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Statement of Research
During my research, I want to explore the potential solutions to food deserts. Specifically,
I want to look at long-term versus short-term solutions. I want to see how farmers
markets and community gardens can work together to produce food and distribute it
effectively throughout the community.
B. Research Questions
What is a short-term solution to food deserts?
What is a long-term solution?
How can community gardens be utilized to the best of their potential?
How can we make sure all of the food in the garden is used?
How can we spread the word about the community garden?
How can we encourage community members to take care of the garden?
Could a farmers market address some of these questions?
C. List of References and Resources
Darryl R. Gaston: Druid Hills resident and community garden founder
Sow Much Good: UHP partner, successful farmers market and community garden
D. Log of Partner Contact
August 30th: first e-mail with partner
September 24th: first meeting with partner
September 27th: follow-up e-mail to schedule interview
October 22nd: planned interview date

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