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Gillian Herold

Professor Zugnoni
18 November 2016
Plans for Revision
For my Wikipedia entry I received incredibly helpful feedback from both my classmates
and the professor. Both groups discussed my need for a better organization and explanations of
certain terms and quotes. The need for organization was mainly due to my giant paragraphs and
fitting two studies into one big and confusing paragraph. Therefore, the first thing I will do when
editing is to break up my giant paragraphs and separate the studies efficiently. Before, I had
thought they could fit into one idea or paragraph, however, now it has come to my attention that I
have too much in one place, and too many ideas discussed in one place. Therefore, I plan on
going through the comments and the paragraphs in order to better explain the information
especially so everyone can read it not just people of a high expertise in chemical bonds with
animals. Overall, I believe I need to work on my organization skills and transition skills in order
to have a well-rounded Wikipedia entry.

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