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Recreation and Wellness

Intranet Project
Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH)

Table of Contents
Summary of projects .................................................................................................................................... 2
Summary of projects Memo ........................................................................................................................ 3
Weighted Decision Model ............................................................................................................................ 4
Weighted Decision Matrix for Manage Your Health, Inc. ........................................................................... 5
Business Case for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project ..................................................................... 6
Project Charter ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Roles and Responsibilities.......................................................................................................................... 10
Change Request Form ................................................................................................................................ 11
Change Category: Scope Schedule Cost Technology Other ...................................................... 11
Approach for Collecting Requirements for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project ........................... 12
Requirements Matrix for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project....................................................... 13
Scope Statement (Version I) ...................................................................................................................... 14
Work Breakdown Structure for Recreation and Wellness Intranet ......................................................... 16
Gantt Chart draft ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Scope verification and change control ...................................................................................................... 18
Scope verification.................................................................................................................................... 18
Change control ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Activities that can be added ...................................................................................................................... 19
Milestones .................................................................................................................................................. 20
WBS Final .................................................................................................................................................. 201
Gantt Chart Final ....................................................................................................................................... 202
Network Diagram ...................................................................................................................................... 203
Resource Assignments ............................................................................................................................... 24


Summary of projects

Project name

Project 1 Recreation and

Intranet Project

Project 2 Health Coverage

Costs Business

Project 3 Cross-Selling
Project 4 Web-Enhanced



internal costs
and improve
employee health
internal costs.

Lower health

Improve crossselling
and delivery of
products and

Increase profits

lower premiums
with insurance

Save company
about $2 million
each year

Other benefits


Improve employee
health within one year.
Healthier employees =
better productivity
History of employee
health care expenses
and company health
care costs
Increase sales
Better communication
and employees,
customers and
suppliers work together


Summary of projects Memo

Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project (Project 1) supports business strategies to reduce
internal costs and improve employee health the company will benefit financially from the lower
health insurance premiums and employee health will be improved within one year. Healthy
employees work better which will improve productivity of their work. Healthy employees are
also happy employees and the interactive activities will not only improve health but
communication and help employees work together which will give a friendly work environment.
This will improve the productivity and employees will enjoy working for the company which will
make them more passionate and loyal. This project will certainly be an improvement to the
company, not just financially but it will help employees work together and improve
productivity. Initial assessment value 4 out of 4.
Health Coverage Costs Business Model (Project 2) supports business strategies to reduce
internal costs by lower premiums with insurance companies. It holds a history database of
employee health care expenses and company health care costs for analysis to help revise
policies concerning employee contributions to health care premiums and lower premiums with
insurance companies. This project is great for data mining and analysis to make decisions. Initial
assessment value 1 out of 4.
Cross-Selling System (Project 3) supports business strategies to improve cross-selling which will
increase profits and increase sales. The project will benefit the company financially and result in
more customers with the discounts when they purchase multiple products/services. Initial
assessment value 2 out of 4.
Web-Enhanced Communications System (Project 4) supports business strategies to help
employees, customers and suppliers work together to improve the development and delivery of its
health care products and services. The project will benefit the company by saving the company about

$2 million each year and improve communication between employees, customers and suppliers
to better work together. This also improve sales that will improve profits. When people work
together their work productivity improves as well. Initial assessment value 3 out of 4.


Weighted Decision Model


Weighted Decision Matrix for Manage Your Health, Inc.

The criteria for the Weighted Decision Matrix is Supports business strategies, Strong business
influence, Strong customer support, Level of technology resources required, Can be
implemented in one year, Provides positive NPV and Has low risk in meeting scope, time, and
cost goals.
Supports business strategies is how the project relates to the business strategic plan. A Strong
business influence is how much influence the project has on the business financially,
productivity, customers, suppliers and employees. Strong customer support is how much the
product will improve customer support and help gain more customers. Level of technology
resources required is the level of technology the project needs to be successful and how many
resources it needs and the cost of these resources. Can be implemented in one year is how long
will it take for the project to be completed and implemented. Provides positive NPV can be
described by the profit the company can gain from the project. Has low risk in meeting scope,
time, and cost goals is will the project be done in time in budget within scope with the lowest
Weighted Project Scores are about the importance of the criteria to the business. Business
strategies and a positive NPV are most important followed by the risk and customer support.
Influence and resource required are not important as above. The business would want the
project to be up and running as soon as possible but they dont want it to be an big influence on
the project because they dont want the project to be finished in a haste to prevent problems
and errors and to have the best quality of work.
Project 1, the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project, has the highest score mainly because it
strongly supports the business strategies it has a low risk in meeting time, scope and cost goals.
It also provides a positive NPV and can be implemented in one year. Project 2, the Health
Coverage Costs Business Model, has the lowest score because of the low influence and
customer support. This project is not recommended to be selected. It will also take longer than
a year to provide a positive NPV. Project 3, the Cross-Selling System, does support all of the
criteria almost equally, but not as required to the business. It does seem to help improve the
company, but not as much as the first project. Project 4, the Web-Enhanced Communications
System, would be the second best project to select. It has a strong customer support and a big
influence, also it strongly meets the business strategies. It risk is not too high but it does not
promise to provide a high NPV.
Project 1 is the best selection because it is the most promising project that will benefit the
company the most.


Business Case for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Date 02/04/2013
Prepared by: Lucas Olivier
1.0 Introduction/ Background
Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) is a Fortune 500 company that provides a variety of health care
services across the globe. MYH has more than 20,000 full-time employees and more than 5,000
part-time employees. The company believes they can improve employee health and save by
negotiate lower health insurance premiums by implementing a Recreation and Wellness
Intranet Project.
2.0 Business Objective
MYH recently updated its strategic plan, and key goals include reducing internal costs, increasing
cross-selling of products, and exploiting new Web-based technologies to help employees,
customers and suppliers work together to improve the development and delivery of its health
care products and services. The project Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project will help
improve employee health within one year of its rollout so that the company can negotiate lower
health insurance premiums, providing net savings of at least $30/employee/year for full-time
employees over the next four years.
3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement
Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) is a company that provides a variety of health care services
across the globe. A recent study found that MYH, Inc. pays 20% more than the industry average
for employee health care premiums, primarily due to the poor health of its employees. The
company has no health improvements for employees and it has an intranet that is used for
communications, sharing, etc.
There is an opportunity to provide an application on the current intranet to help employees
improve their health. A recent study found that MYH, Inc. pays 20% more than the industry
average for employee health care premiums, primarily due to the poor health of its employees.
You believe that this application will help improve employee health within one year of its rollout
so that you can negotiate lower health insurance premiums, providing net savings of at least
$30/employee/year for full-time employees over the next four years.
4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints
The application must be a valuable asset for MYH, Inc. Current employees must actively support
the project, and it must pay for itself within one year by improving employee health and to
negotiate lower health insurance premiums. The project manager must lead the team through
the project. The team must include participants from several parts of the company. The
application must run on existing hardware and software, and it should require minimal technical
suppo0rt. It must also be easily accessible by employees and management. It should be secure
so that that the data about employee heath stay private.

5.0 Analysis of Option and Recommendation

There are three options for addressing this opportunity:
1) Do nothing. The company is doing well, and we can continue without to start this
2) Purchase an already existing application that support this project capabilities.
3) Design and implement the application using mostly existing hardware and software.
Based on discussions with management, we believe that option 3 is the best option.
6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements
This application would include the following capabilities:
Allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational programs, such
as soccer, softball, bowling, jogging, walking, and other sports.
Allow employees to register for company-sponsored classes and programs to help
them manage their weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage other
health-related issues.
Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and healthmanagement programs.
Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them (e.g.,
incentives for achieving weight goals, winning sports team competitions, etc.)
7.0 Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis
A preliminary estimate of costs for the entire project is $200,000. This estimate is based on the
project manager working about 30 hours per week for six months and other internal staff
working a total of about 60 hours per week for Six months. A staff project manager would earn
$75 per hour. The hourly rate for the project team members would be $85 per hour. The initial
cost estimate also includes $16,250 for purchasing software and services from suppliers. After
the project is completed, maintenance costs of $50,000 are include for each year and costs for
classes, incentives, activities, etc. of $100,000 are included for each year.
Projected benefits are based on lower health insurance premiums, providing net savings of at
least $30/employee/year for full-time employees over the next four years. That is a saving of
$600,000 per year.
Exhibit A summarizes lite projected costs and benefits and shows the estimated net present
value (NPV), return on investment (ROI), and year in which payback occurs. It also list
assumptions made in performing this preliminary financial analysis. All of the financial estimates
are very encouraging. The estimated payback is within one year, as requested. The (NPV) is $
1,195,000 and the discounted ROI based on next four years are excellent at 180 percent.
8.0 Schedule Estimate
The company would like to see the project completed within six months, but there is some
flexibility in the schedule. We also assume that the project will be implemented permanently.


9.0 Potential Risks

There are several risks involved with this project. The foremost risk is a lack of interest in the
new application by the employees. Employee health is crucial for the project to able to
negotiate lower health insurance premiums and realizing the potential benefits from
participating. The main business risk is investing the time and money into this project and not
realizing the project benefits.


Project Charter
Project Title:

Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Project Start Date: 15/07/2013

Projected Finish Date: 15/01/2014

Budget Information: The Company has allocated $200,000 the project. The majority of cost for this
project will be internal labor.
Project Manager: Tony Prince, 0715985221,
Project Objectives: This is a crucial project for the company. This is the first charter for the project, and
the objective is to complete the application in six months and start the implementation of the project in
the beginning of next year. This application must allow employees to register for company-sponsored
recreational programs and for company-sponsored classes and programs. It will track data on employee
involvement in these recreational and health-management programs and offer incentives for people to
join the programs and do well in them.
Main Project Success Criteria: The software must meet all written specifications, be thoroughly tested,
and be completed on time. The CEO will formally approve, the project with advice from other key stake


Use internal staff as much as possible for planning, analysis and installation
Develop a survey to see what activities employees wish to participate in.
Develop a test application in three months and then the final in 3 months with testing every
Hold weekly progress review meetings with the project team and the sponsor
Test the software
Implement the application on the intranet


Roles and Responsibilities




Contact Information


Roger Mat-abele



Tony Prince

Project Manager


Yusaff Yang

HR Manager

Team Member

Cassandra Koste


Team Member

Bonnie Janse v Rendberg


Team Member

Lucas Olivier


Team Member

Patrick Kent

Network specialist

Team Member

Nancy Drau

Business analyst

Sign-off: (Signatures of all above stakeholders. Can sign by their names in table above.)

Comments: (Handwritten or typed comments from above stakeholders, if applicable)

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Change Request Form

Project Name: Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project
Date Request Submitted: 04/02/2013
Title of Change Request: Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project Change Request from
Change Order Number: CRF001
Submitted by: Lucas Olivier email:
Change Category:
Scope Schedule
Technology Other
Description of change requested:
Provide an application on the current intranet to help employees improve their health. This application
would allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational programs and for companysponsored classes and programs. It will track data on employee involvement in these recreational and
health-management programs and offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them.

Events that made this change necessary or desirable:

MYH recently updated its strategic plan, and key goals include reducing internal costs. This application
will help improve employee health within one year of its rollout so that the company can negotiate
lower health insurance premiums.

Justification for the change/why it is needed/desired to continue/complete the project:

To improve employee health so that the company can negotiate lower health insurance premiums to
reduce internal costs.

Impact of the proposed change on:

Scope: This will have no impact on the scope
Schedule: This will have no impact on the schedule
Cost: Lower health insurance premiums will reduce internal costs.
Staffing: Improve employee health
Risk: This will have no impact on the risk
Other: This will have no impact on the other areas
Suggested implementation if the change request is approved:
Implementation as soon as possible and encourage employees to join and start improving their
health for the benefits.
Required approvals:
Mr. Roger Mat-abele
Mr. Tony Prince
Mr. Yusaff Yang
Miss. Cassandra Koste



11 | P a g e

Approach for Collecting Requirements for Recreation and

Wellness Intranet Project
We will start by having a simple brainstorming with the whole project team and some health
experts to get ideas what the project may require. After all the ideas are generated, the team
will prioritize the ones they think are the best for this solution. The resulting consensus of best
ideas will be used for the initial requirements.
After brainstorming we will hand out questionnaires to employees to get their opinion on what
they would like and want. After getting the questionnaires back, we will extract the data and
analyze it so we can prioritize the initial requirements.
We will then use group interviews with employees, project team and health experts to get a
better perspective on the requirements for the project. We can uncover a richer set of
requirements in a shorter period of time if we can keep the group focused.
Health experts can help with selecting classes, programs and activities, where employees can
help selecting what would mostly interest them in participating. The project team should
review the project charter since it includes high-level requirements for the project and may
refer to other documents that include requirements. They should also review the stakeholder
register to ensure that all key stakeholders have a say in determining requirements.
Since time is of the most importance we will keep it small and do it as fast as possible, we cant
loss too much time on this.

12 | P a g e

Requirements Matrix for Recreation and Wellness Intranet

Prepared by: Lucas Olivier

Requirement Name

Date: 4/2/2013





Project charter

Complete, we selected some


Recreational programs

Recreational programs

Classes and programs


Project charter

Complete, we have some

classes and programs


Database for tracking


Project charter

employee data


Developing application to
use the database


Project charter

Brainstorming on ideas for

incentives that will motivate


Stay in budget of


Project charter

Still in budget


Project charter

Still on Schedule


Schedule goal is six


13 | P a g e

Scope Statement (Version I)

Project Title: Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project
Date: 04/02/2013
Prepared by: Lucas Olivier
Project Justification: MYH recently updated its strategic plan, and key goals which include
reducing internal costs. This project will help improve employee health within one year of
its rollout so that you can negotiate lower health insurance premiums. The budget for the
project is $200,000. An additional $150,000 per year will be required for operational
expenses after the project has been completed. The estimated benefits are $600,000 each
year. It is important to focus on the system paying for itself within one year of its
Product Characteristics and Requirements:
1. Allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational programs,
such as soccer, softball, bowling, jogging, walking, and other sports.
2. Allow employees to register for company-sponsored classes and programs to
help them manage their weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage
other health-related issues
3. Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and healthmanagement programs.
4. Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them (e.g.,
incentives for achieving weight goals, winning sports team competitions, etc.).
5. The application should always be available on the intranet and users and it
must be accessible using a standard internet browser.
6. The project must be done on schedule and within budget.

Summary of Project Deliverables

Project management-related deliverables: business case, charter, team contract, scope
statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final
project report, lessons-learned report, and any other documents required to manage the
Product-related deliverables: research reports, design documents, software code,
hardware, etc.
1. Questionnaires/Survey: Survey current employees to help determine desired
recreational programs, classes and programs.
14 | P a g e

2. Recreational programs: Organizing recreational programs that the employees can

participate in.
3. Classes and programs: Organizing classes and programs that can help employees manage
their weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage other health-related issues
4. Incentives: Determine incentives that will motivate employees to join and complete
5. Database: In order to track employee data on involvement for analysis.
6. Analyse data: To negotiate lower health insurance premiums.
7. Testing: Test the application and make sure it is user friendly.
8. Training: After project completion employees should be trained to use the application.
Scheduling workshops should help employees.
9. Promotion: To motivate employees and to announce the benefits for the employees.
10. Project benefits measurement plan: A project benefit plan will measure the financial value
of the project.

Project Success Criteria:

The application must meet all written specifications, be thoroughly tested, and be
completed on time. The CEO will formally approve, the project with advice from other key
stake holders. The goal is to complete the project within six months for no more than
$200,000. The project must pay for itself within one year. To meet this financial goal,
employees must participate in this program to fully gain the benefits of this project.

15 | P a g e

Work Breakdown Structure for Recreation and Wellness Intranet

Prepared by:
Lucas Olivier
Date: 04/02/2013
1.0 Initiating
1.1 Identify key stakeholders
1.2 Prepare project charter
1.3 Hold project kick-off meeting
2.0 Planning
2.1 Hold team planning meeting
2.1.1 Prepare team contract
2.1.2 Hold Brainstorming meeting
2.1.3 Formulate Questioners
2.2 Identify, discuss, and prioritize risk
2.3 Prepare scope statement
2.4 Prepare WBS
2.5 Prepare Schedule and cost baseline
2.5.1 Determine resources
2.5.2 Determine Durations
2.5.3 Determine dependencies
2.5.4 Create draft Gantt chart
2.5.5 Review and finalize Gantt chart
3.0 Executing
3.1 Collect requirements
3.1.1 Collect Questioners
3.1.2 Hold Group interviews
3.2 Company-sponsored Activities
3.2.1 Recreational programs
3.2.2 Classes and programs
3.2.3 Determine incentives
3.3 Application design
3.4 Application development
3.5 Application Testing
3.6 Application Promotion
3.7 Application Roll-out
3.8 Employee training
3.9 Project benefits measurement
4.0 Monitoring and Controlling
4.1 Progress reports
5.0 Closing
5.1 Prepare final project report
5.2 Prepare final project presentation
5.3 Lessons learned

16 | P a g e

Gantt Chart draft

1 Initiating
1.1 Identify key stakeholders
1.2 Prepare project charter
1.3 Prepare business case
1.4 Hold project kick-off meeting
2 Planning
2.1 Hold team planning meeting
2.1.1 Prepare team contract
2.1.2 Hold Brainstorming meeting
2.1.3 Formulate Questioners
2.2 Identify, discuss, and prioritize risk
2.3 Prepare scope statement
2.4 Prepare WBS
2.5 Prepare Schedule and cost baseline
2.5.1 Determine resources
2.5.2 Determine Durations
2.5.3 Determine dependencies
2.5.4 Create draft Gantt chart
2.5.5 Review and finalize Gantt chart
3 Executing
3.1 Collect requirements
3.1.1 Collect Questioners
3.1.2 Hold Group interviews
3.2 Company-sponsored Activities
3.2.1 Recreational programs
3.2.2 Classes and programs
3.2.3 Determine incentives
3.3 Application design
3.4 Application development
3.5 Application Testing
3.6 Application Promotion
3.7 Application Roll-out
3.8 Employee training
3.9 Project benefits measurement
4 Monitoring and Controlling
4.1 Progress reports
5 Closing
5.1 Prepare final project report
5.2 Prepare final project presentation
5.3 Lessons learned
17 | P a g e

Scope verification and change control

Scope verification
As this project progresses the Project Manager will verify project deliverables against the
original scope as defined in the scope statement and WBS. Once the Project Manager verifies
that the scope meets the requirements defined in the project plan, the Project Manager and
Sponsor will meet for formal acceptance of the deliverable. During this meeting the Project
Manager will present the deliverable to the Project Sponsor for formal acceptance. The Project
Sponsor will accept the deliverable by signing a project deliverable acceptance document. This
will ensure that project work remains within the scope of the project on a consistent basis
throughout the life of the project.
The Project Manager and the project team will work together to control of the scope of the
project. The project team will ensure that they perform only the work described in the WBS
and generate the defined deliverables for each WBS element. The Project Manager will
oversee the project team and the progression of the project to ensure that this scope control
process if followed.

Change control
If a change to the project scope is needed the process for recommending changes to the scope
of the project must be carried out. Any project team member or sponsor can request changes
to the project scope. All change requests must be submitted to the Project Manager in the
form of a project change request document. The Project Manager will then review the
suggested change to the scope of the project. The Project Manager will then either deny the
change request if it does not apply to the project or hold a change control meeting between the
project team and Sponsor to review the change request further and perform an impact
assessment of the change. If the change request receives initial approval by the Project
Manager and Sponsor, the Project Manager will then formally submit the change request to the
Change Control Board.
If the Change Control Board approves the scope change the Project Sponsor will then formally
accept the change by signing the project change control document. Upon acceptance of the
scope change by the Change Control Board and Project Sponsor the Project Manager will
update all project documents and communicate the scope change to all project team members.
This is just to ensure that not just any changes can be made to the project and to ensure that
everyone stays within the scope of the project.

18 | P a g e

Activities that can be added

3.1 Collect requirements
3.1.1 Collect and extract data from Questioners
3.1.2 Hold Group interviews
3.1.3 Determine requirements
3.1.4 Review Scope and WBS
3.2 Company-sponsored Activities
3.2.1 Meeting with experts

In the Collect requirements task the activity collect questioners can change to collect and
extract data from questioners. This mean that not only should we collect the questioners, but
after we collected them we should extract and analyze the data recovered from them. With this
data we can more accurately prioritize the requirements needed. This activity can take up to
five days because it is a large amount of data to process.
After holding group interviews with employees and team member we can then review all the
requirements we have gathered to determine the requirements that the project needs. This will
be done in the activity determine requirements. This can take up to two days. Now that we
have all the requirement we can then review the scope and WBS to finalize the documents with
this new requirements that we found were important and should be added to the project.
In the Company-sponsored Activities task were we determine where, what and how we are
going to present classes to the employees, we will meet with health experts. We will get a good
idea of what activities will be required to help the employees the best.

19 | P a g e

Project kick-off Milestone: This is the first millstone, it symbolizes the beginning of the project
and the success that the project has been accepted. This milestone will be met when the
project start after the kick off meeting.
Finish Planning Milestone: This is the second milestone for the project. This milestone will be
successfully met when the planning of the project is successfully completed in the time it was
given. This milestone also symbolizes the beginning of the next task.
Finish Requirements Milestone: The third milestone will be successful when we successfully
determined all the requirements for the project in the time it was given.
Application finished Milestone: This milestone will be successful when the application is
finished on time without any problems. This milestone is very important, because it is the
biggest and top priority.
Project running as planned Milestone: This milestone is also important. It follows the
monitoring and controlling of the project which goes parallel with the project to monitor the
status of the project giving a status report at the end of each week. It will be successful when
the project ran as planed without any fallback or problems. It is met after a successful progress
Project finished Milestone: This milestone is the big one also the last. It symbolizes the end of
the project if it were to be successful. It is when the project has finished successfully in time and
on budget.

WBS Final
Gantt Chart Final
Network Diagram
20 | P a g e

1 Initiating
1.1 Identify key stakeholders
1.2 Prepare project charter
1.3 Prepare Business case
1.4 Hold project kick-off meeting
Project kick-off Milestone
2 Planning
2.1 Hold team planning meeting
2.1.1 Prepare team contract
2.1.2 Hold Brainstorming meeting
2.1.3 Formulate Questioners
2.2 Identify, discuss, and prioritize risk
2.3 Prepare scope statement
2.4 Prepare WBS
2.5 Prepare Schedule and cost baseline
2.5.1 Determine resources
2.5.2 Determine Durations
2.5.3 Determine dependencies
2.5.4 Create draft Gantt chart
2.5.5 Review and finalize Gantt chart
Finish Planning Milestone
3 Executing
3.1 Collect requirements
3.1.1 Collect and extract data from Questioners
3.1.2 Hold Group interviews
3.1.3 Determine requirements
3.1.4 Review Scope and WBS
finish Requirements Milestone
3.2 Company-sponsored Activities
3.2.1 Meeting with experts
3.2.2 Recreational programs
3.2.3 Classes and programs
3.2.4 Determine incentives
3.3 Application design
3.4 Application development
3.5 Application Testing
3.6 Application Promotion
3.7 Application Roll-out
Application finished Milestone
3.8 Employee training
4 Monitoring and Controlling
4.1 Progress reports
Project running as planned Milestone
5 Closing
5.1 Prepare final project report
5.2 Prepare final project presentation
5.3 Lessons learned
Project finished Milestone

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Mon 7/22/13
Tue 7/23/13
Wed 7/24/13
Thu 7/25/13
Fri 7/26/13
Thu 8/1/13
Mon 7/29/13
Mon 7/29/13
Mon 7/29/13
Tue 7/30/13
Wed 7/31/13
Thu 8/1/13
Fri 1/17/14
Wed 8/21/13
Thu 8/8/13
Thu 8/15/13
Mon 8/19/13
Tue 8/20/13
Wed 8/21/13
Fri 8/23/13
Thu 8/22/13
Fri 8/23/13
Fri 8/23/13
Fri 8/23/13
Fri 9/27/13
Fri 12/6/13
Fri 1/3/14
Fri 1/10/14
Wed 1/8/14
Fri 1/10/14
Fri 1/10/14
Fri 1/17/14
Fri 1/17/14
Fri 1/17/14
Fri 1/24/14
Tue 1/21/14
Thu 1/23/14
Fri 1/24/14
Fri 1/24/14






21 | P a g e

22 | P a g e

23 | P a g e

Resource Assignments
Roger Matabele
Tony Prince

Yusaff Yang


Project Manager

HR Manager

Lucas Olivier

Assistant Project

Patrick Kent

Network specialist

Nancy Drau

Business analyst

Bonnie Janse v




Assignments/ Tasks



2.1, 2.5.5
3.1.4, 3.6
1.1, 1.4
2.1, 2.5
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7
5.1, 5.2, 5.3
3.1, 3.2, 3.6, 3.8



1.2, 1.3
2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5.5
3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
5.1, 5.2, 5.3
3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7



2.1, 2.2
3.1, 3.2
3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7



3.1, 3.2



24 | P a g e

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