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Name: _____________________ Std._____Div._____Roll. No.

: _________ Date: _____________

God Lives in the Panch
Ref.I) The friendship was not the outcome of any sudden impulse. It dated from the days of
their childhood, when Alagu sat for his lessons at the feet of Jummans father..
Q.1) Who are the two fast friends referred to in the above lines? What did they have in common?
The two good friends are Jumman Sheikh and Alagu Chowdhari.
Besides tilling their fields in common they carried on a joint money-lending business.
Q.2) How strong was their mutual trust in each other? Give an example to prove this.
Their mutual trust in each other was so strong that when either of them was absent the other
looked after his household.
This happened when Jumman went on the Haj and Alagu had to go abroad on business.
Q.3) What was the secret of their mutual trust and confidence?
The secret of their mutual trust and confidence was not based on social or religious affinity as
both belonged to totally different religions. It was based on common outlook and community of
ideas, which was the ideal foundation for a lasting friendship.
Q.4) Who taught Alagu? What were his teachers notions on bringing up a lad? What result did this
have on the teachers son?
During his childhood days, Alagu learnt from Jummans father. Jummans father had his own
notions on how to bring up a lad. Dont spare the rod, or youll spoil him is what he used to say and
he practised this precept on his own son Jumman.
The result was that there was none in the village to equal him either in drafting a petition or
drawing up a deed. In course of time, Jumman was highly esteemed in the village and the
neighbourhood for his scholarship and attainments.
Q.5) How was Alagus fathers views different from Jummans father? How did this affect Alagus
Alagus father believed that your teachers blessing would transform you into a fine scholar.
He felt that the obvious way to his teachers good grace was to keep his hookah fresh and feed his
chillum regularly.
Alagu never failed to do this service but he failed to acquire much learning. His father argued
that it was not his fault but that of his stars.
Q.6) Why were the two friends respected in the village?
Jumman was esteemed for his learning and Alagu was respected for his wealth.
Ref. II) So long as the deed remained unregistered, none was so obliging to the old lady as her
nephew, none so considerate. Her every wish, was anticipated and cheerfully carried out.
Q.1) Who was the old lady and her nephew?

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An old maternal aunt of Jumman was the old lady. The nephew was Jumman. The old aunt
had some property which she transferred to him by deed on the understanding that she would be well
looked after by him.
Q.2) Before the deed was registered, what kind of treatment did the old lady receive? How was this
treatment reversed when the deed was registered?
As long as the deed remained unregistered, none was so considerate to the old lady as her
nephew, none so obliging. Her every wish was anticipated and cheerfully carried out. Jumman used
to wait dotingly on his old aunt.
The moment the deed was registered, everything changed. The same Jumman who used to
wait lovingly on his old aunt became supremely indifferent. Jummans wife grudged even the little
food that the old lady ate. No meal was now served to the old lady without his wife, Kariman letting
loose a barb or two dipped in poison. The very bread that the aunt ate seemed to be seasoned with the
meat of abuse.
Q.3) What was Jummans wifes attitude towards his old aunt?
Kariman, Jummans wife would say How long is the old lady going to live? almost
grudging her very existence. She would also make it obvious that by giving them a few acres of
waste land, the old lady thought that she had bought them. She was sarcastic about every morsel and
would say that she could not have dal or lentils without it being seasoned with butter or ghee. She
also went to add that they could have purchased a whole village with the money they spent feeding
Q.4) What was the old aunts reaction to the changed situation? What did she ultimately demand of
At first the old aunt bore this changed treatment with patience. But, patience has its limit and
so unable to bear the nagging and the insults from his nephews wife, she decided to talk to Jumman
about it.
Q.5) What was Jummans reaction to his old aunts demands. What did she tell him?
Jumman flatly refused to interfere in household affairs as he told her that in effect his wife
knew best how to run the house. Sadly, the depressed old aunt tried her best to bear her daily
At length, her patience gave way and she told her nephew that it was clear there is no place
for her in his house. She asked for a small allowance so that she could set up a separate kitchen for
Q.6) Why did the old lady become desperate? What did she threaten her nephew with?
When Jumman flatly refused to listen to her demands, he taunted her by asking her whether
money grew on trees.
It became unbearable and so the exasperated aunt threatened to take her case before the
Q.7) Why was Jumman pleased when he heard her threaten?
When Jumman heard his aunt threaten to take her case to the panchayat, nothing pleased him
He knew that the panchayat would give only one decision, which he felt would be in his
favour. For was there anyone in the village he had not obliged? No one therefore dared to incur his
displeasure. Surely the members of the panchayat would be his friends and not judge him like angels

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from heaven. Therefore he laughed within himself just as a hunter laughs when his prey
unknowingly walks into the very trap he has set for it.
Ref. III) For days after the incident the old woman could be seen leaning on her poor staff,
going about from village to village to enlist their sympathy.
Q.1) Why did the old woman drag her unwilling feet going about from village to village?
The old woman dragged her herself tired as she was, from village to village to enlist their
sympathy so as to influence the panchayats decision in her favour.
Q.2) What was the villagers reaction?
The old woman poured her pitiable tale on everyone. However, not many were moved. Most
of them could offer her only verbal sympathy which they never meant. Others cursed the hard times
which had brought her to such a pass. Some even advised her to make it up with her nephew. They
even said that she did not need more than a few morsels and pass her days in prayer. There were also
men to whom the sight of the old woman with her white hair and toothless mouth and body bent as a
bow was a source of constant fun. There were only a small number of those who felt genuine pity for
Q.3) After approaching everyone else whom did the old woman meet? What did she request of this
At last, after the old woman approached everybody else, she came to Alagu.
She requested Alagu, Jummans fast friend, to attend the panchayat when the matter comes
Q.4) How did this person react to the old womans request?
At first, Alagu felt no need to attend the panchayat for there would be many others who
would attend it.
Later, on the old ladys insistence he agreed to attend it but not take any part in the
proceedings as he could not afford to go against his old friend Jumman.
Q.5) What was the old womans reaction to Alagus response?
The old woman reminded Alagu whether it was right for Jummans sake to keep quiet and
not say what he felt when he considered it to be just.
Q.6) Describe the arrangements made for the panchayat by Jumman.
Jumman saw to all the arrangements. A carpet was spread, and a good supply of pan,
elaichis and hookah was provided. Jumman welcomed the guests as they began to arrive one by
He had taken his seat with Alagu in a far corner. As the sun set, the proceedings of the
panchayat started.
Q.7) Who were the majority of those who had come to the panchayat?
The majority of those who had come to the panchayat were those who were not well disposed
towards Jumman.
Q.8) Describe the scene of the panchayat.
The scene of the panchayat presented a strange sight. Live charcoal was kept glowing in one
corner to feed the chillums and this was in constant demand by the guests. The village barber, who
attended to this business, had hardly a moments rest. In another corner the village children were

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shouting, crying and quarrelling; yet in another, village dogs, thinking it was a feast day, had
assembled in full force. In short, there was excitement and hubbub all round.
Q.9) When all the panches had taken their seats, who addressed them? According to this speaker
what kind of humiliating treatment was this person subjected to?
When all the panches had taken their seat, the aged aunt of Jumman addressed them.
According to her, on transferring all her property to Jumman, her nephew, everything
changed. For a long time the old aunt was subjected to abuse, insults and nagging from his wife
without any check from Jumman.
Q.10) What happened as a result of such treatment meted out to the old aunt?
As a result of such treatment the helpless widow could no longer live with him. She was
denied food and clothes and being too poor could not run to court for redress. Thus, all she could do
was to appeal to the panches for justice.
Q.11) What did the old aunt demand from the members of the Panchayat?
The old aunt appealed to them for justice and asked their advice on the course of action. She
was willing to suffer punishment if she was wrong but if they found fault with Jumman he was to be
Q.12) Who rose from the assembly and asked Jumman to suggest his nominee to act as head
Ramadhan Misra, who nursed a grievance against Jumman, asked him to suggest his nominee
to act as head-panch.
Ref.IV) My son, fear God. The panch knows neither friend nor enemy. If you dont trust
anyone, dont propose any name. But what do you say to Alagu Chowdhari?
Q.1) Why did Jumman not nominate the head-panch when he was given the choice?
Jumman did not nominate the head-panch as he knew that the majority of those who had
turned up were against him for one reason or another.
Q.2) What suggestion did he make to his old aunt?
When Jumman felt he was not in a position to nominate the head-panch he left the choice to
his aunt. He felt it would make no difference to him.
Q.3) How did the old aunt rebuke Jumman? Whose name she nominate? How did he react on hearing
the name his old aunt proposed?
The old aunt rebuked Jumman by letting him to fear God. She also told him that the panch
knows neither friend nor enemy. Therefore she told him that if he does not trust anyone, he need not
propose or nominate the head-panch.
The old woman then nominated Jummans good friend Alagu as the head-panch.
Jumman could not believe his good luck when he heard that his good friend Alagu was
nominated the head-panch. However he hid this secret joy and pretended that it made no difference
to him whether the old woman nominated Alagu or Ramadhan Misra.
Q.4) How did Alagu react when he was nominated The head panch? What did the old lady tell him?
Alagu who did not wish to be dragged into the dispute now demurred and reminded the aunt
that she was aware of his relation with Jumman.

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The old lady told Alagu that she knew his relations with her nephew too well. However, she
knew that Alagu will not kill his conscience for the sake of friendship. She had full faith in the
verdict of the panch as God lived in its heart and that his voice is the voice of God.
Q5) Briefly describe the proceedings of the panch as it was carried on by Alagu.
Alagu began by addressing Jumman reminding of their strong bond. However, he reminded
Jumman that now as a panch, he would be very fair as both Jumman and his aunt are equal in his
eyes. Jumman felt that Alagu was only pretending to be fair.
Jumman proceeded with his narration of how the property was transferred in his name on the
condition that he would maintain his aunt as long as she lived. He then said that he obeyed her and
that he looked after her as a son would. He casually mentioned the occasional quarrels between his
aunt and his wife saying that women are like that. It was surely not his fault. His aunt now claims a
monthly maintenance allowance from him which was beyond his means. Also her property did not
yield much as well as the fact that it was not mentioned in the deed. In which case, Jumman said he
would have washed his hands clean of it.
Alagu heard his friend. He was no novice and knew the law well as any lawyer. He made
mincemeat of Jumman in his cross-examination. All this left Jumman wondering what has got into
his friend. Alagu then pronounced his verdict.
Q6) What was the verdict of the panchayat which Alagu pronounced on his friend Jumman? What
was Jummans reaction to it?
The verdict pronounced on Jumman was that he was liable to pay his aunt a fixed monthly
allowance out of the realization from her property else, the deed transferring her property to his
nephew Jumman, will be deemed void.
Jumman was stunned when he heard the verdict. He could not understand how a friend he
relied on could suddenly turn into a bitter foe! Alagus words fell on his ears like a thunderbolt.
Q7) How did the villagers react to the panchayats verdict?
The villagers along with Ramadhan Misra and others members of the panchayat were full of
praise for Alagu. They felt no praise was now too high for Alagu and his sense of fairness and
justice. According to them it was a true panchayat as Alagu derived truth from falsehood. Friendship
has its place but it cannot override truth and justice. They felt that honest men like Alagu only can
sustain the earth or else it would have sunk under the ocean long ago.
Ref. V) As a result of the panchayats verdict, the strong roots of the tree of friendship which
Jumman and Alagu had planted together were now sorely shaken.
Q1) Explain how the close bond of friendship between Alagu and Jumman was now sorely shaken?
The two friends were seldom seen together after the panchayats verdict. A moment of blast
of truth snapped this bond, like a tree whose roots were loosely held in sand.
The two friends now became over-formal in exchanging courtesies. They avoided meeting
each other, and if ever they met by chance it was like a sword meeting the shield. Day and night
there was only one rankling thought in Jummans heart___how to avenge himself on Alagu for his
dark treachery in the verdict of the panchayat.
Q2) When did Jumman feel that God had punished Alagu for his treacherous conduct against him?
Now Alagu had purchased a fine pair of bullocks which became the envy and the rage of
whole village for months. But as ill luck would have it, one of the bullocks died. As this happened
soon after the panchayat, the relations between the two friends became further strained. Jumman
started saying that God has punished Alagu for his treacherous conduct.

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Q3) Why did Alagu get suspicious of Jumman?

When Alagus bullock dies all of a sudden, he began to connect it with Jumman. He
suspected Jumman had poisoned it. His wife openly went about accusing Jumman of the crime.
Q4) Why did these two men have to separate their wives?
A) The two wives came out in the open and hurled abuses and insults at each other. It was only with
great difficulty that their husbands succeeded in parting them. Jumman had to drag his wife from the
scene of battle and Alagu had to wield his stick to quieten his wife.
Q5) Why did Alagu decide to sell his other bullock?
With one bullock dead, Alagu had now no use of the other. For long he tried hard to secure
another bullock to make up his pair, but without success. He therefore decided to sell it.
Q6) Who bought Alagus bullock? On what understanding was it purchased?
A cart driver, Samjhu Sahu, who lived in the village doing business between the village and
the town, bought it. He wanted to swell his profits by making more trips to and fro to the town
market and with this purpose he negotiated for the purchase of Alagus bullock.
Ultimately after trial Samjhu purchased it on the understanding that he would pay the price in
a months time.
Q7) How was the life of the bullock with his new master stressful? How did it ultimately affect the
poor creature?
In order to multiply his profits, the new master Samjhu Sahu began to overwork the buffalo.
It was made to make three to four trips daily without being allowed to rest or take its full feed.
Unceasing round of trips to and fro town and starvation reduced the poor bullock to a skeleton within
a month. It could barely drag the cart and when it failed to do so, Sahu would rain a shower of blows
on its already aching limbs.
One day, as usual the bullock was over-strained; the poor animal tried to move the cart and
failed. Sahu severely punished the creature till the bullock tottered and collapsed. When Sahu still
struck the poor animal, it slowly met its death.
Q8) What troubled Sahu after the poor creature died?
A) The cart which the poor dead creature dragged, carried a large quantity of goods which meant
much to Sahu. In addition he had two hundred and fifty rupees . He could not leave the cart with its
rich load nor did he dare to walk the long distance home alone as he had cash with him. This left
Sahu troubled as he had the only option to spend the night there all alone.
Q9) Explain Sahus fate at day break.
At day break when Sahu woke up, he casually passed his hands round his waist to see
whether his money was safe. To his horror he discovered that all his money was gone and on
checking his cart he realized that the tins of ghee were also gone. Overwhelmed with grief he flung
himself to the ground and wept.
Q10) Why did the Suhuain curse and abuse Alagu?
The Suhuain cursed and abused Alagu for she had held him to be the root cause of all their
misfortune. If he had not sold the ill-fated bullock in an evil hour, they would not have lost all their
lifes savings.
Q11) One day, what did Alagu remind Sahu about? How did Sahu and his wife react?

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One day, several months after the bullocks death, Alagu reminded Sahu about the bullocks
price which was not paid. This was enough to make Sahu and his wife fly at him like mad dogs.
They shouted and they told him that the beast had brought them so much misfortune and that he had
sold them a dead beast which they did not use for more than a month. They also said that Alagu
could use their bullock for two months and then return it back.
Q12) Why did Alagu not give up his claim?
The price of the bullock was one hundred and fifty rupees- not a small sum and Alagu could
not afford to forgo it even though he was rebuffed and abused again and again by Sahu.
Ref. VI) For a second time preparations for holding the panchayat were set afoot. Both
parties started vigorous canvassing in their support. At length, on the third day after the
quarrel, the panchayat met!
Q1) Describe the situations which brought about preparations for a panchayat the second time? Who
were the parties mentioned?
Whenever Alagu approached Sahu about his claim on the price of the bullock, he abused him.
One day, when Sahus tongue was usually sharp, Alagu too lost his temper. Sahu rushed to get his
lathi and his wife flew at Alagu, who hit back that she made a hasty retreat to her house. Soon a large
crowd gathered and tried to pacify them. On its advice both Sahu and Alagu decided to refer the
matter to the panchayat. Thus preparations for holding the panchayat were set afoot for the second
The parties were Alagu Chowdhari and the cart driver Samjhu Sahu who had bought Alagus
bullock and had to pay for it.
Q2) When the panchayat assembled who proposed that nominations be invited for the head panch?
Whom did he inquire to propose a name and what happened thereafter?
When the full panchayat had assembled Ramadhan Misra proposed that nominations should
be invited for the head panch. He inquired of Alagu if he had any particular man in view. Alagu
meekly let his rival propose the name of the head panch.
Q3) Whose name was proposed and nominated as the head panch? What was Alagus reaction to this
and why was this so?
When Alagu let Sahu propose the name of the head panch, he very maliciously nominated
Sheikh Jumman.
At the suggestion of Jummans name Alagus heart began to sink. His face turned pale and it looked
as if he had received a sudden blow.
Alagu knew that Jumman was actually waiting for an opportunity to take his revenge on him
and therefore loses heart.
Q4) What happened to Sheikh Jumman when he was pronounced the head panch?
The moment Jumman was pronounced the head panch, a sudden transformation came over
him. He became conscious of the gravity of the office. Seated in that high place, he knew he had to
hold the balance even to sift right from wrong and to utter nothing which might even remotely be
construed as unfair. He must not allow his personal feeling to swerve him one hairs breath from the
path of truth.
Q5) After stating their cases and hearing their parties what unanimous decision did the parties arrive
at? What was the only issue on which they differed?

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After hearing the cases by the two parties, the panches came to the unanimous decision that
Samjhu Sahu, the cart driver should compensate Alagu Chowdhari.
The only issue on which they differed was whether Alagu was entitled to the full price of the
bullock, or whether , taking into consideration the loss suffered by Sahu, there should be any
reduction in the price.
Q6) What was another point that was also pressed? What decision was taken regarding this issue?
Another point that was also pressed was that Samjhu Sahu had been guilty of treating the
bullock cruelly, and so casing its death.
Therefore he should not merely pay its price to Alagu but in addition should be fined so that
in future no one would dare to ill-treat the cattle.
Q7) What was the judgement delivered by Sheikh Jumman?
Jumman delivered the judgement and told the panchayat that the panches heard both Alagu
and Sahu carefully. It is their decision that Alagu is entitled to the full price of the bullock for at the
time when he sold it, it suffered from no disease or disability. If Samjhu had then paid the price, this
issue would not have risen before the panchayat at all. The death of the bullock was caused by overwork and want of proper care. Alagu was not at all to be blamed for it.
Q8) What was Samjhus reaction to this? Who answered it and what did he say?
Samjhu pleaded with Jumman the head panch for some consideration in view of his plight.
Jumman answered that it was entirely for Alagu to decide whether or not to reduce the price.
Q9) What was Alagus reaction to all this? How did the crowd react? What was their conclusion?
Alagu could no longer contain his feelings. He stood up and shouted over and over again..
Victory to the panchayat!
The crowd took up the cry and soon the whole village echoed with, Victory to the
Everyone was now loud in praise of Jumman. Some said that this is what justice means.
Others said that this is surely not mans doing as God lives in the heart of the panches and directs
their thoughts. Thus they can never be deceived.
Q10) How did the two friends react?
Jumman came up to Alagu and embraced him and told him that though he had been his sworn
enemy, he realized what it is to be a panch. He has no personal feelings of his own and he knows
neither friend nor foe. All that matters is to administer justice. He was convinced that the panch
speaks the voice of God.
On hearing this Alagu broke down and wept on Jummans shoulder. All their mistrust was
replaced by their evergreen friendship once again.

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