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Gillian Herold

Professor Zugnoni
21 October 2016
Writing Reflection
This past week we learned a lot a variety of tools that will come in handy for our
Wikipedia entry. The first thing we learned and discussed were Discourse Communities, which is
similar to our individual Wikipedia communities. There are six man factors in a discourse
community which mostly consist of shared interests, knowledge, and communication skills. Our
Wikipedia entries are like discourse communities because its a certain genre full of readers of
said expertise. That being said, to attract readers within our genre we need to be able to provide
information successfully while keeping them interested. In order to do this our entry must have
supporting evidence in the form of subsections and eye catching headers, that do not bore or
scare away the reader. The article we read 5 Simple Subheading Tips to Make Your Blog 10
Times Better taught me a lot by showing examples of bad subheadings and how to improve
them. I plan on using the idea of communities and subheadings in order to improve my article.
Most importantly, I will utilize the examples to make appealing subsections.

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