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Executive Board Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2016

Bill Kitchin
Chris Lomonaco
Jamie Scribner
Traci Masi

Mike Fenn
Joe Kushner
Jen Lambiase
Pat Patterson




Kris Helman, Kelly Covert, Karen Nash, Debby Theleman, Tanya Smith,
Lynn Wisniewski, Cary Fox, Irina Pecheny, Jacquelyn Gunn, Nancy
Phelps-NYSUT, Dennis Coughlin, Jim Bolden, and Cole Goodman

Meeting began at 4:30 PM

Treasurers Report:
Current balance is:
$ 2, 778.37

M&T Checking Account

Sunshine Committee:
One sunshine check written since last meeting.
Sick Bank:
None we currently have 2,025 sick bank days.
Ongoing issues with O&M. Meeting with HR scheduled for 10/4 on a variety of
A member questioned levels and titles in our contract, specifically how does one
reach the next level. Bill will investigate with HR and get back with them as soon
as possible.
Old Business:
Executive board self-evaluations were handed out at the last meeting and
returned to Jamie Scribner at this meeting for review.
New Business:
Nancy Phelps from NYSUT was invited to the meeting help answer any
questions raised by those in attendance. She did briefly touch on the topic of our
insurance increase, discussed levels and titles, and she will also be meeting with
Bill and HR on 10/4.

The next monthly Board Meeting will take place on November 7, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. @ ISC-E

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