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Patient name: Thrya Mohamed Abdelal

Date: june 22, 2016

Dear Prof. Dr.: Ahmed Saad

.Thanks for your kind referral

:Colored photo of both eyes revealed

Atherosclerotic vascular tree.
Scattered blot and dot hemorrhages in the posterior pole.
Scattered hard exudates in the posterior pole .
Abnormal foveal reflex.
Normal appearance of the optic nerve heads.
Flourescein angiography of both eyes revealed:
Normal arm to retina time.
Normal reinal and choroidal circulation.
Hyper-florescent spots started early in the angiogram,
filled in the mid-phase and fluoresce brightly in the late
phase (micro-aneurysms) in the macula and peripheral
fundus. Some showed late leakage encroaching on the
FAZ (macular edema).
Areas of blocked fluorescence due to retinal
Normal perfusion of Optic nerve head.Optic nerve head
of left eye seemed to be hyper-perfused.
A picture of bilateral NPDR with macular edema.
Best regards

Eman Saad
Hala Mostafa

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