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Name : Nurul Oktaviyanti

NIM :.138820300028


Semantic is the study of meaning. It is a wide subject within the general study of language. It
is the study of the relationship between sign and symbol and what they represent. symbol is
something which we use to represent another thing - it might be a picture, a letter, a spoken or
written word - anything we use conventionally for the purpose.
Example symbol : the city flowers is Bandung.
It is important for understanding language in social contexts , as these are likely to affect
meaning, and for understanding varieties of English and effects of style. It is thus one of the most
fundamental concepts in linguistics. The study of semantics includes the study of how meaning
is constructed, interpreted, clarified, obscured, illustrated, simplified negotiated, contradicted and
1. Interpreted
an important component in dialog systems . It is related to natural language understanding, but
mostly its refers to the last stage of understanding. Although the results of semantic interpretation
are describing the meaning of a natural language utterance, the current specification does not
specifically generate such information in the Natural Language Semantics Markup Language for
the Speech Interface Framework . semantic interpretation we mean the process of mapping a
syntactically analyzed text of natural language to a representation of its meaning. The input to a
semantic interpreter is a parse tree, but we do not require that it represent a complete sentence;
we allow well-formed subtrecs such as noun phrases and even single words (labeled with their
syntactic category and features) as input. Thus, semantic interpretation does not include the
resolu-tion in context of anaphors or definite reference, or of deictic or indexical expressions, or

the recognition and comprehension of speech acts, irony and sarcasm, metaphor, or other
nonliteral meanings. These exclusions should not be thought of as entirely uncontroversial; while
few would advocate making speech act interpretation part of semantic interpretation, Moore [48]
argues that definite reference resolution, as well as certain "local" pragmatic matters, must be
resolved during.
The interpretation was based on production rules with patterns that, when they matched part of
the parsed input sentence, contributed a string to the semantic representation of the sentence.
This string was usually constructed from the terminals of the matched parse tree fragment. We
exclude from semantic interpretation all aspects of syntactic analysis; rather, we assume that a
parser performs morphological and syntactic analysis upon an input text before it is passed to the
semantic interpreter.
2. Paraphrased
Paraphrases are sentences or phrases that convey the same meaning using different wording.
Sentences or phrases that convey the same meaning using different wording are called
paraphrases. For example, consider sentences (1) and (2):
(1) The school said that their buses seat 40 students each.
(2) The school said that their buses accommodate 40 students each.
To paraphrase is to say the same thing in another way, using own words. We can successfully
paraphrase by using a combinations of techniques. There are five paraphrasing techniques:
Change from a clause to a prase
Example: After he studied, john took a nap.
( phrase ) after studying, jhon took a nap.
Change from quoted speech to indirect speech
Example: Mr. Lee said " I am ready for lunch
( Paraprased ) : Mr. Lee said he was ready for lunch.
Change from active voice to passive voice
Example: A hotel employe will carry your bags.
( paraphresing) : your bagus will be carrier by a hotel employee.
Change words forms
Example : Grog is an accurate typist.
( paraphrasing) : GROG types accurately.

Change to synonyms
Example: the stallion was content with the mare.
( paraprsing ) : the stallion was happy with the mare.

3. Constructed
constructed language (sometimes called a conlang ) is a language whose phonology , grammar ,
and vocabulary have been consciously devised for human or human-like communication, instead
of having developed naturally . Most commanly accepted idea about language and speech is that
they are the way of expressing the internal thought process of individual. People express what
they feel with the jeans of language and spessch. How ever contraction of language is not evoled
in a uniform way among alll the people. Many interlinguists those scholars concerned with
the study of consciously planned languages meant for international communication follow
this line of reasoning to some extent, if they defend the validity of their interest in Esperanto (cf.
Schubert 1989, Tonkin and Fettes 1996 for fairly recent overviews).

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