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2: PART 1

1. Phaedo, death of Socrates, APOLOGY, trial of Socrates.
2. Platos two worlds are real distinctions, matter/form MENTAL distinction.
3. Plato, idealist, Aristotle is a REALIST.
4. If final cause is the goal, the maker is the EFFICIENT
5. Platos science is Dialectics, Aristotles highest science is LOGIC
6. For Socrates, knowledge is recollection, Aristotle by way of ABSTRACTION
7. Socrates is to elenchus, Sophists is to RHETORICS
8. Platos form is a cause, Aristotles form is a PRINCIPLE
9. For Plato, knowledge is innate, Aristotle derived from SENSES
10. If Aristotle is called the Stagirite, Socrates is called GADFLY

1. An answer to Socrates what is it question. DEFINITION
2. Aristotle considers it as the principle of indetermination. MATTER
3. Dialogue which contains Platos theory of knowledge. THEAETETUS
4. Aristotles term for purpose or goal. TELOS
5. He is the proponent of relativism. PROTAGORAS
6. These are two types of causes that are closely related. EFFICIENT AND FINAL
7. The wisest of all three. SOCRATES
8. A dialogue which contains Socrates theory of knowledge. SOPHIST
9. Platos actual name. ARISTOCLES
10. The best writer among the three. -PLATO

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