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08- Personality

Favorite Person

Awe, v&n A feeling of profound

respect for sb or sth, an overwhelming
feeling of wonder or
admiration , reverence ,

veneration , ,
Awe-inspiring, adj very impressive

, making you feel respect

and admiration Usage (building,
personality, and thing)

Favourite Personality
Luminous, adj , softly bright

or radiant , , lucent ,
aglow , lambent . Luminously,
luminosity, Luminousness. Usage (eyes,
paint, moon, personality, and complexion

, things , )Occasionally,
we meet people with luminous
presence ( appearance),
oozing (appearing slowly, leaking slowly

) (confidence and

inspiring , awe

Exceptional, adj
extraordinary, unusually good, very

unusual, special , far beyond what
is usual in magnitude or degree

, , prodigious, , ,

surpassing, (exceptionally,
Usage (person, memory, child, efforts,
situation, services, things etc.)

(feeling of respect with slight fear

) .

I like the personality who has exceptional

powers and intellectual ,

capabilities ( connected with or

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using sbs ability to think in a logical

Conviction, n.( a strong

way and understand things, abilities).

Charismatic, adj , ,having

charisma , , persons power

to attract or influence , ,
other people, Possessing ,

an extraordinary

ability to attract, magnetic ,

opinion or belief strong political /

moral convictions / unshakable notion

, ). The most eminent and

prominent feature of his personality
is his courage of conviction.

charismatically, uncharismatic

His/her charismatic personality

hypnotizes ( to interest sb so much

that they can think of nothing else) the

least ( smallest in size, amount,

degree, etc.) vulnerable ( weak and

easily hurt physically or

emotionally ) . Even diehard

, ( sb who adheres to traditional
views, sb who dont admit sth, continue

to exist ) cynics ,( fault

finder , sb who criticize) concede

( admit, acknowledge,

confess ) his truthfulness and

integrity ( honesty, to follow
principles, principled ).

Winsome, adj attractive,

charmingness, charming in a childlike or
naive (unaware) way, winsomer,
winsomest, winsomeness, winsomely
His winsome smile attracts everyone.

Eminent, adj , (

To pay lip service, (to approve of sth

or support it, without proving a support
by what sb actually does). He does not
pay lip service rather he took practical

Initiatives, n ( a new plan

for dealing with a particular problem or
for achieving a particular purpose /first

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Adore, v loving extremely,

to worship Adorable,

adoration , . I simply adore his


personality. He is adorable. He is truthful,

kind, trustworthy ( ( and
determined individual. , .
He is highly qualified (well-educated),

have great professional exposure


) , groomed (well-

mannered), punctual ,
and diligent ( ( hardworking).

Prudent, adj ( sensible ,

and careful when you make judgements
and decisions; avoiding unnecessary
risks. prudently, prudence, prudentness,
wise, responsible, Usage (person, rule,
act) hesitation, manager, ruler, etc. a
prudent businessman/

Veracious, adj ( truthful),
veraciously, veraciousness, veracity. His

veraciousness , ( truthfulness)
and audaciousness ( Fearless,
boldness and bravery )impress

Enlightened, v& adj , ,

(having or showing an understanding of
people's needs, a situation, etc. that is
not based on old-fashioned attitudes and
prejudice. Usage (Enlightened opinions /
attitudes / ideas)

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His precious prudent advices always

enlightened my practical life and helped
make me successful. Winsome features
of my best-liked personality. He is
veracious, trustworthy and sincere

Selfless, adj unselfish,

selflessness, altruistic , ,
selflessly. His selflessness and
philanthropy is remarkable. He/
She is well-educated,

sophisticated , outgoing
, and sociable ,

His insightful advices and

recommendations are a

source of inspiration and guidance

for me in every step of my life. His
audacious and imposing ( highly

attractive ) (
personality impresses everyone.

Collaborative, adj , ,

cooperative ( , involving
the joint activity of two or more, done
with or working with others for a
common purpose or benefit,
collaboration, collaboratively.

Insightful, adj exhibiting

insight or clear and deep perception
( understanding), perceptive ,
, Insightfully, insightfulness,
insight (sixth sense, feeling of

well dressed
Source of inspiration for me
Precious advices helped me

Attitude, n The
capacity to stay optimistic and
positive. The number 1 quality for
career success is Championship

Enthusiastic, adj ,
The possession of intense and eager
interest in a subject or cause. It is an

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energy that often inspires others.

Ethical, adj The quality of

having and living by a code of sound
moral principles.

Goal Focused, adj

The ability to have clarity on

the objectives that you strive for in
your personal and professional

Listener, n The
capacity to suspend your own agenda
and deliberately and empathically
allow others to be heard.
Networked A well-developed
circle of influence of interconnected
positive relationships.

Persistent, adj (The
ability to endure
in the
face of
adversity. It is a patient
and relenting effort to achieve despite

Self-Aware, n ,
The understanding and
knowledge of who you are including
your skills, values, interests, behaviors
and character.

Self-Confident, adj The
firm belief in your abilities. Seek
professional help if this is an area of
weakness it will be worth it.

Self-Discipline, n
The ability to control and restrain
impulses. Energy then can be focused
and channeled toward
your ambitions.

1. Adaptive, adj (
2. Analytical, adj Mind

3. Balanced, adj &v ,
4. Committed, adj& v


Creative, adj


Decisive, adj
Detail-Oriented, adj (

Emotionally Competent, adj

, (, (,
9. Humorous, adj
10. Prepared, adj & v
11. Productive, adj ,
12. Relationship-Oriented, adj

13. Responsible, adj

14. Sincere, adj ,

15. Self-Sacrificing, adj ,

16. Visionary, adj

Positive Personality Traits Some

personality traits are positive:

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Being honest no matter what the
consequences are is one personality trait
people should aspire to.
Having responsibility for all of your
actions and being a little bit of
perfectionism are also personality traits.
Adaptability and compatibility are
great and can help you get along with

Having the drive to keep going, and

having compassion and understanding
are positive personality traits.

Patience (, is a virtue and also
another trait. Getting up the courage to
do whats right in those tough situations
and loyalty to your friends
and loved ones are also personality

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