to meet
the sensory needs of the newborn by providing artificial
stimulation and security, so that we can keep ourselves 'at a
distance. We put our children down to sleep in cots, monitoring
their breathing with alarms while we sleep in the next room.
Instead of holding them close to our bodies, we push them
around at arms' length in prams. We suspend them in baby
bouncers in an attempt to reproduce the experience of being
jogged around in human arms. But babies need their mothers,
not machines and contraptions. No invention can substitute for
the direct physical contact that forms the basis of the mother and
child bond.

25 The main reason why touch is important



is because

is the first sense to develop.

facilitates healthy development.
improves our communication
teaches us how to reciprocate.

26 What is the writer's main point in the second paragraph?


Children should never be left to sleep alone.

Most people fail to provide the right kind of security for their children.
Man-made objects cannot replace nature in providing tactile stimulation.
People should take a more active part in bringing up their children.

PAPER 2 Writing
PAPER 3 Use of English

You are going to read an article about palaeoanthropology.

Seven paragraphs have
been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits
each gap (27-33). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

PAPER4 Listening
PAPER5 Speaking

If these bones could talk ...

To a palaeoanthropologist, the past is an open book, but one
that fails to tell the whole story. The covers are missing. The
first chapters may never be found. There are hardly any
pages, and most are so smeared and crumpled, so foxed and
faded, that the text could mean almost anything. The cast of
characters is confusing and narrative thread anybody's guess.
Is it a detective story, a clifThanger, or a romance? Can there
be a happy ending?


Homo floresiensis was the mysterious survivor unearthed from

a cave on the island of Flores in Indonesia: a pygmy
descendant, perhaps, of Homo erectus, perhaps even connected
to an earlier human species, but with this special feature: the
bones were only 18,000 years old. So Homo sapiens, Homo
erectus, Homo neanderthalis and Homo floresiensis must have all
shared the planet at the same time, tantalisingly recently:
within the last 100,000 years perhaps. Now only Homo
sapiens survives.

Q!J_----------Stringer, 57, is head of human origins at the Natural History

Museum in London. One of palaeoanthropology's big
players, he has spent his career in pursuit of Homo
neanderthalis and is also one of the great proselytisers of the
Out-of-Africa theory, the one that says the human story
begins on just one continent. Homo floresiensis, however,
astonished him.

~-----------'Nature is constantly experimenting. I think a lot of people

thought that humans were somehow different; that we had
this all embracing culture and this unifying adaptation,
which meant that human evolution progressed in a
somewhat different way, because of our technology and the
way we probably vainly think we are partly controlling the
world now. So people project backwards and think that

humans are somehow special. The evidence shows us that

our evolution was as complex and as undirected, I suppose,
as that of any other species we have studied.'

~-----------Modern humans probably popped up within the last

200,000 years, but the things that make modern humans so
distinctive in the fossil record - symbolic art, pottery and
jewellery - bloomed only about 50,000 years ago. Nobody
in the world of palaeoanthropology
considers modern
humanity to be the flower of creation, either. A temporary
bloom, maybe.

QIJ_----------Genetic evidence suggests humans may have come close to

extinction a number of times in the past. Modern humans
shared the Middle East with Homo neanderthalis 120,000
years ago, and as Cro-Magnons became the sole tenants of
Europe 30,000 years ago, a terrain held successfully by the
Neanderthals for more than 100,000 years. Did they
compete? Did they co-exist? Did they trade, or cohabit?


'I still tend to the view that the primary message would have
been: different. They would have had a different body
language, a completely different way of communication;
they would have had different behaviours.'

@]-----------He and his co-author Peter Andrews - a former head of

human origins at the Natural History Museum, and an
expert on the early part of the human story - tried to tell
the story of human evolution not just through time, but
through its context, Stringer says: how you set about
excavating a site, what a piece of tooth or jaw can tell you
about ancient human behaviour. In that, the title of the book
means what it says: complete.

A It's humbling, Stringer says.'We shouldn't see ourselves as

the summit of the pel{ection of whatever evolution is
trying to achieve. We seem to be very successful at the
moment in terms of our numbers but, looking at it on a
geological timescale, how ~uccessful will we look in
50,000 years, which is a very short time, geologically

E These

B 'Neanderthals were certainly human and evolved as us

in their own way, but they were different. They had
several hundred thousand years of evolving their own
anatomy and behaviour. But when these people met in
Europe would they have seen each other as people? Or
as someone different?' he says.

F There is a story-so-far, but that potted version of events is

forever being revised, and nobody knows that better than
Chris Stringer, one of the authors of a book published
today called The Complete World of Human Evolution.
Complete? Stringer spent eight years on the text. Then,
late last year, he had to sit down in one night and compose
an entirely new chapter to incorporate the discovery of
Homo floresiensis, also known as the Hobbit.

C What stories could these bones tell? And who could have
dreamed, before their discovery that some tree-climbing,
human candidate could have
survived on a tropical island while Homo sapiens moved
into the Fertile Crescent, preparing to invent agriculture,
civilisation and global terrorism?
D He thinks the Neanderthals perished at a moment of
maximum stress in the stop-go, hot-cold pattern of
climate during the last ice age. Though they left their
mark in the Pyrenees, they never got to Britain at all. But
then the human occupation of Britain itself is a bit of a
riddle. There is evidence of it, most of it indirect, of little
pulses of human occupation, and then a gap of 100,000
years when no humans appeared to have visited Britain at
all. Modern humans finally moved in and stayed only
12,000 years ago.

people were capable of making tools and

butchering large beasts like rhinos. They may not have
killed these beasts themselves - they were, after all,
dangerous animals - but even if they were just scavenging,
it must have taken some degree of cooperation and
organisation to have driven off the lions or wolves, and
secured the carcass for themselves.

G Here is the orthodm,'Y, pieced together over a century or

more by Darwin's disciples: primate creatures with a
capacity for walking upright emerged perhaps twenty
million years ago. From these emerged the ancestors of all
gorillas, all chimpanzees and all humans. There is no line
of evolution: think, instead, of foliage, and the surviving
humans and two species of chimpanzees are just nearby
buds at the ends of twigs dose together on the tree oflife.
H 'Until that turned up, we had no idea that ancient humans
had ever reached as far as Flores. We certainly had no idea
that there was a completely new kind of human - or is it
even human? That is still being argued about - living
there, and the fact that it was still around there when
modern people passed through the region. Each of those
is astonishing and that shows how little we knew about
human evolution in that part of the world. We are
building up the pieces of a huge, complex jigsaw, and we
still have a lot of spaces to fill in,' he says.

~ This part of the exam tests your understanding of how a

text is organised and, in particular, how paragraphs relate to
each other.

~ Underline time references and notice any changes in tense

within a text. The writer may be comparing a past situation
with the present.

~ Read the main text through first to get an idea of what it is

about and how the writer develops his or her subject matter.

~ When you have finished the task, read through

completed text to make sure it makes sense.

~ Read the paragraphs before and after each gap carefully to

see how they are connected.
~ Underline the names of people, organisations or places.
Also, underline reference words such as 'this', 'it', 'there',
etc. They will help you see connections between sentences
and paragraphs.
~ Read paragraphs A-H and do the same, noting how each
may be linked to the subject matter of the main article.


Question 30: Compare the paragraph before the gap with that
which comes after it. Notice that in the paragraph after the
gap, the writer makes use of a metaphor. Look for an option
which employs a similar use of language.
Question 32: In the paragraph before the gap, Homo
neanderthalis is mentioned and questions are asked. Look for
an option which addresses these questions in some way.

You are going to read an extract from a short story. For questions 34-40, choose the
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

PAPER3 Use of English

PAPER4 Listening
PAPER5 Speaking

'Time to go, Joe: Officer Dicks stands in the now

open doorway to freedom. I hesitate and
contemplate this fact with some trepidation,
oscillating between a feeling of excitement and one
of utter dread. I suddenly feel as if I am standing at
the top of a precipice, parachute attached and ready
to jump, but tortured by the overwhelming fear that
when I jump the chute won't open. After dreaming
of this moment for years, endlessly counting off the
days, over and over - ever since I came here, in fact
- I am now gripped with a sense of terror at the
thought that the time has actually arrived.
Bill, my soon-to-be erstwhile neighbour, notices
my sudden reluctance and smiles, nodding sagely.
'Hard, isn't it?' he says. 'You spend all your time
waiting for your release only to find that when it
comes down to it, you don't want to go. Much as
you hate to admit it, this dump has become your
home, and the lads, even the warden, bless him,
welt they've become family:
A sarcastic quip in response to this last remark
dies in my throat. It strikes me that this motley
bunch of miscreants with whom I have co-existed
for the last five years have indeed come to mean
something to me, and that in spite of myself I will
miss them. Like a worn-out old coat that you can't
throwaway, we have moulded together, an unlikely
yet close-knit group, not particularly fond of each
other, perhaps, but comfortable in the familiarity of
each other's presence. Bill, with his weather-beaten,
pock-marked face and his infuriating habit of
whistling the same tune over and over again has
become like a brother to me. He may irritate me to
screaming point several times a day, and no doubt if
you were to ask him about me, the feeling would be
mutual, but we have grown used to sharing a fag
and talking about nothing in particular. It suddenly
dawns on me that he understands me in a way
nobody else ever has and I never have to pretend to
be something I am not with him. He just seems to
know what is going on in my head and doesn't

question it, but rather accepts it philosophically. I

realise there is something comforting about waking
up every morning to the sounds of Bill moving
around his domain next door.
Sighing, I take a last look around the walls of my
cell. Not much to look at because I never really
bothered to decorate it, my mind determinedly
focused on the temporary nature of my stay. Even
so, it is amazing how we unwittingly leave traces of
ourselves wherever we go, stamping our self on
everything we touch. There is the rubber mark on
the wall above my bed, made by my throwing a
small ball at it every day, an activity which grated
on Bill's nerves but which helped me calm my own.
Then the wall against which my bunk stands is
spattered with writing: the lyrics of songs and the
lines of poems that I have struggled not to forget.
Wherever I look, I see things that are familiar. They
define me in some way and give me my identity by
which others recognise me. Out there the unknown
waits to engulf me, and the loneliness of being
marginalised by society; I will be branded by the
fact that I have done time - just another bad apple.
It occurs to me that we convicts spend all our
time cooped up and trapped, longing for the
moment we will be free again, not realising that
there is a perverse freedom to being inside: a
freedom from all forms of responsibility. Your
accommodation, food, clothing and essentials are all
provided free of charge. There is no need to work
and you can spend all day reading or just doing
nothing if you want to. Such luxuries are hard to
come by on the outside because out there you are'
forced to fend for yourself and perhaps for others in
an unforgiving society, and it's tough. Out there,
you must face life. Here, you can turn your back on
it, and that seems cosy and appealing to me right
Reaching the door, my threshold to freedom, I
look over at Bill and say wryly: 'I1l be back before
you know it:



ssentia tips


In the first paragraph, how does the writer allude to his situation?
A He has mixed feelings about it.
B He is afraid of heights.
C He thinks there may be disastrous consequences.
D He regrets wasting so much time.


How did the writer react to Bill's comment?

A He couldn't think of anything clever to say.
B He realised that Bill would miss him.
C He suddenly saw the warden as a member of his family.
D He thought Bill had made a good point.

~ This part of the exam tests

your detailed understanding of
a text, including the views an;J
attitudes expressed.
~ Readthe whole text quickly for
its general meaning - the gist.
~ The questions follow the order
of the text, although the last
question may refer to the text
as a whole or ask about the
intention or opinion of the
~ Readeach question or
question stem and try to
identify the part of the text
which it relates to. Then read
the relevant part of the text
carefully and think of the
meaning of what you are
reading. Look for the option
that expresses this meaning,
probably in other words.
~ Be careful: some options may
state facts that are true in
themselves but which do not
answer the question or
complete the question stem
correctly; others may include
words used in the text, but this
does not necessarily mean that
the meaning is correct; yet
others may be only partly true.

36 The writer and Bill

A have nothing much in common.
B dislike each other.
C find solace in each other's company.
D have developed some peculiar habits.

37 The writer finds it surprising




didn't decorate his cell after all these years.

has left evidence of his personality in the cell.
has spoiled the wall near his bed.
has forgotten the words to some songs.


~ Checkthat the option you have

chosen is correct by trying to
find out why the other options
are incorrect.

How does the writer feel about leaving prison?

A He is aware that there will be nothing familiar around him.
B He is worried that people won't recognise him any more.
C He is afraid that he will be ostracised as an ex-convict.
D He is concerned about leaving his old friends behind.


Question 34: An option may be a

'rue statement in itself, but this
does not necessarily mean it
answers the question correctly.
Nhat does the writer actually tell
liS about his feelings in this

In the penultimate paragraph, what does the writer imply is ironic?

A that prison offers certain liberties
B that free people have many responsibilities
C that luxuries are rare in the outside world
D that prison life is more comfortable than life outside

40 Overall, the writer implies that leaving prison

Question 38: If you do not know

- e meaning of the words in the
options, guess. For example, if
ou do not know what 'ostracised'
eans,imagine how someone
o has done time in prison
ight be treated by the rest of

A is an event that is long overdue.

B is a reason for celebrating.
C is not as joyful as he thought it would be.
D is only a temporary situation.


estion 39: Make sure you

~ow what 'ironic' means. Irony
...anbe difficult to detect in a text
_ d you must be alert to the
. er's intentions.

Question 40: This question refers

to the whole of the text. Some of
the options may be mentioned
somewhere in the text and so
appearto be correct, but this does
not mean that they expresswhat
the writer is implying overall.

You must answer


this question.







in an


PAPER 3 Use of English

PAPER 4 Listening
PAPER 5 Speaking

You have read the extract


in their

to the points

has affected

~ In Paper 2 you must answer

two questions in two hours, so
timing is important.

as part of a newspaper

You decide

and expressing




to write

a letter


own views.

~ Part 1 tests your ability to

process information given to
you through instructions as
well as written or visual
prompts in order to produce a
piece of writing that makes use
of this information in an
appropriate style.
~ Read the instructions carefully
and underline the key words
that tell you what you have to
do. Then read the written
prompt, which may be an
extract from a letter, article, etc.
and underline the relevant
information. If there is a visual
prompt as well, make sure you
understand what information it
is conveying. You must make
use of all the information in
your writing.

~ Here, you have been asked to

write a letter to a newspaper,
so think about the registerhow formal or informal should
it be?
~ Analyse the points in the
written prompt. How far do you
agree or disagree with each
point? Do you agree? Do you
disagree? Or do you agree with
some points to a certain extent
but disagree with others?

~ Plan your writing so that your

own points are clearly
organised and lead towards a
strong conclusion. Finish your
letter with a strong, clear point
or by saying what you hope
the outcome will be.
~ Make sure you use a good
selection of linking words and
phrases in your writing.
~ Think about appropriate
language and expressions


which can lend weight to each

of your points. Use examples
wherever possible in order to
underline your message.
~ Make sure the examiner can
read your writing. When you
have finished, check your
spelling and punctuation.
~ See the Writing bank on page
142 for examples of different
types of writing.

the way

have been asked to

to the newspaper

The infiltration of technology in our

lives is having a negative effect on our
children. Wherever we turn, we see
young people clutching mobile
telephones, sitting at cyber cafes, or
engrossed in some computer game.
They no longer seem to be interested
in their own culture and are losing
their individuality. They engage less
in wholesome physical activities,
spend more time indoors, have fewer
social pastimes - even their academic
performance seems to be suffering.
Are we to sit back and do nothing as
the next generation turn into walking

~ The question in Part 1 is

compulsory. You may be asked
to write an article, an essay, a
letter or a proposal. All of these
will be written for a particular
purpose and target reader.
Make sure you are familiar with
all four text types that may
occur in Part 1.



the lives of young





to one of the questions

an answer


in an appropriate

in this

part. Write





PAPER 3 Use of English

PAPER 4 Listening
PAPER 5 Speaking

-2 The local council






hope to make full



~ Choose a question you think

you will be able to answer
satisfactorily. Read each
question carefully. Are you
ami liar with the features of the
ext type? Do you know enough
appropriate vocabulary to write
on the topic in the question?
ake sure you understand
hat you have to do by
_nderlining the key points in
- e question and then plan
.our answer around these,
ing down suitable words
" d phrases you may want to
_se in your writing.
::: ,yourself into the 'context'
:;= the task, and consider your
-='get reader. Then write your
-: . in a register and style
,,:;propriate for the particular
:-eck your text for relevance,
-: -ety of language and
'on 3
---nk about the question
__Jirements. Who are your
-=~et readers? You should not
_-: -00 formal since you are
-ng for fellow students, but
::.3C:ni-formal register would




and say what


4 The restaurant

the poor



a review

you think

for your

to send

Question 4

~ Reports tend to be written

according to a set plan. This


So far, there

a sports


level and content





and whether

the quality

a number


of complaints

at one of its restaurants.

and submit
of staff

a report,


for improvements.

~ Consider the topic carefully. Your

report should be addressed to a
particular person in authority,
and needs to be formal in style.
So think of suitable language
you can use.

of the




for has received

and food

the complaints

of food,

~ Organise your points into

paragraphs before writing.

of both

in proposals.

this year on your

of the books'

of service

~ Underline the key points in the

question and make notes. This
question asks you to compare
two textbooks, so decide
whether you want to praise
them, criticise them or praise
some aspects and criticise
others. Consider contrasting
the two books.

an area of neglected
on the outskirts

and requirements.

that you work

been asked to investigate

the present


or a nature

have been studying



the public


3 You have been asked to write


to develop

that the area be used for parkland,

an entertainment

of the textbooks


5,000 square

use of the area for the benefit

have therefore

have been suggestions

~ There are four questions to

choose from in Part 2. Question
5 relates to the set books (works
of literature) which you might
have studied and prepared. For
questions 2-4 you will be
required to write one of the
following text types: an article, a
letter, a proposal. a report or a
review. If you have studied one
of the set books and want to
answer question 5, you can
expect to write one of the
following text types: an article,
an essay, a letter, a report or a
review. Make sure you have had
practice writing all text types.

has recently


an introduction, in which
you explain your purpose
for writing your report and
the matters you have
the main body (usually two
or more paragraphs). in
which you discuss the
current situation. In this
case, one paragraph could
describe the present
standard of food, citing
some complaints that have
been made about it, as well
as your own observations.
Another paragraph could
describe the present quality
of service in a similar way.
a conclusion, in which you
make recommendations for
improving the situation.
~ Carefully planned, a report is
relatively straightforward.

You have


and making



PAPER 1 Reading
For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each

PAPER 2 writing

space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning

PAPER4 Listening

Part 2

PAPER 5 Speaking


Part 4
Part 5

~ Readthe whole text for gist

before you attempt the task. It
is important to notice if
negative ideas are expressed,
or where there is antithesis or
~ Think about thl:!type of word
that is missing. Most gapped
words form part of the
grammatical structure of a
sentence, but some may form
part of a phrasal verb or a fixed
~ Checkthe words before and
after the gap carefully,
Remember,the gapped word
must fit into the meaning of
the text as a whole. Sometimes
a gapped word will affect the
development of the text, so be
~ When the gapped word is a
quantifier, think about whether
it is positive or negative. When
it is a connector, does it
introduce a supporting point or
a contrasting one?
~ Once you have completed the
task, read through the text
again to make sure it makes
sense. Checkyour spelling:
marks are not awarded for
misspelt words.
Question 2: Think of an
expression with 'to' which
means 'as a result of'.

For centuries





until they were finally deciphered

the discovery











be found



are followed
is Ancient









but it was (12)





of Ancient









script. The

the task of deciphering


1822 that there was a major

Jean Francois Champollion


making their decipherment

Question 12: Which word goes

with 'until' to express that it
was 'only' in 1822that scholars
came close to finding a


of the discovery.






was familiar

He was able to (14)



and monuments.


it was


of writing

Greek and Coptic, the language of the Christian

of the Ancient


of Rosetta. One


a pictorial



out the Demotic





Question 4: Which particle

follows 'stumble' to form a
phrasal verb meaning 'find or
discover by chance'?
Question 8: Look at the
grammatical structure
immediately after the gap. What
type of word are you looking for?



it, to the importance

The 'French linguist,



by Demotic,


in two



who recognised


on many Egyptian




near the small town

is hieroglyphics,




century, (2)

realised they had stumbled

has inscriptions




and handed it over to scholars.




on a fortress

of great significance



of the

in the nineteenth

officer, Pierre Francois Bouchard,



They (1)

of the Rosetta Stone.


a finding



Question 15: Which word

conveys the idea of 'in this
way'? Sometimes more than
one word can complete a gap



PAPER 1 Reading
For questions 16-25, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end
of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is
an example at the beginning (0).

PAPER2 Writing


Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Part 3
PAPER5 Speaking

Part 4
Part 5

~ Read the whole text for gist

before you attempt the task.
~ Look at each gap carefully and
decide what part of speech is
missing - noun, verb,
adjective,or adverb.


are (0)


~ Look at the context to decide
whether the gapped word
should have a positive or
negative meaning.
~ If the gapped word is a noun,
should it be singular or plural?
If it is a verb, what tense or
form should it be?
~ Check if the gapped word is an
adjective or an adverb.


of the night: that they are blind

wander into their

lair, they panic and flap around




in your




makes it virtually

into you, let alone get caught



rabies and you would

Few of them carry

role in the environment.

of bat species










, while



pest control.

and so aid in seed (23)

But they




on fruit

others feed on




So beari~

Question 17: Is the gapped word

a noun, verb, adjective or
adverb? Should it have a positive
or negative meaning?

amazing animals they really are?




in other ways, too. Some species feed primarily


Question 25: Has public opinion

::>' bats so far been positive or

for them to

be more likely to contract the disease from

Bats play an important

all this in mind, isn't it time we stopped

bats with ,(25)


hair. Another

dog or cat.



up in your

view of b~ts is that they are dirty; in reality,

an (21)




insects, thus



~ Once you have completed the

task, read through the text
again to make sure it makes
sense. Check your spelling:
marks are not awarded for
misspelt words.

Question 21: A vaccine is a

substance given to people or
3nimals to protect them against
isease. Is the meaning of the
ord you need here positive or


to. learn that in fact, these wonderful

talent for echolocation


They may even become


good eyesight and depend on sonar for nocturnal navigation.

~ You may need to add one or

more prefixes and/or suffixes
to the word in capitals, and you
may also need to make internal
changes. Also, look out for
compound words. Be prepared
to experiment!

Question 19: Notice the

antithesis in the sentence.

bats, those

and carry rabies, and if you (17)

they groom themselves

Question 16: Here, you need an

Think carefully how
:his is formed.



and started to see them


as the


PAPER 1 Reading
PAPER2 Writing

PAPER4 Listening

For questions 26-31, think of one word only which can be used appropriately
three sentences. Here is an example (0).


PAPER 5 Speaking

~ Make sure you read all three

sentences in a set. A word may
make sense in one or two of
the sentences, but it is not
correct unless it makes sense
in all three!


~ The gapped word must be the

same part of speech and have
the same form in each
sentence in a set.
~ The gapped word may have an
unusual or unfamiliar usage, or
form part of an expression or
phrasal verb.


Question 26: Read the second

'sentence; it will help if you know
what a symphony is and who
Brahms and Schumann were.
Question 28: You should be able
to guess the gapped word by
reading the first sentence, but if
you can't, the adjective in the
second sentence has the
meaning of 'strong and able to
deal with difficult situations'.
Question 30: The gapped word
has a similar meaning in the
second and third sentences:
'make longer in time or
distance'. In the first sentence
the word is part of an

in all






We are setting off at first

She had to explain the matter to me again before I saw the

Before the interview


Did Schumann

Try to

My grandmother

Before ending the meeting, the Managing

any objections.

They will

The steak was so

Gerald thinks he looks


Why don't more women

Does your car

We are going to

I would like to
for being with 'us tonight.

They are planning to

They originally
decided to

died in the war.

Brian took a deep breath and tried to

this symphony,
your thoughts


or was it Brahms?

before you start on the essay.

managed to

five children single-

Director asked if anyone wanted

the flag while we sing the national anthem.

that you couldn't

cut it, let alone chew it!

in that black leather jacket with the

for public office?

on unleaded petrol or diesel?
a series of advertisements

in the local

a warm welcome to you all and thank you

the road by twenty


intended to spend ten days in Egypt but now they've

their visit.

The doctor

,so please go to bed early.

all the difficult

the monument

to the memory

his life to finding

of the soldiers who

a cure for this fatal disease.

the song to her husband, who had helped her


PAPER 1 Readrng
PAPER2 Writing

PAPER 4 Listening
PAPER 5 Speaking

For questions 32-39, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and eight words, including the word given. Here is an
example (0).

He struggled to open the door.


~ Read both sentences carefully.

The gapped sentence must
express all the information
contained in the prompt
sentence, but in different



There is no way I'm letting you go to that party!

~ You must use the key word to

complete the gapped sentence,
but you must not change its
form in any way.

the door.

had difficulty

in opening

1=0= I


to that party!

~ The key word may be part of

an expression.
~ You may need to change the
form of words in the prompt
sentence, and the order in
which you express the
~ Be prepared to experiment.
For example, you may have to
change an active structure to a
passive one, or a positive
sentenceto a negative one.
~Your answer must be between
ree and eight words in
ength. If you write too few or
:00 many words, you will be


You shouldn't

,they wouldn't

expect your mother to do everything

be my first

for you!

for you!

We wouldn't

your mother will do everything

have got out alive without

the fire fighter's help.


, we wouldn't

have got out alive.

It's not like her to behave like that as she's normally very calm.

estion 32: Which expression

'under' conveys the idea of
--llre is no way'? A sentence
inning in this way will need
~- 'nversion.

Her behaviour

her normally calm nature.


estion 33: 'Averse' suggests

__ dislike something. What do
eed to say here in order to
: "the gapped sentence the
--e meaning as the prompt
_ .""nce?

Your entr'y


.on 36: The key word is

. a fixed expression
.:c=~ing'not consistent with'.
'on 39: You will need to
ersion here.


your examination


The rumours of his being fired are not true.


, he has not been fired .

She was very nice to me at first and I never imagined she could be so cruel!
She was so nice to me at first
could be so cruel!


PAPER 1 Reading
PAPER 2 Writing
Part 1

PAPER4 Listening

For questions 40-44, read the following texts on tourism in Antarctica. For questions
40-43, answer with a word or short phrase. For question 44, write a summary
according to the instructions given.

Part 2

Part 3
PAPER5 Speaking

Part 4

~ Readthrough both texts to get

an idea of how they are similar
and also how they are

Antarctica represents ten percent of the Earth's landmass and is also the
world's last unspoilt wilderness, so it is hardly surprising that greater
numbers of people are visiting the frozen continent every year. Tourism to

began in the late 1950s but it wasn't until the 1990s that it began
impact. In the summer season 2004-5, over 27,000
tourists visited Antarctica, and if one takes into account the crew, support
teams and scientists that went there too, the actual number of visitors was
closer to 50,000. The tourist industry is predicting that these figures will
increase even further. Mass tourism has arrived.

5 to have a commercial

~ It is a good idea to attempt

questions 40-43 first. This will
help you focus on the points
made in each text.
~ Your answers to questions
40-43 do not need to be full
sentences, but they need to be
clearly expressed.
~ Some questions may ask you
to find words or phrases in the
text. Others may ask you to
explain the meaning of words
and phrases or part of the text.
Use your own words to do this
and do not copy words and
phrases from the text. Be
careful to explain only what
you are asked for, not the
whole paragraph!
Question 40: What is the word
'commercial' usually associated
with? Consider how tourism
might develop if more and more
people want to visit Antarctica.

Tourism is already exerting pressures on the Antarctic environment, and

what worries environmentalists
is that there is no current regulation and

very little constraint on where people may go and what they can do there.
Tours to important wildlife and historic sites often attract large numbers of
people, and a new kind of 'adventure tourism' - offering activities such as
scuba-diving, skydiving, and skiing - has also arrived. Tourists can even fly
directly in to waiting ships, and there is now better access to inland areas
thanks to light aircraft, helicopters and land vehicles. Inevitably, there have
been calls for accommodation to 'be built ashore, as well as airstrips and
landing sites.
However, if tourism is not to compromise Antarctica's designation as a
natural reserve, it must be subject to certain restrictions concerning where
people can go and the types of activities they can do once they get there.
Otherwise it is doubtful whether Antarctica can remain the last pristine
environment on the planet for much longer.

Question 42: How might tourists

to Antarctica like to feel? (They
pay a lot of money to visit the
only continent that has not been
populated by people.) Why do
some tour operators avoid other
groups of tourists when they

has no indigenous population - if you exclude the
unavoidable colonies of penguins - and the only people you
are likely to see there are other tourists. Some prudent tour
operators, however, schedule their landings so they don't
bump into each other, thus reinforcing the illusion of the
wilderness experience.

Question 44
~ Here, you need to use
information from both texts in
order to write a short
summary. Read the question
carefully to see what
information you are being
asked for.

Vessels travelling to the Antarctic vary in size from cruisers

around fifty passengers to much larger icestrengthened vessels with a capacity of 1,000 or so. The
International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO),a
well-respected voluntary organisation, has established rules
about the size of ships allowed into Antarctic waters and
conduct o't landing sites, so you should check that the tour
company you go with is a member. One of these rules states
that no more than 100 people can visit land at anyone time, so
it is usually better to go with a smaller ship to ensure you will get
to see some of the spectacular wildlife and natural features of
the continent up close.

~ Make a list of points from the

two texts and then check that
they are relevant to the
~ The first text includes two
points for your summary. The
first of these forms part of the
message running through the
text and is hard to miss. The
second point is briefly
mentioned but it is something
that you would probably
consider if you were thinking of
visiting Antarctica. The second
text also includes two points.
The first clearly mentions one
of the things a potential visitor
should be aware of. The
second point offers advice.

Tours operate in the summ,er months, between November and

March, when you can expect more than twenty hours of
sunlight and temperatures
up to 10C. In the winter
temperatures can plunge to -90C, but only a handful of
hardened scientists ever sit it out.

~ Write your summary from the

list you have made, using your
own words as far'as possible.
A summary

needs no ..,
or conclusion.

You need to summarise what

the texts say, but you are not
asked for your opinion.
Do not include unnecessary
details such as examples to
support a point.
~ Check the number of words,
vocabulary, sentence structure,


In a paragraph of 50-70 words, summarise in your own words as far as possible

which factors, according to both texts, should be taken into consideration by
anyone thinking of going on a tour to Antarctica. Write your summary on the
separate answer sheet.

PAPER 1 Reading
You will hear four different extracts. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B or Cl
which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each

PAPER 2 Writing
PAPER 3 Use of English

... . ~

PAPER 5 Speaking

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

How did she feel during the trip?

~ Before you listen, read the
statement that introduces each
extract and the two questions
or question stems that follow.
These will give you an idea of
what to expect. The extracts
are short, so you don't have
much time to analyse the
context while you are listening.

A terrified
B seasick
C inexperienced

What did they discover when they reached the next island?
A The harbour. was old and ill-equipped.

~ Underline the key words in the

statements and questions.

B There were too many ferries.

C The locals were not very accommodating.

~ You may hear monologues or

dialogues from real life
situations: a conversation
overheard on a bus, or
someone talking on the radio,
for example.
~ Listen for gist the first time,
noting the options you think
are correct. Watch out for
traps: some words or
expressions may be misleading
and two of the options are
there to confuse you.
~ The second time you listen,
check your answers carefully.

What is he talking about?

A making a sculpture
B making a wooden doll

Question 1: The woman

mentions feeling 'green', which
can have more than one
. meaning. However, in this case,
the meaning is connected to the
fact that the sea is rough, and
creates a contrast with the
baby's peaceful sleep.
Question 3: Listen carefully to
the whole extract before
choosing your answer. There are
key words in the text which will
help you.

C making a musical instrument

What does he think is the most important

factor in making this object?

A precision
B patience
C knowledge


Question 6: You could get

confused here by the various
combinations in the options. As
you listen, tick off the points you
hear, but remember that you
may not hear the same words.

Which factor assisted the woman

B Visual communication

is instinctive

C The dog in question was especially

Question 7: Listen carefully for

comments which indicate the

speaker's attitude towards the
activities performed in the

in teaching

her dog sign language?

A The breed has a tendency to be born with hearing problems.

in dogs.

How did the woman train her dog?

A by using sign language and facial expressions
B by using facial expressions

and spoken commands

C by using sign language, facial expressions

and spoken commands

How does he feel about the darkroom



A relieved
B regretful
C non-committal

The software for digital cameras is so far unable to

A save the photographer


B produce good quality posters.

C correct mistakes in a photograph.

PAPER 1 Reading
You will

PAPER 2 Writing

hear part of a radio talk about

the world.

For questions


the ways


in which

the sentences



is celebrated

a word

or short


PAPER 3 Use of English







after the birth

ssent-a. ti

A special

~ Before you listen, read the

questions carefully, paying
special attention to any words
that may give a clue to the
gapped word(s). Key words in
the sentence can act as
indicators of what to listen out
~ The first time you listen, try to
understand the overall
meaning as this is crucial. The
questions follow the order of
the text, so you have some
indication of where you will
hear the answer.
~ As you listen, jot down any
words or phrases that seem to
complete the gaps correctly,
both in meaning and
grammatically. Listen out for
the key words you noted so
you know when the answer is
about to be mentioned.
Sometimes you may hear
names, dates or numbers.
~ The second time you listen,
make sure your answers
correspond to what is being
said. The word(s} you need will
be heard in the recording, but
sometimes a very close
synonym or paraphrase is
~ Once you have completed
task, check your spelling.



for babies

In some



are planted

and springs



and toddlers



may play a role in birth

may be held in Nigeria.







__________ IJIJ a baby's




the gods







or wear

it thei r





to walk




as new mothers.

is one of the important


I----------In many


bless a new baby

and offer


Question 15: Here you need a

phrase. Listen for examples of
women who paint their bodies or
wear jewellery.
Question 17: Listen for a phrase
which means 'the special events
that mark the journey between
childhood and adulthood'.


in a child's



Question 9: What can a person

suffer from? Listen for a word
that might describe an illness or
physical condition.
Question 13: Listen for what the
Indians do to the baby's head. If
it is a word you do not know, try
to write it as close as possible to
the way it sounds or the way you
imagine it would be spelt. Don't
leave a question unanswered.




of a child.

the transition



and adulthood.


PAPER 1 Reading
PAPER 2 Writing

You will hear an interview with an historian. For questions 18-22, choose the
answer (A, B, C or Dj which fits best according to what you hear.

PAPER3 Use of English


The settlement at Dimini is especially interesting because

A it dates back to the Neolithic period.
B it includes a large, central building surrounded by smaller
C it is surrounded by a series of stone walls.
D it is the oldest example of an organised community in


The two theoretical reconstructions of the site

A are based on different interpretive models.
B assume that the central building was a castle.
C were influenced by the writings of Homer.
D were formulated at roughly the same time.

sse fial tips

~ Before you listen, read the
instructions. Who is speaking
and what is the situation?
~ Readthe questions carefully
and imagine the content of
what you are about to hear.
Underline key words in the
questions and question stems.
~ The words in the questions will
not usually be the same as the
words used by the speakers, so
listen for similar ideas
expressed in a different way.


~ The speaker's attitude to his or

her subject is very important.
Listen carefully to any
language which conveys
feelings or opinions.
~ The first time you listen,
concentrate on understanding
what the speakers are saying
rather than answering the


~ The second time you listen, be

ready to choose your answers.

estion 20: Read each option,

--en listen carefully to what the
::-ofessor says about
_ ourmouziadis' interpretation.
=:r>--s he accept it completely?
estion 22: Pay attention to the
::-ding of each option. Then
-n carefully to the professor's
= :: comments. What conclusion
he draw?

to Professor Pretz, Chourmouziadis'


The main difference between the two theories regarding

Dimini is that
A they disagree about the settlement's social system.
B they disagree about the function of the central building.
C they disagree about the economic function of the

Question 18: The speaker

mentions all the options, but
hich one does he give as being
~ e reason for scholars' special
- 'erest in the site?
estion 19: What does
~ ofessor Pretz say about the
.NO theories? Do they have the
same approach to the subject?


A is convincing and provides insight into how the settlement

B is based on evidence of social and economic activity in the
C is persuasive but the thinking behind it is open to question.
D is too simple and generic to be of any real value to

D the historians were inspired by different



Professor Pretz
A thinks historians should pay more attention to the social,
historical and cultural influences of the period.
B suggests that the study of the past is affected by influences
in the historian's own society.
C proves that some historians are entirely subjective in their
approach to the study of the past.
D implies that the interpretations of the settlement at Dimini
are unrealistic.

PAPER 1 Reading
PAPER2 Writing

You will

PAPER 3 Use of English


~ Read the questions carefully to

get an idea of what will be
discussed and the opinions
that will be expressed.
~ Pay close attention to any
views that seem to conflict. It is
unlikely that a speaker would
contradict him/herself, so these
are probably mentioned by
different speakers.
~ If a speaker mentions a point,
wait until the other speaker has
expressed his or her view
because you need to know if
they agree or not.
~ Listen for words or phrases
that show agreement or
disagreement, for example
'you're quite right', or 'I'm
afraid I disagree', although
agreement and disagreement
are usually expressed more
subtly than this.
~ Listen for different ways of
saying the same thing or
expressions which have a
similar meaning.
~ Check your answers when you
listen the second time.
Question 23: How might you
express 'widely available' in
other words?
Question 24: What does
'superfluous' mean? What is
another way of talking about
images on a computer? Who
mentions this?
Question 27: Which noun may
reflect what something
'contains'? Listen for this in the
text, as well as someone
comparing it to visual images or
Question 28: What is
'endorsement'? If something is
'official', where does it come

For questions

one of the speakers,



hear part of an interview


or whether

for Penny

for Simon

for Both, where





the speakers


and Simon,
the opinions




are expressed

by only

PAPER 1 Reading
PAPER2 Writing
PAPER3 Use of English

Answer these questions:

PAPER4 listening

How would you describe the area you live in?

What are your neighbours like?
Would you prefer to live somewhere else?
What would you like to improve about the area you live in?

~ Try to be as natural as possible
in your interview, and smile!
This will help both you and the
other candidate to relax.
~ Use as much variety of
language as possible and avoid
repeating words and
expressions the other
candidate has used.
~ Listen to the examiner's
questions and instructions
~ In Part 2, which is the
interactive part of the
interview, remember to
address the other candidate,
not the examiner, and avoid
long monologues. You are
supposed to be conducting a
conversation, so talk with your
partner, asking him or her
questions, as well as
expressing your own ideas.
~ In Part 3, you will need to
express your opinion on a
subject, so learn useful words
and expressions to help you do
this. Express yourself as
honestly as possible - we
generally express ourselves
better when we believe what
we are saying!

Candidates A and B: Turn to pictures A-F on page 130-131, which show images
connected with space. First look at pictures A and F and discuss how space exploration
has helped us to understand more about the world we live in. You have about one
minute for this.
Now look at all the pictures. I'd like you to imagine that the government is thinking of
spending more money on space exploration and wants to produce a leaflet to publicise
the fact. Talk about the importance of expanding our knowledge of the universe and
decide which picture would be used most effectively for the cover of the leaflet. You
have about three minutes for this.

Candidate A: Look at the question in the box and say what you think about it. You
can use the ideas in the box if you like or add some ideas of your own. You have
two minutes for this.
Does the most important


occur within the

or elsewhere?



friends and peers

real life experience
Candidate B: Is there anything

you would

like to add?

Candidate B: Look at the question in the box and say what you think about it. You
can use the ideas in the box if you like or add some ideas of your own. You have
two minutes for this.
Has the function

of schools changed since your

parents' day?


child minding
private study and guidance
Candidate A: Is there anything

you would like to add?

Candidates A and B: Now answer these questions

about education

in general:

Are standards in education falling or improving?

Are teaching materials and resources outmoded?
Should the government spend more on education and less on defence?
Should school subjects be more geared towards real life and work?
Should teachers be obliged to attend regular retraining courses?


It appears/seems to be ...
This must/could

be ...

I'm fairly certain/sure


I imagine ...

by ...

I can't tell who/what/where


How about this picture for the cover?

What do you think of this one?
This picture depicts/shows


This picture might be suitable because ...

This picture gets the message across because ...
I think this one is too obscure and confusing.
You've got a point there. We could also ...
I wouldn't

say that. I think it shows

That's not a bad idea, but why not

What about a combination

of ...

Picture (A) could be superimposed

cost of research
extraterrestrial life
launch pad
outer space


on picture (D).

space exploration
space shuttle
space station
threat of meteors



PAPER 1 Reading


bones meet and are able to move together


(n) the ability to reproduce



and have babies or young


service which involves

referral (n) the act of officially

a series of actions


in a fixed order



by soaking It In a special

features or patterns to something

(v) to add decorative


make it look more attractive

(adj) exciting;

making you feel interested


(adj) new and original


(adj) allowing

the computer

direct communication

or television

between the user and



because you are not physically

disabled or because you have


shrine (n) a place of worship

to produce a piece of

(adj) arriving



at the right time and not late

or something

very much

prior to (prep) before

belt (n) a continuously

which is used in factories


objects along so that

they can be dealt with as quickly as possible

which prevents someone's

for example for recording

or measuring

bent on doing something

(phr) determined




to do something,


render (v) to cause something

to be in a particular



(adj) no longer needed because its job is being done by


else or because its job is no longer necessary or useful

haptics (n) the science of adding tactile sensation


to computerised

to enable the user to gain a physical impression

the machinery

of how

is performing

enhance (v) to improve the value, quality or attractiveness


(n) the art of making some objects or people in a picture

look further away than others

dawn on someone

(phr v) to realise something

(adj) received or felt by touch

complement (v) to go well with another thing and make its good
qualities more noticeable
observation (n) the ability to pay a lot of attention
notice more about them than most people do

to things and to


or the impression

(n) the way you think about something


(v) to realise in advance that something

could achieve
may happen and

be prepared for it
hazard (n) something

which could be dangerous

to you, your health

or safety, or your plans or reputation

(v) to allow sound or signals to pass through

an object or

take evasive action (phr) deliberately

move away from someone

in order to avoid meeting them or being hit by them


(n) the treatment

of injuries by pressing and moving

people's joints, especially the spine


(n) a person who treats injuries by chiropractic

(v) to identify

an illness or disease in someone

CPE Tests Glossary

an idea from something

volume (n) the amount of space that an object contains or occupies

dimension (n) a measurement such as length, width or height
(n) a solid, powder, liquid or gas with particular



or something


look or feel very small

(n) an unborn animal or human being in the very early stages

of development
conception (n) the process in which the egg in a woman's

and she becomes pregnant


(adj) belonging

body IS

to a very early period in the development


an animal or plant

(adj) very basic or simple

(n) the process by which babies grow inside their mother's

body before they are born

foetus (n) an animal or human being in its later stages of


terrain (n) an area of land or a type of land when you are conSidering
its physical features
optimum (adj) the best level or state that something

eyes, ears or


dwarf (v) to make someone

device (n) an object that has been invented for a particular


(n) a condition

brain from working


~~PART 2



that you observe or study

strip of rubber or metal

or airports for moving

is done or the way people behave

in a way that shows how excited

you have of it
abstract (v) to create an object or formulate

rouse (v) to waken someone



you are about it


person or object
assistance (n) help and support
detest (v) to dislike someone

order to control the way something

enthuse (v) to talk about something

or other authority

devise (v) to have the idea for a plan, system or machine, and design it

which is associated with a particular

rigorous (adj) very thorough and strict

regulation (n) a rule made by a government

peer (n) a person who is the same age as you or who has the same

(n) the ability to move or travel easily from place to place, for

a book or some research

to deal with them

(adj) recorded on an official list

status as you


work, especially

to lose the effect or value that it had

sending someone to a person or

visual (adj) relating to sight or to things that you can see



and pressing bones or

supple (adj) able to move and bend very easily

and enthusiastic

ramp (n) a sloping surface between two places that are at different

your own transport

(n) the act of working

that is qualified


(adj) used to talk about beauty or art, and people's

appreciation of beautiful things

dye (v) to change the colour of something



or make the muscles less stiff

negate (v) to cause something

(adj) very noticeable

ritual (n) a religious


(n) the act of skilfully

muscles with your hands in order to push the bones into their correct


(n) a small change that is made to something

joint (n) a part of your body such as your elbow or knee where two


before it is born

(adj) very effective and powerful


(adj) definitely
(adj) involving

two people or groups who do the same

thing to each other or agree to help each another in a similar way


(n) a person who buys things or uses services

sensory (adj) relating to the physical senses


(adj) not occurring

for example

someone to develop

check the development

or progress of

or someone

suspend (v) to hang something


and created by human beings,

(n) the process of encouraging

(v) to regularly



using science or technology

from a high place

(n) a device or machine that looks strange, or you do not

know what it is used for


(v) to take the place or perform the function

of another

bond (n) a strong feeling of friendship,


love or shared beliefs and

disciple (n) a person who is influenced

that unites one person with another


~~PART 3
(n) the scientific

study of early human beings

fossils to learn about the history of human life on earth

smear (v) to cover something


(v) to squash something

so that it becomes full of untidy

with yellowish

fade (v) to become gradually


(n) a situation

or frightening

paler or less clear



who is related to a

is tantalising,

it makes you feel hopeful

you by not letting you have what it appeared to offer

(n) a person who tries to persuade others to share their

embrace (v) if something

or political


embraces a group of people, things or

(n) the act of changing


or changing


to make it suitable for a new purpose or situation

(adj) if something

is distinctive,

feature which makes it easily recognisable

it has a special quality or

and different

from other

sole (adj) a sole thing or person of a particular

type is the only one of

tenant (n) a person who pays rent for the place they live in, or for
that they use

(n) an early type of human being who lived in Europe

(adj) used to describe someone that used to be the type of

person indicated,

and hesitation


to live in or visit

quip (n) a remark that is intended to be amusing


or clever

(adj) used to describe a group of things or people that seem

strange together

because they are all very different

(n) a person who has done something

illegal or behaved

that they develop in a particular


someone over a period of time so


(adj) closely linked, doing things together

and taking an

interest in each other


(adj) used to describe skin with deep lines because

the person has spent a lot of time outside in bad weather

(adj) used to describe skin with small hollow


it because the person has at some time been scarred by a

disease such as chicken pox or smallpox

(adj) main; most important

that relates to an idea or event, and


(adj) extremely


fag (n) a cigarette

Nhich helps it to be understood

excavate (v) to remove earth carefully

from an area of land and look

'or things such as pots, bones or buildings

which are buried there, in


(n) an area over which someone

(adj) making you realise that you are not as important


has control,


(adj) used to describe a person who does something

in something



or is

or something


been in a place

(n) the highest point of something

or as the result of

stamp (v) to leave marks of your presence in a place

grate on someone's


nerves (phr) to make someone feel annoyed at

aye your mark (phr) to have a lasting effect on another person or

the way you are behaving


that people have been trying to understand


(v) to cover the surface of something

engulf (v) to cover or hide something

and unexpected

=xplain but have not been able to

increase in the presence or activity of


with marks


among waste or unwanted

often in a sudden


(v) to make someone feel isolated and unimportant

brand (v) if you brand someone as something

: mething
5Cavenge (v) to collect things by searching



trace (n) a sign which shows you that someone

you were



about the past

erish (v) to die as a result of very harsh conditions

bad, people think they

are that thing

do time (phr) to serve a prison sentence

: jects
rcass (n) the body of a dead animal
tted (adj) containing

just the main facts about someone


bad apple (phr) a person who is dishonest

and therefore

of problems

they belong to


- mething
mpose (v) to write something

to do something

(n) a prison officer


cohabit (v) to live together

context (n) the general situation

but no longer is

(n) unwillingness


between 35,000 and 70,000 years ago

rder to discover information

(n) a very steep cliff on a mountain


mould (v) to change or influence

that type

ulse (n) a temporary



(n) an early type of human being found in Europe

"ddle (n) something

or type of



between 60,000 to 10,000 years ago

good as you thought

from one mood, attitude

to another and back

dump (n) a place that is ugly and unpleasant

bloom (n) a flower on a plant


(v) to keep changing


things of the same type

land or buildings


sage (adj) wise and knowledgeable




or not

that you are going to

doing it

ideas, it includes them in a larger group or category


(v) to think about whether to do something

(n) fear or anxiety about something

may happen

(adj) if something

beliefs, especially


dread (n) a feeling of great anxiety and fear about something

and excited about getting what you want, usually before


lump that appears on a tree or plant and

into a leaf or flower


(n) a person in a later generation



do or experience
to a species of animal which is the smallest of

person in an earlier one


foliage (n) the leaves of a plant

~~PART 4

or part of a play or film that is very exciting

a group of related species


which includes

brown stains

because you are left for a long time not knowing

pygmy (adj) belonging

of the group of mammals

twig (n) a very small thin branch that grows out from a main branch

will happen next



of a tree or bush

foxed (adj) discoloured


(n) a member

bud (n) a small pointed

with dirt or an oily or sticky substance

creases and folds



humans, monkeys and apes


by someone's

tries to follow their example

such as music, a letter or an article

(v) to include one thing within

e together

(phr v) to gradually


discover the truth about something

for the group or organisation

causes a lot

(n) someone who is in prison

coop up (phr v) to keep someone or something

in a place which is too

small, or which does not allow them much freedom

perverse (adj) unnatural;


fend for yourself

(phr) to look after yourself without

from others
threshold (n) if you are on the threshold

relying on help

of something


~. PART 3



new, you are about to experience it

wry (adj) referring to a bad situation

in an amusing way

(nl a song which is used to represent a particular


society or group, and which is sung on special occasions

stud (n) a small piece of metal that is attached to a surface for

PAPER 2 Writing


~. PART 1
(n) the act of entering
order to influence it

an organisation

or group secretly in

cyber cafe (nl a cafe with computers

where people can pay to use the


in something,

exert (v) to use influence,

(adj) if you are engrossed

(vI to do something



or pressure in a strong or

which damages someone's

posi>i -

or their reputation

it holds your

zombie (n) a person whose face or behaviour


determined way, especially in order to produce a particular

inevitable (adj) certain to happen; unavoidable


shows no feeling,

(nl a description,

(adj) extremely


or interest in what is going on around them

name or title that is given to somethi

clean or new

(adjl indigenous

people or things

belong to the country

which they are found, rather than coming there or being brought
there from another country

PAPER3 Use of English

~. PART 1

(n) symbols

some writing

systems, for example those of ancient Egypt


behaves in particular


says, even though


PAPER 1 Reading

to read or understand

slab (n) a thick, flat piece of something,

for enemies to enter

(n) writing carved into something


by volcanoes

(n) a castle or other large strong building

for example a gravestone


such as a stone

basalt (n) a type of black rock that is produced

be difficult

(nl the way someone


baffle (v) to confuse someone

decipher (v) to work out what a piece of writing


(adj) sensible and careful

in the form of pictures which are used in

(adj) relating to language or linguistics

is very difficult


which is intended to

(n) the study of people's handwriting

what sort of personality


made of stone or metal,

(nl a person who gives expert advice to a person or


or medal

in order to discc _

they have

on a particular

(nl disagreement



and argument

(n) a judgement

between people

about someone

or something


have been considered

rabies (n) a serious disease which causes people and animals to go

invertebrate (nl a creature that does not have a spine

track (v) to follow someone's or something's movements,

mad and die

lair (n) a place where a wild animal lives, usually a place which is

or well-hidden


and down
sonar (n) a method of finding

crone (n) an ugly old woman

of an object using sound

(nl something


large in size or power

wisp (nl a small, thin, untidy bunch of hair


(adj) occurring


flash (v) if you flash a look or a smile at someone,

at night

(n) the science of deciding which course to follow



(n) a system used by some animals to determine

of an object by measuring

you sudden

at them or smile at them

gums (n) the areas of firm, pink flesh inside your mouth, whic

steering a ship or an aircraft there




means of a special device such as a satellite or radar

bait (v) to put food on a hook or in a trap in order to catch fish

flap (v) if a bird or insect flaps its wings, the wings move quickly up
the position


or reviewed


how long it takes for an echo to

teeth grow out of

swirl (v) to move round and round quickly

return from the object


.~ PART 2

(v) to become ill with a serious illness or disease


groom (v) to clean an animal's fur, usually by brushing

nectar (nl a sweet liquid produced

by flowers,

which bees and other

pollen (n) a fine powder


by flowers which fertilises


enigma (n) something

or someone that is mysterious

or difficult


tangle (v) to twist together

you have, s :--

or success, so that it becomes more effec


test (n) a test that is specially



designed to find out h

(v) to make an action or process easier or more like

in decline (phr) gradually

in an untidy way

vaccine (n) a substance containing

a harmless form of the germs that

disease which is given to people, usually by



in importance,

a place or taking part in

quality 0 -

(adjl of poor quality; very bad

(n) the state of being extremely

capacity (n) the ability to do something,

to prevent them getting that disease

exclude (vI to prevent someone from entering

an activity

1,,- _




of something

easily and how well you can do something

of the same species so that they produce seeds

cause a particular

power, knowledge

and showing


insects collect

(adj) done quickly and carelessly

interest in what you are doing

(n) the strengthening

pest (n) an insect or small animal which damages crops or food

are able to do
grievous (adj) extremely

or the amount

serious or worrying

of i

in its effects




PAPER 1 Reading

~ ~ PART 1
1 D 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 C 8 B 9 A 10 B 11 C 12 D
13 B 14 D 15 C 16 A 17 B 18 C

23 B:
23 C:

~ ~PART 2
19 A: Incorrect. The text says, 'Until recently, the makers of
automated machinery seemed bent on rendering operators
redundant', not that this was their intention. It simply
appeared to be so.
19 B: Incorrect. The operators, not the manufacturers, felt no
connection with the machine they were operating.
19 C: Correct. 'Engineers are finally beginning to recognise the
value of the human touch with regard to the operation of
mechanical devices. Until recently, the makers of
automated machinery seemed bent on rendering operators
redundant by reducing their involvement with the machine
to the touch of a button. This theoretically made the user's
job easier, but in practice, they felt they had no connection
with the machine or how it functioned.'
190: Incorrect. The text implies the opposite: that until recently,
haptic principles were not being used to develop
20 A: Incorrect. The opposite is true. Haptic feedback enhances
the operator's understanding of how a machine works.
20 B: Incorrect. Haptic feedback helps the operator to understand
how the machine is responding to different types of terrain.
20 C: Incorrect. There is no evidence to support this answer in
the text.
20 0: Correct. 'By programming haptic feedback into the
electronic control system, engineers are helping operators
to enhance their understanding of how a machine is
responding to a particular terrain through feel, and by
doing so, achieve optimum performance.'
21 A: Incorrect. There is no mention of massage in the text.
21 B: Correct. 'Chiropractors diagnose and then treat problems of
a neuro-musculoskeletal nature by making specific
adjustments to the joints of the body - the spine in
particular - in order to improve the function of the nervous
system, and thereby enable the body's natural healing
processes to do their work. No drugs or surgery, just gentle
manipulation at the hands of a trained specialist!'
21 C: Incorrect. The specialist makes adjustments to the joints in
the body, not the nerves and muscles.
21 0: Incorrect. The specialist makes adjustments to the joints in
the body, not the nervous system.
22 A: Incorrect. 'Chiropractors diagnose and then treat problems'.
22 B: Incorrect. Chiropractors make the diagnosis, 'negating the
need for a doctor's referral'.
22 C: Incorrect. The text does not mention anything about
medication that a person may already be taking.
0: Correct. Although the writer does not directly advise the
reader to do so, he emphasises the fact that 'Registered
chiropractors are subject to rigorous regulations and high
standards of practice are maintained', implying that it is
advisable to go to a registered chiropractor.
A: Correct. 'I had spent years trying to keep up with my peers,
struggling to master the principles of colour, form and
perspective, until it dawned on me one day that perhaps

24 A:

24 B:
24 C:
24 0:
25 A:
25 B:

25 C:

26 A:

26 B:
26 C:

26 0:

the skills I was attempting to develop need not necessarily

be visual.'
Incorrect. The artist realised that she did not need to
improve her visual skills.
Incorrect. The artist indicates that in the past she had
struggled because she had a visual impairment, not
because she lacked talent.
Incorrect. The artist says she realised she could improve
her work by changing the way she perceived the world.
Incorrect. The text says that touch can 'offer an alternative
means of observation', not improve it, although it can
'increase one's sense of perception'.
Incorrect. Touch does not improve one's ability to see.
Correct. 'it provides a unique, non-visual way for artists to
abstract images from forms'
Incorrect. The artist has been working with large objects
but she is not a 'visual' artist.
Incorrect. Touch is the first sense to develop, but this is not
the main reason why it is important.
Correct. 'Essentially, touch aids psychological, intellectual
and physical development while its absence can cause
undeniable harm.'
Incorrect. Touch is important for communication but this is
not its most important function.
Incorrect. The text says touch is a 'reciprocal sense' but this
is not the same as saying that it teaches us to 'reciprocate'
- share with others.
Incorrect. The writer uses this as an example of how people
distance themselves from their babies. He does not say
babies should never sleep alone.
Incorrect. The writer indicates that some people provide
artificial security. He does not indicate if they are a majority.
Correct. 'But babies need their mothers, not machines and
contraptions. No invention can substitute for the direct
physical contact that forms the basis of the mother and
child bond.'
Incorrect. The writer is not talking about a child's

~ ~ PART 3
27 F: The first paragraph uses a book metaphor and talks about
'the story of the past'. Paragraph F introduces the book that
Chris Stringer and Peter Andrews have written.
28 C: The paragraph before the gap mentions the newly
discovered human species for the first time and compares
it to other known early human species. This new evidence
raises questions, which are then posed in paragraph C.
29 H: The paragraph before the gap refers to Stringer's
background and ends with the statement' Homo
floresiensis, however, astonished him', which suggests that
some comments by Stringer may follow. The paragraph
after the gap consists of a quote, with no mention of the
speaker's name, which implies that the speaker is
continuing a comment which began in the gapped
paragraph. Paragraph H is a quotation, and explains what
the speaker finds 'astonishing' about the new discovery.
30 G: The paragraph before the gap explains the nature and
complexity of human evolution. Paragraph G describes the
accepted view of human evolution using the metaphor of a
tree. In the paragraph after the gap, this metaphor is
continued: 'Modern humans probably popped up within the
last 200,000 years, but the things that make modern
humans so distinctive in the fossil record - symbolic art,

pottery and jewellery - bloomed only about 50,000 years

31 A: The last sentence of the paragraph before the gap suggests
that our own species is transient. Paragraph A continues
this idea: 'We should not see ourselves as the summit of
the perfection ... how successful will we look in 50,000
years ... ?' The paragraph after the gap says that humans
nearly died out several times in the course of their
32 B: The paragraph before the gap mentions the Neanderthals,
and raises questions about their relations with other human
species. Paragraph B considers the Neanderthals and raises
a further question: did other human species regard them as
different from themselves? Stringer's answer to this
question is in the paragraph after the gap.
33 0: This paragraph presents Stringer's view of what became of
the Neanderthals, concluding what has been said in the
three previous paragraphs, and leads into the final
paragraph, regarding the authors' intentions in writing their
~ ~ PART 4
34 A: Correct. The writer is not certain how he feels about leaving
prison. 'I hesitate and contemplate this fact with some
trepidation, oscillating between a feeling of excitement and
one of utter dread.'
34 B: Incorrect. The writer uses the image of the precipice as a
metaphor to describe his anxiety about leaving prison.
34 C: Incorrect. The text does not mention the consequences of
what he is about to do.
340: Incorrect. He does not regret wasting so much time. He is
now frightened that the time to leave has arrived.
35 A: Incorrect. He has a 'sarcastic quip' ready, but realises he
cannot say it.
35 B: Incorrect. Bill implies that the writer will miss his fellow
prisoners, not the other way round.
35 C: Incorrect. He realises he feels close to the other people in
the prison, but he does not necessarily regard them as
350: Correct. 'Bill ... notices my sudden reluctance and smiles,
nodding sagely. "Hard, isn't it?" he says. "You spend all
your time waiting for your release only to find that when it
comes down to it, you don't want to go. Much as you hate
to admit it, this dump has become your home, and the
lads, even the warden, bless him, well, they've become
family." A sarcastic quip in response to this last remark
dies in my throat. It strikes me that this motley bunch of
miscreants ... have indeed come to mean something to me,
and that in spite of myself I will miss them.'
36 A: Incorrect. The writer does not mention if he and Bill have or
do not have anything in common.
36 B: Incorrect. The writer says that he and Bill irritate each other,
but this is not the same as disliking each other. On the
contrary, the writer finds Bill's presence comforting and he
says that Bill understands him.
36 C: Correct. 'we have grown used to sharing a fag and talking
about nothing in particular. It suddenly dawns on me that
he understands me in a way nobody else ever has and I
never have to pretend to be something I am not with him.
He just seems to know what is going on in my head and
doesn't question it, but rather accepts it philosophically. I
realise there is something comforting about waking up
every morning to the sounds of Bill moving around his
domain next door.' 'Solace' means 'comfort'.

36 D: Incorrect. The writer does not imply that his or Bill's habits
are peculiar.
37 A: Incorrect. The writer is not surprised that his cell is not
decorated; he deliberately did not bother to make it look
37 B: Correct. He is surprised to find that he has left evidence of
his presence, even though he never made an effort to
decorate his cell. 'Even so, it is amazing how we
unwittingly leave traces of ourselves wherever we go,
stamping our self on everything we touch. There is the
rubber mark on the wall above my bed, made by my
throwing a small ball at it every day, an activity which
grated on Bill's nerves but which helped me calm my own.
Then the wall against which my bunk stands is spattered
with writing: the lyrics of songs and the lines of poems that
I have struggled not to forget. Wherever I look, 1see things
that are familiar.'
37 C: Incorrect. He is not surprised by the marks on the wall.
37 D: Incorrect. He has not forgotten the lyrics: he has written
them on his wall in order to remember them.
38 A: Incorrect. The writer does not know what to expect outside
but neither does he imply or say that nothing will be
38 B: Incorrect. He does not say whether people outside prison
will recognise him or not.
38 C: Correct. 'Out there the unknown waits to engulf me, and
the loneliness of being marginalised by society; I will be
branded by the fact that I have done time - just another
bad apple.'
38 D: Incorrect. Although he has become accustomed to his
fellow prisoners, he is not really concerned about leaving
them; there is more a sense of anxiety about what he is
going to find outside.
39 A: Correct. 'It occurs to me that we convicts spend all our time
cooped up and trapped, longing for the moment we will be
free again, not realising that there is a perverse freedom to
being inside: a freedom from all forms of responsibility.'
39 B: Incorrect. He suggests that free people have
responsibilities, but this is not the irony.
39 C: Incorrect. He suggests that the luxury of being able to put
your feet up and relax is difficult to achieve outside prison,
not that all luxuries are rare. Nor is there any irony in the
39 0: Incorrect. He is momentarily attracted to the lack of
responsibility attached to life in prison, but does not
suggest that it is more comfortable. Again, there is no irony
in this.
40 A: Incorrect. Although the writer has been waiting to leave for
a long time, the text implies that when the time comes, he
is reluctant to go.
40 B: Incorrect. The text implies that he is reluctant to go.
40 C: Correct. 'After dreaming of this moment for years,
endlessly counting off the days, over and over ... I am now
gripped with a sense of terror at the thought that the time
has actually arrived .... Out there, you must face life. Here,
you can turn your back on it, and that seems cosy and
appealing to me right now.' Generally, the text talks about
the writer's surprise at realising that the moment he has
been waiting for all this time is no longer so attractive to
40 D: Incorrect. In the last paragraph the writer says to Bill that
he may be back in prison soon, but he is actually making a

APER 2 Writing
~ PART 1
Question 1
Style: Formal
ntent: Letter
1 In the introduction explain your reason for writing.
Mention that you have read the article and that you
would like to share your opinions with the
newspaper's readers.
2 Address the points made in the extract:
Do young people spend all their time on the
phone, the Internet or playing computer games?
Are they no longer interested in their culture or
their individuality?
Is it true that they engage less in physical activities
and spend more time indoors?
Is their academic performance suffering?
Can we blame all this on technology?
3 You may agree or disagree completely, or you may
want to express a view somewhere in between.
Choose the right kind of language and be careful
with your tone. Use examples wherever necessary or
where they can support your argument.
4 Conclude by addressing the final question the extract
poses: how far does technology affect our lives, and
can we or should we do anything about the
~ ~ PART 2
uestion 2
Style: Formal
ontent: Proposal, possibly divided into sections with headings
1 In the introduction state the purpose of your
2 Discuss each of the suggestions under a separate
heading for each one. You could also include
additional suggestions of your own. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion,
highlighting who would benefit most from each.
3 Conclude by explaining which of the suggestions you
think is best and give reasons to support your ideas.
You could also express support for the idea of
developing the wasteland in general.
estion 3
Style: Semi-formal
-antent: Review
1 In the introduction state what course you are
studying, and the titles of the two textbooks you
intend to compare. You may wish to compare a
textbook you find particularly interesting and useful
with one you consider to be of a lower standard. This
will facilitate comparison.
2 Make sure you address the following points when
comparing the books:
Level - Say whether you think the textbooks are
challenging or not
Content - Is this varied and stimulating?
Requirements - Do the books cover the essential
aspects of the subject adequately?
3 Conclude by summing up your overall view of the
two textbooks.


Style: Formal
Content: Report, possibly divided into sections with headings.
Bullet points or numbered lists can also be used.
1 In the introduction state the purpose of your report.
2 Your observations on the current situation could be
organised into two paragraphs, with the following
headings: 'Quality of food' and 'Quality of service'.
However, you may prefer to present your
observations of both under one heading: 'The current
situation'. Include reference to complaints that have
been made by customers and say whether you found
them to be justified.
3 The conclusion could have the heading 'Suggestions
for improvement'. Present your suggestions for
improvement and say why you think they will work.

PAPER 3 Use of English

~ ~ PART 1
1 had
2 thanks
3 while/whilst
4 on/upon
5 but/although/though
6 first
7 to
8 can/may

9 another
10 this
11 in
12 not
13 both
14 work
15 thus/thereby/hence

~ ~ PART 2
16 enigmatic (noun to adjective)
17 unsuspectingly (verb to negative adjective to negative adverb)
18 entangled/tangled (verb to past participle of new verb/verb to
past participle)
19 misguided (verb to negative adjective)
20 daily (noun to adverb)
21 unvaccinated (noun to past participle with negative prefix)
22 exclusively (verb to adjective to adverb)
23 dispersal (verb to noun)
24 pollination (noun to noun describing a process)
25 disrespect (verb/noun to negative noun)
~ ~ PART 3
26 compose
27 raise
28 tou~h

29 run
30 extend
31 dedicated

32 no circumstances (1) + am I allowing you to go (1)
33 am not averse (1) + to (eating) snails (1)
34 taking it (1) + for granted that (1)
35 it not been (1) + for the fire fighter/fire fighter's help (1)
36 is not in keeping (1) + with (1)
37 to university (1) + depends/will depend on (1)
38 (the) rumours (1) + to the contrary (1)
39 that little (1) + did I imagine (1)


40 the effect of the growing income generated from tourism
41 restrictions
42 giving tourists a stronger impression that they are in a
completely wild, unspoilt environment
43 They have got used to the Antarctica winterfThey are
acclimatised to the coldfThey have wintered there before
(so they are used to it).
44 Content points:
the environmental impact of increasing/mass tourism (first
the kind of tour available: wildlife, historical and adventure
tourism (first text)
the size of ships/the number of passengers on board (second
the tour operators (i.e. commercial/member of IAATO)
(second text)
PAPER 4 Listening

~ ~ PART 1


(postnatal) depression
(a) long life/longevity
new life
mark their status
17 rite of passage


18 D 19 A 20 C 21 A 22 B

23 P 24 S 25 B 26 P 27 P 28 S

mI 2

PAPER 1 Reading

~ ~ PART 1
1 B 2 D 3 D 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 D 11 C 12 C 13 B
14 A 15 B 16 A 17 B 18 C

~ ~ PART 2
19 A: Incorrect. The writer mentions homework as consolidation
of what is learned in class.
19 B: Incorrect. Play is fun, but that is not why it is important.
19 C: Incorrect. The text does not mention 'cerebral
development' or make clear what 'proper' cerebral
development would be.
19 D: Correct. 'Intelligence and aptitude tests have demonstrated
that not only is play fundamental to learning and
developing skills, it is also a means by which the brain can
grow, facilitating its own capacity to learn, create and
20 A: Correct. 'We urge them to spend longer at their homework,
but the sad truth is that by not playing, their capacity for
learning is grievously curtailed, no matter how rigorous
their academic drive.'

20 B: Incorrect. The text says that children are getting worse at

spelling. It does not say that children who study are better
at spelling.
20 C: Incorrect. The statement implies that children who do not
study generally suffer from several eating disorders,
whereas the text implies that a large number of children
are overweight, which is not the same thing.
20 D: Incorrect. The text merely says that children who do not
play find it harder to make friends. This is not the same as
finding it harder to 'develop socially'.
21 A: Incorrect. The place the children are exploring has a
'doorstep', so it cannot be a cave.
21 B: Incorrect. 'decaying grandeur' implies that the place was
once impressive, so it cannot be a shack.
21 C: Correct. The text refers to the 'doorstep' and 'the stark
decaying grandeur' of the place.
21 D: Incorrect. The place the children are exploring has a
'doorstep', so it cannot be a mineshaft.
22 A: Incorrect. The writer does not mention any authorities.
22 B: Correct. The writer mentions 'ghouls and spectres' and
imagines that 'they had got him and whisked him off to
wherever it was they spent the daylight hours'.
22 C: Incorrect. The writer does not mention any animals, and
nor is there any implication that there are animals in the
22 D: Incorrect. The writer makes it clear that he thought that
someone or something had taken Timmy.
23 A: Incorrect. There is no evidence that any of the children was
behaving aggressively.
23 B: Correct. 'I had asked the children to clear away their
painting things ... but a few had to be told several times
nonetheless. One girl in particular seemed determined not
to hear me.'
23 C: Incorrect. The writer does not imply that the noise the
children were making was irritating, and therefore was not
frustrated by it.
23 D: Incorrect. The writer does not indicate how long the
children were taking or that this is what was frustrating her.
24 A: Incorrect. There is no evidence for this in the text. The
teacher was concerned that Sylvia might grow resentful of
society or other children.
24 B: Incorrect. The teacher was surprised by the child's attitude.
24 C: Incorrect. There is no evidence for this in the text.
24 D: Correct. 'Bottling up her anger would have caused more
problems. She might have taken it out on another child
later on, or she might grow up feeling that society was
treating her unjustly.'
25 A: Correct. 'We take it for granted that adulthood is the
meaningful part of our existence, and everything prior to it
is merely preparation. The old adage quoted by Samuel
Butler is often cited but has not yet been fully assimilated:
A hen is an egg's way of making another egg." It is very
difficult for any of us to think of ourselves as a baby's way
of making another baby.'
25 B: Incorrect. There is no mention of this in the text.
25 C: Incorrect. This is not the reason why the quote is used.
25 D: Incorrect. This is not the reason why the quote is used.
26 A: Incorrect. The fact that the young of many species play
does not make it strange to suppose that childhood is
preparation for adult life.
26 B: Incorrect. The text does not mention maturity in children.
26 C: Correct. 'it is one of the inviolable tenets of evolutionary
theory that what an animal is or does is governed by
events that have happened, not events that are going to


language if you think about it: wagging their tail when they're

~~ PART 1
You will hear four different extracts. For questions 1-8, choose
the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you
hear. There are two questions for each extract.
Extract One
Woman: On leaving the island, we encountered the first rough
weather of our trip. Before we knew it, the Beaufort scale was
registering between 6 and 7 as the chilling north wind blew
down, heaving us up over the waves and plunging us down
into the troughs between them. Fortunately, our baby
daughter Sophia Rose slept through the whole experience,
wedged tight into her Moses basket in one of the cabins,
apparently calmed by the sensation of being rocked up and
down, unlike her mother. who was looking decidedly green!
When we finally reached the south-west coast of the next
island the wind had eased off, and before long we were
searching for a berth in the island's main harbour.
Unfortunately, most of the available space was taken up by
local fishing boats, and the few spaces that were left were
exposed to the swell from the ferries which regularly came
and went. Wherever we tried to berth. fishermen belligerently
waved us off but eventually we managed to tie up alongside
another three sailing boats, which made disembarking with a
baby and a pram an adventure in itself!
Extract Two
Man: Well, first of all, you need time and a lot of patience as
well as knowledge. Patience is particularly important because
precision is everything. Even a tiny mistake can ruin the end
result. Then, suitable materials must be found. These are
sometimes hard to come by because you need different kinds
of wood for different parts and it must be good quality - and
cut in a specific way. For example. the body needs strips of
hard wood. which are then joined together to form a rounded
shape. You also need a hard wood - preferably oak - for the
neck. Then the fingerboard and bridge must be made of
ebony. The soundboard is the only part which is made using a
soft wood - pine. This needs a lot of planing and sanding

happy. raising their hackles when they feel threatened. so it

wasn't such a big step to teach him a new vocabulary. He was
incredibly good-natured and ever so eager to please.
Man: How did you teach him?
Woman: Basically in the same way you'd train any hearing
dog. If you reward a dog every time he does something right,
he'll soon learn how to please you. You have to give very
clear hand signals. Facial expressions seemed to help a great
deal. so where possible we ensured that he could see our
faces clearly. We found that actually saying the command out
loud also helped to reinforce the correct facial expression. We
only use about a dozen commands altogether, but some
owners claim to have taught their deaf dogs a lot more than
Extract Four
Man: I think in my line of work the advent of the digital
camera was a godsend. Reels and reels of film used to get
wasted as you struggled to get one perfect shot. It was a
costly business.
Now, of course, the initial outlay is still high but the cost of
developing and the running costs, well, they're negligible. The
darkroom is virtually a thing of the past as it's rapidly being
superseded by the computer. The software accompanying the
equipment enables you not only to delete redundant shots but
to tweak the ones worth keeping. You know, correct minor
flaws, enhance certain features and even make creative
adjustments. All without the headache of dealing with messy
chemical solutions.
But we're not writing off film cameras just yet. For projects
such as advertising posters, professionals still prefer the large
format film cameras. It's a question of resolution, basically.
The resolution capability of a digital camera is determined by
its megapixel capacity - pixels are the dots which make up the
image in a digital photograph - and well. to date. this is not
enough to produce mural-size display prints. But it's only a
matter of time before ...

because the thinner it is. the better the sound.

I think the most difficult part is getting the measurements
right. The spaces between the frets must be calculated
accurately and their distance from the bridge carefully
measured. This is of paramount importance. Foul this up and
you won't be able to play a right note.
Extract Three
Woman: We got Pongo for the children initially, but it was a
month before we realised he wasn't responding to any sounds
at all. It's a congenital problem with some breeds, especially
Man: Wasn't it difficult to train him?
Woman: You'd be surprised. Dogs use their own form of sign

~ ~ PART 2
You will hear part of a radio talk about the ways in which birth
is celebrated around the world. For questions 9-17, complete
the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Woman: In the West a new mother usually returns from the
hospital within a few days of her child's birth and, although
she is unlikely to go straight back to work and there are
probably friends and family nearby to lend her a helping
hand, there's little by way of significant ceremony to mark the
important changes that have occurred. For many women this
period is a time of great anti-climax and it has been suggested
that it could be one of the causes of postnatal depression.

celebrated with many splendid rites and traditions, sometimes

just by a clan or family, often by a whole tribe or community.
In Nigeria a party is thrown for all babies and toddlers up to
the age of three. because their spirits are thought to be
connected to that of the newborn, and in the Sudan a party in
the streets may go on well into the early hours, with feasting,
drinking, music and dancing for all members of the
Another way of commemorating

the birth of a child is by

planting trees. In Nigeria a banana tree that has been named

after the child is planted in a special grove at the edge of the
village, where children can play. This tradition also exists in
many European countries. In Switzerland the custom is to
plant an apple tree for a girl and a nut tree for a boy. A tree's
longevity and solidity symbolises the good health and long
life of the child it stands for.
Water is very often used in ceremonies that celebrate birth
due to its cleansing and purifying powers. Natural springs and
rivers are recurring symbols of new life. and in many cultures
water is used to dedicate the child to Mother Earth. The
Jicarilla Indians in Mexico traditionally invoke the protective
Dowers of nature as they anoint the head of a newborn child
ith water from sacred male and female rivers. Elsewhere.
'mmediately after birth a baby might be taken outside and
Dresented to the gods or spirits in order that it might receive
:heir blessing and protection.
3ut it is not only the child who is celebrated. A young woman
is now a mother. In order to mark their new status, Aboriginal
.Yomen in Australia paint their bodies with white clay; in
hiopia new mothers may shave their heads and decorate
: eir bodies with special jewellery. and in other countries they
-nay take a ceremonial bath or be given gifts by the

the west we tend to commemorate the growth of a child

. ith birthdays. In the developing world. where it is not always
:>ossible to know the exact date of birth, celebrations are held
: mark the first time a child crawls, stands, walks or answers
:::J her name. Her first tooth or haircut are also important
ilestones in her life. But perhaps the most significant
=-ansition a child makes is when she enters the world of the
=dults; this is usually marked by a rite of passage that is
_ ost totally ignored in the west.

~ PART 3
u will hear an interview with an historian. For questions
-3-22, choose the answer (A, B, C or DJ which fits best
ording to what you hear.
erviewer: On the programme today, it gives me great
:: 33sure to welcome the renowned historian, Professor David
::-stz. Professor, you specialise in the Neolithic period, and

e conducted a considerable amount of research into the

ement of Dimini in northern Greece. Can you tell us
ething about it?

Professor: Yes, um ... Dimini was a small settlement which

stood on a low hill rising out of the fertile plains of Thessaly.
It's a site of particular interest to the historian because it dates
back to the Late Neolithic period - between 3.700 and 3.300
BC - and. um. as such, represents Greece's earliest example
of a small town planning scheme. The settlement comprised a
large central building and courtyard situated at the top of the
hill, with smaller houses or units on its slopes, all contained
within a series of stone ring walls.
Interviewer: Right. Now, Dimini has been the subject of
debate among contemporary archaeologists. Why is that?
Professor: Well, basically, that's due to two opposing
interpretations put forward by leading archaeologists of the
early and late twentieth century. Dimini was first excavated by
the well-known archaeologist Christos Tsountas. He made use
of the works of Homer as models for interpreting the
structural organisation of the settlement in order to build a
picture of its socio-economic system. Historians often make
use of models such as these to understand and piece together
the historical puzzle of early civilisations. In Tsountas' case. he
used the Iliad and the Odyssey. and reconstructed the
settlement at Dimini as a castle. its central building housing a
wealthy king. fortified by subordinate units and surrounding
walls, which were extended or added to after parts had been

Professor: In the 1970s. the archaeologist George

Chourmouziadis re-excavated the site using a different
approach. He placed an emphasis on economic production in
order to explain social structure and change within a given
social group. As a result. his interpretation of Dimini conflicted
with that of Tsountas. He argued that the settlement reflected
a kind of communal system. where several households
worked together to maintain the settlement. until a time when
the owners of the larger building imposed a system of private
property and built walls within the settlement itself.
Interviewer: Whose interpretation do contemporary historians
tend to favour, Professor?
Professor: Well. you see, the debate is ongoing.
Chourmouziadis' view is certainly appealing. yet his
description of the site is somewhat simplistic and um. generic,
raising concerns about the reasoning behind his
interpretation. His theory is based on assumptions regarding
the social and economic organisation of the site. But the
verdict is still pending. One conclusion that can be drawn is
that the very contrast between the two interpretations of this
settlement highlights how much historians are affected by
contemporary social. historical and cultural influences when
making pre-historical reconstructions. Any conclusions
resulting from any study of the early past are tentative, and so
subject to constant revision.
Interviewer: Professor Pretz, thank you for being with us

You will hear part of an interview with Penny and Simon, two
Internet business advisers. For questions 23-28, decide
whether the opinions are expressed by only one of the
speakers, or whether the speakers agree. Write P for Penny, S

the market, targeted a particular type of customer or spent

enough time optimising their websites for search engines. It's
all very well designing a user-friendly site with fast-loading
graphics and state-of-the-art software. but what good is it
going to do you if nobody can find it? Search engine
optimisation is the key to success and a website with good,
well written content has a much better chance of being found
by potential customers than one that's visually appealing.

for Simon, or B for Both, where they agree.

Interviewer: Ever since the advent of the World Wide Web in
the early nineties, an increasing number of small businesses
have gone online in an effort to take advantage of the fact
that, via the Internet, they can have access to billions of
customers worldwide. Some have even managed to become
'dot com millionaires', but for many the results have been
discouraging. With me in the studio today are Penny Hampton
and Simon Sloane, who have spent the last six years advising
clients on how to successfully market their e-businesses.
Penny, what, in your opinion, is the key to having a good
Internet business?
Penny: Well, there are many factors that need to be taken into
consideration if you are planning to start a new online
business. First of all, it's imperative to start with the product
or service you hope to sell. It should be something that has
not flooded the market. but if it has you should at least be
able to offer it in a better way than your competitors.
Simon: One also has to get oneself a good website. It has to
be instantly appealing to catch a visitor's interest. That's why
flashy websites with too many graphics may be detrimental.
Your potential customer is likely to give up and go somewhere
else unless you can get his attention in the first few seconds
and persuade him to stay.
Penny: Yes, but slow down. Before you can begin even
thinking about a website, you have to get your business
strategy sorted out. And perhaps the single most important
element in starting a web business is having a good name.
For example. if you want to sell ethnic clothes. then see if you
can get hold of the name ''.
Simon: With so many million web sites out there. you have to
make sure that your name tells the visitor not only who you
are but also what kind of goods or services you're selling and,
if at all possible, where to find you.

Simon: Well, anyway, a final point I'd like to make is that you
need credibility on the web. If you're seriously expecting
people to hand over their credit card details just like that,
you're going to have to persuade them you can be trusted.
Most companies are much more likely to make a sale if their
customer can order it directly - that's the beauty of the whole
thing after all - but unfortunately online fraud is a real threa
so offer a secure online payment method and get registered
and approved by the appropriate recognised bodies.
Penny: Basically, you've just got to do a lot of work. Most
people think it's easy to set up their own online business, b
if you don't have vision, dedication, patience and time, you'
unlikely to succeed.

~ ~ PART 1

You will hear four different extracts. For questions 1-8, chaos:
the answer lA B or C) which fits best according to what yo .
hear. There are two questions for each extract.
Extract One

Man: Perhaps it's obvious but, well, I would say that my

inspiration is nature, It seems that whenever I find mysel c: ~
loss, bogged down in a mire, I need to take myself off for E
long, solitary walk in the country and lose myself completfr
in the beauty of the world around me. It helps to be remilic.s:.
that there's another existence beyond the rat race, that the
world continues to spin round on her axis regardless. You see that in the shimmer of a dragonfly's wings as it darts
you on the brook, or hear it in the rustling of the trees
the breeze picks up. Nature has her own music, an abun =-~ of themes, and seems to offer up just the right images - E-~
sometimes, if I'm lucky. entire stanzas fall into place. Ana -you're quiet. and close your eyes. and just listen for a
moment. there's a definite rhythm every time nature dra ~ '=
breath and exhales. There's alliteration there. and metaoSuddenly, I find I'm reaching for my notebook and pen
ideas just springing forth.

Penny: Yes, but it's not just a case of having a catchy name
and a fantastic site. A customer using a search engine to find
what he wants is going to use some keywords or phrases, If
your web pages are carelessly written, or cover a variety of
topics, those key words will be ineffective and it's highly

Extract Two

unlikely that your website will even appear within the first
hundred results that the search comes up with.

Correspondent: Being able to travel around the globe i _

wonderful boon, but I'd much rather do it on my own tei

Simon: Nevertheless, a good website is essential too. And I

don't just mean the way it looks. If it's attractive, user-friendly
and easy to navigate, with efficient customer service, most
visitors are going to enjoy surfing through it,

There's not much opportunity to take in the sights wheyou're sent - sometimes at the drop of a hat - halfway ~..:the world to war zones, or to where political conflicts 0-

Penny: Yes, but why, in that case, do so many e-businesses

flop? Usually it's because they haven't identified their niche in


natural disasters are making the headlines. But then 0_"- day is ever the same, and there's no telling what kind "'will arise out of events that are in the process of wri in

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